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hey everybody how's it going don't mind all of this stuff i had to drive about 30 minutes away from my house to find a location where i could donate all of this stuff that's been collecting in my garage since march the one in my town the thrift store in my town is accepting donations by appointment only and they're booked out for a month i went online to to make an appointment a month i bet there's a different place that'll just take it right now and so that's that's kind of what i'm doing but while i'm here i'm actually right next door to a dollar tree in a different town and so i thought i would pick up the ingredients for another dollar store meal challenge this time we are going to go with breakfast i have an idea percolating marinating hanging out in my head and we're gonna go in i don't know that i can stick to five dollars this time just because what if i want to use sugar in my breakfast meal do i assume that the people shopping at dollar tree don't have anything at their house i feel like sugar is a pretty standard pantry item tell me what you guys think down below should i include basic things like salt pepper sugar assume people have those or just get everything we need for the recipe i'm not sure what to do yet but we're gonna walk in i've never been into this dollar tree we're gonna see how big it is i'm not really sure if they even have the ingredients i want at all uh without further ado let's jump inside this dollar tree actually doesn't have any bread the one close to my house does and this one does not so that's going to change my plants a little bit i was trying to be a touch more creative without bread and so i what i think we're going to do is grab these glazed honey buns as my bread don't worry it'll all make sense and i i try to look for like biscuits refrigerated biscuits they don't have those this is i think this is what we're gonna do hey bad news guys i was kind of planning on eggs for my breakfast i was gonna make and there are no eggs here it looks like they may carry them and they're just out right now that's gonna change things a little bit i'm gonna try and figure out i'm i may have to put the honey buns back go in a different direction i had an idea it's not working we'll see what else we can do all right what if i do like doctored up waffles for everybody that could it could be a thing right it could be like really fancy maybe i was really kind of counting on eggs eggs are such a great breakfast choice they can go in sweet dishes savory dishes they're fairly good for you i mean unless you don't add unless you add like sugar and syrup and other things oh my goodness the problem is there's only six waffles in here for a dollar and i was thinking like two waffles per person so i would spend two dollars just on these waffles back to the drawing board look what i just found one dollar only add water i can make waffles with this so we're gonna grab one we're gonna make a really yummy topping for our waffles and i want some berries to put on it so i've got whole strawberries here and mixed berries here and then a berry banana blend so let's look at the sizes and see which ones are the most amount of fruit for the least amount of money it looks like every fruit option is 10 ounces all of the bags are 10 ounces so one dollar for 10 ounces of fruit i prefer strawberries but i think just for funsies we're going to go with this mixed berry option let's grab a cream cheese to mix with our fruit i was kind of looking for a heavy cream or something to make a whipped cream or just a whipped cream and i don't see one of those well let's kind of go down here to the dessert section maybe they have a whipped cream oh my gosh they have a cool whip um okay that might work let's get that i'm gonna pick up this confectioner's sugar i think i don't see regular sugar at this store because you can make confectioners sugar at a regular sugar but i just see the the brown sugar and this so let's grab this one and to round out the breakfast let's grab these maple pork sausage links that's all my stuff i have five ingredients should be five dollars plus tax let's go check out we're home from dollar tree and i got my five items that i showed you and i even have my receipt i mean i got five items from dollar tree oh you see that five dollars and thirty cents on pancake and waffle mix a little bit of sugar some cool whip some sausage sausage and berries before you go hating on the cool lip i grew up on this i don't think i had real whipped cream in my life until i was about 22. true story it's one of my favorite things i realize it's artificial and it's made made in a factory but it tastes good so that's what we're using let's set these to the side for now and we will work on today's breakfast or you could even do breakfast for dinner and have it for dinner for your kids i'm sure they would love it or it could be dessert because truthfully waffles are very dessert-like i mean let's be real we'll set that to the side too the first thing we're gonna do is start our berries now these have kind of thawed out in the car on the drive home so they are not as frozen as they were we're going to make basically a berry sauce so i have my little blender cup you could also use a food processor or regular blender that's kind of up to you oh my gosh i'm going to be doing red berries i'm not wearing an apron hang on every time i work with red food i spray it on my clothes and i'm always wearing like white or gray when i do that what's the matter with these bags 10 ounces of mixed berries and according to the back we have strawberries blackberries and raspberries anyone else think the spelling of raspberries is very weird you want to get every last drop i mean we paid for these let's use it all right there's our berries i have it on my hands great i'm going to add a little bit of sugar this is actually optional if you think the berries as they are are sweet enough don't do this but we were making like a sweet because i didn't buy syrup right we're making like a sweet sauce out of this a quarter cup of sugar i'm gonna add a quarter cup of water and blend are you ready cover your ears tell me that's not the most beautiful color ever oh my goodness now that this is blended it's it smells like a smoothie from jamba juice honestly just give me a straw and let me drink it you know what i'm saying oh my gosh that smells so good woohoo okay i'm gonna set this to the side and we're getting started on our waffle mixture so according to the waffle instruction we can do ten servings okay to do this whole box it's about three cups of mint of this and about two and a quarter cups of water so that's how we're gonna mix this up i'm curious to know how accurate the box serving size measurements are let's find out since there's approximately three cups in here which is i am not left-handed okay we're switching that felt so awkward one two okay and yeah we're definitely over three i'd say three and a third on the mix and i used all of it once we're all done i'm gonna give you guys the nutritional information for this meal i think that's interesting information to have and since we're about three and a third let's go like two and a half cups and see how like wet it is time for some whiskey business while i stir this or wing jangle this if you prefer question for you i noticed that in usually in these mixes and in recipes in general for pancakes and waffles and things like that always more dry than i think it should be is it just me because i live in a dry climate i always feel like i have to add more water because it's so dry or or milk if the ingredients are asking for milk okay this looks pretty smooth there we go like that and i am actually going to let this sit and kind of absorb all of the liquid it'll thicken up just a touch that way so i'll see you back in 10 minutes while i'm waiting for my waffle irons to heat up i thought i would cook my sausage it's a it's a face see see it that's the smile and the nose and the eyes i figure it would cook more evenly this way so that's what we're doing and i'm going to cook it in this uh kosori like microwave oven kind of a thing we're gonna give that a little try in here it comes with a lot of cool pieces to it like including some of these things you can rotisserie a chicken you gotta like fry basket here i thought this would be really good for a camper honestly but we're going to go 325 for 18 minutes i'll leave this link down below if you guys are interested in a cassery microwave oven okay ignore this this is powdered sugar we are going to make our topping for the waffles and that is this whole tub of cool whip and if you have like a little bit of this make sure that you get it and like lick it don't remain for a treasure okay our whole tub of cool whip don't underestimate the power of coolant my friends it makes a really really quick strawberry shortcake real whipped cream is delicious but this is its own level and we are going to pour in our berry puree mixture whoo look at that just fall right out wow that smells amazing and stir it together the best that you can oh mine's a little frozen still in the middle so it's not going to be as smooth as i would have liked so that's okay so this is basically going to be a replacement for our syrup we're not putting butter and syrup on this it's going to be like a fruit whipped cream topping instead with a little bit of powdered sugar drizzled on top oh my goodness look at this i got the inspiration for this particular meal as i was walking around looking at the options in the dollar tree uh when i remembered i did this camping trip with my sister-in-law a long time ago like six years ago and she had made stuffed french toast strawberries and cream cheese and sugar like pureed together into this filling between two pieces of french toast so i thought that would be delicious but like i told you earlier there were no eggs at that dollar tree so i couldn't make like a french toast or a french toast casserole or anything so we're taking like a little bit of a nod to the stuffed french toast and giving it a different twist so i still have some chunks of the frozen whipped cream like right there like just frozen chunks but that's gonna be okay so i will stick this in the refrigerator while we cook the waffles and sausage don't you love it when your eight-year-old gets in front of the camera and decides to do a magic show with his magic rings here's ryan i don't even know what i'm doing back there i think i'm getting the sausage out of the little cooker thingy anyway i made all the waffles it made 20 waffles in total these waffle pans are amazing they're about 35 years old they're made by farberware and the plates come out so you can wash them so here are the waffles i didn't okay i flipped a breaker so my waffle irons actually turned off and i didn't know it so these are a lot paler than the later batches which were a lot browner so i fixed it i figured out what was going on and the later ones looked better so i'm sorry these are like really pale that was totally my bad anyway it was a delicious meal i hope you guys try this one and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 81,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree meals, dollar tree food, dollar tree haul, dollar tree finds, dollar tree dinner, dollar tree 2020, frugal, on a budget, what's for dinner, large family, frugal fit mom, ffm, dollar tree shop with me, dollar store, dollar store haul, food, meal, cheap, fun, free, challenge, $5
Id: H8acHNth3Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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