Masterclass Replay | Eliminating Toxic Words to Improve the Condition of Your Life

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[Music] all right father in the name of jesus we thank you for this time of fellowship thank you for your faith that you have caused to shine upon us in this hour and moment thank you for opening up the scriptures onto us we have this privilege because of jesus who prevailed to open the books by his own shed blood we gave him the lamb of god all the priests and glory for this in the mighty name of jesus christ amen and amen all right welcome this morning uh first of all let me say this i didn't know what i got myself into when i announced that i was going to do uh a teaching hair master class on the subject of um toxic words that you should remove out of your vocabulary or from your speech in order to not just dramatically improve your own life but to also dramatically improve the lives of people that are connected and associate with you as i began to study i realized that i had gotten myself into a vast sea and what i will call and endless unfolding of of divine wisdom in the scriptures which is impossible all right to be covered all right even even to cover each 10 of them of what is embedded in it you know when you're getting something and you are looking at it all right and and looking at it and it's and it's it's really all right father and distant i know that um there's much more to eat than what we uh see so we'll we'll go into it and see how far we can get all right before um we stop all right so let's start out from um first peter and chapter recording in progress 10. um just want to read something here first peter so let me just get the mix around people on all right first feature chapter 3 and verse 10. next time doing this stop you to me i don't worry i'll give you the scriptures so you just put it on put it up for me all right chapter 3 and verse 10 it says that for he that will love life all right he that will love life and see good deeds let him refrain his tongue from evil it says and his lips that they speak no guy so it simply doesn't even tell us that begin to say something positive about your life or begin to make powerful affirmations about your future it says to us that he that will love life and see good days that these are the instructions we want to give the person and it's the use of the talk and that's why the bible tells us if any man seems to be religious and we're going to say this morning we'll get a glimpse into why they can make such categorical statement if any man seems to be religious and bridles not his tongue he says but deceives his own heart that person's religion is vain in other words it's empty it's unproductive it seems to be religious it's a form of godliness that denies the power thereof so it says to us for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are opened to the prayers but the face of the lord is against them that do evil and the evil here will be let him refrain his tongue from evil and that his lips speak no god so it he will say this answers to prayers are hinged on this getting answers to prayers all right but he says if you will love life and see good days let him refrain now let me go to james chapter 3 and verse 2 he says for in many things all right my brethren be not many masters knowing that we shall receive greater condemnation i hope we'll get to that explanation of what that means it's not god that condemns what is men that will condemn he says for in many things we offend all okay if any man offended not in word or in speech he is able all right if any man of a not in word the same man it says is a perfect man if he offends not in word another transition says if he is not in speech he is a perfect man now he's not even saying if he's saying nice thing says if it is not in speech if this person doesn't offend any person all right and doesn't have what is called offensive speech this person is a perfect man and is able to bridle his whole body or we can say control his whole body now where did where did james get this scripture from for every scripture we see all right in the new testament there there is always right uh uh there's always a an old testament parallel in other words what happens is that they got it out of some scripture in the old testament because when they said all scripture is given by god and it's all right by the inspiration of god and it's protocol they were referring to that so where did james get that from he got it from psalm 39 and in the book of psalms psalm 39 and verse 1. sorry i'm 39 don't press some sometimes job comes out all right and verse 1 i said i will take heed to my ways that i sin not with my tongue i will keep my mouth with a bridle while the wicked is before me now the next verse in james it says we put all right bridles in horses mouths that they may obey us and we talk about their whole body now he got it from this i said i will take it to my waist that i seen not with my tongue now understand this is if a person doesn't sin with their tongue this person will have mastery over their entire body also if we go down to eat about sheep they will have all right control over the eventualities when it comes to when they go through circumstances they will determine with that same tongue where the ship of their lives will get to regardless of the type of wind that is blowing okay so regardless of the wind that is blowing it says the tongue will get you to that destination body starts out with this person who doesn't sing with their tongue the tongue that doesn't engage in offensive speech will control the body and that tongue will determine the destination of that life through the words that that person speaks but if that tongue engages in what we call offensive speech or you seen with the tongue then we will see this the tongue becomes on feet now to be used to move mountains and all right to offer up supplications unto god and that's why in james he was saying that you can't with one mouth bless god and with the same mouth curse me and this error in speech is not that now we have taken the confession message which is good so just the affirmations of good things about our future in judaism it was the effect of your words on other people in other words let your words be seasoned with salt that it might minister grace onto the hearers so when they spoke about erring in speech the wind talking about a person not saying well i'm going to prosper i will not process that's not what they really were focused on was how offensive what what effect does your words create upon people all around you now what it says is that's how we will determine or write certain things now let me just read something here about it we'll get back to this he says i said i will take you to my waist and sin not with my tongue i will keep my mouth the bridle while the weekend is before me and this is when the adversary is right before you and this pressure this is where it says that you mustn't that a person who has mastery all right who will gain mastery wounds won't respond or speak words they call sinful words because your adversary the bible says is like a roaring lion all right who goes about seeking whom he may devour and he always will need your own cooperation through words that you speak for him to be able to gain any form of entrance into the life of that person let's look at look chapter 11 here look chapter 11. and verse 53 and 54 i have to i have to treat this as a series in church because it's so fundamental and important it says and he said these things unto them luke 11 53 54 just to show you what when the weekend is for what the adversary wanted to do to jesus and he said these things unto them the scribes and the pharisees began to urge him vehemently and to provoke and that's what the psalmist was saying in psalm 39 the wicked is for me trying to provoke him to speak of many things laying wait for him seeking to catch something out of his mouth that they might accuse him so they which means that the accuser of the brethren your adversary all right brings in things to provoke those situations there the provocation it's not the issue but then so that the person speaks uses their tongue wrongly and then he can now gain entrance and find occasion to be able to all right come in and hurt that particular person now if we go to psalm 34 if before just just look at some things of the words here psalm 34. i want to show you something here verse 7 this thing is so fundamental it says the angel of the lord psalm 34 from verse 7 encompass around about them that fear him that fear him that fear him the angel of the lord encompassed round about them that fear him that's the condition they are this they encircle the life it's strong angelic presence and deliberate them so they surround the person and deliver the person or taste and see the lord is good then he says blessed is the man that trusts death in him now so you see divine all right we say deliverance here all right to them that fear him now he says oh fear the lord that's the first thing he said ye he says for there is no want to them that fear him so we see divine provision again we say deliverance coming from fear angels and campaign which means divine protection and deliverance in time of trouble we also see no wants to them that fear him then he says the young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the lord shall want shall not want any good thing calm ye children hacking unto me and i will teach you the fear of the lord so the angels encompass around those that fear him and deliver and there is no want to them that fear him now we're going to divine intelligence here then the next thing says come and i will teach you what that fear of the lord means what was it verse 12 what man is he that deserves life and love that many days that he may see good keep thy tongue from evil this is the fear of the lord and thy leaps that they speak no guile that's exactly where peter got it everybody was pulling out of what you call old testament that's where the intelligence was depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it for the eyes of the lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers now so let's look at daniel who experienced an angelic presence and when he was in the lion's den and trace it to something in daniel chapter six here now someone come and say well what i'm saying is god will protect him god to protect me but but but listen listen look at what happened daniel six there's a reason that hell cheeks it says verse 20. and when he came to the den that's the king the king arose in the night in very early and went in his to the den of lions now we know that everyone knows the story from school and when he came to the den he cried with a lamentable voice from the daniel and the king speak and said to daniel oh daniel servant of the living god is thy god whom thou serve is continually able to deliver now look the fear of the lord he says is the key to deliverance and angelic presence that we said and what is not true of the lord words that you didn't say you didn't speak evil in your lips there was no guy now look at what he says here then danielle said was able to deliver this from lions then i said oh king live forever my god hath sent his angel and hath shot the lion's mouth that they have not cut me for as much as before him as god innocente was found in me that is i did no wrong i didn't it wasn't by transgression that i got into the situation the second and o king and also before thee o king i have done no hurt that word hurts there was what literally means i have not behind your back use words ever to damage you in the presence of others that's what he will say he understood the law of divine protection so you work in a company work in an organization you have superiors want to get into it your tongue must never be used to undermine anybody in the hierarchy of authority all right never you should never get into gossip or any and see what is known as gossip and judgmental speaking these things are very common which means that satan has integrated these things into the the culture of people in other words there are seven sins cardinal sins that are committed with the tongue one is judgment we'll look at this in this one is which you are judgmental all right you pass judgment will define what it means so you don't get into bondage the second is gossip is the is the deadliest it is described as the most wicked of all words because it destroys the plan and the purpose of god on the earth a church where there is gossip the glory of god can never rest in the midst of the people no matter how much they first pray a family a a marriage where one party gossips behind listen that that that is the big that is that is the entry of satan into that union to dissolve it now if these seven cardinal things are removed out of your speech that's what he was talking about he says that it it says it says the tongue can boast among our members it defileth the body we're gonna see it it poisons the body this kind of speech i will show it today is at the root cause of sickness and ailments now it's not that people are saying i'm sick i'm symptom no no but this kind of speech it poisons that's what it says the body and sets the whole course of that person which means anywhere you find trouble that everything somebody has used their tongue this way on somebody else all right so let me just read what um um jewish rabbi said okay they said the tongue used for the purposes that hashem that god intended the mouth attains the status of a holy object like a vessel of the holy temple which enables the sacrifices to make their journey from earth to heaven the mouth enables words of prayer are learning to ascend but it possesses even more power than that because it is also the means by which a man is able to draw the holiness of heaven down to the earth a loaf of bread becomes sanctified by words of blessing the pronouncement of 120 words 121 words constitutes the key part of creating a holy bond of marriage between a man and women because it's through their tongue they do it and that bond is formed with 54 words a glass of wine is elevated to the status or right of the holy thing through the mouth each jew they says has been given the power to imbue the world his world with holiness with power however like the vessel in the temple which was called the cliches the mouth can become in pure and thoughts on feet to fulfill its function where one where i want to place and all right it's called an unkosher offering in the vessel of the holy temple the vessel will be defiled in other words there is something is called unclean that's what it means if you place it in the vessel something that is unclean you defile the vessel and back then that vessel therefore will be set aside and cannot be used all right let everybody just come in i can't be going to mix alarm now all right everybody to do this i'll have to go through something but just come to zoom right because i have to be setting up and because i'm not using my usual mixer facility i don't want to disturb myself so let's just put it on zoom yeah okay all right however all right it can become impure and that's what uh the prophet was saying when he said i'm a man of unclean lips in other words i'm a prophet he says but my lips sound clean it's a pure and thoughts on feet to fulfill its function it will be rendered useless as an instrument for serving hashem in exactly the same way when one uses his mouth they say to speak the forbidden words it becomes defiled this is why evil speech incapacitates the jew rendering him unable to effectively produce words of prayer and letting for which he was created all right so i'll go on with this here and start looking at the effects and what these words are which means um these negative words what they really are all right so that we understand um what these words are i want to look at we we can't we can't we can look at everything today but want to look at there are seven cardinal things that a person uses their tongue okay in that is wrong now so words are to be used on people there's the purpose of words a dimension of it all right words are to be used on people to help them manifest the image of god that is on the inside of them that's why it says you come with one mouth bless god and the same mouth cursed men who are created in the image of god your words must never diminish the image of god that is in people am i going to say this words are the protein that hydrate in an individual the possibilities of god within the life of that person if that person never throughout their entire life they are surrounded by people who speak words that undermine god's image in them they will never all right be able to fulfill destiny on the earth never in fact we're going to see research has shown if there's one individual in the life of that person that remains there who is undermining that person continuously with words damaging that person with words regardless of the type of mentors that are in the life of that person that one person will hold that person back from fulfilling that destiny unless a total disconnection is made from that individual i'll show that's why the bible says one sinner does much does much damage one sinner life and death therefore i earned the power of the tongue we've got to move first here all right words out of our mouth can either heal or hurt and there's the words we're talking about here the way you use them because if you feel here then you can't all right now use them all right in those other places words will either bring reconciliation or words will bring division and we are ambassadors of christ who should be in the business here of reconciliation by our words men are called into their destiny or they are shattered as christians we are commissioned to be ambassadors of life to others to speak blessings into their lives and not curses ephesians 4 and verse 29 says that we are to minister grace unto the hears in isaiah it says morning by morning he openeth my ear gives me the tongue of the limit that i may know how to speak to him that is weary now positive words are verbal nutrients all right let me just say this please i don't want distractions now when i finish teaching then people can come up with or i post so all right please okay um all the um please i'm i'm not doing anything again all right people should just stop posting anything that is there when we do the replay then there'll be adjustments because this is getting distracting okay thank you now positive words are verbal nutrients that hydrate the entire being so i say when lacking which means when these words are not available then what happens is god's purposes for the life of that person are left dormant now so so you you can understand all right you can understand and this goes even to somebody who is leading a team in an organization a ceo or whatever it is they say they give you quote and unquote five loaves and two pieces of fish and people say what is this among so many talking and speaking in terms of the type of people that you have now if you understand that words are protein they are nutrients that can cause possibilities to come out just like jesus looked to heaven and blessed you can speak to those people and create giants out of a ragtag army that will take the world that's why david was given people that were broken all this but he understood the power of words it is with words speaking certain words into the hearts of people that the image of god emerges in them and you see a mighty force negative words produce verbal toxins that poison the soul and damage the body so what you do literally is that you poison the souls of people all right you poison somebody can poison sorts of people and eventually damage the body and i'll show how this happens and you say it in scripture it directly damages the body so if there are negative critical words that always spoken to somebody then that person's confidence is destroyed and god's possibilities in the life of that individual crushed if jesus could do no mighty work surrounded by people who were not speaking to the image of god that was in him but calling him a capital sauna and all of that and he could do no mighty works that jesus who was anointed with the holy ghost and with power then you understand how impossible it is all right so there is a massive rule every single person has there's a massive rule every teacher has there's a massive role every leader has that's why it says be not many masters will receive greater condemnation that's what i was talking about speech all right you have access to somebody less like you know the words you speak will determine whether or not they will allow you again into their presence because what they are doing comes as a result of the constant manifestation of the hidden image of god that is on the inside of them and that cannot be undermined and so you have the business here to to be i mean paul talked about he says adam was a living soul god oh sorry but the second man is a life-giving spirit or a quickening spirit and that's a rule to be a quickening spirit to give life on to people around with the use of our words and when we do that these things are going to come back all right to us in multiple forms so critical words okay negative and critical words all right a person's confidence is destroyed and god's possibilities are crushed spoken words can therefore administer let me just stop it is there a problem with the audio please can you hear me no let me just ask all right can some people hear me loud and clear all right so please since some people can hear me loud and clear the fault cannot be from my end all right since there are people who can and a lot of people can hear loud and clear so the adjustment has to be made on the end of the person who who has the problem all right okay thank you so much okay so spoken words can administer death or spoken words can administer life okay um now let's let's let's just look at just just follow me in this scriptures here the use of this uh quickly uh the only two words i'm going to two types of speech i'm going to address today and gossip and judgmental speech all right and show what they are i mean we can't go beyond that now proverbs chapter 15 here now you begin to understand your rule even as a parent as a as as as somewhat in authority all right you begin to understand giving of life even if it's school teacher listen if students pass through a teacher the teacher understands that i'm a mathematics teacher i'm an english teacher i'm a biology i teach biology i i teach chemistry but the most important role i play in the lives of these children or arithmetic or or what you call it now all right whatever it is you're teaching but you understand that the most important rule is that every child here before they leave this place not only will they understand biology or understand chemistry or understand arithmetic or understand social science or understand government the image of god will radiate brightly on the inside of them and when they become adults a lot of the things that they will be doing the audacity the confidence they will have will come because somebody somewhere and this is what you've got to understand the world is to feel is full of evil in other words the propensity of words that's why gossip magazines sell all these gossip things sell because human nature has a propensity for that and gossip is what is the most wicked listen gossip is what takes you away from divine assistance of all forms of speech on this earth and itself now proverbs 15 let's just look at this here proverbs 15 and verse 4 it says a wholesome tongue is a tree of life but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit the word bridge there means crushes or breaks the spirit so a whole some tongue proverbs 15 4 is a tree of life but perverseness in speech crushes the spirit now if you go to same proverbs 15 and verse 13 it says a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken so a person can speak words they'll just bring sorry you know you can come across until just say something to you in the morning and you have this they just sorrow that comes in your heart and it says by it the spirit is broken or you crush that spirit now the danger there is that if we go to proverbs 18 the danger there is proverbs 18 and verse 14 the spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear literally means the spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness or the spirit sustains the body for as the body without the spirit all right is dead that means the life of the body is in the spirit so once the spirit is broken and it's a pervert strong that breaks the spirit then that spirit that sustains him in sickness can no longer do the word of walk of sustaining the body because he's wounded that's why he goes on to say this in proverbs 18 14 the spirit of a man will sustain all right his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear another says a broken spirit all right is dryness to the bones that's the worst is one of the spirit because of having good dryness to the bones in other words when the spirit is broken what he's saying is that the the body has no help to heal itself because the body you're right you see that the body heals itself now that healing there is a function of the spirit if you want this weight if you damage the spirit and the only way you do that is with words you can't damage the spirit with a with a stick you can't damage i mean what do they say is um stones sticks and stones won't break my uh and all of that all right i was sick so i might break my butt but words will do me no harm all right words actually don't damage the body but words damage the spirit and when the spirit is damaged then what happens is it can't sustain the body again that healing thing can happen and eventually happens now let me read a study here i got from someone who did some research over it and he said i have witnessed it over and over again in teachers and coaches who back berating words that attack a child's self image the teacher gets his needs met at the expense of the child in other words you have teachers that that that that you know angry and maybe something has happened in their what we don't know what it is but they come and and back berating words that attack this child's image and they have some satisfaction or release of a negative energy them by saying those things to the child now this is what they said their impact is longer lasting they saw the children on education and their negative effect destroys the effort of so many skilled kind of professionals that can be around that child it is of no matter this is what it says how many positive mentors a student has at school one negative insensitive caustic adult can spoil the whole environment for the child so we want to look at this i want to look at this this one look at here that when we bring our words around what someone says well when i was a child experience that now i'll show you how how speaking right words now and removing um what was done to you making sure you don't do it to others because that's what happens many people are doing it to others it was done to them so all right and then you do it now if you don't do it to others the healing process will show this actually starts your spiritual immune system all right kicks in and what you're going to have is the healing process that starts so when we bring our words under the control of the spirit of god our spiritual and fiscal immune system is regenerated and strengthened a spirit man builds immunity now when you so you can't change your past but if you remove toxic i'm saying this here words out of your own vocabulary what was done to you you don't do it all right to anybody you make sure you don't do it to anybody okay what happens is you build your own spiritual immune system you get healed of the wounds of the past you get healed from the abuse of the past verbal abuse of the past all right your spiritual and immune system is regenerated and strengthened a spirit man builds immunity to verbal attacks that are sent away in the future healing takes place in our soul from caustic words of parents in the past or who made mistakes friends who gossiped about us this normal damaging words will lose all right will lose this normal damaging words will lose their impact on us and will become offense proof okay so if we obey and this issue will get you your spiritual immune system well uh well i'm damaged today because of what they said to me but there's a system in god that if you all right now begin in your way to administer life to others your spiritual immune system and even fiscal immune system all right will get regenerated and all right words that are normally damaging you are strengthened lose their impact on us and you become a friend's proof in other words you're going people say all kinds of things to you about you and all of that it all just dust off your shoulder you came on because your immune system is now strong your spirit man all right is now very strong but if you play the victim you weaken yourself and further spread the pain in your heart and deeply hurt other people also and then you keep all right weakening your own self and you are more susceptible to what people will say so there are certain types of words you must remove from your speech number one gossip number two judgmental all right well call judgmental speaking when says judge not and i'll explain what it means not to judge all right criticism okay negativity anger murmuring or complain okay now we will also god help us with time here show the difference between when the bible says that love covers a multitude of sin but love doesn't cover up that does not mean you should cover up in other words you work in an organization and people are doing things within the system to destroy that organization the policies the procedures the laws there when it says love covers the multitude of sin is not referring to that that's a cover up you follow what i'm saying and when you're a christian and you're dealing with a christian we try to go into it how you address such issues okay when when we get there because it's one of the things that is even destroying us in this part of the world where people being involved in covering up so people can work in an organization work in a place people are doing things that are detrimental to other people and all of that now so let's start with the most wicked of all words okay and it's gossip gossip can be defined as the sharing of information about a person all right to another person where that person you are sharing it with is not part of the problem of that individual nor part of the solution to the problem all right so if uh let's just assume a child is in school and the child has started now this is what now you think about this as a prayer a child god forbid not your child now but a child is now associating with somebody who let's say has real bad behavior and got into a group and and they have a propensity to start going into illicit drugs and somebody gets up sees it and let's say a friend and tells the parent of that child that listen this what's going on i think an intervention is needed to get him out of this circle it can be with a change of school and a change of environment to save him from this relationship that he has from that's not gossip because that person is passing information he didn't pass it to other friends pass that information to somebody who is in the position to help that person in other words that information was passed across in a redemptive way now that's not you are not into gossip now gossip is when you are saying something to people which you just get up until i start telling people which the person involved cannot help so you are sharing it there the information there so that not part of the problem they don't know anything about it okay all right neither can i will they be of any solution to the problem in the life of that person so it is the broadcast of someone else's failure to others without any redemptive value gossip is the worst because it actually carries divisive and therefore destructive power okay it lasts longer than every other form of speech you look at and it travels further you see when you go and gossip to somebody and you cannot control again where those words will get that's why the bible says it's like a little spark that sets the whole uh wheel of that person's life on a wheel on fire okay which means the whole cycle which not only does it poison the body it sets on fire so you can poison a person's body will say that but you can set on fire the whole cycle of human existence now you gossip about somebody you tell somebody that one goes to their own family meeting and says it you have lost control that's why it's so dangerous you can no longer control where that information is going through and it's of no redemptive and the the person that could have helped was just one person you know you're talking around the whole place all right and that's why it spreads one act of gossip can lead all right to it right destroying a life okay because it begins to take its own life independent of you and starts expanding and destroying all rights the person and it can last for 30 years it can last for the entire life of that person what was said how many people today i mean to be frank we formed the classmates group and i asked somebody about someone i said why is personality and the person you remember one wine school this happened and this person went and said this this this about that person and the person is just not comfortable being inside the group because of something that happened in 19 1981 82 82 now 40 years ago all right not only do you harm the life of that person and you can you can harm the life of that person also everybody that participated in sharing the information their own condition of their life is endangered by what you started because everybody who shares it and carries the news right and you know and they too have come under some negativity there so you'll be saving yourself you'll be saving that person and you'll be saving a whole lot of humanity by keeping your mouth shut proverbs 6. let me show you what happens here proverbs 6 verse 16. it goes down it says verse 16. these six things that the lord hates yeah seven an abomination unto him a proud look lying tongue sick the tongue comes several times hand that sheds innocent blood a heart that devices wicked imagination feet that be swift in running to mischief a false weakness that speaks lies we'll get into it that's slander and he that soweth discord now why is it that he that swears this god so so so so so heavier with god because jesus in john chapter 17 verse 22 and 23 he said all right verse 20 in his high priestly ministry prayer which he offered before he was raised from dead for the church this is his prayer for the church the body he says neither pray i for this alone but for them that shall believe on me through their word that they all may be one look how many times he wanted unity in that prayer as thou father acted me and i indeed that they may also be one in us look how many times said one here he says that the world may believe that thou sent me which means this is the only way the world is going to believe that they may be one and the glory which thou gives me i give unto them that they may be one even as we are one this is the main thing says okay one yes i in them that would mean that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou all right as thou has sent me and has loved me as i love them as thou has also loved me so that oneness so he that soweth discord is walking contrary all right to the purpose of god you see all these things we do you know when we say one take somebody into a department or unit into each other these are the things you should teach people here because there's no amount of skill anybody has if the person is in gossip that person is destroyed that person is just what that person's skill is almost like what you call trojan horse a greek gift who comes in to do more damage but the point of entry is the skill set of that person you know they called the trojan horse there where when they wanted to get into all right the civilization they gave them a treasure house was the greek gift and got him purpose can only be fulfilled in unity and he that's worth discord therefore walks against the purpose of god so there's one thing you must take out of your mind all right and i'm going to show you how to do it when people start gossip how to handle it if anybody brings it to you what to do so be very practical okay if you're in an area where they are saying it what to do because you don't even want to hear it you don't want to touch it at all that pain is demonic types of gossip there's the rumor manga there's the tail bear all right the rumor manga you hear something negative about a person i know that this might not be true you have no proof that what you have heard is true or factual and when we get to judgmental spiritual realize that many things you hear are neither true nor as it is all right but it is damaging to the image of that person and you casually mention it to someone else and it begins to spread in exodus chapter 23 and verse 1 thou shalt not raise a false report and put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness verse 2 thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil and this goes to social media you join in you have no proof of those things just joining with people now we don't have time today you if you're joining people all right any accusation in the courts of heaven that satan is trying to push once you enter into those things you open the door for him say god i can nail this guy on this thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil neither shall thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment a tale bearer is slightly different from the rumor manga so the roman manga is just rumors out there you are calling the rumors you are retweeted you are pushing it on what's up you have no proof what was the temptation to spread something you don't have it you don't have any proof that this is so you say we want to save the world save the world or what as it concerns somebody else i mean you think about if somebody started a lie about you on switch on what's up on the spray how would you feel about it what i mean why do you want to share it about something that i mean if they say there's something on the road that thieves under that's what we're talking about we are saying that something that damages the life of another person that's what we're talking about that's because it's personal a tale bearer reveals secrets now the rumor manga doesn't have is just rumor what the tail bear is a revealer of secrets in other words in your interaction with people they are secrets that you may know and the tail bearer reveals the secret of others you know by association with the people or by association two in a place you may have heard it from somebody see let me say this to you you are walking inside an office that there's a young lady there who had a child when she was in school what's your business what's what you came to the office to walk that you're getting yourself involved all right in rumor mongering until being and i'm telling you that's what that's what daniel was saying that no nothing touched him because he didn't participate in this these juicy gists it'll be a revealed secret by others you never talk to the person about it you don't pray for that person all right but you habitually uncover other people's private life and you are doing it in a secret in other words for that other person not to know about it that's proverbs chapter 11. and verse 13 he'll tell bearer revealeth secrets but he that is of a faithful spirit will conceal a matter i'm telling you that listen look a generation of appearance as it looks as just goes down the culture just begins to worsen and there were secrets that they held in fact my elder sister was telling me that just before my father died he told us certain things said look now that i'm going i want to tell you some things and told them and those are things they help in terms of what they may know about other people i know about these just for instructions on how to administer things they kept it today people find joy in going on social okay all right to reveal and to say that okay now so there's a difference you look at it from covering love covers a multitude of sins first peter chapter four and verse eight and there's a difference here with covering up for example many years ago i was going to make an appointment and somebody in leadership who was close to me she called me and said i am privy to this particular situation in the life of this person you want to make an appointment all i feel i am in a position to inform you because if this thing blows up the church is going to be embarrassed by these persons occupying this type of position because i had asked the leaders for nominations and in the nomination some people had nominated the person and one of them doing the nomination called me aside and said look i've heard the nomination of this person these people this is what is going on okay now it's now left for me i never till dates have mentioned it to anybody neither to the person that was involved but i've been praying for that person concerning it and i began to see major improvements in the life of that person in that particular area now what that person didn't do was not now that person had held it didn't say anything we've known this person for ten twelve oh no no didn't say anything but it was when edition was come and say look this thing is going on here in this place here i can blow up okay now you want to it's my business that's not that's not that person is not uncovering the other person which means it's not just being carried around we'll look at it okay well i'll talk about it later now the next one here in gossip is there's the rumor manga there's the tail bearer there's the busy body and honestly i actually think this is i mean because of time women obviously look at this but remember and when i was praying about this god should be conscious remember that when the blood was applied sprinkling after the passover was sacrificed and the blood was applied they were told that they must stay within their house okay you must stay in those and what would be the spiritual connotation of that today all right you stay indoors and you will see here that he that or she that will make the most progress in life will mind their business as the bible says study to be quiet and mind your own business there is no value in jesus see second thessalonians 3 and verse 11. says for we hear this policy that there are some of you that walk that some which walk among you disorderly working not at all and i don't know what they used to tell us why you are young i'll do this is the devil's workshop or something all right that the devil finds work for i do have they are correct they are actually correct because it says here it says desire working not at all but are busy bodies and all that's why it says mind of anybody who is focused on where they're going to work they don't have time for these things all right now first timothy this is what i want to show here chapter 5 and verse 13. it says and with all they learned to be idols i was talking to timothy about widows so you can always say that i do next comes with this busy body all right i do wandering about from house to house and not only i do but tatler's also and busy bodies speaking things which they ought not so you begin to wander from house to house this way you don't stay in your own house and and focus on your own business you're going house to house there so what are you looking for just to sit down and chat and allow the discussion all right to now be driven to people this is the busy body now so there are some people that come in and you start a conversation with them after two three minutes they must start talking about other people all right if a person is a minister they don't talk about revelation they don't talk about where they're going to talk about the work that they have to do they are talking about other ministers this is the violation of the blood covenant all right where you should even stay in your own house go from house to house all right and this is just about too much free time you start keeping tabs on other people's lives looking for stories all right on other people so looking for stories that's the busy body here how do i get into these things have where we get into you see the kind of destructive nature these type of words have then you have the slander who slanders now slander is not all this one we're talking about is jest okay tail bearer is carrying rumor manga he's just had something and he's saying it's participating in rumors the tail bear is revealing secrets that probably are true all right the busy body is going around for cheese but the person who is a slanderer who from falls under a category of gossip is one who manufactures which means i want to damage this person's life so let me go and manufacture things to see about this person now this is why i just want to say this here okay in in in this christian matter you have to operate in discernment and follow the spirit in relationships once you're uncomfortable in any relation association with any person and what creates the discomfort are words you hear come out of this person's mouth about somebody else that shocks you they talk about people that trust them they are seen to be investigative brethren that are trying to look for listen i beg you in the name of god just quietly detach yourself from relating paul said it said we told you not to keep company with them who are among you that walk disorderly and one of the things he says here is busy body okay in other people's matters once that person is like that just withdraw because let me say this here if you don't i've told you the rumor manga can once they start talking once it gets to your case and they start talking they have no control over what they are saying how far it will go and where it will be once it comes out like a bird that is let out of the cage it flies you don't have any control over the bodies when the blood was in the cage that you had control once you open it to your other contract go anywhere all right so and it can last for 30 years you don't want to have to be engaged in spiritual warfare simply because you did not and and let me give example here all right you don't have to explain to people you see there are many things as a christian that your answer should simply be um the spirit of god or i led me who stopped i know why not nothing because you don't want to get into judgmental speech and i'll show this so the holy spirit doesn't have to give you an explanation complete as to why he no longer wants you in certain circles he just has to make you uncomfortable with those circles and you wisely all right put yourself out of all right those are many people who are hurting today in life whose careers have been tampered with all right and maybe they understand spiritual warfare so they allow those things to actually affect them marriages that have been affected because of people rumor manga and all these people all right and people that do this use associations to build credibility now the slander is someone who comes and deliberately manufactures false information in other words let's just manufacture fault information so you can do that and say let's just put this out on social media or something that's the syndrome okay so generate or to harm another and finally all these things come from people all right that you have had or have put an unquote some form of relationship with that's why once you are not comfortable don't let your emotions override your sense of judgment don't let any form of attachment override that better sense of judgment for we see with paul that when he perceived they shouldn't go on that journey and they went in they started praying god told them he said i can't save i can save your life but the sheep and the goods will be lost you have to start all over again so when you perceive you don't need any other thing you are not insulted you are not saying if they ask you why you're not telling anybody that i'm no longer sitting with this person because they sound like you're just uncomfortable that's it you are good you are moving something else they you don't have any bad things to say about the person you are just uncomfortable this is how god runs his business with you all right some 101 that's why you will see now that you want to get in depth of this word you see that that's why it says whosoever all right he says does not air all right okay doesn't offend his speech is able to govern his whole body because our offense offenses which is why it's talking about time you don't see these things the measure of discipline that is in your life you'll be able to control stuff so psalm 101 verse 5 who so privately slandered his neighbor him will i cut off is what god said him will i cut off so i don't know why you are still staying with people who behave like this god himself said he's over him will i cut off all right him that have a high look and a proud heart will i not suffer okay so that's slander and you should never be involved in that right and you should be the kind of person who when they bring rumors i'm saying this as a positive circumstance that you don't judge by the sight of your hearing of your ears that's what the bible says the grumbler all right and the grumble is this type of person who's a kind of gossip but the nature of this person is that you are in a room with that person with with people and that person is there somebody steps out of the room they say you know the grand black and then the jesus now starts on that person well you know this person and that they're people like that they're what you call grumblers and the problem with such character types is in gratitude because if you call that person that they are rumbling about back into the room and that person tells you in his interaction or interaction that you will find out that this person is no as it will say it's not a good person the grumbler is the one who waits until the person leaves the room then they criticize the person they undermine all right attack so they can have a boss that can have people and as a person walks out you know they mix all right and that person and then start that's a grumble so what do you do as a person when people come to gossip to you so we we are practical about this right number one in a one-on-one situation once the person starts you're having a conversation about um what you had for lunch and you're talking about the kind of food you like or whatever it is you're talking about some business or something you're talking about career about ideas you're talking about all right we're talking about things inside all right the church and how she do that and you see a person who has this stuff once after two three minutes kicks in and the person starts and you know they're going in the line of rumor monday my hotel guy switch off first of all shut down let the person know you have shut down then change the conversation that's how you review the person so the person starts you know this video just say well your team is chelsea change the conversation oh you went to the school change the conversation a vision tries to go back again change the conversation immediately all right and talk about all things now that's when it's directed at you now you do that the first time now if it's inside a group i'm telling you this where it is not directed at you but this is just just inside the group and rumor mongolian all right and even if it's a what's up chat group all right what you do is you leave the scenario there and you walk away leave the place go there is the office put on your headphones let them see that you put on your headphones i'm telling you and move out of that space because well we'll look at it later on we'll find out even the person who listens in can be held guilty in the courts of heaven if it is someone you know and is in your space who does it all right and the person not just does it once but the person has the habit all right has studied that habit has started creeping into that person and the person now begins to come back and it is just even if you're a couple you can't go to church or go to work and you sit down as a you are looking for trouble in that marriage all right because that spirit is trying to enter into your own marriage okay you can't make the marriages about people that's what's your fellowship revealing secrets of people and gist see my father let me tell you this there was a day i went to meet my mother we were talking about something and i was asking her cancel on something it was it was it was it was serious but it involved somebody else and she was finding something and she said uh so she said this thing you are telling me she now called my father how am i here with your son you say no my father looks he said i don't do gossip and he left he told me and my mother i don't because if i say it's not gossip he's saying something he said i don't i don't do gossip you can't be you know in your you are the you are the you are the head of the house you are the facilitator of course so later on she went to the room she now told him what i was saying now came to me in my room to talk about it you should not forget if it's a family and you're the father and the husband you're the head of the house it was the responsibility of the head of the house to kill the passover and to sprinkle the blood on the doorpost you are the protector of that family from the destroyer a woman might even come home with the propensity there because when we have friends to talk about that things use your responsibility to say look this should stop here not you are the one who is the father of gossip i just don't want to get into it because some people don't get here but if we go into the spiritual dimensions of what is happening with the accuser of the brethren in the court of heaven and that conversation you know that everybody participating in it is opening up their lives to certain things all right i've got to finish at night because i have to be at rhema all right for the graduation ceremony at 10 a.m so i've got to be on time so let me just quickly go through so there's a difference between covering sins and covering up saints we've said this all right to reveal people's sins and failure to another person in just private discussions to uncover that person so gossip is to uncover another which means that just doing needs that's your conversation if you become aware of a past failure or weakness love demands you cover that person and do not repeat that information to any other person but to cover up is different and this has nothing to do with it being personal to cover up has to do now with a person who is being harmful i mean i mean are you saying that somebody killed somebody and runs into a house and the police are looking for that person and you say that you are not love converts a multitude of sins so you hide the person inside your house and say lord is covering what you're saying why you can't hear people crying on tv they're broken family is broken because this mudra you say but you're keeping them so when they come and catch you you come and say well i was practicing scripture first peter he says love covers a multitude of sins that's not what the scripture is saying all right sorry okay so if you are placing the position in an organization and practices are going on in that organization within that space and a lot of born-again christians need to know this because you have people that say we are born again and doing bread rain inside the office and they are destroying that office and destroying the culture of that office because they are covering up for their own breakthrough saying that we go to the same church they are born again and that um what is say it not in this and save not here all right and and start quoting the wrong scriptures and they are reuniting that organization now the worst thing to do is to sit and know something that will damage the collective good of an organization in which you walk in and you participate in not and you're happy about it that the people who could make an informed decision to save the organization from destruction if they had this information are not aware of it and you think that you are being smart so if you're placing a position an organization and practices are going on within the space which are against policies societies procedures and laws of that place the laws of the land all right that's why law they can tell called you as an accomplice they'll arrest you and and that you knew about about it you didn't say anything okay and you choose to cover it to the detriment of the entire organization harmful to the lives of other people the jobs of other people and damage comes to the whole because strategic information was kept from decision makers you are covering up if you are in position and become aware as a christian that another christian brother or sister for example is inflating reimbursements that they are making let's say based on travel or other things there and doing corrupt stuff now your responsibility as the christian after you have prayed for this person is to call the person and inform the person asking that person to go and report themselves that you won't report now you will give the person the opportunity to go because that's the fastest way that that person can maintain their integrity and salvage the situation you can pray with the person that god grants you a messy in the eyes of this person and that if it comes back to me i will help you and put a good word for you that this was a mistake you made but you have to report yourself to the organization and inform those in authority all right okay about what happened if they fail to do it then the honest therefore rise upon you lies upon you to go and inform haven't told that person to do it that is not to uncover but failure to do that is to practice what is called the cover-up if it's dangerous and you say well the culture in this place is so sipped into this particular type of practice that it becomes dangerous because it can and as we found it in book of isaiah that he that departed from evil made himself a prey and you understand that there's a huge conflict that is going on here and you cannot go out there and just stand up for that then your liberty to go to god here and begin your exit out of that organization to resign for the place all right the second one we look at that council continues all time on these is judgment when the bible says judge not so people understand what it means now we've taught talked on gossip at least to high level here all right there's seven of them that's why i said i i didn't know what i was getting myself into when i when i got when i was announcing this and saying 90 minutes okay now judge not and this puts a lot of people under condemnation because people don't know what it means to judge okay and people say something so that sometimes people even rumor on the rumor they say why are you judging that person don't judge me that's rumor that's that's rumored all kinds of things there now to judge all right and it's a subject that has to be explained what type of speech is therefore regarded as being judgmental to judge is to make an evaluation or as to value or all right as the value quality of another person by someone who thinks he or she knows why the other doing what they do now when you use judgmental speech you have started sitting as a judge over somebody and you believe you know what motivated the person to do that and you therefore utter that word so to judge now so so let me let me just say this here this will amount to judgmental now this is not remember somebody comes to work and they're walking pop pump pum pum pum they walked past three people and they said good morning good morning good morning and this person didn't answer and i entered into the video and went and then you saw that and then said this person is a very arrogant person full of pride now you have made a judgment as to the value of that person the way that person is based on your own decision because you assume you know something about the heart of a person you don't know now let me tell you what happens then you come out and find out later on when you now go and tell somebody that can you imagine this person walk by this person is so arrogant very as i said over and the person says well the person has god forbid disciples two of their family members maybe this person's parent or something was involved in an accident they were rushed into hospital he was coming straight from that place to work so they were burdened by that now you know what you're saying is nonsense what you have just said is nonsense yet you have got to say to people that that person is this and this and this let me tell you a story here all right and she walks in the office there she told me a story and i did not i i didn't want to talk mr pastor i said i said many years ago when i joined this church i was ushering said that every time you come from your office then i'll come from my office to come and preach together you'll walk past i'll be at the door and i will greet you and you will not answer me said i was really upset today and i told myself i will never greet this man again then she said the day i decided i would not greet you again that next sunday you came and i didn't say anything and then you turned around and looked at me and said hi how are you how are you today he said i couldn't believe it now i think god just used it to show her that look all right because the reason why i wasn't answering was that all right even so like our robots um more so they'll tell their stuff don't talk to us when we're about to preach we are getting into the zone where every time you walk past with you but you say we're getting ourselves into the zone don't talk to me when i'm cunning this i know anytime i want to go and do something and don't talk to me they would say even if you hear that my house collapse don't tell me until i finish preaching and i get down now but you can make a judgment on that person as being arrogant without you understanding what the motivation is so you can look at peter and say peter you are a terrible man you deny jesus christ you are but you don't know the heart of peter to jesus that's why jesus knew the heart and he made his estimation based on the heart of the person i knew that somebody could be coming from a background where they would have been abused as a child already verbally abused they could have been and so they behaved in certain ways but you just say look at this person useless person now your passenger without knowing now what god is trying to tell you that the secrets of men's hearts are only known to me therefore you are not in any position when you see a person behaving in such a way to attribute it to something that you don't know nothing about shut up what you should do don't ever attribute it because you do not know all right so to judge is to make the revelation when we draw conclusions and tell others about why people acted in the way they did that is to judge to think you have knowledge of the heart of another and to know what is motivating another person is not given to any man nobody on that heaven has it that's why it tells us look at what god says about judgment that's why it says judgment is the reserve of god some let's just look at this psalm 44. psalm 44 i'm going to close here all right psalm 44 and verse 21 it says shall not god search this out for he knoweth the secrets of the heart for he knoweth only him knows the secret of that only him can search out you don't know it somebody may just have heart they don't have to tell you a miscarriage or something and they're behaving suddenly all right and you start saying all kinds of things about people all right let's look again jeremiah chapter just quickly run through the scriptures jeremiah 17 and verse 10 i the lord search the heart only him try the reigns even to give every man according to his ways i the lord he says i only search the heart and i only try the rates romans chapter 2 and verse 16. and the day when god shall judge the secrets of men by jesus only god knows those secrets and he will judge revelations chapter 2 so you don't know so somebody did something that's why you're just don't attribute it to something dunno if i will kill her children with death it says revelation 23 and all the churches shall know that i am he which such as the reigns and the heart and i will give to every man according to his own works so when you judge other people and attribute because you are not god you are in deception because you don't know and you are wrong because you don't know because even the person may not know it could be a trigger from their childhood it could be something all right when you judge others you're in deception you don't know the heart of another you are playing god and when you judge others then you get judged in other words you soon have people saying things about you that deep down on the inside are wrong attributed that's why it says judge not that you don't be judged now it's not saying god will judge he says you open yourself for people to come and say judging they'll be saying things about you they'll go out in your career and go and say that listen it's because of the things arrogant when it was something that had to do with something that was going on at home that you were captured they'll say you arrogant and they will make decisions based on that i need to create more pain that's what judgment means all right when you judge others others will judge you when you pass words of condemnation on others based on your judgment you equally get condemned so you you make this you don't yes somebody did something wrong but it's not your business to attribute to that person you know why they did what they did you don't you do not all right so i got to close here because of time it's 9 00 am i just touched on judgments all right in terms of speech so yeah they are they are they are massive things out there all right seven things mumbling complaining if you can get rid of these things all right and that's what god was telling them says we fasted you didn't take note he said because all these sins of the tongue are going on there they you speaking words of strife you're saying this you're not all right and all of that so if we can go deep into this and begin to eliminate this our lives will dramatically improve our tongue becomes a vessel all right in the holy temple that can transmute them because that's what the tongue is supposed to do well take spiritual sacrifices to heaven and that's what was being said in isaiah all right then i won't be able to take time now i have to um be and i guess we can it's a we're coming in a train all right to the place so you have to be there on time all right because you're gonna walk in and as with the team and the lecturers them all right um yes it is recorded um it's recorded i hope it's recorded madam technical person i didn't hear it's been recorded so i hope you recorded this i'm sure you did all right it's recording okay it's recording i can see it all right so i can sit on that all right so we'll play this tomorrow again on youtube all right at um 7 p.m youtube all right covenant nation all right god bless you all make available for sale we should be able to actually we should i mean we should be able to make this okay okay god bless you all and have a wonderful week but i'm gonna call you you know you know uh so you you know we have to continue this i mean we didn't even touch we didn't even um get scratched the surface of this stuff all right okay then god bless you you
Channel: The Covenant Nation
Views: 8,567
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Id: WPRIfW6w3tM
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Length: 91min 59sec (5519 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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