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[Music] well we're on the bank of makings fishery today on lake four which is a tricky lake but um the fish in here are really nice and big and they do respond to the pellet wagon so hopefully we'll catch some real nice fish i've got the new horizon pro palette waggler rod there and uh simple tactics i'm confident we're going to catch a few fish for the cameras it's one of my favorite ways of fishing as well so we're going to have a good time i think well i think the pellet wagon has to be one of the most enjoyable ways of fishing but you can't always fish the pellet waggler every day it's really really um governed by the conditions and today i've got the wind off my back and it's absolutely ideal for feeding and casting and everything but if the wind was in my face it'd make pellet wagon fishing a hell of a lot harder and if it was coming really badly left or right pellet wagon fishing can be really really hard there purely because when you cast your your waggler will be coming off course really really fast and though you'll get a big bow in the line it'll be pulling it off course and no self-respecting carp will look at that but today it's off my shoulder or it's off my back and it's absolutely ideal waggler conditions plus it's it's summertime it's uh the fish are up the fish are active and this is the time of year for pellet wagon fishing if you're on a peg and it's on a day where there's no wind or wind off your back that's what i'm always looking for with pellet wraggle fishing there's no point trying to make it work if the conditions are bad that's when you switch to bomb fishing or feeder fishing or pole fishing closer in [Music] well i've got both the 11 foot and the 12 foot wagon rod set up my choice for a venue like this is probably the 11 foot um but everyone's got their own sort of fishing style and playing style i find a lot of people if you've come from more of a traditional background using 13 foot float rods on on rivers and that then they tend to go for the 12 foot rod but i find 11 foot for most of the commercial venues i fish is ample um but i do use a 12 especially if the venue's a bit deeper and sometimes the fish are a little bit bigger sometimes a 12 foot gives you a little bit more winching power i suppose but it's 11 40 as you can see the action on that is absolutely beautiful nice through parabolic action as they as they say and um you just want it to absorb every single lunge of these fish i'm only using a size 16 hook so um you don't want the hook to be pulling out as you play them under your neck but you can see there's loads of power in there i'm not giving it loads but i'm confident of getting double figure fish out on both of these rods pencil slim blank but but no end of power in there this one's suddenly woken up so yeah i'm going to go with the 11 foot mostly today but i'm gonna have a couple of chucks with a 12 foot this is a deep lake so um if i want to chuck four or five foot then sometimes if i'm fishing four or five foot deep should i say then sometimes a 12 foot rod is a little bit more a little bit more convenient for casting with a slightly deeper rod but um with a slightly deeper depth but in the main i'm going to be fishing anything up to three foot deep today and i find 11 foot perfect for this sort of venue and pellet wagglers up to about six six or eight gram come on he he's a bit shy for the camera this one might be a bit of a ghoster you never know not seen a ghoster yet no it's just a big fat mirror come on here he is oh just in the nose that one see the pellet from here it'll do though getting on for eight pounds seven pounds something like that now right in the nose no wonder he didn't want to come up let's say hello for the camera yeah let's try and catch another [Music] i think one of the biggest tips i can give across when pellet waggler fishing is to not use too thick a main line on your reel so um i'm using six pound horizon x mono there but that is actually only o18 diameter which is closer to a lot of four and five pound real lines from a lot of other manufacturers so ordinarily when i would say i'd use a four or five pound line i'm actually using six pounding horizon because it is o18 which is really really slim so and that's going to make a huge difference to your casting you'll be able to cast further you'll be able to cast smaller floats and being able to present your rig so much better on on float gear because you've only got three four seconds of good presentation on a windy day so so having thinner main line will help your float work in a swim just that a little bit longer and lead to definitely to more bites but you just everything will be better be able to use smaller floats and less effort with the cast in and your rig will be in the water working longer as well so always go for a nice thin diameter reel line o18 is what i generally use i'd go up to o20 if i was on a real crunching venue like boddington reservoir or something where they're great big angry things and a big open reservoir but for general commercial fisheries like this one here at macon's fishery o18 is dead right for me and i'm matching that up my go-to hook length is um 018 power micron and i usually use a 12 inch or 30 centimeter hook length with pellet waggler um it's just a length that works really well for me and the way i set it set up my waggler i'll go into that next but the way i set up my waggler means that a 12 inch length is is dead right i can fish anything from 12 inch or above very rarely if it's shorter than that and 12 inch just seems the right amount of stretch and robustness and everything for 95 of my pellet waggler fishing so oh 18 reel line oh 18 hook length and a 16 hook and that's my starting gambit wherever i go on pellet wagon [Music] gear [Music] well i've tried all sorts of pellet wagglers over the years some loaded some unloaded and different connection methods sometimes we've shot around it and everything but i keep coming back to the tried and trusted loaded pellet waggler it's by far the easiest way of fishing a pellet wagon and i find it the most convenient and as long as you feather the line correctly they shouldn't dive too deeply either so um and for me it's more about choosing the correct size of float that creates as the smallest amount of plop and everything so it doesn't dive too deeply but what i have is a number of different floats the best float today has easily been the eight mil full gram matrix pellet wagon but i've got bigger sizes and i've got some little short dumpier varieties as well if the fish come a lot shallower and i've even got some loaded peacock designs there as well so and i will i think that's really important to be able to swap between floats um the wind's just dropped now so i can drop down and a little bit in the wagon size if the wind gets up or if i suddenly see some fish a bit further out then i'll won't hesitate to pop a heavier waggler on so being outer use one rod and quickly swap and change pellet wagglers is a massive advantage to me i don't want to set up three or four rods i just want one rod that i can set up straight away clipper the waglar one and uh i'm in business but i'm using the pellet waggler attachment kits now these are really really useful um you get um one float rubber above and three below the three below just helps to avoid any slippage on the cast sometimes when your hands get a little bit greasy in that um these can move about so having three also gives you a bit more security and really help prevent slippage because you can really punch a waggler sometimes so so you'll find it's really useful some people just put two but i i do prefer to have three below you only need one above because you're not putting any pressure on the one above on the cast and also it's got a quick change snap link um swivel so i can add and subtract a wagon really really quickly as so but it's really important to point out as well that unlike a lot of snap link swivels this one's got a rounded top and that centralizes the pellet wagon right in the middle quite a lot of the old style of american snap link swivels have um they have a point to one side and that can help that can make your pellet wago veer off to one side or the other slightly on the cast so having this rounded top really helps to centralize your pellet wagon and it will give you that extra five percent uh more accurate casting ability so that's it a simple pellet waggler attachment kit one float stop above three below and a quick train swivel and i'll leave that on the rod even when i pack it away just slide it all down to the loop pack it away like that and then you're good to go for your next session [Music] well i've just had a bit of a bruiser of a fish there it came in like a roach then it saw me and then it realized it was a great big fat carp almost got a belly like mine but it's gone a bit funny or it had gone a bit funny um i normally start about two or three foot deep yeah with a pellet wagon i normally start about two or three foot deep but i will work the depths around that's why that pellet um connector link is so useful you can move the depths up and down but um things went quiet i dropped down to three three and a half foot and i've probably had three great big breem for ten pound that looked immaculate um they were a bit of a surprise to me catching shallow on the pellet wagon um but then he went a bit quiet so i've dropped back to two foot again and i've had two and two drops but i think that's really important to just keep moving moving those stops up and down and and you can alter your depth [Music] i think the optimum bait for pellet wagon fishing has to be eight mil pellets and we're here at macon's fishery today so um we're using the fishery eight mil uh feed pellets uh green swimstims um and they're the ideal size for feeding on a nice biggish open water lake like this and make a nice little plop and they're a bit more selective as well so we'll catch hopefully more carp than anything on them um you could use six mils especially if it lake's a little bit smaller and you could go up to 10 or 11 mils on a really big lake but generally if in doubt stick with eight mils and match the hatch with an eight mil on the hook as well and as far as feeding goes um there's two main ways one is to cast and feed and the other one is to feed then cast and what i generally like to do the wind's just dropped now it's actually gone up quite a bit recently but the wind's just dropped now which is so it's quite nice to just what i like to do is just prime the peg with two sometimes see sometimes four pouches of pellets first and by pouches i just mean um anything from sort of two to six pellets but feed two or three times and you're priming the peg don't be in any rush to get out there because what by feeding before you cast you're hopefully revving the fish up for when you actually do so i'm going to feed three times pincher pellets and then i've got the pellet wagon ready and i want to cast right in the middle of where those pellets are plopped and that's usually when they're active and when they're feeding well that's usually the best way to to um to go about it i find now the wind's definitely getting up so oh why do i wait i'll wait five to ten seconds no more um usually catch these fish instantly within five ten seconds of the float hitting the water so i'm not going to leave it out there hanging for too long so the other option when the wing gets up especially is to cast but really punch it past your feed and then and then i like to feed short of the float sometimes one sometimes twice and then draw it into the into the area of feed now i find that's better especially when it's a bit windy and also if the fish are being ultra cute and coming straight to that splash and you can wind into the pellets quicker than you can cast into the pellets um so um so but mix it up that's the main thing don't use one feeding pattern all day sometimes just feed two or three pellets at a time sometimes feed three or four pouches then go in sometimes feed one pouch sometimes cast in then feed just really really mix it up and uh there will be a pattern on any given day today definitely the best way has been to to feed two or three times very lightly and then cast right into that pile of feed and the bite's been almost instant um but because i've got that rope a bit further it's 10 meters past where i'm actually feeding um by casting every now and again much further pass i i've got a chance of catching some fish that are hanging off the back of the feed today they've been right in the feed and that's definitely been the winning formula today [Music] do [Music] hook baits by far the best today has been matching the hatch with the same eight mil feed pellet as what i've been firing out with the catapult and i just use them a fingernail just pop them on a medium bait band and they're good to go um the other thing i will try though and it has not been so effective today but you go to some venues and it can really work well it's a wafter or these are wowzers which is a bright wafter in orange and white whatever shade you fancy but a nice contrast bait to what you're feeding on some venues on some days can be really really effective it's definitely not been the case today they've wanted um a green pellet um i've got one other hook bait as well and these are green pellets as well but they're an old batch that i've had lying around my carriage for ages and half of them float um and then you can see they're a lot more porous than the uh the current batcher pellets and so they're going to fall a lot um well probably they probably fall half as fast as the um the feed pellet you can get now so i've had a few fish on those those as well but to be honest matching the hatch with an eight mil feed pellet has definitely been um the best hook bait option today and i've probably had 90 of my fish on that [Music] well there we are the fruits of a cracking day on the pellet wagon and uh plenty of bites every single one on the float anything from two foot to four foot deep we've had a few bream as well we put those straight back but um hopefully the tips and tricks i've uh i've passed on will help you catch a few more fish like this and uh i'm sure you'll soon work out that this is one of the best and most enjoyable ways of catching fish at this time of year well if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit the subscribe button and there's plenty more content like this on the club matrix website and youtube channels you
Channel: Matrix Fishing
Views: 89,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Preston Innovations, Tackle Guru, MAP Tackle, Sensas, Colmic, Fishing, Angling, Match Fishing, Coarse Fishing, Garbolino, Fishing Tackle, Fishing Products, Pole Fishing, Feeder Fishing, Waggler Fishing, Drennan, Browning, Winning Ways, Jamie Hughes, Spotted Fin, Dynamite Baits, Maver, Cadence, Daiwa, Shimano, Fish Matrix, Matrix, Steve Ringer, Des Shipp, pellet waggler, pellet waggler fishing, waggler fishing, pellet waggler carp, makins fishery, lake 4 makins, waggler, carp waggler
Id: BEqo0ngDMro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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