JAMIE HUGHES' ADVANCED METHOD FEEDER MASTERCLASS! (Take your method fishing to the next level!)

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so for our latest video we are out method feeder fishing where hopefully i'm going to tell you how to take your metal fishing just to that next level [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we are here at the wonderful monk hall fishery for a go on the hawk pool which i'm actually quite excited about i've not had a go on this like yet and i said what we want to do is some method feeder fishing i thought some flat method fishing not the conventional method feeder types that's what we're going to focus on today and as with everything else in fishing there's definitely an evolution of every method and without doubt method feeder fishing is the one thing that by paying attention to the little details making little changes in terms of your feeder the bait that's on your feed there and your hook bait it can make massive massive difference as to what you're catching how the fish you're behaving and just making the most of your day and that's what i really want to get across today the the fishing's almost the last thing on the list it's getting everything else right that leads to the method working better than it could if you just budget quickly chuck some pellets on and throw it out that's definitely not the way we want to do things now there's there's ways of doing things and for me it was all about breaking a method feeder down into different ways yeah when you're fishing a method depending what you're doing you could be chucking it on a big lake like boston or boddington you fish a method there in a very different way to how you'd fish a venue like this a small intimate style venue with a lot more fish with shallower water it all needs to be thought about before you decide exactly how you're going to fish that feeder or what you're baiting all the little things i'm going to go through and today we're going to focus on the the small intimate style commercials where in today's case we're chucking to a nice island in fairly shallow water with potentially a lot of fish involved i mean there could be a lot of fish feeding today it's going to be potentially fast and furious fishing and this is the type of fishing i'm doing a lot i mean using it at venues like meet me local up at lingamir a few pegs on herrembroke there's quite a few venues where you have these small chucks and when you're catching carp and f1s that you need to to be quite proficient at this sort of feeder fishing so that's when i want to pass on my little bits of information to you that hopefully make a difference and the first thing i want to talk about is we're going to go on to bait prep next but having the right pellets the way they're going to break down for me that's the most important aspect of your feeder vision it's what what dictates what goes on into your peg and that's the main focus is how my pellets are going to break down so flat style feeders what they sort of let you achieve is that uh the edges of the feeder maintain your pellets they keep your pellets in so they're a brilliant application if you like for getting your bait to the bottom when it's not going to be quite as perfect as it used to be with conventional style method feeders that were i mean flat style method feeders by having the edges they allow me to to mess about my bait a bit more and have it a bit softer than it would be a bit harder than it would be but still gets down to the bottom and with what i'm going to go through with the the bait prep is that's exactly what i'm trying to achieve is different pellets or different textures of pellets that'll either break down very very quickly and put bait into my peg really quickly to build a peg up or on the flip side of that that may break down really really really slowly that create a different presentation if you like if them fish get a little bit preoccupied by the pellets i don't want too many pellets in my peg but i still need my bait to be over a better pellet then i might need a pellet that stays on my feeder so you're not always after the the conventional thought about broken down pile of lovely pellets with your bait on top it looks perfect it's often not the right way of going about things when you're feeding fishing because you definitely find that in in two flip ways the fish either hunt your bait out and get bites really quickly if they're feeling confidently but on the other side they can also avoid that bait if it's in a nice flat pile they can pick up whatever they want they can become very very difficult to catch so next i want to move on to preparing the pellets just to make sure i've got two options so i can get them to do exactly what i want them to do on the day [Music] right so as i mentioned there's going to be potential situations when i'm after different breakdowns of my pallets i said that's very very very important to have when you're metaphorical fishing so your pellets just don't behave in one way because that could be incorrect for how the fish are wanting to feed so what i do is prepare my two butchers two different batches of pellets in two different ways so i've got different breakdown rates i'd say mega mega easy no matter what pellets you have just by soaking them in different or for a different length of time if anything you can create a different breakdown of that pellet or a breakdown of the feeder and that's exactly what i've done here i've got these already in the tub of water there they are ready to go they've been left for about four or five minutes so quite a long time but remember we're fishing a flat method feeder so it's not a method feeder that's got a conventional method that's got to hold the bait on the ball this is for a flat feeder that's going to help that bait stay on as well so you've got that added advantage to your pellets being able to be a bit softer because the feed is going to keep them on to get them to the bottom what i'm going to do is quickly drain them off anyway so they're gonna get whizzed off so they've had about five minutes four or five minutes they've had what i'm going to do is ring that water out as much as i can and it gives me a lovely soft pellet that is nearly good to go straight away but we're going to focus on that a bit more we're going to have a look at a tank in a minute just to see how quickly they'll break down however what i'm also after is a very very slow breakdown feeder as well because i don't know how the fishing's going to be whether they're going to be attacking that feeder what i'm going to need i'm not quite sure yet so i need a different batch of pellets that are going to be done in a different way and all they're going to be doing is literally a quick dunk i'm going to give them 10 seconds just let the water sort of get to them and then exactly the same as i've done with the last lot just drain them off leave them dry out a bit and what they should create if i can show you in a minute is a feeder that's a lot more frustrating to the fish it's going to hold my bait onto that feeder really really well it's going to be take a long time to break down but it's going to agitate the fish it's going to give the potential um annoyance of the fish so they're gonna be desperate to get at my hook bait because it doesn't break down as quickly so hopefully these pellets are gonna show you exactly what's going on there so they've probably had what 10 seconds 20 seconds maybe by the time i'd finished bubbling and it is as simple as that so let's say your first lot going to be anywhere between three to five minutes depending how hot the water is depending on the temperature depending on actual batch of pellets themselves as well you often have to have a little play with them to see what they're doing but so in that case it's a nice four minute leave and with these ones quick dunk and they're going to create a really tight feeder as composed of these that are going to make a feeder that breaks down really really quickly so it gives me the best of options depending what them fish want on the day [Music] so me pellets now i'm happy with how they both they came out they've been soaked for the required amount of time and they're suitable for the breakdown that i'm trying to achieve with each batch of pellets but what i want to do it's got the tank out it's been a long time since the l10 came out and i want to show you the breakdown of the pellets just to see how different it is that allows me to swap depending on what them fish you're doing you say it may be a case of the tricky to catch at the start so i don't want to put too much bait in the peg or it could be that the fish are feeding really ravenously and i want to get a load of paint in the peg so by judging how my pellets behave on the feeder i can actually judge how much i'm leaving in my peg each cast or whether i need to top my peg up whether i need to annoy them into taking my bait or whatever it just gives me options which if you don't mess about with your pellets to give yourself options it leaves you very very limited in what you can do because you've only got one type of pellet that does one thing that if the fish aren't feeding in that way you're going to catch less fish so what i'm going to do i've made my feeders up nice and quick blue peter style i'm going to put my slow brake at me fast break down one in first they're the ones that have been softened for a lot longer they've really softened that they're almost what i'd feed on my pole and then the second feeder that's going to go in is the ones that have just been dunked there are a lot the crispy pellet sort of thing is what you what i'd like to call them and immediately you can see the activity is so much different on them both the ones that have been soaked for a lot longer are really really soft they want to break down really really quickly and what in turn they give me is also a fast bite that i can put bait in my peg really really quick i mean the fish are attacking my feeder i'm going to get a bite really quickly because the feeding confidently they're easier to catch alternatively i've got the second feeder that's a lot more dense i mean they're exactly the same pellets as well i've not played any tricks they are exactly the same fishery pellets out the same bag that say they've had the the long soak and the short soak but the difference in the two feeders is unreal yeah the feeder on there on the right as you're looking at it it's so much more denser it keeps it nice and tight so it's not putting very very little bait in the peg and what it actually does that feeder annoys a fish into having my hook bait because it's not spilling out all over the place it's staying very very contained within the feeder and in turn i can have my hook bait right on top of that and they're attacking it really really angrily frustrated in a way so as soon as my hook bait gets released i can catch a fish but in turn it also puts very very little bait in my peg so by using the same size of feeder swapping about my pellets i can regulate the amount of bait going into my peg just by using the different pellets at different points of time but that's the key thing i'm after is to have variation in my pellets what's the word versatility with my bait i can play about with the two different types and maintain it it keeps me in contact with what's going on and it gives me options and hopefully that way leads me to catch in much more steadily and catch instead of catching him based at what it would if i only had one type of pellet [Music] so with all my bait prepped up i've got my pellets there ready to go the next thing i want to have a look at is hook baits and i'm a big believer when it comes to method feeder fishing that your actual hook bait what it is isn't the most important thing in the world it's how that puck bait behaves that is it's massive when it comes to whether that fish eats it accepts it avoids it whatever so what i do is break it down into two different ways and i've got a hook length on my face right that i'll go through first that i'd like to refer to as my sort of accidental hook bait and that's going to be a really light hook bait such as a maggot maybe a wafter in extreme situations for big fish on big places but i honestly don't believe wafters have a place at little venues like this and but i want a light hook bait such as a maggot and expand there are ready to unexpand there even a hard expander sometimes on a band but that's a different thing altogether but the main emphasis is that really light the fragile hook bait that they're going to suck up the pile and the bait goes into their mouth by accident i mean i've shown that on a few videos in the past by catching fish i mean lots and lots of fish with just the band on with no bait whatsoever it just shows that often your bait can work as sort of an avoidance thing that if you've got a two bigger bait on or a heavy bait often the fish can be a little bit generally later in the year they can be a bit moody and they can deliberately avoid that bait it gives them something big that they can say not eat at all or they can spit out with little diddy baits like this with a little maggot and expand or whatever else it almost goes in by accident and by the time they swallowed it all it's too late than on and that's my hook length for doing that generally a a smaller fish thing later in the session thing a moody thing when fish aren't really feeding confidently but it can far out score anything when they are a little bit dubious to what they're eating a little diddy hook like that is definitely the way to go and that's what going to be me me go to today when it goes a bit difficult later in the session but for that really really simple hook length i want the smallest i'm allowed i mean officially allows two inch i'll use a two inch if not three inch i tend to not go any longer really for this style of fishing than the three inch you want something nice and short that's gonna hook them fish quick and in that case i've got oh 16 or 16.5 up length so fairly durable again i'm catching small fish so i want it not too stiff if i go too heavy on the diameter because it's such a light hook bait it's going to spring up my method dropping a little bit lower sort of so oh 16 is about as low as we go that allows my bait to stay on me pile within reason depends how low my feet are but we'll touch on that in a minute and keep things where i want it so lastly i've got an 18 hook in that case i've got an 18 mxc3 which is pretty the smallest mxc3 we do that's nice and heavy so it'll i mean absorb the bounce of the feeder it's not going to be a soft hook but it's really really light it's all about the see the accidental rig that's what we're calling it i mean taking that bait in almost without knowing so of course there's the option they can still pick it up if they want to but that for me meta feed's not about that it's all about them picking it up by accident that said fiercely what i want is my go-to rig and when they're confident at the start when they're a bit stupid and they haven't seen it all i want something more positive instead because with method feeder fishing it's about them hooking themselves i mean there's nothing we can do tuck the fish you can't strike or anything like that they've got to do it themselves so what i want what i'd rather have i'm more confident in than a little delicate rig is a really angry rig that gets that hook right in the middle of that bottom lip and i'll land the fish and that's in turn as me as me go to rig that i'm going to start with with a heavy bait so this hook lent's all about slightly bigger feeder but that's just for me to have a play about with but a really really big hook with a really really heavy bait which is so important in this case i've either got a sinking bowling saying not a wafter version i want them to sink like a stone or i may use one of my big pellets i may use a who knows what big heavy red pellet an eight mil pellet a six more pellet the emphasis is on heavy on weight for this it's going to keep it over me pale that's the most important thing when it comes to method feeder fishing is keeping that bait over the top of the pile as soon as it goes away from your bait yes the fish could eat it but for me the homing in point is always about that pile yeah as soon as your bait deviates off it there's less chance of catching a fish because of that accidental ingestion of your bait and what i'm always after is my bait to be heavy enough to stay on that pile i mean these fish don't mess about if you've got fish sort of maybe 10 ounce plus it's ridiculous how quickly they'll eat your bait and they'll come in they will suck that whole pile up literally in one go and if your bait isn't over the top of it then there's less chance you're getting that bite so that's what this rig's all about so i've put a nice big heavy boiler for now just for demonstrative purposes to show you let me go to is going to be a pellet today and what i'm actually going to do i'm going to load it really quick because for me loading is really really important as well to um emphasize that self-hooking yeah it's no good just budging your your hook bait into it willy-nilly it could cover your rook up it's not going to work as well as it could i mean you have to have almost a like an obsession with setting that trap because that's what you're doing you're chucking your method feeder it's a trap on the bottom if your hook isn't working the way you want it to because your bait's obscuring it or whatever else then it's pointless what you're doing so every little thing needs to be thought about as well as it possibly can so what i'm going to do is load my feeder as i'm doing just a little bit to start with and then because it's on a band this is one of the few times that i'll fish a pellet or a boiler on a band on a feeder what it allows me to do is just to press it in slightly but not too much because i want it to be able to be released and if we have a look at that it leaves my hook in the perfect position tucker fish so this is all deviated from years ago with teddy and videos like the carpe type fishing that's what you're doing you're carp fishing for smaller sorts of species and that's how we have to think of it that your trap is set all the time so by having my hook upwards ready to go straight into the middle of that bottom lip it just keeps everything perfect and the weight of the bait as well keeps it over the top of that pile as it breaks down it's just a perfect trap and it keeps it nice but what i will do is just cover it as well really really gently i don't want to cover that too tightly because the last thing i want to do is move that hook i want that hook i want to call it vertically but facing upwards all the time i don't want it squashed down as soon as my hook's flat or going into the feeder then there's less chance of it hooking the fish when it sucks in i want it right in the right position straight away and hopefully that's what it achieves on that one again same again very similar hook line material i've stepped up to row 15 on m18 on that one just because it's all a bit angry and a bit nasty i can land them a bit quicker and hook size i've gone really big now i'm got no qualms whatsoever about using the biggest possible hook i'm allowed so in that case i've got a 12 a big size 12 mxc3 which is a serious serious lump of metal but they're not going to look at the hook the hooks in the right place they're going to focus on that big heavy bait and the hooks and turn with it being so big is what makes sure it goes in that bottom lip and the fish is on before i pick a rod up so that's pretty much all i'm going to cover with my two hook length options so it's about working out what's best at the time on the day so if the fish are being moody then it's much better to get them to pick it up by accident if they're really confident the racing in the eating bait quickly then a bigger more visual bait that's going to stay on the pile is going to be the way to go but again having two options just with everything else gives us that versatility and allows us to switch it out a bit [Music] right so with everything sorted or bait wise i can get to do a bit of fishing but if i'm completely honest except with the metal feeder fishing lock the tips definitely are the the way to make it better is a lot more on the bank with the things i've gone through rather than the actual fishing you mean the fish in itself is all about learning reading doing things like that which we're going to touch on of course but it's the sexy things like that presenting your bait in the right way using the right pellets at the right time that's going to be the key thing but i still get to other fish so what i'm not going to do i'm clipped up already i'm not going to talk about that clipping up is just a case of having practice uh wanting to be where you want it to be i mean your casting is is something that you've got to work on to make that better what i will say though is you need to utilize your land clip a lot more when you are chucking to ireland yeah the way you need to break your feeder fishing down when you're chucking up to something is that treat it exactly the same as if you were fishing a pole so sometimes you may want to be right in the shallow water tight to the island which is where my uh my furthest line clip will be or where my line will be clipped up to my on my reel but i've always got the options of clipping back another meter putting my rod in a different position when i hit my clip whatever else you've got to use those sort of things to to try different areas don't just chuck it in the same bit all the time you chuck into an island because for all you know there could be a lot of fish further down that slope just as if you're pole fishing so that's the sort of thing you need to play about with with the areas you're chucking other than that again you need to treat um your fishing like you do on the pole with your feed in as well so what you haven't got with the feeder you've not got the options of laying your rigging and things like that so the only attraction purposes you have is either regular casting or feeding over the top they're the only two attraction properties that you've got and say reading your peg it just comes into it as you fish you've got to keep an eye on where you're getting your bites and what you've got to do to make them bites happen but still what i'm going to do is start my session as if i've just had to go and catch few fish so i've started on the angry rig i mean much more positive rig with a heavy hook bait that's going to stay over my pile and i'm also going to start on me quick breakdown pellets that are going to put bait into my peg really quickly because for the first few casts what i want to do is make sure i've got bait going into the peg so there's fish in the area and they're also easier to catch at the start when they're a little bit stupid bit more confident they're going to be easier to catch so i've got me much angrier bigger feeder to catch a few fish on that i'm going to chuck that in before i have a little chat here so i've gone pretty much right onto i'm going to start right in the shallow water today because there's a lot of fish feeding and what i've gone with i've gone with a 20 gram interfeeder which the size of feeder for me you just need to pick whatever size feeder you need to deliver the amount of chosen bait that you want on the day i mean there's no right and wrong you may want a little tiny feeder that ticks over all day i'll be on or you may want a big feeder that puts loads of bait in your peg gets fish into your peg really fast and and has them going crazy it's every day is different i can't tell you what's right what's wrong for me today i felt a medium feeder was right to give him a little bit of bait but at the same time not have them crawling all over me peg getting too excited catching loads of hide looks a bit weird in it but it gives me a quick bite and say with that that feeder i've just chucked in as i said it's the fast breakdown feeder which allows like even an eye to hook perfectly allows the fish to access my bait really really really fast because the bait's coming off the feeder within 10-20 seconds without a fish getting involved so if the fish attack it maybe even faster but still i've got a bit of bait on my feeder which i love to see especially when i get a bite that fast so let's load him up again same again with these fast breakdown pellets another thing worth mentioning that i didn't do when i was landing it then is that on a separate note with talking about kit at the minute i'm obsessed with shock leaders and i think like using a a shock leader so in today's case i've got six pound main line with a 10 pound horizon mono shock cleaner so i think it has a massive advantage in both durability of your rig and knowing where the fish are when you're playing them it's lovely when you you're cranking it in you can hear that knot going through me rod and you know exactly when to lift the rod because you can feel your shock leader plus it's got that abrasion resistance when i'm catching loads and loads of fish i've got the durability of that heavy line which even on a little venue like this with a 20 meter chuck it definitely makes a difference having that it's a kit for the day dead then simple i'm not going to bubble on about that i've got 10 foot um i've got bomb rods instead of feeder rods i've used 10-foot horizon bombs instead of feeders mainly because i'm catching fish like what i've just caught there's quite a few i'd quite a few big f1s an odd skimmer i want something soft i mean even though i'm using really heavy kit having a soft rod just makes them a bit nicer and easier to play there's less chance of losing them fish obviously if there was a venue full of five pounders or bigger then you gotta fish feeder on instead with a bit pokiness and i mean that that kit's nice and simple this just does what i want it to do on the day but onto the sentiment now on to the fishing and i'm going to quite regular cast at face with this feeder because what i'm after is that introduction of bait get them to sort of respond to the plop of the bait going in get some bait on the bottom get some fish in the peck because what i would expect at this time of year when it's still it's going to be fairly good is a quick response to catch three or four fish really quickly before they get a bit clever and that they know what that feeder is and i mean they start eating the pellets that aren't on the feeder instead knowing they're safe and when that starts to happen just tighten up a little bit on that when that starts to happen i can swap to my second batch of pellets that me annoying them pellets that are going to stick to my feeder a lot more they're going to release far less bait and hopefully they're going to pick up my bait just out of frustration if you like because they can't get to the micros because they're not coming off the feeder as easy so that's my second option so aside from that i've also got my second rod set up that i showed with my my little feeder and the magatom made me accidental ingestion hook bait that i can swap to that so within the the two different pellets and the two setups now i've potentially got four different variations of how my feed is going to be which gives me a lot of things to swap about on the day to work out what right depending what's right depending what the fish you're doing on the day so it's about versatility and being able to work out how them fish you're feeding is that a bit bigger i wanna swim right towards me that one let's say even with an eye it's nice you can just keep your rod down keep cranking and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna hear them not ticking through me rod rings i mean we stop not not which is there and now i want to lift up and i know it's right underneath me oh it's going to be let's see he's a big eyed he's perfect netting distance when i've got probably three turns on my reel depends depends on which the fish is pulling but either two to three turns i know to lift up let me fish and i'm not worrying about reeling again once i lift up definitely not the expected species for method feeder fishing but here we go so this time we have another cast with the the slow breakdown pellet so just make sure every cast has to spend time making sure i load it correctly yeah that trap i can't emphasize how much it's worth spending time creating the right trap you're putting all that effort into casting into the right place loading your feeder you may as well do it properly to ensure that when one eats it you get a bite instead of just chucking your bait in there potentially masking your hook and a fish sucking it in spitting it out without you ever knowing it occurred and all of a sudden you're catching far less just because you're loading your feeder a bit lazily and a bit too quick that's so much better that's how we want it an angry one that's not going to be an eye does it you can see that the response to begin with because my pellets are doing what they're doing like that bite then came within 10 seconds on it my feeder land and that's came within 10 seconds for the fish to be able to get to my bait those pellets are breaking down ever so quickly which in this situation it's right because the fish are straight on it if i was waiting a lot longer for bites however then i'd much rather take my pellets off get them to break down a lot slower with me with my crunchy palette i wasn't paying attention i was gabbing with this one then instead of counting me turns i'm landing it yeah i could easily swap to me crunchy pellets that break down a lot slower if i'm not getting the bite so that in combination with trying to read my peg working out where i need to be cast in how regular i need to cast if if don't they're responding to the feeder going in whether i need to feed over the top of it with pellets to attract them i mean all these things that you can think about need to be sort of employed same again everyone is bang on the right where we want to be catching them and there's pretty much zero chance of losing any of them fish because of how well they're hooked i've put one of them on i'm liking that so there's no need for changing anything yet i'm going to continue with with this until things change on me tip as soon as that tip starts behaving differently and i start getting lots of indications and not bites that'll be the indicator for me to change things i mean if i get no bites whatsoever then that dictates that i've got to attract fish i mean it's not my feeder that's wrong if i'm not getting any bites or any indications then it's just that i'm in the wrong depth or i need to draw fish into my swim so that'll change with as the session goes but the decisions that lead me to change my my pellets or my feeder then they're all shown up by the tip itself that it's moving there's clearly fish in the swim but i'm not getting a bite which is so often the case when when you met the feeder fishing it's about getting that tip to go round rather than just see that there's fish there i want clean nice proper bites i don't want to see my tip bouncing about i want to see it sat there maybe a couple of little indications and then i want to see it go round very very quickly so the longer you feed us in the water getting knocked about longer the feeders in the water getting knocked about and i'm not getting a problem about catching a fish the more chance my bait's been sucked in spat out it isn't where i want it to be anymore and i'm not fishing efficiently it's not where i want it to be a couple more casts with this a little bit shallower on that one seems to be today that i've had a sneaky go before we've started and very typically it seems that the tighter i am the more chance i've got of a carp if i drop it down a little bit into that slightly deeper water because it's a little bit of a slope here if it's in the slightly deeper water i tend to catch a night it's really tight i catch a carp but it's nice rotating the two you still hopefully you can see with that tip i am literally getting no indications whatsoever or very very few indications and we're just getting a bite which in a minute tells me everything's right i'm catching fast enough to be happy with the the target weight i'm open to catch i can just leave things as their own without the need to up the casting rate without the need to feed over the top i can just keep it as it is but i'm sure throughout the day that it's going to change multiple times if it's a a normal day [Music] [Music] so what after has been a very very enjoyable session catching some fish on a rod although lots of species that weren't quite expected hopefully i've gone through all the the key sort of tips for me that definitely make a massive difference to my little intimate method feeder fishing such thing it's not about the actual decisions you're making when you're fishing although of course they're key as they always are but when it comes to feeder fishing or method feeder in particular there's so much more that you can do on the bank actually before you cast your feeder in that can improve things that can make your feeder fishing better in increase your catchphrase whatever else so it's you need to pay attention to detail that is the key thing for me and hopefully i've been able to put a few few of them things across you today so as always thank you very very much for watching if you want to see more of these sorts of videos like and subscribe to the matrix page and you will see plenty of content from me and the other matrix consultants you
Channel: Matrix Fishing
Views: 56,584
Rating: 4.9386835 out of 5
Keywords: Preston Innovations, Tackle Guru, MAP Tackle, Sensas, Jon Arthur, Fishing, Angling, Match Fishing, Coarse Fishing, Garbolino, Fishing Tackle, Fishing Products, Pole Fishing, Feeder Fishing, Waggler Fishing, Drennan, Browning, Winning Ways, Jamie Hughes, Spotted Fin, Dynamite Baits, Maver, Cadence, Rive, Daiwa, Shimano, Fish Matrix, Matrix, Steve Ringer, Des Shipp, Jamie Harrison
Id: DARgrH7kLF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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