Figma Component Properties made SIMPLE (Variants, Boolean, Text, Instance)

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today we will break down figma component properties as quickly and as thoroughly as humanly possible so that you don't have to spend any more time on youtube trying to get this concept let's get into it so when it comes to components you have four different properties the first being variance then you have instances you have text and you have boolean i'll go through these one by one real quick then we'll create some buttons together so bear with me variance is exactly what it sounds like it's a variant of something in this case we have variance of a button so we have button large we have button medium and we have button small if i drag this out you can see that in the sidebar we can change between these large small medium different variants of a button second we have instances instances are instances of something who would have guessed so in this case we have an icon and this icon has instances so if we duplicate this you can see in the sidebar here once again we have the ability to click this drop down that says check and change it to chevron right or to x across so that's instances for icons then we have text we duplicate this in the sidebar now we have the ability to change the text from here so i can say changed text that's what it does you can change text from the sidebar instead of having to go into the actual text and do it from there the last one being boolean here if we duplicate it once again you can see in the right sidebar here that we have has icon and we have has text and these are just toggles i can toggle icons i can toggle text on and off now with that small little context let's create some buttons so what i'll do at first is i'll write a text saying button large like that i'll wrap it in an auto layout and if you want to learn more about auto layouts video somewhere here fill add a fill to it i'll add some rounding i'll change the color of the fill change the text color now we have something like this so i'll create a component out of this in the top you'll find create component so i'll click that now this is a button component i'll rename it to button and once that's done i'll go down here because now i want to add an icon to it so i'll go into my design system i'll copy an icon and i'll paste it in our button now from here we'll go down one step further and now we want to add some size variants because we have the button large but i want about a medium and a button small as well so this is where variants come into play so once again at the top if we look here we have add variant i'll click that i'll go back and i'll click it again so that we have three different variants called this blood and medium this is button small now the first thing i want to do here is go and look in the sidebar and look at this properties section we can see that it's called property one and we have default and variant two if we go into this edit it we can see that the name and the values they don't really make sense right now for me this should probably be called size because it's going to be button large to button small so i'll click enter and then go back to it then we'll change from default to button large button medium for the second one and button small for the last one so now if we drag out one of these we can see in the sidebar that we have our different values here on a medium bottom small right so we added some size variants i'll drag it down here where we're gonna apply some instances but before we do that maybe we want to change the sizing of it now we want to apply some instances here and when we do that we have to click into the icon again so it's icon instances in this case so i want to change this icon instance if you look in the right sidebar here we can see that we have check and to the right of check we have apply instance swap property if we click that we get the opportunity to add an instance here so i will call this instance icon and then i can set the icon i want to be the default icon i want it to be check in this case so i'll create that property now i need to do this for all of our different variants because otherwise it will just be applied to the button large so if we would drag this out you can see we have the icon here so we can change it nice works super but then if we go to button small for example we don't have that capability anymore so we need to add that to all our variants and now we have the icon here because we already created it so we don't have to create it again icon icon now if we drag it out we can see that regardless of which variant we're on it has the same icon instance property here sorry before we continue do you have any suggestions on what type of content you want to see what kinds of tutorials or whatever it is comment in the comment section below so that i can create the content you want to see cool let's go down to apply text all right so this works very similarly if we click the text in our button we can see down here by content that we have that same button but this time it says apply text property so if i click that we get a name that says text i think that makes sense but the default value here maybe should just be button so i create this property once again i want it to be applied to all of these so for the bottom medium or the bottom small as well if i drag this out we can see that we got this added property here so if we go into this input field and we say changed text the text changes we can swap it to bottom medium and we can swap it to show right it all works together perfectly cool so the last thing applying boolean all right boolean that's such a strange word i always follow anyways boolean works in the same way if we go to the text we can see that the layers section here has this same button that says apply boolean property the reason it's here is because this is the show and hide place so what does the boolean do it lets you show and hide stuff so if i click here i'll call this has text and the default value is going to be true because we want to show the text as a default so create that once again we get this purple thing showing us that we have added this boolean property and that's the same for everything by the way for icon here for the has text for the content text down here that's the way you see it in the sidebar i'll add that to all of our button sizes all of our bottom variants now if i drag this out you can see that we can toggle the text on and off like this this can also be applied to the icon so i just do the same thing but i don't use the has text because we want to be able to toggle these on and off separately so i create a new property i say has icon and maybe we don't want to show the icon as a default so i'll set it to false as a default value create add it to all of our buttons like that now if i drag this button up here we have four different properties we can use i can toggle the icon i can change text change text i can change the icon i can remove the text i can change it to bottom small all within this same area now that you have the tools to handle component properties like a pro would you consider giving me a subscribe or like or hitting the bell notification or maybe adding a comment it would really help but if you don't want to i totally get it we'll talk in the next one have a good day great evening awesome morning whatever it is at your place and we'll talk soon ciao you
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 39,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui design, ux design, ui, ux, figma tutorial, figma, product design, figma components, figma component properties, figma component variants, figma component boolean, figma component props for variants, figma components 2022, figma component states, figma variants, figma boolean variant, figma text property, figma instance swap property, figma instance swapping, figma instances, figma instance component, figma component instance swap
Id: iaQ30m6gqhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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