The Sun made a 'shocking error' in not naming the alleged BBC "sex pic" present | Kelvin MacKenzie

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breaking tonight the mother of the young person at the center of the BBC presenter Scandal has stood by her her claims as lawyers representing the teen dismissed them as total rubbish she told the sun it's sad but we stand by our accounts and we hope they get the help they need we did this to help and the presenter has got into their head how did they afford a lawyer it comes as The Stepfather also says that he told the BBC he had screenshots of contact between their child and the star as well as bank statements detailing huge payments joining me to discuss this is the former editor of the Sun newspaper Kelvin McKenzie Kelvin do the Sun have more than we know I suspect they have a lot but they made as far as they are concerned journalistically they made a shocking error because they could have published a picture which everybody online in the world has seen online and they could have published um the the person's name this was on the Saturday they chose not to do it that's probably because of pressure legally that exists around news UK with all the owners of the sun yeah the the the the the money that's being spent through the high court in hacking cases and other cases which involved the former uh chief of the current chief executive of news UK by the way she was cleared as was everybody else in that in that particular case but there is a nervousness now there and they also didn't want to get caught up in the fact that this was there a strange smell about this paper and therefore would advertisers walk away there were lots of pressures on them and they chose not to run it and now they will never run it until potentially an MP so if an MP says it yeah and you know in the comments in the comments fine right everybody will Pile in outside that nobody will ever name that person is my prediction and secondly thanks to the person now saying that this um actually there was nothing inappropriate happened nothing unlawful happened there can never there is never going to be and there probably never was ever going to be a legal action involving with the police or the prosecuting authorities taking a view so that's over so my bet is that that the person actually will will be allowed to retire uh by the BBC and that will be the end of that but what a pantomime if this person is known to the public through social media and yet it's never mentioned I mean that that's not good well there are there are there's more than one media in our country there is the one that everybody embrace is because basically it's free it's called social media everybody's on that that's the way people communicate and then there is mainstream media and mainstream media no longer is the source of news in our country it's an incredible thing and the sun finds itself caught in the middle because they've got an online present and they've got a print presence and actually in this particular case they're not bad journalists they're hard-working people the management though the management at news UK have something to answer for they don't know whether they're Arthur or Martha no that's right and they've approached this story half cocked in a way haven't they sort of half in half out which you know as a veteran of a scoop that's not how you do it no you go all in right you look you might as well be are you allowed to be hung for sheep as a lamb I'm not sure whether any Vega any vegan viewers that you have in fact I think what this is GB news there won't be any questions right okay so so in the old days when we used to sell four or five million a day then we used to go all in and also pay for it when we got that wrong okay now what happens is that most stories are half pregnant you know it's almost there and they put the story in there hoping that social media run with it and then what happens is then they can hike get behind it and then they can say oh I read this on social media I saw it on Instagram or something that is the way it's now performed it's a very strange world that these big once powerful tabloids once very commercially successful that's not long that's no longer the case on the print side anyway and the online case yes is still doing okay but they are worried constantly the management what if we run this kind of story will will Unilever advertise with us will our media buyers you know will I don't know voxel cars advertise with us so they're constantly worrying why do they worry because in the old days revenue from circulation was up there and down there was advertising now circulations have dropped by about 80 percent advertising is what matters not what the reader thinks so they worry more about the advertising the reader then you get what happens um on the last time and we've seen it in America where the Press are in the pocket of Corporations the advertisers that's bad for democracy isn't it because when you were at the sun you broke important national interests what used to happen with the time was for years Sainsbury's wouldn't advertise in the Sun finally the sales director came out to me we've done it we've done it they've come back in with some five million pound uh agreement oh fantastic three days later we ran a story saying that a member of the sainsbury family had been booted out of Oxford or somewhere and you know what happened they carted the advertising again but that's just but it didn't matter then because revenues were coming in on the other side so these are very difficult areas so there's never going to be a legal case involving the two sides in all this there is you're never going to hear the name and I feel sorry for the parents because they have a view they have the love of their offspring and yet what they see is actual powerful forces appear to be working against them so even the love of their child a cocaine cracked addict and they're they're trying to do the best for that child they can't get quotes Justice for that child is the Laura red herring because ultimately if this star is an identifiable Talent that's linked to the brand maybe one of the faces of the network potential um does that not cause reputational damage anyway the fact that he's indulged in or allegedly indulged in an encounter with a teenager is not enough to get him sacked and isn't that enough to is that enough to damage the BBC even if it's within the law definitely definitely damaging the BBC that this whole kind of thing exactly appropriate behavior is it absolutely and especially in the role that this particular person has within the BBC right not a weatherman you're saying okay we won't speculate we're not no I'm sorry let's make that clear so take my point that um maybe it's a red herring that the law side of it no it's got nothing to do with privacy got nothing to do with anything and this is where the sun made a terrible error it has everything to do with this person does a very responsible job is one of the major faces of the BBC and there is one particular photo that is going round um the uh going around the online World which would mean that that person under no circumstances could continue to do that job and they haven't published that photo Kelvin is there evidence that that photograph is kosher I mean Photoshop You've Got Deep fake you know can you can we can we are in a position well it's gone it's gone from a i to ARS that right that's nicely done yeah I'm here all week that's headlines tomorrow yeah we can't substantiate that any images floating around online are are true or authentic or indeed the names being bandied around it's important we stress that yeah I look I I agree with you in this in this world we're in right now and going forward the trouble with this particular article is that it will create uncertainty around all stories that a appear in the Sun or sun sun likes now listen is it bad news for the Sun as a brand this story if they've essentially you know so it's bad it's bad news it's bad news what does it mean for the sun honestly they're not in good shape anyway you know this was a chance to really really like get get you know make a few headlines and become relevant again right I I don't know about relevant they you know there's some damn good journalism down there and the trouble is this this casts a shadow over it that even when you've got the goods and you could publish the goods there's an uncertain note on the trumpet in that company now and you can see that in total TV you can see it on times radio there's a whole series of things that are going wrong not helped I suspect by having a CEO who's 92 briefly Kelvin can't imagine who you're talking about can we can I ask you about um the beep itself now going forward as well reputational damage to the beep how can they continue the pretense if the public think think that they know who it is we can't prove it right but if they how can they quietly make this go away people aren't stupid are they they can't they're not stupid do you think the person involved has got to do a press conference and fess up uh I very much doubt in the light of the kind of conversation we're having right now I cannot see that happening a month well that person ever be on television again like from tonight no no right so they will not appear on screen not appear on screen again but can you know by the way might even end up bizarrely in getting severance right that person's on the payroll still they're suspended but yeah yeah well when you're suspended as you're likely to discover in the future right you carry it you carry on you probably you can continue to be paid I'm just praying it's not a weatherman otherwise that's it yeah it is yeah that was your final job um yeah so so for the BBC it's a very bad news but it's not as bad news as if that picture had appeared last Saturday morning and the name had appeared you know because then they would have had the problem about well where is that May 19 um you know communication between the mother and I feel sorry for the parents the parents appear to have been defeated by The Establishment well then I knew it wouldn't be boring great to have you in the studio we'll catch up soon there you go the man in the no former editor of the Sun newspaper when it sold millions of copies every day
Channel: GBNews
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Keywords: GB news
Id: et3kWQzXUiE
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Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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