Guide STEREOTYPES - fly fishing

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hey everyone before we get started I want to tell you about a hosted red fish trip to Louisiana that I have coming up October 31st to November 4th 2024 if you would like to go red fishing in Louisiana with me and five other people I've hired three guides for 3 days and we're going to do it if you want to get details and pricing information send me an email at info@ hugly or you can go to my website and email me through there so send me an email and I will give you all the information you need to know about this huge red fish hosted trip I hope you can make [Music] it hey I'm Ben I'm a huge fly fisherman and today we're going to talk about fly fishing guides guides are ambassadors of fly fishing as a whole they're introducing beginners to the world of fly fishing or they're tolerating people like me who think they know everything already fly fishing guides represent their local fishing Community which are not all the same so today we're we're going to talk about some of the different types of fly fishing guides that you'll find in different parts of the United States so that you'll know what to expect if you're booking a trip with a guide let's start off with Alaska lots of fishing guides in Alaska Alaskan guides are the only fly fishing guides that you're expecting to be carrying a gun Alaskan guides don't take their waiters off ever even to sleep they wear hoodies all the time except when it's raining which is basically all the time your fly fishing guide in Alaska is probably not from Alaska but but they think it's the greatest place on Earth which I don't really get there are lots of places that have mountains and Glaciers and I just don't understand the appeal of salmon fishing like there's the salmon it's right there it's not swimming away you can go have lunch come back it's right there it's a salmon oh there's 10,000 more of them in the same pool whatever Alaska next one we're going to go Southeast to Florida no one else complains more about snowbirds or tourists coming into their town and bringing money with the economy needs more than Florida fly fishing guides do you guys not get it you need the tourist to survive that's how it works Florida guides are low hanging fruit though I've picked on them a bunch of times and I'm going to do it again right now if you are a fly fishing guide in Florida you are not an actual fly fishing guy you know how I know because there's a spinning rod under your gunnel at all times if you want to be a fly fishing guide lose the crutch ain't no spin poles my boat okay next we'll do Montana similar to Alaska your Montana fly fishing guide is not from Montana but they constantly tell you how great it is even though they've never fished anything but the Madison and have never caught a fish on foot anywhere in Montana your Montana fly fishing guide has an Outfitters permit with six digits and gets sunburned in B every winter while reinforcing stereotypes about white Americans all right next we'll move on down to Texas Texas should really be broken up into two categories in one group you've got the guys on the Guadalupe who really take stocks trout fishing seriously like why though they're just stupid stock trout just go to Southern Colorado like all the other Texans the other group in Texas that we need to talk about is the saltwater fly fishing guides these dudes think fly fishing for Jacks is a new thing that they made up and they do a great job of hiding the fact that the only way they can catch a bull red fish is in the Ship Channel with electronics and a 3 oz jig fish 40 ft deep on the bottom but technically it's on a fly rod so neat I think most Texas guides probably wish they were Louisiana fly fishing guides which is who we're going to talk about right now if you are hiring a fly fishing guide in Louisiana between the months of November and February you're hiring someone from Florida and what's funny is that these Carpet Baggers coming to Louisiana are the same guys complaining about out of Staters coming to Florida listen I know hypocrisy really well that's hypocrisy a real Louisiana fly fishing guide is going to know all the best gumbo and fried chicken joints and has lost at least one lower unit off their outboard by hitting something underwater also if you're hiring a fly fishing guide in Louisiana and they have a last name that's really easy to pronounce keep looking and find another guide okay next Pennsylvania Pennsylvania fly fishing guides worship at the church of Joe humph they're constantly reminding you that Euro nymphing has actually been around for a long a long time and it's called tightline nymphing also they say wood instead of water Yin know what I'm talking about next one we'll talk about Colorado fly fishing guides two words weed and zins a Colorado fly fishing guide is also going to have a certificate from guide school with ink that's still wet and they think that Silverthorn is a real mountain town their Instagram feed has a bunch of clients holding really big fish but nowhere does it say that all of those fish came from a private Ranch all right now now let's do Wyoming if you're a fly fishing guide in Wyoming I want you to know one thing wearing a cowboy hat does not make you a cowboy also try fishing something besides a chubby and a turd and I want to be clear here Southeast Wyoming should really be in its own category or just annexed by Colorado if you're at a fly shop in Yellowstone Country don't tell anyone that you guide at greay Reef unless you want to make people laugh all right next we'll talk about fly fishing guides in Tennessee there are a lot more fly fishing guides in Tennessee than you might realize and I can't take any of them seriously I know they know their stuff but there's just something about a guy with a Southern accent talking about trout fishing that short circuits my brain you guys should all be Smallmouth fishing instead of playing bumper boats on the Soho moving on let's talk about fly fishing guides in Arkansas the guides over in Arkansas all have these boats called White River John boats which are pretty cool and they also think that they invented streamer fishing Arkansas has a ton of of great fly fishing guides that can put you on fish in all kinds of different conditions or you could be stuck with Brian glass making laps under a fish feeder neat okay for the next couple stereotypes we're going to get away from regions and talk about specific species let's start with steel head and I'm talking PMW here real steel head these guys are going to have a pavati boat and tons of excuses as to why you are not catching a steel head if you're looking for good rain gear check out what these guys are wearing next let's talk about musky guides like steel head guides they're going to make up all kinds of reasons for why you're getting skunked the best part though is all the like mystical Wizardry stuff that they just make up majors and minors get out of here you got to respect the dedication though musky guides will be like I saw a fish by this log 15 years ago and they still think they're going to see a fish there every time they go out I guess that's more optimism than dedication whatever you guys are crazy all right that's going to do it for this episode of huge fly fisherman I hope you learned a little bit about the different types of guides that you will find around the country thank you as always for watching another one of my huge fly fisherman videos I'll be back as soon as I can with another video about fly fishing for you until then book a fly fishing guide and stay [Music] huge I can see the comments now you forgot about North Dakota what about Iowa every time
Channel: Huge Fly Fisherman
Views: 20,408
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Id: xMcbVaic7N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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