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[Music] fire [Music] [Music] [Music] empire [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] by a fire [Music] fire it again [Music] [Music] fire [Music] welcome to our studios from the covenant nation this is the icp mlw 2022 the international conference for pastors ministers leaders and church workers where we are being rekindled you know we're having the rekindling of the flames of revival and it's been an awesome four days this is the first day we've had a morning and afternoon session and will be the evening session will be coming up very soon um thank you for staying with us we know that you have been blessed thoroughly and we want you to invite other people to come and partake in what is going on here this is something that is necessary for the body of christ all of us are ministers all of us are called to minister the gospel of our lord jesus christ and so that is why this this conference is for everyone because we're all called my name is omalara williams and in the studio with me today i have two guests who are going to share their experience of um you know of icpmlw 2022 to my right is mr adeosho who is a minister here at the covenant nation and to my left i have mr yami ajibadi and here he's here in the capacity of somebody who is serving in um at the conference so he serves with the venue management department who you most people will call the temple keepers is a very noble service yes yes it is you know yes it is and they are here today to share the experience of this conference and how they are taking this beyond here with us today so you said the ocean what has been your experience you know this is not your first icp mlw absolutely not so what has been your experience since since this conference has started about icp mlw and this conference in particular i think it's been mind-blowing from the very world goal from the very first session that pastor budget is almost like you know you came into the conference you know rekindling the fire of revive flames of revival thinking revival should happen out there and he puts the mirror in our faces the revival should happen with you first you know it should start with you and then people can catch the flames yeah you know so that that was like an 11 000 vote joke you know the system just to wake one up that look this thing we're talking about you know there's more you know to it than you think originally so it's been mind-blowing and session after session it's been the the ministers have been consistent you know the messages has been consistent you know and it's gone deeper and deeper and deeper you know and um i mean this this is one conference i think one thing that has stood out the most for me at this conference is that the ministers have shared their vulnerabilities yeah you know making it look easy for other ministers to be able to follow because they've gone through this part before yeah and they shared the experiences of how they've you know gone through it and how they've come out of it you know and those are the principles that they are passing across so i think it's been it's been one of the most impactful that i've had the privilege to be part of that's great that's great so hold that thought we're going to come back to that so you've been serving and being part of the conference how has that experience been in the light of this you know revival starting within you within me um first thing is definitely you need to be focused to be able to do both so that you don't take the mary ministry while you should be doing the other so many times i find myself really trying to focus once the event start and then immediately after i have to adjust at the same time and it's been an honor i have to look at it in that sense that i'm getting to serve god and in fact this is a great place to practice the very things that were being taught it's that it's in the middle of things it's in the everyday service people just doing it from a different mind frame and it's been absolutely amazing oh wow so there you have it my people the the one thing that we've heard over and over again is that the revival really is about you the flame of revival needs to burn you and burn out the impurities purify you you know cause righteousness to emanate from you and with that you can then get the opportunity to influence other people and like um yeah me said it's from the um little things you know it's from the little things it's from our service to god but most importantly not just the external things but from within us what we're doing the way that we're serving god from within us what the the practice the little things the basic things praising god worshipping god you know um strengthening our faith starting from the place of worship and starting from the place of prayer and um if we serve god from that not about being seen you know and if the end is not where you'll be seen you know and serving god from that point of view on point of real true service um that's where our worship starts from and then um we can have the flame of revival so now we've received this this all this instruction and we are poised to be burnt by the flame of revival right but how do we ignite others in ministering here the covenant nation how do we take this out there and ignite others i think pastor project has given us some sort of prescription of how to go about this he is giving us an instruction to take 30 days you know just going to the place of prayer seeking god's face um it is from that place you know just like moses went up the mountain came down after 30 days after 48 after 40 days and it was he was a group people could see the glory of god on him the same way we got to also go through that process yes we've heard all the messages we've received all the instructions yeah we've got to go personally carry out those instructions to build ourselves up you know and then when we come out the fire is easy to catch you know it's easy for people to see that there's a difference something has changed in this individual and then they'll be able to follow you know so when you speak when they see the changes people will already be eager to know what exactly is going on so when you start to speak they will understand where that is coming from that you first you've been changed you've been bumped you've been purified yeah and so you've come out yeah so i have an idea of the kind of work that you do and you coach people isn't it so how is this gonna how is this experience from this conference going to impact your work my work wow that's absolutely amazing because i came here thinking it would be the usual fire for fire revival but like i said earlier this is telling me that first you yourself need to be set on fire and i think if you do that effectively well ultimately even if you're training someone in something that does not relate to faith they can just sense that you know like pastor romero said the words you know you're talking about business and that person is saying that beyond that you do business differently and ultimately i believe little by little they catch the fire from you that way praise the lord so we know that we have received the fire and we're being burnt up to be purified to go into the marketplace to go into our service not just church revival is not just in the church but it is everywhere that we're going to and so people of god i believe that these experiences that would have helped you to also listening to our guests would have helped you to process your thoughts about this what you have received here and be ready to share with others and ignite them as we as we continue in this conference and as we take all the lessons that we have in this conference out into our everyday lives so once again we are live from the covenant place in gomo right beside the national arts theatre and we're going to go into the evening session but stay tuned with us in the studios as we bring more guests and share more experiences with you god bless you and welcome to icp mlw 2022 [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi there people welcome welcome to the evening session of day four of our conference icp mlw just in case i just seen it i want you what icp mlw is all about i'll tell you that is our international conference for pastors ministers leaders and workers and this is for the year 2022 so this is day four the conference started on tuesday and the theme for this year's edition has been reclaimed the claims of revival and believe me the flames have been rekindled right here on the ground live at the covenant nation gomu center and um my name is adeji at lbb and in the studio with me i have another co-host hello everyone good evening good afternoon good morning wherever you're watching from my name is soji akiele and it's such an honor to be with you if i almost said to you joking that is international conference for everybody exactly right because the yeah has been deep it's not about ministry but even families and even individuals i agree and of course we are not alone in the studio we have a very very very very special guest with us her name is you know has been with us at the covenant nation in gumu but as she said she wants to continue the ministry in abuja she has moved to abuja now right so she worships at the covenant nation abuja so if you're watching with us you know and if you're watching from abuja you should join us this sunday you know it's at the sheraton hotel the lady quality center of the sheraton hotel you shouldn't miss service this sunday so just to let you know that the covenant nation also worships in abuja i thought i should add that there so from abuja right tell us what has been your experience right here you know back in lagos for for a few days yes thank you very much pastor sergey um i think the word that covers it is mind-blowing um so when i came the when i was preparing to come the scripture i read was isaiah you know the seven spirits of god yes and then he ends with the fact that at the end of the the the end point of that is obedience right so i was saying god i don't want to write notes right i want you pouring off of your spirit um i don't want to live here and just have you know a lot of things that pastor said the mental accent but that by the time we leave let the evidence be obedience to you and indeed i was looking for a revival i i i felt i needed to be in a place where you know god just kind of rearranged my life and put me in line again and that's that's the reason i came and and i would say that god is faithful right he has he has blown my mind um today has been um lack of a better word very humbling very i agree i agree very back to better very you know just lay it all down with your father and just allow him to rework you yeah so that has been that has been the experience very interesting i like that point where he said god i don't want to write notes in fact what has happened to me so far is that in i've not been really been writing notes but every almost every message there's a prayer in the message so it's actually prayer lines i've been writing and that when i leave here i'm going those are the prayers i'm going to pray you know that lord enable me to speak for you you know when apostle assad was was talking about the communication of the spirit you know enable me to speak for you let me actually touch my my tongue or my lips with that call from your altar to help me speak for you that's a very very powerful experience but joker tell us what do we have this evening actually oh this evening is going to be another interesting edition they're going to have pastor how and personal how has been like it's been like you know not just like you said it's not just ministry revival it's like your whole the whole essence business owner whether you you work for somebody or an again yeah organization have to we have to cut short now pastor is on stage we are going into the evening session pastor how from the heart of god church uh singapore is going to start and then we'll go into a time of prison worship and then we'll continue all right so stay tuned send this link to somebody we're getting ready for it right now oh yeah thank you very much for that message you gave us right here oh he just preached us here right and that was a very important one so get ready for paso how right it's going to be mind blowing like we said god bless you enjoy the evening [Music] [Applause] [Music] it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] pray that nigeria and africa will have strong churches that will reach and raise generations and today i want to share about the power of a three-generation church in my book i wrote a whole chapter about how christianity is one generation away from extinction every pastor would have heard of the great revival in south korea the largest church in the world is in south korea with 800 000 members staggering numbers in korea churches of a hundred thousand fifty thousand are common but even in a revival christianity is one generation away from extinction you see for the korean revival before the korean war only four percent of south koreans were christians by 1985 korea had gone from a buddhist nation of 4 christian to 34 34 christian but by 2015 only 30 years later it had dropped to 22 percent christian now 22 is not that bad but here's the kicker only three three percent of yous consider themselves christians listen that's worse than before the revival in one generation in 30 years the revival is over truly christianity is really one generation away from extinction the last 10 years over 10 000 churches in south korea have closed down you see the korean churches have lost their youths so pastors leaders listen when change comes from the top it is called renewal but if the talk refuses to change when changes come from the bottom it is called a revolution and we do not want revolutions in our churches and for use in churches they won't even bother about a revolution in fact for them it is just resignation mass resignation they just leave the church and that's what happened in korea don't let it happen to your church and your city just like christianity our churches are also one generation away from extinction let me show you see i have observed this problem with many churches especially those under 500 under a thousand people you see most pastors start their church when they are in their 20s or 30s and this is what their church looks like when they started now most churches will grow old with their pastor so in 10 years time this is what the church will look like all right it won't be a young church anymore it will be a young adult young family church now if we still don't do anything about it and just grow organically in 20 years time this is what it will look like now most of the congregation will be in the 30s 40s and 50s already all right now talk about their kids if you are in your 30s your kids will probably be under 10 years old if you are in your 40s 50s your kids will probably be teenagers about 10 to 19 years old now watch this there is a gap of the 20 to 29 year olds can you see this gap now this gap is what i call the family church syndrome there are no young people and in churches young people are usually the manpower of the church so without young people the church is not strong and so in this chart we are not even factoring in youth who begs life or use who move away for university or for work so these churches have lost a generation and so even if these churches grow organically they would suffer the family church syndrome so that is why we need to keep going down to reach the next generation in 2019 it was our church 20th anniversary and i was seeking god for a vision a vision for the next 10 years now some people say oh plant churches go global and then god spoke to me about the power of a three-generation church now heart of god church we are a youth church and we have thousands of young people but only a few hundred older people so really we are at a disadvantage we need many more years to experience the power of a three generation church but most of you already have three generations in your church so i want to show you what god showed me how you can optimize your church and bring out the best of all three generations all right so proverbs chapter 20 verse 29 2029 describes the power of a three generation church it says the glory of the young is their strength and the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old now in another translation it says we admire the young for their strength and beauty but the dignity of the o is their wisdom so look at this chart there are three age groups here so let's talk about the youth now the youth they have no money and not a lot of wisdom and competency i have personal experience running a youth church about this but they have loads of time and energy now for the middle age they are earning money they are wise competent but they have no time and even for energy while they are young their energy is all used up on their kids and their career and then we have the seniors now for the seniors they have lots of time but no energy and even for money it depends on how well they plan their retirement however they have lots of experience and wisdom and even connections now let's apply this to our churches now as a church if we have only one age group we will have our weaknesses exposed just like for heart of god church the first 20 years we had very little money and very few mature leaders with wisdom and competency and so that's why it's hard to build a youth church now some churches with a lot of middle-aged people and young families now they have no time and that's why no volunteers and no manpower on the other hand some churches with lots of seniors while they may have time they have no more energy so they also have no manpower so these churches have well connected wise experienced people with lots of ideas and advice but unfortunately there are no young people to execute their ideas and implement their solutions so okay are you ready for the breakthrough let me show you the power of a three generation church now if you have three generations who are strong and committed to build the church listen to this the weakness of each generation is twice covered by the other generations can you see that all three age groups will cover each other's weaknesses and and look at their strength the strength of the other two groups twice twice covers each weakness now let's just look at time for time now the middle age may not have time but it is twice twice covered by the young people and the seniors the families can't volunteer much but you can mobilize the youth to serve and that is why for heart of god church we do not lack manpower when we ran our conference we only needed about 500 volunteers but a thousand young people sign up to serve so we also mobilize parents with grown up children because they have a second win in them so the strength of the youth and the seniors will twice cover the weakness of the middle age and families now let's talk about money in higher god church in the early days of a youth church pastoria and i felt like we are parents with 10 young children you know pastor lea not only did not take a salary but she paid for the bus to bring the kids to church from her savings but with a three generation church finances is covered by the other two age group are you seeing this so let's talk about energy now with young people there's loads of energy you can see in our praise and worship in our service atmosphere and so that is why it is so important to have young people in your church services they bring an energy and a life to your services and finally wisdom and competency now what the use they lack in these areas now the professionals in your church can serve in these areas like like finances like the legal department like the policies making and and even if they don't have time now they can zoom in and serve god from home and there you have it that's the power of a three generation church the weakness of each generation is twice covered by the other generations and that is how god meant it to be like three generations covering each other's weaknesses and also allowing each generation to shine each age group to shine in their strengths three generations are complementing each other and reinforcing one another and here is the shortcut don't miss this this is the secret sauce the secret recipe the shortcut is use develop disciple and deploy the use in your church now you need to be focused and be intentional about the use well the middle age the older groups just pastor them normally but for the youth the attrition rate is very high they backslide easily especially for second generation christians and when they grow up sometimes they stop attending church and also youths are very transient you know they go on to universities they get jobs in other cities and they move away and they might not come back and so that is why you don't hear pastors talking about losing young families or the middle age as a demographic because when you have young children usually they are more stable and more planted rooted but you will hear churches losing entire generations of views so listen and for pastors who say oh i love young families and i love the middle aged people sure that's good but let me tell you nothing attracts this group more than having a great children's church and a youth ministry all right so so i show you all this to make this point focus on use you may not be a senior pastor or a youth pastor or even youth leader but whatever department or ministry you are leading or serving in be intentional about raising youth recruits use recognize their gifts and talents refine their character by discipleship release them into your ministry open up the circle your circle and give them a seat at the table and as a very wise man once said pastor poju said god is always raising new voices in every generation why don't you be the one who raised these new voices in your church in your ministry in your department so how do you grow your church younger listen there is no quick fix hiring a youth worker or having an occasional youth takeover is not enough just the youth ministry reaching youth is not enough listen the top leadership of the church must lead the way the entire church must be mobilized to reach young people for hogc and lear and i you know we had to rally the older people in our church to turn their hearts to the young people watch this video running down an upward escalator is not easy well neither is lowering the average age of the church what's hogc21 all about our vision is to lower the average age of our church to 21 years old we want to keep growing younger and stronger our youths are reaching use but that's not enough we need a whole of church mobilization for hogc21 to happen we need youth and we need you so how can you be involved in hogc21 you can reach down to a youth all of us know a young person it could be a friend classmate junior cca mate sibling cousin nephew niece colleagues children neighbor intern bring them to heart of god church beyond reaching out you can open up your homes so that the youths can run evangelistic meetings and hangouts bonus your house is near the train station double bonus your house is in the north or the west if you have resources or connections that can support our youth events we need you these events will help bring their friends one step closer to god for example you have opportunities and discounts or you have access to facilities or you have event spaces that we can run new services in maybe you know someone or you know someone who knows someone who knows someone let us know have a skill that you think they use will be interested in learning maybe you can play basketball like stephen curry code like mark zuckerberg cook like gordon ramsay or speak 10 languages like siri we could put these skills to good news you can definitely be involved the possibilities are endless well i'm sure you can think of more ideas if you would like to be involved in hogc21 we have an interest form for you head on down to our h or gc1 page to let us know remember we need youth and we need you let's make hogc21 happen the whole church must be involved in reaching use invest put your resources on the young people you know during covet our church grew as a whole church 22 but look at where the growth came from use 70 university 25 so it is the young people who are growing in our church now according to global surveys and it could be slightly different in different nations but generally the results are similar about 60 to 70 percent of people get saved below the age of 20 years old and then about 80 90 percent get saved under 30 years old under 30 years old hey it's a no-brainer you don't even have to be a prophet you just have to be a businessman to know that youth is the way to go i mean look at these stats if 80 to 90 percent are getting safe under 30 years old then why are we not putting 80 90 of our resources into use so here's a video of how our whole church came together to reach young people [Music] [Music] when you're a hustler you've got to hustle there ain't no time for sleep [Music] ain't stopping now we get after it get out to it [Music] foreign [Music] get after it [Music] get out [Music] get out there [Music] [Applause] some people think that local is small and if you want to be a big successful pastor you must go global well let me tell you what's bigger than global is generational don't just think local or global think generational think generations you see a global vision can be achieved in our lifetime but a generation of vision can only be achieved in the next few generations you see when when god gives a big vision it's always generational abraham's vision was generational it is only fulfilled after his lifetime in jacob's generation for moses his vision was of entering the promised land was only fulfilled in joshua's generation david's vision of building the temple was only fulfilled in solomon's generation it's always a few generations later so for parsley and i it is an honor to be called to the local church we would die happy if we did not do anything globally it is our greatest privilege to be pastors of heart of god church we are local pastors with a generational vision you know some preacher once issued this challenge he says every nation in our generation and it's great yes and we should take the gospel to the ends of the earth but today i want to issue another challenge how about every generation in our nation in 2019 we celebrated our 20th anniversary and god gave us our vision for the next 10 years so our 30th anniversary will be in the year 2029 and our vision is from proverbs 20 29 and it says the glory of the young is their strength and the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old the wisdom of the old people so in the year 2029 we will see proverbs 2029 come to pass our vision vision 2029 is the vision of a powerful three-generation church and we will have the best of both worlds the strength of the youth and then the experience and the wisdom of the adults and the mature members so we need to keep our church young while the rest grow up and grow old so what about you now most of you already have three generations in your church and like we said the middle age and the older generation will just grow organically but the youth they need your focus you need to prioritize the use you know finally i have a video to show you of a young man who grew up in our church now as you watch the video i want you to imagine hundreds of youths like him rising up to build your church hi everyone i'm russell my dad brought me the heart of god church at 11 i encountered god in children's church and became a christian my dad and i combined forces to pray for my mom to know god too i think we probably prayed too hard because she's now working full-time in church as a financial controller in the accounts department my dad also serves in the investment committee and we love serving god together as a family when i was 13 i was trained as an usher and at 14 i became a leader in my connect group later on fasolia noticed how i tend to think in terms of systems and structures so from leading in my connect group she re-deployed me to lead in the testimony ministry instead she gave me a special project to work on to structure the workflow of the entire ministry from gathering the stories to editing to ensuring that the person shares boldly and that's how i began to flourish in my strengths pasta also prayed for me to both love and lead my generation he prayed that i was a man of integrity a man of god's word and a man of compassion until today i still keep those words in my heart well those of you who know me would realize i'm a little bit different from my peers growing up my idea of fun was not watching movies or playing basketball it was building tesla coils and using sound waves to levitate objects my hobby is believe it or not reading scientific papers at night i watched the physical mechanics videos before falling asleep and to me it's something like netflix my dream is to be a scientist one day at 17 i did a one year research internship with a star singapore's top research organization then i went for the international science and engineering fair only the top nine science students in singapore get to go for this international competition to represent the country my research and project was in connects metaphysics so this idea was sparked off by a group of physicists that won the 2016 nobel prize for achieving a breakthrough in this area they had success in an experiment that cost millions of dollars but i had this crazy idea and recreated this experiment using electrical circuits for just 100 there's a much longer explanation but it's okay i can summarize i discovered a novel way to approach the study of exotic states of matter i want an award for my research and also receive an award for the most outstanding junior college science student in singapore at 18 i was invited to represent singapore at the nobel prize ceremony in stockholm each year singapore only selects one person to go for a scientist or physics student it's kind of like a sportsman going to the olympics or an actor being invited to the academy awards i was so shocked because many professional scientists never even get invited but i didn't even have a university degree yet during the event i was also invited to give a talk to 1 000 of the top high school students in the world to inspire them to pursue science and all throughout i just felt so excited and humbled so if you ask me why do i really want to become a scientist back when i was 17 i saw two of our youngest board members in church on stage they were only in their 20s and in that moment god planted a seed of a dream in my heart what if i could be a board member too at 17 i would never have thought about this by myself surely it must be from god and all along i thought board members were at least 50 years old with a little bit of gray hair but that day i saw how even at the highest level of governance heart of god church believes in young people to me it isn't really about the title it's about serving and building the church in any way god has called me to so growing up in heart of god church i've always felt burdened i've seen how being a youth church doesn't rank us high in terms of credibility i know of non-christian parents who think that we're a cult other christians dismiss a youth church like ours as all hype and just shallow so i want to use my credentials to bring credibility to the church i've grown up in and to the jesus that i love when a youth says that heart of god church is a good church skeptics would say that they're brainwashed but when a scientist says that heart of god church is a great church it is so much more convincing and with this same logic i want to testify about christ too i tell my friends i want to grow up to defend the church to defend christ and to speak the truth when i shared all this with pastors they took my dream seriously i was invited for the next annual general meeting in our church and at 19 i was the youngest person there i saw firsthand how strategic decisions that affect our church are being made for once i caught a glimpse of how i could live out my dream in the future right now i've been accepted into oxford university to read physics with a full scholarship i told pastors that even though i'm away for a few years the number one thing on my heart is heart of god church because being overseas is just temporary in the future it's always about serving in the house of god so a week before i left for oxford pasta prayed and prophesied over me that i'll be both a shield and a sword for heart of god church pasta and parsley also met me for an hour just to speak into my life pastel affirmed me of all my strengths and allayed all my unspoken fears pasta expanded my perspective of why god was sending me there the weight of belief they had in me was just immense i felt released to do absolutely anything for god they handed me a jacket his scarf the speaker together with the card that said the memories and thoughts of heart of god church will keep you warm and loved when you're overseas we will miss you you know i don't normally cry but i couldn't stop tearing as i read those words the same pastors that saw the best in me as a bashful and chubby 11 year old were now releasing me into my destiny at 201 so what makes me so grateful usually in the world they only believe in people after they have all the achievements and accolades so now that i'm in oxford of course people would see the potential in me but what touches me is that heart of god church and pastors believed in me before i had any achievement i was just a kid it was just a youth they believed in me and they encouraged me and for that heart of god church will always have my allegiance and i will use my achievements to protect my spiritual home i just love russell's conviction and loyalty to the house of god you know if you believe in your use you can have hundreds of brussels in your church you know when they are young they bring their strength their energy and time and when they grow up they bring their competency their skills too but most of all youth will grow up to be loyal and faithful sons and daughters in the house you know when russell came as a 11 year old his mom was not even a christian and russell prayed for his mom linda to be safe she encountered god and gave her life to jesus now the whole family is serving god together in church and she and her husband are leaders in our family zone then mom linda came on as a full-time staff in our church as our financial controller now this is a beautiful picture of the power of a three generation church and it started with a youth i pray that proverbs 20 29 will come to pass for your church too where you have the strength of the youth and the wisdom of the mature ones coming together and you will have a strong three generation church you know for my wife pastor lee and i since the beginning our burden has always been about youths and generations and for over 20 years we have been banging the drums for young people and generations and by the grace of god the holy spirit began to move and now generations movement has started all over the world and and so our burden turned into our vision and then the vision became a movement and the movement became a book and i pray that you catch this burden and vision too and generations will be raised in your churches and your cities and thank you pastor poju it's an honor to know you and play a small part in your great conference thank you [Music] how to grow your church younger and stronger you can get the hard copy or the ebook which you can read on your electronic devices especially for everyone here we have prepared a promo code just for you scan the qr code at the end and get the book at a special rate let's build generations together [Music] [Music] [Music] rested upon each one the holy spirit feeling the thirsty giving them part to reach every land and now today the wind of the spirit's filling the house again from this place to the streams [Music] [Music] so can you just lift your hands and say father thank you thank you we have messages that there are people who list it it's not that they started out wrong but they missed it along the way but thank you lord that i missed it but i have found my way back can you give him praise and glory tonight it's just because he's good it's just because he's good i want to give you one minute to just say thank you one of the things that pastor what you told us about is the restoration of praise worship [Music] so can you focus on god there are people who have missed it they can't find their way back but we have through this conference we've found our way back god has restored many of us he has restored families he has restored ministries he has restored lives and it's because it's good it's because it's good 30 seconds more just saying thank you jesus because you are good [Music] it's because you are good the bible says it's by grace less than imaginables [Music] just because you are good it's the reason i can lift my head now just because you are good now i have no no more life than grace [Music] oh just because you are good it's the reason i can lift my head oh just because you are good now i have no harder life [Music] it's the reason it's [Music] can you lift your voice and say just because you are good is [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the future before me now i know no other life than your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i everybody no foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just because [Music] just [Music] is you are [Music] can you just give this brain [Music] from the rising [Music] of the earth [Music] is [Music] tonight [Music] let the whole world know [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your name is [Music] your day is [Applause] [Music] but i feel like after that 30 days you are ready to take on the world from the rising of the sun to the setting of the thing the world will shape [Music] give me [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are changing [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] we praise you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody raised a shield somebody raise and shout somebody raise yourself somebody rise and shout [Music] we worship you one on nine we praise you i don't know we ain't joined you and tonight [Applause] in your ministry in your family in your workplace [Music] can we rejoice can we rejoice something is coming [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] tonight [Music] messiah [Music] tonight i want you to shout it at the top of your voice like you know what you're saying elohim yes everybody raise your voice and call them king of [Music] somebody crying hallelujah [Music] somebody shout it out [Music] come on one more time sing hallelujah [Music] sayon raise your voice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we welcome you can you see it can you feel it the king of glory ask your mother [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you see it have you seen it have you seen it have you seen it [Music] [Music] hurry [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love what this brother is doing [Music] raise your praise raise your praise welcome him we welcome you we welcome you we welcome you we welcome you [Music] [Music] [Music] i want you to praise like you can see him i want you to pray like you can feel him i want you to praise like you can sense him [Music] i want him to sound like you can't feel him [Applause] [Music] i want you to scream like you can see him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] king of zion [Music] say i welcome you into my ministry into my family into my job in the life of my children in everything i do what you will show me what you will say what you will reveal kingdom of zion mighty ruler rule of jesus kingdom [Applause] [Music] something's changing since glory feels like heaven on earth nothing's moving something's changing she's glory that's when it comes say moving something's changing she's glowing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the world may not know [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] i know y'all i know y'all wait now yeah i worshiped him from a certain center what i want to see is that you people have developed a sound no way i'm not calling the name of your center so they won't say that i'm calling the center but but they have developed a sound all right and listen to him that that sound is authentic is accurate wait because it has at the base of it an african chant so when you are going boom and that chance if you continue like this this is what i'm saying if that that thing resonates that's the sound of african worship and and that and that's the sound the same way secular people give up rope up to the world that's the sound that african worship team the world wants to get all right so it has that energy it has them all right and it's contemporary is that what's on your album this album you recorded this you didn't sing this kind of thing you are you went off you are singing it's part of it that sound is there you send me the album you send it to me you have a sense to me it's not ready okay when he's ready to send it to me all right then hallelujah let's put our hands together for them amen and amen all right this is our final um evening session all right for um icpml okay by tomorrow morning we'll announce the dates for the next year so that everybody can prepare because some people said that by the time they already had commitment to ultra so we'll announce the date tomorrow morning all right so that it will be clear next year when we are going to hold it all right our first speaker is no longer a stranger to this house all right it's a very good friend of mine not just my own personal friend he's a family friend also all right and [Music] i'm sure you have been blessed by his ministry all right so let's put our hands together and welcome to the podium pastor scholar [Applause] these people are always trying to rob me of my time you may be seated in his mighty presence look at your neighbor say you're looking better than i thought you would this evening tell them you're looking more anointed you're looking more handsome you're looking more they haven't changed my time so that i don't i don't fall for uh okay because i want to keep to the right time they are giving me a certain time before all right okay wow uh this is your worship team i wish i could just package you and carry you to carry you with me to london you want to jackpot do you want to talk about us you have enough fire don't worry you're in a blessed place keep doing what you're doing phenomenal when your album is out i need to listen to it you need to send me a copy amen amen amen well it's my last session tonight and so by the grace of god i need to leave you with something by the grace of god that you will be able to take home with you and use accordingly i'm going to be sharing very quickly some few thoughts but these thoughts as i share them i think it's very interesting to note uh maybe we'll read our scripture first but it's important interesting to note as i was thinking and praying over the service today i just remembered some things that it's interesting the way god works because it must have been about i don't know four or five years ago two years or so before kovid i actually had uh revelation a a vision where i saw myself preaching in nigeria to thousands of of pastors and ministers and the pastors and ministers i was preaching to i was preaching about this kind of thing about supernatural ministry about the things of the heart and all of that and you know when i looked at it in terms of the reality i didn't see how that how possible that was because i didn't see how thousands of people would be gathered to hear about revival about purity because if it's church growth yes and so i left you know i didn't think but i thought god was showing it to me that i needed to do something about it but how many of you know that when god reveals a thing he is the one that will will and do it in it okay and sometimes we run out and do things in our own strength i also had another vision some uh time just before covered no i think it was two years before kobe where i saw this was actually a dream strangely in that dream pastor lubi johnson was in it and it was myself and pastor koji and he was giving us uh specific directions that you this is what you're going to do this you this is what you're going to do and it says you're going to be both be lighting your generation i i just didn't understand it fully the only thing i know about dreams is that when you see a respected for me in terms of symbolism a respected man of god most times it's a representation of god because we've not seen god before now many of you will not know i don't even think he knows it himself pastor luby he was my very first pastor yeah i where i got born again when i got born again i got born again in my room in a place called igora but the first place a friend of mine said you need to come somewhere and make it public it was his church that i i did that yeah and i would tell you later on maybe in the course of the message that he also laid hands on me to get filled with the holy spirit personally in his own house but he might not even know it because somebody took me there and said please i need you to pray for this boy okay now can you see how god works isn't interesting that is why as pastors we must not never take anybody for granted the people that god brings into our lives they might just be the summer for the next generation turn your bibles with me to two quick openings very quick openings the flames of revival we're looking like our bible in the book of exodus chapter 20 verse 22 to 26. and [Music] we're going to look also in the book of acts chapter 10 quickly it says in exodus 20 22 it says you have seen that i have talked with you from heaven somebody said god will speak to us from heaven you shall not make anything to be with me gold or silver or or god sorry gods of silver or gods of uh gold an altar of earth you shall make for me and you shall sacrifice on it somebody say an altar of earth and then say you shall sacrifice on it you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings and your sheep and your in every place where i record my name i will come to you and i will bless you i believe after this conference when you begin to build your altar god will come to you and he will bless you he will come into your church and he will bless your church that amen can be better then look let's look it in our bibles very quickly in the book of acts chapter 10 verse 1 to 10. it says there was a certain man in this in caesarea called cornelius a centurion of what was called the italian regiment and a devout man and one who feared god with all his household who gave arms generously to the people and pray to god sometimes is that what he says always about the ninth hour of the day he saw a cl is so clearly in a vision an angel of god coming in and saying to him cornelius and when he observed him he was afraid and said what is it lord so he said to him your prayers and your arms have come up for a memorial before god now send men to joppa okay so the angel began to speak to him and give him instructions and send for simon whose surname is is peter he is lodging with simon etana whose house is by the sea and he will tell you what you must do somebody say prophetic precision we see here that he's giving a name he's giving an address and he's also told about somebody else or the occupation of somebody else who's with him anybody who tells you that prophecy today that when you give names and you give addresses is of the devil has not read the scriptures the next day we skipped i skipped some verses he says the next day as they went on their journey and drew near the city peter went up on the housetop to pray about the sixth hour then he became very hungry and wanted to eat but while they made ready he fell into a trance and then i'm going to skip and go up to verse 19 and i'll read verse 20 we'll leave we'll leave the rest for later while peter thought about the vision the spirit said to him the spirit of god is going to speak to somebody during this conference and continually after this conference behold three men are seeking you therefore arise therefore go down and go with them doubting nothing for i have sent them may the lord bless the reading but also the doing of his words let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father lord we pray by your spirit that tonight he will give us not that information you will release inspiration and bring about the impartation of the spirit to make this world come into into fruition in the lives of your people open the hearts the altar of our hearts of god and let our hearts catch fire in the mighty name of jesus good evening everybody you see i believe very strongly and as i even start this message i also i speak with a lot of humility but i think i i have a responsibility to to say that you know it's especially that this is a church of leaders and pastors that modern churches these days are seeker and user-friendly and it's a very good thing i go for the conferences we implement all of those things yeah and we are very good we are adept at attracting and retaining people we have wonderful junior churches and we do you know extensive carparks and all of that stuff we are great at attracting and retaining people but we are not great at attract attracting and retaining the presence of the holy spirit you know it is sad because you know i will tell you that 95 of the conferences i've been to across the world and have been around you know focus on you know um how our ushers should greet and how the churchill must be comfortable and how this and i'm sure you know that that's very important but sadly we it will be full hardy to get every other thing right and then the real person behind the whole thing that the reason why we are doing what we are doing we don't know how to welcome him what am i trying to say to you today you see they are setting protocols in fact you and i know that there are certain protocols in where we want to uh host visitors they are selling things you need to do you need to make sure you tidy up your house you did this you do that you make sure you serve good food this and that so that some visitors can feel welcome and when you make them feel welcome they keep coming back in it with the way covenant church treats you as a guest minister you will want to come back if if only for the food and the things they serve and and they kind of and and the kind of hospitality is this making sense okay but listen to this it will be sad if we are great and i'm not talking about covenant church i'm just using that as an example because they're excellent at that it would be sad if we are very adept at hosting men but not not not good at hosting god if not what what we will have is especially if we bring in music ministers all you have is a concert and not an encounter if it's a guest minister all we will have is a public speaker but not the presence of god and so what does it mean to host god if we're going to host god or bring in because we're talking about revival revival is about bringing back god and the life of god you know so that god can do what he wants to do then we must host god on our own sorry on his own terms not on our own terms is this making sense if you want to be a good friend you don't give a friend a gift based on what you want okay let's see let's let's leave the friend alone husband and wife uh i have we have a church member who doesn't like cards he says he hates why i don't like cats don't get you know don't give me any any but they don't give me uh christmas girl don't give me valentine's guy i don't like it okay so his wife has learned that so i said to him i said you know what my guy i hope you give your wife cards because the fact that she is giving you cause means that is her love language if you are saying you don't give you don't like that so you will not give cards listen to this you are not hosting your wife properly that relationship will begin to die and listen to this she will not she will not flourish within that relationship so what am i trying to say if you want somebody to come into your life more you need to understand what it is they like you need to understand their protocols and and interestingly god has given us prescriptions throughout scriptures giving us hints the same way our spouses give us hints i i i you know we all give him so i like this so i don't like that and anybody who wants a successful marriage will take the hints quickly when my wife is preaching i take notes not because i'm a good disciple because she's giving me crown j you know what cruncher is she's giving me expo about what so when she's speaking especially about my guy take more voracious notes than everybody else because that they are giving me the marking scheme there right there okay so so when god whenever god says if you do this if you do this i will do this you better take notes so we see in the book of exodus chapter 20 20 22 to 26 he says you have seen that i have talked with you from heaven okay you just saw me talk to you to to you and talk to moses but then he says you shall not make anything to be with me gods of silver are gods of god so which means if you create idols i will not visit again i will not make habitations i will not enjoy your presence so i will live quietly then he says an altar of earth you shall make for me and you shall sacrifice on it somebody says sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings your sheep and your oxy in every place where i record my name i will come to you and i will bless you god has given us expo for revival here god has given us expo for his presence and when his presence is there every other good thing will be there he says i will come to you and do what i will bless you listen i don't know um i watched a movie some many years ago i mean um it was something 30 40 years ago i've been trying to remember the name of the movie but the summary of the movie was essentially about a particular field i think it's called field of dreams who knows the movie field of dreams so there was a particular field and there was something about um a baseball you know a former baseball star who had passed or something like that anyway long story short this was an ordinary field and i think this person somebody the owner of the field began to hear a voice that if you build it i will come if you build it i will come so what he did is that he he cut the field and turned it into a baseball field and all of a sudden one day that baseball clear who was notable and past just showed up on the field now of course you and i know that is fantasy but you know what that same principles holds true with god if you build it there's something that god wants to us wants to do and he wants to visit or manifest if you build it he will come now uh there are certain uh meals that i like i mean i was teasing one an old friend one member i said oh you don't visit us again you know so swan so i said well if you cook that thing that i used to cook before i would come if you did i will come which means i mean i'm not so much a food person like that but what i'm saying essentially if if you do certain things god will come now let me put it this way i usually say this anywhere you see the presence of god manifest any church or any life or any man of god's life where you see the presence of god you know evident and constant it is because they build certain things that as it were allows for god to come easily and the way to explain it for me is this is the way i usually say it when you see a ministry or a certain preacher or whatever who carries god's presence especially when it's with ease i usually liken it to the fact that you cannot find a train without seeing train tracks does that make sense i mean my journey is here on this uh whatever we've had to pass either by or through the railway compound i have a god manifest in a person's life if there are no setting tracks and if you want those if you want god if you want if i want a train you know if i want a train to come my way and this is what you know the nigerian government did they wanted the train to come to ibadah so they built trucks and so now we have trains going from lagos to battle isn't it on a regular basis these things that we are doing here is teaching you to build trucks one possibly has been saying that after these 30 days blah blah blah it is about building drugs so that god's train will manifest in your life i thought you would say amen to that the other example is it is impossible to find an airplane in somebody's garage except you are kenneth copeland [Laughter] or one of those guys do you understand what i'm saying you know and even if you find it in in anybody's garage it's called the hangway you know i think so is that what it's called hangar yes sangui okay so there's a hangway and then there's um uh okay if you find a plane anywhere then look for a runway you cannot find a plane without a runway it is not possible again it's the same principle you cannot find god manifest in a place without seeing some tracks without seeing that you know something has been done or created to allow for this manifestation i'll give you one more example because i think it's important when i was growing up my dad loved pigeons so both in my house the house we lived here in in lagos um in the earlier days and in our hometown we actually had pigeons and i actually was born into it and so i thought it was the nom and the pigeons were such like i mean they were flying around they had their home as it were you know and so they will come back each time it doesn't matter where they fly to they will come back do you know why they came back sorry okay they came back because we felt them there does something like so it doesn't matter how well i don't know but even in nigeria you have chickens flying around and they don't lock them up but those chickens always come back why because they know who is feeding them and the principle here is that you want the holy spirit to keep coming back you have to keep giving him what it is that he likes okay now i'm going somewhere with this so sometimes the visitors will come to our house and my dad would you know and this he would tell them he said do you want to pick you to land on your hand say yes what do you do so we just put our corn like this i leave it like this i want to happen the land and then you have to be gentle so that's not to drive them away you have to be traveled and then they become accustomed with you and they stay the holy spirit is represented by a dove he's like that there are certain things that you need to do to invite him but they're also certain things that you need to do to keep him around you and if you don't if you do certain things the bible talks about the departing of the spirit or quenching of the spirit okay jesus said even in the new testament he began to talk about the fact that uh hey guys it gives it gives us the pattern i want you to begin to build train tracks because i want to come so what does he do in the book of luke chapter 2 uh um 24 49 behold i send the promise of my father upon you it remains a promise but tarry in the city of jerusalem until you are what endured with power from high what jesus was essentially saying is that look i'm going now but you know what i cannot bring this train or plane to you until you begin to build those tracks and build the runway so for the next 40 days or so you know begin to pray or be from a saturday begin to pray and you must be at a certain place and when you build it what he will come and then we see in the book of acts chapter 1 verse 8 he says but you shall receive power somebody say power when the holy ghost comes upon you and shall be what witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and in siberia and to the ends of the earth i want you to tell three people next to you say god is about to bring a phenomenal move of revival into your life okay thank you but tell them what are you ready to build the rail tracks okay let me watch come this way and let me let me talk to you for a minute i've laid a foundation let me talk to you for a minute from my heart and then i will come back and share some principles with you how did i start walking in the power of god again i told you i gave my life in in ibadan uh went to pastor louis chuck physically as it were to give my life then a friend of mine who was around at the time said oh you're born again have you been filled with holy spirit i said no he said oh okay let me take you to suswan so he takes me to passover johnson's house pastor big johnson was not very happy because what he said to him is that you could have prayed for him but anyway thank god he still prayed for me he laid hands and i can say he was the one that filled me with the holy spirit i got filled with the holy spirit and then he told myself what do i do say just make sure you begin to pray like this every day and then i don't know if it was him that gave me his book his prayer book anyway to cut a long story short i started praying with his prayer book little did i know his prayer book was i know those i know there was till now 32 years old that god made that you with his spirit with his spirit in your iman inner man or to all patients and long-suffering with joyfulness so that you know i knew those words why because i said them so many times you know and then at the end he will say something like after you've prayed 30 pray 30 minutes every every um maybe three or four times a day i did it meticulously and that at the end of the prayer maybe just stay quiet for 15 minutes or so so that god could speak with you little did i know that i was building tracks to something i did not i was just trying to you understand yo this new thing that they say is born again okay let's be doing it okay let's just be doing it one day i don't know if i have the time to do this or i should cut it short what do you think okay okay one day somebody say one day after doing those prayers i stayed quiet like that the room was locked and then i felt something like a hand going up and down my back broth i i was so afraid i couldn't even look back and it just kept going open i'm telling you for about two three minutes i stood still i knew the door was locked anyway to cut a long story i just kept quiet i didn't say i happened to be fussing and praying long story short later in the day sometime later in the day i went visiting somebody's house i was fasting and so just before i broke they were watching television they were not on my own wavelength they were watching like a video or something like that and they were watching a particular movie called mannequin and there was a lady who was walking around like this like a you know a model or whatever as they were watching tv as they were watching we were watching the same thing i said what is this they said what do you mean i said this woman has a spirit of social so they were looking at me are you okay long story short i'm going somewhere with this um i left the room because i didn't want to be defiled by that and as i left one one lady who was there also left i was going to the kitchen as she was walking she was walking just like that lady [Music] and i said come do you know you have a spirit of social answer now then i was not you know what i mean i would do things differently and you know what i thought she'll be offended you know what she came up to me and said what do you think i'm a witch i said i don't know do you think you're a witch anyway long story short i said why are you saying that i said well you know um that i had a dream some weeks or whatever but i've never told anybody this before but in the dream three old women came to me and they they came to my back and they were rubbing their knees on my back up and down up and down have you heard anything like that in recent times where the reason why i said yes she's right the the reason why i said that is do you remember early on in that day somebody was rubbing something up on them i didn't get it so that was the holy spirit's cue to tell me that what she's saying is serious i then realized that indeed that thing had something to do with witchcraft that is what you call a word of knowledge anytime i didn't know i didn't know what the prophet was i did not that's how i started operating in the prophetic you know you know and what i saw that lady who i mean i said this is a spirit that's descending of spirits and i began to operate in spectacular things then that even i myself was perplexed let me go let me let me cut the long story short so i leave ibadan um finished and i now came back to came to lagos now i'm a trained medical doctor so i i'm working in a hospital and at this time yeah before i got there i might the gifts of the spirit were so strong i was always picking things that you you have this you you you something you you are so so and it would be accurate but one of my biggest problems was that i couldn't do anything about it in terms of john in in is it 5 35 where i say he was a a bright shining light do you remember that yes that the the precision was there i was able to use the light to say this is who you are and this is what is you know this is the spirit behind what it but i was not a burning light i had the illumination on inside but there was no heat to destroy the snake so what did i do anyway long story short i started working as a medical doctor in my first assignment in a private hospital and i said this without a lot of care you know and when i joined the place the guy was like ah good good good yeah you will do well here we would i would train you anyway they took me a wardrobe and at the end of the day the last thing that the my boss did was to do an abortion and then he told me that i should watch well because very soon i will be the one that will be doing this now i i didn't have the audacity and whatever denying don't do abortion what can i have they brought me here do you get unfaithful and so i said yes sir but i i knew i didn't want to do it i didn't couldn't do it and i couldn't go back and tell my dad i didn't er i left the place that they took me to because also my friend get back there you know so anyway long story short i watched him for one week doing this thing with a lot of pain in my heart but at the same time at that point in time i had been doing a lot of praying and studying okay particularly in the area of because like i said i had never moved in the power of god to break a yoke on anybody's life to bring about healing or anything look nobody had ever fallen under an anointing in that in my own ministry and i've been a christian for two or so or two and a half years long story short uh while i was still negotiating lord how do i do this i didn't anyway there was the issue they used to have um prayer meetings at the beginning of every uh what they call it um day before the world round yes went to church so are you listening because i i have quite a few things to cover but this is an important one and this morning while i did my normal quiet time and even though it was hurried and everything father lost so so so i stayed quiet for a few minutes and i had a say this when you get to work today they're going to ask you to pray and when you pray say good morning holy spirit welcome into this place my boss had never asked me to pray before he didn't know i was a christian well he can't he knew because i was always preaching okay long story short this day i got there the boss for the very first time says dr lee will you pray for us that was when my first q to know that definitely this is god and so i said good morning holy spirit welcome to this place it felt like the place we vibrated and then we i went we went in the ward round long story short after going through the ward round they told me to take the blood for a second lady who had lost three pregnancies she'd be married a few three years a lot three pregnancies i got there while i'm taking brother i said do you know this your problem is spiritual so so this and that she's a muslim i lead her to the lord anyway long story short she gives her life and as she gives her life i just say something blah blah blah you'll start reading this and i go home the next day i come back the nurse had been waiting for me at the door doctor the woman in room 6 is looking for you so i'm like what he said just go there when i went there she had had an encounter at night where hold on don't clap where three personalities without bodies showed up to her and told you you want to leave us we will deal with you well when i say personalities they showed up to her and she said they didn't have any legs but they were what they call it from here upwards so i i did i i didn't know what to say think or do i said don't worry let's just hold hands and so we held hands and i just said father lord in the name before i said jesus the power of god parried her and i'm not joking from here like here and almost literally threw out on those speakers i just started writing on the floor like a snake the nurses were there and so when that happened i was afraid but but they were looking at me yeah it's normal it's normally anyway that was the beginning of uh what we call supposed deliverance in my ministry i don't like to call it that but warfare and the doctor my boss came into the place saw everything say please can you pray for her blah blah blah i said yes i will pray for but everybody must come for fellowship tonight [Applause] came the boss every the place was full the last week we had fellowship there were just two of us this time the whole plus people were in crutches everybody came out they died and then after the fellowship my boss came with he said he said please pray for me at the end of the day i said in this hospital no my abortion he said yes now i pray i have enough time to do what i want to do but i thought it was important to set that that that foundation what had happened is listen to this when i talk about building train tracks what was it that happened that moved me from a place of being powerless to a place where god made me powerful or full of his power it was because i built some train tracks i didn't know i was building them and what is this stranger god showed us he says you shall build an altar for me the altar is god's train track it is a meeting place or platform between humans and spiritual world altars function as invitations to the spirit world they act as geographical entry points for spirits to invade and occupy territories on the earth when when i say it's listen to this spirits don't have the right to enter into the physical world they don't legitimately unless somebody invites them and to invite them you have to you have to build something and whether it is the demonic spiritual or the divine spiritual the principles are the same for for satan to come into somebody's life or demons to come you know and then receive extraordinary power there has to be an invocation and there has there has to be an education you have you see that the and that invocation is such that this is this every time power is invoked an altar was built every time power power was invoked an altar was built an altar opens the gate to the spirit spiritual realm but there is no altar without a sacrifice he said i i have this all time it's not an all tied until there's a sacrifice the spirits whether god the spirit of god or the demonic spirits will not come until you bring put something that costs you they will not come you you lay down something also that they like have you heard of evil what they got about where they put food and something you know it's it's it's it's an invitation of spirits now what there is no altar without a sacrifice and when i say there's no altar without the sacrifice what is this sacrifice the sacrifice is essentially something that will catch fire if you want fire we're talking about retaining the flames of revival you know you will need wood you will need uh uh oil isn't it or petrol or something and then you will put a sacrifice on it do you remember uh isaac said to his father about he says i see the wood i see this i see they said so where is the sacrifice he knows that there is cannot be a real altar without a sacrifice he didn't know he was the sacrifice so in this conference you've been seeing the wood you've been seeing this you see that so where is the sacrifice you are the sacrifice hello i'm gonna very quickly go through some some sacrifices that are required that as it were some things that are supposed to be the train tracks towards you towards god showing up the first i will say in no particular order but i think is important to start with is hunger hunger listen to this is hunger is sacrifice well if you sacrifice you know do you know i don't have an appetite for for becoming extremely rich somebody somebody introduced me to somebody and the guy was trying to invite me somewhere say oh so he says and there'll be many millionaires who speak there you know because of that i turned i turned turned down the invitation when i was younger that will excite me that's not my that's not my passion do i hate money no you say two but if the basis upon which you are invited is that to attract me because they're going to be talking about money and you will make money this conference excited me why because listen to this those who hunger and trust for righteousness what they shall be filled you see you can't have you know the power and the presence of god without having a hunger for god and there's a difference between a hunger for god and a hunger for power and i'll show that to you later you know you know and you know what hunger is a key indicator of spiritual health let me put it this way just let's use natural things doctors please listen look one of the ways you know somebody is sick is that they are not hungry my son was one day said he was sick what confirmed it for me is we put his best foot there i didn't eat it that's what confirmed it because he likes that well well that's how he just came from nigeria that's how i knew he had malaria so when somebody begins to lose their hunger or appetite for god you are sick spiritually or the things of god or the things of present you know when you look like you're outgrowing prayer now you are growing faster you are growing the word you are already sick that should be a sign the bible says in psalm 63 verse 1 he says oh god you are my god early will i seek you you what whatever you seek early means you you you you love it my soul does what says for you my flesh lungs for you in a dry and a tusland where there's no water so i have looked for you in the sanctuary to see what your power and your glory it didn't start with the power it started with my soul test for you number two is fasting fasting is a very key and important train track to invoking and inviting the presence of god the bible says in that scripture that we read in the book of acts chapter 10 verse 9 he says then he became very hungry and wanted to eat but while they made ready he fell into a trance you know that scripture peter had been waiting on the lord he was fasting and while he's the food is not ready he went upstairs and then as he was praying he fell into a trance look hunger is another very significant thing in opening up the spiritual why because it is it is a sacrifice and spirits like sacrifices do you know people in the demonic spiritual realm they also fast peter wagner was this somebody else in the job she was on the plane going somewhere and she saw some guy not fasting sitting beside her in the place oh great you must be a christian say no i'm a satanist he says why are you fasting then he said we are fasting to make sure all the all the uh christian leaders in social so divorce and you know what it will work if the christian leaders are not fasting too because the spirit realm is given to the highest bidder it was when people started to pray continually for peter acts 12 that they couldn't kill james i'm sorry peter but they had killed james when they were still eating and not praying you know i came back from holiday recently and i and i mean i'm a human being i also have a life outside of church so i have to also nurture my husband i'm sorry my wife and my children oh wow holy day i i can't be fasting all the time do you understand even do i live a fasted life and i will show you i'll tell you never you know but i was when you are coming back from that place is more difficult to get back into so and i knew i was coming for this book i knew i was going to do it nobody so i i i fasted last week and it was like i was scrolling small everything was calling my name shin tree i know you're laughing because that's your that's your story there that's your testimony and it was so difficult and you know when i was going through that you know i just i i had a picture that first thing is it helps move a grounded plane aeroplane and moves it into a flying airplane you know what a grand airplane is many people's destinies are like that when you are created to fly you are the fastest on the ground the fact that you are you are beating cars doesn't mean that you are supposed to be in that realm fasting moves you from natural to supernatural you know those person but you have a physics background does he yes i know i know pastor luby does paso lubi was actually okay the first time i ever met him i was a i was a guy amanda was he was he was a physics lecturer in university you know and but i think the laws of physics says that mata does not really totally disappear in it it changes from one energy level to the other yes so when you cover an ice cube or ice block it will if you heat it it will change to what water when you heat the water it changes to steam or vapor but the vapor releases power does not make sense as the matter is is disintegrated or whatever it releases energy the same way when your flesh is crucified when you the i mean the more you fast and i'm not saying why do some stupid fast too they're just stupid faster people die you see that when you see the power it's on that side they say welcome you but you came early take your seats there you know so but you know what i didn't start in one day but i live a faster life because i need to be sensitive all the time i tell my family i'm trying to say i'm i'm not i'm not a civilian i'm a so even on holiday my i'm fasting because i'm deprived look on a normal day i don't eat before 4 pm really i really i don't know what breakfast is once in a while once in a very view i'm sure i'm frustrated they sent some people to be cooking for money they haven't seen me come down to it you know so it doesn't mean you should stop it next time because i may not be on that wavelength but what i'm saying is is this making sense yes but you know let me move on quickly number three is prayer is this helping you it's prayer and when i say prayer we see in acts 10 9 it says the next day as they went on their journey and junior the city peter went up on the housetop to pray from the sixth hour the next thing is not just prayer regular prayer you know a lot of us will start praying and then he said i pray pray pray and i stop you see you know when the doctor gives you antibiotics they tell you take this four times a day for seven days or 14 days or for 10 days or whatever it is and if you stop miss one dose what you start it again you say why does he do we have to the same way listen to this there is something that real tracks you want your healing then you have to build real tracks to it it's called the prescription there is a prescription for prayer and we don't know when it is that that the threshold is is this making sense so the lord told the disciples says in luke 4 29 he says wait for me in jerusalem tarry in jerusalem and then you shall be endured with power 500 500 of them were told to do this after nine days 380 of them had gone home only 120 in it only 120 of them stayed with the prescription or the pattern until the end if you build it he will come he will never tell you when it is he will show up what he is looking for is he's you know the bible says early will i seek you will you do this on a regular basis listen to this pastors i'm preaching to pastors in it anyone can preach you but not everyone can pray because prayer is a sacrifice and when a man or one woman of god does not do because it's easy to it's easy to say i prayed yesterday i won't pray today and i'm continuing that kind of whatever i say let me go and read let me do strategy let me read some management books you know what you've stopped your prescription anyone can preach and if you preach without praying making the sacrifice of prayer you will be like a grounded airplane you'll be a public speaker instead of being a prophetic preacher you'll be an orator instead of being an oracle the bible says in the book of luke 6 12 and the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it it shall not be put out and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning somebody say every morning look we're talking about revival i admonish you and advise you you shouldn't okay this is me i'm not saying that you will not go to heaven if you don't do this but if you really want revival i recommend you read a particular book called god's generals yeah i think there are 12 of them read it for how they develop their fire and all of that but also really for their lives how it ended but there's one of them evan's robot edward's robots was what the the instigator of the of the welsh revival went for years from 1897 he started praying he everything he did he would not eat they were giving food we not eat because he was looking for god he was praying forever he asked he i mean he will um what's the word wake up at he will pray from from is it 12 o'clock to 4 a.m or something like that four hours he will sleep again maybe for four hours and wake up from so so and pray for another four hours every night every night small wonder one day he just stood and said the little prayer the presence of god took over wales to the point where everybody was getting converted even the horses got converted they say how because the people who owned the houses they used to beat them and use swear words effing this this and that when the people got converted their words changed so they had to renew the mind of the horses to say praise the lord move hello number three i need to is it three four i need to move very quickly because as worship oh time will not permit me to tell you have i ever told you about how i started moving in a certain dimension of god i was asked to come and preach somewhere the gentleman told me to come at 6 00 pm that that's when the conference was starting i got to the conference nobody in the hall went to the back of the hall looking for the guy the pastor was in the back in one bunker board stop eating rice with his hand and then the lord i i i you know my anger was plenty so i went into the hall waiting for him then the instrumentalists came gradually gently they set up blah blah i said okay let's get ready for this conversation we started worshiping worshipping worshiping conference worship was going on i kept looking back big hall maybe 300 400 visitors how many of us all of us in that place could not have been up to 11 13 people including the musicians and the charisters and the pastor his wife and his children i what is it why did you just call it house fellowship so i was upset anointed man of god see how they are choking my anointing here [Laughter] anyway long story you know i just said look i'm here let me just be worshipping god i said worshipping god that and the worship was powerful i said this is serious worship so i shut my eyes say that let's not see what is around here and i heard in my right ear if you can do this on a regular basis i will come and visit and heal your people and deliver them so i started something it was a pure worship night we started and as we were worshiping worshiping worshiping everybody there was no agenda no preaching no nothing at one moment as i'm worshiping i just see a vision that there was a lady that was out there somewhere and she held her head like this and started to scratch it like this so when i saw that i looked there was nobody like that there i looked is everything okay i continued with my worship ten minutes later i looked that way there was somebody doing exactly what i just saw there and then i stretched out my hand and i said the power of god is coming upon you because i had seen it she was delivered is this helping anybody you know um i can only tell you my own experience do you get in the light of scripture um not everybody would operate in my type of ministry yeah but as you begin to build your own train tracks god will begin to show you what your ministry is but let me quickly try and speed this up the last kind of sacrifice i want to talk about is the sacrifice of of yourself you and that is the biggest one and the most important we see this in the book of romans 12 1 2 he says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you do what present yourself your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god look it would have been easier if the sacrifice of ourselves were to present is a dead one god said no it's a living one which means every day you have to keep getting back on that altar this morning i crucified myself and today my body is not your own my eyes my lips my this my blah blah blah but you know the problem with us many of us god jesus said we should die on on that altar crucify ourselves on the cross we don't die what we do is we faint which means you will die in church then you carry yourself later when you see one find there outside or when you see when you see something else and then you say father lord you understand that's why your sacrifice does not catch fire god doesn't he doesn't ignite fainted sacrifices listen to this when i speak concerning sacrifice it's not just about sacrifice living a life without sin god will put you like an apostle i remember was saying yesterday he will put you on some buddies on you he would look i had to sacrifice my medical career i had to sacrifice medicine to do the will of god i had to sacrifice my business i had a thriving business here and my pastor said you're going to london i packed everything up gave it up and went to nothing and the sacrifices i listened to this is that his yoke is your his own not yours and jesus not my will but what just be done look if i had my way can i be honest with you i want people why was my own with prophetic yesterday when i remember i was talking about the deliverance minister if you know i'd like to stop that nonsense but he is right but in fact god was using me to invoke something in me saying this thing is not it's not you you are still not wanting do you understand what i'm saying yeah because if you ask me if i ask my about i will write out the strategy do you understand what i'm saying i mean that's why i followed john maxwell i followed my moral all those guys you know hey so i used to be a club boy before i you know how would my time become friends i'm doing this deliverance i'm doing so i don't i'm not a deliverance minister so i told god spiritual warfare that's what i do okay but what i'm saying is listen to this it's not my choice is it and what i found when i fought with it what we did look okay between your own do you want the one that you will be doing your own and you'll be struggling using ten times your energy or you will do my own and you do it one and i give you hundred hundred times the results let me begin to end by saying this when we sacrifice this is what the lord says he says you see that i i talked with you from heaven you shall make a you shall not make anything like that you shall build an altar and then he says when you build the altar and you put the sacrifice there i will come to you and i will bless you the way god comes to us and he blesses us is that he usually speaks to us this is a very important point if you're going to walk in the spirit in the supernatural usually it starts by hearing god's voice remember i told you when i was in that hospital before i you know i i i knelt down and i heard a voice say holy spirit i mean when next you go into the whatever they will ask you to pray and say holy spirit welcome into this place every significant effect in my life in my personal life and ministry first came by hearing the voice of god every significant i'm telling you if you if you notice almost even when i god asked me to leave my former denomination of 23 years it was that i heard this voice most of the of the prophetic one the the couple that i called yesterday you remember i'd rather and all of that is because i hear his voice the supernatural listen to this if you don't hear his voice you are shish kebab but you see what you know what you can actually make sacrifices and you and the sacrifice will not catch fire there will not be a he will not come how we see this in the book of first time chapter 28 verse four to ten since then the philistines gathered together and came and camped and shown them so saul gathered all israel together and they encountered gilbert when saul inquired of the lord the lord did not answer him either by dreams or by urim or by the prophets wow saw built train tracks but the train did not come and then he says then saul said to his servant find me a woman who is a medium and i may go to her and inquire of her you see now what god did not come his motives were not right he was just looking for power i was just looking for ah let me show them blah blah blah but it was even just beyond his motive his life was not right you see god said to saul obedience is better than sacrifice the real sacrifice is obedience is this making sense that's the that's the real sacrifice and you see you two people we see cain and abel put out put out whatever is on the altar and one the bible says god had respect for abel and what his his offering whatever you are giving as a sacrifice your prayer your worship your fasting this is the first thing god will check is your life there are people who pray 40 days blah blah blah and no feedback and listen to this what will usually happen is if your desire is just power and all you are doing is sacrifice you know sacrificing for to get this power you know what like saul you will look for a medium like saul you will look for because it's power look honestly i meant to say something and i think this is important to say i have seen ministers dabble into the occult somebody came to well there's someone there at my meeting one of my meetings and she had this person had something was an unusual kind of pain and it was like as though she was being paralyzed and i god in fact she wasn't at the meeting i described the person i called the name and then they brought the person and so i prayed for her and when i prayed for her i went away when i went home the lord spoke to my ear i said said go back and tell that woman to come back he said they went and visited somebody in the occult so husband and wife were in front of me i said god told me that you went and visited somebody she saw that she told the other i told you i told you i told you i was i was confused both of them were ministers in their church they went somewhere for some money whatever the baba told them to bring an amount of money and i don't think the money was complete or whatever he said okay he brought a bottle of water what and he did this i wrapped the thing in the newspaper with the bottle of water and the money by the time he opened up the newspaper the money was inside the bottle of water in front of their face so i said to i said that's where that affliction came if you break the hedge the serpent will bite people say christians cannot have whatever christians can if you open the door if you go and look for the devil the devil will visit you you built a train track i think this is a good place to end can i pray for the people is it okay yeah okay thank you very much god bless you oh sorry so he said that the guest is here oh is that what you said so but i can pray yes just a prayer that's what you are saying okay i know what it means let's stand up father lord our male words mean nothing if you don't confirm it with your word a prayer doesn't have to last for eternity to have an eternal effect visit your people visit your altars their authors lord show them that you are a god of not just yesterday but today and forever let there be signs following in jesus mighty name we pray amen [Music] i have some books there's a book apart from the ones on the supernatural called the making of a minister i think it will help you god bless you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] say [Music] i brought myself i am [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] can you raise your heart can you raise your voice [Applause] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the only one who can offer yourself say accept me lord no one can do it for you no one can do it for me can you raise your voice one more time and say receive it receive me lord i wholeheartedly give myself away cause i am your worship i was made for your pleasure and your glory lord accept me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's no better place to be father with my father say i am [Music] [Music] [Music] say receive just the voices receive the sacrifice [Music] me lord [Music] i said we're only going to take throughout this conference just one offering so we'll quickly do that now all right so if you bring out your friends we pray over eight and then and also put on the screen please for those who want to transfer electronically [Music] father in the name of jesus christ we thank you that we have this opportunity to give i ask in the name of jesus that as people in obedience to your spirit give unto you concerning this meeting that you place an eternal seal upon that which has happened in their hearts ministries and lives during this meeting it shall bring forth fruits 30 60 and 100 fold nothing that has entered into their heart by revelation through the preaching of the word shall be lost in the name of jesus well 12 months from today their ministries will reflect fully that which was deposited on the inside of them in jesus mighty name amen i can take a song and then quickly [Music] is is is is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] every day is [Music] is [Applause] oh my god [Music] amen all right this is the final evening session okay we'll continue tomorrow morning don't forget to start 8 a.m please tomorrow morning it starts at 8 00 a.m all right i'm thinking of what else to say now about pastor louis johnson that i but let me just um say this i mean i'm i'm eternally grateful to the work that he did and the deposit that came into my heart i i mean if if anybody influenced me on the rudiments of christian faith on the things um in fact seriousness with the things of god discipline in terms of living out the christian life i mean he was the one that literally imparted and taught me those things not just by word all right but also by example and it was and i used to talk speak with a friend of mine and he'll know who this person is kunai fakaya and we used to discuss it it was with great sacrifice i mean he was i mean i suppose they thought about it today he was doing uh phd in imperial college i mean haven't gotten first class from physics and and because of his brilliance he got into to leave all of that and come to ibadah you know to start a church and you know where all young guys who have probably have been probably have been lost somewhere and we'll get ourselves together we'll go there for church he learned how to pray who teach us how to pray he would and all of that and and reach deposits and i remember once my parents went to report me to him that i was being over i well they were concerned about how much i was praying in the house and all of that and i quietly used to come to the church and i would just sit down and then at the end of the service he just said if pajamas here please see me after the service can you imagine you sitting down i said my mother has come to this place this whole man has come to report me here and that day this was maybe 1987. he just asked me a few questions and he predicted the year i was going to start ministry and he got it to the air he said from the kind of what god is doing in your life you spent seven years in this and around about 1993 is when you move in to your call he said it is like you are running a relay race this is first button don't drop the button because you'll go to the second leg of the race the second leg will start around that particular point in time so he's a prophetic teacher all right and he has been in fact my mother was worried i remember once he came to the house he's i was listening from upstairs said don't worry about budge don't worry we are praying he will be among the top five percent in this country don't worry your your son will succeed in ministry i'm telling you we are praying so you can know that it's like jesus told peter satan has asked that he might be sifted as wheat but i have prayed that your faith may not fail so some of the things you survive may not just be your own prayer is because it's the intercessory prayer of somebody else let's welcome to the said pastor [Applause] hallelujah please let us be seated i really uh thank god again for pastor poju and uh toy and uh all their helpers and leaders in this ministry for putting this series of meetings together and also for extending this invitation to me i also thank him for the lovely introductions that he gave to and about me those were really difficult years his mom and his dad of blessed memory they were really worried but uh another mutual friend of his mother who was a professor in the university of ibadah and was in the physics department she's also gone home to be with the lord now called me to our office and said professor somebody said your mother wants to see you you know so i said sure you know so she came and you know talked about what you and everything and have you know her concerns i said mommy am i worried he's going to be okay i said look at me i said i'm in ministry i left in perak college but look at me today see god is helping me i said god we help but you don't worry and here we are today give the lord a super clap offering i want to make a comment on the offering pastor what you just took now i love it because that's how it should be the best light you're giving me with simplicity you know go to a lot of places they make a lot of fuss about the offering and the money but he said something that is very very important that i want to emphasize and i'm not one to over emphasize on money but money is important and i want to say this he said he prayed a prayer and said that all the revelation and the truth that god has imparted to all of you during this convention this conference that it will not dissipate it will not you know disappear it will it will that in fact he used what 12 months which i find very very significant and uh it's probably something i might mention but let me just say quickly now see the book of esther when esther was going to go before the queen king you know she didn't just go they had to use uh oils to prepare all the virgins and there was six months of the oil of myrrh and then six months of sweet ointments esther is a type of the end time church that is going to go into perfection and there is a preparation process but what we learn from that is this there is a gestation period in which the word of god works just like when you sew a seed into the ground you don't get the harvest overnight kenneth hagin taught us and i'm going to be talking about this tomorrow you know i'm going to give you the prayers some of the prayers you know to pray from the from the ephesians chapter 1 that god will give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation and knowledge of him the eyes of her he said he did it in 1949 this was just you know after world war ii he was led unconsciously or consciously by the holy spirit and he began to pray that prayer for himself father give me kenneth hagin spirit of wisdom reagan you know he said you prayed in the morning you prayed in the afternoon you prayed in the evening he said after six months and the six months is significant and i'm going to tie it to what pastor cody has just said about the offering he said after six months he said he got so much revelation more revelation he got in in six months than he got in 14 years he had been in the ministry for 14 years he had word of wisdom word of knowledge healing but he didn't have revelation he said he said what have i been preaching for 14 years because he began to preach he began to pray those polite prayers but it took six months for him to begin to see the results because the first six months are months of myrrh myrrh is a type of uh uh speaks of suffering you know and and the first six months and i discovered exactly the same happened in my personal experience when i began to pray those problem prayers it was only after six months that revelation began to come if you give up after one month or two months you don't get anything you you won't get what you should get and most people can't stay the course i was looking at something he was saying on the internet talking about patience and spiritual warfare it is you cannot you cannot bring forth fruit in the things of god without consistency patience over time so those six months you know and then after then after six months you now begin to have sweet odors and the you know light comes and the revelation and then you know and then you bring forth the fruit you know so giving one of the reasons why you should always give when you hear messages like these when you come convinced like this is because when you give your sowing in galatians chapter 6 in verses six and seven it says uh in verse six he says let him that is taught in the word communicate to him give this to me in the amplified bible yes let him who receives instruction in the word of god share all good things with his teacher contributing to his support next verse now no no move back to the king james don't be received whatever him god is not mocked whatever man that shall do how can he just jump from giving to the to the teacher to sowing it's tide it's not that it's not isolated because when you give you're actually showing what is actually saying is this if you give if you saw to the flesh you will reap corruption but if you sow to the spirit you will reap everlasting life the reason why many christians are they're ever hearing and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth is because many times they don't give back to their teachers to their pastors so they are sowing to corruption instead of sowing to everlasting life when they when you when you sow rightly then you the return sadly this prosperity message has been very terribly distorted the return is not only financial the return is eternal life and eternal life has light in it the bible talks about the light of life it will enlighten your understanding and what you have heard will remain permanent but when you don't give you know and and it's not the amount even if it is one naira and i'm serious even if it's 10 naira but you do with the right heart and you give because you appreciate what god has used that vessel because you have sown to the spirit you're going to reap everlasting life so that's a very important principle about giving you know especially i anytime i listen to a man of god you know or listen to somebody i always give it may not be much but i always i i don't i i make it a point of duty to make sure you know even people are not even my fathers i give to instructors you know if i hear somebody and he preaches something even on the internet if i i'll go and look i listened to this one guy a few weeks ago you know he said some really nice things that i was blessed by you know i went to search his website you know and i went to where i used my credit card you know and i gave you know okay i've learned that principle and that's why what he said tonight is of great significance don't come to this conference and not give make sure you give it's not the amount the attitude and and the action then you will reap everlasting life there will be an unction and an anointing that will come so that what you have heard the birds of the air will not just come and steal it but it will do and like i always pray an internal and eternal work in your heart internal and then eternal it will it will benefit you for eternity the things we are enjoying today are things that put in our hearts where we heard all these different great men of god preach them and here i am 42 years later 43 years later i can remember some of the things can i take him preached on tape i can almost preach it for you you know i cannot copeland i can i can tell you you know what he said why he said it and all that life light and love which i talked about in the morning in in a uh can i think camp beating 1980 why because even if even though i didn't have much money it was five dollars or ten dollars i would give it's a very important principle it's not just to get your money is to make sure you reap everlasting life and that you actually get fruit you bring forth fruit from what you have heard let us pray heavenly father again we thank you for gathering us together tonight as we go into your word again i humble myself afresh under your mighty hand i pray for fresh unction and anointing to be upon my heart and my lips so i will speak as i shoot indeed as an oracle of god i pray that you put the same unction and anointing upon the ears and the hearts of all who will hear me those who are physically present here as well as those who will hear me remotely electronically so your word will flow freely from you through me to your people to do an internal and eternal work in every heart including mine in particular to cause our wills to become more humble minds to be more enlightened with revelation knowledge emotions to be more tempered and controlled by the power of the fruit of the holy spirit i further pray as i speak the power of the holy spirit be released in great as well in sufficient measure to back these words and follow them wherever they are heard and releasing all the earth yay power that will heal power that will deliver power that will break yokes and free men so they will become doers of what they hear and or hears only i also pray for mercy to be faithful that i will deliver the word with precision redeem the time and say only what you want me to say bring out the treasure of this word things new and old as a scribe instructed unto the kingdom in jesus wonderful name we pray and all those in agreement receiving every blessing i mentioned in that prayer in their individual lives all individually agreed and said [Applause] tonight i'm going to uh continue uh teaching i we we're talking about reclaim kindling the flames of revival we said revival is when god gives a new measure of life the word revive is the same greek in james is give life quicken you know when you give life and a greater measure than was there before to make us know god better fellowship with god better and we said that we are on the verge of the revival of the feast of tabernacles it is imminent this is the outpouring of the spirit without measure the former and latter reign together i want us to look at joel chapter 2 verse 23 joel chapter 2 verse 23 most pentecostal christians are only familiar with verse 28 and in the last days god will power the spirit of an old flesh but verse 23 comes before verse 28. and um it says be glad then read after me when i do like i like us too i find that when you speak the bible even when we're preaching like this your attention is gotten rather than when you're just listening passively so just say after me say be glad then you children of zion rejoice in the lord your god for he hath given you the former reign moderately and he will cause down he will cause to come down for you the rain the former and later rain in the first month you'll find the word monster is in italics that's not what the original hebrew says what it actually means is that he's going to do it like he did at first now this is a prophetic scripture joel by the holy spirit is looking thousands of years ahead and he's speaking to the church in the 21st century which is us [Music] and he's saying to us you children of zion now let me just make another mention as you find this truth in some of my prophetic teachings zion is not the whole church you've got zion you've got jerusalem and you've got israel zion is inside jerusalem jerusalem is inside israel when you look at the you see when you talk about the whole church you're looking at israel the church is spiritual israel the church does not replace israel the church is spiritual israel natural israel is still there and god's purpose for them is going on then the church that gets baptized in the holy spirit is likened to jerusalem then the church that goes into perfection is called zion because in psalm 50 verse 2 the bible says out of zion the perfection of beauty god will shine so we're talking about you know uh zion that's so he's talking to zion you children of zan rejoice in the lord because he past tense azusa street the pentecostal outpouring that was the former reign it was given to us moderately he said but he is going to cause that's futuristic in other words prophetic he's going to cause to come to us the former and the latter reign together this is what speaks of the spirit without measure we're not only just going to have what they had before but we're going to have something greater in fact i'm going to blow your mind do you know what jesus said he said that we're going to do greater works than him he said so now you know the natural mind finds that difficult to fathom you know but i've discovered about god he doesn't say things carelessly if he said we'll do he said the works i will do you i did you do and then you're going to do greater works people are saying look great that was just the new birth not that's true but it's not the complete truth what it means is that you know jesus's miracles were physical miracles primarily heal the sick cleanse lepers raised the dead and those things are great don't misunderstand me i'm not looking down on them in any form but what we're going to do we'll go beyond physical miracles we're going to see intellectual miracles we're going to see political miracles we're going to see economic miracles we're going to see environmental miracles they kind of you see jesus miracles affected individuals but the greater miracles are going to affect nations [Music] and they're going to affect entire atmosphere like what happened with moses in egypt you see if you whether you whether you like moses or not what moses did in egypt was going to affect you the plague of lies and the plague of frogs it affected everybody this glory that is coming is going to affect nations and that's why the bible says kings will come arise and shine for thy light has come for kings will come to the brightness of thy rising it will not just be something that only individual you know uh will get blessed individuals will get blessed but it's going to be beyond that so he says to us that he's going to give us the former and the lowering together this feast of tabernacles that is imminent in fact it's going to be this month 26th of september is rosh hashanah which is the feast of trumpets which begins the jewish new year then 10 days after we have day of atonement then five days after feast of tabernacles begins we expect that somewhere in there we don't know the exact deal hour there will be a fresh outpouring of the spirit without measure unlike passover and pentecost tabernacles is not a gift passover is a gift just sinners prayer you get it holy ghost is a gift you pray in faith you get through the hospital speaking tongues and it's like that god did but tabernacles is a reward it's a reward of to those who will purge their vessels it's not going to be given to everybody now let me qualify that god wants to give it to everybody everybody is actually entitled to it you know but it is only those who purge themselves to a certain degree that will qualify of for this spirit without measure i said this in the morning and in the yeah in the morning you know jesus had multitudes that followed him but only about a hundred people were qualified to partake of his anointing he spent 24 hours he spent all night praying to choose his twelve disciples including judas judas didn't start out as bad as he turned out to be you know greed and covetousness was what ruined judas all of them had their faults peter had his faults as we all know peter was very presumptuous james and john were the sons of thunder people who had a terrible temper and wanted to kill the samaritans simply because they didn't allow jesus to come to their village i said shall we call down fire from heaven hear these boys he said you don't know what spirit you're off you know so you know not not one of them there's none of them that was perfect they all had their faults but they had a heart they had the heart of following jesus said you are those who have followed me with all my temptations he said i appoint unto you 12 thrones and you will judge the tribes of israel including judas sadly jesus threw it away for 30 pieces of silver you know but the these guys and then with the later on the 70 that's 82. you know so and then maybe a few other people who we the bible speaks of but we don't know their name one guy was casting out devils and this one said jesus don't stop him you know so but apart from that about a hundred of them the rest didn't they didn't get that borrowed anointing they didn't have that anointing that was on jesus like the 12 under 70 did the same thing is going to happen now the spirit without measure is going to be released upon the church upon a perfect leadership who have grown spiritually to the major statue of the fullness of christ they will inherit it and then those who are following them they will also partake of it just like the 12 and the 70 but it's not a gift it's going to be a reward of following a reward of of the word following the greek means to imitate we get the english word mimic the greek word is memitis you know so it is those who are imitating those who are following after that are rewarded with this uh spirit without measure and as they grow too they will not inherit the full thing so this is what we're expecting now and we said to get it you have to be living under open heaven together open heaven you have to have number one the right attitude towards the leadership and god he said esteem them highly in love for their work's sake and jesus speaking about this in mark chapter 9 verse 39 you know when they when that man was casting out devils and pete james and john wanted to stop he said don't stop him he said nobody can do a miracle in my name and speak evil of me shortly afterwards you know i was he the reason why that guy is doing those things he's doing is because his heart is right he will not be able to do it if he's if he had the wrong attitude number two you should uh pay tithes and offerings of your time in prayer malachi chapter 3 verse 10 he said you know bring me all the tithes and the storm has been in my house and i'll open unto you the windows of heaven we don't only tithe money we also taste our time two and a half hours is the tide but you don't stop there because you do tithe and offering in fact the bible says we should pray with our season the bible says you give ourselves continue to pray in the ministry of the word like i said in the afternoon and again i want to encourage you don't worry if you're not doing two and a half yet don't worry it will you grow in it what god wants god does not demand immediate perfection that would be unrighteous god demands immediate commitment and immediate practice see once a person mixed up their mind and determines in their hearts and then asks for mercy and grace and begins to practice and god sees sincere that he actually begins to practice that thing mercy and grace will be ministered to that person and he will gradually improve you know but ultimately that's where we're going you know and the bible tells us in mark chapter one he said jesus will get up a great while before the day in one place he says he got up the fourth watch the jews had four watches that just means four periods of time of day you know because you have 24 hours so each watch was six hours the fourth watch was the one that uh of the night in the 90s 12 hours so each watch was going to be three hours and we will be from three a.m to six a.m in the morning you know and you find that it's that's the early hours of the morning it's the time you you you give to god you see the tithe is not just one tenth it's the first one tenth it's the first one tenth god wants to be first in our lives so you get up early in the morning before all the hustle and bustle of the day begins and you spend quality time in the word and prayer the only thing that's going to suffer is television hello hello and you know and justine and all of that because you go to bed early it is said of john wesley the great father of the methodist church that 10 o'clock every night no matter what he's doing you know as a general habit john wesley will get up and says gentlemen you will have to excuse me because i have an important appointment in the morning 4 am he's up the the fathers that went far with god this was their habit and they lent it from jesus just to get up early a great while not five minutes a great while before dawn you know and the bowser he offered her praise and supplication with strong crying and tears you know and was hurting that deferred then of course you also tithe your money we spoke about this in the afternoon where you you tithe uh even as pastors we're supposed to pay the tithe of our tithes to our spiritual fathers let me let's just quickly review that look at uh nehemiah nehemiah chapter 10 thank you jesus nehemiah and uh it's verse 38. just just the concept and the priest the son of aeron shall be with the levites and the levites when the levites take ties and the lever shall bring up the tithes of the tithes onto the house of our god and to the chambers and treasure house numbers quickly look at numbers the bible's in the mouth of two or three readings let every word be established numbers chapter 18 and uh we're going to look let me first of all talk to verse eight you know people say oh you know tithing is old testament no it's not it's covenant abraham paid tithes before to melchizedek before there was any old covenant adam and eve cain and abel they brought their first fruits is tithe it's a covenant it is a it is a a show of reverence appreciation and respect for god that all this thing i have is not my hand that did it is your grace and mercy then i bring this as a token of my appreciation and then god will honor you and he will bless you for it so in the old testament the bible says in numbers chapter 18 numbers 18 excuse me numbers 18 so i said ah that's all old testament do you know the bible says in in romans chapter 15 verse 4 he said everything whatsoever is written is written for our learning for our learning you can't ignore these scriptures we don't do we do not keep the letter of the scripture because the letter kills but we keep the spirit of the scripture because the spirit gives life so you don't throw all these things away and say oh it's all old testament it doesn't matter no it's applicable to us where things we're still learning we're learning from we're learning from them so in verse 8 he says and the lord spake unto aaron so read after me and the lord spake unto iran behold i also have given the charge of my heave offerings and of all everybody scream all the hallowed things of the children of israel unto thee have i given them by reason of the anointing and to thy sons by an ordinance forever you can't ordain this aaron is a is the he was the high priest today is a type of the senior pastor and you see this in the new testament timothy was the bishop of the church in ephesus look at the instructions paul gave him it was timothy who decided which elders were worthy of doublono it was timothy who decided which widows will be looked after and which will not be according to the guidelines that were given to him by paul he was he all the finances of the church was under timothy's control he was he would decide which elder will be given double honor he would decide which widow would be given because of this principle the the senior pastor the aeron he said i've given you everything now of course he's not going to use everything for himself and to his sons all the assistant pastors they need to be prayed for you know they need to be paid salaries their children will go to school and all that so it is out of all of that it is one of the reasons why god is very particular about tithes and offerings because you see when you starve the church of ties and offerings you hinder the work of god now some of us have learned like paul you know we have a tense making ministry my wife and i have life for international schools and we god has blessed us to the school in fact we put more into the church you know we put more money into the church many of our pastors and everything we look after them out of life fort not out of the church because the offering in the church and the tithe is not it's not sufficient they're not sufficient now it shouldn't be but it's just it's just not enough you know so we have to put more and all of that but it's not god's best god's best is that if if the if the church has been obeying this principle of not only the people tithing but the pastors themselves tithing the windows of heaven will be open there will be so much money in the church we won't even know what to do with money you know we're told in america uh statistics just came out well i i just read you know that less than 15 percent of the of the of the church tithe how can god you know how you know and that's why they don't live in our open heavens that's why i don't have revelation knowledge that's why you know so many things so many problems so giving of the time is very important so he went on to say that was verse 8. now let's look at verse 11 read after me say and this is thine he's talking to iran the heath offering of their gift with all the wave offerings of the children of israel i have given them unto thee and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee by a statue forever and everyone that is cleaning thy house shall eat of it verse 12 are all the best ever discriminate of the oil and of the and the best of the wine and of the wheat the first of them which they shall offer unto the lord them have i given thee verse 14 every devoted thing in israel is what that's the correct thing man didn't write this god rooted now i know that people are afraid to be with the man we work the money we abuse it that's between him and god and you know if he tries that any pastor who tries and abuses this thing it's a great it's a great privilege god has given you you're supposed to use out of it to look after all the assistant pastors you know keep the church open pay for electricity utilities buy like that's what that's what tyson offerings are for then give to missions send people out it takes a lot of money to run the church properly and when it's done properly god will bless it but when it's abused you just leave that with god he knows how to deal with such people you know then um as the last verse i want to look at here on this thank you uh well yeah i think verse 26 that's it verse 26. i'm deliberately doing this because i want to give you a strong spiritual uh scriptural foundation for these practices and their effects thus speak unto the levites and say unto them when you take of the children of israel the tithes which i have given you from them for your inheritance you shall offer up and heave offering of it unto the lord even a tenth of the tithe so we pastors are supposed to tithe our ties i gave you my example in the morning you know i still until i've been doing it for years brother emiko that i worked under i i sent something to him every every every every month uh brother fred i think okay who happened to be the pastor for my wife before i met my wife when she got born again it was fred adegoque and some other brethren that were looking after her spiritually some years ago god said you have to be saying fred is my friend i was his best man you know we're very close you know but god said you need to be given to him you know because he looked after your wife and i have i've been doing that ma elton you know pastor elton's and even can i take it even though ken is dead i said can he give ministries i sent her copeland he's a derek prince even though he's dead i still sent you to every month it doesn't fail it doesn't fail so i live by the grace and the mercy of god under an open heaven now let's move on when this spirit that measure comes it's going to come like i said on a leadership that has totally purged the sin nature from the soul on the body then a followership that is not perfect yet but they are moving in that direction and like the 12 and the 70 you know god was going to god is going to uh uh uh put some of that anointing like he did from jesus he took some of the anointing on jesus he put it on the 12. and some of it he put it on the 70. but it wasn't everybody it was only those who are following him and then of course a few extra people whose names we don't know so this is what is coming now another very important truth i want to share with us is opening the scriptures let's look at luke chapter 24 luke 24 luke 24. this is the uh trip on the road to emmaus but there's a great truth there and i'm going to look at three verses look at firstly look at verse 27. look at verse 27. just it's after his resurrection he appears to these two disciples on the road to emmaus they they don't recognize him god doesn't god holds their eyes so they don't reckon they don't know who he was he begins to ask them and they tell him you know all these things the bible says i'm beginning at moses i didn't hear you and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself they have been reading this jewish children are taught the bible from when their babies they go to the synagogue every something they know they can tell you all but they they were reading it but they didn't understand what they were talking about you know same thing is true with us mention a lot of people they have head knowledge of the scripture they can quote philippians you know our most creative scripture is 419. [Music] my god will supply all my it's actually a 419 scripture you know sometimes those things have been misused but you know you can know all of that in your head and yet you don't understand what you're reading 32 and they said one to another i didn't hear you did not our heart burned within us while he talked with us by the way while he opened to us the scriptures touching never say the scripture is a closed book it takes the holy spirit to open it you read scripture you you i'm going to give you an example for instance let me just give an example what i just preached about the tithing of your time you can't find chapter and verse for it there is no chapter and verse in the old or new testament that says you should pay two and a half hours every day it's not there but it's there it's hidden what is is what the bible calls the manifold wisdom of god i know that the principle for tithing is financial but if you look deeper you will find that god also doesn't just want us to tithe our time our money he wants to entice our time it's like tightening our lives your time is your life and god doesn't just want your money he wants you but it's it's there but it's it's hidden wisdom you know let me let me you know i'm a mathematician and the physicist you know in in we have different kinds of equations we have simple equations quadratic equations differential equations and all of that i won't go into all of that but we see when someone when you solve some equations you don't only have only one solution you can have five solutions ten solutions depending on the you know uh the exponent of o of the equation the word of god is is like that to some degree take the number 10 for example 10 is 5 plus 5 that's the solution but 10 is also 7 plus three and ten is also two plus eight and ten is also one plus nine and ten is also one point one plus eight point nine infinite you can you can get the number 10 with an infinite combination if you go into decimal places by time you go to 10 decimal places 15 decimal places 20 that's my place it will still add up to 10. is the manifold wisdom of god it's the same scripture but you can see it in different angles the same holy ghost it's called the manifold wisdom of god that is why it is short-sighted and immature christians that are dogmatic and say this is what this one says and that's all i i believe about it no no no there are deeper things but it's the holy spirit who can unveil them that's why the scriptures have to be opened you can read it and just read the surface and not get the depth of what the holy spirit says so the tithing principle is not just a financial principle it's a time principle because god wants your life he says my son give me your heart so god is number one in our lives pastor what you at the introduction you know the day passover leo came bishop while okay he said he said he talked about the efficient church he says you have left your first love he said go back and do the first work everybody everybody shout first god always wants to be first so when you get up in the morning the first the first person you talk to is god the first hour of your day belongs to god you give it to him first then all other things will be added so he opened their understanding the details of the bible are hidden in symbolic types and shadows and scattered throughout scripture that's why you need the holy spirit everybody go to isaiah 28. isaiah i'm talking about opening the scriptures isaiah 28. i'm not talking to anybody here if i'm blessing you give me a wave offering and i say hi okay i know you're still with me isaiah 28 and look at verse 9. look at what he says whom shall he teach knowledge whom shall he make to understand doctrine even them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from praise this is not milk baby christianity god wants to take you deeper paul said you guys he said i can't talk to yours onto spiritual he said but that's on to babies i said you have need of milk another strong beat he says i have not been able to teach you you know and same thing said to them in hebrews he said you know by reason of time you ought to be teachers but you have need that they teach you the first process of the oracle of god you are unskillful in the word of righteousness but god wants to take he wants to wean us from milk let me tell you what milk is milk is teaching and preaching that gives you blessings and does not demand conditions that's what the church loves when we start giving you the conditions then you start going to meet when you are a young christian and you're just newly born again usually the first six months and a year you pray and pray god answers the prayer i'm able to remember why because you're a baby it's milk but you can't live like that forever after some time you stop you have to grow out of that and sadly most people don't want to grow out of that want to stay there and let out you just come to church on sunday and the guy feeds us and then we get blessed give me give me give me my name is jimmy stop that nonsense you have to grow verse 10 isaiah 28 for precept must be upon precept i didn't hear you precept upon precept line up online line up online hear a little there a little let me just show you like what i just did this this out this evening now i give you malakai then i give you galatians when i was talking about the offering a little in malachi a little in galatians line up online presented on preset hear a little a little from ezekiel a little from revelation a little from first corinthians a little from second corinthians a little from ephesians sometimes when god wants to give you a message he will pick then he will not concatenate them he will bring them together to get a picture let me give another example another illustration rather you know when i was a kid you know when i was eight nine years old you know it was i think it was my junior brother's birthday somebody gave us a jigsaw puzzle i don't know what a jigsaw puzzle is let me just tell you it's a picture then they cut it into small small small small small small small pieces maybe a thousand species you know then you have to put the pieces together to get the picture revelation knowledge is a little bit like that it's a jigsaw apostle so there is a peace in ephesians then there's another peace in revelation then another peace it takes the holy spirit to bring the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together then you begin to see the picture of what god is actually saying that picture is all called revelation then you begin to have in your in your mind you now begin to have the mind of christ you now begin to see the thing the way god sees it are you listening to me now another very important tool in this thing is tongues verse 11 isaiah 28 for his stammering lips i didn't hear you and another tank i always like to say the bible after me it keeps your attention for with tamarind lips and another tank will he speak to these people to whom he said this is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing yet they will not hear see how accurate the bible is you know that up to today some people are still contending about tongues some of our baptist brethren and some other people they will tell you yes i know the bible talks about tongues you know he said but the bible says do all speak in tongues i know the bible says that but he was he wasn't talking about prayer type language tongues he was talking about the gift of you know diversity of tongues and interpretation of tongues which not everybody has but everybody to have the prayer gift the bible says i would that you all speak in tongues that's what the scripture says you know but that's why if you don't know your bible properly the devil will just come and he would take one or two scriptures out of context and he would twist them you know so he said the these tongues is the tool by which god opens the scripture because when you are praying in tongues it's not your understanding it's the holy spirit now watch this i was sharing this with emmanuel uh one of my sons who came with me you know this afternoon when we're going back in the car you know and i remembered kenneth copeland's message in 1980 42 years ago in uh in in cap meeting and this is what ken copeland said he said words paint pictures for example if i say dog you don't think of dog you think about the dog maybe the one next door if i say big white dog the picture changes if i say dalmatian the picture changes if i say alsatian the picture changes if i say rottweiler the picture changes all dogs but they are different pictures words paint pictures but that's not only true of words that are spoken in english it's also true of tongues because when you're speaking in tongues you're speaking in a heavenly language not the tongues of men and of angels so when you're praying you're releasing pictures you're releasing pictures words but they're painting pictures now they're not intelligible to your mind but the picture begins to be pasted into your mind like by the holy spirit so when you pray a lot in tongues you get a picture picture picture picture picture picture picture like pieces of a jigsaw apostle then you go read your bible as you begin to read your bible you just open up wow that's the picture i saw glory to god hallelujah that's how that's how god has hidden truth that's why you need the holy spirit and the right attitude to open the scriptures so you can read the scripture what does this mean what does this mean what is it you know what is this one what is that word but with time as you pray a lot in spirit and you read your bible the scriptures will open to you the bible says this in uh uh um proverbs chapter 25 verse 2 he says it is the glory of god to conceal a matter but it is the honor of kings to search it out before i i i i leave isaiah i'm still in isaiah you know look at verse 13. this is very important he said but the word of the lord i didn't hear you was unto them precept upon precept pre-set upon precept line up online line up online here a little there little watch this that they might go and fall backward and be broken and sneered and taken what the bible is saying is this peter repeats the same thought in the book of second peter he says those who are unlearned and unstable rest the scriptures to their own destruction this scripture will only open to those who are of a humble and an honest heart the man who wants to try and use his intellectual something to make his point and argument is going to be trapped is that that they might be taken and snared now of course god god is not a bad person he doesn't just understand but he he has hidden the truth so that it is only the honest the sincere the humble that we get it that's why it's hidden truth like what i've just shared with you about tithing your time it's there but it's hidden truth and in the book of revelation in chapter 2 in verse 17 the bible talks about hidden manner hidden manner let me explain what that means to you it's in in verse 17 there it is the deepest level of the revelation of god's word and you can't understand that unless you understand the tabernacle of moses in the table of moses you have three compartments you had the outer court which was in the natural light then you had the holy place which had the candlestick and the shoe bread then you had the most holy place where you had the shekinah glory of god and then you had the the ark of the covenant and inside the ark there were three things there was the tablets of stone where moses wrote the ten commandments then there was aaron's rod that bothered and then there was a sample of the manner that fell from heaven it was kept there that is what john the revelator by the holy spirit is referring to here hidden manner this is truth of god's word that is hidden but he's only in the most holy place now watch this the guy who is in the outer court only understands the bible from the natural point of view so when i tell him about for example this scripture we just read in isaiah chapter 28 with tamarinds another tongue if you read it in its historical context it was all about the babylonians who would come and their language was different from the language of the um of the israelites that's the natural understanding but we know now that he's talking about tongues for today but if you look at it in the if you are if you are reading this thing in the outer court and some of our brethren will argue and say oh no no i can't be talking about tongues he's just talking about you know foreign languages and these armies that were going to come they were not which is true but that's not the whole truth that's just one layer of truth there was a deep there's a deeper layer of which is talking about tongues so the bible is full of things like that you see what is on the surface then there's a deeper truth and there's still a deep truth inside the most holy place in the in the holy place is light of revelation where you have the candle stick and you see the show bread then in the most holy place is only going into the holiest of all you can see there is ins the mana is inside the ark and some of these things that we're sharing are like that they hidden manner is there but it's not it's not it's not it's not on the surface it's not in the outer court it's not in even in the holy place it's inside the most holy place and it takes that's why paul said deep calls on too deep at the noise of their what has passed he says the the hidden things of god the deep things of god who no man knows the things of the spirit but the d it takes depth of prayer and intercession so the last thing i will talk about tonight oh god help me oh let's see how god will help me what you gonna give me another five minutes ten i'm your pastor all right 10 minutes i promise opening your understanding look at let's go back to luke chapter 24 and look at verse 45. great scripture that luke 24 the root to amass luke 24 and uh i'm gonna look at verse 45 24 where in the world are you yeah there he goes then opened here there what look at the look at the look at the sequence he expanded them to scripture he opened the scripture then he also opened their understanding i'm preaching and teaching prophetically now under an unction and an anointing and i'm expanding the scripture to you but you know if you're here and you're and you're not developed to some degree something something job is going over your head because your understanding has not been opened so we need to open your understanding how do you open the understanding you open the understanding by the impartation of revelation knowledge what is revelation knowledge i make it very simple by the grace and the mercy of god it is knowledge that god shines into your mind from your spirit from the holy spirit your mind is like a canvas it's like a screen when in in the olden days when you used to go to the cinema house they will project light from the projector it will go on the screen then you get the picture that's how revelation is revelation is like a spiritual laser beam many years ago when i was teaching of this in our church i i used the natural illustration of a laser beam a laser beam in physics you know is light laser is an acronym it means light amplification by the simulated emission of radiation that's a natural laser beam then one of my spiritual sons got a hold of it and he said pastor what you shared today and then he wrote me a note and i took it from him it was beautiful he said when you amplify the light of god's word you amplified by the power of the holy spirit with the emission of revelation so the the the revelation knowledge is light that god shines into your mind from the holy spirit through your human spirit into your mind but for it to be incident on your mind and for it to be effective your mind your will has to be open if your wheel is closed even though the light is shining it will not get to your mind let me use an example i got a mobile phone here and all of us know you have a touch in this mobile phone if it god forbid if it goes dark here maybe they switch off all the lights and you switch on the light on the mobile phone you will see it but if i took this [Music] and i did this the light is still shining but you can't see it this is blocking the light your will will see more of this tomorrow by the grace of god i was going to do it tonight but i don't have the time you know because i give my word you know but your will acts like a trap door that is why if submission honesty humility reverence attitude they say your attitude determines your altitude there's great truth in that you know if your attitude is wrong you can pray all you want [Music] and the holy grail can be shiny the light if it's locked like that the light won't get to the mind it won't get there your mind has to open for the light to shine second corinthians chapter four verse six oh god help me second corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 for god read after me for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined where in our hearts to give the light of the word knowledge of the glory of god that is in the face of jesus christ that's the textbook definition of revelation knowledge god shines light into our hearts to give knowledge that's why we call it revelation knowledge we learn this from ew kenya there are two kinds of knowledge there is a knowledge you get from your five physical senses comes by experimental but it all comes through the five physical sciences then there is knowledge you get by revelation that comes from the holy spirit through your human spirit into your mind all of them are in your mind but one comes by the spirit the other one comes through the physical senses sense knowledge is very limited and that's why they only believe in what they can see touch taste or feel but the man of faith who walks by revelation knows truth he knows it not by exp physical experience but by revelation and then when he acts upon it he now gets the physical manifestation so that's how your understanding is going to be enlightened it's going to be enlightened by revelation knowledge where we'll do more of this tomorrow finally before i close i will talk about reigning righteousness [Music] r-a-i-n ring you know we the the the the holy spirit the the power of the holy spirit is referred to as reign the former and the latter reign now look at who hussiah chapter 10 i asked you for 10 minutes so josiah chapter 10 am i helping anybody here i'll give me a way of offering somebody okay who's that chapter 10 and look at verse 12. you say show to yourself i didn't hear you in righteousness reaping mercy break up your fallow ground he's talking about the quality of your heart for it is time to seek the lord till he come and reign righteousness upon you that coming i'll just say this there are three stages of the lord's coming most people only know about the rapture when logan come the rapture and the rapture is going to happen you know but he's going to first of all come in us in perfection and fullness then he's going to come for us at the rapture then he's going to come with us for the millennial reign those are the three stages of his coming so the first one before the rapture is he's coming in us that's what he's talking about here till he come you know and then he's going to reign righteousness upon us look at psalm 133 hello somebody psalm 133 and uh there's a beautiful scripture verses one two and three i i mentioned it yesterday night i i'm gonna close with this thought he says a song of degrees of david behold how good and pleasant it is for brain to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down the beard even aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garment as the dew of hermann and as the dude that descended upon the mountains of zion for there the lord has commanded the blessing even life forevermore if he was in the greek would say zoey this is how it's going to happen when the lord comes in us in a perfect leadership that perversion is going to reign righteousness down to the rest of the body for those who have broken up their fallow ground that's why meetings like this are so important they are preparatory just like the ministry of john the baptist was preparatory to the coming of christ to bring down the high places fill the valleys make the crooked places straight make the rough places smooth to prepare a highway the highway is in your heart because many of our hearts are full of mountains they're full of valleys they're full of crooked places of wrong knowledge you know rough places of unbelief all that has to be smoothed out so that when the wisdom comes when the when the glory comes we can get the wisdom of god the way god wants us to get it so what god is going to do is this he will come then he's going to reign righteousness you know when he's raining his water that comes from heaven that's a physical rain but spiritual rain now is the teaching of god's word with clarity revelation and simplicity it will come from the head then it will come down to the rest of the body not only will it rain and water which is the life of god through the word of god but it will also reign righteousness which is right now which is the blood of jesus those in leadership we would minister forgiveness you know one of the things jesus first gave the church after the resurrection was the power to remit sin he said whosoever sins you remember they are related unto them and whosoever sins you retain they are retained unto them the bible says if you see your brother's sin that's what pastor paul was teaching us in the afternoon if you supposed to do something wrong it's not for you to go [Laughter] and tell everybody no i pray for them father i remit their sin i ask life for them pray for them in tongues build them up strengthen them so that god can help them to overcome that weakness not going to talking talking you know so that's what's going to happen the perfect leadership is going to be reigning the life of god and the blood of jesus upon the followership that is following and it's going to cause right standing by the cleansing of the blood jesus and right doing by faith we've used faith we're going to close in a minute we've used faith for everything except for obedience the bible says jesus taught us we all there's no canadian person who doesn't know the scripture mark 11 22 23 you know whosoever shall say to the mountain be thou removed and be thou kansas he shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that the thing which he says that comes by he shall have whatsoever he sees well why don't you use that for the mountain of the loss of the flesh the loss of the eyes and the pride of life so that you can use your faith for obedience so for instance you're not very patient and you're not very kind then you begin to call the things which are not as though they are i am patient and i am kind the word is nighty in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou mayest do it so you begin to say by faith and then you release the power of god the power of god now goes into your mind your will your emotions and it starts making you patient it starts making you kind so we use righteousness not only right standing by the blood of jesus you now use righteousness by faith for right doing then that righteousness will reign then you're gonna have a glorious church no spot no blemish no wrinkle everybody will not be perfect at once leadership will be but not everybody but and they will be growing to it but you know the reason why it's going to be glorious is because even when sin happens they confess it immediately it disappears you know righteousness is being reigned from the top down to the bottom so the wrinkles are being removed the spots are being removed the blemishes have been grown so whenever you look at the church you see a perfect church stand to your feet [Applause] and we are now a people prepared with lunch in the afternoon by the blood of the lamb watching and praying put the lyrics on bimbo put the lyrics on like a brighter red and we now drink from the water of life in the city where the lord is the light we hear you say you are coming soon and the spirit and the brights they come this is the day [Music] [Music] the very top of his appearance [Music] [Applause] raise your voice [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] find the blood of the lamb [Music] the water of life in the city where the lord is [Music] [Applause] this is the day of his return [Music] raise your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] and we are now [Music] and pray for jesus [Music] [Music] who won put one hand on your heart raise the other hand to god we hear you say you work [Music] and the spirit and the bride [Music] pray after me say heavenly father i thank you for your word i thank you because you're a righteous god you're a good god you have not asked us to do what we cannot do your york is easy your burden is light your commandments are not grievous for this i am grateful i thank you for what you have taught me tonight lord i receive fresh mercy and grace to be a doer of these things not a hearer only and i know by your mercy and grace i will find this yoke easy and i will find this burden light and these commandments will not be grievous and you will help me to prepare me so that i'll be a vessel of honor a vessel of honor that will carry and demonstrate the power of the spirit without measure that is coming in the fulfillment of the feast of tabernacles in jesus name amen let's pray in the spirit nica tolomo that's the purpose of tongues to help us to do what god helped wants us to do the spirit is there to help us nicaraguan father thank you labrie tala moshe lord jesus i pray that command holy spirit thank you lord prakash afraid we thank you for your blood labrie quetofrenia we thank you for your life shall i braga your power nero in our souls la pretty freyr in our bodies celebration freedom in our circumstances in our regional heavenlies in jesus wonderful name let's give a lot of super clap offering hallelujah i want to encourage everybody be here in the morning like pastor said eight o'clock we'll be here by nine and we start you know i have a lot of things i will share with you about the practical operation of these things i'm gonna share some prayers with you some scriptures you know that will make it very clear and very easy and you will see how to do these things so that you can be a participator in the great glory that is coming pastor poju thank you god bless you [Music] so all right so tomorrow 8 00 a.m all right let's share the grace and fellowship with the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and so fellowship of the holy spirit rise upon us now forevermore in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Covenant Nation
Views: 14,042
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Id: WtW4MymEyko
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Length: 249min 26sec (14966 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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