The UI/UX Wireframe Hack Schools Don’t Teach

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I know it's controversial but I'm just gonna say it traditional wireframing is overrated especially for landing page design where complexity usually is very low so in this video I will show you how you can save time by replacing traditional wireframing when creating landing pages but before I show you exactly how to do it in figma let's do a speed lesson on wireframes the job of wireframes is to give us a sense of what content is needed what elements are needed and what will the visual structure look like it's basically a designer's version of an architect's blueprint the problem with the traditional way for landing pages is that wireframes are usually too low in Fidelity to yield me a realistic design structure and in most cases I will have to change the design down the line anyways so enter Frankenstein wireframes a high fidelity Visual and structural reference of what we want a super fast workflow and responsive design references for free now let's jump into figma so that I can show you exactly how I use the technique okay so the first thing that I do when it comes to Frankenstein wireframing is that I collect screen dumps so I go into my favorite inspiration sources it could be lapa.ninga for example I pick the sites I like I add them into new tabs then I go into the actual websites and I go into the inspector tool and choose the dimensions I want so 1440 pixels usually for desktop 375 pixels for mobile and then I just take screenshots and the screenshots would look something like this you can see that I have the URL if I want to go back and see what kind of website it was it might not be as easy if we don't have the nav in the screenshots so I want to be able to go back and reference it and then I choose the dimensions in the inspector tool so I would change the dimensions to be responsive then I would choose my Dimensions here in this field and I would choose 75 in Zoom instead of 50 because I want to make sure that we can actually see all the details in the screenshots I would do the same thing for mobile but I would choose 375 pixels in Dimensions instead but still 75 zoom and still showing the URL once that's done I move over to the Second Step which is basically just cropping the images and then resizing them and this is super easily done in figma so let me try to do it live here for you guys I take the image I go to the image fill here I go to this option that now says crop usually it says fill we change from fill to crop and then we can crop it by just moving these handles I would do the same for the mobile version change to crop crop it like this I'm not gonna be super super specific or detail here then I would take these change them to the correct Dimensions so 375 for mobile and 1440 for desktop and that's what I do for every single section so once I've done that for every single section I would place them like this I would take every single section so let's say we've done it for a bunch of sections I would take them place them like this Target them and create auto layouts for them call this desktop for the desktop version I would do the same for the mobile version so create an auto layout with this call it mobile like that and then we would end up with something like this other layouts with all of the sections and now this looks like a real website right and this is what we want to achieve there's a visual representation of what we want our website to look like so the next step drag them over here and now it's time to start designing so what I usually do is I take this desktop Auto layout I Target it I create a frame on top of it and I call that frame desktop again you can call it desktop container if you want to separate the naming then I would take the desktop Auto layout I would lock it and I would decrease the opacity of it why do I do that well because when we start designing on top of these landing pages we don't want to be distracted by the screenshots we want to use them as a reference but we don't want them to distract us so we lock it so we won't move it by accident and we decrease the opacity so that they don't distract us and then I would just start designing now I've already designed the nav here but as you can see and this is an important Point as well I'm not just taking the exact design and copying it straight up I'm doing my own version of it so in this case with the nav here maybe what I like is this just a structure of having the logo type here and then having the menu but my implementation is different I'm using different colors I'm using a different font etc etc so we don't steal but we take inspiration from these things the same with the mobile version of course we would decrease the opacity first of all we would create the frame call It Mobile container do the exact same thing go in here lock this decrease the opacity and do the exact same thing for the mobile version now if you're using figma to design I suggest you check out my master figma playlist where I cover anything and everything on figma now until the next one have a great life we'll talk soon ciao
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 7,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, figma, figma tutorial, wireframe figma, wireframe web design, wireframing tips, wireframing for beginners, wireframing ux, frankenstein wireframe, web design tutorial, landing page design, landing page design process, website design tutorial
Id: 40UAK-LKheA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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