Mastering Dry Fly for Tricky New Zealand Trout | A Wilderness Fly Fishing Adventure

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found another fish it's in front of that Boulder there [Music] [Music] good e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a stunning day it is today absolutely perfect hopefully we'll be into some dry fly action I did a big Drive yesterday and a long walk can but I've woken up to what if it went for the sandflies is pretty much fly fishing Paradise today this river is absolutely gin clear it's quite late in the season so we're going to be looking in fast water and pocket water and hopefully be doing a bit of a search for you know what big New Zealand brown trout hopefully on the dry fly but n will do if that's what they're going to take so we're going to keep heading up stream keep the search and hopefully we can find some fish let's go I just walked up through all that bouldery pocket water rapid section didn't see any fish which is a shame but it was actually really good that I did that cuz I forgot to tell you guys I'm going to be pack rafting out so it was awesome to have a look at that water um and check if it was going to be raft or not there's one section that is way too narrow for my raft it might be right in a kayak wouldn't be good in a um in a white water raft either but yeah my pack off's too narrow so I've marked that spot and I'll do a Portage around there can't do this section either so there's about 50 m out of about 300 that I won't run so I've got to the top and I found the fish it's just sitting at the very start of the Rapids just in a conveyor Bel just eating so I've just stopped had some lunch watched the fish there's no rush I've walked a long way to get here so I'm just seeing what it's doing so I'm just going to run you through the scenario so you can get an idea about what's involved I'm not super confident I'll catch it but we'll give it a good go so it's a really beautiful clear day the sun's up here the fish is just off that big boulder to the right of the small Boulder so if the sun's coming from here the Line Shadow is going to go this way so that means I need to cast out to the left the river is ultra clear um I usually run 4X I'm going to go down to 5x 5 lb I'm not happy about that but I do think it could be a problem with the water Clarity um the water where the fish is is still and slow so that would suggest to me to use a small n um it's not up in the surface it's on the bottom it's probably was deep somewhere waist and chest deep so that means heavy n but a heavy n is going to make a splash which will be very very obvious because I'm not going to be able to lead the line too far against the fish I'm in a conundrum here but so that tells me use a heavier NY so I can get the drop quicker I just don't know so I'm going to cast to the left I'm going to put on a single tiny tiny n probably unweighted first and that will tell me whether the fish is going to Spook on my cast if that works okay but the fish doesn't see it I'll come up to a slightly bigger bead and then we'll build up the bead um the weight of the sink rate until we get a fly down to it the fish isn't feeding vigorously so yeah could be tricky anyway so that's the strategy we'll get Ted up and fire a couple of shots ahead e so what just happened there I fired one shot with a little emerger unweighted and actually on that one I did a test cast behind the fish and it startled it but it went back to its spot so then I fired the shot with the emerger didn't see it I put on something heavier didn't see it so then I put on a double bead and I felt like I had an angle that was okay it didn't speak the fish on the First cast the SEC but it didn't see it and then the second cast with that same bead it saw the fly or something and then spoke so yeah still an interesting um challenge to think about I thought I'd talk you through that one like I said I wasn't that sure that I was going to catch it but uh got to give it a go right what a spot found another fish it's in front of that Boulder there this one's a bit more promising than the last cuz the water's a bit faster it's a little bit riffled same scenario the sun's coming from that side so I'm going to cast from this side um the fly that I've got on is all good I just saw another fish down here might be able to put a dry fly over there that one just Rose so that one's definitely going to take a dry the sh you beauty oh no defitely do not want it going around the other side of that rock come back here fish yeah want the fish back down here back down here please [Music] yeah fantastic lovely fish guys look at that beautiful silver really really cool just munch that Adams BL way it goes super happy with that that one just came up I put the Adams like only about a foot ahead of it it just swung back and gobbled it so awesome to show that those tricks worked got it in on the 5x the fish tried to run around that big boulder there which was going to be a problem but I managed to play it back so better check my tippet now before I try on any other fish to make sure it's all good the fish went away safe so yeah awesome result fantastic [Music] oh [Music] I thought this looked like really nice water so I made a mission out from the edge over there and there is a fish just down here it's sitting deep got an on I'm going to try that first and I switch to a n doesn't come out I thought my fly had gone past it and then the fish came up and took something off the surface I struck it wasn't the fish they come up and eaten something else so the Adams is going to stay on we'll do another drift and Fish on one of my ties a little green double bead and I saw the fish swung about a foot out to eat it was awesome didn't like the dry I tried a couple of different D but got it on the nymph just look at this spot to catch a fish right unreal under these Bluffs sun shining down and pleasa took the Peck off yeah I'm pleased I took the peack off this could have been tricky a lovely fish look at the colors of it I think we can go for the net now the head's just starting to come up and then there oh man that took a while to get in stunner 6 lb yeeha super super happy with that one it's a great fish beautiful six pounder unreal ni spots gold [Music] Beast fantastic looking real chunky that was super super cool that fish 6 lb that golden brown color I put out that Adams and it came up sort of had a look it wasn't interested so I thought for sure I going to go for my brown mayfly but now it just stayed planted to the bottom so I switched to N I just saw the fish swing out and Bam it took it brilliant fish really really cool and I had the 5 in so I was a little worried about snappage but we got it in all good big smiles absolutely superb just thinking this might be one of my favorite days fishing of the Season that fish was so cool it was really similar to one I got back in October also that beautiful golden color and spots and when I went to to get a photo of it it turns out my phone had switched off and it didn't get the photo I did get the release shot but that fish was almost a carbon copy I reckon it was an absolute Beauty and just this River it's been a real Adventure today new water the water's so clear this day with the sun yeah it's been awesome Sun's going down though I'm going to stop here and put on a jumper about to go into the shade nothing to sand flows light more than bit of Evening Shade as the sun goes down so yeah we'll Chuck on the top we'll keep walking but uh there may be the end of the fishing today and what a highlight that was Unreal this is just such nice water the sun's got a bit of angle on it now the Shadow's getting long so May fowers might come out maybe we'll get a rise maybe the tricky trout might get easy I'm pretty close to my destination for tonight the Hut I know that cuz I just saw a helicopter land about a kilometer ahead so yeah we'll keep on walking keep on searching and then that's where we're going to C down for the night and then we got the packraft back which is going to be truly awesome it's going to going to be fun in the blue boat can't wait I keep just brothing out this is just Arch C water fast water with these bouldery Pockets Sun L I'm pretty sure I've Just Seen aish over there Tu behind that Boulder I reckon it's back on with the mayfly think it'll like it going to get this bag off first so it's too heavy I came out here here and I don't know what I was seeing I think I was tripping there's no fish there I wanted there to be so bad but I keep searching though look at all that ahead looks good despite my excitement about that water and trouty hallucinations there were no further fish in that water so we're just on the March now cuz the sun's gone down just about made it to the hut 3 or 400 m ahead haven't seen the helicopter that I saw land take off to be honest I'm dreaming about Vogal with fresh tomatoes on toast probably not going to get that when I get there let's finish this walk hung up Sashimi it's done an awesome job today with those two fish I made it to the Hut thank goodness so I'm going to get a feed on I'm all out of ban I'm all out of fishing for today just sign that was around about 10 or 11 days I've walk today 7 and 1/2 hours with the bag on my back so I'm done so see you guys in the morning I put that rock can there yesterday because there was a gap there between two rocks that the rough wouldn't have fit but I was going to try and run that but today got walk about another 50 m and start down there [Music]
Channel: NZ Adventurer
Views: 1,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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