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good evening good afternoon good morning wherever you're watching us from and welcome to the international conference for pastors leaders ministers and workers icplw 2022 my name is sergiya kelly and it's such an honor to welcome you into our midst this evening we are beginning live from the covenant nation and we are set for an encounter with the lord as the theme of this conference is reviving rekindling the flames of the revival it is our belief that according to acts 2 2 the sound of the russian mighty and the holy spirit is going to come into your space and fill that house with his presence and that is what we have been praying for that is why we have come purposefully and i believe that's why you are glued to your screens right now your devices or wherever you're watching from purposefully can i just invite you to send that link to someone who needs to be in this uh conference icpmlw is for all believers as our pastor has taught us uh all believers are ministers we are all called to disciple the nations so it's important that you join and keen to this conference as we believe god for a mighty revival upon the earth and the life of everyone that is connected to this i'd like to turn you over very quickly now we're going to start with prayer but i ask that you put any distractions and listen intently tonight we have our fathers in the lord pastor paul joey made senior pastor of the coroner nation and fellowship of nigeria it promises to be an encounter with the lord tonight and please join us send that link to someone right and you can continue tomorrow as well we are here all through to the 3rd of september so please join us uh just search for icpmlw on instagram facebook youtube and twitter all the covenant nation across those social media channels and you can connect with us every day we will have morning afternoon and evening sessions so today we kick off with the evening session again with our senior pastor pastor cody maddy and bishop francis wiley okay it's my honor to welcome you to icplwa 2022 god bless you have a great evening thanking him bible says we can come before the throne of grace towards obtain mercy and find grace meet for help in the times of need let's thank him for that sure mercy of david that he has prepared for us in these next four days all of this made possible by the blood that has caused loving kindness of the father to be turned towards us so therefore the first order of business tonight is to thank him thank him thank him thank him that he has prepared before us over the next four days the things the bible says that even angels desire to look into [Music] lift up your eyes unto him tonight and thank him worship him in the beauty of holiness tonight he sits in the heaven above every other well let's establish his throne in the rest of these gatherings [Music] worship him that seat on the throne worship the lamb that was slain to secure this asset for us worship him it is not just a ritual it is the first order of business worship him tonight remember it is when worship goes to the heaven [Music] that he takes his place [Music] therefore worship him thank him for what the blood has done [Music] it is a blood that speaks better things than the blood of abel thank him that by that blood there is the cleansing of our consciousness [Music] [Music] hallelujah i read from the book of job chapter 2 and verse 23 we're still in the attitude of prayer we are approaching his throne tonight with thanksgiving thanking him for what he has prepared job chapter 2 verse 23 says be glad then you children of zion and rejoice in the lord your god for it give it to the former reign moderately and it will cause to come down on you for the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month we have come for the awakening of the revival and i want you to just thank god he says god is ready the problem is not about god being ready god is ready he is willing and he is prepared to pour the fire and so we can do the flames of revival therefore still go in that attitude of worship and just thank him that this is what we have come for in these four days we have come to a table prepared we have come for the outpouring of the holy spirit and he says it will pour not as it did in the former he will put both the former and the latter there will be the outpouring of the holy spirit without measure new dimensions of experience and encounters in the next four days therefore lift up your voice and just thank him thank him thank him the bible says that if we be human know how to give good gifts how much more will our father give of his holy spirit that is the source of the flames of revival therefore lift up your voice to him tonight and say lord over the next four days we come we come with vessels open to receive that which you have prepared come rejoicing come with gladness in your heart and say to him lord tonight we come this is the first day the encounters that we will take away tonight it will be as though we've been on this mountain for days pray to him tonight come before him and say holy spirit i come hungry i come thrusting for you david said as though their pants for the water brooks so does my so long after you i want you in the next couple of minutes begin to talk to god and say lord over the next four days i have come that the flames of revival might be rekindled in my heart i have come to this mountain to look to you to look unto you and to leave this mountain with a countenance refreshed with a countenance enlightened with a countenance in flames talk to him tonight and say lord i come casting aside every distraction i come with my vessels tonight say lord fill me it says he will give both the former and the latter rain at once oh talk to him tonight talk to him tonight he is a loving father that has prepared [Music] ask for the supply of the spirit to help you [Music] to break up every fallow ground ask for the supply of the holy spirit there will be a rekindling in your heart that in the course of this meeting the lord will send ministers to you in response to the deep prayers you have offered in your secret place [Music] lay hold on him tonight stand up yourself to lay hold on god tonight [Music] as we get into the last part of this prayer let's begin to pray in the holy ghost if you can begin to stare up yourself in the holy ghost begin to pray in the holy ghost stare up those waters let the grounds of your heart be plowed up that the flames of revival may be rekindled in your hearts tonight pray in the holy ghost wherever you are within the auditorium outside the auditorium [Music] lay hold on him tonight lay hold on him tonight [Music] stand up yourself to engage the bible says who is it that stands up himself to engage stand up your hearts tonight pray in the [Music] the bible says we have a privilege to come into his presence and to be transformed not as moses they are to cover his face therefore thank him that which unveiled faces we see what the father is doing which unveiled faces we see the flames dropping with unveiled faces [Music] there is a staring [Music] pray in the holy ghost stand up yourself about the next one minutes stare up yourself stare up yourself prepare the grounds of your heart prepare the ground of your heart mages [Music] operator foreign let's begin to give him praise tonight begin to thank him thank him give him his praise in full measure thank him in advance in full measure thank him in advance in full measure [Music] [Music] [Music] sits on the throne [Music] to him to him [Music] [Music] sits on the ground [Music] foreign [Music] honor and power foreign [Music] [Music] blessed [Music] foreign [Music] give him the glory [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] father we give you praise we give you praise today to you who sings [Music] oh we gave you praise tonight jesus we give you praise tonight jesus we give you praise tonight jesus we give you glory we give you a blessing we give you all your god [Music] there is nothing there is no one like you somebody raise your voice tonight say there is nothing there is no one there is nothing there is no one there is no one like you are we mario there is [Music] there is [Music] there is nothing there is nothing there is nothing there is no [Music] one ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is nothing there is no god like you are so variety [Music] there is nothing there is no god like you somebody there [Music] is nothing you [Music] [Music] [Applause] we worship you we glorify you [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] yes in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] this this is [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Applause] hey [Music] i don't know how many of you came for an insulin out of my belly some blood [Music] say that one more time out of my belly outer my belly one more time us [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've come to help you to open ourselves [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we sees us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] see [Music] bless the name of the thank lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] most times wheeled to you wheeled to you all baptizing fire we yield to you so [Music] out of the mundane to where i'm ordained for things that were made we're made from things unseen [Music] dimensions found only in jesus [Music] i am with the father [Applause] [Music] for things that were made [Music] is this is [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] no boundaries no limitations no boundaries [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh are we are with our father [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] off you jesus we've gone from south from east from not to west we've come we've come to trump [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] from the spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we worship you [Music] [Applause] holy spirit on your [Music] you for fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we is on yours [Music] revival [Music] let me just give you 30 seconds with your father [Music] tell him you've come for revival fire [Music] he's the baptizing fire [Music] jesus will come to you [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you jesus let your power flow in this place let your healing come let [Music] [Music] let your healing come in this place lord your mercy [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh me [Music] [Music] in this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no man can see the end of your grace if you know it i want you to sing no man no man [Music] oh as far oh yes [Applause] you when i think that i have seen you show me [Music] oh [Applause] you are yes oh foreign [Music] jesus [Music] she we [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] all right welcome this evening to our first session of international for ministers and i would like to it's my pleasure to welcome into a mister president of the of the pentecostal fellowship of nigeria [Music] they shall france says okay amen all right uh this the theme of this meeting is rekindling the flames of a revival and it's a it's a very very very important and crucial subject and i just want to leave a brief foundation on this before i invite bishop up now first of all i mean there's there are many ways i can teach this but there's a scripture god gave me and so i'll just sit with that scripture first of all i want to ask what is a revival and why do we need a revival a revival can be defined as a renowner or a renual it's the renewing abide the holy spirit and i explain what i mean by renewing it's also a time where the holy spirit restores and there is a fresh inflow of life and power in and through the body of christ revivals are the way in which god gains the attention of both the church and the world and he also restores lost truth into the body of christ so through a revival against the attention of the world and the attention first of the church and of the world and by that he also one of the things he does is that he restores lost truth into the body of christ now this might be the most important and this is where the real adjustment should be made for us it is a reawakening and also a quickening to the claims of god upon our lives and not our claim on him in other words the concept many of us have in terms of going to meet god is to get what we want from him and not to submit ourselves to what he wants from us paul said this is what i pursue that i may apprehend that for which i have been apprehended in other words when god got you saved and called you he had a reason in his heart for arresting so to speak you on your path and turning him and in a revival is a rediscovery of why god called me and my alignment of my will to that particular thing so a revival will break out first of all where people come under the conviction on their conviction about their own lives and the way things are compared to the light of scriptures it led into a new beginning of obedience to god now there's a scripture god gave me revelations chapter 2 all right from verse 1 to five when a revival is in operation without put up scripture literally when a revival is in operation and he said there are many ways in which you could have thought he said sit with this one when a revival is in oppression there will be a renewal of the first love of christians and he said what is going on is that many have left their first love and i told my first love resulting in a great awakening which means when there is a renewal of the first love of christians that will result in a greater awakening that will now lead automatically to a conversion of large numbers of sinners to god but it starts with the renewal of what we call our first love and in revelations chapter 2 verse 1 to verse 5 it says on to the angel of the church at ephesus this thing saith he that holded the seven stars in his right hand who work half in the midst of the seven golden candle sticks i know thy works which means there were a lot of works that they were doing and god says i know your works a lot of activities were going on serving and i labor and i patient and how you cannot bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them that are apostles and are not and has found them to be liars thou has born and has patience for my name's sake you have labored and you have not fainted so this was a real active church nevertheless he said i have somewhat against you because thou has left thy first love in other words all right things for example you can be a minister now let me show you different philosophies where you read your bible in order to prepare salmon to preach but when it was your first love you were reading your bible to have life ministered to you you had nobody you were preaching to so you are enjoying your time with the scriptures the discovery of things and there was nobody you were talking to nobody was even going to listen to you i had no audience you had no crowd so it was all about the love for jesus and not an external display going back to your first love means that and peter and john they almost mistake they said listen it was time to serve tables and all of this and they said listen we cannot leave prayer and the ministry of the word of god and that's what he was saying to the church of ephesus which means you have left certain things and what you are doing is hyperactive it's good it says what it has you have left alright your first love now please hear this engagement in very good activities that do not require any supernatural enablement to make them happy you hear what i said you are engaging in several activities but when you study those activities you don't need supernatural enablement to get it done and so you do not achieve the purpose of the gospel which is the power of god in other words the gospel involves supernatural operations so basically ask yourself in all of the activities that i do as a christian do i need and require supernatural enablement to get this particular things done all right now please can you put up the right up here and i want to put up a writer because and the reason i'm saying this is that i believe family all right and i'm saying this to you i have been at the forefront of this so i'm in a position to say what i'm about to see all right but and god said show me and i was studying on missionaries and an anglican church how the revival methodist church and all of that and the point at which the deviation began to occur now and they say a lot to us as christians i'm saying it's not it's good uh the christians we should be socially responsible christians we should do this and they put us under pressure and we also can start yielding to the pressure in fact let me tell you this you will be a much more appreciated pastor today if you are serving tables than just giving yourself continually to pray and fasting are you following what i'm saying people say that you are very humble can you see this person they put up your photograph everywhere and they'll pull you serving tables that this is the type of pasta this is what we are talking about this is the real gospel it doesn't require any supernatural blend and they say look you're very humble i like look i i like your church you are you are conscious i'm not saying it's wrong but you can start deviating from the real core of it in other words you can engage in all those things all right you can engage in all those things let me say this here so you understand some things i'm saying i went to a minister's conference and they asked me i said i made a mistake in ministry i said the mistake i made in ministry and i i i wanted to reverse it without people knowing i should not have started doing platform before i did waffles in other words now platform is a more popular event in the country than waffek do you get what i'm saying because it's socially relevant i went somewhere and there were past presidents there they came to introduce me to do the closing prayer and of course the way they said it so that they understand who i am is that this is the conveyor of platform and everybody all right but inside me are you following what i'm saying here i said this man let me read to you this can you put up what i said now here is what the income people say this is what they were saying about even schools they were starting hospitals don't hear what they were saying not was the adoption of these methods of propagating a religion without its effect upon us and you know what they were saying they were trying to propagate the religion here in a certain way the establishment of schools hospitals especially perhaps of the larger schools and hospitals and colleges in great centers altered our conception of our work as missionaries listen to what's here next verse next time they called out large numbers of mission workers of a new type with new ideas of missionary work we began to hear such phrases as these the gospel of enlightenment the gospel of healing the social gospel and in later years the gospel of sex equality because once you start that thing you are going down that route next one while we continue to speak of our medical and educational work in the old way as designed to open doors and attract errors and to convert in other words when we started this thing it was to open doors to places so that we will preach the gospel to them and convert them do you get what we're saying so if you went anywhere and you were doing a food program or you were doing a medical program it was that people should come so that you could preach the gospel and lay hands are you following what i'm saying now let's go ahead he says while it comes from america and has come back we began to also to speak of medical education and social work as forms of what preaching the gospel without preaching the gospel didn't tell them about the death burial and resurrection of jesus but you believe that by establishment of this name you have preached the gospel you are doing ngo work that's why i don't see that one now what is required is that people should go back to their first love now i will speak in coded ways if you catch it you catch it if you don't catch it it's your problem then it's not meant for you now look at the next one the uplift of people was a great gospel in itself christ came to raise mankind and to raise mankind out of this law of superstition and evil conditions was we argued to preach and to practice his gospel so he started doing other things next thing in the event by raising the whole race such missionary work was preparing for a day when racist tribes and peoples instructed in christian ethics strengthened by christian signs enriched by christian sociology will recognize the source of all blessing and will be able to worship and serve christ duly and as christians ought to do that's your assumption now without preaching the gospel we were preaching the same theory in england it was an age of great social upheaval social service was a cry which held and attracted large numbers of the younger and a black christian mind and to a very large great extent the church threw herself into the work church was castly considered complete without large institutional guides clubs halt and all these things were urged upon the generosity of church men on the assurance that their provision will prepare the way for christ we have now had many years experience of that method of approach and it's becoming increasingly plain it is indeed already commonly acknowledged that the church has not by these social activities brought men in any great degree within the sphere of spiritual influence it has not succeeded along this road in imparting that spiritual life which it exists to minister next many deploy the obvious fact that while the institutions have done much valuable work the great mass of those who have been who have used them have not near are not nearer to the church or to christ in other words the people who have come for like medical programs and come for all these things have not grown closer to the lord jesus christ we can organize all those things without groanings and travel in the spirit are you following what i'm saying next thing here the churches which support them most strongly have increased neither in number nor in spiritual power in anything like the proportion which the energy through into this social work presupposed do you get what i'm saying so could you put up the graph and let me show what happens here because i'm telling you i mean my personal john says he's coming he used to tell us back then he used to say to us they would say to us back then he said look this is how the church came into dark ages those social works are good but people did not go to the core of the gospel this is how the drift starts and i don't know whether bishop wallace will remember many years he must have been almost 20 years ago i heard him preach and he said i say savior he said let me tell you something he said when we are well i don't know the term knowledge of suffering but you know when they put the thing it says if there's a deviation just by a fraction of one percent and you go down by the time you get after some time is kilometers a big upgrade i said we heard you people we heard you people did it so if there's a small division here the error looks small that's what he's saying but when you project it for 30 years you'll be far jesus himself said i came not to save the world look jesus said it he said i pray not for the world please i know you won't like it but jesus mission wasn't to change herod you hear what i said that's not his business whether herod is there or not with the mass of signs and wonders are you following what i'm saying here all right so what happens is we start out in life and this one i'm saying in terms of the church you have growth everybody is doing that and everybody then you get a place of maturity as you understand it to be of one face in your life and you get comfortable let me tell you this when i was in school because we have to tell ourselves the truth [Music] when i was in school revival is not pointing fingers at other people it's pointing your finger at your own self it's not saying the body of christ has said is you you are you following what i'm saying why we're in school pastor luke johnson instilled in to us to fast once a week so there was a chap who was in the bottom back then all right it was about back then are we good one okay so we were first once a week so one day one of the chaps for me i mean it was went to sim primary school but it was my it was two years my senior year but you two used to go to scripture but so ah he said i don't fasting again i say uh yeah it's in your mind now do you get what was here ah that love has seen this once a week again you see when you are growing a grower you're going to get to a point you now feel you know once you get to that point all right maturity have to have a revival or a decline will start listen any ministry you know that was once on the cutting edge and is no longer there there was a call for a revival in their midst and i will tell you when god is calling for a revival because you're not going to hear a voice saying revival he says when you see the figs like this know that the time has come once you get to that point there the decline now put the second graph here it is that place here that when the decline start they say renewal and they go up if there is no renewal at that point is death that is going to happen so my instruction is to tell you i will get there after this conference for 30 days drop all your own personal prayer points i don't care what they are i say i'm about to travel drop it i said visa is going to drop it and purely seek the face of god for 30 days because there's only one method known throughout human history through which there will be a revival and it is soul travel and intercessory prayer groanings in the spirit where the sole purpose of the people that are praying is that they are seeking a revival and that refiner can be in a specific area within their ministry we'll look at this tomorrow break up your fallout ground so when you get to that certain place distractions begin to occur and you start getting distracted i mean when you have money to do things you get distracted when you have money you can't be distracted are you following i'm saying you cannot be distracted because you don't have money to do you can't be distracted all right when you have money and you can you can that's what you start saying is a no-brainer are you following i'm saying here if you if you don't have money you can't count every location if you don't have money you can't really you are stuck to seeking the face of god so once once you get to that point and there's a way with all destruction can come in so a revival of course when people are now seeking for the supernatural dimension in other words george's chapter 6 of just 10 more minutes please georges 6 12-14 what did gideon say and the angel of lord appeared unto him and said unto him the lord is with thee thou almighty man of valor and what did he say and gideon said o my lord if the lord be with us why then is all this befalling us where be all these miracles which our father told us of saying did not the lord bring us up from egypt but now the lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the word medianites psalm 44 verse one two three this is what begins to happen all right we have had with our heirs oh god our fathers have told us what work thou did in their days in the times of old how do they drive out the hidden with their hand and plant it so it's about people beginning to reflect on the fact that god all right we heard of these things so a revival doesn't just happen because it's god's choice which means god just in his sovereignty decided that it would be revival and then it broke out it coincides with god's timing and he shows that the time has come for it but we must respond by making use of the appropriate means for revival so god shows us that it's time for it by certain signals that we see and then we begin to respond all right by the use of appropriate means there so god in his providence uses external things to catch your attention to the times that you are in and then we are to respond making use of the appropriate method that god has given so first of all got to understand that god says first all right that he shows you around the things that look it's time for every awakening luke chapter 21 verse 29 to verse 34. right it says and he speak unto them a parable saying behold the fig tree and all the trees and then it says when they now should fought and you see and know yourselves that summer is nigh in other words god says he says all right next verse it says that so likewise when you see this thing so there are certain things that you see that you begin to understand that is time for something and if you don't respond that's when the decline now sets in so things will happen in a certain way and without a revival that is a real awakening out of an enlightenment to further truth a decline will set in if that decline begins to set in and then you ignore the decline again and overlook it which means there's false design if you pick the signs then you'll go into the birth position so let me tell you this people that you don't see any decline is the reason is that they saw the sign do you get what i'm saying they responded to that sign when they got to that top and moved up people didn't respond to the sign the decline started and then they didn't respond to the decline again are you following what i'm saying see i don't know about you but max says exodus of young people out of this country is a problem you understand what i'm saying it means somewhere inside their heart they don't believe the power of god can keep them in this environment whichever way you look at it it means somewhere they've tried this thing they are not sure so there are means which god stipulates after he gives a signal for a revival so he gives this eye poses signal out there so it's a time for genuine revival now okay now if you see the signs and it tells you all right these are the means through which the revival will come charles finney the great revivalist said these words he said there is one fact under god under the government of god worthy of universal notice and of everlasting remembrance which is that the most useful and important things are most easily and certainly obtained by the use of appropriate means i fully believe he said that could the facts be known it will be found that when divinely appointed methods have been rightly used spiritual blessings have been obtained with uniformity more than temporal wants in other words he says should the facts and the laws be understood properly as to god's method of producing something you are sure and certain of that thing happening if you use those methods then the pilots that won't stick off a plane that knows that this natural loss will cause this plane to fly so what he's saying is that there's no guess walk in other words when the signs are there it says if you use the appropriate means that god has laid down then you are going to experience it so as i close what are the fundamentals is the renewal first of the first love of christians which results in massive awakening and the conversion of sinners to christ where there is a returner to our first love there will always be a desire to reach lost souls however the root cause of a revival is arousing the quickening and the reclaiming of the church out of a position out of position with god which means the church being out of position with god is the reclaiming of that all right and now what that leads to is opening up ourselves to the claims of god over our lives a true revival therefore is how the hearts of god's people are affected the results of a revival is science wonders and supernatural manifestations do you understand what i'm saying a revival is not when you see all the souls coming in the revival is when the person breaks before god do you get what i'm saying here that is the revival to avoid looking at your heart in the mirror and to be praying for external power is to violate the method of god in other words you cannot tell him heal our land if you don't humble yourself and pray to turn from your wicked ways to come to god and say heal our land while the people of god still are carrying out are you following what i'm saying we're saying you nigeria he's nigerian niger do you know my christian signature i say people are steady the most christian is too mostly it means that people have entered and engraved within the system so god will not accept prayer for revival from people that have not yet that's why when you look at joel he said let the people come together lend their hearts and not their garments then i will respond with an outpouring of his way you can't ask for an outpouring without presenting your own heart for information so the method here was talking about that with all certainty we say well women pray pray and pray for god to do it wait now because you can be praying for revival for signs and wonders for self-promotion do you get what i'm saying not out of compassion for souls you want to have the healing power because it will make you the new famous person in town not that you want the woman who has been carrying a child to be relieved of that pressure so god is saying that if your soul is in that state leave the power to me to flow what i'm asking you is present yourself that your soul will get to that state so it's a two-way street break up your fallow grounds and then seek the lord tomorrow i will continue because the conviction and i put it here that revival starts with a conviction that conviction is not starts with sins of commission you see sins of commission happen because of sins of omission it's because you are not doing some things that's why you are doing some things are you following it's not to say this is what you are doing that is wrong is to find out what you are supposed to do that you are not doing so in romans chapter one what did they do because they did not give him glory or give him things it led to a society that went into homosexuality human society wasn't the was the cause was effect the cause was a lack of thanksgiving and the first thing that god talks about in breaking your fallow ground all right i'm time when we go to first love oh look at it first thing he says is in gratitude there are several things i've done for you in your life he says you need to break the follow ground otherwise that and that you start thinking into your own life as to the things that god did for you favors he showed you that you didn't return to give him thanks and when i say return to give him thanks it's not that you didn't say father thank you i'll quote him again he said this we shall look at him a pfa meeting and he struck me deeply he said when we want to get something from god we pray when it's not going through we add fasting when we get it we forget to thank him some people have even given the glory of god to other things because when we look at the first love he said you have found new husbands apart from me which means that there are other things that you are given to another scene of a mission we look at it is you have dropped all the channels through which grace was coming or many of the channels through which grace was coming into your life there were people used to listen to you stop listening there were tapes you used to listen to back in school now you don't listen you listen to it once anywhere conferences you don't attend again you get what i'm saying found is back to bethel my sessions other people can preach science wonders my own is let us go back to where better and let's return back to our first love there is no point being visible and active if your time sacred time in prayer is absent time of reading the bible and fellowship with god is absent there is no point it is not christianity are you following i'm saying there is no need to front he's not and after some time we start thinking that is the gospel that is not working are you following you know god showed me something i can't remember what it was when he showed me he said a corporate prayer meeting will never produce the results i want you to produce if the people who come to pray corporately do not have a prayer private prayer life he said listen he said when you call the corporate prayer meeting the only people that can enter and he told me he said listen that's why when we called personality i said people before you come spend if it's 15 minutes worshipping god privately because if you come for a corporate thing where you have no personal con connection you are enjoying music see let me say the truth inside this thing there's nothing like favorite worship leader if you're a worshipper is when you are a person who is looking at worship as music we're enjoying you see who is coming i'm not coming for this one who is coming i'm not coming for this one it's a reflection that it's not which means the first time you're dancing dancing it's only in church at home you are sad are you going to say father in the name of jesus we thank you for your word we thank you for your spirit i ask as we go into the next session lord grant unto your servant utterance that he may speak accurately according to god's mind boldly in the spirit and that which you have ordained for this meeting be established in our midst in jesus name all right let's just take one song of worship before i bring up a bishop they just think i just feel just take one song of worship here and just worship him [Music] [Music] [Music] i want more of you [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] you more [Music] father we want more [Music] oh [Music] you make my life so made beautiful great [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah amen remember seated i i mean like i've said he's um next week they'll be having 40 years of holy ghosts convention in the body first time i ever saw him i think was in 19 must have been 1988 it's 78 at the holy ghost convention all right when i mean we'll look at it in terms of one of the things about revival self-denial when convenience whether it was convenient or not had nothing to do well let me tell you this nothing to do one time i went to speak for dr jordan at the account meeting and he had it somewhere there the ground was muddy everything he said and there were chairs said this how we started he said when we were laying hands nobody will fall apart doesn't hit you on this modding ground he's wearing his cabinets you guys delight right now the guy said except power hits you what convenience all right was was nothing i mean i literally came out of my house it was going to take a bus from sango because it was one bus to a job and it was raining it meant nothing to me and when i said this rain we're talking about you walk for almost 10 minutes before you get towards them nothing i was drinking it meant nothing just to sit down and hear the word of god and it was the first meeting ever i ever saw pasadena boy i saw bishop where i saw dr joe died so um pastor matthew hashimoto i mean it was a minister's conference and there were the five people you know i was was i don't complete a building i was no ac i mean nothing like that nothing we sat down drawing life uh you follow what i'm saying and he's a man that has played a massive strategic role in the body of christ in this country i've said this several times that the work he has done in this country is is accept you a keen observer a very keen student of ministry and a keen observer all right of how things happened inside the body of christ would you know the role that he has played i said this one time it's the chap is a billionaire i met him on a flight we went to my it was my sister's class in second primary school so we met on the flight and we started talking and he said ah by himself he just said it in england ah say bishop well okay that man has four sides he said four side he said he used to come to england here he said i'll come and pick him in the airport said he had a small cab then i'll pick him up he said i'll be trying to convince him let's start church in london i said no russia he'll be calling all these countries behind the island cutting back then say there's no money index i don't know that's what god is saying and the praying and the praying and fasting and all of that and i i thank god from my heart that he's the president of the pentecostal fellowship of nigeria today all right from from the depth of my heart alright i thank god all right that he is because i know his heart i know what his orientation is and walking with him i've come to see that he's a man with immense wisdom he knows more than he appears to know and you should let him you should quickly finish talking to let him talk because you'll find out that all that you have been saying he actually knows it he's quiet to listen very well to what you're saying let's rise up with that welcome bishop francis [Applause] thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the king of glory the lord of hosts the great i am the rock of ages [Applause] the alpha omega the head of the church we give him all the glory hallelujah with the hand to the lord says something sweet to the lord from your heart to his heart connect with him let him hear your voice in his presence you are celebrated you are not tolerated give him glory give him honor give him worship give him adoration call him by his name thank him for the gift of life [Music] your life today is not a right is a privilege is a blessing thank him because you are blessed to be among the living what the mighty god will serve king of glory mighty god hello the lord who orders his word before his army we are here again to receive your word let your word come of god the lord give the word and grace was the pope company of them are publishing give your word today holy spirit take complete control i may glorify thank you father we give you glory in jesus mighty name we worship father we thank you for another opportunity to gather in your presence thank you for this season of revival thank you for this guiding of your children you choose your audience very carefully and we're here to receive the word from your mouth thank you for the first session and now you have blessed us tremendously receive the glory in jesus name lord anoint my lips of clay let it be all of you and none of me lord make your world to be like a guided missile cloth your wood with fire clothe your wood with power would make a man that cannot be erased let the flame of revival be rekindled in our hearts in our lives in this ministry is represented here in this nation and in the world thank you father we give you the glory in jesus mighty name we pray amen if you want to clap clap don't apologize let's say we go let's have a go bless everyone you maybe say that praise the lord i'm so glad to be here good evening people of god good evening minister so good good good evening glories of christ paul the apostle called the ministers of the gospel the glories of christ they are the people who have made direct contact with his glory and are spreading his glory all over the air so i celebrate you please if you're a minister don't compare yourself with a businessman or a politician or any other group or class of people i know many are ministers and they combine many things but don't compare yourself with any of those guys they are your children you are anointed to bless them to feed them to minister to them to lay hands on them don't bring yourself to their class they do not have you have something they do not have no man take a honor onto himself except he that was called so appreciate the call of god on your life and magnify your office like apostle paul don't diminish it i don't subscribe to ministers chasing politicians for whatever you know they are our children and i thank god for making me to understand that so please treasure the grace of god upon your life and the ministry that you have received in the lord and magnify it promote it push it and say to octopus take heed to the ministry with us receiving the lord that they'll fulfill it you will fulfill your ministry it is your primary responsibility to free your ministry others can teach you can motivate you can encourage you they you take 100 responsibility for the ministry that you have received in the lord to see to it that you fulfill it knowing that we're going to give an account to christ one day i want to thank god for the privilege to be here again pastor thank you for having me thank you let me set me first that's okay if you don't know the person i'm talking about i support you thank you please excel with other questions please god [Applause] he had wanted me to come for this meeting mutually i think two years ago either covered or something interrupted and then even though we're in the midst of a heavy preparation for our 40th annual lucas convention i knew i must be here for many many reasons his ministers meeting all right this meeting is larger larger larger than any stadium in the world each one of us here has a capacity to pack any stadium over and over and over and over and over again all right so this is a great meeting it's a great meeting number two possible is a great man that i love so dearly all right is this insane man very blunt with puzzle body what you see is how to get issues straight you know sometimes it's too blunt for me as a person please you know i celebrate your pastor praise the lord as a visionary leader he talked up he took off back back is spreading the flames whatever and then the minister's seminar is to service the engineers of revival the engineers you know to service them so the frame comes and platform is okay for the need of the nation so thank you for inviting me to warped thank you for inviting me to mr congress please don't you don't invite me to a platform i mean i may spoil the show okay pray praise the lord a pastor had really blessed me i thought he was just going to introduce the subject and premiere but then at the point i began to make notes and um he was talking to us like an old school man because the ancient truth does not change the packaging may change but the content is still the same and the primary call of minister is to uphold the ancient truth and to contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints we must maintain fidelity to the ancient truth that doesn't change and one of the marks of a backslidden church is they begin to amend the ancient truth amend it on whatever case and when that is happening there's a need for revolver or they are doomed to die i will touch on it a little bit now many many definitions have been given for revival but let me add this to it and you have heard him speak about it you've had him quote extensively from just infinite amount that i started i took time to study i read almost every book that he wrote including this memoir in tony's revival lecture those were the books that fed us in the 70s and i thank god for it now you see when you talk of your brother irvava is a sovereign move of god to advance his kingdom significantly on earth is about advancing the kingdom of god but it begins in the midst of his people we have had it and a father can start with one person one person can ignite the flame of republic one person can set a whole nation the whole continent on a wildfire that's one of the reasons i put very high premium on this meeting there is no limit to what god can do through each one of us that are assembled here after all abraham was woman david was one man apostle paul was one man even jesus our lord one man there's no limit to what god can do through somebody who is totally open to god it just opened our hearts to him to receive his word and already were getting blessed i was blessed tonight god can start a revolver with one person a group of people like with those of us who have studied the moravians okay or a church okay a denomination can start with a small spark like with william simon in 1905 at a souza street what has become a global phenomenon now in the church of christ the pentecostals are the second largest group the catholics late the recent statistics made available to me by the pentecostal world fellowship of which army director saying that there are over 985 million pentecostals in the world where inching close to becoming 1 billion and pentecostalism is still the fastest growing branch of the church that's revival now listen to this revival deals with something that is existing that is becoming stale or becoming old and then god intervenes you see there is a basic law in physics matter will maintain with will be in state of rest or uniform motion unless an external force is applied and you see when pastor was speaking and brought that graft the graph is very very true it just starts with fire and then it's a push evangelism everybody is crazy about it's brain everybody is crazy about it and when you when you check the product content it's not about i need the car and the house nothing is wrong with them but it's about souls being saved the kingdom of god moving forward and one of the marks to know that there's a need for revolver is check the prayer content by the time it's more of a blessing stuff we need it forever it revolves around me bless me give me you know that we need revival we nervous so you see and when i looked at the theme when i read your text pastor i read it as rekindling the flame of revival and they reckoned in the flames sorry rather rekindling the flame retaining the flames grammatically they are different but spiritually they are the same because the flame of the old testament is the flames of the new the same person because the flame is not eating no no there's a pillar of fire that followed them the pillar of fire that appeared to moses in the burning bush if you have time to look at the scripture the people of fire departed received for them to cross and then it moved from their front to their back to the people that were pursuing the people of israel it was darkness to the people of israel it was light is that fire an israel as a nation had one pillar one fire one just one one one one on the day of pentecost when the pentagon was fully come and the heaven opened that same fire came but then it broke into flames of fire and rested on each one of them so each believer now carries what the whole vision of the world carries so i sit there my friend you are fully loaded somebody they could say i am fully loaded and listen so don't don't don't underestimate yourself so when we talk of kindling the flames of river pastor emphasizing it it begins with you with me someone said me begin with me with whom with whom okay many times anytime i see that i feel a decline in my spiritual tempo my spiritual temperature either and now struggle to pray i can't do three hours at a stretch free a struggle there's trouble or things that wouldn't appeal to me before begin to appeal to me i begin to look at a beautiful woman the second time i'm i'm a human being is it good to be honest i'm on the platform or person for you so he's a very blunt person all right i know something is wrong and there are means of rather i mean go to a very quite secular place and i begin to read the scripture i may decide to pick the longest chapter of the scriptures psalm 115 i'm 19. before i finish it something began to kick inside me just kick inside oh my i may decide to just stay all night just pray in the holy ghost praying because just praying you girls just been doing good just plain dude because just when you because something kicks because you see if the thing is going down and what used to excite me soul winning teaching preaching the world loving people caring for people showing compassion and those things don't excite me anymore as they used to excite me i know i need to check it i don't want to wait until we get to church because if i'm there beside bishop i'm their leader and i'm cold the church is in trouble because the oil flows from the head down to the garment so rekindling the flames of revival begins with me please somebody replace it rekindling the flames or the rava begins with me with you with whom you know fire spreads if you carry the fire you ignite people without knowing it a an unshake can set people on fire a smile can set bonfire just a harmless word you didn't mean anything you just ask a question or say something and the holy spirit takes the word to address that person because you are on fire so can you imagine in in accident fossils there were only 120 people and they were on fire and they thrown the water upside down can you imagine what nigeria would become evil for some fire it's so much of the move of god so much of revival couldn't quote so much of religion but the real thing let's come back to it somebody said amen why do we need to rekindle the flammability revive a fire to avoid ichabod the glory has departed need to rekindle the fire a couple of years ago i think it would be like 12 15 years ago dr peter wagner and the professor of church growth in california flew to nigeria to meet the key apostolic leadership in the church in nigeria this meeting held in canaan land the office of bishop tv aleppo and we were about maybe 40 or a little less but the pillars in the pentecostalism in this nation were there pasadena was there due to more pie was there of course the poor you know we came together and the man of god said with tears in his eyes that the lord woke him up in one night and give me terrible terrifying message different message to the leaders of the church in nigeria but so you might have had me refer to it before and said before i call you home you know saints that work for god they don't die without knowing it they don't they don't peter said i know the time of my green is that paul knew he knew moses knew he walked with god he tell you thank you i want to send you to nigeria go and meet the leaders of my church that they should be careful that the error and the disaster that happened to the church in korea doesn't happen and children he said he was sweaty was in the night and asked god what happened in korea and i said you know that where the river used to be the buffer used to be very high and the wood was celebrating it what they have now is a heap of ashes i mean if you hear much of river in korea before in the late 70s the whole of the 80s everybody wants to go to korea great things greatest church and other go warn them that they should not let the revival that i have given them die he came and he says certain things that's peter wagner he's going to glory shortly after that he died he said i'm a professor of church growth i do research and it goes all across the world he said there is no nation on earth where the move of god is so strongly felt like nigeria that i've mentioned the leaders in the church that were in that meeting or the principal leaders in the pentecost said no nation on earth where the moon of god is so strongly felt like nature but they go on them they must be careful not to let the river fire die by the time you finished oh boy everybody went tears that was what gave birth to the apostles nigeria possibly coalition the purpose of ninja because possible coalition is for us to come together at least like three times a year we spend all night we talked about revival we challenge ourselves we pray together many times like i go to that place i come out fired fired up except when certain things want to distract us and i'm going to touch them so to avoid a cupboard to avoid a situation where what used to be a flame and become a heap of ashes we need to rekindle the flame or river somebody say amen to escape fatal distractions fit fatal distractions pastor mentioned one that has been concerned to me the case of social works social works i don't need to go through it again it says so much today is mentioned and i i don't mean this negatively you mentioned salvation army what comes to your mind the mind of a modern day man if a sufficient army is humanitarian works but that was each other i was born in the heat of serious survivor holiness salvation power the holy spirit but then they brought in the humanitarian work innocently and not pushing and pushing now it's the main thing they do now the preaching of the gospel getting people born again calling people to christ as we see that to the background is we have an ngo that will raise in the memory of my daughter pastor john dean joined the holy ghost convention we're going to have we're going to have conference is is a convention that is running nine days the first day is a saturday we give it to the younger generation people that are 37 years old and below because this year makes no sorry 47 years old below this year makes it the 47th year of my preaching the glorious gospel of christ so so if you want to clap quietly so people that were born from the year answered the call of god opens it now because we want to make it a generational shift convention i want to ignite them with the fire me and all my ministers we're sitting with them that they i'm not preaching we want to be there with them to encourage them and then sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday five days heavy conference but the remaining two days or three we're in the stadium crusader that'd be my homework so we're packing the city i want to do the old want to do it the old-fashioned way preach the christ who died who rose again who is alive was able to walk miracles and i mobilized 7 000 of my children to join me in a 70-day fast we're on it it's a finish next friday for those days in the city there's a way you pray you pray you pray to a point it becomes impossible for god not to answer because it's faithful to his word so and where i'm going this pastor one night i was praying and it got laid on my heart that to celebrate um the e48 annual convention that for 40 years we've been holding it i should get i should distribute 4 000 bags of rice the 50 kg bag we are procuring it they are repackaging it into 5 kg each so that is 40 000 so that people that come to the stadium you can go with it back i told my children that i put in child i said i don't want to feed anybody to hell don't give don't give them when they enter in the stadium you can give it that after they have heard the word of the lord and they are going home let them pick it i don't want to close anybody to hell the gospel first at the time the bad times something else is upstaging the gospel we need realm we do so you know about that one fatal attraction and i don't please don't be offended hear me out because this is a very sadism the church can easily be trapped into politics you're looking at me trapped is a huge politics is a motive politically divisive positive is contentious politics can make two children of the same mother identical twins they concern enemies that's politics for you it's a trap we are to be politically relevant i'm not saying anything against that but that's not the call of the church that's on the call of the church we shouldn't allow our concern you see it to be a wicked evil man that should not be concerned with the state of nigeria i sat today and here is in ruins one of my sons a bishop came to my house his middle younger sister a 61 year old lady was one of those kidnapped in the abuja kaduna train thing who just was released two weeks ago after the family had paid 100 million the the those evil people he said it there's one person that was released the family must have paid 100 million they found they won't release anybody that is told them the family to their faces now if your politician can be picking nomination from for 100 million you should go and look for 100 they told them to the offices they have to borrow the money and all that and and things are happening that should give us a concern but that must never take the church away from its primary assignment somebody say i yeah i'm national president because official nigeria some of you may want to take stone and begin to stop me i agree many times they wanted to drag jesus into it he reminded him he said my kingdom is not of this world he said the only reference in metropolis since he was talking about herod he said go tell us fox i preach today i do science three days i'll rise again that's all after his resurrection in action one they came to ask him particularly when are you going to restore the kingdom back to israel they are talking politics because israel was under the roman empire at that time he said it is not for you to know the time that the father has fixed to do that but you look it's a place go to this world carefully but contrast to what you are saying god has come upon you and he shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in judea and in samaria onto the ultimate now he didn't tell them that what he was saying was not important i said that's not your primary job as a family job and by the time they get the church is getting trapped into issues that we take our attention from our primary job we need revival people people may not like what i'm saying it has some of my pieces i'm a servant to the muslim if you know the incredible pressure that have come on me as national president bfa to lead the pfa to put a cup on one candidate pressure every presidential candidate the approachment for various angles they've sent people that are difficult for me to say no to want to see me want to i i was dodging carefully because politics is on my terrain i don't understand the game you may be very nice welcome them pray for them and they take pictures the moment they picture you [Applause] they will make you say what they want to say and you don't have the money to push your own opinion like they do i don't want to get into it now i'm not discouraging you from joining political party whatever and all that but the primary task of the church this one souls bring them into the kingdom somebody say amen [Applause] and nothing shall upstage that place so the distraction to is fit that destruction it too it was that small pastor was trying to be soviet the other time you know sophia we do a measurement in angles and lines okay we establish a point we put our machine on it and angles are measured in degrees minutes and seconds just like time now if at the point of origin of the line the deviation is a fraction of a second it may look negligible but see if you project it like pastor said 30 miles or 30 kilometers you keep the original line straight 30 kilometers the lead to aberration deviation you trace it forward 30 kilometers the the gap will be very wide this distraction will start innocently and then people become passionate about them and they promote them over all the churches don't do anything except you distribute rice excess you just brew cloth you're not doing anything except those two before you know it the gospel is pushed to the background the church don't do anything except you do politics it is a lie the church shouldn't have closed eyes of policies with the main thing for the church is the great commission please if you had me with anime i hope you had me correctly i've been i've tried to be as balanced as possible you know because we we are nigerians everything affects us we pray we vote those of my children who are interested in going for elected position go we'll pray for you but the job of the church is mission to escape fatal destruction we need to recruit the flame of reverb to avoid lethal errors when revival comes in arrow begin to want to call the enemy want to come from every angle to kill the flame of okay destruction errors they're in the church now pastor there are people that started well teaching wonderfully today they've gone into a kind of splitting the scripture placing the scripture preaching the scripture and you see when you stretch one truth to violate another you end with error the scripture cannot be broken there must be balance so must say now you don't baptize there's no baptism in water some say there is no communion some say there is no type that if you are tithing you are in the old testament a man of things you know and when we rekindle the flame we avoid little error to avoid complacency success is more dangerous than failure when you fail you struggle to get off and to keep going when the church started small and become big and become great there's money there's land there is asset you want to talk to the governor you don't need protocol just pick one phone call won't talk to the president it's one phone call be careful and be in a feeling that you don't need to pray as you used to pray fast are you so fast now why are you fasting and praying about things just call the governor or cody and or call the bank or call your checkbook or call your what is it now what do you use to transfer and complacency begins to set in ambassador begin to develop potbelly this is all imaginary properly as this fight this kind shall go by first it's very very and to avoid the danger of triumphanism we have arrived we have made it with the biggest church in town all the who is who is there and then we begin to boast and then our work we begin to praise the work of our hands we begin to praise what god has done by our hands is idolatry is god alone that must receive glory these are part of the things that can carry over that we must watch out for the pastor to the prayer what pastor did here today that was heavy you see the whole of revelation chapter 2 chapter 3 was a call by the head of the church for the father every one of those seven churches they call to revolve all right now listen to this we need to rekindle the flame of river to correctly deal with the danger of wrong focus you see if the center or river becomes the pastor something will go wrong he may become a personality called if it is not christ anymore that has been glorified if you watch it in the midst of revival when miracles happen like pastor said the uninformed they want to worship the man who is the instrument of the miracles someone said no no no don't do it and i call them they wanted to worship poor he quickly diverted the attention to the lord john the revelator the he was overwhelmed by the revelation was given and he fell down to worship the india and said no don't do it i'm your fellow servant because the indians are servant he said don't do it don't do it the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy jesus is at the heart of revival which are there to revere very very very important by time it's becoming the person with the instrument and is gladly receiving it as trouble if you watch me i'm preaching this house many times when i pick the microphone to open my meeting i begin by returning all the glory to god i do it everywhere deliberately intentionally because if he were to take his hands from my life i would be less than zero there there'll be no nothing will fly nothing will move nothing will work but if i'm connected within my cough we cast cancer out if he knows he alone will take the glory but by the time is about me personally to be popular to be known to know even when we fast it's all your fasting that is doing the job we only use the fast to humble ourselves to seek the face of the lord god does the job not our first somebody say i yeah but the fast is necessary david got it right i humbled my soul with fasting that's what we do papa hagin said whatever fits your spirit will stop your flesh whatever stops your flesh will feed your spirit so we stop the flesh to humble ourselves before god to connect with the grace of god so go come moving on behalf it is not by fasting that is doing the job it is god but i humbled myself in fasting to connect with the god who is doing the job who is doing the job in revival god is the center god is the offer god is omega god is the one that is giving praise god's the one has given credit for everything when revival fire began to die men are taking center stage men are trying to receive the glory that belongs to god alone wrong focus and then we need to kindle the flame of the kingdom flowing rather in order to cook the fruits of river to process it one of the reasons africa the richest continent on earth according to experts is see the poorest continent on earth is that we do not bring our products to finishing level we don't put processes we produce cocoa we sell it for peanuts those guys will process it and they will send it back to us as chocolate and buy them at high price it applies everywhere we produce petroleum products we ship them out raw for patents they will refine and they'll send back to us and we'll buy it at high price and they will tell us they are able to subsidize what we are paying when revival is on souls will be saved money will come there is no church that experiences revival that prosperity doesn't follow it's automatic but when they are not taken through to become finished process it becomes a challenge then we need to rekindle the film of rava to avoid missing the next generation that's very very important it's a person for you if anybody tells you you are part of the next generation or you are the next generation they lie you know you are not you're not you're not a youngster by any means somebody who has started that long can't take history that long now you should be looking for the next generation of leadership that you will raise intentionally you risk purposefully you begin to give them the platform to check them where you are seated and you can father them otherwise god forbid if ever we deliver fire we die with you if you don't pass it on whereas what the word of god says that one generation shall praise thy work onto the next i told my leaders as i joined this holy ghost convention i want to see how my children will coordinate a huge meeting a youngster we stand and introduce synage to come and sing and bring panam passport let's eat they let them make their mistakes and their father i'll call them and tutor them next time you do it this way after all i made my mistake before getting to where i am so give them a chance when peter wagner was speaking to us and he now said he went back to god and said what happened with diribava in korea and the lord told him they missed the young generation the fathers were so wrapped up with the fire revolver they didn't pass it on to their children and the revival died you don't hear much by rather revolving korea anymore now let me read this scripture give me just like five or so minutes you see in leviticus chapter 6 verses 2 and 13 that scripture was used to circumcise my heart when i was preparing for this meeting you see and the fire leviticus and the fire upon the other shall be burning in it it shall not be put out and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the bundle frame another opponent and it shall bond around the fat or the piece of frame that's the thing the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar it shall never go out my prayer on the order of covenant christian center the fire of god will never go out let me hear you loud amen do you know what you know the primary author of god your heart my heart where is the primary order of god let me hear you if the fire never goes out there it can never go out here if the fire goes out there and the man of the altar is not able to reignite it the revival with that very sure and god put it as a rule the fire must never go out pastor i read this in the new living translation and boy or something and then i would run up because of my time and then i'll pick it up i have money session tomorrow we're not going to go into the nitty-gritty of it what is this what is this fire what do we do to make sure the fire doesn't go out strong language new living translation place look at this god was speaking to them but was 12. let's start with master that meanwhile the fire on the altar must be kept burning look at the language most you don't want the fire to go out keep it burning on the altar on the altar it must never go out clear word must never and look at this god gives it give the penalty punishing each morning each morning the breaking of a new day the breaking of a new week the breaking of a new month the breaking of a new era the breaking of a new generation each morning the priests will add fresh wood to the fire oh boy the priest has the responsibility how many priests of the muslim world are in the house here today this is a bible church we have thoughts the division of the clergy and the lady belongs in the old covenant you are a priest of the muslim god said you have not chosen me i have chosen you and ordained you it was like bizarre benzene that was i did my crusade in benin city 1986 95 shook the city so they reported me to him he invited me to did i launch in his house i got that was the first time i would see the house a man of god living in the white house big house white red carpet it was amazing to me nobody tell me i wasn't he wasn't in i went to dedicate a hospital so i sat in one corner like that i have not been in man's house is that posh the man came in elegantly where is the man from badam i had inspired myself what's your name i said i'm friends with okay he said doctor wally okay first one on contact the man was he lifted me okay come to the table and beyonce he said um have you been ordained i said sure i've been ordained he said ordained you i said god and i didn't i didn't let him wait i didn't wait for him to ask the next question i said john 15 16. you have not chosen me i've chosen you i've ordained you he said i know okay whatever has done that must testify to it helene bring my diary and he fixed the day he would have me that's how it ended myself i'm sure the world in the same day i will tell you this story at another time you know i introduced bishop to art bishop i did he had been looking for opportunity to meet him but i'd be an evangelist i met him first when he picked the day he was going to order me i was troubled driving down from within to your brother and i called my friend wasn't cutting on there i really did everything and he said what did you do i said i gradually appear ah it's a little bit of a badass he said when when is it that you should come again i told you i said we'll go together we go together that's how he stole the episode from me tell him i said [Laughter] you hear the rest so many times you know but the truth is you are a rural peace to a choosing generation every believer in christ is a priest of the most cycle please repeat after me say i am a priest of the mosaic and look at your responsibility first verse 12 that's 12. nevertheless six does that mean why the fire on the other must be kept burning it must never go out never someone say never someone say never that practice of when i feel the fire is going down i go outside here to pray or to fast or to read the scripture i picked it from just finn is there any time he felt he wasn't praying like he used to pray he would go somewhere and was a grandmaster of revival in that scripture again let me just run through and i crossed yes as to say must never go out each morning the priests will add fresh wood to the fire what's the fresh food we'll look at it tomorrow pastor mentioned some the fire is not not done fire i explain tomorrow and you know the scripture says that god is a consuming fire the fire is at the center the heart of the father take the fire out all you have is ashes god is at the heart of the father in in praying for the father is god impossible is god in advancing the baba is god if it's not god he jumps out and then you have ashes and the wood your god you used to feed god fits fists there are certain things you do that fits god and makes grace to flow to you continuously we'll look at it tomorrow morning let me read that scripture freshwood and arrange the bond offering what's the point of rain i will explain it tomorrow bundle brings up money sorry is much much much more than money you are the bounty free [Music] you are i am i take myself i'm put on that water of fire let the fires surge through me fire purifies let the fire soak through me fire consumes whatsoever should not be there let it be consumed let the fire ignite me let the fire set me on fire so that wherever i go i can spread the fire and if you you become the bounty of friend that is on the altar of god's fire you won't touch pride with a long power you have been through the fire you you asked the the reason why moses became the makers of all men did you read that in the scripture a man who killed another man eventually became the makers he's been through the fire when you see a minister who's been through the fire you will know you will know you know they carry grace they bow the lowest it's like the chinese and it says the rice that carries the largest seed of grains bows the lowest when you see a stick of rice standing upright no grain nothing the fire breaks purifies purges transforms sets your heart on fire your heart is burning it does no matter how much of god you think you know you see one more as the heart pumped after the brook with the soap and my spirit to you oh lord show me now your glory moses did you meet him reborn in bush why are you the one who broke the back of pharaoh why are you the one who opened the receive for the reading to pass why are you the one who opened the heaven and the men at india's food and you say crying show me your glory that is the man that has passed through the fire we need the fire of god on our hearts that's where revival starts i'll continue tomorrow i hope i've been able to see some praise god pastor has given me is a dangerous subject i can't speak i can speak about it forever is my heart cry for the body it's my cry for me is my cry for the church when you got to a point of god giving you this signal forever i i picked up i picked my pen i began to write because i've seen signals and is that something very dangerous if we ignore the signal god will pass on but the rather we die but if we catch this signal and seek god the way he wants us to seek him then we'll go up and i i don't want revival to die in my time i've been graced by god to be part of the revolver that broke in this nation immediately after the civil war immediately after the civil war the glory of god hits this nation started from the campuses secondly universities and if i stay on and we can make it we can take it high let's rise on our faith please can you offer yourself as a bundle friend as a living sacrifice from the depth of your heart lord take me set me on fire you are the consuming fire i need you i need you [Music] pudge me of self pudge me of pride punch me of complacency pudge me for the desire to be the center of it all consume everything as negative consume the loss of the flesh that the lost their eyes the pride of life consume the desire to take the glory consume arrogant ego pride purify me [Music] oh consuming fire purify me ignites me i need you [Music] i do not want this fire to die the fire must never go out must never go out let it never go out on the outer of my heart i come before you to renew the fire to rekindle the fire you are the original fire [Music] you are the real fire [Music] come upon me afresh holy spirit come upon me afresh fire of god set me on fire renew your grace upon my life renew your passion within my soul [Music] renew my commitment to holiness and purity renew my hunger after you renew my anger to seek you [Music] rekindle the flame rekindle the flame break into the flame rekindle the flame rekindle the flame deliver me from destructions deliver me from fatal errors rekindle the flame everybody praying in the holy ghost now praying the holy ghost praying the holy ghost lift your boss pray in the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks thanks we give you thanks [Music] for all you are doors [Music] we are so blessed our soul i found rest oh [Music] pastor lord about the awfulness of ingratitude when paul was talking of the characteristics of evil men this ending enlisted on thankfulness let's lay it so hard to given time let's sing that song three times let it flow from your heart thank you say oh lord we give you for all you've done for [Music] you my dog we're so blessed we are so blessed i sold i found rest [Music] thanks we give you thanks [Music] we're so blessed we are so play [Music] we give you thanks so lord [Music] [Music] i don't [Music] father we are so grateful pastor could have been talking about money wealth how to create wealth in the church and you will be at liberty to do it but it's drawing us to seek you because you are the fire you are the flame apart from you we are cold we are dead and it is you we have come to seek and we thank you that in simplicity and in sincerity in the first session second session you have made us to hear your voice receive the glory in jesus name oh consuming fire rest upon us again rest upon us again you rested upon the early disciples only 120 of them and they turn the world upside down when you rest upon us then we can change the world for you lord the rest upon us again let nobody under the sun or my voice tonight let none escape the fire let the fire come upon us by the time this conference will have been over oh god you you said of john the baptist it was a burning and a shining light now each one of us we will leave this place as a burning and a shiny light to set our cities on fire and you alone will receive the glory thank you father we give you praise in jesus mighty name we pray [Music] amen just a minute we brought some of our products you can go and get them at the bookstore by the truth and sell it yo your person is an avid reader he had demonstrated it today he put quotes for us on the screen he referred to old justifiance and several other a reader is a leader wise men they tap into the wisdom of those that are wiser than they are alive or death through their writing so tap i see you tomorrow thank you for the privilege i'm so thankful thank you give the lord a hand for our past [Music] [Music] amen and amen all right so we continue tomorrow morning all right nine am nine am will be here tomorrow morning all right and one p.m and also bishop while okay we'll continue at 9 00 a.m tomorrow amen all right [Music] let us put our hands together amen and amen [Applause] all right we are dismissed or i see tomorrow night name god bless you [Music] for you [Music] for you you
Channel: The Covenant Nation
Views: 21,094
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Id: xdAfpyZqgno
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Length: 182min 47sec (10967 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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