Mastering Blender: Creating Stunning Glass Materials for Professional Product Photos

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this is part two of a multi-part series I recommend to First Watch part one and then come back to this one later now from here on what I will do is let's make this instead of just gray let's give it a material to do this I will pull this thing right here in the edge if if this cross comes up this plus sign you can just pull and then you got another window in this window we can open up the the press this icon here then go to the Shader editor the Shader editor is basically the material editor so you can give it color give color to an object what we will do now is we will add a light first a bit of a light source to do this we go on this camera item I don't know it looks like a microwave but it's it should be a camera so we go on this and then we in the rendering engine we will select Cycles and from here on if you have a good GPU a graphics card I have a pretty good one so I'll select GPU compute so everything will be a bit faster for me great now what I will do is add lighting this is a website called polyhaven you can go on this then search for hdris here you can select from many different agris I will just go with the little Paris Eiffel Tower I like this one it's pretty bright it's some good color to it so then you can select the resolution I'll go with 2K then I can just download it very simple great now if you got if you got the download I already got it download so I won't download it again you can go up here to object and then select world in this world this is the texture for your world if you select this here you can see your object rendered and you see it's gray and this because there is no light in the world so what we're going to do is go to edit then go to preferences and then go to add-ons here and then search for node Wrangler exactly check the box here so it's activated then what you can do is select in the in this file go here and then press Ctrl t and now everything's purple this is because we don't have a texture selected yet I'll do this I will take the little Paris again and now we can see our object has lightened some Shadow and looks better overall great now I will add a simple ground with shift a again then add a simple plane scale this up a bit so we have a ground to work with to see our shadows so pretty simple great now from here on what I will do is I will go instead of world I will go back to object then select our bottle and then press on this new button with this button we will add a new material so we can configure the color everything and we'll do this you can change the color here but we won't do this so now what I will do is press Ctrl T again and it's purple again um now what what I don't like is it's purple we don't want the purple so we go to image texture press shift and S and we will go to texture and then select a gradient texture now it's white again but it has this weird Shadow so we will now it's if we check the texture coordinate it's from UV what we want is we don't can clear this out and then what we will do is take the generated box and put it to vector great now it's black on this side that's not what we want so we can flip this you can do this for me it's 90 degrees in the y-axis so it's it comes from Below this uh could variate for you for me it's just 90 degrees so you can just play around with with this here but this works for me great now what I will do now let's move this a bit to the right then press shift a and add a color ramp this is what we need to flip this on to configure this I will now you can see if I pulled on the black the black moves on the right and the same for the white exactly now you can do it how you like it I think I like mine from the top down I want mine to be black at the top and white at the bottom now to add the color we can just select this white then press this here and now you can select a simple color you can do how it how you like it I would recommend don't go too much into color say in the white a bit more so it's because we're making it to a glass object so it will be better if we add like if we do it like this now I like this kind of pink then what I will do I can unlink this again and what I will do then is I'll go here to the principal psdf and what I will do is put the transmission completely up now you can see it's already kind of transparent and well it still doesn't look like less this because of the roughness if you look at glass a glass doesn't have that much of roughness so we can just put this down so to a pretty low value and now we can see we got a pretty cool looking glass yes now from here on you can plug this in again now you can see my color it's a bit pink I like like this you can play around with this again and again if you go too much into color it won't look that good it will be too much so I recommend to stay a bit in the white to the white and let me select the color I like real quick uh probably about this one yeah great now if you want uh the darker the color the less see through the object will be so if you put it up it will be pretty much see-through and if you put it down it will be less see-through so I'll go with this by the uh so for the uh we got the black here and if you just move this down you see you can see through this part here and I like this because I want to be the the logo here the logo should be here so this shouldn't be too see through great and if you want to increase the color you can just pull this up so now it's got got a bit more color and you can also add an article if you like maybe you want the green and you can just add the green inside or something you can play around here to how you like it and then I will go with this great now go back to this one so I use less less of my GPU and everything is faster it's not rendered all the time I will go into edit mode now um when we go into edit mode Let's select these two and then press Ctrl and plus two times so we get this whole thing selected and now we can see it's moving around what we will do now is press shift and D to duplicate this then press P to separate it by selection now we got this SEC uh wait this second bottle here and this is for the what we will put on here is the is the logo for this we will move this we will give it first of all we will give it another material just press this x here then add a new one I will call this logo logo and then we can just press G and then Y and move it slightly forward just very little or I think for me it's even working good right now what we don't want is this here on the front if it's on the side it doesn't matter but on the front there should just be white space great now for this what we will do now is we need our logo I have my logo already made this is just this year fine this is my logo it's pretty simple it's just uh uh 190 by 190 image and then I just added the text you I can do this by yourself with every software you'd like just it needs to be something like this and then it needs to be transparent this is very important so we can still have the glass texture and like this exactly then you can just export it and then you can just import it into your scene this is my I got my I got my logo here this is mine you can just drag drop this in here and then what you can do is to pull this and put it in base color now you can see it's it looks pretty weird that we will fix this now so what we will do is we go up here to UV editing now we can go here again so we can see the texture and when we're here we can select all so now we can see how it's lined up on the texture what I will do now is select all of this here then scale it down put it to the side so it's it's everything needs to be on a transparent point if we put this on a white space here you can see there will be there will be it won't be transparent there so put it on in transparent space exactly then get those two faces get this and this then what we will do is press G we can move it uh then we first we'll scale it up then we can move it here um now we don't want it like this so I can just press r and then hold Ctrl again to snap it make it like this scale it up again and now like it's pretty simple like this I have my Ambrosio text here I will move it up a bit uh like this maybe uh yeah and then if you want to scale it in just uh in Just One Direction you can press s and then y or X depends on the direction you want I want mine to be a bit like this more then move it up great now this works for me now you can see now it's there's a c fighting again so now we will move this to the front press go back to the layout then press G again and then press Y and move it just slightly just so this complete thing is visible now what I will do is I will go back here then pull the color into the alpha now what we can see is nothing happens where is this and now it's just black but if we go to the rendered View we can see we have our glass here and our text now it's a bit far off so I will go back here or I can even do it in here then press G press Y and then move it to be pretty close to the bottle again great now we got this beautiful bottle is pretty much finished what we'll do now is the gold cap and then we will do the lighting this is the end of the free part of the course thank you very much for following along since you followed along the two tutorials we will give you an extra 25 off of the complete course if you want to see how we model the cap add materials light complete scene and finish the complete render you can visit our website go to academy and then get the complete course with the code YouTube 25 you will get an extra 25 percent I hope to see you along thank you very much for watching and have a good day
Channel: Opulent Switzerland
Views: 33,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Render, animation, 3D, artist, Rendering Service, Blender, Tutorial, CG, CGI, Blender glass, glass material, Blender Studio Lighting, Blender Professional Photos, Product Photos, Blender Tutorial, Glass
Id: pvocDpbArpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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