Big Bream! (Method Feeder Fishing At Grimsbury Reservoir)

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well this is grimsby reservoir lovely venue and uh bremer are definitely on the menu today and uh that's all i'm going to be targeting today i'm going to finish method feeder tactics for big quality bream hopefully if on catch three or four i'll be made up might be able to catch a few more but it's um it's four o'clock in the um in the afternoon now and so i've probably got three hours fishing and um i've sat on let's have a look peg seven i didn't know where to sit so i went for peg7 it probably looks back to front to you but uh that's the iphone for you so uh yeah it looks nice enough there's some carp angles further up near the entrance and it just looks nice very very clear very muggy very muggy weather today very um uh very close very close i think some people would say so uh but um hopefully won't get any rain and uh i know the clouds up there do look a little bit black don't they but we're going to give it a go we're going to fish it about 60 meters for broom and um see what we can catch well that took me minutes to set up and all i've got is a bag of bait there a bit more bait a bamboo book and a landing at handle and that's about it and a very minimal tackle i brought three rods hopefully you can see those um the rod i'm hoping to catch on is my new uh 12 foot distance um i've not used it today it's rated 90 grams i'm hoping it's going to be good for chucking 60 70 meters with a like anything up to a 45 gram method so that's what i'm hoping nice big uh reel at 6 000 size distance reel and i've loaded that up fresh today so i'm going to blend the bedding i've got a shock leader 8 pound shock leader 6 pound horizon mono main line and um the red rod i'd probably be using if i wasn't using that is is my uh i've got a hundred gram 13 foot rod and i use that a lot quite surprisingly soft this is so it's good for bream um when i'm fishing for carp at places like boston i actually use the 130 gram model still softer than a lot of people's distance rods for playing fish they both got two and a half ounce tips on you could go even every three hours plus because it's all about chucking really again that's that's similar sort of stuff on there and the only other rod i've got is this bad boy i haven't got this out for a long long time and i've got to thread it up but this isn't for fishing this is for spotting or um baiting up with my feeder so uh it's a four and a half pound tesco um 12 foot spod rod i was given this as a prototype um quite a long time ago by my good friend james robbins and when we were both involved with shakespeare a little bit team fishing and he was developing a lot of rods so it's actually a jrc rod but it was a prototype on there uh yeah but it's uh just got really heavy braid on and i'm gonna be putting a bit of bait out so uh it's been a long time i've not used this since spotting was allowed at first and lakes and um that helped me um um get through to the next round of the match machine cup when it was there so um so i i've done a bit of spotting and really enjoy it to be honest but um we've been itching to get this rod out to be nice look that's our it's just covered in dust and everything that's just been gathering dust so probably need a bit of a clean before we start spotted i'm going to put out a bit of bait at the start and then we're going to fish normally with the normal rods but i've got me i've got my distance sticks all done as well so i'm going to clip off about 60 meters i know there's no features here but hopefully you can see there's one of my sticks and there's the other one they're three meters apart so we'll we'll start sticking it out yeah what's that 20 wraps and um that'd be 60 meters and we'll take it from there well i've just sticked out 18 wraps actually so what's that you do the maths not quite 60 meters i've gone a bit shorter um just uh just to see and then i can obviously go a bit past it if i need to i'm just trying to take it easy to be honest i've just been having a lovely chat with a bailiff he says it's fishing rock hard for bream the only people are catching the broom are the carp anglers and they've been catching them eight and ten pounds but they says it's been fishing really hard one match everybody blank recently but that's kind of not on not unsurprising really because everywhere it's fishing rubbish at the moment and the brim are probably moving into their spawning quarters they're probably in the shallow somewhere but it's nice and mild i'm confident if i can catch three or four nice bream then i'll be uh more than happy but yeah i've just done my spod rod up to uh 18 wraps so what's 318's you do the math and uh and then i'm just going to do my uh my actual fishing rod to the same nice big carpet of bait and uh we'll pop this bomb on or my bait or feeder i'm gonna try both to be honest and i just have a bit of a play i like to put a cage freezer on and just drop it over the stick so it don't come out trying to avoid that barbed wire effect [Music] popped it around the clip and there we are [Music] i'm just going to loop it over the line no need for something straws or anything so it's nice and secure this must be at least 30 pound braid this just nice and strong and this is for those who don't know obviously match anglers don't really know what these are this is called a spom and it will fly nicely in the air hits the plunger and releases its payload where you want it um i used to use a quarter skyliner actually but everyone seems to be spamming now so and i've got a big and this is the biggest um preston bait or feeder as well so i'm gonna have a bit of a play today and we'll see how far we can launch this accurately compared to the spawn so that's it as far as bait goes this is all i've got today now it's a bit quirky this venue you are not allowed ground bait you're only allowed pellets and particles no ground bait but that's fine because i'm only going to be feeding particles anyway it's a real manga mix this one meals two mils leftovers some four mils just one of them foraging over pellets really that's what we want so plenty in there it's a bigger how many liters of bait is that five feet of bait but we're gonna put most of that in by the end of today and probably after fishing i'll probably keep spawning it just for a bit of bomb it's just as fun spawning if we're not catching keep spawning over the top keep that parade wet really make sure it's wet before you start casting because it because of the friction everything you don't want any wind knots or anything not got anything out out out yet i just want to spawn a bit of bait in i'm just going to go in a little bit light to begin with make sure that's nice and closed okay stand up for this launch it yeah that stick there looks nice it's a corner it's a big seagull that's nice that's quite comfortable actually 54 turns could have gone a bit further perhaps but stick to a sort of comfy range next time we come with the try two swims but i've only got three hours fishing so uh gonna make do what we got time-wise and we'll just keep i'm gonna put about 10 of these in put a bit more in this time well that went probably a meter to the left i've kept the rod right over to the right and it's actually gone bang on the money again there's no need to wait or anything because it releases it on the surface the view of these spoms is they just skeet across the top no resistance compared to the old style spots that carpenters used to use i think everyone seems to use these now i think that's the best way to load them that way it's probably equivalent to four or five feeder falls i'm gonna do at least five or six with this might be the highlight of the day there's a bit of spamming i'll keep doing this i might move the camera and get another angle and we'll try that big bite up feeder with this rod as well i've never used a big bait up with this but uh i use these sessions as a bit of a learning experience as well doing quite a few feeder matches recently in fact i was second on the feeder masters uh just two days ago [Music] all right section of death i had a tom pickering steve winger phil ringer lee curry all in my section but i got a bit lucky with some really really big fish i had six for 67 pound or 68 pound plus 20 pound of other fish and comes second in the match so uh it's nice to be doing well in that sort of company why is that anti-reverse not gone back on so this reel has not been used for a long long time i don't even know if it's a very expensive one but for this for this sort of game you don't need an expensive outfit for spawning just a big heavy rod now because it's so heavily carp fished i'm pretty sure the bremer cued into coming in for all of this as well so we're going to put out about 10 of these i might put the big bait or feeder on for a couple as well just as an experiment and then we might have to wait an hour for a bite anyway so this is the most important part it's one of those things it's worth having a bit of a practice we're allowed spotting is brilliant where it's allowed and what people are doing now because we used to do it at venues like first and lakes and larford and uh bastion and that but it's been it's not allowed in a lot of matches now so people are using big bait or feeders instead and there's a the size the big presto and i've got is the biggest you're allowed it's basically a sawn off spot so it doesn't fly as well but you can still get a load of bait out but a bit of a spawn is you can feed any sort of consistency of bait you know put hemp and casters and maggots and all sorts out if you want well i'll meet you to the right that one but that my bitter spread can't keep a three or four big bream feeding on a sixpence can yeah come on swan care away that's it iron up my spawn so we do one more and then we have a few casts with a different with the big bait up and just see what the difference is really right that's the difference probably the same amount of bait really but you've got a wedge it in the back there it's a big bait up feeder this is if he was officially international rules feeder match this is the biggest size of feeder you're allowed it's quite it's a little bit dry i've got to make a bit stickier once i start putting them on the feeder i'm going to wedge it in just to get it there hopefully it won't shoot out on the cast two chances aren't we is the way it's all going a big car rod spotting rod some cars are doing dedicated feeding rods and feeding fingers now it's the feeding feeder i'm gonna strike it out so it spreads quicker i just want a nice big area right so [Music] over this is actually a bit dry won't cling around that feeder yet so it might just need a little bit of um wetting a little tub of water on the side tray but i quite like um a bit of stick mixed liquid as well this is cell stick mix sal seems to be a great additive for breem it gets used a lot a lot of places like faster than that so i use sale stick mix quite a bit or hybrid sometimes but that just makes it a bit stickier um i don't want them the pellets to be too wet um i still want them to be pellet form so they will break down once it gets to the bottom that's it that's much stickier now i can really squeeze that hard but i'm confident you can still see there are pellets so they will break down it's nice to have a mixture of sizes of pellets in there a lot of people are obsessed just for using markers but i've got some three meals four meals and all sorts of odds and sods in there two mil swim stems and a load of ozone sauce i've been trying to use up some old woodland view ones when they used to have red and white red naturals so uh they're finally been used up i haven't even took the cellophane off this rod yet my 45 gram open alloy feeder and last i've gone for the ice cave version you know i've landscaped here and that's oh 20 to a 12 hook and i've got a seven mil dynamite washer there it's brilliant bait and um i'm just gonna squeeze i'm gonna go quite hard and really compress it because it's deep out there i don't know how deep but i know there's massive deep holes and everything the bait was telling me his holes are 18 foot deep but it's mostly sort of 8 to 12 foot so that's it that's all ready for going feels a bit different now using this little rod some of that actually bends a bit of a drop i'm going to stand up to cass because it's a bit of a slope above me that fence post there the first cast that went lovely actually i mean coach was a little bit light he just slipped slightly on the castle i just got remembered to tidy up for casting and slacking off for playing and definitely this is the sort of venue where you want two decent rod rests you don't want that rod being ripped in even a brain could rip your rod in a venue like this so uh just think that line it's fresh line so it's going to float a little bit before it's sort of bedded in it's almost sunk almost there we are lovely and now and now we wait with the sun in our eyes it looks lovely though just tying up a little bit to that now we're basically method feeder fishing for big breeds so it's there's no striking involved or anything that rod will just go straight around and we'll pick it up and hopefully there'll be a big slab on anything from four to ten pound is the target we shall see and now and now we wait i could make up another feeder whilst i was waiting anything but i because i'm not expecting many bites of many fish i'm deliberately gonna make each feeder up one at a time just make sure each cast is dead right i've got a little watch i just put on a on a on a leg there and she'll probably move that up so it's dead on five o'clock now so we've got two and a half maybe three hours fishing plenty of time to catch a breem or toho i hope but talking to the bailiff it is fishing very very hard this place and the only people have been catching the the uh the breem or the carp anglers and it's that sort of funny time of year you know we're only just into may and everyone's fishing a little bit funny perfect lovely hit the clip just right there's quite a fresh line there so we um let's just hit the bottom it just takes a little bit um a little bit extra to sink i think the fresh line it's nice to have a session like this to bed it in but yeah i've got six pound main line which is only sort of oh 18 i think it's a 18 diameter so it's a six pound horizon so it's nice and thin so you get loads of distance but i'm still casting off an eight to ten pound shock leader which takes all the punishment and also it means when you finally are reeling in big fish you can hear your shock leader not going through the reel so you actually know it's within netting range and i've got me um a decent sized landing net on a four meter handle because they're going to pop out quite a way these fish very shallow down the edge as well so they're not going to want to come in i don't think yeah and now we wait feed mr swan i think he's going to leave us alone to daisy i could probably feed that swan out man today if i want to yeah give him a bit of bait he's not going to leave us so no no not feeding it but um yeah let's have a little closer look that's so i've showed you all my pellets already it's just a mixture of one mil two mil three mil and four mil pellets mostly two mils but using up all my old odds and subs as well just putting loads of particles in different sizes keep the fish foraging and keep them confused that's the plan and uh all i'm putting on the hook i washed us mostly in seven mil i think but we can try different things i've just got a massive confidence in the in the washed out pink ones i seem to catch everything on those but we've got different colors to try there and um i'm using um sirex 12 mxc3 hook to o20 no point going any lighter than that because the brim are big and uh anything york is going to be big and we're fishing positive anyway and these are my bait up feeders that's the big pressure one i've been using that's miss spom um it's always worth getting a couple if you're going anywhere and doing this seriously because uh you don't um you don't want to crack off and lose it and not have nothing to feed with again so uh i've got a mini spawn there uh i've got some smaller baiting up feeders the guru one there and i said i'm not sure he makes that one and um that's got no weight on it but that's more feeding a load of bait close in striking it out and that's an old fox um feeder as well i use quite as pretty good that one actually flows quite nicely so they're all my feeding feeders that i use so different venues and then all else i've got a massager i've got me got my hook link box and these are the fees i'm going to be using mostly the 45 gram open alloy with the long stem because you cast better with a long stem and um but i might i've just bought the new um 40 gram pellet feeders on deep venues for being some people do like using um pellet feeders so i might have a chuck or two with that we'll see how it goes but to be honest i'm just expecting to push the 45 gram and large open alloy feeder protects it the rooms protect the bait nicely on impact and it'll go down and release its payload down on the bottom hopefully and um a bit of stick mixed liquid just to help make your pellets a bit stickier and uh that's me bamboo book um and that's my date again i've just got so three quid for a day's fishing on a beautiful venue like this uh it's five good if you're not on members um and it's just static on the bank fantastic value really um and there's the rules as it says no ground baits or serial additives so that's it so i'm one rod only but that's all we need today but yeah brilliant i'm looking forward to this hopefully we'll catch one or two fish i'm just watching my footage back and i've just had a big liner 17 minutes past five so we've only been fishing in 70 minutes in my second cast that was a definite nice slow liner so that's a brilliant sign i wasn't expecting to get any signs for 45 minutes well i've not moved the feeder as tommy picking would say don't move that feeder but i have carefully moved my rod rest to the right now i do like to have it off the left and point to the left but that song is so bad that way and i've not brought my sunglasses so uh i've just brought it around to the right just so i don't get our archive really um so i can see see that's nothing to do with the ripple or undertow or anything like that unless the wind and undertow is really bad that way i generally have it to the left the only time i would have it to the right is if visibility is bad like it is or um if the wind and undertow is really bad left to right then i tend to have the rod round to the right but i feel more comfortable with rounds but um no definitely need it to the right today because there's no way i can face that sun i can say three or four bream and i'll be more than happy freebream one's the mission to start with i think if i get one it'll be bang bang catch two or three you know it's just getting that first one having that liner really early it's really yeah give me a bit of confidence come on you breathe maybe if this was a match you might have to end up chucking 60 70 meters you know or you could have two swims you know some people go 60 70 meters and then i'll have like a 30 meter line it's a flat calm again i'm gonna persevere with what i've got on i'm confident what i'm fishing i've got some dead maggots i've also got some corn if i need to i'm gonna give this cast 12 minutes that'll be the first hour over i've got a friend here who won't leave me alone yeah he keeps watching me looming like a black cloud he's after some food as well hey then they'll feed you in bunbury and uh definitely gone a little a little bit nippier so i've got my waterproofs and the uh on my top on and there's definitely more of a ripple on the lake now so it looks a lot brimmed breamier now shall we say just want to be nice but uh three or four be brilliant [Music] i nearly lifted the rod of that one it was proper definitely somewhere in the vicinity come on as you can see i've swapped my rod back now a lot nippier now the wind's just dropped but it was really chilly a minute ago coat might be going on in a sec but that looked really promising then i was just about to pick the rod up and it just sprung back again somewhat big brushing against the line anyway come on i'm going to change my hook bait next cast [Music] put a different color or a different size hook bait on i think what if i have five or six casts now no bite so i'm just gonna change i'm gonna put a bright yellow one on something has actually just crashed exactly where i've been feeding come on yellow f1 wowser rather than a washer just say if we can get anything on that that's right i catch a lot of big fish on really small hook baits so it's definitely fish there they dropped back then very big drop back just try three dead maggots i thought i had one on there if they've been touched no not been touched let's go back to my uh put a white one on this time just clean off the feeder i was just doing some tests that was a proper rip round and then a drop back okay i'm on that one there's no watch cow's obscuring my fence marker there on the horizon they're the mood cows absolutely flat now ripples the other side of the lake if this one doesn't go around i'm gonna wind on three or four turns and just try a little bit shorter where i've been chucking i can't believe i've had so many liners without um without an actual bite that was our it was a fish yeah that was definitely on yeah probably broke me or something well they upper sounds normally yeah yeah unless it was a liner well he looked like a foul looker no slime or anything like that unless you went in and went round didn't it definitely yeah that's a good sign oh got it well we just picked the rod up next on in it well normally they hook themselves on you know short length yeah yeah try again i know some people go a little bit longer if they breathe method feeding fishing but i always see a big four inches ah that was the one winner well let's hope it goes again hope his mate comes along yeah that was swimming towards me wasn't it finally it's probably only a pound it doesn't feel very big to be honest you'd probably just zoom off 20 pound carp now there's no way that couldn't have gone round is the after all okay this way that's a bit more of a nodding bream what are the averages it doesn't feel that big to be honest probably it feels like might be four pound nope not doing a lot oh it's that one then mix well it looks rough i can see the barnacles on him from here yeah that's a good fish in here yeah that looks well over he did do a lot though he's worth weight wasn't he oh yeah that's a proper thing lid look at the spawning tubercles on him that is a nice fish he's gotta be over six out he that is a beauty don't mind waiting if they're all that big oh yeah absolute monster told you there was special fish that's at least six pounds what a fish absolute monster dinosaur do not mind catching fish like that let's wait for him to kick hopefully he'll just kick away go on oh yeah wow there he is result well let's see if i can catch a couple more remind me not to uh fish here when i've got a bench behind me it's very fragrant behind me and all the hip-hop music's just gone off actually um but it was a bit noisy a minute ago and uh very fragrant shall we say so but anyway hopefully we can get a couple more and it won't be too noisy behind me when i do see we can get another one we've got on probably another 15 20 minutes that's it before we have to wrap up and get home it's nice to have an evening perhaps should have had the scales with that fish because it was a rather rather nice big one but never mind maybe another one just chucked that one out on three dead maggots cow big waddler feels heavy all of a sudden hmm i should say i haven't heard the shock leader yet just on the reel now come to johnny oh he's a much paler fish he looks about five pound that one all together a different fish oh yeah still rough but he's not jet black like the other one now you can see the dead maggots in his bottom lip right in the middle what i'm gonna do i'm gonna quickly cast out and we'll look at this fish quickly cast this out cock's ticking i want to get one more all right let's just leave out there look at this fish oh yeah it's probably about five so i would say everyone was closer to seven cracker fish number two so we get three then we can go home they look impressive aren't they the b-boy business behind me they sound french actually on here where the jean-paul as you can see packed everything away you know what i'm like one last car so this is my very last cast the light's really gone now um and sadly i've gotta go but i just had another liner and we'll see if we can get one give it another two or three minutes then we'll have to wrap up but thoroughly enjoyed that makes a nice change catching some big bream and uh i shall definitely be back and um everyone says he's not fishing great here at the moment but when it does fish it could be awesome and uh there's fish topping and everything now so i shall definitely be back trying to catch some of these bream try and catch half a dozen at least next time but yeah not bad for an evening's fishing come on go around well the lights properly dropped now and uh no more signs after those two fish two fishing two drops and not another liner so um but uh yeah cracking fish and definitely food for four for my next trip try a few different things maybe put a few more um dead maggots and casters and corn and stuff in next time and um a short line and a long line and um yeah i really fancy coming back and giving it another stab i think and i might even come with a float gear one day as well so uh but yeah thoroughly enjoyed that only a couple of fish but um really nice fish weren't they so uh it's nice to um keep me wanting and keep me coming back so um yeah i shall be back and i'll see you again on another video a better realistic and i suppose you
Channel: Jon Arthur Angling
Views: 59,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FUZ2ugMTpVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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