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okay let's check it out [Music] I love this just checking if it works yes guys make sure that like if you can hear me well today gonna be special it's been a long time that I don't do a live video send okay perfect audio is good how this is good okay perfect video assistant okay perfect we'll just checking everything as well open is ready today in this video it's been a long time that I don't do a live video uh so but today I'm going to show you a real master class for beginners because I'm gonna do it with a special friend of mine Giovanni voice from Italian exploring food so we can already do the video together okay in your channel like three videos yes Rome and New York and soon it will go out the Tokyo speeds us so he's the guy who I send to the to the places to see my favorite pizza places in the cities so today is in Los Angeles of course we're shooting videos and uh I said let's do a master class alive because he's doing a video for his channel I said let's go live and maybe you guys can see what's behind the scene of the uh the video that he's doing so enjoy this uh I'm so scared about that enjoy this live and uh make sure to like subscribe and just go ahead and check him out in a little bit we're gonna put his uh his uh channel is it anyways uh Italian exploring food super easy I have already a channel in Italy I'm Italian like him and I have over 1 million subscribers in Italy but I just opened a new channel here in America I told you to open it just just to let you show to let you see my favorite place in the world yeah the Italian place is the iconic foods from every single part of the world because I'm a traveler and I go around the world but today we're going to see how to make the real Italian pizza and make sure if you see here is a comment like right there if you click today do it all during this live you get a special prize for my master class course so go ahead click in the link I check out put the put the code freeze house is uh is in description and you get a special prize yeah give me five are you ready we're gonna make some pizza can I have one taralo okay thank you okay so first of all like let's get ready with some ingredients because before making the pizzas of course the dough is ready like you can see a little soft little soft yeah 75 of hydration thank you so much so before making the pizza we have to have everything ready okay okay so this is the tomato sauce you can open it I'm gonna get ready with the middle sausage is going to be soft and crunchy for sure you never apply can in your life this trip in Los Angeles is going to end up making a ah it's gonna become a uh basically a pizza a pizza chef so sorry guys if we interrupt sometime because but he's making a video you can show he's making a video for his channel video I broke it it's okay so guys we are making all the ingredients we start with the tomato sauce correct okay voila be careful there we go you kept your fingers okay here we are so this this tomato sauce is already prepared okay but like I already mashed it so I like to get this sauce because it's uh uh we don't need to do basically anything just add put a little bit inside here there we go make sure it's good where did it come from this is from California California yes fresh ingredients [Music] okay okay it's not done yet not done yet sorry so it's super easy we put a little bit of olive oil okay okay A little bit of salt I like to call yourself not too much a little bit just to give the flavor and then of course we need the basil but we forgot the basil we forgot the basil that's my fault yeah I'm sorry guys so basically if you have basil just go ahead and break some basil on the on the on the tomato sauce well now testing now even better yes fantastic so voila let's clean up everything here because everything it needs to be super clean before you make the pizzas I'm so scared what is that during my apron okay so now we get the cheese mozzarella mozzarella of course yeah I can do this we need we need fresh mozzarella okay what do you take this mozzarella where it's from California too local you like you prefer fresh ingredients or Italian ingredients to be honest we need the uh local local so fresh yes of course the mozzarella in Italy tastes a little bit more our palette is better yes that's it but this is actually really good cheese how do you want me to cut it so this is how you cut the cheese okay okay I do a little bit and then you do the other a little bit so we come this this way see okay so you do this let me finish this part so then you flip it over then you do this way it's not that bad no no super easy but it's very important the cut of the cheese because if you carry two Thin it's gonna burn if you cut it too thick it's not gonna cook so we go a little square for you this is the perfect size for the mozzarella this is the perfect yes because it's going to cover all pizza and then it's gonna see okay this is gonna have to do like this pick up your fingers don't get cut the aspirin USA is super expensive you have insurance you don't have insurance of course travel insurance travel insurance we're going to see if we're gonna cover the the cost yes that's good yeah it's a good masala so guys like you can see we are preparing all the ingredients before making the pizza that's super important because if you have the pizza already stretch and you forget oh my God the cheese okay and then you go cut the cheese the pizza is gonna stick you're not gonna be able to make the pizza foreign when you cut the knife needs to be always this side this I want to cut my fingers I tried it's okay it's okay perfect voila put it there I'm a good pizza chef you see it how is this cheese good perfect okay so we are there that's all we need for the foreign so now let's go ahead and we can start the pizza actually okay I I know what I have to do I just have to stretch the pizza and I know what it is the pizza is super soft okay so for now uh I'm gonna make the uh foreign [Music] we need this use this we have to use this yes okay I'm a fan of the pizza you've been too bad you've been Dubai Rome you're from Roma so this is this is almost the same as a Roma pizza so let's get the dough so the body style pizza is probably half amount of the of the Neapolitan style so it's 120 grams so go ahead and we cut f we save this so it's less amount of dough okay dinner yeah much dinner then we make a circle and now a lot of flour you can stretch this by hand so you can stretch with this she prefer with this because this way we take off all the air from the doctor she wants a crunchy so picky so picky man okay then we flip it over I will never see because you probably is that I have to say something he's not super bad to use a a roller pin you know roller pin roller pin so voila take off the flower the the difference between an appointment pizza and a body style is that this pizza goes upside down so this part goes under because when you turn it the the pizza puff less okay h so now tomato sauce we go all all the way in the crust so at this point once you put the tomato sauce remember you're gonna be fast because the pizza is gonna stick a little bit of Parmesan cheese fresh mozzarella everywhere now she wants tuna tuna tuna in the USA is not common so probably you guys gonna say probably a couple of comments if you ask us why she's putting the tuna on the pizza I can't answer I will never do that you don't like tuna on the pizza not this kind of tuna imbar is super typical yeah with Capri right yeah tuna and keepers tuna there's some capers hey voila that's the body start Pizza a little bit of olive oil on top because the olive oil helps the cooking a little bit but super important for body style Java super important yeah in Italy in Italy USA I know everybody says no to tuna but if we were gonna do happy wives happy life happy wife happy life so she wants to another Pizza let the flame very low and the pizza you cannot pull around the peel we have to go with the like that then we make it big I can do that sure so find a place all the way inside all the way don't throw the pizza all the way gently you take it out gently yeah gently yeah one shot okay now we cook at a low Flame tuna pineapple now why no please no they're asking tuna yes pineapple no why I I don't know why in Italy they put a tuna on the pizza it's super uh but in Italy we don't put chicken on the pizza exactly they put chicken everywhere so down we check probably it's hot because it's been on it's perfect you know so if the if you see that the pizza Burns okay now it's good if you see that the pizza Burns you go ahead and cook it on the peel so this pizza the body style needs to be crunchy and in Bari if the pizza is not burnt like black in the sides they don't want it okay I I can what it says this experience it's useless that you tell us how to make like this you just see what you have to do just like how much white it is how much battery is it's the experience you have to do a lot of pizzas to make things yeah I mean I'm different from other I'm different from others Pizza Chef okay I've been all over the world I've been working with the different Pizza Pizza chefs so I know how to make a bunch of different style of pizzas okay Chicago deep dish everything this pizza is like the most typical from Rome in Roma they make it like that too yeah so I'm just checking Pizza is about to be ready and then we can start the master class yeah thank you so much guys let's make this live to 1 000 people let's go let's go and see go ahead and subscribe to me to my friend see we disappointment you know what you can do go through your phone and then comment from your page Italian exploring food to my life this way these guys they can go ahead and subscribe okay guys the pizza is about to be ready hopefully she's going to be happy they always man she always should complain all the time that the pizza is not good it's a really nice smell yeah it's really good okay that piece is about to be ready okay perfect so there we go this is the body style pizza it's nice crunchy crispy on the side no crust at all we got the cheese and the tomatoes everywhere so this is Java table like only your wife like this kind only your wife to be honest if you want to eat pizza every day this is the way to go to style is too much maybe sometimes okay because you have to really like really like it and then you know nowadays Neapolitan style now everybody can make it good okay so it feels really good okay but this kind of pizza is super light I mean we have only 120 grams of dough 75 75 of the inflation yes so this is going to be super digestible I'm gonna cut it and give it to her and she likes olive oil pizza for today but it's time yeah please comment this way they can go ahead and subscribe voila let me cut it okay Giovanni I'm gonna go see what she thinks yeah if you want to say something to them how about I have the microphone one second guys I'm coming back yeah talk about about the uh okay video food it is yeah kind of kind of it always uh exaggerated I am a food blogger from Italy I do videos on YouTube like it's five years more than five years a lot of time for Italy and I have over 1 million follower but I decide to come here in Los Angeles in America because I travel I travel all around the world and I want to be like the um I want to be someone who can tell you where to eat the good Italian food everywhere around the world not just in Italy all around the world that's my goal for the new channel that's my goal for the new challenge Italian exploring food so just I don't know do what you want let's start okay we are ready to make how many pizzas how many people we have right now okay fantastic thank you so much Emily so much people hear me in the camera right here bye guys more people she's a uh she's a YouTuber Phoenix Lewis Fitness girl you don't eat pizza you need to use the chicken today actually okay Johannes Let's Get Serious let's get inside this master class right now and let's read it to rock and roll she's so Beauty thank you so much she's my She's Mine link to her Channel please can you follow me if you get to 5 000 subscribers I will tell you the only fans from Emily why not after let's get serious now let's get this uh this master class okay now I'm yeah memorize what I do because you're gonna do it next and guys this is for you so we start we start by taking out the dough this is the most difficult part of making pizza especially when you have the dough like that okay so soft okay this is 75 so let's go ahead flower look at this make sure the dough doesn't get under and then put a little bit of flour extra one shot put it upside down on top of the flower okay okay this one right away go ahead and close it a little bit of flour right there on the center this one a couple of times in the flour gently gently go ahead and land it on the flower okay so at this point we don't touch the crust we don't touch the center okay we press don't do this because you make the door nervous okay okay so you're just gonna press gently on the side and press the air you're gonna basically push the air to the crust okay the crust needs to be full of air so see I'm going on the sides I'm pressing with this part now at this point up top gently one in here put it on top take off all the flour and now you start right end you press and you're gonna measure the thickness of the dough with your finger so you don't need to watch you press then one end there one end like that press and a little bit pull if the dough is nervous in this case we don't need to you press and press so I'm feeling the dough is all the same okay not too thin not too thick okay soft and crunchy it's going to be soft and crunchy crunch look at this voila we stretch the pizza okay so let's make the first one so now tomato sauce in the center one spoon and then from the center you go ahead and turn the sauce around the crust it makes everything so easily yeah it's not like it's good I think so now pecorino pecorino yeah pecorino well in this case we don't have basil okay because we forgot it sorry guys I forgot the base so let's go ahead and let's put the fresh mozzarella hey I see you voila okay Java now a little bit of olive oil because the olive oil helps the cooking process let's say that sorry guys I just got a call [Music] but you see what happened I find out the oven is 80 of the pizza okay so now is the max temperature we lower down lower you want to cook a little bit of flame not too much in the west is not going to cook but it's very important when you use gas oven to put on a Max temperature the device at the bottom is going to go low okay okay so now when you work by yourself the best way to put the pizza on the peel is like this look at the flour a little bit pinch it and then put the pill under okay this is difficult I already know that okay pinch it all day don't do this stay there hold it and then put your finger okay put the pill under and now stretch don't touch the sauce just pinch it pinch your finger under you make a large simple the less you touch the pizza the better okay now let's show you how to put the pizza in the oven yeah okay so make sure you watch guys so hold on we have a little bit of ingredients there the oven needs to be clean so let's go ahead you're gonna you wanna make sure that pizza is not attached to the peel so what we do we move it a little bit gently and then you make sure it's not sticky then one shot oh see the pizza didn't move whoa it was scaling up but it's very important you make sure like that that it's not stick okay your brain is going to control that because if you know that it's not stuck you go for sure okay but if you don't know it's okay if you if you don't know your brain is going to say I'm worried so instead of going one shot you're gonna go a little bit less okay so watch let me see the piece is cooking then I put it right here and then we're gonna see how Giovanni is gonna do this pizza so watch this okay so the pizza when it's brown in this side because we are cooking one side okay okay we get it we check the bottom the bottom is perfect gently go ahead and turn it how many people we have okay let's make this video 1 000 people let's go this is Cookie actually let's do this if you like this pizza share with three friends it's totally free I have a video for you right they told me oh they have a cheap oven in Walmart you have to do that in New York they told me let's go back to this what's this someone just let's go buy it what does that mean what is that 50 um yellow is it donation oh yeah so thank you so much guys for the donation tanks and learn how to make pizza dough during the lockdowns throughout your video thank you so much guys one second the pizza is ready fantastic hold on it should make sure the pizza is lovely ready now leave let's go ahead and it's put a Max flame again and this is the Pizza Guys voila soft and crunchy it's quite different from the other pizza from these days my friend I have passion for the pizza you have yes I have passion for the pizza which makes a huge difference I have fresher for pizza too I know it's pizza but today you're gonna make it so what do you want to do you want to taste it now see look look at the crust let's go right here wait we don't have scissors unfortunately but I want to show you this is it's empty the crust because what you want to do is see put the hair on it look at me let me taste it super hot oh so that's the goal you know what I mean cool these days we just visited like how many uh 10 10 Pizza yes I'm getting fat or pizza this one is one of the best one of the best for sure yeah now we'll see how how you do I am I'm I have to do that guys support me please I'm scared about that I'm just scared living is perfect it's perfect how many hours for this one probably who's been following me for a long time they know let me probably who's been uh following for a long time they know uh I use polish I made the Polish 16 hours to 24 hours in the fridge and then I made the dough when you came here I met the boss so one hour ago oh okay you don't need to wait because it's already fermented um okay you have saw a different style of making pizza than the other Pizza Chef yeah you have your own style let's let's see it perfect McDonald your turn now let's see from the beginning finish that one hold on scared about that but you're the master it was based on this pizza how many pizzas that that we ate is the case with four two days ago yesterday too today probably two tomorrow we're gonna do another video the best pizza slices so a lot with David dobrik when you go back in Italy I'm gonna bring diet again diet again I was in diet here I went to the now it's my turn to make the pizza let's do it okay John remember what I say what do you think guys it's gonna mess it up yeah okay put it right here let's show let's show them okay trust me I'm here to link when you go to the Minecraft Master Class you have a special discount today it's gonna be freeze the code for a special price this one get this one this one yeah this one I reball it for the video after fantastic take some flour yeah go secure secure go upside down okay perfect put it down there and close it what I have to do I have to do some flowers flour in the center the center now flipper a couple a couple of times there yeah a couple of times in the flower okay perfect now rare fantastic now these are upside down perfect this is a Neapolitan style make sure here is a circle fantastic now remember what I say don't touch the cross and don't touch the center okay like this not press only press only go press and now from this side push the air to the cross you don't need to go there stay always straight now press a little bit more press more there we go let's say it's hard bro that's good don't worry about super soft huh super soft I usually make it more 70 but today I mess it up a little bit more when you get here if you want a nice crossed puffy here at this point you join and block it this is gonna make a nice crust Now flip it over upside down like that torso like this like actually no let me see one tap tap on the on the center on the center yes with all hands now measure with your right hand is all the same the thickness the thicken is all the same okay so now this end like that put it on top take off all the flour from the bottom perfect now put it down again now at this point with this end you press if you're right in that end you pull it if you need to pull it but it's too soft so we don't need to now like the same thing yeah boom down yeah one more time press make it in the same level okay don't stretch just press okay if you think that the pizza is about 10 inches one more time now that's it perfect at this point pinch it and make a little bit bigger okay don't press anymore done perfect make a professor okay voila so now I have to be fast now yeah once you put the Tomato so all the get the tomato with you okay put it on the center okay I go yeah a little bit more uh you made a mistake top right here instead of doing like this you're gonna stop here and then go little by little okay perfect sorry this spoon is gets a little bit it's a little bit this one is uh it's a little bit difficult okay okay it's good so but it needs to be hold on it needs to be precise so you're gonna go like that see here it's less so you're gonna go all the same [Music] perfect done okay now parmesan whatever ingredients you want to put we don't have nothing foreign I think so yes clean your hands olive oil olive oil now let me see how you do with this I can do this the whole day don't forget all the steps yeah yeah instead of doing that see you're gonna put your hands inside are you right hand or left hand right then okay okay like this pinch it hold it and then pure Hunter go yeah you're gonna hold it see like if I don't be secure perfect okay now make a large same size of the peel learn this yeah see this is perfect good job they are laughing thank you it's not bad not bad thank you guys so make sure it's a circle I don't want to help you you need to be the size of the pill guys it's gonna be 12 inches the pizza 12 to 13 inches bro it's perfect hold on you're gonna look like that and then it's easy with your experience okay okay now remember what I say okay so I have to yes lower down the flame okay now come this side hold on hold on Lift It Up Lift It Up Lift It Up okay make sure it's not sticky and then one shot perfect good job and now I have to control it is that part now you're gonna cook it thank you guys thank you well done no it's okay okay so I don't touch the pizza when you have to wait that the pizza gets Brown on this side always because the flame is one side see how it was popping okay now I have to do that no not yet let it cook a little bit because if you touch it too early it's gonna make a hole it's too soft to the pizza I don't know what I have to to wait you have to I don't know what I don't know what I don't know what I have to wait yeah you have to wait that gets Brown on this side a little bit more okay now now get the peel under and you can turn it when it starts to smoke 360 degrees look look at this look at this yeah no no no no watch I want to show you something look at this the peel you get the pizza here lift this up like that and go back okay okay from the center see okay a little bit more see how it's getting puffy push a little bit more inside and try to not change the spot because if you change the spot it's gonna burn on the side okay again what do you think yeah go for it foreign it seems like I'm a real it's a chef probably this is a master class live Master Class my friend the first time you these you do this with another friend no no I did it before a couple of other guys pizza is good I put out okay yeah sure perfect fantastic how's it yours yeah see the final test that's uh that's it that's it okay soft and crouchy what do you think guys so John you did a perfect job I think okay look at this this is my first pizza guys not my actually first one I just I already did it with him three days ago no few months ago I tried one and even three years ago in my channel to your Pizzeria do you remember I remember okay but today was a actual real master class okay I got it guys make sure for the people that get this guy here from the for the live all during this life we're about to finish but uh all during this live appeared we have a special code which is freeze to purchase my master class so go ahead that's what I teach okay bye let's try it out you have to try with me let's go for it perfect look so remember to lift it up because the device the oven is gonna drop okay just missing the basil yeah just the basil but it's good not the deck yours but I think it's almost perfect it's perfect the dough was perfect but really good it's not that bad for the first time you guys want to taste cheese and diet I'm in diet sorry she's in light she's in diet my girlfriend is on diet you can see why taste the Leonardo the video tell me if it's good we got some questions it's a good pizza yeah they are asking if it is Giovanni voice yes I am from Italian spring food he just opened guys he just opened up uh Italian English Channel so go ahead subscribe and support to him he's totally free to subscribe Italian exploring food super simple and the most as I say and the Italian guy with more appetized a lot man do we have the link for what can you put can you put the link this way that we can pin it and they can go ahead and subscribe I want to see how many subscribers we get to this channel tonight today okay if we get to 3 000 I will make you a gift okay two thousand followers I'm still waiting for the I I'll give you a special gift about the pizza special for your videos okay fantastic yeah let's go let's see let's see let's see let's see live let me turn around let me turn around this that's Emily right there hi hello what kind of cheese are you using I'm using fresh mozzarella okay nothing just put your uh hi guys how are you uh Italian exploring food I would have to say the name of the channel sorry or the link you can put the link I don't think so loving okay that's me it's an exploring food okay let me put Ray on this I'm embarrassed right now you're making me embarrassed and it's not not easy to do how can we live I don't know how to pin it but it's okay let me let me see right let me see right here anyway oh you guys got it go on your channel see how many subscribers you got so this is the pizza guys that's the oven okay now another one yeah another one we're gonna make one more pizza yeah maybe do we have other ingredients not so much man not so much pepperoni something he's a 2500 subscriber now yeah I am I want to get to 300. three thousand three thousand three thousand at least three thousand guys oven temperature deck temperature let's get back to the oven I want to see your fridge ask her ask Katya maybe she knows so guys the old man right now is a Max temperature is 825 it says right here what did the channel what the channel call it the channel called it is Italian exploring food Italian exploring food they don't know that's why we need like a so this is the bottom it's 800 thank you so much guys for subscribers in the top three it says 100 it's not possible oh no seven at 900 that's hot him Emily should do a pizza Hammer should everybody wants you to do a master class too yeah how many of you want her to make the pizza I can do a pizza now let's see let's see we have an idea mortadella I'm pistachio yeah it could be nice somebody says yes yes yes yes yes go Emily go Emily okay yes they love me we have a lot of yes bring the blog the link of the channel of uh Italian exploring food yes that's the link and then also yours oh yeah the reason to my channel do it now okay we're gonna make it now yeah Pizza go go go go go okay Emily are you of course let's turn this up right there so that's right so you remember everything you know yeah okay go for it that one yeah wait wait hold on she's gonna make a pizza okay but with these ingredients okay yeah of course so use that one yeah but there's some flour a lot of flour okay so start to break the pizza I want to read the video like this how a little bit more right there okay now take out the the ball from the [Laughter] Meister class live cut the sides what's the name of a user your channel let me leave zero two memory zero two she's gonna get more subscribers for sure okay okay you need me to do this for me yeah that's too hard A Little Bit of Love on the center there we go Italian Italian so I'd say it's not upside down here okay so now remember make a circle and press on the side press only be careful nails okay yeah she's gonna go on the sides you see how many how much air we have in this door yeah of course look at this So Soft now top tap tap on the center a little bit more you left hand yes okay now left hand you press and turn your hand that one like that yes and put the dough on top of your hands I'll just take off the flower there we go now put it down no no that's it now press with your left hand press and then do the same thing again yes turn it and that's it a little bit press more feel the table okay one more time and this the pizza is ready see this bubble this is it perfect no no upside down perfect now make a circle like that pinch it like this yeah that's it done okay now he wants to make a pizza with the Mortadella so a little bit taller olive oil on the base I'd like to go to the pizza they cook the mortadella do you like to cook yeah yeah a little bit more don't be scared Leo we have some comments there like this is okay yeah [Music] so now okay hey man okay perfect now pizza if I get to 2 000 subscribers you should get to 10 000 subscribers anyway on the side no no like that it's perfect just go okay all over the place because there's Mortadella street so go four let's cover the pizza done now a little bit of Parmesan on top and fresh mozzarella how many people we have there [Music] how much 438 we have to become one thousand let's go it's okay like this it's perfect a little bit [Music] okay it's in your heart a little bit olive oil on top let's see if this pizza is so nice okay okay remember now baby that's it now no no no no no no no no no now remember pinch okay at the opposite because your left hand pinch all day and then peel under hold on put your hands in the flour up open your hand ah okay yeah magic magic go yeah oh man she did better than you man she's better than me she did better than you yeah now leave it here and then he's always better than me I make a large go away as veto said fantastic you got the okay perfect go in the oven so Evan let's go let's Hot Spot find a place lower down the flame shots all the way all the way in make sure it's not sticky go go and then one shot one shot good sorry why not so supportive oh why not sauce on the streets it's the typical pizza that's how it's gonna go when it gets Brown in one side you go ahead and turn it we have Roma who is from Roma here in this life everyone thank you okay go ahead he's much better than Vito probably yes go ahead and turn it much better than you some more hold on we are focusing the pizza here you guys stuck in it you're reading the message okay perfect okay I am from Florence oh she's from Florence um zero two oh look at this in Florence is famous for the steak Yeah huge steak of one kilos Florence we shall we do some how many of you guys want to see something typical from Florence made with from Emily yeah yeah I go so look at this oh no I'll be white on this side yeah finish the cook it needs to be perfect part of the pizza a little bit more a little bit more it's more like okay [Music] the other side almost ready guys I want to see how many likes we get for this pizza bye come closer show these guys this is going to be more soft because she cooks this look look at this it's empty be stuck on top like it's raining everywhere I love pistachio so expensive I know man where are you we have a 10 of Mortadella we have about five uh three dollars of cheese and then we get yeah cut it and then we got uh about three dollars of pistachio it's like 15 of full cost without counting the where she's not gonna eat it because she's in diet probably in the restaurant and that's 25 bucks 25 bucks probably yeah man Emily pizzas how many Pizza Guys taste it you have to taste it no I can't I'm on diet sorry you're nothing more in life no let's eat it that's your turn after three weeks of diet do it for them just one slice just one slice the smaller one she has to try see how many people want to this one and Emily it's so hot to fear more often in my videos oh I never do videos with girls that's why thank you that's why the type followers that's why we we are losing Pizza is so nice it's amazing guys what can I say thank you so much for watching make sure if you want to get a master classes use the code freezing man I'm gonna leave until this live it's on my channel because after that it's gonna go only available for members and then special price and then of course go ahead and subscribe to my friends from Italian exploring exploring food and memory to film a video right now about the pizza with the East dough oh yeah but with my carbonara yes it's gonna come in soon maybe a few weeks depends on how much time is yes thank you so much guys I'll see you next time thank you bye foreign
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 94,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza
Id: VMqAxl7t1W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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