Perfect Fly Fishing in Southern Alberta | 2023 Summer Series | Part 5

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all right uh I made it down to the river it's the first time I'm not fishing on a weekend and it's surprisingly quiet it's actually really refreshing the roads are super busy in the city cuz people are going to work and then when I got out here to the country it's pretty quiet which is awesome I haven't seen anybody there's barely any cars on the road pulling off I'm sure there'll be a few people out today um um we're are getting late into the summer so I'm expecting the fishing to be not as good just because these fish have started to become so pressured uh decided to bring dry fly rod and my streamer Rod last time I was out which like a week and a bit ago had kind of like a mediocre day dry fly fishing for most of the afternoon and then I found a hole and then I found a hole that had huge bull Tru in it just going crazy um so I ended up like switching my rig all the way over like switching out the leader and all that stuff sozz that was Heavy enough and I landed a couple bull which was awesome I thought it might be worth it to haul both setups this time um so that I don't have to switch so if anything if anything is kind of slow you know I can switch back and forth between like dry fly um or dry drop and stre streamer rig pretty easily just means you got to carry a little bit more stuff which isn't which isn't so bad so yeah got up at 5: this morning hit the road at like 5:30 5:45 I'm on the river now it's over after 700 it's like oh 7:45 already been walking for a while from the car and yeah going to start going to start fishing here pretty soon I think this is only my second full season fly fishing so I'm still learning a lot obviously and if you're watching any of my videos you can probably tell that I'm not very good but something I've learned this season one of the biggest things is don't be tempted by the first pools that you come upon um you know lots of rivers have good access and you can drive right up to them it's so tempting to just start fishing right there you're better off walking spending an hour walking you'll just get better fishing all around it's just it's way better it's made a it's like a night and day difference for me in my fishing this year it's crazy having great days every time I come out cuz I go that extra mile when most people AR aren't willing to do it so that's that's the biggest takeaway this year so far let's try to catch a fish before these geese come down and spook the whole damn hole all right there are a bunch of little fish in here these big holes often just have a bunch of suckers and white fish in them but I am hoping to maybe get lucky with a bull Tru in one of these big ones this little guy looks like he's interested oh yeah [Applause] just a little bulll look at this guy tiny little bowl to start the day look at that it's a nice Char oh he starting to get they're starting to get all pink first fish of the day on the board with the bull trout that feels awesome first hole second cast just a little guy but still fun don't know if you guys will be able to see it but it was super close he was basically like right here just underneath this overhang so it was awesome see if we can get another one just just Rose across the pool there all right we'll just do one more just kind of big one across here see if there's anybody chilling at the tail there's a sucker right there I don't only know this pool very well there might be some rocks here hey for sh dude he's flapping all over the place on the orange stimulator in this fast moving stuff where there's rocks that's the one problem with flies like this I find they just get so slimy even after a single fish like you're kind of hard pressed to even get more than one fish on them before they're Tapped Out okay so that feels good on the board with the dry fly had a few like fish flash at the dries so far today but um n super committal I probably missed a few by um setting the hook way too early this one I was much higher so it was like longer so I feel like even if I have a habit of setting the hook really fast and then and then this one though because he was so far out and had so much line I was able to land him which was awesome kind of a hagger fish though which is too bad it's obviously a super pressured spot but that's why we go barbless yeah we got him on the yellow stimulator but I kind of have a feeling anything would have worked all right let's get another one there oh thank God I was recording finally managed to land another one on the dry just nice little rainbow or couo maybe I'm not really sure yeah nice fish getting farther and farther from the car so there's a little bit more action it's actually been quite a bit of fish Rising for it but they turn away at the last minute so wondering if maybe my tipet's a little too large so maybe I need to change flies downsize and tip it I'm not sure anyways let's see if we can get one more out of this run oh you wanted to go sh [Music] this for [Music] what the [Music] hell oh wow he wrapped me around this thing so we're just about at the end of the day here only a few more minutes till uh time of day restrictions come into place just had one on here oh and he wrapped around he wrapped around a rock and I was able to get off and I broke my line and now I can see I can see my Hopper and now I can see my Hopper just floating down the river there it must have come loose all right let's see if we can get a one more here in the last couple minutes all w w a a a [Music] wow dude just got an absolutely awesome fish right at the end of the day just chilling up along this wall just hanging up along this wall up by that pool ran me all the way down here awesome fish all right it's now past 2:00 so it's time to walk out on the long walk back takes about an hour to get back to the car at least although every time I'm been going farther and farther I fished this section A few times this year and every time I go a little farther to see new water so every time that means it's a longer walk back it's good day is pretty slow started out with the double foam Hopper pattern if you've seen Drew's videos Drew looking fishy on YouTube or Instagram he's got a pattern called the top shelf Hopper that I was using for a bit today and it's worked pretty well the last few weeks but it's sort of been slowing down productivity wise switched it out today for a just a really classic grasshopper you know like those ones that look very real the yellow bottom I noticed there's just lots of grasshoppers on the banks here and the Fly I was using before was more of like a general foam pattern so I but when I switched on the grasshopper pattern it got a lot better I don't know if that was like a time of day thing or if it was because of the fly change or because I was getting the new water that wasn't as pressured it's always that's always a possibility day started out awesome at first like the first hole hooked into that bull trout which was pretty sweet and then uh but the dry flies just really didn't weren't that good for the first few hours but just the last hour or two that we we're good basically out of like a six I don't know 6-h hour day probably like the last like 2 and 1/2 hours were good I don't know if that's because of where I was time of day or the fly change could have been any of those things and then that last fish the very end of the day was amazing just like the last spot I got to basically had this big cast that went across the hole and he hit it but I don't think actually like I missed him basically I was very far away so it's hard to set the hook and I missed him and then I moved around to the other side so I get a little closer and I think it's the same fish that hit it so it was just a really big one um and yeah it was massive just a huge rainbow awesome way to close out the day so all in all still a good day like just I don't know rank's sort of mid tier I guess not a bad day that's for sure but also not the best few weeks ago is just crazy Wonder Maybe were past that
Channel: bram goes fishing
Views: 601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #flyfishing, #flyfish, #troutfishing, #trout, #rainbowtrout, #cutthroattrout, #bulltrout, #charfishing, #char, #albertafishing, #albera
Id: tXOidYs9SRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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