How to Prepare for a Home Invasion - Home Defense Tips

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today i'm going to share with you some home defense tips to make sure you never experience a home invasion if you don't know me my name is jason hanson i'm a former cia officer i'm married i got six kids so i definitely have some important things i want to protect please welcome back former cia officer jason former cia jason henderson this handsome fella's jason hanson this is jason hatchet former cia guy [Music] now one of the most important things and my number one tip the first tip when it comes to surviving a home invasion making sure you never have one is you want to case your house you want to case your neighborhood so in the spy world you case places so that means you know where the cameras are in an area you know where the one-way streets you know where there's construction you know where people come and go now it's very important that you do this because criminals do the same thing so i'll tell you the best way also speaking of casey in the spy world you want to know the best way to case someplace and make sure you're never detected it's to have your cover be as someone who's exercising jogging running the beauty of that is you're walking around the neighborhood an area you've got your earbuds in and you're dressing your jogging clothes you've maybe got one of those armbands that blinks so people can see you're walking around when it's dark nobody gives them a second look nobody pays attention with it at all so in the spy world you can do this if you're casing a place because you just go around the same time every day nobody thinks twice because people usually exercise it the same day so don't turn to a life of crime but if you're going to that's how you case a place make sure you're not caught anyways going back to our homes and out of the spy world as i said criminals do the same thing they case a place they're walking around saying which home offers me the path of least resistance which home in this neighborhood is going to allow me to get in get out quickly without being detected so what you want to do is you want to case your own neighborhood go for a walk don't do this in a car because you learn so much more information when you have boots on the ground you're walking around walk around your neighborhood and by the time you're done if you say hey my house has the least security measures well then obviously you need to fix that so how do you fix that well here's tip number number two make sure that you have a good perimeter exterior home defense measures set up what does that mean simply have an alarm sign alarms are cheap they're 20 25 bucks a month everybody should have one if for some reason you don't want to get an alarm which i recommend you do then go online spend 15 bucks for an alarm uh sign you can stick in your yard from ebay amazon whatever but try and get an alarm also in addition to having an alarm sign have cameras you want cameras all around your house very important i like my cameras to be hardwired into the home you can also of course use wireless cameras but you should have them everywhere very important here's a quick funny story i do home security audits so super wealthy people bring me into their drug dealer mansions i call them drug dealer mansions because it looks like tony montana lives there but they bring many of these mansions i do a home security audit i tell them here's where you need a camera you know i make sure they're protected because they've got a lot of stuff inside well one time i had a guy bring me in and he wasn't a super rich person he had more of a normal house and i'm telling him hey you need cameras around this house well for some reason or another and he could definitely afford it he decides he doesn't want to get cameras so i say well the next best alternative is you can go online spend you know 15 20 bucks for plastic cameras they look the exact same thing as a real camera nobody's really gonna tell the difference so he puts up these fake cameras around his house about six months after this he calls me and he says hey jason guess what my neighbor just had their home broken into nobody touched my house isn't that great news i'm like okay good good deal and he says but the police came over to my house and they wanted me to pull the security footage from my cameras so we obviously had to told that tell the police they weren't real cameras and there was no security footage i still encourage the guy to get real cameras all around your house in addition to cameras you want motion sensor lights i recommend solar motion sensor lights that way if the electricity goes out they're still going on and of course solar motion sensor lights are cheap they last forever i've had them on my house for years without replacing them if you have a dog awesome if you don't still have a dog bowl still have some chew toys around again if a criminal is casing your house and he sees that you have a dog or thinks you have a dog he doesn't want to get bit he doesn't want dna evidence left behind he doesn't want that dog barking so he's going to go to the neighbors who show absolutely no signs of having any type of dog if you have a fence great if not i mean you don't have to spend the money on the fence it's not not huge i mean the best things to do are the alarm sign the motion sensor lights security cameras so make your house look better than your neighbor's house now let's talk about the interior what happens heaven forbid worst case scenario that at 3am your front door is getting kicked in or your back door or wherever you need an uber simple self-defense plan home defense plan i'm going to tell you what mine is on my nightstand i have two rabbit access safes they have handguns in them the reason i use handguns is because i've got to go around my house and i'll explain what i mean in a minute meaning i'm not just going to hunker down if you're going to hunker down use a shotgun use a ar doesn't matter if you can use a shotgun use a remington 870 shotgun use buckshot you don't want to use birdshot because that'll just angry the guys so remington 870 buckshot if you're going to use an aor i love ar-15s i own more than 99 of people in this world i think they're great so use one if you want but because i have to go in my house and i'm moving around a pistol is just much easier to maneuver so in those rapid access safe each one has a pistol i have a cell phone on my nightstand i have a flashlight i'm going to show you some of the safe real quick uh this one you know very simple nothing fancy this one does not require any electronics that is important let me show you another one oh this one's heavy as can be this one's a simplex safe you just push the buttons all your safes you should be able to open in a matter of seconds i do have electronic safes but i always have a non-electronic in his backyard why because electronic safes break the batteries go bad i've had it happen to me you always want to have a backup also i don't use any biometric safe so where you have to swipe your fingerprint i've tried them they're still not that good they don't work often enough so if you're sweaty sometimes they don't open if maybe you've been gardening your hands are dirty whatever they may not open in a life and death situation when your front door is getting kicked in at 3 am you need to be able to get the gun fast which is why i have the rapid access safe so that i can open in three seconds or whatever it might be when i open them i'm going to show you just one of them this is a walther pdp i love guns you know sig remington rp9 by the way is a great gun it's a red-headed stepchild of guns it gets no respect it's writing danger-filled guns but i love the remington rp9 works great i teach a lot of pistol classes never had an issue with it so glock of course well known uh you know just whatever you're gonna get get a good gun um this one as i said is a walther it's got a trijicon red dot it's got a surefire light under here if you don't want to put a light on there you actually absolutely gotta have light somewhere so it just means you're gonna have a flashlight you're gonna hold that flashlight in your hand as i said earlier i've got to go out i have six kids and my old house where i lived and i have fewer kids at the time all the bedrooms were upstairs what does that mean that means if i had a home invasion i could go to the choke point so the choke point in most places is the top of the stairs so i grab my gun flashlight go to the top of the stairs say you know hey i've got a gun get out of my house and if somebody's stupid enough to run up the stairs then i use my gun i stop the threat i defend myself you know piece of cake right well in my new house and because i've had more kids since then i've got bedrooms upstairs i've got bedrooms in the basement this means i can't just go to the choke point and sit there with a gun hoping the guy you know the criminal leaves the house because the criminal could get to one of my kids in the basement so i got to treat it as an active shooter situation meaning when there's an active shooter in a mall or somewhere the police don't just sit there and wait for backup they've got to go stop that active shooter immediately i've got to do the same thing for a home invasion so i grab my gun grab my flashlight and i've got to go out there and stop the intruder before it gets to my kids the good news is i know my home layout better than anybody else so i get out fast if you can't have your gun and flashlight in your hand in 10 seconds or less and be rocking and rolling out of there you're doing something wrong another thing i recommend on the interior is glass breaker alarms the reason you want glass breaker alarms is if somebody tries to break the glass it sets off an annoying loud sound and that'll notify you something's going on [Music] true story while back here where i live in utah we had a very bad hail storm middle of night my six-year-old daughter's glass breaker alarm goes off gun flashlight i'm in the room and everything in less than 10 seconds and of course i'm looking around i'm checking i'm making sure there's nobody in there none of the glass is shattered everything looks good to go well i go check my security cameras to make sure that nobody was there and after looking nobody was there it was just a large piece of hail that it hit the glass breaker alarm and everything was fine that was a good try run that was a good test making sure that everything worked right so try your home defense plan it should be simple meaning set your alarm for 2 am gun flashlight out the door take care of business now i train a lot of people some don't like guns which is fine to each his own i love guns i carry concealed every single day i've got a sig sauer p365 in my pocket right now spear gold dot rounds however if you don't want guns or maybe you live in apartment and penetration you're worried about that show you some alternatives that people i train use one of them is this bad boy here yes this is a tomahawk that i beat the living daylights out of this will take care of somebody so a gun is my number one choice but if a criminal breaks in you're staying at the top of the stairs with this it doesn't take any ninja moves everybody knows how to slash and strike with the tomahawk it's got a good intimidation factor so that is better than nothing if you want to see awesome videos of me smashing cars and destroying this and get more info on this and buy one go to now in addition to tomahawk something else you can use [Music] is this kukri another big knife here so again if you don't want a gun if you can't have a gun whatever this will do the job this is a good alternative so you stand at the top of the stairs again doesn't take much to slice this it's got the intimidation factor so you can use this if you're going to use a gun i highly highly highly highly recommend that you always have around in the chamber every gun in my house is loaded but every gun is in a rapid access safe since i mentioned i have six kids one time i was training fellow the time i was training oops oh well one time i was training a fellow and he says hey my wife doesn't like guns i promised her i would not have around in the chamber i told him it was a bad idea but hey if that's what he promised his wife that's what he's got to do one night when he was asleep all of a sudden somebody starts pounding on his front door he grabs his gun flashlight goes to the front door he's screaming you know i've got a gun get away he said for about 20 seconds somebody's pounding on his door like they're gonna break it in i've about 20 seconds it stops his wife calls the police the police come and find out it was some guy who was high on drugs going around the neighborhood trying to kick on doors or kick indoors but everybody was fine so everything was good however this guy told me he said when i'd calm down you know when my adrenaline had you know calm down a bit i realized i was sitting there at the front door pointing a gun that had no round in the chamber because i did not remember chambered around so if that guy would have kicked in the door well guess what he would have gone click and that guy would have been on top of him so always have a loaded gun i mean if you're a responsible gun owner if you train it's a no-brainer not to have a loaded gun because a high stress situation you will not remember to chamber that round other things people ask me hey jason you use hearing protection i want to go to the shooting range and i t cl teach classes absolutely but on my nightstand absolutely not in a high threat situation where every second counts i'm not going to take my time to be like all right let me put in my foamies let me put on my electronic ears that is absolute nonsense anybody who's been in a high threat situation will tell you your hearing's gonna be fine you're gonna have auditory exclusion the last thing you're gonna worry about is you're hearing when you think somebody's getting kicked your door's getting kicked in at 3am so do not worry about hearing protection on your nightstand that is a waste of time other than they asked me about is body armor what about body armor i love it i own it but for home defense when my front door is getting kicked in 3 am i'm not going to take the time to strap it on if i advance notice maybe i know a mob is coming down the street or something like that and i have plenty of time well then sure i'm just drop on body armor but for a regular home defense situation where every second counts all i'm doing is opening that safe grabbing gun flashlight going out there confronting the threat so don't worry about taking the time for body armor because that split segment you take may be the one that cost you know your family's life or something else when it comes to home defense i said it earlier keep it super simple case your neighborhood make sure your exterior looks good make sure whether using a gun a tomahawk whatever you're using you have some weapon to defend yourself and i pray that you never experience a home invasion also please don't forget like subscribe turn on that ring notification and i will soon have some very more important tips for you [Music]
Channel: Jason Hanson
Views: 1,782,238
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Keywords: how to prepare for a home invasion | best home defense tips, best home defense tactics, home defense tactics, jason hanson, prepare for a home invasion, personal protection training, tactical defense, home defense tips, home defense strategies, home defense masterclass, home invasion defense, home security measures, tactical home defense, protect your home from intruders, jason hanson self defense, home defense weapons, home security systems, home defense
Id: gy5k6ZnXk1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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