Master Responsive Grids (Rows & Columns) in Figma

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after watching this figma tutorial on grids you will know exactly how to use columns and rows in your designs to make them more structured and Pixel Perfect also make sure you stick till the end to see how I personally set it up for responsive design now let's go alright so we're in figma let's talk about grids and in particular rows and columns I'll start with the rows then we'll go over to columns and then we'll see how columns are treated when we're doing responsive design so rows are what we use for the vertical axis and why do we use rows well because of vertical consistency and the Snapping help we get for our eight point grade system and if you don't know what I'm talking about when I'm saying eight point print system check this video because I could highly recommend you actually starting to use the eight point grid system when designing it's super helpful for consistency but so the vertical consistency here you can see we have 16 pixels 16 pixels this really helps us when we want our designs to look like they're built with purpose so 1616 it could be 24 it can be 32 it could be any number really that you want to use I'm sticking to the eight point grade system like I said but any number you want to use but you're sticking to the Bruce you've set up that's the first one vertical consistency and the second Point kind of is about the same thing it helps you snap according to the row system you set up as you can see here when I move my items they're snapping to this 8.3 so 16 snapping to 24 snapping to 32 which is really helpful if you want to make sure that you're not missing by pixel or two here and there let's talk about how we set it up and what the settings generally would be so when I set it up or when anybody sets it up in figma this is how it works but my settings might differ from others you do it how you want to but the first thing you do is you you go to the right sidebar click layout grid hit the plus change to rows you choose account the count is really just for you to make sure that you cover the full height of your frame I'll pick 100 and it disappeared and that's because we need to change the type to top so that it aligns to the top I'll change the height of our rows to 8 pixel once again because of the eight point print system then we have the gutter I'll change that to 8 pixel as well and now if we create something in here so let's create something this and see how it helps us snap according to this new row grid we've set up so that's quite handy what we do as a last thing is we create a style out of it because then we don't have to recreate it every single time so I would take this grid I'll just copy it over here for the sake of it you could do that as well you could just copy it to every single frame but it's easier to have one single style because then you can go to just that style and change it if you want to change it across the board I'll go into the Four Points here or the four dots that says style we're going to hover over it click that hit the plus and then I'll just say 8 pixel row grid create style and there we have it now we can apply it to any new frame that we create I'll go to the four dots click it and boom it's there then we have the 12 column layout and this is on the horizontal axis why do we use a 12 column system or a 12 column layout pretty simple in this case as well first of all it's the web standard it's what we use on the web in 99 of the cases and the second thing being that the number 12 is very easily divisible so we can divide it by two by three by four by six two main reasons for using it now what type setting do we use for our columns and when I say type setting that's where we in the previous row example chose top instead of stretch what do we typically use for columns well it depends a bit I would say that we only have to focus on two in this tutorial and in general I'm only using one and I'll get to that so type Center is generally how the web World works for desktop screens and what type Center does is that it locks in our container so the container kind of being this 12 column grid layout it locks it in so it doesn't stretch or Shrink or increase in size or decrease in size as we change the size of our frame you can see here just stays put the same size now there's a problem with using type Center you can see here that the container says 1144 pixels here the standard would be 1140 pixels with the center setting you can't use half pixels and you don't use that anywhere in the real web World either so it makes sense that you can't use it but you also can't set the entire width for all these columns combined so we can't set the exact container size here and we lose some pixel accuracy so that's why I typically and we'll get to this I typically don't use the center option even though that's how the web World works for everything desktop and above not everything but in most cases now type stretch is generally how the web World works for tablet and Below how that works is just like you see here the container becomes fluid and it goes with the size of your frame but like I said in figma I usually use stretch regardless of device for the pixel accuracy so that I can get to 1140 pixels or whatever I want for my container size without having it be off by a pixel or two here and there if we set it up how do we set it up it is basically the same as for rows we go in here hit the plus but we choose columns instead when we've done that it all depends on the container you want to have so now we're talking about this cop here again usually you can stick to the 20 pixel cutter that you get from the start the count in this case we're going to use 12 like we talked about and the type like I also said stretch but the margin depends on the size of your container so do you want your container to be 1140 pixels well then the margin is going to be 30. so if we check here margin is 30. if we're using a 960 pixel container then the margin is going to be 120 instead 120. so the margin really depends on your container when it comes to desktop and here we can also make a style out of it same process we go to the four dots hit plus and then we name it how we want you can be really specific like you can take this name here say all the setting details so 12 call 150 pixel margin and it's going to be then 1140 pixel container in a 1440 pixel frame so we could go here add that copy and paste it in now we have that style so that we can reuse it one thing I want to go into before we go over to the responsive layouts is to keep in mind that columns are guides generally you don't want to break them but if you do you should do it with intent what I mean by that first of all as you can see here we're using the columns to structure our content so this column with or sorry this element here with text and buttons covers six columns this image here covers five columns and there's a column in between those if you go down a bit see that these cards here or these items cover four columns each but here we break it so this text that goes here breaks the whole column system and that's by Design because it adds a nice look to it but it is by Design we're thinking about it we're doing it by purpose or on purpose same with this this is a Carousel and here the carousel goes outside of the column system by Design same here we have an image that goes outside of the column system by Design so when you're doing that do it by Design not randomly and don't ever design things doing like half columns so like I did this container which covers five and a half columns your developers are gonna cry if you do that so please don't do that now the last thing we're going to cover is making columns responsive so the standard here is 1284 which means that that we're using 12 columns for desktop 8 columns for tablets and four columns for mobile you can go and check out material designs documentation you can see that that's what they're using so it's pretty safe to go that route for desktop you're using your standard margin and gutter but for tablet we usually go down we decrease the margin a bit and the gutter a bit the same for mobile we decrease the margin and gutter even more because the content is going to be smaller so we don't need as much spacing to work with so the desktop settings would typically be a gutter of 20 pixels a count of 12 and then the type stretch like we talked about and the margin really once again depends on your container in this case is it 1140 is it 960 or something else when it comes to tablet settings this we can do together set it up so add columns so a count of eight a gutter of 16 pixels a margin of 32 pixels that would be like the standard that's usually what I'm using for landing pages and things like that so now if we change the size of this it's gonna be responsive and work in the way that we wish it to work same goes for mobile we decrease it even more like we said I'll add a layup grid and columns the count is going to be four the gutter is going to be 12 and the margin is going to be 12 also same thing here now it's responsive and it's going to stretch according to how we widen or tighten our frame if you found this valuable a like a sub a comment everything helps now until Linux one take care we'll talk soon ciao
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 58,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, figma, figma tutorial, responsive grid figma, responsive grid system figma, columns in figma, responsive grid in figma, figma responsive web design, figma responsive design tutorial, beginner figma tutorial, basic tutorial figma, figma beginner tutorial 2022, grids in figma, layout grids in figma, responsive layout grid figma, desktop grid figma, tablet grid figma, mobile grid figma, mobile grid layout figma, mobile grid system
Id: sybtdc4dYzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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