Inside a Billion Dollar Bitcoin Mining Farm!

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foreign world today here in the U.S another Bitcoin mining company is going public core scientific is planning to list on the NASDAQ through a merger with a spec that values the company at about 4.3 billion today most mining takes place in industrial scale data centers it's operated by core scientific one of the world's largest Bitcoin Miners and We produce Bitcoin but our our obligations are in dollars so we need to make sure we generate enough dollars to pay those obligations they are one of the largest Bitcoin miners by computing power and operating over 143 000 mining rigs without question crypto mining is booming anywhere anyone can get their hands on cheap electricity of course scientific said in an SEC filing today that it's not going to meet its debt payments for October and November and finally one of the largest publicly traded crypto mining companies in the U.S filed for bankruptcy protection this morning a person familiar with core scientific finances told CNBC the stock is down 98 this year is the rising cost of energy and plunging crypto prices have challenged the mining industry you know we've we've been through turbulent times in the past that our company I certainly have a good bit of experience in uh distressed markets so that when we come out of this we're not only strong but we're also bigger we view this this kind of a market look it's a challenge and you need to work through it but it also presents great opportunities to build that was Mike Levitt CEO and co-founder of the Bitcoin mining Behemoth core scientific he believed that despite selling most of their Bitcoin reserves core would be in a position to grow amidst the receding Market having gone public in 2021 core seemed to be on an Unstoppable stretch towards a bright future but it was not meant to be amidst the turbulent market and growing debts the company has recently filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy having toured their North Carolina facility a few years back fask was also invited to tour their primary facility in Georgia as well today we will take a walk through a now bankrupt mining Farm As We Tour their incredible Dalton facility it's time for a look behind the curtain at what went on at one of the biggest mining facilities in the world [Music] this is the future human error [Music] Revolution [Music] this is the future foreign hey what's going on guys it's the boss you're watching the boss coin YouTube channel we just made it down to core scientific at their Dalton Georgia facility this is one of three facilities they have slash building out right here the dawn Georgia facility has 53 megawatts that's if you were gonna if they're all s9s ant minor s9s which is the most common Bitcoin miner that would be about 27 000 of them AKA a freaking a lot in total with all their facilities down here just in Dalton Georgia they've got about 130 megawatts and when they're building out their uh Power infrastructure to upgrade that to 300 megawatts that's a lot so now we're going to go back in time when I'm meeting Jeremy and we're about to walk through this massive facility that is not only a mining Farm also a uh also has a data center built in the middle of it which is kind of crazy let's check it out this is our data center technician supervisor room the purpose of this room is for the shift supervisor to fill out their ship reports uh do Incident Management reports document everything they have if they have a client ticket that comes in they have our ticketing system up on the screen they can dispatch technicians from this area do analytics from here do training have you know a supervisory conversation with what's going on with the data center technicians they can interact with client success over there each each of our technicians has to log in with our iPad they get a picture who's on shift and we're really big on security we want all the machines that are hosted at our facility to be at a next level of security mining farm so we're going to come on out to the production floor I like The Branding the system everywhere I turn around here is just in brandy it's good it's a nice look it's just to create if if you've worked in the mining Farm it's good to have a positive culture it's monotonous work sometimes staring at little little four inch fans so it's good just to have an environment that that breeds a culture of professional technology company hosting company rather than a typical mining farm so that's what we're trying to achieve here yeah especially compared to just a lot of build-outs we've seen is you know you have such a heavy focus on the actual farm and the overwhelming learning curve of that is that the business side the professional side kind of gets neglected it's you know I've only seen one other Lobby yeah I guess too and I think that's a differentiator at core that we're we're in the long game right we're wanting to establish a culture with our technicians where it's a place that they can come to work and not just a job it's a career path for them yeah so we're actually going to blow through this and go to the end and work our way back for the tour okay as we're walking here I'll kind of explain this is a 50 000 square foot building okay that we are putting 53 megawatts of power in this building we've distributed the cold air with about four or five megawatts per cobot and the reason that I'm walking you this way and then we're going to tour back is because we built the building from the East Side West and it kind of shows the iterations of all the different aisles we'll hit we'll hit all that when we come back [Music] thank you [Music] so this was the first aisle that we built out we built out the building here this used to be a warehouse with roll-up doors and we built this filter containment our design is complete passive air so we just used the fans off the machines and that's what brings the [Applause] through the ceiling which we'll show you obviously this is all app designed but you see we really pay attention meant pay attention to power supplies [Applause] just to make sure they're operating at the at the most Manner and reliability for the power supplies all of our power distribution unit here is a 4 000 amp piece of switch gear that distributes to 225 amp pdu foreign [Music] [Applause] see the heat that comes out of this is sucking all that heat up off the breakers and we do that so then our uptime is close to 100 as possible that's awesome because I see so many bailouts where the breakers are so hot yeah and they that's something you don't plan for you don't realize that even my residential one got really hot tail that these are substantially taller obviously the ambient temperature today is down but the longevity of our Breakers we actually engineer the systems and make sure that we keep the heat off the breaker [Music] foreign [Music] we built this building out we're gonna do 53 megawatts inside the building and we decided to take one of the coal dials and make it an AI aisle we'll show you that later but we got to put the rest of the power out back I'll show you this design the core scientific we're always buying Transformers out in front making sure that we have plenty of room for capacity and growth yeah we've got two 600 KW generators these are for a two in solution for our AI aisle and to back up all of our Network facilities we got some asphalt construction going on here so we're gonna walk around and hit this building so this is our this is our brand new flavor it's our single slope building it's all passive air the same as the inside but this is an iteration from our container product we've taken one building went up to 16 feet and we have two 2500 Transformers so this building can fit 4.2 megawatts of power in it [Applause] thank you so similar to the design is inside the building the nice thing is we can put these buildings anywhere when we buy land or property we can erect these buildings nearly anywhere as long as we have power we still have the Magnificent redundant Network and we go up to 16 feet and then we put the thermostat on the outside just beyond so the total building is only 10 feet wide foreign they take down the dust particulates and the humidity and the same filter based on the mesh inside there and they're all reusable so we don't waste any any paper filters so we're environmentally conscious just take these out spray them down and put them back up yeah we thought some of them made green it's a marble facility Russell says that you guys employ that the guy employed full time just for filter washing Non-Stop [Music] and this facility we have each ship is a 24 7 facility so we have dcts on shift we have a DCT supervisor two dcts data center technicians and then a repair technician on-site at every facility yeah so I just wanted to show you the outside this is the outside of the single float building we gotta let's come over here so you can get a better view like I said we're putting Asphalt in here just to cut down the dust the construction's over so now we can go ahead and put asphalt just makes it a better surface for the machines low dust in our farm [Music] if a machine goes down put the firm insert in the machine's place so the hot air doesn't poison the cold aisle so this is just a foam same type of material real low Tech way to keep the poisoning from returning back to the cold aisle why was that minor off Bandai the PSU whatever could be happening yeah that's right and then you can see we have different the way we've built this design is it's flexible for any type of machine since we're a hosting facility we don't know what flavor machine is going to come next so we want to have a flexible design from a power Network and rack space availability yeah it seems very modular but you literally just cut out what you need that's exactly right that's exactly right we'll rock this way and I'll show you it's kind of a pretty it's pretty interesting on how we design our power distribution it's very efficient these power poles are from the utility company and we set our Transformers really close so the the the electrical wiring that goes from the Transformer to the pole was very short and that makes us more cost effective and more reliable as well yeah we have a utility company here that supplies power from two separate substations all the Transformers on the South Side get fed from a substation on the south and then the north all gets fed from another substation so for instance if we have a major outage at a utility level we'd only lose 50 percent of the building at a time which is another part of our design in all of our facilities that's awesome yeah we can head over so there's there's a total of four of these buildings in the back these are the bit Fury V8s on electrical distribution number 225 we had to modify it slightly to be prepared for them but as you can see they're stacked five in a row [Music] the house like do you just have like a little mini lift that you use for them yeah it's a single man scissor lift as they get in here we built these walls right here to where this is modular we can take out this eight foot section it'll pop out and then we can bring a lift in here we can palletize the machine set them in here for deployment and then when we're done we just bolt that back together [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this looks like it's just a brand new deployment they're just staging the machines and getting them ready you see the lifts are in here they're getting them all cabled up and ready to go so this is just really a bunch of machines that are just sitting here we've got them turned on ready to go their bootstrapped and they're mining but they still have to add the thermal barrier and then do some table management downtown's lost money that's right yeah so you can tell here our pre-deployment team is you know putting all the network cabling in and it has every cable has a wire wrap label on it that tells you exactly which switch and which port on the switch that way when we're deploying they know exactly what switch it's going to where it's plugged in it's good for troubleshooting it's good for uh self-pilling all those things yeah that's a big deal especially like when it gets all congested oh yeah it's like just like oh my gosh foreign [Music] I think the biggest differentiator is you can see the technicians They're All Uniform you can see the security procedures that we put in place you can see the scale in which we do our construction and our build outs this is kind of cool for you guys see a little construction it's going on right now it's happening right here in front of you all right well let's head in the building I think this is a good shot just to show the scale of our facility [Music] foreign 16 243 phase um we we've dabbled with going to 277 but our master electrician Gary Fife is elected to go with 4 16 240 and it also has a unique voltage coming off of the poles here on the high voltage side so so it's three phase so when you break it down like what are you skidding at the miners it's in 240. so it's a single phase of the 240. okay so when it hits at 240 it's not like 208 or whatever that's right it's 240 at the actual minor okay that's awesome it looks like we've standardized on a power supply that'll take us up to 264. but it's good because 240. 240 will come in at 2 38 or 242 depending upon what's coming in on the high side from the utility provider okay well that's awesome from just a um efficiency efficiency something to point out every one of our doors every one of our doors is access control so controlled access my badge on every single employee that we have just to control access into the facility from the security perspective yeah this is 11 10 uh seven metering system so we have the meter that goes off the floor today but to break it down [Applause] by it because we may have 10 different clients on this whole aisle so we can break down into the level to each specific player it's called the sitting inside the 4 000 on the breakers it is tied in that's right it is tied into the network so we pull that information [Applause] since the machine is up and operates the billing board it's like Cutting Edge very efficient so that we can scale I'm gonna take you in here [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] data center technician [Applause] on the Raptor the [Applause] recall and take it into repair [Applause] [Music] our network is completely too in so we have two Network providers two Fiverr providers coming in from the north side of the building and the South Side just left our power providers and our internal Network mdf1 and mdf2 because we lose network from MDF one or one service provider you won't even skip looks over drawer redundant Network so our clients never experienced an outage because of the network we'll go in and show you one of them okay [Applause] [Music] as you said it's a lot quieter in here so that's why I brought you guys over here self-contained racks all of our Cisco core switches in here you can see on the backboard is our access control system we've got two air conditioners in here everything is two in so power's two in UPS backup is two in two air conditioners and a fire suppression system in here all alerting and ticketing so if a UPS loses primary power ticket gets fired to the dcts and our net operations team now that we're kind of out of our typical Asic mining hosting Farm area I wanted to walk you guys through our AI aisle every all the mechanical and electrical equipment you see here are 100 dedicated to a two in solution for our AI aisle we're a dgx Nvidia Inception partner and the standards are much higher than just you know a typical rack with some Asic miners on it so what you see from what you saw out back is the two 600 KW generators one of those feeds this transfer switch so that if in the event that we had a utility power outage and this is you know major power right so this guy's job is to sense utility power utility power uh drop for any reason out there lightning strike utility substation goes down for any reason the UPS will hold the entire aisle while the generator fires up and then the ATS will kick over and then the entire aisle will be backed up by that generator look at that wiring yeah it's pretty massive wiring it's it's so that we can outfit two megawatts of power just in our air which two megawatts of power and the mining world doesn't seem like a lot but in a data center traditional Computing it's a lot of power yeah no I mean it's it's serious so this is the core scientific AIO Nvidia dgx's it's the dgx2 on the bottom and then uh three dgx ones on top foreign [Music] typical data center you blow the air conditioning on a raised floor up through the rack we've built custom shroud and we exhaust the heat into our hot aisle that way we don't have to keep as much air conditioning inside the space yeah so this works built out for plenty of expansion so you can take this server lift just put the machine on top set this in front of the rack and this will raise up to 800 pounds and then the DCT simply take it shift it Forward rack it you stack it makes us much more efficient and uh they like this from a save their back perspective okay let's go down there don't hold on to any of this there's gears just I'll just take you up just a little bit all right you ready it's like normally into paper rides like that's right all right now we're having too much fun let's go back to work foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] machines on the rack and they replace it on the rack power supply they replace it on the rack if it gets down to the control board level or the hashboard level it gets put into repair on the repair staging racks a repair center repair stage it on the outgoing racks and then the dcts will come at the beginning of shift and redeploy those machines so come on I'll take you into the repair center and you've got to see where where all the repairs are going down [Music] [Music] this is our this is our um repair center for Dalton Georgia this is the smaller one because this facility is not that big compared to Marble you saw our repair repair center there [Music] you can see the same thermal barrier that we use in the data center so that he can put the rigs here plug them into production power production Network after he does the Repair actually burn them in and make sure that the repairs actually lasted versus going out and deploying them 16 feet up in the air and finding out that there's a problem so lugging them all the way back that's right we'll go upstairs and I'll show you we have a team collaboration room up there a couple of engineers in here you see uh cam is one of our our specialty guys so he gets the special desk so you can stand up in it he uh he doesn't sit long he's he's either uh bleeding with his fingertips typing away or he's running out on the floor fixing something basically this room just displays all of our data centers shows the weather for each of the data centers and you know any alerts and ticketing they go to all the other data centers automatically but this is a kind of a command center to where we have a technician always watching ticketing for alerts and major outages anything that goes on so that they can dispatch and make sure that things are up to speed and ready to go yeah basically each of the screens represent multiple locations and then obviously just kind of a conference room boardroom bring clients in have business discussions uh team team meetings things of that nature but it's cool that you have the product right outside and that that's that's the conclusion of the Dalton facility hey well thanks for having us no problem any other questions you guys have for us I'm bringing all 15 of my miners over all right let's do it man that's a deal put this on camera this is a handshake 15 minor deal yo you got me he's going to be hosting right there oh man you're good at this that's right I wasn't ready and just like that you just toured one of the biggest mining farms in the world in the country on the East Coast Georgia whatever it's pretty freaking big so as always guys hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to the boss coin YouTube channel hit the thumbs up leave a comment below let me know what you thought let me know what you want to see more of in future videos like this and any questions you want to ask in the future not a pro it's to do with a dog [Music] [Applause] thank you guys so much for watching this core scientific Dalton Georgia facility mining farm tour for more incredible mining farm to our videos as well as an in-depth View at how Vosk is building out his own mining Farm take a look at some of our mining Farm playlist videos thanks so much again and we'll see you on the next one if you're interested in mining yourself then something like the Plug and Play Evergreen Miner would probably be perfect for you it doesn't make much noise doesn't produce much heat doesn't consume much electricity and it's profitable it's hard drive Mining and it's really easy to use and with my evergreen mining rig I'm earning 60 a month in passive income if that sounds interesting to you I've got a link out down below that not only supports the channel but also a coupon code that saves you 20 bucks money with me baby [Music]
Channel: VoskCoin
Views: 134,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voskcoin, cryptocurrency solar mining farm, solar mining farm, bitcoin, massive mining farm, bitcoin mining, gpu mining, mining profitability, mining farm, crypto mining, cryptocurrency mining, solar bitcoin farm, btc mining, biggest bitcoin mining farm, crypto mining shed, core scientific, corz stock, core scientific mining farm, core scientific bankruptcy, core scientific mining, core scientific stock, core scientific news, bitcoin mining farm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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