Mark Steyn: It’s odd to become a minority in your own capital city within a generation

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the United Kingdom is undergoing a phenomenal socio-cultural demographic transformation unprecedented in any long-settled society outside of war or pestilence such as the Black Death or some such as we mentioned yesterday with Kate hoey certain demographic shifts Fascinate the media for example of a slight adjustments between unionists and nationalists in Northern Ireland if the number of Protestants in county for Mana declines by 27 and the number of Catholics inches up by 34 the BBC is happy to run in-depth analyzes showing that loyalism is dead and about to be shoveled into the landfill of History the sun rather more start playing demographic shifts pass without comment by the media big boys yesterday my colleague Nigel farage tweeted out the latest numbers from the office of national statistics which he summarized as follows according to the ons figures London Manchester and Birmingham are now all minority white cities to which Sajid Jabet remember him he was a late Majesty's principal Secretary of State for health we kept trying to get him on the show and he kept giving us the bums Rush night after night anyway Sajid Jabet responded to Nigel's observation as follows so what so what don't you just love the crap servative party Mr Jabet is the quintessential crap servative man yes yes I know calling those guys over there the crap servative party isn't exactly Noel card level brittle wit I'm not going to be elbowing Oscar Wilde out of the dictionary of quotations with that one but to be honest after 12 years of crap servatism the crap servative party doesn't Merit anything witty or amusing or sophisticated so frankly I can't be bothered however if you don't like me renaming them the crap servative party why don't we tip our hat to Sajid Jabet and rename this unlovely collection of buffoons shysters and sellouts the so what party sing it Sajid oh look here's an 87 year old man waiting 15 hours for an ambulance so what oh my energy bill seems a tad higher than it used to be so what oh the tax burden is the highest since 1948. all together now says sagitt so what all brought to you by the so what party so what sagitt so what son so what Sajid this country is almost it's done but since so what Sajid has posed the question let's try to answer it according to the office for National statistics in London only 36.8 percent of the population are quote white British that's to say English Welsh Scottish Northern Irish I should declare upfront I don't really have a dog in this fight I don't have a drop of any of those various bloods in me my uh paternal grandmother uh was Irish but from South of the Border so for some reason the office of national statistics uh regards her as foreign although that's not how I think of it anyway to all that uh so what sajidson is so what so what well it's odd outside of conquest by War to become a minority in your own Capital City within a generation if the BBC reported that Tokyo is now only 36.8 percent Japanese it would be odd if the guardian reported that P King was now only 36.8 percent Chinese would be odd if Lagos in Nigeria fell within nothing flat to 36.8 black if new delhi's current population of 90 Hindu fell to 36.8 Hindu it would be odd odd and just to keep it non-racial if Budapest suddenly announced it was 36.8 Hungarian or Kiev were only 36.8 Ukrainian it would be odd especially if like so what Sajid and the so what party your base voted to quote Take Back Control of the borders and you so what's added and so what Boris and so what Teresa all represented yourselves as the fellows who would do it who would take back control this week albanians took control of the streets of Central London and Christian wakeford who is elected as a crap servative but earlier this year crossed the floor to join labor Sinead what's the big deal only 0.4 percent of the UK population is Albanian 0.4 of 67 million IS 268 000. which is 10 of the entire population of Albania now living in the UK what are they doing when they're not doing wheelies in their mercs and Lamborghinis on Westminster Bridge well here's the non-native prison population of the UK in 2022 and uh rocketing up to hit sound number one there right out of nowhere straight in at number one with close to twice as many jail birds as their nearest Rivals are the albanians and given that under Britain's pitiful useless so what constabury only 1.3 percent have reported crimes even result in a charge or summons I'd say that's probably a rather severe under count of their criminality still we can always use more albanians right the Guardians George monbio tweets I was brought up in a village that was almost exclusively white and Christian it was the most boring and stifling place I've ever known well don't worry about it George on these numbers they'll all be gone soon let me know what you think GB views at so what says so what's added but it means something the only question is precisely what the eminent historian Dr
Channel: GBNews
Views: 138,959
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Keywords: GB news, gbnews, Great Britain, United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, news, UK News, UK
Id: z3nQIJUaRnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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