Weta Workshop Sculptor's Tabletop Miniature World!

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If your D&D erection lasts more than 4 hours please see your cleric.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fiducia42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

TLDW; 3D Printable : Modular : Mix & Match : Unlimited Combinations : WETA Produced (LOTR FAME) : Kickstarter Coming Soon!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 115 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bkconn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

New Zealand for the win!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedF0x11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you go to look for info on 3D Printing files and Kickstarter, they changed their plan and may only sell physical models now.

Still awesome, but printing your own would rock.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smithium πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The durability of these models is what's so impressive to me. I've seen plenty of fragile dioramas gathering dust, but this heavy plastic mix and match w/o sacrificing design quality has so much potential.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


Edit: spelling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Momochichi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam has an accident at 7:29. I about did the same

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rotgutbill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay im gonna be honest. I'm full erect with this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stayiny-Frosty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy fuck. This is awesome. I want this and I haven't played DnD for months.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys data from tested I am in Wellington New Zealand at my friends the Wetty workshop alongside my scent our friend here now you may remember the last time I was here we covered wet at workshops sculptors Johnny Fraser Allen's personal project personal passion project of making the labyrinth from labyrinth hand sculpting every piece of it so that he could make it at a miniature size well he got a tremendous amount of positive response for that video when we posted it and it was inspiring to him just as we were inspired by his build and he's made a tremendous amount of progress in the intervening 18 months let's check out what he's done alright Johnny I'm a little overwhelmed but I think it can speak last time we saw you what we saw was this unfinished you know and now it's 8 meters long yeah 16 feet okay no as I said get a bit carried away with it but I was I was so flattered with so many of the comments and stuff on the last video I thought well I'm gonna put a bit of serious time into finishing so you're telling me that the YouTube comments you actually read the youtube comment which I named a terrible idea and they were all really positive I think it may be the most positive collection of YouTube comments in one place their enemy you know but it really just made me feel rich I felt like I wasn't just doing this as some geek with a hobby it made me want to finish it but I imitated you were vindicated in your and your in your passion about I'm doing it for me anyway and I finished it because it's taken long enough and I want to play on it you know ok so this is actually a gaming platform yes what it started off with me kind of fooling around with just wanting to have a little section of a labyrinth that I could also use for other games that I play like Hero Quest and stuff so I built something that could work completely modular but I'd I wanted all the sculpting to be really and depth and stuff so there's times when I can actually even find right but you can't even see which ones are the moveable walls yeah and that's awesome and so you know if you're role-playing if you've got other people playing a game because when you're in a labyrinth the idea is you can't figure your way around or in a dungeon or something like that but um whoever's in control of it can fool the people into being able to pull out a wall and so they don't automatically from a bird's-eye view go on doing the ear untie you know right and I could change and and then you know all of this is compiled Wow modular and this walls everywhere and stuff like that but then can we walk from one end to the other of course yeah we talk how this all goes so one well you saw some of this forest last time but I'm just not there's not really there's not really that many realistic tabletop trees on the market and for me one of the things I love most about fantasy or quests or adventures there's always in the forest yeah it's Robin Hood or its you know the Ewoks this the stuff as a kid that I got really loved building treehouses and stuff probably always been fascinated with trees and I've also been working I Ella straight on my own books through sculpture and one of the stories I'm telling is one called the wandering woods which is where every single thing in the forest is cognizant like for example you saw this before this is a that's a tree Sara tops he's a sentient tree and it's just a hell that so so the idea that I love the idea that you could be in a small forest that you'll never find your way out of because it's always kind of lumbering around you and the forest knows that you're there and is yeah altering your perception and it's not necessarily harmful but because I love the idea of a forest being able to protect itself from from you know me and cutting down the forest and everything like that so all of this is modular and all of these you know trees oh my god but I've done them in a way that you can put them anywhere and they blend in to see it you know well I mean every time I look down and put my head down it's like we have an entirely believable world here and so it starts off here with this some wizards cottage and so I wanted to I wanted a visual narrative through this that you could also play an entire campaign through okay but also you can just mix it up and match yeah and whatever your story's done and then you go through this kind of ruined Towery dungeon maze here and then we get to these swamps where I've made these some modular ruins no way and so it's same with this so you've got a dungeon there now you can use you can use that dungeon just on your tabletop as a piece of as a piece of dungeon yes and you can see inside that like that and then or you just stick it was really important to me that this was just place and play you don't have to click a whole bunch of wall sections together because that way it's seamless but ya know just when you put lots of wall sections together like a lot of products do you have some slightly oh you have so much playability but you visually you're always kind of aware that it's a place it you can build up or you can build out right yeah but and I wanted something that once you just easily set it up on your table you're ready to go game wise but also it visually looks like a film set yeah it really does and it I had no idea these were that these were that Margit and these are both the same part yeah so if you so this is these are the two ruins so this this is um that's seven pieces yeah if you um if you 3d print another piece of this which you're going to be able to do you stick it on on top of this because what I've been able to do oh it's and there's all the way up it goes all the way up and so you can have this necromancer at the top or some big kind of sword fight you know but it's also completely playable who you are you a pirate Robin in the oven toyou can do there all the way exactly right but also you can see just want you don't need the dungeon base to make the ruins work you can just stick them straight on to the ground I just found this guy look at that everyone's a creature yeah so I've littered the swamp with tree creatures so this is a stag oh my god this is a this guy's my favorite this is the tree Rick's you've given him bigger arms were jealous yeah exactly this guy can actually make the vehicle urges well it looks like a tree from one angle man you go around and you know this is kind of this one's a bore because visually when I was making this it was important like I wanted to capture all the things that inspire me and one thing so look the movies of like miyazaki movies Jim Henson movies I wanted to kick it was important that this still felt like sculpture so it's highly detailed but I want to broad just I want it to feel like a like a sculpted kind of felt it hip it goes anywhere I know they're all made to last and so it's a tree dragon and stuff like that and then this moves up into um it's all of these hills are individually modular as well they all you know so you can set this up any way you want you know just once you're done you can just sprinkle it with stones I use these um you cut these off aquarium scenery and just plug them in any get yeah and so it looks like it's a full fully made thing every time yeah but you have the modular option to make it whatever you want when you play it and then we get to these guys so there's some so this this is the real so this entire set is called Hagel thorn Hollow and the whole idea behind it is that for minimal pieces you can create a different world every time so you've got this tower here and so you've got the stitch world that could be Conan's you know an Colonia or barbarians or Vikings and stuff but now you can also you know go up market to it completely different town oh my god revisit a town you've visited there's many years are near this scene and I'm but if you if you don't want that's kind of a watchtower but if you'd like it to be more of a Wizards Tower than you describe one of these that goes on there and then we've we've done something extra with this where um I just get some space yeah if you grab one of these dungeon bases or ruins down you stick that there okay so now I'm you can this is a fetched hut that can just go on the ground like there yeah or you can get kind of a bit of a uterus horseman yeah look to it and you can stick it on there like there or you could use it on this house here and put it like there or that can go on yeah this can go on there like this and this can go on this like this and and so suddenly what was the local tavern is now the chieftains right or the Thrones Hut and then if you want to go up market again and so it works this way as well so the idea is you can you can remake your town every single time without it feeling like ah we're going to the same town right so if you're playing if you're playing like a role-playing quest and you're dm's you know it's like you'll need to go out of town for this information or something yeah you can with the same pieces that he can immediately set this up and it's not something you've seen before you because I understand something different and that way you're maximizing on the time you put into painting these things and so we've scanned all of these with you know high-tech film quality technology and well they've actually in color as well and so every single one of these is now fully 3d printable and we're launching it very soon on on Kickstarter just basically because I'm I made this for myself anyway but we found a way to UM but anyone can really affordably do this so you go through if you brought that at a shop it might be $80 but you know I don't know it's like 80 cents to a couple of dollars material if you print it yourself at home yeah and then you know you can see our lightweight it's gonna be and you can have so much fun painting this you have to paint it in any way that you want and I painted this with house paints I mean I you know you go to a Home Depot and there's all the the color range that was my favorite part of this process was choosing a consistent color palette for head north on hollow okay right that's tiles that's walls that's bricks and I went up with these cards and I got for $5.00 a pot I just said most me a test pot of that and all of this is painted with house paint and then I put wood stain wash over it which ages are and and you know I mean my wife and some friends would sit at home with Netflix on the background and begin to paint the individual bricks every floor every fifth brick can you just paint now and then also I've got some pieces over here I love that you painted it with house paint that's really good and was so affordable and it's so durable it's not going to scratch off no because if I did it with model paint a you know super brand I imagine yeah it probably cost me forty five dollars over painting exactly and again if you if you want this wall to work for a thick because you can completely separate fetch there's a town to tile mm-hmm or what you can do is show that there's a class system in your town right so you've already paid a little behind the wall and the peasants have to live close to the Haunted swamp without protection or something other but you know if you want this to be for that great if you don't you just stick one of those on it and now it's more ancient and rustic and stuff like that mm-hm and so yeah everyone I do also the way I've Scott sculpted them as well get in there like that button inside of it I've tried to make sure every single angle looks like a different house so when you print out foreign stuck them on a table it doesn't just look like a black that's what because I got to scope them as large objects as opposed to just modular kind of pieces you clip together I was able to tackle what I really wanted to see in this range which was a lot of Assam cemetery and a lot of really leaning over walls and kind of broken or like I wanted it to feel ancient but at the same time I avoided putting anything like chewed or beams and because I wanted you to be able to play this whatever fantasy campaign and feel like it's predates the 14th century or something like that right like YUM I mentioned so this could be if you're a Lord of the Rings gamer this could be brie or Rohan or it could be anything that's in your pathfinder campaign and so forth it was the idea I mean it's like you you created a system that allows the the messiness of the natural world to be put into buildings you can assemble them and they in the same way that the trees all look exactly like they belong there each building looks exactly like it belongs there no matter how would you put it together it's right and and um wait that goes there as well yeah and or on this tower over here so if you want to wear this this some tower somewhere it goes so I tried to make short here it is this one I'm getting lost myself and these are all the just that these are the prototypes you know we're we're sharpening them up even more for the for a product and stuff but as I say it was it was just as a project of of love so that I could have a broad range of stuff to play with because I work in a place with lots of Technology with being able to use the highest and scanning available yeah and then like you said what modular wise is a follow-up to the labyrinth thing all I've got to do here is plug out the forest here or there and there's huggles gate oh right right in a minute again it's still just modular and you can see how I've made but so I went to some - if everything is hand sculpted in plasticine yeah um cuz I really wanted it to feel sculptural and I also really wanted to get that detailing and I wanted to avoid a lot of the 3d terrain that's made in ZBrush that just has kind of a stamp I wanted every brick to be considered and have a gravity and to be weighing in on the next one yeah because I'm a glutton for punishment and so we molded and cast and so this is gonna be the hedge maze and this is the wise man's butt here but in case you do fall into the boob Lia I've made that removable there and this is the tunnel where the cleaners go through but in this box there's some I thought you'd get a kick out of this because this is you know if this sum is a feasible thing and people are into it yeah we'll do further further products campaign stuff so I've been I couldn't wait to start the next one and so I've already started working on a modular castle system that you can put together as a dungeon or you can stay in different ways like that but if you put this down like that I'm also working it away because I want to do a campaign we get a Smuggler's Cove but I want to replay the legacy Star Wars trilogy but and medieval fantasy so I'm building a castle version of the Millennium Falcon so like Chewbacca is gonna be a Viking enhancer pirates and this can be wooden walkways and like a tree growing out here that's the cockpit and stuff like that oddly oh my god cuz it's already a medieval fantasy there's just a purple ray gums you just have to pencil me in I'm gonna buy one of those I'll send you one gotta go please that's amazing I'm a Millennium Falcon obsessed yeah me too it's the greatest shit my second favorite ship is the one in the admin pirates movie that's just cobbled together at other shows it's beautiful I also love the actually I love the pirate ship from Time Bandits yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a cosplay for you someday yeah yeah when I gained a lot fun as part of doing the costume right are just even lots of pasta yeah pasta as you would say yeah testa Johnnie distill it I'm gobsmacked as you would say I'm just really happy this year it's so inspiring makes me just seeing this makes me want to cast and sculpt and paint well you won't need to do the sculpting part because all you've got to do is press print now oh my gosh well I you know the files are going to be accessible this year and as soon as those go up we will trumpet them on test it I'll put them out through my Twitter feed I I'm like I so love supporting exactly this kind of thing and you really like you've opened it up so that gamers could have a different adventure every single time but it's so much fun it's just anything that kind of gets I love storytelling you know and and but I'm also I really admire anyone that can sit there on a role-playing campaign with just pen and paper and do it in their heads I've done that and I loved it as well but I'm also a model maker and a sculptor and stuff and I've seen those campaigns and every time they say you go into the tavern and that you know the bartender guys just really look you say I could make that wouldn't it be better if we were playing with it so I'm very tactile yeah and yeah so I start so I started making one building which became four buildings which became much of the buildings and yeah Johnny thank you so much for showing me and giving me this window literally into an entirely different world that could be different every single time thank you I I can't really share with you I can't wait to see how much more you expand it it's probably I've got the bug now you know and this was meant to be a little bit of labyrinth in one building and yeah so I think we really nice next time you're out it'll be three more this way I think yeah if you did this in 18 months you're on a roll yeah yeah you
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 3,372,025
Rating: 4.9674931 out of 5
Keywords: adam savage, weta workshop, tested, testedcom, weta, modelmaking, miniatures, art, sculpting, labyrinth, model, tested weta workshop, adam savage weta workshop, table top, miniature world, adam savage tested, weta workshop adam savage, tested labyrinth, new zealand, tabletop gaming, richard taylor, david bowie labyrinth, labyrinth the movie, model making, hagglethorn hollow, hagglethorn hollow youtube
Id: ebQU7GipJcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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