Building & Testing A Tiny Aircraft Carrier - Stormworks Gameplay

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alrighty hello guys welcome you faces back to another stormworks build and rescue video today we are going to be doing something relatively interesting i guess um we're going to be building a tiny aircraft carrier now i haven't really built a proper aircraft carrier before so a tiny one is also going to be pretty difficult but what we're going to do is we're going to be using the red bacon which is this biplane right here which i bought a while ago uh and we're going to be loading it onto yeah just a tiny boat that hopefully we can launch off of and um fly so let's get on with it shall we [Music] okay so first things first i need to figure out how big i actually want this to be and um how big i actually do want it to be is um wide like as wide as the actual plane's wings because i think that's going to give us enough balance uh and buoyancy which makes sense to me so we're gonna go a lot lower than the plane and we're gonna go sideways until we reach the end of the wings and that's how big it's gonna be yeah just like that awesome okay so as for length and stuff like that i don't really know how long i want it to be it's not gonna be too much longer than the plane so we're gonna go like this big here uh we're gonna have to have like a little bit where it launches from so maybe up to there that is oh let's go a little bit bigger let's go a little bit bigger there we go um all right cool go ahead and attach all of this together because reasons and stuff uh and actually this is big this is quite big this isn't that small is it it's not really um let's make it a little bit bigger actually this is a lot bigger than i thought it was going to be not gonna lie okay so because like it's a tiny aircraft carrier i'm gonna assume that it's sort of gonna be old-fashioned um and when i say assume i'm gonna make it old-fashioned because i think that's kind of cool so we're gonna make it really old-fashioned kind of like this and then we're gonna start going up by twos and this is gonna be cool it's gonna be really really cool all right go up by twos a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more oh there's a lot to this actually uh go by four go by four again and we're going to continue until we've run out of fours there we go there we go there we go and there we go all right fantastic so that's the rear of the boat the front of the boat is gonna be pointier question mark so that's gonna be difficult isn't it although actually what if we just take the back of the boat flip it around and put it on the front i don't know bad idea bad idea okay so even though i said it was a bad idea we've gone ahead and done it anyway let's go ahead and take this and push it to the front go ahead and put it on there and voila there's our our tiny aircraft carrier um sure why not that's gonna be fine i'm sure it is uh we also gotta figure out a place to actually drive this from um and i don't know should i make this i don't know in my head i was just gonna have this float um but actually now that i've thought about it a little bit i'm thinking maybe this should be suspended above a boat that could be pretty cool that could be really cool now you know what i'm not gonna do it that way i'm not gonna do it that way because that just makes things a little bit more difficult and i'm not up for doing something difficult today we're gonna do something i was gonna say relatively easy but this just isn't so yeah i guess this is gonna be kind of interesting all right go ahead and put these pieces on because they're necessary there we go dragon backwards a lot and then put these pieces on we need to do this on the other side as well so i should have copied and pasted it after this but never mind so that's the kind of shape we've got and that's what we're going to stick with all right cool so um this isn't going to be that sophisticated or anything like that essentially we're just going to drop these down until they sort of hit the water um which the water's going to be down here and i just want to see if this will work to begin with so we're going to make a platform that floats and we're going to make it move and then once the platform that floats moves it's a tiny aircraft carrier right i think that's how it works um we do kind of need to be able to land on this thing don't really i haven't thought that through so i don't know how it's going to land and i forgot you guys could see me but hi how you doing anyway uh let's continue so build all of these as quickly as we can there we go uh we're then gonna go to the front are we gonna put these ones on uh like so fantastic drag it down as far as we can yes i think it's one more actually that's okay do another one on this piece yes uh and then fill all of these pieces in and i'm assuming this will be okay there we go drop that down drop this down yep drop this down as well um and then fill in the front so what you'll notice about this is that it is very boxy yes that is true however um the the bottom is also gonna be boxy we're gonna fill all of this in and the bottom side is actually just gonna be flat as well um and you might be wondering what the reasoning behind that is um and the reasoning is because that's the best way of getting buoyancy in this game having a really flat bottom so there you go that's where we've got a flat bottom cool all right now i'm just going to go ahead and copy this from here put it on that side and we'll see how what happens okay is everybody ready we're going to turn it around we're going to push it backwards and we're going to put it in back there and then hopefully hopefully hopefully it'll float paste it there merge it together and we be good all right cool so as it stands it floats nice uh also as it stands we won't be able to take off this plane will not move uh very fast from this aircraft carrier so let's go ahead and press one start up the engine throttle it up there we go power it down a little bit and uh go here we go we'll see if we can actually move there we go we've fallen off the deck oh we're actually flying no way we can sort of fly off of that thing cool granted my plane died instantly but we took off that's cool we need to remember keep active blocks so let's go ahead and get some keep active blocks there we go uh we're just going to shove one inside the plane somewhere that's probably fine we'll shove it like there that's okay and we'll shove one inside of this somewhere as well don't think it matters where we'll put it right there cool so uh with that being done how about in order to get a little bit more speed let's say let's get some rocket uh boosters and um yeah these will allow us to just move a little bit quicker and hopefully get into the sky a little bit quicker and that's kind of what we need so let's go with like three go ahead and put this on here like this and then put them on the button which we've already got which is the torpedo drop button i got rid of the torpedo i don't know if you noticed all right cool so now we got boosters that actually should work uh that's fantastic let's go ahead and paint some stuff on the deck so the deck itself is just gonna be jug this color actually you know what it's gonna be jug this color and we're gonna draw things on it and hopefully make it look pretty so uh we're gonna go from here where the fours end and we're gonna draw a line all the way down the back end that's okay now all the way to the back there we go very nice uh paint those pieces we're just gonna jug in um this whole section it's gonna be slightly darker though it's gonna be like this color there we go sorry lighter that's what i meant it's gonna be lighter cool i love it go ahead and paint all of this piece very nice and then we're gonna draw lines down the center of this uh that are gonna be white so uh line i don't know how big that is in fact actually we got lines able to do this so we go from there to there to there to there okay yeah we got this this is easy this is very easy to do uh and then we go from whoop uh there to there all right miss a few this the thea is that right am i doing this right yeah i am i think i don't know why i made it a little bit more difficult for myself because uh reasons but i think we're good there we go all the way back to there and then at the back of the ship we're also gonna draw a line uh like this one there we go paint all of this like this yes uh and this bit back here is also gonna be this color there we go in fact actually you know what it should be like white should be like white there we go the rest of the sides are gonna be red there we go nice okey dokey uh and this thing just needs to be able to float forward so uh we need to figure out some sort of propulsion system i'm just gonna put a big diesel in it all right so uh in order to actually do this then we're gonna go ahead and um i'm not actually gonna do diesels although actually maybe i should but for right now we're just gonna slap in a big old motor electric motor we're going to put it at the back and it's going to give us enough speed anyway so we'll go ahead and slap that in like right there very nice go ahead and get ourselves some batteries and we're just going to position those down the center and that's going to make us a little bit more stable too so we're gonna go ahead and put those in there we go put like three at the back and we'll put like three at the front two there we go one two and three maybe even four at the front because we've got a big thing at the back uh and then in the middle we might as well just put another three there we go i'm lowering it down in the water uh to make it a little bit more stable i'm also adding a lot more electricity so that it can keep going for longer so all in all this is actually a bonus although it is weight too but weight is okay weight is always a bad thing never mind uh right okay cool so uh from here we're gonna go ahead and push it out backwards we're gonna get ourselves a propeller which is gonna be a massive one like this one i guess actually maybe we should go with two maybe we should have two propellers yeah we probably should it's not about what it looks like it's about the principle of like how it works so if we can attach both of these to there go ahead and plumb this in there and delete a hole wherever this is i don't know where it is there we go put a pipe in uh through there which is gonna have to be one of these ones there we go and we can delete this we can move this out this way i'm just thinking of the quickest way to do it and then put a pipe like this in put it on the top like this and then get a motor and just slap it on the top of that there we go just like that all right cool we're ready to go nice uh right go ahead and attach those to each other there we go and there we go uh the plane is obviously not attached to the floor in any way so that's a bit of an issue but um we should be able to move cool in order to drive this thing i'm actually just gonna put a seat i'm just gonna whack a seat on the side uh we're gonna get it moving okay we're gonna we're gonna actually get it moving now so delete that one uh go ahead and whack this on to here so a and d no wns that's gonna make us go forwards slap those on there spawn it in we should be able to move forwards and that's all we need to test as of right now jump on the boat yeah okay cool uh jump up and put the brakes on which is three and we'll see if this works i can't get out i can't actually get out my own plane amazing all right everybody ready everybody ready let's go whoa we leave the plane behind we're too fast we leave the plane behind but there we go that's pretty cool okay so once we've got out to sea a little bit we can jump out of the seat we can run backwards and jump up into this yeah okay jump inside very nice turn it on there we go very cool now lights on heaters we do have well it's already taken off that ain't good that's not what i wanted to do at all you know we need like tie downs or something in fact actually anchor maybe we should tie it down okay so at the sides of this we're gonna go ahead and put in these here we go two anchor tie down points they're gonna be stay they're gonna stay red that's okay inside the plane itself we're gonna delete these and we're gonna put some anchor tie down points in the plane uh and we're gonna link those together this is gonna be our stability system and our system for holding it on the boat whether it'll work on oh i'm not sure but we'll try it we'll try it okay so before we do actually try it let's go ahead and change this thing just a little bit because reasons they they need changing so um one of our problems is that it moves and stuff and that's not good the other problem is that this propeller is positive it should probably be neutral so that we can actually stop it we can turn the engine on get it ready to go and don't go until we want to so let's try it like this all right so it's currently tied down we can now floor it and it won't fall off granted it is not the best way of doing this at all but it was a plan and um this is just for fun this video is just for fun so um yeah cool i guess all right so now that we've done that let's go ahead and uh wait for it to stop we'll we'll remove the tie-downs and then we'll try and take off again because uh last time it was a bit of a difficult situation well actually no it took off it took up instantly anyway boosters no i didn't mean to do that whoops all right so the boosters do actually provide a lot of thrust what is going on all right can we not can we not bounce backwards and forwards what is happening what is happening this this this is not what i wanted what i said yeah today i'm gonna build a uh a tiny aircraft carrier this is not what i expected to be happening not at all so instead actually i'm almost dead all right cool actually what we're gonna do then is we're just gonna detach it here because we know that we could drive into the ocean that's fine that's something we know we can do we're gonna um release these i wish there was chocks that'd be cool anyway uh jump up and get inside the plane i want to use the boosters to take off that's that was my plan anyway do this there we go nav lights on heaters on we're already taking off i accident accident so i wasn't actually expecting that to move forwards then that was weird um the collective should be at like zero which it is now all right fantastic do this there we go fantastic the plane doesn't move then we floor it no press the wrong button we didn't actually get to use our jato rocket thingy mobile boosters but we are flying nice we just need a way to land now yeah because i can't really land this plane on there it's not gonna happen unless it can unless we can land it on there oh very close very very close but no this plane is huge compared to that thing so we need a different strategy i guess the normal procedure for something like this would be have a crane lift it back on and have that thing have floats instead but um that's not the case with ours because that's just not the case so we need to be able to land somehow how do we do that i don't know okay uh this is gonna be like a bad thing or like maybe a bad thing uh and you guys will be like why are you doing that but what we're gonna do is we're gonna add some pipes we're gonna add some pipes and this is gonna be our way of stopping essentially we're gonna go like this i was gonna do a whole barrier but actually what we're gonna do is this all right so you take off that direction and you land you land this direction and these are the things that are gonna stop us now hopefully they don't break our propeller um but that's what's gonna stop us also so we don't fall off the side we're gonna have some more over here uh going down the side so that we don't fall off perfect there we go all right so that's gonna be the way of landing let's see if we can actually land on this thing it'll be interesting oh and for if we do actually take damage when we land let's get ourselves a welder yeah nice uh we're gonna go ahead and put a welder in both sides just in the floor and this is gonna be our way of fixing it when we crash because we will crash all right here we go so let's go ahead and grab this and throw it on the floor that's fine go ahead and go over here grab this and throw it on the floor as well and get ready to take off and go all right everybody ready let's go ahead and collect it down there we go throttle it up very nice turn this on and turn this on and to take off we're gonna jato booster go there we go that actually helps us take off really well okay fantastic yes so the red bacon is flying perfect okay so now for i guess you would say the more difficult part of landing so i don't really know how this is gonna work to be totally honest with you doesn't really matter how fast we go in for this landing as long as the engine is on fire now all right cool now it kind of matters our engines just exploded um but essentially if we touched the runway i landed too short i too shot also my engine exploded not the best all right so i thought this would be a fun little project and i guess it is it is kind of a fun little project but um it's uh proving a little i guess it's not really proving more difficult than i thought i was expecting it to be kind of difficult and it is so um that's okay anyway go ahead and collective down and start up the engine okay and we are sliding to the side we probably want a jto booster and just go yeah maybe that's not really what we wanted to do actually maybe that's not what we wanted to do i don't think it is i'm dying cool okay so in order to stop that from happening again let's um come up with a solution my solution is gonna be some uh runway colored uh these runway colored these these are gonna be guidelines uh so that the plane doesn't go past them and that's gonna be fine i think go ahead and put this right here like this all right cool go on the other side and do this and take it all the way down there and this could be perfect i think yeah this is totally gonna work because then the plane won't slide over here because i don't think it'll be able to get over the top of them i think this makes sense if it doesn't make sense call me out in the comments down below but i think it does um for the center i'm just gonna i don't know make it detail-ish detailed dish and we're just gonna do this down the back end yeah that makes sense to me okay fantastic all the way down to there and then we'll put this piece in and voila there we go um we also haven't managed to turn the carrier yet doesn't have any rudders but we're not dealing with that just yet all right fantastic so uh it's time to test out and see whether this actually will work we're gonna push this backwards uh and we're just gonna get rid of these as it goes backwards doesn't really matter whether we do or we don't but that's okay there we go detach that one as well get inside the plane and let's get going again let's try it one more time third time's a charm fifth time as a charm how many times have we done this now 17th time is the charm all right here we go uh press one all right collective's all the way down throttle up okay jato boosters and collective and we've taken off oh we're stalling we're stalling out we're starting out we stalled okay fresh problem plane's not good enough is that even a fresh problem i don't know i'm sure the first aircraft designers had a hard time too so i don't feel so bad okay well that's a bit of a boo-boo um it spawned in without the uh without the ropes tying it down so it sort of slipped off the back of the aircraft carrier thing uh i don't know if i want to call us an aircraft carrier yet because it i mean it carries an aircraft hmm okay right do this and we're gonna jato booster off all right here we go i don't think i can actually get back on the deck oh here we go we touched the water for a little bit but we're flying and now what we need to do is land perfect all right here we go it's time for the uh the landing of the century or the i don't know ages here we go so we're gonna go down we're gonna descend we're gonna crash and we're gonna get caught and we're gonna fall off that's not what i wanted not what i wanted at all you know some modern aircraft carrier well actually some aircraft carriers in in history have had like ramps maybe we should have a ramp i'm gonna i'm gonna just put a mini ramp on this thing and we're gonna see if we can make it sort of work so let's just go ahead and do that there we go let's see if that'll work if that does anything i don't think it will but we'll try it there's no there's no harm in trying right there's no harm in trying also if you guys don't enjoy me messing around with these things you genuinely don't have to watch these videos but i really enjoy just just messing around to be honest it's really fun so um yeah there we go all right go ahead and turn this off too yep there's probably discarded rope everywhere that's fine it's okay jump in uh collective down press one throttle up okay for some reason it likes to go off to the right i'm not sure why um joe booster and go okay i want to say we missed the ramp completely that time this is the one let's go boosters no engine we need throttle on everything what is going on wait what am i doing okay controversial but i don't think we actually need the boosters um but anyway let's go and do this there we go uh and we keep listening to the side for some reason um here we go here we go yes okay perfect that time no not quite perfect we don't have enough throttle we're falling out the sky once again i'm not mad i'm not mad i'm not we need to be calm and calculated that's exactly what we need all right there we go there's another rope yeah okay cool anyway uh i've modified the plane slightly i have indeed modified the plane slightly and what i've done to the plane is i've added a propeller blade i've added an extra blade so we're gonna make it zero we're gonna turn the engine on i'm gonna throttle up we're gonna wait for the plane to rev up max okay and we're gonna put boosters on we're gonna collective up and we are gonna take off okay fantastic we're not gonna stall out because we're not gonna pull up like crazy and we are flying now perfect all right here we go we're going back in for a landing this time it is gonna work fine okay we're not gonna go in too fast like we were before and we're just gonna pop it down on the deck and uh turn the brakes on uh we're gonna land okay here we go here we go slow it down all right whack it on the deck doesn't catch me i went straight through i went straight through maybe we literally just need to add a barrier at the end like a proper barrier like this there we go this is probably a good idea although actually how about we do like one like this and then we'll have a red one and then we'll have well i have a red one ah here we go we'll just have red here we go red cool red and this is gonna be our way of stopping ourselves we're also gonna implement a new strategy of adding um a thing back here which keeps us relatively straight so that we don't fall over sorry we don't and like angle sideways go ahead and spawn that in see if it works i don't know if it will yeah okay that might be a good idea might have been a good add-on i don't know all right let's uh let's go when we're ready let's just go here we go okay yeah we got stuck we got stuck in the new addition we're now stalling out because our plane's poopy and rip all right i'm ready again i'm ready let's just go let's just go straight away collective down then go joe rockets as we get to the end that makes more sense there we go and now we're flying again okay we're gonna land it properly this time we're gonna smack into that barrier it's going to catch us and that's how aircraft carriers work the planes they land and they smack it or wall i mean that's that makes sense yeah i mean they have they have a resting wires they have a resting cables but i haven't done that maybe i should have um never mind okay we are on the lineup we are we're gonna land this thing we're gonna put the spotlights on we're gonna put the brakes on we're gonna put some cabin lights on because lights are amazing for not lagging and stuff i'm lagging a lot uh here we go and land crash into the wall and we have landed yes that counts that totally counts that totally counts yeah it's a little bit on fire and i don't have a fire extinguisher but that totally counts as a landing and then what you do is you grab the rope that's on the deck for some reason uh you attach it to the rope anchors on the floor you attach it to your plane uh just like that and then you attach another one like this to i don't know somewhere else on your plane like this and then you just drive your boat and go and just ignore it just pretend it's not even there nice yeah okay so maybe maybe this is a bad thing maybe but some would see it as a good thing this is progress we landed you know we managed to take off and land that's crazy so what we actually need is a rope anchor on the back of my plane some sort of winch system somewhere on the boat so we can actually pull the plane back into the right place repair it we can push it around the circle because we can actually spin it by hand and then and then we can take off again so realistically my mini aircraft carrier kind of works also it's not that small i wanted to build something a lot smaller uh maybe that'll be something possible for the future but that one you couldn't land on so maybe that was a better idea anyway whatever uh for right now i'm gonna go and end this video here if you guys enjoyed whatever the heck this was um yeah good yeah um but yeah thank you guys very much for watching hope you guys enjoyed this random video and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Frantic
Views: 9,500
Rating: 4.9257541 out of 5
Keywords: Tiny carrier, aircraft carrier, fun, stormworks, testing, air plane, airplane, biplane, carrier landing, landing
Id: _Xk5vmaqGuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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