Master Cycle Zero! - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 2 Gameplay

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[Music] what does a guy Zack Scott here playing the Legend of Zelda breath of the wild this is the champions ballad DLC and we've revisited all four of the divine beasts we've unlocked four new memories and now we have to return to the shrine of Resurrection and we're gonna see what happens now this is uh I don't know this is like no this is not the last episode because there will be a whole other episode way to find the new costumes i showcase the amiibos I just got the amiibos in the mail and so I have you know me Fedor ook Ravalli and/or Bosa got all the names right I think right there and so I'll be scanning those in next episode to see what they do they probably award gear or something I actually didn't look too much into it but it's kind of cool they all have on there like little scarves tunics and things like that that that have the their divine beast on them so that's really cool if you guys haven't seen those go check him out looks like me fizz the smallest one so here we are at the shrine of Resurrection to the brave soul who wishes to master a divine beast you have done well to return to this place of beginnings you have now overcome many challenges thus far now allow me to bestow upon you one final trial return the sheikah slate to the terminal you first obtained it from okay I can do that that's easy please don't make me have the one-hit obliterator again though do so in the final passageway will we feel itself alright it's it's up here right of course it is here we go let's see what happens she could sleep confirmed oh no I'm getting locked in well this is interesting descending please beware of tremors oh so we're going down there like a divine beast buried down here or something what's the deal okay wasn't expecting this so yeah I mean I this is my favorite game of the year 2017 this one and then second place is super Mario Odyssey and I've just I'm just so glad that you guys could be here to watch me play them and we're wrapping up the year 2017 a great year for video games especially Nintendo with the release of the switch I am stoked to see when the Tendo will be bringing out for 2018 I don't know how to fight anything or why but I have my my barbarian looking gear on okay so here we go [Music] I think this with me so there is a treasure that we're still descending oh but it missed my opportunity to leave ok so this is this a divine beast I mean it has the the color scheme and the indie textures of a divine Beast is there a map no special map welcome hero you have overcome many trials to reach me now it is time to face the final trial that are done alright oh boy this trial is a complex labyrinth to start you will need a map oh geez oh my gosh I might want the fireproof armor you may obtain map information from the guidance on this so this is very similar to a divine a divine Beast so this is cool if there's gonna be fire well I'll put it on when I get when it comes time so I'm assuming there's gonna be a moving part in here somewhere maybe gotcha the master sword glows bright in here so this looks like where the the maps gonna be of course so this is really intriguing this is a I don't I'm not they the you know they hinted at a fifth divine Beast it says divine beast what kind of Beast is this is this the fifth divine Beast is it like underground maybe it's a mole no I don't know what is on the ground [Music] okay divine bees controls have been enabled so what it doesn't look like a beast doesn't look like a so I mean that's cool what kind of animal is this it's kind of odd well okay it's gonna move on there's bound to be treasures here we got a nice little map down below already I don't know you know which way to go I could try to go up I would like to you know kind of explore the area before making any changes to the to the shape of the area that way I'll know what I'm up against okay [Music] hmm do you think there's a simple hit of the arrow for a brief second yes okay so this is the electricity that we somehow have to get going over there I guess oh there's is that that's probably not and I probably can't move that at all okay so let's uh let's start thinking whoa let's stay in here real quick let's go ahead and change rotation direction this is to actually execute okay so so this is rotating allwithout okay so that's okay that's rotating over there is it gonna be constantly rotating or is it gonna stop at some point you know what I mean I don't know the answer to that let's go ahead and end that right now I guess okay so that's going the other way [Music] this is a bit odd I'm not really I don't know if huh okay I'm not I'm not so sure huh okay let's just take a step back I'm not quite sure what to do with this area over here maybe we'll find out soon enough let's go ahead and explore see I don't know if I can I don't want to get crushed binding these gears so is anything else moving in here other than that one thing the gears are moving okay yeah I'm not 100% confident what needs to happen here but I'm gonna go ahead and move it the other way and see if I can get up here and I don't know if the yeah the gear is next to it or what I gotta worry about okay so I'm doing this this feels fine okay take it if I want to go up I probably got a deal with the rotating the other way but what I want to do now is going this way this definitely seems a little unruly [Music] I also wonder if I can just kind of stay up there maybe but hey let's go ahead and this thing is this whole thing is moving was this do anything what is this sir interesting color schemes there uh yeah when this kind of gets ready I mean I need to walk that way let me rotate it the other way this looks like the way to go right all right that's fun oh wow oh I get it I get it hold on nope almost almost Sizwe it's got to go it's got to go in that okay so I got to put the ball in that thing and then it's gonna go okay hold on I know how to do this I think no I don't I do okay let's try it [Music] I mean that's perfect right and I think it's gonna go the right way and if it doesn't though it seems like something that we can change okay now okay now we rotate the other way this is looking pretty good I'm just not sure where it goes after this you know like after this all works out what what happens it's almost like it drops down maybe drops down in the middle I can't really tell the depth of this but this is working great I just got to be patient I think all right let's see let's see what happens I hope I don't straight up lose at this turn like maybe can I perfect okay we don't feel these McNeese is here anymore so then I picked this up and I bet I just do this I mean this is pretty straightforward right so when this lands in here what needs to happen I mean it's perfect right do you think I can just glide down that's the real question I have I just walk I just walk up here I mean like yeah there's no big deal so this is opened up and this is one thing that I have to activate here okay that wasn't so bad okay so one of the locks is deactivators I guess four locks not too shabby we're also looking for again I don't know that this is an animal and what kind of power will I get after I do this I don't know I don't even know okay so you know one question I ultimately have is what what does this look like to me can I go up in this same fashion this looks productive [Music] I don't think there's a platform up here though [Music] but maybe just glide down this way this is looking great so I just need to see I'm just curious if there's there's a treasure chest there's something right there how do I get that oh my goodness look at this now I can't and stop it okay hold on I can't okay never mind [Music] it's got to be good enough right okay Gerudo shield my inventories full I had to drop a shield that's all that I got to do doesn't really matter drop this one open this one again doesn't matter I got the treasure that's the most important thing to me and sure and so that's one treasure out of the way now at some point I got to find my way up there you know the question that's probably gonna become you know how worth it is something like this I see a guy over there like what what do I do I definitely see this as an issue okay uh hold up let me let me rotate it the other way is there any good way up I mean obviously I see this kind of gear mechanism here oh jeez okay well that didn't go how I wanted it to go oh my god oh my goodness all right hold on I'm not gonna do what I want to do fine I can't use her pulses you know what forget it I don't even need you guys it's okay you know stop it I don't need to attack you guys you guys are like little tiny spiders insignificant alright we're fine alright so you know I might I might want to switch to if I'm gonna be using this I might want to switch to just regular arrows again although oh wow look at that there is gonna be a way for me to get up there I'm sure of it like I'm not entirely or sure of what I need to do here this almost looks and part of me thinks if I if I can get to the weird part about this is I feel like this should rotate but oh maybe that does cause it to rotate I don't know that's really intriguing hold on ah it puts me off it okay that seems awesome it looks like if this locks in then I can actually rotate it it would be crazy I might have to do it down here though okay I'm in Wow okay or we're on to something this is a really cool achievement I don't know if there's a hole up here or why I'm gonna have to go through if just the door rotates though that's not gonna be good enough there must be some sort of mechanism inside rotating I would hope and there is oh my gosh this is awesome so I want to try to get this chest real quick I think this if this picks up enough there it is you'll see what's inside alright a Gerudo scimitar again my inventory is full the only reason I'm even doing this is to just get these items and this is drop what should I drop stone smashes pretty good but again we're kind of I've used it a lot so let's just go ahead and drop it I mean no that's a terrible weapon let's go ahead and drop this again where's the where's the okay I don't even know where it went okay we're fine okay let's get a handle of what this is gonna be like for us I don't even know where the things went now there is something this is this I want this one I prefer this one okay excuse me so okay what's happened what is this what does this do oh wow oh wait wait wait does this lock into something to hold on they could or could not what is this [Music] what the heck is that can I move that over into there [Music] okay this is interesting to say the least can I move it into here no that isn't line up does it line up with what does it line up with okay I don't know that's such a weird thing for me to wrap my head around right now for a second though that lights up which is interesting to me I just don't know what that is all about what is that all about you know this is quite a puzzle okay wait wait hold on hold on can I stop it I don't think I can even stop it anymore it's like it's just gonna be rotating well okay okay hold on jaebaek what can I stop I can stop it nice okay well let's just that's not useful so I mean let's do this just get up there just get up there sort of so what is this oh my god it's coming with me what the heck oh my got it okay this almost seems like this goes in here right am I wrong I think I just have it positioned incorrectly all right hold on hold on cuz this is gonna be really cool oh wow Wow now this is in place for whatever it's worth this is in place okay I don't so just stop it oh no it moves it Wow okay oh this is awesome and here we go we've activated the second part the second lock of four so we're halfway there that's really cool and now this whole interior is moving around so I wasn't you know I was wondering like how do I don't even get this to move around anyway two terminals remaining well this was awesome I just want to see I I have you seen it more chests not me I don't think there's anything up here for us right now maybe maybe not I don't know anything on the ceiling here there is a chest like just in general this way it's hard to say what's what we did a great job we did a great thing here let's try to head out okay and we're out oh my god [Music] all right so if I use stasis yeah hi Oh God yeah yeah every time right he's done for he's done for we got him these things keep appearing keep showing up out of nowhere we keep getting more and more parts that's good all right so now what we got to do I mean I think I know exactly what to do well what we got to do is figure out if if we just rotate this another way let's see this shouldn't be such a big deal should be pretty good pretty solid and then we can walk across here like I said we've gotten to seems to be saying there's another Chesterman I don't know anyway let's let's head this way real quick Oh God sure all right no oh my god lame it's okay I got you from this side I might be a little rusty but I know what needs to be done these things are no good ancient gears though I'll take those these Spears and whatnot no way not my forte okay so it looks like there is a path where it goes this there's a chest obviously right there it looks like yeah it looks like I can easily grab that to come to pop a link and I guess if these things are just gonna be rotating regardless of what happens so interesting I guess you know I can clearly walk around I can go up [Music] I can there's a ladder so I can go down tear kind of a ladder across there as well let's check out to see what this is all about we might have to remove this oh yeah we're gonna to rotate this like I've done the easier ones first I think we rotate this at least it seems definitely that way to me but I could be wrong it's a propeller in here oh goodness why is he he's missing an arm you okay dude destroyed there we go a treasure for me a swallow bow I mean I'll take it and what else are we looking at here we're looking at is this no I think we're gonna have to move something around in here I don't know sure seems like that's what it's building up to but I could be wrong there's a chess nearby it seems so yeah once I'm up here then what happens right and what's this up here all about definitely seems like there's more than meets the eye over here right [Music] okay well let's see what its gonna take to move this around [Music] or just you know maybe we don't do this side yet I don't really know the thing that confuses me is that there's I don't want to stop time oh wow okay well that makes so much more sense I was confused but now I'm starting to understand must be a little bit clearer with this there you go just just going there excellent and then they kiss and then the whole thing moves beautiful right now I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go in one of these doorways here and probably try to go in through the top since this one thing just rotating right now I think that'll be good obviously that's that's moving now I'm curious what happens if I enter at the top if I can enter at the top I may not be able to st. get a peek of what's over here I don't know if there's an entrance up here or not okay it doesn't look like there is one and that's okay we can least take a I swear Lincoln squeeze do that there's no reason why he couldn't he's the right size that's okay we'll just go in the normal way and what we'll do is we will we might stop the rotation for a bit then started back up so I can get through I don't know I don't know what's gonna be required of me it's like a very mechanical like I don't even know what kind of beast this is looks like you know what I mean so let's see it sure seems like I know what's gonna happen right oh it's blowing it the other way interesting so let's go ahead and start this rotating the there we go so that sure seems like that would have worked had I not I kind of did a little stumble first all right here we go tada very pleased with that obviously okay it looks like we now needed to go the other way alright now that it's kind of sucking me in over here you know once he gets over here I would love it to freeze so it'll die and there we have it guys nicely done I would say that's the third lock unlocked and we got one more after this which is probably on the other side probably more big things to fight on the inside one terminal remaining as they say you know I was just curious if anything now we're gonna get that chest whoa whoa so I you know I'm gonna I'm gonna definitely freeze it one more time all right well let's be on our way out and I don't know that getting all chest is necessary but it would be a good idea I assume so are there any new I just heard one oh my god oh my goodness what the heck okay yeah that's bad news bad news this is the type of thing that like hey I'm like first up what arrow am I using okay that's fine well bow I was keep using this oh you know equip one of the ancient arrows dang it I totally missed man okay such a shame I didn't mean to miss it I probably need to get more obviously okay let's go with the really straight shot which one is that swallow golden no swallow ancient bow I really wanted to hit got it thank God almost fill the lava there hopefully there's room for me let's just equip this let's keep up with the Falcon bo I don't mind this this is good work I don't even want to know what comes out next I really wish I had my abilities though okay so divine beat is there a name for this it's not even a name for this do the new memory show up where are the memory I don't even know I don't think so that's fine okay sure seems like they're saying another chest is this way but but we're you know did I even get a chest out of this room let me go check this is definitely an odd thing I mean it almost sounds like there's a chest like up here somewhere I don't know I don't know what the chests are that's the main thing we know that there is one more [Music] I don't know if there's a chest this way it could be somewhere else entirely uh-huh uh-huh what about that so how do I get up there huh that's the real question I would say I would think that if I oh I know how to get up there I would probably just just use the door that would make sense I just keep hearing the little beep in my ear and I'm like well where where is it you know like where is that coming from that didn't work alright here we're gonna go up here just for the heck of it I'm gonna rotate the other way it's makes sense to me hopefully it makes it see you guys I'm gonna try to glide down over there once we're high up in the air and there we go let's open up this chest Oh Kabul okay so that's a terrible item but I'm surprised at just how bad at items I get here I mean these are not good items I'm gonna drop this I hope I can pick it back up okay it looks fine right now Oh God [Music] I'm gonna switch quick drop this one then run to grab that one thank you thank you that almost fell in lava okay oh geez still lava okay okay we're good we're good I I don't know if I've gotten all of it all of the chests it still almost sounds like there's one that way you know but I don't know that all the chests are even important for this it doesn't seem like it we're getting rewards that are not enticing at all to me so I might just scrap that idea of trying to find all the chests it doesn't sound important at all but we got 1/4 room to go in in order to unlock the lock for a fourth time so let's see what this is all about this is clearly rotating something on the inside I don't see an entrance for me [Music] I definitely hear things in there this could be a very puzzling puzzle oh look at that let me get into it in an area that I can see see this better so the rocks are moving and not being proper whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa and not being proper gears so what we need is for them to actually be proper gears and then I can maybe get in there so let's just start right there I don't know how much this is gonna turn it but that seems about right oh but did it again okay it's only be ready then I hope I can go through this just fine please turn it I may have done it way too soon I'm in ok so what is this all about you think I gotta use ice just looking around for any type of well any type of anything really uh let's use ice here come on now I was like it iced can't be used so what in the world is this and [Music] I'm thinking I'm thinking uh Javon [Music] is it ice related or am I just if I just spinning my wheels here you know I can't seem to make the ice there we go there we go okay you know I tried that earlier and it didn't seem to want to work but now it clearly works so we're fine let's rotate it the other way I'm sorry that took so long all right I knew that had to be a so here we go we're gonna go up here and we're gonna go through there and I don't know what to think this actually moves relatively slow it seems but we're fine well we'll get in here we'll see what needs to be done gotta use some ice right you're using everything that we've learned is there a chest over here I thought I saw a chest I do see a chest oh you know how we do this you know we handle this one how to how to get back up feel like I maybe just stepped in here without thinking too much that's okay we'll just put a nice block up it's not a no I can't even use my powers right now okay hold on yeah how do I get back up I did not mean to be swimming in here right now oh there it is okay I know I was trying to get worried okay so we see the chest over here and it just misses it with the heck okay are you okay with me what needs to happen now [Music] it is this is a puzzle I'm used to seeing doesn't do a thing or maybe it does I can jump over that would be really cool right do you think that's on the agenda jumping over this I mean this does seem like it's something what is this I can move this oh okay do you think I just let's see what happens waters off and then the water drains oh my gosh okay well I can handle the bat that's a good idea let's open up this anything exciting in here for me Azure spear the answer is no I don't even care about getting other chests then if they're done if they're gonna give stuff like that to me then no I don't care don't care anymore I was all about getting those chests I guess I don't even know I'm just not too thrilled about it to be honest here we now that I'm over here though okay what needs to happen make the water go back oh oh okay okay I think there you go fill it back up for me and then kind of use this indeed there we go there's the last unlock it's bound to be some trouble in the other room though once this happens super awesome all terminals I can now access the deepest area so wait now this is moving so things are moving now well let's go I don't know I'm gonna have to find out here but I'm sure it's not gonna be great so this is unlocked right is it on [Music] there any monsters out here I don't think it's on so close that was it you're ready I'm gonna push it in as soon as it's ready it's in there we go there we go interesting oh right what do I get from him you have proven to possess the power of a true hero in the name of the goddess hi Lea what's moving uh is moving what the heck I offer this final trial what the heck where am I going usually this thing disappears not me okay well this is really intriguing [Music] hello it's me I might want a better bow if I'm gonna have to fight something oh geez this is like a big arena I don't even know what's gonna happen [Music] yikes okay um let us begin sure monka maas uh that was not very much okay so hold on if i'm gonna be fighting well where's my inventory let me go ahead and switch to a better bow I don't have that many bows that are good this one is a royal bow equip and I guess I'll go with shock arrows again [Music] that was pretty good there you go where is he okay we're both missing each other Oh God what they get him what I only have one or BOCES fury don't I all right what all right there's got to be a good way to do this right are you kidding me oh now what's happening huh now what's happening I don't think those arrows even hit him No surely one of them there he is that was the real one that's a solid hit dang dude [Music] it's a pretty big battle jeez no no I need that goodness gracious this is a tough battle I need to eat something nice that wasn't the real one man man wait [Music] yeah I was quite figured out the process for this rates ah this is quite the fight you know I think just by my sheer will of being able to automatically heal geez Louise ice there's got to be a better way for me I said two of them and the thing is I don't really have a lot of time to learn patterns here I don't know how to identify the real one that was him here we go he's almost halfway there now what's its to the process here I'm hoping that our bosun charges soon so I can actually use it oh no bigger bigger is not always better jiminy Christmas okay good to see that do anything No oh my god what is this Magnus ridiculous I need to eat let's see what I have full meals that will fully heal me so it's not a big deal I don't know what to do oh here we go nope okay we're fine just kind of dodge those there's nothing right oh they hit him in the eye no let me switch weapons let me switch arrow types yeah I need someone to help me out here bombs might work right then I bomb what hold on that is a bomb oh it's raining maybe that's why it won't work well this firework doesn't do anything okay it's happening okay that's one here does it count doesn't seem to be doing any damage this guy at all No there's a little bit I gotta make out of there you go there you go pretty powerful this is my best attack [Music] totally nailed it I think I got him who's chopped his ankles [Music] I think I got him I think I got him that boss fight went pretty well no deaths well that was awesome let's see yeah he looks a little little messed up oh there's not a face - I hope I passed your trial the Sun is coming up you face that challenge with great courage erased all doubt from my mind you are a true hero like I'm glad I had to prove it to this guy as such you were destined to take hold of this ancient masterpiece I think I know what this is oh my goodness Wow Wow are we still on the divide Beast this is crazy-looking [Laughter] everyone knows what this is if you see seen any of the promotional materials for this game Wow [Music] [Laughter] I love it this is a luck a new save spot a new a new fast travel location it's a new rune for me that is so funny it's a motorcycle [Music] basically oh nice masters cycle zero insert materials into the tank to convert them into fuel you can freely call upon this item but summoning it will not work in certain areas nice well let's see how this baby is gonna gonna work right this is exciting that which you have obtained is a masterpiece of innovation created for the one true hero that's me hot hero of Hyrule may the goddess smile upon you well thank you I am now a motorcycle riding link so that's fantastic wait were you taking me I guess I'm out of here I guess I can't return here but I get to ride live free ride yeah yeah not just a horse but a horse shaped motorcycle out on the open plains I'll definitely showcase a lot more of this motorcycle next episode when we try to find the remaining new gear Here I am but I'll showcase at the end of this episode as well hmm oh it's you I can't put my feather on it but I get the feeling you're even more accomplished than you were when last we met I happen to have a perfect song for someone as esteemed as you I would love to sing it for you my teachers unfinished song the one I told you about oh I finally completed the key verses this lofty location is the perfect stage is seeing this this special song it takes place 100 years ago at hyrule castle yes the very castle you can still see over yonder it's about that it's about the magnificent inauguration of the chosen champions if you would please listen to this special song the champions ballad [Music] here we go flashback [Music] [Music] welcome warriors I'd like to thank you for joining me here today and for your bravery in accepting this fateful task I officially appoint you high rules champions and bestow upon you this sacred garb that blue is a symbol of the royal family one that has been passed down for countless generations those comments you now where were all crafted by my daughter Zelda nice Zelda I trust you with the task only a daughter of the royal family can fulfill lead our champions princess and together protect our kingdom from the threat of calamity cannon-fire words so yeah I have the amiibo here and they all have those same cloths on them in those blue cloths it's very cool those formal shindigs really take it out of me hmm this is the chicest lake hey it is apparently there are more uses for it than we originally thought sadly we've yet to decipher all of its secrets the princess showed me something strange recently somehow it can create true-to-life images wow I would love to see it um princess may I ask a special favor of you [Music] alright this spot should work nicely are we taking a picture keep your eyes on the sheet of slate everyone Derek can you crouch down a bit you're his biggest deaf mountain hmm what's with the glum face princess give me a big smile [Music] Ravalli move your tail closer to the group ok stay just like that here we go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] diruk [Music] amazing after the ceremony they would all forever be known as champions my teacher always advised me to write songs that transport the listener to the moment in time your singing of hmm now I finally feel I understand what he meant and the true power of music by the way I found this when I was looking through my teachers notes I was thinking you should be the one to keep it your courageous heart reminds me of the indomitable spirit of the champions I know you'll treasure it [Music] picture up champions a picture of Zelda and the five champions taken after the inauguration ceremony at Hyrule Castle Kass gifted you this precious item after completing the champions ballot well thank you well well well all I want to do is ride a motorcycle a final thought may the souls of the champions who watch over Hyrule rest in peace what yes I have watched your journey every step you have overcome every challenge with great courage with the power that you have attained I am certain you can defeat calamity Ganon I know I can't I've done it without this extra power [Music] all right [Music] truly all right the champions ballad is complete very very awesome so there's the master cycle zero I'm gonna ride that I'm gonna write it let's take a look over here now is there any anything different about this I can remove this now delete the pen um there are bound to be amazing places to ride this I'm gonna just write it over a few places and uh that'll be what then the rest of the episode is all about alright guys here I am I don't know why I put on this outfit I think it looks cool we're gonna go ahead and do a master's cycle zero right how do i how do we just quickly summon it I can just summon anywhere right let's see let's see here we go we're gonna be riding I don't know if this is the best armor the best you ever this looks cool right here we go alright zero jump brake and accelerate we don't have brakes let's go let's go let's go now how fast did you get go through this oh my gosh this is a rough ride perfect [Laughter] alright alright good first ride let's a little rough to ride I'm sure there are plenty of videos online of people doing lots of cool tricks whoa here we go get ready which way to think we should go with this [Music] as a zero jump hey I just ran right into a holy goodness amazing this is pretty cool was that a load yeah I guess I need to realize that the I'm moving through the map a lot faster than I ever have before oh my gosh oh my gosh there we go now I ramped off of this are there any tricks I wonder how crash-proof this actually is I would love to look up videos of people using this this is a pretty flat path what I want to do I want to take it I mean this is a pretty smooth trail right I want to take this to some places that maybe I haven't been with a device like this I'm talking about going up here onto the peaks and which one where's the start of it is it here somebody's spot why is that marked I don't remember which way is the best listen let's go here is this it or is this it I don't know but this is gonna be awesome either way let's uh let's go here I want to see if this is gonna be a fun place to ride the bike and again next episode we'll be riding in a lot more cuz I'm gonna track down all of the cool customizations that we still have left to collect so let us see huh come on now where are we going [Music] excellent X and look at us all right so I'm freezing let me go ahead maybe this is uh there's there an easy way out of this you know what yeah let me go ahead and just put on some warm gear I don't want to suffer I want to make link suffer oh there we go so I think yeah this this way down this way down is perfect okay I want to see here we go here we go now this may not be as fast as shield surfing but I just wanted to see how this handles the terrain you know and so far it seems to be handling it okay [Music] pretty straightforward and this is this is a really smooth ride I'm not really experiencing in any sort of difficulty here whoa oh man okay here we go that's right let's ride or both the story is ready oh wow wow I can actually leave that's so cool okay here we go I don't know where I would use that but there's bound to be jumps that I would love to try to make like that that's pretty cool right so you can just kind of jump off the motorcycle like that if you want that's pretty cool let's see deal and then [Music] I think you just keep doing that over and over alright there's bound to be plenty of really cool spots to do that on I might look up some for next episode but guys this has been the great episode already thanks so much for watching we've unlocked the motorcycle aka the master cycle zero we've defeated I guess the final divide the fifth divine beasts in a way so I will see you next time for more we got to go ahead and get all the collectables if we take a look at the adventure log we still have to destroy Ganon now there there are I here there are more collectibles right it could be wrong I think there are that's main quest yeah there's trying quest in there sign class I quest here horse rumors Royal Guard rumors treasures etc so there's a lot more stuff to get and else is here oh boy bling chronicles I don't know if I'll do that but I and I still have this one Zora stone monuments mission left I just never did that's okay anyway guys thanks for watching be sure to come back shrine quest cleared 41 or 42 how about there's no one I haven't done I don't understand let me know why that's not all the way and then also we have to destroy I don't think I don't know if there's any benefit to destroying Ganon again there's a new ending or what I don't know anyway thanks for watching be sure to come back next time for some more I'll see you then goodbye I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you gotta do is click the like button below thanks so much for watching follow me on Facebook Twitter and Instagram this is Otto Egon and I'll see you next time for more [Music] you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 1,734,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Gameplay, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Walkthrough, Expansion Pass, DLC Pack 2, DLC, The Champions' Ballad, Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Legend, Breath, Wild, Link, Hyrule, Legend of Zelda, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Switch, Wii U, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Id: 7Z7YN42Vs9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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