Massive Quality Of Life Boost! 30+ Awesome Addons & Must-Have Weakauras

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hey it's out on time so the last time we did one of these videos it was before the whole massive add-ons bad debate that sprung up over the course of shadowlands so we're going to be taking a bit of a different approach today first up quality of life add-ons that we think you'll need for dragonflight that are just plain good after that we'll go on to the Forbidden realm of add-ons that have power but might distract from the gameplay experience that the devs perhaps designed for you now the huge changes the dragonflight's UI actually means we've got a whole new category of add-ons that we would even consider critical so even though I know a few of us are going to be trying to roll with as few add-ons as possible thanks as always to the hard work of these devs there's stuff to look at and thanks to our sponsor skillshare who are the closest we've got to downloading a skill into your mind Matrix style here's Michael Murr and he is going to teach you game development in the first thousand of you to follow my link will get a month of skillshare premium for free okay right programming and unity for me you know I kind of did the the hardcore old school way you know when the university did a kind of boring custom engine programming degree this is all well and good but let me tell you this will actually get you stuck in and get you learning by doing immediately in engine so do it I mean what better way to learn C sharp than to use it to script a game in unity these are the resources that really didn't exist when iron my friends were first starting off in like 2012. with skillshare then you can save years off your Learning Journey by just getting started today so take Michael's courses do some local game jams meet people in your local game scene these are brilliant they're for beginners they'll take you right through up to the intermediate and Beyond and they're just awesome and Michael has so much content he's got 2D he's got 3D building an RPG this is an awesome resource to have out there and any of you can get it right now for free on skillshare the online learning community for creators so what better way to use that free month than the first thousand of you will get if you click my link down below first off the stuff you'll always need and 99 of circumstances we do recommend you've got these installed because they're just going to make your life easier with basically no downsides and you can basically make them look vanilla too Alright details as much as having the measurement of DPS you know have some negative out comes I mean look I enjoy the dick measuring contest frankly so I'll be using it and hey it does let you know if you've got maybe some room for improvement or maybe it'll help you feel good about yourself weak auras then we'll go a lot more in depth into this one in an upcoming video for our recommended UI setups but uh I mean look or is awesome it lets you basically just do anything uh that's it weak auras based UI setups are technically speaking the best you can possibly have in the game we mean that very literally you can go to and have a look around there you can find plenty of weak auras and we will have ones in our upcoming UI video leotrix plus so while lvi did bake in some of leotrix's things it's sometimes nice to have the good improvements without needing out of UI right because maybe you don't want its style so liatrix just has some of the nicest miscellaneous upgrades to World of Warcraft like Fast loot oh fast loot is beautiful and because we don't even recommend using lvui anymore you'll want to have all the nice fixes that leotrix brings so yeah leotrix is absolutely awesome you should check it out lots of just nice little tweaks for you to enjoy then angrier World quest World quest list or World quest tracker that's because World quests are still in dragonflight of course but the quest UI is still a bit [ __ ] so thankfully these are going to help you out now some people prefer tracker Some people prefer the list others prefer angrier World quest basically just take a look at the screenshots and decide what style clicks for you and for what it's worth angrier World quests does look the most like the default UI so it'll blend in auctionator I'm using this bad boy for years the new ah from shadowlands is awesome and has great functionality but auctionator just makes it that little bit nicer especially if you're selling items which given the professions are more important I think you'll want to do so there you go basically having a quick way to engage with selling items without having to go knee deep into stuff is why this add-on is awesome next I've got plater now while it's not 100 required look the sheer density of enemies in dungeons does mean the Plato's improvements to spotting enemies and casts that you should look out for it just does make life easier for our UI video we're going to investigate available profiles to see if there's anything that we think works particularly well with uh with dragonflight but overall I just say plater is not literally necessary but I do think it is a massive upgrade over the base nameplates that most players would do well to have this is the most exciting thing about dragonflight to talk about in the add-ons front the add-ons that you actually don't need kinda lvui look it's a Titan it's legendary it still has amazing features and unmatched customization many people will need it and want it and love it but for a lot of the most important things those are baked into the game or are available elsewhere in add-ons that are less of a complete overhaul and with lvui also I've got to mention bartender it still is more powerful and customizable than the new UI but it's no longer necessary so if you like a weird setup that you can't replicate you should definitely continue using it back then oh this is a favorite of many but the game itself now has a combined bag feature and even a search bar now again the add-on does have more features uh like the caveat here with elf UI the add-on technically is better but it's also an extra add-on that removes you from perhaps what you might think as being the clean fresh World of Warcraft feeling next then an add-on for the mission table there is no Mission table so you don't need one simple as that feels good to say theoretically technically and we're saying this to highlight a point instead of being deadly serious deadly boss mods and bigwigs yeah so reports from raid testing say that the raid design language has actually improved so much that groups were able to understand and clear the fights without using add-ons at all I mean the developer of dbm was even thrilled about this now obviously dbm will warn you of mechanics well ahead of time it will present them in ways it makes them hard to miss so it is obviously powerful and useful especially with other great things it has like the range Checker info panel but perhaps you'd enjoy looking at the game World rather than just hearing Run Away Little Girl which uh is a noise I think we're all rather used to in the game next a few UI things that are not necessary but absolutely are worth trying out either to spice up your UI or solve some problems Mouse over action bars one of the trends that we've noticed is that instead of UI Replacements like we usually have we now have UI Improvement add-ons it's kind of neat so Mouse over action bars was designed specifically to add some of the missing features from the new UI the most obvious sort of main one being the mouse over feature and some bars visibility settings so now rather than have your bar of items and out of combat stuff being on screen all day you can now make a bar only be visible on Mouse over which is great that means you can just throw a bunch of binds there you don't have to think about it and you can do that without having to rebuild what you want in elve or in bartender or even you can hide all buttons until combat starts sweet as one commenter said your set of add-ons are what will allow me to stay with blizz UI so if that's what you want this is what to look at move anything then it lets you move anything the base UI does not let you move everything so this add-on will still be useful the back bar and micro menu are not movable I'm shocked about this but at least with this add-on that won't be a problem for you but seriously why anyway in the same vein of fixing issues we've got Advanced raid frame settings and health bar color add-ons that just add a little bit more functionality to the raid and unit frames like some extra sizing and color options uh arfs is actually planned to be extended too so hopefully the tab will add more things over time good [ __ ] next then click unfortunately we do recommend click if you really want Click cast options click casting does of course exist in dragonflight but it does have some frustrating limitations right now it only works with mouse buttons which I mean is actually okay for me personally but click does have full keyboard support which is awesome now not a huge deal with mouse overcast and being baked into wow but you can just Mouse overcast your action bar hot case but if you of course used click extensively or you want the sort of no action bar binds lifestyle yeah do keep click installed oh pie we've been recommending this for years it's kind of advanced as far as UI goes but it's awesome it just saves you in key binding space you can hold a button and then it will make a radial menu appear and you can just drag your mouse to make a selection now that obviously is so much easier than having to bind a whole bunch of different options it's great for your utility items like your teleports hearthstones Talent swaps emotes and raid markers dragon writing UI so this one is a bit of an honorable Mansion then we don't even recommend using this necessarily but it is cool it's just a weak aura that shows you specific details on your dragon riding current status and yeah I just thought it was neat as with all new things the new talent trees are nice but there's just a few little tweaks that do make them even better and thankfully we're already sorted in this front because devs are awesome talent tree tweaks this is a brand new add-on that right now only adds a few features it's got spell ID on Talons which is great for advanced users and also a way to copy other people's talents so if you see someone absolutely pumping out some serious damage and raid you can inspect them and copy their talent build and give it a shot yourself and of course with new changes all without having to Hearth or use a Tome of the clear mind so pretty sick and the dev is actually open to feature requests talent tree viewer then this is actually by the same F pretty uh pretty industrious it's basically an in-game Talent calculator that's great it lets you fiddle around with talents without overwriting your existing ones or check other class and spec talents or if you're below max level even plan a talent build on the Fly and save it for later Glow's refundable talents this is another fun quick little tweak it basically means that if you want to play with your own talents a lot it's a good Rick worry that you can get where if you right click a talent that ends up breaking the point requirement and undoing half your tree which is a massive pain in the ass this will actually make it Glow it'll glow the talents that you can remove without breaking the rest of your talentry and that lets you at a glance see what talents you can swap in and out without having to worry about your overall setup pretty sweet and now this fun section is for the players who want some general add-ons to spice up their non-sweaty sweaty gameplay time handy notes yeah okay obviously perhaps even controversially honey notes is just an awesome add-on it has a whole ton of features but a lot of the models of course are built to show you the location of every Secret in a Zone and tell you the solution now what this does do is it turns the discovery of secrets into just following a checklist and that is for a lot of people a hell of a lot less fun and it does waste a lot of the hard work the developers do put into making these secrets so if your first instinct is to do this for rare secrets and even the dragon riding glyphs I would still recommend trying to just you know go raw maybe have some of the discovery yourself this might be insane but Matt actually had a ton of fun in beta trying to find the glyphs for Dragon riding he was incoherently shouting something along the lines of wow being a real video game with real level design I he mentioned Mario 64. it was oh it's very weird but that's what happens when you don't use an add-on that solves the game for you immersion immersion is awesome we do have a prior relationship with the developer from our wow Tales time he's pretty damn awesome in what he makes immersion is actually a thing that's split out of console Port which is a must if you want to use a Gamepad for a while but immersion basically just makes Quest the quest text appear like the talking head frame it breaks the text up as well so you don't get walls of text it's so much more readable it is one million percent recommended in dragonflight because hey the quests are worth paying attention to Tomcats tours this is a big one so do you want to check some snare with mortis style stuff or corthia-like stuff damn near anywhere in the game do you want to do your holiday events efficiently whatever it is this is your add-on the daily tracking of rare spawns shows you you know what they drop on your map it even has routing to efficiently get things like the candy buckets for the Hallows and event that just passed crazy amounts of work went into this so yeah hopefully you only install this though when you want to for the fun rather than you know any corthia or ma like power grinds which thankfully don't appear to be a thing alcoholic this one is worth a mention because dragonflight basically doesn't have crazy grindy Power Systems for alts and it's got pretty key things shared across your characters like the dragon riding glyphs which does mean it's a more alt-friendly expansion and anyone who has a ton of vaults will know about alcoholic but I figured we'd bring it up anyway so this is the number one add-on for tracking anything that you need to know about all of your alts it's that simple instance achievement tracker now this one may not be too appropriate for dragonflight but if you want to kill some time during pre-patch or just at any time this is a lovely little thing that helps you get achievements in Old instances by tracking your progress and showing you concise explanations in its own window and in chat brilliant BTW quests this is an old add-on but it's one that's only came to uh our attention recently so it tracks which quest lines you have completed in game so that you know what ones you have not done and this is just super important if you want to go and get the story for old zones but of course with the quality of some side quests being you know way higher than usual than dragonflight it'll be good to just have a big old list of good content that you can go and do all the things all the things tracks everything reach 100 and uh you you don't get a price but at least you'll know you have all the things and plus then so these add-ons can get hyper specific but until dragonflight is in the wild a lot of the specific stuff won't exist but here is the core that you should consider so we've got Mythic dungeon tools if you're a big and plus sweat Lord or a tank this will be pretty damn helpful as always helping you to import plan and share dungeon routes so that people actually know what's going on another add-on then is angry keystones or whatever weak or equivalent basically the default Mythic plus display uh does the job but you probably want some more information so thankfully angry keystones and many of the weak Aura based equivalents you can find in they have got you sorted then we've got astral keys or a weak or equivalent basically coordinating keys with Guild and party uh you know party members quickly can increase your efficiency right lets you do more dungeons per hour which means more time actually enjoying the game rather than sitting around and waiting so this is a handy one for knowing what keystones people have weak or is itself then look as always there will be dungeon weak auras and uh for anything else that people want to be you know coordinated on be that the Thundering ethics or any dungeon mechanics there will be a weak aura that will pop up on during the first few weeks of dragonflight so keep an eye out for that then there's Omni CD this is a very good Standalone add-on that lets you display party cooldowns you obviously don't need this but it's always good to know when your party has got their [ __ ] ready there aren't that many raid specific add-ons uh dbm or bigwigs were already discussed right and all you really need for the rest is is weak auras so on that topic look weak auras there will be the standard set of raid week auras if you want them and they're usually really good basically these just mean that anything boss specific will crop up um you know on your screen and and you'll know sweet cars shit's whacked it's so powerful next then we've got method rage tools there's so much in this that it's hard to know where to begin like do you want cooldown tracking expanded ready checks battle res availability info uh combat timer you know combat res timers uh stuff like that but also do you want notes attendance logging invite tools and a bunch else this is God at all it is an awesome piece of Kit and uh of course it is most definitely the one that's for the officers or the raid leaders grade two then so if even after playing with Advanced raid frame settings that we covered earlier uh the default raid unit frames are not to your liking or are lacking features we think the Grid 2 is a pretty damn good alternative that also looks the part healers obviously may want to continue using hillbot or Voodoo for the enhanced healer functionality but for most other people grid just has a certain efficiency to it and indeed for many players a combination of grid and click for the healers will be all that you'll need overall recommendations then so you might be thinking oh whoa I thought the dragonflight was the end of add-ons you may be screaming this at your phone or your monitor should be a bit weird because people would hear you but anyway that's look that's never going to happen here's the thing the game supports add-ons add-on developers will find specific solutions to specific problems they're also brilliant and there are still many genuine problems right like not being sarcastic here these are insanely good and they require a ton of effort to build and it's great that they are being built but if you stick to Our advice and you rock only a few in each category only when you need them then you should find yourself with a cleaner experience in dragonflight maybe cleaner than ever before so overall what I would say is Blizzard keep it up you've made a really good start with UI revamp but as an add-on recommendation list like this one shows there is still a bit more work to do but thankfully they seem pretty amped up to do it so that's uh let's hope they do that okay these are our add-on suggestions if you've got any of your own be sure to leave them in that description down below see you next time [Music]
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 140,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragonflight addons, best addons for dragonflight, wow dragonflight addon guide, dragonflight guide, dragonflight, wow, world of warcraft, wow 10.0, wow alpha gameplay, wow dragonflight impressions, wow news, wow dragonflight news, df, wow df, dragonflight new class, dragonflight new spec, dragonflight talents, dragonflight new race, dragonflight flying, dragonriding, wow dragonriding, bellular, dragonflight bellular, wow bellular, bellular wow
Id: Hvv720RwodM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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