MASSIVE Bitcoin Mining Farm Tour

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I flew out to South Dakota with my friend The hobbyist Miner hi and we are checking out an 800 Asic Bitcoin mining farm and let me tell you this place is crazy so I'm out here with Josh from bit home crypto Mining facility man what can you tell us about this facility yeah I really appreciate you guys coming out it's really exciting to have DJ out here and have hobbyists come out and I've been looking forward to this for quite some time here we have about 800 A6 running right now we'll get in a little bit more of the details on each of these you know what these machines are and what they do but yeah just excited to have you guys out here and excited to share the farm and kind of the things that we've been working on here at bit home yeah so these are the bit Fury Niven machines they do about 183 Terra hashes and in this section here we have 105 of those machines running and that's coming off of that main control panel over there and you can kind of see the trapeze of electrical that comes over the top and then that runs down into each of the panels that's kind of power in these different sections so if we walk over here we can kind of take a look and see exactly kind of how we have the setup of the different Rose all the airflow kind of comes in through this side and gets sucked in right here you kind of see this wall of machines and then we have the different rows kind of aisles of machines here where the hot air is trapped and then sucked out on this section so this section we set up in about April we fully got it operational April 2021 we kind of started the facility in you know late 2020 getting things set up and getting things going so and this was a really a work in process to get it to this point and get it to kind of be you know imperfect operation let's say where the airflow was right and everything was right it was really like a a challenge over the last you know a few months to get it to really where it's set up like this and I gotta say Chad the airflow here is amazing I could just feel it like my hair is moving the pressure here it feels it fantastic until you get to that exhaust side yeah so right now we're gonna go into the exhaust side here and check out kind of the airflow on the the we'll call it section one oh that feels good so how many CFM is this fan uh this about 30 000 CFM they have a few different types of fans at the time I was really scrambling to kind of get things the fans that were available and get them up and in right away so I have kind of the two thirty thousands then I have a few different ones down there and about a 60 000 down there so yeah the pressure here I love it look at the sheer size of it and all these fans are on temperature control right now it's a little warmer outside they're just running full speed but in the winter time when it gets really cool out the new fans will shut down completely just based on temperature so you don't really have to monitor temperature anything like that it's all read by sensors out there yeah this is one of the hot aisles kind of one of the hot Chambers and what happens is the hot air just kind of gets pushed into here and sucked down through this hallway and then out all the fans outside and so this is our first setup this setup's actually been running for close to three years now so you know for for being three years old still holding up really well yeah man I could just feel it it's a beautiful thing I bet in the winter it feels amazing yeah I come back here in the winter and you know get warmed up all right I'll come back down here at the end we gotta have a larger fan this fan does 60 000 CFM we have a couple other fans here this is just kind of at the end of the section and it really just helps to suck all that hot air down and out um it's kind of the you know the larger suction down in this area that's also on temperature controlled as well so that feeds out to the front there this will shut down completely in the winter um and it won't be running if it gets really cool out there in the main area so if I was looking to buy a fan like this how much would it cost me these fans because they're the different style fans they're actually a little bit lower cost but I think this fan I want to say this fan was only like 1200 bucks or something oh yeah I only spent about seven thousand total on fans so you know compared to some of the other fans that are out there I had a I had a kind of a working relationship with a company across the street that sells these fans so I was able to just go across the street grab these fans when they had them available and get them pulled in real quick when I needed them um and that's kind of how I got to this point this first phase one let's go baby bit home so Josh how did you come up with this airflow design I see it's like a single walled usually I'd see the A6 kind of on both ends so talk me through that yeah part of this is really a work in process a little bit of a learning curve um originally we had kind of what you're talking about is two hot aisles that faced each other but with the bit Furies and just the power of the CFM having them you know too close together really caused problems with too much heat kind of being in there so we went with this route here we just have one single row and then a hot air is trapped in this chamber and just goes right outside to the exhaust fans and gets sucked out so it was a little bit of a learning curve it took one iteration to kind of get it this way and now it's been running like this for about almost three years now with really no issues and you ask if I kind of you researched and had some other folks in here and kind of look at I did I brought in some other miners that have been have larger mining facilities before I even got this built out this was kind of the advice that I got on having the intake wall on this side and really sucking all the air out across the building on this side and so it's really been a journey over the last you know let's call it five years of my mining journey and learning how to do this and really just researching and looking at what other big farms are doing and then getting it to this point all right so let's walk over here first take a look at this wall right now this wall on this side is about 25 feet high massive man yep and then we have air filters kind of event and these air filters have been in here for you know quite some time I do wash them out quite frequently but at some point here before winter I'll probably end up replacing this air filtration and cleaning that off I could just feel it it's so strong yeah so try and that's just natural air from like the Asics yeah just sucking in the natural airflow you know we have the exhaust and then also when we look at the other section you'll see kind of where a lot of that air gets sucked out you know and here's the the other one is there any difference I see this one's like triple sided yes so the idea behind this is to create more surface area for intake you know anytime you have more surface area for air to come through you're gonna have more airflow coming through and so with this we have four sides on this right four sides that are about 20 by 25 feet tall 20 by 20 or so that goal will wrap around one two three and then the top right and then a little bit out there as well yeah yeah and so this this really is kind of the main driver a lot of the airflow for the other setup over here look at that and you can there's probably about a three mile an hour wind speed coming through right now that you can feel yeah absolutely man so yeah I gotta know oh you have a team cleaning this is it you cleaning this no we have replaced these because they are replaceable and the toilets will be low cost to redo a replacement here it just takes maybe a day or two where you just rip this down and we have more filtration setting up some probably do that before winter during the summer here when there's a little more you know pollen and things in the air we let them go for a week or two and then I'd come by with the hose and just spray this down someday I would like to build actually a self-cleaning system that kind of goes around the whole thing and self-cleans this whole thing yeah also maybe some different you know self-cleaning air filters and things like that but right now the goal is keep expenses low and this does the job on that you know this is a low-cost setup that drives the airflow that we need and shout out to you it's just you cleaning yeah yeah but I it's a big hose over here high pressure you know this whole building was set up for kind of a computer gold mining operation where they take computer parts and mine Ash you know and get gold so they had all this like water infrastructure in here and I did disconnect a lot of it by all the machines but I kept some of that water over here to be able to clean things you know easily awesome man show me the rest of these Asics because wow look at this like how much power do you think is on this side I'm not even sure what that thing is you gotta tell me what this stuff is man yeah so this is um you know about two to three megawatts right here in this setup and then there's another two megawatt two and a half megawatts down there that can be deployed and we we're hoping to kind of get that up and running here in the near future we'll take a look at that but right now we have kind of uh we have a 2500 KVA that's where this big one is well on the outside is the transfer okay and then this comes into a main switch and this is a this is a 2000 amp switch wow and so if you come over here you can see each one of these are 200 amp Breakers that's people's mining sheds right there one one yeah yeah these are all 200 amp Breakers and all of these Breakers feed them to each of these panels and that's how you see kind of all this coming up and over and each one of these Breakers goes to its own unique panel and this is um 480 277 power so it's kind of the higher level power that comes in these machines can handle that type of power um some of the other machines it's not the only kind of power supplies and pdus you use but you can't handle the higher level power get lower amps this is insane man how many are how many rows one two or three bars and there's 60 machines in each section and there's one two three four five six sections or so in this area wow and how much of this power or are you yourself hooking up like is it a team that took it all this up or I do I do all the setup of the racking and I did all the build out of the infrastructure and design and everything and then I do have a team of electricians kind of two main electricians that I work with they partner together they come in with their Crews and they set up what we need to get set up I can't imagine I felt proud and my garage just having three of the 30 amps that I did by myself I was like yeah I come out here I'm like wow yeah they pulled all their trucks in here we had like six or seven you know electrician trucks and vans here and they just got you know 10 guys or whatever just crank it out we did it in a week or so on this that's insane and then I do want to show you this DJ yeah let's take a look at this over here so right next to this so this is this is the 2 amp switch and this is a 600 amp CT cabinet and inside of here is basically 600 amps that's coming to around another section so what happened was we originally set this up and we weren't using the full capacity of the Transformer that we had outside but we still had some machines we wanted to get up and running and so then what we did is we came and we had this equipment we said all right well we have another 600 amp can we add that to the Transformer company said yes you can so we went ahead and we added this and so now we have the 2000 and the 600 so 2600 here together my God that is so strong I feel like I'm melting okay so real quick because I'm dying in here well can you tell us about the exhaust yeah this setup is kind of a natural pressurized chamber that essentially captures all the Heat and it just forces it outside right and the benefit to this is 100 natural airflow no risk of like fans failing that's one of the concerns like you have a big setup like this if you have all fans right here and some of those fans fail and you're not available in the GPU space I started building gpus kind of early on and when ethereum was kind of getting going and things like that I was really excited about that and so some of this is just an accumulation of over that time period kind of accumulating and I've I've had a different mining sheds I've moved these gpus around but now ultimately gotten them to this point here and I do have a bunch of other gpus actually just in storage and so bit home is not just a Bitcoin mining facility it really is a Bitcoin mining farm and a software development company okay and so one of the things that I'm working on is we're building some software that's really the goal is to help GPU miners right and so that was really the first vision for for bit home software was hey can we build a system that allows us to run our gpus on it efficiently and maximize our earnings in different ways while making that very simple and easy to use right some of it is running on the bit home software now and maybe you want to pan over here and you know we have some of the bit home mining application up right now and then the bit home website bit home installer and so some of these machines are running on the bit home system right now mining like you know for example this machine's mining Ergo the goal is that that's kind of why these machines are out here right now is to continue testing and and finishing up and wrap UPS the bit home software and then getting all of these machines up and running on the bit home software kind of similar to what you see over here thank you so much bit Home South Dakota man love this place but I gotta roll Peace Out Boys I love this place man look at this look at this [Music]
Channel: Dj Mines
Views: 5,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin, btc, crypto mining farm, bitcoin mining, bitcoin minig farm, crypto, cryptocurrency, asic, asic mining, gpu mining, south dakota, bitcoin news, bitcoin price, bitcoin today, when will bitcoin bottom, when will bitcoin rise again
Id: VvNDfiiP5No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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