Top 10 Power BI Interview Questions | Asked in Interviews 2024

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if you are a powerbi Enthusiast or you are learning powerbi and preparing for interviews then this video is going to be a One-Stop solution for you trust me watch out this video till the end because I'm going to explain the top 10 interview questions that are asked to a power G [Music] professional whether you are joining as a powerb developer as a data analyst as a business analyst or even as a data scientist but if you have power ba as one of your skills what are the power ba related interview questions that you might get asked this video is for that apart from the top 10 interview questions asked I'm also going to discuss various bonus questions and we have a very very major announcement please watch out this video till the end because you whoever is watching this video is going to be beneficial from it because it's going to be a very very major announcement and the first first announcement of 2024 so before getting into the video just a disclaimer that these are top 10 questions designed by me uh well exact question will be asked to you or not is something that is debatable I cannot confirm on that but this is something which I ask when I take interviews so uh if you are preparing these questions I'm pretty much sure this will be [Music] helpful let's let's start from the basics the very first question that you will be getting is talk about yourself where you need to talk about yourself well I'm not going to get into this topic I have already explained this as part of another video in case you have not seen it link will be in the description jumping into the first technical question the very first technical question which I ask is pick one of the projects from your resume it could be your personal project it could be one of your projects from your companies and explain me so how to explain a project so that you do not take much time in the interviews and you also pass on most important information to the interviewer so that he gains a confidence in your profile he gains a confidence that yes you are the one whom he is looking for how to answer this question will be covered as part of this video but at the end of this video so stay tuned till the end jumping into the next question which is the second question well starting from second question till the 10th question do not worry about the orders it could be random because in interviews interviewers ask questions very randomly right so you cannot expect first this second this third this nothing like that these are the numberings based on me so don't worry about it so second question is explain the difference between calculated column and a measure well this is one of the simplest questions to get started with because interviewers always start with a very easy question and then they slowly slowly slowly get into the difficulties the level of difficulties increases slowly slowly right so how do we answer this question again all of the questions that we are discussing I can actually take 1 Hour 2 hours to explain but your explanations to the interviewer has to be very concise with the most amount of information given to the interviewer so start answering this question very simply simply let's say we talk about a table let's say we're talking about a customer table we have age we have name we have gender we have blah blah blah let's say you want to find the total number of Records which is a table level context or you want to find the total salary or you want to find the total salary for male customers the average salary of female customers now in simple terms let's say average salary of female customers in SQL it is very simple select average of salary from the table where gender equals to uh female this is what you do in sequence in power ba what we do is we create Dax functions calculate of average of salary and then with a filter gender equals to equals to female now this is something that is being calculated on the table level so it is called as a measure so we will be using a measure what is a calculated column calculated column is something that you do on a row level for example you have a column called as H you want to create create another column which is agore bins so anybody who lies between 0 to 20 will be having 0 to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 so each and every value will have a corresponding value in the age bins column so you're creating a new column out of an old column you know you are deriving a new column and this is with the context of row that's why it is called as a calculated column well keep uh changing the answers based on your style I'm just giving you an idea on the questions right coming on to the third question which is how to handle missing values now do not answer these questions from a textbook point of view that you have studied this and you're going to repeat the same thing no always answer based on your experience if you are an experienced professional while doing some projects you have manually handled missing values either in the python notebook when you got the data you handled everything in the python notebook you transformed everything and got the data into powerbi in that case you can always explain that I have done this in Python in my previous projects but that is doable in power VA as well in the power query editor there is an option called as replace values there are options of creating measures you can create average measures or median measures and use that dynamically as part of the replace function everything is possible in power query editor so answer based on your experience things are possible in powerb things are possible in Python based on your experience where you have dealt with handling missing values talk about that story the next question is going to be again very basic but the level of difficulty keeps on moving from there the more number of questions that you start answering interviewers will go deep and deep and deep the next question is what is Dax and give an example of a Dax so in simple terms Dax is data analysis Expressions right we have used it in Excel we are using it in powerbi very very simple functionality how do we create Dax let's say you are going to create a Dax for total salary or let's say you want to find the total charges of female customers now what you can do is you can go to the data tab click on the three dots create a measure and then you can start working on the Dax functions data analysis expression functions there are methods there are functions called as calcul sum filter and know many time intelligence functions there are many many Dax functions more than 250 300 Dax functions are already there inbuilt in powerbi you can just give an example of a particular scenario and explain them so one of the examples that I will explain is total charges for female customers what I'm going to do is create a measure calculate some total charges and in the filter gender equals to equals to female nobody's going to ask you to write down the code manually because working on Dax in powerp is very simple once you get started with powerp once you get started with the measures and columns it already gives you the expressions and how to work on it so if you are able to write the pseudo codes then well and good the next question is going to be how do you disable a graph that is changing dynamically for example you have a dashboard you have multiple slicers year month City blah blah blah there are multiple graphs you want one of the graphs not to change based on the slices let's say you are selecting ear that graph should not change how can we do it well if you know the answers pause this video right now and let me know in the comment section now to answer this there is an option in power G called as edit interactions now you can simply go to the format options click on edit interactions and then you will be getting a symbol where you can actually disable that graph click on it click on the slicer and it is very simple well edited interactions has been explained in one of my other videos I'll leave the link in the description below now the level of complexity keeps uh you know increasing little bit little bit uh you might get two directions into the interviews some interviewers ask with the preset questions some interviews they improvise themselves and start asking questions with respect to a particular topic that they have already asked so here you might get into this direction or this direction if you get into this direction they will keep asking you about Ro level security and various other things if you are in this direction your interviewer is in this direction they'll probably ask more about DX functions what are time intelligence functions what are X versus nonex functions what is total um total YTD what is total qtd what is Su versus Su X so try to work on those kind of things as well so moving into the sixth question which is going to be explain RLS and how do you implement RLS well RLS is RO level security so a simple scenario is let's say you are working on different customers of India Hong Kong China Pakistan Europe something like that right you have created a dashboard which is generic and that has to be used by different users Indian users German users Hong Kong users if you want to restrict Indian users to only see the Indian related data and German users users to only see the German related data then you can implement the RLS feature RLS is very simple you can easily go and watch out this video the video will be in the description how RLS is implemented is very simple but a most important question that is asked in interviews and many people do not know how to implement RLS the next question is going to be explain the process of publishing the report well this is a very simple question to answer what you can do is you can answer the basic concepts behind power Bay desktop and power BAS service until that once once your dashboard is ready when we go and click on publish once we click on publish then it basically asks for a workspace where we need to publish this and we select the workspace and then in that workspace our report and the data set and the semantic model all of them are published there so if you want to access that from powerb service go to app. go to your workspace and you will be able to access the report well I'm just giving answers very precisely in your case try to explain little bit more and do not be very fast with your responses take time when they're asking about RLS take time talk about the report then talk about how to implement it what are the advantages of RLS what exactly is RLS and blah blah blah similarly how to publish a report so try to take time and explain take your time because the faster you answer the more questions you get in an interviews right so take time at least take 5 10 minutes to answer one one question the next question is going to be eighth question how to create relationships in powerp well in powerp there are functionalities like joints and merge and all those things apart from that there are relationship tab in powerbi and in the relationship tab you can actually connect two different data sources based on a common column when you drag and drop let's say you drag this let's say you have two tables customer ID here and customer ID here and you want to drag this to this automatically you will be able to see an option of cardinality there are multiple cardinalities one to one one to many many to one many to many So based on what you have you can do that one to one simply means One customer ID there is mapped with one customer ID here one to many is one customer ID here having multiple customer IDs here a simple example is customers and orders table here in the customers table you have one customer unique customer in your orders table one customer might have multiple orders so you can have multiple orders so it will be a one to many cardinality so creating relationships is very simple by default powerp to certain extent creates relationships automatically but in case you don't see that relationships been created you can also create it how to schedule refresh in powerp well this is again one of the questions which many people don't know how to answer or they have not tried it especially freshers who do not have a powerb pro account so very simple technique you just have to go to app. once your data set or your report is published just go to your workspace go to your semantic model click on three dots settings and then there you will be able to schedule refresh there are multiple options available there daily weekly monthly so choose your options choose the timings if you want to send a report to somebody you can choose that and it's going to very simple last question number 10 is how to perform join operations well in the power query editor there is an option of appending and merging you can just go to let's say you have two data sets with same columns you want to upend you can choose the upend one if you want to join two tables customers and orders you want to join them left join or inner join or right join you can use the merge options well on joins I have dedicated videos again those videos will be a part in the description so you can go ahead and watch it out I'm not going to waste a lot of time in explaining these Concepts in this video now talking about bonus question bonus question is something that I ask a lot of people in the interviews again this question this question is very good trust me good practices in powerb what are the good practices in powerb that you should follow now there are many 10 20 30 good practices just talk about three or four or maybe four or five points to the interviewers so the first good practice I will be talking about is very simple let's say you are doing you are taking multiple data sources you have multiple data sources in your multiple queries in your data tab let's you are creating measures on table one on table three on table five you're combining table one and table three and creating a measure so always create a blank query under the blank query go ahead and create your measures so all the measures should be a part of your new blank query in that way you can track all your measures and you'll not be confused because going through each and every data query and then checking where are the measures it's bit confusing so this is one of the good practices the second good practices is going to be restrict the number of visuals on your dashboard on your report do not have clumsy dashboards like pie chart pie chart pie chart pie chart bar chart bar chart 10 to 12 graphs in one dash dashboard nobody likes it restrict the visuals only show the important things and try to include some of the features of powerbi like tool tips or drill throughs and add them on how to do tool tips and drill throughs again I have a video I'll be sharing that in the description the third good practices is going to be visualizations always use certified visuals this is the visualization tab just go to the three dots you will be able to open the visualization Marketplace here you can see multiple visualizations available please only use the certified visuals those are certified by Microsoft powerp the certified ones are visible as blue buttons the fourth important point is whenever you are working on a live database what do you mean by live live means um database which is having live data live inserts live updates live deletes live live operations happening you are directly using that data source in your dashboard and working on it always choose import mode do not use direct query because every time you start fetching the data it refreshes refreshes it will be very very annoying use import mode once your dashboard is ready you can always switch to direct query within few seconds apart from that there are many many other good practices always create dashboards based on what the customer likes not not based on what you like you always have to to prepare based on the customers if the customers like dark mode create accordingly if they like light mode create accordingly always take feedbacks create sketches show them get a feedback and start working on it and apart from that there are many many other good practices if you know some other good practices let me know in the comment section now we'll take a short break one second break and then we'll jump into the first question that is yet unanswered now jump Jing back to the first question that was unanswered so far explain me a bit about your latest powerb project well how to answer that let's say I am the interview we I came for an interview and they ask me this particular thing on how I did my power VI project so always make sure you explain the business understanding what you exactly trying to do let's say you're doing a churn analysis thing you are analyzing the customers churn data who are churned who are not churned and how are you approaching this problem you start creating a sketch you show it to the client or your hire management get an approval start working on it you identify your data sources you identify that the data sources are from coming from this database you have a python script running which basically transforms the data stores it back to the database the transform data and you're getting the transform data to your powerbi and you start working on the dashboard so start talking about one or two pages I created something like this I have a homepage with multiple buttons which page navigations if you click on this you will be going to the client summary page where you will be able to see the client details if you click on the churner page you will go to the churner page where you will see all the information about the customers who have churned talk about some of the important kpis let's say churn rate senior citizen churn rate the average salary the total salary total number of records how many are churned how many are not not CH age versus CH talk about all these kind of things and then tell what was the business problem how did you solve this how did you take feedbacks from your client how did you improvise this how did you publish the report how many team members were part of this project and so so on so that's all about this particular video it's I wanted to have it very short I could not help it's more than 20 minutes so talking about the last piece and then we can wind up this video the last piece is going to be the important announcement what is the announcement the announcement is very very simple now talking about the announcement we apart from this top 10 interview questions there are many many other interview questions that you might get so I have curated a list of more than 100 120 interview questions the guide book will be a part of the description click and download and enjoy apart from that in case you are also in your journey to give the p 300 certification exam which is the loan data analytics Microsoft powerb certification exam by azur then you can also click in the description I have curated a list of pl300 questions that helps you in preparation for that exam these uh these two announcements are not enough apart from that you will also get a Google form fill it out top 20 people randomly top 20 people will be getting my powerbi course completely for free apart from that all the other users who have filled the form in case you are not the lucky winners you're not the top 20 lucky winners you still get a huge discount on my data analytics Masters program which is quoted at $299 us I'm going to give you at 50 us which costs around uh around 3,000 4,000 Indian rupees you get 55 to 60 hours of program videos you get 24x7 chat support you get interview preparation lot of things I'll leave the link in the description you can go through it that's all about this particular video in case you like it please like share and subscribe the channel and please send this to all of your friends colleagues different groups post it on LinkedIn tag me because my videos are not getting that reach I'm putting a lot of efforts so I'm just hoping that I get help from you in order to get a proper it see you in the next video till then bye [Music] bye
Channel: Satyajit Pattnaik
Views: 78,009
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Keywords: Top 10 Power BI Interview Questions, power bi interview questions, power bi interview questions for 5 years experience, satyajit power bi, satyajit power bi interview questions, power bi interview satyajit, what is row level security in power bi, How to create relationships in Power BI, satyajit pattnaik, power bi dax example, data analyst roadmap, data analyst roadmap 2024, top 10 power bi interview questions, top 10 power bi interview, power bi interview questions and answers
Id: zIPIt3fO2cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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