New to Concealed Carry? WATCH THIS ASAP

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you've made a nominal notional gesture toward being safer but because it's not on you and you're not trained and you're not really carrying it on your person it's a false sense of security and that's what I want to avoid I want to get your gun out of the drawer and on to your body what's happening my friends John level Warrior Poet Society and I'm here to help you guys who are newer to concealed carry I want to give you the advice that I didn't get and really would have saved me a lot of time a lot of frustration and a lot of money so that's the purpose of this video because it may be that you went out and you felt unsafe and you got a gun and then you're kind of like all right now what maybe you went so far as you got a holster and I'll tell you maybe you don't even realize it yet but whatever holster you kind of got as an afterthought at checkout at the gun story so I'm like hey what should I get maybe that it's trash you're gonna have a graveyard a big box full of wasted money purchases and these awful awful holsters and I don't mean to to throw your terrible purchase under the bus but you made a terrible purchase and it deserves to get thrown under a bus a lot of times we just don't know what we don't know so people buy a gun and maybe it's the right one maybe maybe isn't so good maybe they get a holster they go out to the range they shoot a little bit maybe they get frustrated but it goes in a drawer or a glove box or a purse and it doesn't really seat the light of day until the next time you get motivated or you see a bad news headline that makes you feel unsafe and then you go at it but you really you've made a nominal notional gesture toward being safer but because it's not on you and you're not trained and you're not really carrying it on your person it's a false sense of security and that's what I want to avoid I want to get your gun out of the drawer and onto your body and so that's the purpose of this video maybe you don't even know about the universal firearm safety rules which is a really really big deal you should know what the four Universal firearm safety rules are if you don't check down below in this video description and make a note that you'll watch that video immediately it's incredibly incredibly important that you do so in that spirit in that vein what I want to do is I want to give you the advice that I didn't get but would have absolutely have saved me so here it is step one is you start with online training that's just the world you've found me online so maybe doing a little bit more online training so congratulations give yourself a homeschool high five because you're already doing it you're doing it now I just want you to do a little bit more do some online training once you do enough of that maybe you start to get an idea of like all right I think that this type of gun would be right for me I just did a video on this make sure you check down below this video in the link to check out selecting the right firearm for you so online training now you get a gun and then you maybe get a holster to go with it at this point you've done some learning you've done some shopping now I'd like you to start wearing it on your body a little bit just to get used to it now some folks won't feel safe or comfortable with this and so what I'd say is hey maybe if you carry it even unload it some of my peers are just gonna freak out like no I'm like not forever just to get you kind of more comfortable with it you get a good holster and you start carrying it around first few days you just feel like a ninja you're just walking around like I am armed everyone can everyone see connect can everyone tell am I walking different am I powerful you'll feel different and weird maybe unsafe a little bit by you doing that in a real safe safe way to carry without around in the actual chamber of the gun now what's good to start with just to get that base level of comfort and figure out how you should be carrying it and what what works for you what's okay in the beginning isn't okay to keep going my goal is for you to be immediately ready to defend life and in that condition I think it's a mistake to keep going that way but already you're walking around without a gun on you so having a gun without a around in the chamber it's not much different except you could draw Rock the slide and then be ready to work now after you've carried a little bit you validated your purchases you're like you don't like this gun I like this holster and guess what I can carry on my body comfortably and concealed and it's not such a big deal I know what the universal firearm safety rules are and I'm living by them already now it's time to really start doing some more training now you can up the ante with your learning and your online training you could go to somebody like us this is a Shameless plug and some of you will just render your garments on the internet of like how dare where you plug your own class I have a full pistol one and Pistol 2 and Pistol 3 class on our streaming service and app I'm promoting it because I think it is the best online training you can possibly get that's why we made it it really is extremely good and I think that you should go join our wpsn app watch watch it now we're not the only game in town there's other places where that you can do that learning so if you want to go elsewhere do it but I really think that you should do that online training there's so many good tools available now that I've said that I'll also add is a nice Caveat Emptor there's no substitute for actual in-person physical training maybe you do some online training with us watch our class now it's time to get out on the Range and start trying some stuff start shooting and putting rounds through paper now some folks would immediately say of like no no get a gun and immediately hit the range and you can do it that way but the problem is from the moment you first interact with a gun and you grip it and you shoot it you are pay behaving neurological Pathways in your conscious and subconscious that are extremely hard habits to break should they be bad ones and I guarantee you a lot of them are bad habits that means later an instructor is going to have to fix you and it would be better for someone like me to get a blank slate than have to undo a bunch of stuff that you were doing on your own that you didn't even realize was a bad thing there's untold amounts of training scars that I have when students come to Warrior Poet Society for in-person training that we have to undo and a lot of times people have been shooting for a very long time it's incredibly hard to get them better because I have to like demo foundational work that they had done before it's like I can't build a skyscraper on that Foundation it won't support I gotta demo it re-fix it and now I build on it would be better if you just didn't do it in the first place so I encourage you to just get out of the range and start shooting with some of the stuff that you've learned online in my experience women particularly who are a little bit reticent to go to a range that's already intimidating dating thing indoor ranges with all the gunfire that can be a pretty crappy experience it's loud it's scary bang bang bang happening everywhere so I really like outdoor ranges for the gals if you can find anybody who has some Farmland something with you know where you can shoot that's a much better experience I highly encourage you to do that now depending on your level of online training and your comfort and and shooting you want to do enough work there but you don't want to wait too long before you actually get in a formal class well a formal class can do what I can do for you is in a few minutes get you better than you would get in years on your own now that seems like a hard sell like really that sounds arrogant I'm like you can take it arrogant if you want but it's true I validated it over and over and over I will save you thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition now I'm not just self-aggrandizing of like this is a big commercial for your own stuff hey troll off man there's a lot of great trainers out there there's some that are in your local area some will be really bad some will be really good then you got a lot in between but if you want in-person instruction I say go do that that's fantastic there's lots of other of my peers that have good training as well so go train with them snub your nose at me and say I don't want to train people like great here's the information for free GO train with them but go get training because it's really really helpful you got to do it to be like uh he was right I'm like of course I'm right this is my profession we do training we're good at it and we care about you and we want you to be able to cover down as good warrior poets protecting life holding the line so that if something bad happened in your area you don't have notional check the block security you're actually able to defend life you're a good protector a Force for good and a broken world I like that and that's my big goal of I want you trained up and ready so for instance some things I wish I had known I'd wish I'd known that I needed to form fit kind of like Kydex holster that protected the trigger guard some of my earliest holsters were down right unsafe and something terrible could have happened to me another thing I didn't know is I didn't know how to actually grip a pistol but I gripped it some old way and that had to be fixed I was never going to get extremely fast and accurate with that old school grip another thing I didn't know is the main reason I was missing was shot anticipation and I didn't know how to fix that my rounds would go down and left and I kept looking at the gun like this stupid piece of metal crap I got a bad gun and my sights are off and my sights and gun were just fine this guy sucked and I didn't know I just didn't know and I needed to get training and once I had training it all of a sudden unlock this wonderful video game cheat cheat code you know uh quick right now Contra what was the cheat code to Infinity god mode Put it Down Below in the comments let's see who gets it out there first now quit distracting me guys back to the video so here we have in review do a little online learning go shopping have fun carry around just a little bit so that you feel a bit comfortable and make sure you've checked out the universal firearm safety rules to do if you feel uncomfortable you can carry unloaded for a very limited time then you can get to the range you start shooting a little bit make sure you're comfortable and observing the universal firearm safety rules as well and then I want you to get some formal instruction once you do all that you know how to train and you can be off the races so that you can get really really good on your own but this is the shortest and I believe the most efficient and less expensive path to being a really really good protector and Defender You can disagree you'll just be horribly wrong you know the the people who know me will be like oh he's kidding but there's some trolls out there they're just like some guys said but it's about constitutional right to just curious yeah you can do that I'm Freedom yeah do whatever you want but I'm trying to give you some good advice if you disagree party on but I do appreciate you checking out this video uh thanks so much for tuning in make sure you're subscribed to the channel uh toggle notifications Bell to all and like and share and you know all the normal stuff for YouTube guys right uh train hard train Smart Stay Free [Music] the only way to get good at gun fighting is to do gun fighting there's no other way around it you can practice draw Strokes odd nauseum you can get really good at fundamentals and emergency reloads maybe even run around a flat range shooting at some steel targets but there is no substitute for force on Force training what we do in pistol 3 aside from teaching some really important skills some combative elements a little bit of tactics bringing is we allow students to Revel in the chaos and the confusion the adrenaline of a real force on Force encounter foreign [Music]
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 523,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concealed carry, concealed carry tips, self defense, concealed carry for women, best concealed carry pistols for beginners, best concealed carry pistols 2022 for beginners, concealed carry for beginners, concealed carry tips for beginners, concealed carry tips for skinny guys, concealed carry tips for big guys, new to concealed, new to concealed carry, best handgun, best pistol, best 9mm pistol
Id: v0zP_SntWSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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