Master Figma Auto Layout in 10 Minutes (2022 Tutorial)

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hello everyone i'm tim and a warm welcome to you to my channel today we're going to talk about auto layouts and how we use them in 2022 to create professional designs faster and easier we'll touch on things like what auto layout is why we even use auto layout and also how we use it in practice so what is auto layout it's actually very very very simple when you look at the web world you have something called the flexbox model that's how you structure content on the web when you look at figma you have auto layout that's our equivalent of the flexbox model it's a way to structure content now why use auto layout three things the first being scalability so let's say you have a table or let's say you have a table row and you wrap that table row into an auto layout now if you duplicate the table row it's going to be super easy to make that into a table which brings us to the next point which is about consistency if we want to change the spacing between these row items we can do that in one place super easily which also brings us to the third point about control if we want to have 12 pixels 16 pixels eight pixels it doesn't matter you can do it in one place it's gonna be consistently controlled across the board okay so we're in figma let's see what we can do with this first of all we're gonna start by just creating another layout shift a there you have your auto layout shift a or right click and add auto layout next up alignment in the right sidebar we'll see this auto layout section here we can change the alignment of the items within our bottle layout item spacing we have two or more items we can change the spacing over here with this spacing between items option direction if you want to change from vertical to horizontal of the items within our auto layout paddings we can change just the horizontal axis or the vertical or individually like this also a little hack if you click command and then click on an input field and you can change everything at once like that spacing mode here we go into the advanced layout settings we have the first option called spacing mode right now it's packed if we set it to space between it's gonna space things in the layout like this next is strokes inclusion versus exclusion once again advanced settings now it's included which means that the strokes so if we have 8 pixel stroke width here it's going to be included in the layout it's going to push the content if we exclude it it's not going to push the content so you can see how the circle went to the sides and now it's pushed by this ropes again canvas stacking so once again advanced layout you can show the first on top or the last on top just like this text base alignment so if we have different text sizes this is a very neat thing quick advanced again we can check this to get them to be on the same baseline like this then we have resizing so right now if we set this and by the way we need to look in the top right corner here so we have horizontal resizing and we have vertical resizing if we change to fixed width here and we resize this all the way up it's not going to be responsive if we change it to fill it is same with text now it's fixed if we resize it it's not going to work we set it to fill it's going to work we also have hug here which means that text just spans for as long as we write if we set it to fill again as you can see it's once again responsive okay and the last one absolute position so here we have another layout with a title a body text and a rectangle let's say i want this in the top right corner well then we can just use what's called absolute position so click that then i can drag it up to the top and it's no longer adhering to the auto layout constraints okay so i just have to chime in here real quick for me the most exciting feature is the one we just talked about absolute positioning before in my layouts i would have to create a frame in that frame i would be able to place things so if i wanted something in the top right corner of a card for example i would create a frame and place it in there and then drag it to the top with position absolute i just click one button and then put in the top right now i'm excited to hear what you guys think are the best or most exciting features please comment below i'll be super happy to read and see what you guys think okay so let's recreate this card i've prepared the things down here we have a tag we have an image we have title the body and other title avatars and then we have a button so first step add another layout to this add a fill so that we can see what we're doing so we have this all the way out now we're gonna start adding auto layouts to things that belong together so you have the proposal title here and the body they belong together we have the avatars they belong together avatars plus their title belong together you can change the positioning here starts to make sense you have the tag up here which is going to be in the top left corner so we can add position absolute or absolute position to that then also we know that this button is going to be in the same row as the avatars and their uh title so let's add a bounding box to them as well or an auto way out to those as well like that and then let's place it in the bottom [Music] and we have pretty much the structure we need now the next step is to start adding fill to everything so not adding fill as in fill color but the resizing option fill so i'll start here fill container fill container fill container even though some things might not need it i'll just add it everywhere to make sure that it's responsive fill fill fill fill now let's see how it works okay so it's responsive everything seems to move the way we want it to now it's just about styling so let's add the white fill color let's change the corner radius we need to have clip content so that it shows because the image otherwise doesn't clip let's actually add a padding to these but since or if we want to keep it as minimal as possible i would add an auto layout to these two so combine them into one other layout then i'll add padding to just this one and now you can see that it's no longer behaving the way we want to because now we have hug here instead of fill for example and the things within because of this because we added another auto layout are going to be screwed up a bit so let's see if we can fix it like that does it work now yes it does and in this container the bottom part of the card we might want to add a little something like that and here for the creators we might we we might want to add some spacing as well as well maybe looks good i think here this is a bit too tight maybe eight pixels let's go for that let's see yes yes looks good okay so just add the last shadow here bomb like that and here it is the card layout people and that's it that is really it auto layout is super simple when you just kind of grasp the concept of it it's just a way to structure things it makes your workflow so much easier so much easier now before you leave please consider helping out by either giving me a subscribe that would help a lot with this tiny tiny little channel it would be would be so appreciated you could comment in the comment section below tell me what you want to see next what like what do you want me to cover liking this video would be super helpful as well and if you want to know when i do create new videos the bell notification is a great way to do it that's it for this time thank you for watching people have a great day night or whatever it is where you're at right now we'll talk [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 58,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: figma, figma auto layout, auto layout figma, card design figma, ui card design figma, figma auto layout tutorial, figma tutorial, figma tutorial for beginners, figma tutorial 2022, learn figma design, master figma, figma config 2022, figma design, figma design tutorial, ui, ux, ui design, ux design, ui design tutorial for beginners, ux ui design, product design, start with figma
Id: Kf8L3CeiWzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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