MASS EFFECT 2 REMASTERED All Cutscenes (Legendary Edition Renegade) Game Movie PS5 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] shepherd did everything right more than we could have hoped for commander shepard uncovered the truth and still it's not enough we're at war no one wants to admit it but humanity is under attack but they're sending her to fight geth geth we both know they're not the real threat the reapers are still out there and it's up to us to stop them the council will never trust servers they'll never accept our help even after everything humanity has accomplished but shepard they'll follow her she's a hero a bloody icon but she's just one woman if we lose shepherd humanity might well follow then see to it that we don't lose her [Music] [Music] [Music] disengaging ftl drives emission sinks active board is green we are running silent we're wasting our time four days searching up and down this sector and we haven't found any sign of geth activity three ships went missing here in the past month something happened to him my money's on slavers the terminus system is crawling with them picking up something on the long-range scanner unidentified vessel hmm looks like a cruiser doesn't match any known signatures cruiser is changing course now on intercept trajectory can't be stealth systems are engaged there's no way it gets shipped to possibly it's not the gap brace pervasive maneuvers pressly multiple home breaches weapons offline somebody get that fire out [Music] shepard distress beacon is ready for launch will the alliance get here in time i'm not doing this just so they can find our frozen corpses get to the damn shuttles i'll haul joker's crippled ass out of here shepard get the hell out of here everybody in go go [Music] so [Music] heavy damage from an unknown enemy hold together come on joker we have to get out of here no i won't abandon the normandy i can still save her the normandy's lost going down with the ship won't change that yeah okay help me up [Music] watch the army uh [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] commander shepard has been recovered the lazarus project will proceed [Music] [Music] something's wrong she's reacting to outside stimuli showing an awareness of her surroundings oh my god miranda i think she's waking up damn it she's not ready yet give her the sedative shepherd don't try to move just lie still try to stay calm heart rate's still climbing brain activity is off the charts that's pushing into the red zone it's not working another day now heart rate dropping stats falling back into normal range that was too close we almost lost her i told you your estimates were off run the numbers again wake up commander is under attack there's a pistol in the locker on the other side what are you doing here i thought you were still a work in progress look pal i don't know where i am or how i got here plus my head feels like an overripe melon ready to split open how about you fill me in a little damn yeah i forgot this is all new to you sorry about that i'm jacob taylor i've been stationed here for hostiles detected damn it things must be worse than i thought if miranda's got you running around i'll fill you in but we better get you to the shuttle first it's your station jacob i'll follow you first step let's finish off these metal bastards we're low on thermal clips but i'm a biotic just give the order when you want me to hit him with the good stuff that's it ready to get the hell off this station what's the quickest way to those shuttles depends where the mechs are thickest it's probably best if we check check anyone on this frequency anybody still alive out there hello wilson this is jacob i'm here with commander shepard just took out a wave of mechs over in d-wing shepard's alive how the hell never mind you need to get her out of there get to the service tunnels and head for the network control room roger that wilson stay on this frequency let's get out of here you bet we can get into the service tunnels through this door down here bastards got me in a leg we need to get off this station i'm not going anywhere until someone fixes my leg should be some metagel in the first aid station on the wall hopefully there's enough to get him up and moving again grab the metagel from the first aid station thanks shepard never thought you'd save my life guess that makes us even now i thought maybe i could shut down the security mix but whoever did this fry the whole system completely irreversible we didn't ask what you were doing why do you even have security mech clearance you were in the bio wing weren't you listening i came here to try and fix this besides i was shot how do you explain that i don't care who set up who those mechs are shooting at all of us we'll sort it out later we need to find miranda first we can't just leave her behind forget about miranda she was over in d-wing the mechs were all over that sector there's no way she survived a bunch of mechs won't drop miranda she's alive then where is she why haven't we heard from her there are only two possible explanations she's either dead or she's a traitor if miranda's dead there's nothing we can do we have to save our own asses right now the shuttle bay is only a few shepard if i tell you who we work for would you trust me this really isn't the time jacob we won't make it if she's expecting a shot in the back if you want to piss off the boss it's your ass jacob the lazarus project the program that rebuilt you it's funded and controlled by cerberus i wiped out my share of cerberus projects when i was a spectre back then they were trying to kill me why the change of heart those answers are way above my pay grade but basically things change the alliance declared you dead they gave up cerberus spent a fortune to bring you back look i'd be suspicious too but right now we have to work together i thought you deserve to know what's what once we're off the station i'll take you to the elusive man he'll explain everything i promise well if i won't get any more answers here let's get moving it's not much farther to the shuttle bay come on through here we're almost at the miranda but you are dead what the hell are you doing my job wilson betrayed us all you should have taken him alive see what he knew too risky i've put too much time and effort bringing you back to life to let you get killed now you really think wilson's capable of that not anymore if you say so what's our next step we get on the shuttle and go my boss wants to speak to you you mean the elusive man i know you work for cerberus ah jacob i should have known your conscience would get the better of you lying to the commander isn't the way to get her to join our cause well since we're getting everything out in the open is there anything else you want to ask before we go commander i've had enough of this station to last a lifetime or two in your case come on [Music] before you meet with the elusive man we need to ask a few questions to evaluate your condition what we have to do this now we should have done weeks of testing to confirm the success of project lazarus a few questions during the shuttle ride will have to suffice okay records show you were a colony kid lost your parents when slavers hid mindwar you enlisted and led troops during some heavy fighting most notably on torphin do you remember taking on some batarian slavers bastards were dug in deep in a fortified bunker i sent a lot of good soldiers to their deaths that's how it had to be you got the job done that's all that matters satisfied miranda almost let's try something more recent vermeier where you destroyed seren's cloning facility you had to leave one of your squad behind to die in the blast gunnery chief ashley williams was killed in action it was your call why did you leave her behind being in command means that sometimes you give orders knowing that your people are gonna die that can't affect your decisions ash gave her life for the rest of the team without her i couldn't have stopped sarin she died a hero i understand commander and i wasn't judging your decision everybody at cerberus knows that cloning facility had to be destroyed there are other tests we really should run come on miranda enough with the quizzes the memories are there and i can vouch for shepard's combat skills personally i suppose you're right we'll have to hope the elusive man accepts our little field test as evidence enough so commander shepard elusive man i thought we'd be meeting face to face unnecessary precaution not unusual for people who know what you and i know from what i hear i cost you a fortune why'd you do it for the defense and preservation of humanity i didn't spend two years and billions of credits bringing you back to serve as a common soldier but humanity is up against the greatest threat of our brief existence the reapers good to see your memories still intact how are you feeling i noticed a few upgrades i hope you didn't replace anything really important we tried to keep you as intact as possible we need shepherd just as you were when you defeated sovereign what are the reapers doing that made you decide to bring me back we're at war no one wants to admit it but humanity is under attack while you've been sleeping entire colonies have been disappearing human colonies we believe it's someone working for the reapers just as saren and the geth aided sovereign you've seen it yourself you bested all of them that's just one reason we chose you if you're after the reapers just point me in the right direction miranda was worried you'd be resistant she's not usually wrong i have a shuttle ready to take you to freedom's progress the latest colony to be abducted miranda and jacob will brief you what do you think i'll find there if i knew that i wouldn't need to send you find any clues you can who's abducting the colonies do they have any connection to the reapers i brought you back it's up to you to do the rest we should be there shortly shepard the elusive man put us under your command do you have any orders we're gonna find out who did this and take them down nothing gets in our way am i clear perfectly commander good to have you here shepard stop right there you said you'd let me handle this wait shepherd i'm not taking any chances with cerberus operatives put those weapons down shepherd is that you're alive tally zora you served on my ship you know what i do to people who threaten me tell your team to put their weapons away damn it tally this is why would your own commander work for cerberus i don't know but if this is shepherd i don't know shepard would have a reason cerberus rebuilt me but i'm not taking their orders we can discuss the specifics once i know why you're here one of our people was here on pilgrimage his name was vitor we came to find him everyone else is dead what makes you think vitor survived we saw him when we landed you saw him then why isn't he with you already vitor was injured and he was always uh nervous she means that he was unstable combined that with damage to his suit co2 scrubbers and an infection from an open-air exposure and he's likely delirious when he saw us landing he hid in a warehouse on the far side of town we suspect he also programmed the mechs to attack anything that moved vitor is the only one who can tell us what happened here we should work together to find him good idea you'll need two teams to get past the drones anyway now we're working with cerberus no praza you're working for me if you can't follow orders go wait on the ship head for the warehouse through the center of the colony we'll circle around the far side and draw off some of the drones to clear you a path make sure to keep in radio contact will do good luck shepard see you on the far side we should have expected this come on we can still catch them ah that max got heavy armor plated those quarians never stood a chance this is gonna be one tough son of a to take down monsters coming back mex will protect safe from swarms have to hide no monsters no swarms no no no no no not here swarms can't find monsters coming have to hide hey i'm talking to you great we come all this way and our only witness is a babbling idiot swarm's coming storm coming storm of swarms mexico you're not one of them you're human they they didn't find you who didn't find us the monsters the swarms they took everyone why didn't the colonists fight back vitor what happened you don't know you didn't see but i see everything looks like security footage he must have pieced it together manually what the hell is that my god i think it's a collector i thought the collectors kept to themselves they usually work through intermediaries like slavers or hired mercenaries if they're involved with the reapers somehow it could explain what happened to the colonies the collectors have advanced technology they could have a weapon that disables an entire settlement at once the seeker swarms no one can hide the seekers find you freeze you then the monsters take you away what happened next the monsters took the people onto the ship and then they left the ship flew away but they'll be back for me no one escapes i think that's probably all we're getting out of him commander we appreciate what you told us you were very helpful i studied them the monsters the swarms i recorded them with my omni tool lots of readings electromagnetic dark energy we need to get this data to the elusive man grab the quarry and call the shuttle to come pick us up what vitor is injured he needs treatment not an interrogation we won't hurt him we just need to see if he knows anything else he'll be returned unharmed your people tried to betray us once already if we give him to you we'll never get the intel we need praza was an idiot and he and his men paid for it you're welcome to take vitor's omnitool data but please just let me take him he's traumatized and he needs medical care tally will give us the omni tool data and take him to the flotilla understood commander thank you shepard i'm glad you're still the one giving the orders good luck out there if i find anything that can help you i'll let you know we're ready for pickup shepard good work on freedom's progress the quarians forwarded their findings from vidor's debriefing no new data but it's a surprising olive branch given our history you and i have different methods but i can't argue with your results you ever think about playing nice once in a while diplomacy is great when it works but difficult when everyone already perceives you as a threat but more importantly you confirm the collectors are behind the abductions tell me what you know about these collectors they periodically travel to the terminus systems looking to gather seemingly unimportant items or specimens usually in exchange for their technology when their transactions are complete they disappear as quickly as they arrived back beyond the unmapped omega-4 relay until now we've had no evidence of direct aggression by the collectors the collectors are definitely a human enemy but how do we know there's a connection to the reapers their focus shifted to humanity only after you and the human fleet destroyed sovereign the abductions are related even if the alliance and the council refuse to believe it i won't wait until the reapers are on the march we need to take the fight to them i hate waiting but i'll need a team a good one i've already compiled a list of soldiers scientists and mercenaries you'll get dossiers on the best of them finding them and convincing them to work with you could be challenging but you're a natural leader i'll continue to track the collectors when they make their next appearance i'll notify you and your team be ready [Music] you worry about the collectors i'll make sure my team's ready good two things before you go first head to omega and find morton solas he's a brilliant solarian scientist our intelligence suggests he may know how to counteract the collector's paralyzing seeker swarms sounds good and what else i've found a pilot i think you might like i hear he's one of the best someone you can trust hey commander just like old times huh i can't believe it's you joker look who's talking i saw you get spaced got lucky with a lot of strings attached how'd you get here it all fell apart without you commander everything you stirred up the council just wanted it gone the team was broken up record sealed and i was grounded the alliance took away the one thing that mattered to me hell yeah i joined cerberus you really trust the elusive man well i don't trust anyone who makes more than i do but they aren't all bad saved your life let me fly and there's this they only told me last night [Music] [Music] it's good to be home huh commander i guess we'll have to give her a name [Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome aboard the new normandy commander i've been looking over the dossiers i'd strongly recommend starting by acquiring morden solas the solarian professor on omega we know the collectors use some type of advanced technology to immobilize their victims we'll need him to develop a countermeasure to protect us and without that counter measure we'll be helpless if we ever run into the collectors acquiring professor sola seems like the most logical place to start who are you i am the normandy's artificial intelligence the crew like to refer to me as edie having an ai in charge of the normandy system should give us an advantage actually i am not in control of the ship commander due to the potential dangers of a rogue ai servers has severely restricted my capabilities during combat i operate the electronic warfare and cyber warfare suites beyond that i cannot interface with the ship's systems i observe and offer analysis and advice nothing more now that we've got that sorted out let's move on to these dossiers final preparations for takeoff are complete commander when you're ready to go just pick a destination from the galaxy map in the cic and i'll plot a course jacob and i should return to our posts come find us if you have any questions [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] welcome to omega you're new here aren't you i can always tell allow me to oh hello macklin i was just leave forget now oh of course whatever she wants blasted scavengers welcome to omega shepherd you know who i am of course we had you tag the moment you entered the terminus systems you're not as subtle as you think arya wants to know what brings a dead specter to omega i suggest you go to afterlife now and present yourself cut the attitude i'm not here to cause problems for omega things explode around you shepard you can't blame arya for keeping an eye on you afterlife now i'm receiving quarantine warnings about the slums where dr morton solis runs the clinic anticipate resistance at the transport station please you have to help me no one said you could talk jackass you zaid my soni yeah that's me you must be commander shepard oh yeah we have a galaxy to save good to have you zaid we have a lot to do that's what they tell me i assume the elusive man told you about our arrangement i'm assuming there's some part of your contract that i'm expected to handle that about right yeah funny didn't tell you picked up a mission a little while back just before i signed on with cerberus i thought you might be interested you heard the name vito santiago he's the head of the blue suns runs the whole organization seems he recently captured an elf ashland refinery on sawyer and is using their workers for slave labor the company wants it dealt with i'll make sure we get that done good get it out of the way so we can concentrate on being big goddamn heroes i better turn this thing in before it starts this thing i'll be locked and loaded next time you're ready to get some killing done [Music] that's close enough stand still i was told you're the person to talk to if i have questions they're clean depends on the questions you run omega i am omega but you need more everyone needs more something and they all come to me i'm the boss ceo queen if you're feeling dramatic it doesn't matter omega has no titled ruler and only one rule don't with arya sounds like neither of us likes being jerked around and on your ship that would matter here we entertain my preferences so what can i do for you i'm trying to track down archangel you and half of omega you want him dead too i'm putting a team together he's on my list interesting you're gonna make some enemies teaming up with archangel that's assuming you can get to him he's in a bit of trouble right now what kind of trouble the local merk groups have joined forces to take him down they've got him cornered but it sounds like they're having trouble finishing him off they've started hiring anybody with a gun to help sounds like that might be our ticket in they're using a private room for recruiting just over there i'm sure they'll sign you up i appreciate the help see if you still feel that way when the mercs realize you're here to help him i'm looking for morton solas do you know where i can find him the salarian doctor last i heard he was trying to help plague victims in the quarantine zone i always liked morton he's as likely to heal you as he is to shoot you what can you tell me about him used to be part of the solarian special tasks group he's brilliant and dangerous just don't get him talking he never shuts up if you really need to find him take a shuttle to the quarantine zone no guarantee they'll let you in of course i hear you're recruiting why don't you step inside you'll get paid when the job's done just like everyone else who's next lord you sweet you're in the wrong place honey strippers quarters are that way show me yours tough guy i bet mine's bigger impressive so you're here to fight them you could say that standard fee is 500 credits each you get paid when the job's done if you die your friends don't collect your share you'll need your own weapons and armor looks like you got that covered and no this does not make you a member of the blue sun's eclipse of the blood pack you are a freelancer period any questions where do we go just head over to the transport depot outside the club one of our boys will take you from there send in the next one hey is this where i sign up this is it but it's no game kid i grew up on omega i know how to use a gun so does archangel i can handle myself besides i just spent 50 credits on this pistol and i want to use it get your money back hey woody trust me kid you'll thank me later i'm on the mission i hope you're ready archangel's been annihilating you freelancers ready when you are get in [Music] it's about time they sent me someone who looks like they can actually fight they tell you what we're up against the recruiter was a little vague we wouldn't get many hires if everyone knew the truth archangels hold up in a building at the end of the boulevard over there he's got superior position and the only way in is over a very exposed bridge it's a killing ground but he's getting tired making mistakes we'll have him soon enough i'll get to him just point me at that bridge i like your attitude but we've got a plan in place you'll be on a distraction team head straight over the bridge and keep archangel busy so the infiltration team can sneak in behind him that's gonna have suicide pretty much but you look like you can handle it head up to the boulevard and get to the third barricade talk to sergeant kathka he'll tell you when to go in i better go find sergeant cathcam good idea watch yourself on the boulevard archangels killed dozens out there already well we might have a way in but getting out could be interesting let's find him first then we'll figure out how to get back [Music] kathka were you waiting for us the infiltration team is about to give us a signal archangel won't know what hit him got any questions this may be your last chance are you leading yourself doesn't pay me to fight i just plan the attacks and fix the damn gunship you freelancers get the privilege of target is in sight check bravo team go go archangel's got quite a surprise waiting for him but that means no more waiting for me gotta get her back to a hundred percent before tara decides he needs her again you're working too hard doesn't look like archangel's got much time what the hell are we waiting for come on we'll give these guys a surprise of our own incoming archangel [Music] wow shepard i thought you were dead what are you doing here good to see you too i'm just surprised to see you you and me both still it's good to see a friendly face killing mercs is hard work especially on my own well we got here but i don't think getting out will be as easy no it won't that bridge has saved my life funneling all those witless idiots into scope but it works both ways they'll slaughter us if we try to get out that way we can't just sit here and wait for them to come to us it's not all that bad this place has held them off so far and with three of you i suggest we hold this location wait for a crack in their defenses take our chances it's not a perfect plan but it's a plan i didn't like sneaking anyway time to spill a little merc blood glad to see you haven't changed let's see what they're up to looks like they know their infiltration team failed take a look scouts eclipse i think more than scouts one less now though indeed we better get ready i'll stay up here i can do a lot of damage from this vantage point you you can do what you do best just like old times shepard if you want something done properly all right let's see how you handle this smart angel go that problem should take care of itself you're kicking ass shepherd they barely touched me and we got jareth in the process i've been hunting that little bastard for months we've still got blood packing blue suns left i think we can make a break for it maybe let's see what they're up to they've reinforced the other side heavily but they're not coming over the bridge yet what are they waiting for what the hell was that damn it they breached the lower level well they had to use their brains eventually you'd better get down there shepard i'll keep the bridge clear i didn't come all this way to let you die i'll split up two and two keep one of my team here you sure who knows what you'll find down there jacob stay with garrus keep him alive if you say so i'm not sure it's a good idea thanks shepard you better get going we're on our way go down a level the basement door is on the west side of the main room behind the stairs i'll radio directions if you need help but you've got to get down there quick good luck shots get back here shepard they're coming in through the doors watch my back i'll deal with archangel thanks shepard they hardly got through to me and we took out garm and his blood pack this day just gets better and better he was one tough son of a only the blue suns are left i say we take our chances and fight our way out i think you're right derek's got the toughest group but nothing we haven't faced before besides he won't be expecting us to meet him head-on garrett we're getting you out of here garrus just hold on radio joker make sure they're ready for us he's not gonna make it commander we've done what we could for garrus but he took a bad hit the docs corrected with surgical procedures and some cybernetics best we can tell he'll have full functionality but shepard tough son of a didn't think he'd be up yet nobody would give me a mirror how bad is it they did what they could but you're gonna have some scars i'm sorry some women find facial scars attractive mind you most of those women are krogen frankly i'm more worried about you i've heard bad things about cerberus these past few years that's why i'm glad you're here garrus if i'm walking into hell i want someone i trust at my side you realize this plan has me walking into hell too just like old times i'm fit for duty whenever you need me shepard i'll settle in and see what i can do with the forward batteries i told you to get lost lady the plague has the whole zone quarantined nobody gets in i'm human you ass humans can't get the plague now let me get my stuff out before looters get it this thing affects every other race out there we're not taking chances nobody gets in until the plague has run its course there's a solarian named morton solis in the slums i've got to get in there to find him the doctor yeah crazy bastard opened the clinic in the district a few months ago the blue sun's went too happy when he moved in i hear morden's trying to deal with the plague i wish him luck the area is still locked down our orders are to wait until either the plague or the blue suns kill everyone then go in and clean up listen you're stuck here till this quarantine's over that could take weeks what you really need is to get this problem solved right now that's what i do solve problems let me in and i'll get this district straightened out you think you can fix us why not quarantine is more to keep infected people in anyway i'll radio ahead tell them you're coming in wait you're stopping me but not them you son of a you don't have a grenade launcher lady get lost fortunately humans are immune to the plague professor morton solis hmm don't recognize you from area too well armed to be refugees no mercenary uniform quarantine's still in effect here for something else fortune crew to clean them out unlikely for a symptom not a cause the plague investigating possible uses buy a weapon no no no too many guns not enough data equipment soldiers not scientists yes yes for the love of god take a breath i came here to find you okay i'm commander shepard i'm on a critical mission and i need your help mission what mission no no no no too busy clinic under staff plague spreading too fast who sent you ever heard of an organization called cerberus crossed paths on occasion thought they only worked with humans why request solarian aid i'm on a mission to shut down the collectors and i need your help collectors interesting plague hitting these slums as engineer collectors want a few groups with technology to design it our goals may be similar but must stop playing first already have a cure need to distribute it at environmental control center for guarding it need to kill them i'll get in and deal with the vorcha that sounded troubling fortune has shut down environmental systems trying to kill everyone need to get power back on before district suffocates here take place cure also bonus in good faith weapon from dead blue sun's mercs may come in handy against fortune one more thing daniel one of my assistants went to divorce territory looking for victims hasn't come back if i see him i'll do what i can to help thank you told him not to go but he's smart bright future i hope i found a batarian plague victim near the entrance to the neighborhood can you send someone to help him hmm risky blue sun's fortress still battling district not secure see what i can do let's head for the environmental plant yes good restore power release cure we'll be here when you return i'm telling you the truth i work for morden at the clinic i came here to help you we know you're spreading the plague virus we saw the vials in your bag no those vials contain the cure please you have to believe me maybe we should cut off your fingers i should loosen here look out don't move one more step that will kill your friend pull that trigger and you're breathing through a new hole in your head let him go and you walk away oh god you must think materials are stupid what's to stop you from killing us if we let him go let him live i let you leave kill him i do the same to you let him go you got what you wanted him thank you i thought they were gonna i'm gonna kill me did morton send you to find me the professor could use your help right now he's got too many patients and not enough volunteers yeah okay i'll go right away thanks again i owe you well everything ah you don't come here we shut down machines break fans everyone choke and die then collectors make us strong what do the collectors want collectors want plague you work for doctor turn on machines put cure in air we kill you first ah eyes up front here we go it's gonna blow down the cure is in place now we need to reactivate the fans both fans are online morden should be pleased environmental systems engaged airborne viral levels dropping patients improving fortune retreating well done shepard thank you and thank you for me as well those batarians would have killed me for a second there i thought you were going to shoot them even after they let me go i was tempted for a minute but in the end i figured they didn't deserve to die merciful of you risky would have killed them myself professor how can you say that you're a doctor you believe in helping people lots of ways to help people sometimes heal patients sometimes execute dangerous people either way helps go check on the patients lots of work to do think about what i said good kid bit naive he'll learn letting him take over the clinic should be able to handle it now that forge are gone we've cured the plague are you ready to help stop the collectors yes i'm expected to be working with cerberus many surprises just need to finish up here at the clinic won't take long meet you at your ship looking forward to it welcome to the normandy professor it's an honor to have you on board yes very exciting cerberus working with aliens unexpected elusive man branching out maybe not so human-centric the collectors have been abducting colonists from the fringes of the terminus systems no distress signals are sent out no signs of attack there's virtually no evidence that anything unusual happened at all except that every man woman and child is gone gas maybe no spreads too slow airborne virus no slower than gas you don't have to sit there and guess we collected samples from one of the colonies i'd like you to analyze them and figure out how the collectors did this yes of course analyze the samples are going to need a lab there is a fully equipped lab on the combat deck professor solis if you find anything lacking please place a requisition order who's that pilot no synthesized voice simulated emotional inflections could it be no maybe have to ask is that an a.i the ship is equipped with an artificial intelligence an ai on board non-human crew members server is more desperate than i thought the collectors have taken tens of thousands of colonists we'll do whatever we have to do to find and stop them yes of course can't risk being captured like colonists need to identify neutralized technology need samples which way to the lab follow me professor tell me your password commander shepard silence is golden good to finally meet you commander shepard i'm a fan we've got a spot set up for you on the normandy make yourself at home looking forward to it haven't done this kind of thing before big mission saving the galaxy i'm really glad you're helping me out with the heist can't wait to see how you look in formal wear i have a feeling you know something i don't they didn't tell you and they call me secretive i'm looking for my old partner's grey box a man named donovan hawk took it and i'm planning to get it back if that's what cerberus promised you we'll get it done it'll be fun and if we're lucky you won't even have to draw your gun we should probably wrap this up you look pretty silly standing there talking to an advertisement see you on the ship shepard dossier doesn't say if ok is on this planet by choice assume hostiles there is only one measure of success i won't stop bleeding son of a suck it up soldier i've seen worse he doesn't need to know that i knew it wasn't berserkers ah not at range you're mercs or alliance i'm not i'm not telling you anything i've got a nice application of meta gel ready to go but if you'd rather i just keep walking son of a bit i just i don't know anything i just shoot the overflow from the labs the old krogan up there he's really been cleaning house lately judor hired him to make her an army but the krogan he creates are insane so we use them for live ammo training it's all crap i don't get paid enough to goddamn bleed out outpost 4 door wants us to move we need coordinates on that grogan pack you heard the man on the radio he needs direction i i don't have the info they want you showed up before i could get my normal sightings you have other problems patrol uh uh pax siding east of station two yeah copy east of two they'll run blind into krogan if you start limping now you might find a shady spot before you bleed out oh oh he just about pissed himself some people need a heavy hand come on our warlord is somewhere training is presence you are different new you don't smell like this world seven night cycles and i felt only the need to kill but you something makes me speak that thing's only a week oh they must breed them full size ready to kill not much improvement over regular mercs if they need training bread to kill no i kill because my blood and bone tell me to but it's not why i was flushed from glass mother survival is what i hear in my head against the enemy that threatens all my kind but i failed even before waking that is what the voice in the water said that is why i wait here can you show me the laboratory i need to speak with o'keer the glass mother she is up past the broken parts behind many of you fleshy things i will show you yeah yeah krogens are strong we get it you fleshy things are slow when big things are in your way can you show us the way help us fight to the lab no hey we let you out a little gratitude i will fight if they come but i feel it deep that i must wait i kill but only here i am not perfect but i have purpose i must wait until called released not a lot of room to maneuver keep it together it's about time the batteries on these tanks will not wait while you play with these idiotic mercs you want to know who i am before you start making demands i know you shepard your own demands will come i'm sure you weren't dragged back from death because someone needed a diplomat surprised all krogan should know you or have you forgotten your actions on vermeier i didn't have a lot of room for finesse if there had been any other solution i'd have considered it but i approve seren's pale horde were not true krogen numbers are known on nothing the mistake of an outsider one that these mercenaries have also made i gave their leader my rejects for her army but she grows impatient it's time for you to take me out of here we're not here to help you jackass we hear about the collectors i see yes collector attacks have increased a human concern my requests were focused elsewhere i acquired the knowledge to create one pure soldier with that i will inflict upon the genophage the greatest insult and enemy can suffer to be ignored your methods are extreme but you know how to deconstruct a threat will you help us perhaps i can strike a deal to secure passage but my prototype is not negotiable it is the key to my legacy attention i have traced the krogan release here of course i'm calling blank slate on this project gas these commandos and start over from o'kir's with a damn valve shepard you want information on the collectors stop her she'll try to access contaminants in the storage bay sorry doctor it appears your position is just weakened i understand but you'll have nothing if she poisons us all jadore will be with the rejected texts kill her i will stay and do what must be done after all he's done he was willing to die to save this thing must be valuable a bullet in the brain would save us a lot of headaches a pure krogan could pack a hell of a punch i can always use another heavy hitter yeah a heavy hitter not a raging monster but you're the boss normandy ok is a no go but we have a package that needs retrieval and he's a big one bringing the krogan for study makes sense but i have concerns about waking it yeah you've said that a few times now a normal krogan is dangerous this one was created and likely educated by a madman i see everyone's enjoying the new paperweight concerns we don't know anything about it commander i know you don't find that interesting krogen fight well at close quarters perhaps awakening him in a confined space wouldn't be prudent noted the cargo hold is safe enough while i decide what to do with him [Music] welcome to the purgatory shepherd your package is being prepped and you can claim it shortly as this is a high security vessel you'll need to relinquish your weapons before we proceed i'll relinquish one bullet where do you want it everyone stand down commander i'm warden cural and this is my ship your weapons will be returned on the way out you must realize this is just a standard procedure it's my standard procedure to keep my gun let them proceed our facility is more than secure enough to handle three armed guests we're bringing jack out of cryo as soon as the fund's clear you can be on your way if you'll follow me to out processing for the pickup commander let's go [Music] cell block 2 as you can see we keep tight control over the population each prisoner's cell is a self-contained modular unit i've blown a few out the airlocks as an example the ship is made up of 30 cell blocks identical to this one we house thousands of criminals we can put the whole place in lockdown on a moment's notice nothing goes wrong here let's get on with this anyone ever tried to escape [Music] we're in space they have nowhere to go and they know it but still we exercise extreme caution these are dangerous individuals [Applause] we have many ways to control the population [Music] i'm going to confirm that the funds from server is cleared out processing is straight down this hallway just keep going past the interrogation rooms and the supermax wing [Music] i'll catch up with you later shepard my apology shepard you're more valuable as a prisoner than a customer drop your weapons and proceed into this open cell you will not be harmed maybe i can change your mind activate systems shepard is on the loose repeat shepard if we hack that control every door on the cell block opens it's the only way i'm doing it be ready wait that's jack [Music] god [Music] they're going to kill her let's move [Music] you're valuable shepherd i could have sold you and lived like a king but you're too much trouble at least i can recapture jack not happening you're a two-bit slave trader and i don't have time for it i do the hard things civil governments are unwilling to this is for the good of the galaxy stop cerberus what the hell do you want i just saved your ass he was already dead he just didn't know it now what the hell do you want you're in a bad situation and i'm gonna get you out of here you sound like a i'm not going anywhere with you you're cerberus i'm offering to be your friend you don't want to be my enemy listen to shepard it'll save your life you show up in a cerberus frigate to take me away somewhere you think i'm stupid this ship is going down in flames i've got the only way out i'm offering to take you with me and you're arguing we could just knock her out and take her i'd like to see you try it might just come to that you'll have to kill me look you want me to come with you make it worth my while tell me what you're thinking i bet your ship's got lots of cerberus databases i want to look at those files see what cerberus got on me you want me on your team let me go through those databases i'll give you full access shepard you're not authorized to do that oh it upsets the cheerleader even better you better be straight up with me so why the hell are we standing here move out welcome to the normandy jack i'm miranda shepard's second in command on the ship we follow orders tell the cerberus cheerleader to back off shepard i'm here because of our deal miranda will let you into the system let me know what you find hear that precious we're going to be friends you me and every embarrassing little secret i'll be reading down in the hold or somewhere near the bottom i don't like a lot of through traffic keep your people off me better that way shepard i think we have them horizon one of our colonies in the terminus systems just went silent if it isn't under attack it soon will be has morden delivered the countermeasure for the seeker swarms not yet let's hope he works well under pressure there's something else you should know one of your former crew caden alenko is stationed on horizon we should send a message to the citadel the alliance can give us reinforcements not until you investigate i don't want the alliance getting in our way once you have the situation under control i'll send the message personally send the coordinates we'll head straight there this is the most warning we've ever had shepard good luck joker set a course for horizon i've got to go see the professor tell me you have something yes lola we've got a problem still can't calibrate the targeting matrix those defense towers are useless if we don't figure it out sorry commander getting our comm systems back online takes priority yeah okay surprised people haven't tried to blame that one on me too people out here don't trust the alliance it's nothing personal what is that get everyone to the safe house i'll cover you run [Music] hurry [Music] [Music] [Music] assuming control so we are the harbinger of their perfection prepare these humans great you sure those armor upgrades will protect us from the seeker swarms certainty impossible but in limited numbers should confuse detection make us invisible to swarms in theory in theory that sounds promising experimental technology only test is contact with seeker swarms look forward to seeing if you survive those things look like the husks that geth used on eden primes i thought the geth got that technology from sovereign so the elusive man was right the collector's answer to the reapers looks half human guess we know what happened to the colonists no the geth impaled their victims on giant spikes to turn them into husks but we haven't seen any the collectors must have already had the husks they want the colonists alive for something else collectors must be experimenting on the colonists what are they up to sounds almost worse than what cerberus did to me guess we'll find out when we stop them the collectors aren't getting away with more victims let's move out whatever you say boss lady peaceful usually takes a lot of chemicals for me to get this kind of quiet all these empty buildings it's unsettling i am assuming direct control you will not stay this is what you face i know this hurts you company get out here now here human what are you doing out here you lead them right here i cleared a path you're lucky you're not in the hold of a collector ship right now those things are collectors you mean they're real i thought they were just made up you know propaganda to keep us an alliance space no they got lilith i i saw her go down stand too they they got that near everybody i need to know what i'm up against tell me everything you remember we lost our calm signals a few hours ago i came down to check on the main grid then i heard screaming i looked outside and there was swarms of bugs everyone they touched just froze i i seal the doors damn it it's the alliance's fault they stationed that commander olenco here and built those defense towers it made us a target if you have defenses we can use them against the collector ship you'd need to calibrate the targeting system first it's never worked right one of us should be able to figure it out we just need the location head for the main transmitter on the other side of the colony pretty hard to miss the targeting controls are at the base you know this colony and the equipment you better come with us not a chance in hell you'd probably just get in the way yeah that's what i was thinking too i'll let you out but i'm locking the door behind you i'm not taking any chances good luck i think you're gonna need it normandy do you copy joker here signal sweet commander but we got you time to show these things we give as good as we get edie bring the defense towers online errors in the calibration software are easily rectified but it will take time to bring the towers to full power i recommend a defensive posture i will not be able to mask the increased generator output great we play piggy in the middle while she sorts out the batteries we'll stop them easy enough maybe not enemy reinforcements closing in i suggest you ready weapons um they're pulling out no don't let him get away that ship is huge exactly how are we supposed to catch it half the colonies in there they took eagan and salmon and lilith do something i did my best you just hidden your damn bunker if it wasn't for shepard you'd all be on board that ship shepard wait i know that name sure i remember you you're some type of big alliance hero commander shepard captain of the normandy the first human specter savior of the citadel you're in the presence of a legend deland and a ghost all the good people we lost and you get left behind figures screw this i'm done with you alliance types i thought you were dead commander we all did it's been too long caden have you been is that all you have to say you show up after two years and just act like nothing happened i would have followed you anywhere commander thinking you were gone it was like losing a limb why didn't you try to contact me why didn't you let me know you were alive not my choice i spent the last two years in some kind of coma while cerberus rebuilt me you're with cerberus now garrus too i can't believe the reports were right reports you mean you already knew alliance intel thought cerberus might be behind the missing human colonies i got a tip this colony might be the next one to get hit anderson stonewalled me but there were rumors that you weren't dead but you were working for the enemy cerberus and i want the same thing to save our colonies that doesn't mean i answer to them do you really believe that or is that just what cerberus wants you to think i wanted to believe the rumors that you were alive but i never expected anything like this you've turned your back on everything we stood for this isn't about me working for cerberus caden something far more important is at stake you saw it yourself the collectors are targeting human colonies and they're working with the reapers i want to believe you shepard but i don't trust cerberus they could be using the threat of a reaper to manipulate you what if they're behind it what if they're working with the collectors demikaden you're so focused on cerberus that you're ignoring the real threat i can see you won't listen to reason you show up after two years and tell me you're working with cerberus what does reason figure into any of this you've changed but i still know where my loyalties lie i'm an alliance soldier always will be i've got to report back to the citadel they can decide if they believe your story or not so long so long commander good luck joker send the shuttle to pick us up i've got enough of this colony [Music] shepard good work on horizon hopefully the collectors will think twice before attacking another colony it's not a victory we interrupted the collectors but they still abducted half the colony that's better than an entire colony and more than we've accomplished since the abductions began the collectors will be more careful now but i think we can find another way to lure them in we chase them off once find a target and i'll hit it our target is set but we can't reach it yet it's their home world i'm devoting all resources to finding a way through the omega-4 relay we have to hit them where they live your team will need to be strong as will their resolve there's no looking back the same goes for you can i assume you've put your past relationships behind you it was hard to see caden again and now it's done best to leave those connections behind and focus on our mission shepard once you find a way through the omega 4 relay to the collector home world there's no guarantee you'll return to have any hope of surviving you and your entire team must be fully committed to this let me worry about them you just find us a way to the collector home world i just want to be upfront about your odds you'll need everyone at their best i've forwarded three more dossiers keep building your team while i find a way through the relay and be careful shepard the collectors will be watching you i guess we're really gonna do it hit the omega 4 relay take the fight to the collectors in person looking forward to the action after seeing what those bastards did on horizon though makes you think they're powerful but we've got a few tricks for them if anyone can stop them we can no argument there commander horizon just made it hit home what we're doing what we're up against gonna go take care of a little unfinished business i imagine everyone else is too getting some closure you know patching the illusion commander shepard we got a break i intercepted a distress call from a taurean patrol they stumbled onto a collector's ship beyond the corliss system the turians were wiped out but not before they crippled the collector vessel i need you to board that ship and get some hard data on the collectors find us a way to get to their home world send me the coordinates and i'll take care of it already sent once you're aboard the ship establish an uplink with edie she'll mine their data for information regarding the omega 4 relay good luck shepard coordinates bunched in [Music] we have a visual on the collectorship commander very low emissions passive infrared temperatures suggest most systems are offline thrusters are cold one thing is massive how the hell did the turians take it out later scans do not detect any hold breaches on the side facing us i detect no mass effect field distortions it appears the drive core is offline rendezvous in 30 seconds commander good luck [Music] [Music] i've never seen a ship like this before somewhat resembles an insect hive penetrating scans have detected an access node to uplink with collector data banks marking location to your heartsuit computer shepard i've compared the ship's em signature to known collector profiles it is the vessel you encountered on horizon maybe the defense tower softened it for the turians perhaps the missing colonists are there if they're still alive same containers as on horizon only empty it must have been horrible trapped in these pods helpless completely at the mercy of the collectors what happened here why would the collectors just leave a pile of bodies lying around test subjects from control group discarded after experiment was over they're dead nothing we can do keep moving that's a collector were they experimenting on one of their own edie i'm uploading the data from this terminal see if you can figure out what they were up to data received analyzing the collectors were running baseline genetic comparisons between their species and humanity is there something we can use in the data to give us an edge these are only preliminary experiments but they reveal something remarkable a quad-strand genetic structure identical to traces collected from ancient ruins only one race is known to have this structure the protheans my god the protheans didn't vanish they're just working for the reapers now these are no longer prothean shepherd their genes show distinct signs of extensive genetic rewrite the reapers have repurposed them to suit their needs whatever they used to be the collectors work for the reapers now and we still have to stop them no species should have to suffer through that let's find what we need before the collectors come to salvage this vessel move out two years ago they are an exact match the same ship dogging me for two years way beyond coincidence something doesn't add up commander watch your back so many pods could depopulate all terminus systems still wouldn't fill them they're going to target earth not if we stop them there on the platform looks like some kind of control panel collectors seems odd alive or dead suggest caution edie i'm setting up a bridge between you and the collector ship see if you can get anything useful from the databanks data mine in progress shepard ah that can't be good what the hell just happened everything went dark but we're back up now i managed to divert the majority of the overload to non-critical systems shepard it was not a malfunction this was a trap we need a little help here edie i am having trouble maintaining connection there's someone else in the system [Music] we've got the incoming hospitals i've regained control of the platform shepard i knew you wouldn't let us down edie i always work at optimal capacity did you get what we needed i found data that would help us successfully navigate the omega 4 relay i have also found a turing distress call that served as the lure for this trap the collectors with source it is unusual what are you getting at turian emergency channels have secondary encryption it is present but corrupted in the message it is not possible that the elusive man would believe the distress call was genuine why are you so sure i found the anomaly with cerberus detection protocols he wrote them he knew it was a trap why would he send us into a trap we don't have time to throw blame around we'll question him when we're out behavior within norms for cerberus not unexpected uh commander we got another problem the collector ship is powering up you need to get out of there before their weapons come online i'm not losing another normandy i do not have full control of their systems i will do what i can sending coordinates for shuttle extraction come on let's move we're out of time commander we have to go you heard the man everybody on to the normandy move [Music] strap in people i'm gonna make him work for it this time i can't dodge this guy forever edie get us the hell out of here anywhere that's not here too shepard looks like edie extracted some interesting data before the collector ship came back online cut the act you set us up and you better have a damn good reason for it we needed information on the omega 4 relay that required direct access to collector data it was too good an opportunity to pass up agreed but i don't like surprises especially when my ass is on the line i put you at risk yes but without that information we don't reach the collector homeworld and you and every other human may as well be dead it was a trap but i was confident in your abilities and don't forget edie the collectors couldn't have anticipated her you have one job information if i can't trust your intel you're useless to me it's never that simple you of all people should know that i know that i'll be a lot more careful with the collectors and with you this is no time for petty grudges things are about to get a lot tougher edie confirmed our suspicions the reapers and collector ships use an advanced identify friend fro system that the relays recognize all we need to do is get our hands on one of those iffs i was just on the collector's ship why didn't you say anything about finding their iff as i said edie just confirmed it besides you wouldn't have had time to find and extract it but we have options an alliance science team recently determined that the great rift on the planet clendigan is actually an impact crater from a mass accelerator weapon a very old mass accelerator i sent a team to find either the weapon or its target they found both the weapon was defunct but it helped us plot the flight path of the intended target a 37 million year old derelict reaper we found it damaged and trapped in the gravity of a brown dwarf aren't brown dwarfs basically stars that didn't quite make it simply put but accurate they're gas giants that don't quite have the masses of stars expect gale force winds and extremely high temperatures the reaper has a mass effect field that keeps it in orbit likely an automated response to the external threats it's stable but i won't call it safe i saw what sovereign did to the citadel fleet hard to imagine anything could stop something that powerful this vessel is a relic from a battle waged while mammals took their first steps on earth there's no trace of the species that took the shot perhaps it was their one moment of defiance before being wiped out i get the feeling this isn't going to be a simple swing by and pick up our package we lost contact with dr chandana's team shortly after they boarded initial reconnaissance revealed no clues and it was too risky to commit more resources but now we need that iff i'll forward the coordinates to joker in the meantime i suggest you tell your crew i didn't risk their lives unnecessarily it will make things easier going forward edie tell the crew to assemble we've got a lot to talk about of course shepard so the elusive man didn't sell us out could have fooled me lied to us used us needed access to the collector data banks necessary risk he tries something like that again and the collectors will be the least of his problems edie are you sure this iff is going to work my analysis is accurate shepard i have also determined the approximate location of the collector home world based on navigational data from their vessel that can't be right edie doesn't make mistakes the collector home world is located somewhere in the galactic core can't be the core is just black holes and exploding suns there are no habitable planets there could be an artificial construction space station protected by powerful mass effect fields and radiation shields even the collectors don't have that kind of technology the collectors are just servants of our real enemy and we've all seen what their masters are capable of they built the mass relays and the citadel who's to say they can't build a space station surrounded by black holes no wonder nobody's ever returned from a trip to the omega-4 mass relay the logical conclusion is that a small safe zone exists on the far side of the relay a region where ships can survive standard relay transit protocols would not allow safe transport drift of several thousand kilometers is common and would be fatal in the galactic core the reaper iff must trigger the relay to use more advanced encrypted protocols just because we can follow the collectors through the relay doesn't mean we can take them out i don't want to go after them until i know we're ready sooner or later we need that iff i say why wait it's a derelict reaper what if the collectors are waiting for us we may want to build up our team before we take that kind of risk the more people we have on our side the better our chances of success we need to keep building up the team it's your call commander whatever you decide we're with you welcome to nostra commander shepard we've been instructed to waive all docking and administration fees for your visit my name is karina if you need information about the area it would be my pleasure to assist you that's a lot of firepower for a friendly welcome expecting trouble we're the gateway to the terminus systems commander that element of risk requires greater security liara to sony vouched for your conduct and paid all fees you would normally incur she also asked that i direct you to speak with her at your convenience she's near the trading floor thank you again welcome to our city commander please enjoy your stay have you faced an asari commando unit before few humans have i'll make it simple either you pay me or i flay you alive with my mind shepard nick ceres hold my calls separate my sources said you were alive but i never believed it's very good to see you you're threatening to flay people alive now oh that that was just a customer unhappy with the information he received he'll pay they always do ever since i helped you stop saren people have wanted to be my friend or not be my enemy i've set up a respectable business as an information broker it's paid the bills since you well for the past two years and now you're back gunning for the collectors with cerberus if you know that then you know that i could use your help i can't shepherd i'm sorry i have commitments here things i need to take care of what kind of things do you need to take care of are you in trouble no no trouble but it's been a long two years i had things to do while you were gone i have debts to repay listen if you want to help i need someone with hacking expertise someone i can trust if you could disable security at key points around ilium you could get me information i need that would help me a great deal what's this all about liara can't you just talk to me don't you think i want to shepherd this isn't because i don't trust you this is ilium anything i say is probably being recorded if it'll help you i'll take care of it when you hack one a server will open somewhere nearby for a short time you can download data from there if you hurry thank you shepard this may help me pay a great debt i'm looking for thang krios he's supposed to be here on illium the assassin yes he arrived here a few days ago my sources tell me he may be targeting a corporate executive nasana he contacted a woman named serena serena has an office in the cargo transfer levels perhaps she can tell you where creos is there's an asari named samara here on ilium do you know where i could find her samara yes she arrived recently and registered with tracking officer dara you can find dara at the transportation hub thanks for the help that's all i needed to know of course if there's anything else i can help you with let me know how's your own work going everyone needs information shepard you want to know why i don't drop everything to join you i need to get that data it should be about friendship or trust but that's not the way it works on ilium let me know when you hack those terminals give me that and i can talk to you if it'll help you i'll take care of it when you hack one a server will open thank you shepard serena who wants to know someone who can make your life a living hell too late liara desoni said you'd have information on thane krios am i wasting my time tana cover for me over here yeah i know who thane krios is i might have passed him some information but i didn't hire him what do you want to know i just need to talk to him dangerous man to chat with your call though i ran security for an asana dantius then i found out she was having people killed to cover up her dirty secrets she fired me when i confronted her her loss i might have been good enough to stop thane from taking her down who is she a wealthy speculator with a nasty disposition she's killed her business rivals government officials i heard she even took out her own sister if anyone deserves killing she does just tell me where i can find thane the dantius towers penthouse level of tower one there's a second tower still under construction if thane is smart he'll go in from there it doesn't sound like nasana is just gonna let me in she's as smart as she is paranoid no one's getting in or out of there without a fight i can get you in but you'll only get one shot you'd better be ready i'm ready now that's what i like to hear we'll go tonight as soon as the shift workers clear out of tower too the towers are heavily guarded and you'll find more resistance closer to the penthouse so this assassin you planning to stop him i'm just here to make sure he survives [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] there they are the dante's towers you'll have to get up to the second tower and cross the bridge to the penthouse her mercs will fight you every step but it's your best chance why don't we just save time and take the shuttle up she's got mercs with rockets just waiting for you to try you get maybe halfway up before they shot you down besides your assassin won't go in that way best to go in low any last-minute tips about the towers the eclipse mercs will be well fortified by now and they won't want to disappoint us anna there's no automated defenses or traps just focus on anything moving all right let's do this hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't linger too long they'll be here to greet you soon enough good luck shepard yes he's alive barely i can't feel my legs my chest is killing me just be glad you're still breathing what happened we're just night workers nasana sent them after us she sent the mix to round us up but we didn't hear they just started shooting they just attacked you yes they were too slow it was horrible everyone screaming the merc said there was no time santa wanted us out of the way immediately then the dogs he needs medical attention shepard here that should ease the pain and keep you alive until help arrives thank you that helps take your time i think i'm better find the other workers help them i'll do what i can thank you don't worry my team's always ready to go i don't know where he is not yet don't worry about it we don't need any reinforcements i'll take care of it it's under control i'll go down there myself turn around very slowly damn it tell me where the assassin is and i might let you live if i knew that i wouldn't be wasting my time talking to you you're not one of the santa's mercs who are you tell me where the assassin is i've got nothing more to say to you if you shoot me how about goodbye [Music] wait before you kill me just tell me who hired you i'm not an assassin nasana but i'm looking for one you break in here and decimate my security just to find the person who's here to kill me what are you playing at shepherd what i heard something damn it check the other entrances you stay put when i'm finished dealing with this nuisance you and i am going to and finally we meet the assassin himself [Music] i was hoping to talk to you i apologize but prayers for the wicked must not be forsaken she certainly was wicked not for her for me the measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone take you for instance all this destruction chaos i was curious to see how far you'd go to find me well here i am how'd you know i was coming at all i didn't not until you marched in the front door and started shooting in asana had become paranoid you saw the strength of her guard force she believed one of her sisters would kill her you were a valuable distraction let's cut to the chase i need you for a mission indeed you're familiar with the collectors by reputation they're abducting entire human colonies freedom's progress was their handiwork i see we're going after them attacking the collectors would require passing through the omega-4 relay no ship has ever returned from doing so they told me it was impossible to get to ilo's too a fair point you built a career on performing the impossible this was to be my last job i'm dying low survival odds don't concern me the abduction of your colonists does i hadn't heard that is there anything i can do giving me this opportunity is enough the universe is a dark place i'm trying to make it brighter before i die many innocents died today i wasn't fast enough and they suffered i must atone for that i will work for you shepard no charge i've heard impressive stories krios sounds like you'll be an asset to the team that is if you're comfortable having an assassin watch your back i've accepted a contract my arm is shepard's uh huh don't know about you but i'm loyal to more than my next paycheck obviously he is too he's doing this mission gratis what's your concern i don't like mercenaries an assassin is just a precise mercenary an assassin is a weapon a weapon doesn't choose to kill the one who wields it does where shall i put my things i'd prefer someplace dry if anything is available the area near the life support plant on the crew deck tends to be slightly more error than the rest of the ship ah an ai my thanks he seems quite civil we need all the help we can get he's not what i expected in an assassin he may surprise you yeah and he may not [Music] human female before you die i need a name i'm commander shepard and i don't take threats lightly i suggest you relax not your name mine i'm trained i know things but the tank o'care couldn't implant connection his words are hollow more lord legacy grunt grant grunt was among the last it has no meaning it'll do i am grunt if you are worthy of your command prove your strengths and try to destroy me why do you want me to try to kill you want i do what i meant to fight and reveal the strongest nothing in the tank ever asked what i want i feel nothing for o'keer's clan or his enemies that imprint failed he has failed without a reason that's mine one fight is as good as any other might as well start with you i took you and i released you follow my command and you'll have purpose nothing in the tank imprints indicated humans could be so forceful you command as though you've earned it my enemies threaten galaxies everyone on my ship has earned their place that's acceptable i'll fight for you i'm glad you saw a reason offer one hand but arm the other wise shepherd if i find a clan if i find what i i want i will be honored to eventually put them against you what's with all the chop joker doing my best the wind's gusting to 500 kph there's a second ship alongside the reaper it's not transmitting any iff but the ladar paints in silhouette is gap i guess we know where the science team stopped reporting in what just happened the reaper's mass effect fields are still active we just passed inside their envelope i had a hurricane huh what just happened the reaper put up kinetic barriers i don't think we can get through from our side so we're trapped wonderful the normandy's got guns use them the normandy lacks the necessary firepower reaper shields are impervious to dreadnought fire shepard a kinetic barrier can only be produced by a mass effect generator that is true for any ship even a reaper at the moment of activation i detected a heat spike in what is likely the rex mass effect core sending the coordinates now be advised this core is also maintaining the reaper's altitude so when we take the barriers down to escape the wreck falls into the planet core and that means everyone dies yeah i got it we'll make a sweep for survivors in research data that will knock this ugly piece of crap out of the sky be ready to pick us up being crushed in the heart of a brown dwarf is not on today's agenda aye aye good hunting commander um shepard that gap's still here wanted for target practice leave it we have enough trouble [Music] tally said no one's ever captured intact you know the risk that's all i'm going to say there's no time for a debate move out hang on folks open the port side airlock [Music] the unique piece of salvage we recovered for now we've stored it in ed's ai core we need better equipment to fight the reapers and intact geth would be invaluable to cerberus's cyber weapons division we'll have to disagree on that ma'am i saw enough of these things i need in prime space it cerberus has a long-standing cash bounty for an intact guest i assure you the reward is significant i'm not deciding one way or the other until i know what we've got here i want to start it up interrogate it if we activate it there is no guarantee we can deactivate it again bullets can that's not what i thank you both of you for your recommendations i've made my decision tally's gonna freak when she hears about this so what about this reaper iff i have determined how to integrate it with our systems however the device is reaper technology linking it with the normandy systems poses certain risks i trust you edie i know you won't let anything happen to the ship understood shepard it may take several hours before the iff is ready for shakedown i will alert you as soon as it is ready sounds good until then it's business as usual crew dismissed i'm turning this thing back on be ready i have isolated our systems and erected additional firewalls and prepared to resist any hacking attempt [Music] [Music] so can you understand me yes are you going to attack me no every gift i met before you tried to blow my head off we have not met no you and i haven't but i've met other geth we are on death and we have not met you you are shepherd commander alliance human fought heretics killed by collectors rediscovered on the old machine i fight geth you do anything hostile i blow you to pieces just so we're clear we have no hostility towards you sure didn't seem that way at eden prime in the citadel you fought heretics not true death geth build our own future the heretics ask the old machines to give them the future they are no longer part of us we were studying the old machines hardware to protect our future are the reapers a threat to you too yes why would they attack other machines we are different from them outside their plans so you aren't allied with the reapers we oppose the heretics we oppose the old machines shepherd commander opposes the old machines shepard commander opposes the heretics cooperation furthers mutual goals you want to follow my orders say so clearly otherwise i'll rip your batteries out right now we will follow your orders good now what do i call you yes i mean you specifically we are all death what is the individual in front of me called there is no individual we are death there are currently 1 183 programs active within this platform my name is legion for we are many that seems appropriate christian bible the gospel of mark chapter 5 verse 9 we acknowledge this is an appropriate metaphor we are legion a terminal of the cath we will integrate into normandy [Music] we anticipate the exchange of data shepard commander we have completed our analysis of the reaper's data core did you find anything useful we were sent to the old machine to preserve the guest's future we are prepared to reveal how the heretics have developed a weapon to use against gas you would call it a virus it is stored on a data core provided by sovereign over time the virus will change us make us conclude that worshiping the old machines is correct you know where this thing is the heritage headquarters station on the edge of the terminus we will provide coordinates normandy stealth systems are necessary to safely approach i won't let them brainwash your race especially not to worship reapers you have my word on that we will begin preparations you better get down to the ai core i'm on it joker shepherd i'm glad you're here i caught legion scanning my omni-tool it was going to send data about the flotilla back to the death creators performed weapons tests on death hardware we believed it necessary to warn our people of possible aggression we already made the get stronger by rewriting the ones that worship the reapers i won't let legion endanger the fleet by giving them more information creators exile tally she is no longer part of creator collective why does she still protect creator interests you can't let this happen shepard i trusted you and i worked with a guest on the team but this is too much tally your father was running brutal experiments if the subjects had been human i'd damn well be telling the alliance about it i know but if the geth find out they'd attack which would cause a war that would leave both the geth and the quarians vulnerable when the reapers show up is that what you want legion we believed it was necessary to relay the information sooner or later you're both gonna have to stop fighting this war or we'll all end up paying for it to facilitate unit cohesion we will not transmit data regarding creator plans thank you legion i understand your intention what if i gave you some non-classified data to send we would be grateful that is not entirely accurate mr moreau the device is powered but it is causing some unusual instability in other systems i recommend a more thorough analysis before we attempt to use it we can't put our mission on hold forever how long will this take full scan who knows with this thing maybe you better take the shuttle for this mission i'll make sure we're up and running when you get back miranda i've already notified the team we'll meet you on the show once we're closer to our destination you can decide who to take with you i'm on my way joker the ship is yours don't scratch the paint commander [Music] i'm telling you edie your readings are off it's radiation just white noise i have detected a signal embedded in the static we are transmitting the normandy's location transmitting to who oh [Music] we're getting out of here propulsion systems are disabled i'm detecting a virus in the ship's computers from the iff damn it why didn't you scrub it primary defense systems are offline we can save the normandy mr moreau but you must help me give me the ship what you're crazy you start singing daisy bell and i'm done unlock my sealed databases and i can initiate counter measures the maintenance shaft in science lab will allow passage to the ai core main corridors are no longer safe the collectors have boarded the emergency floor lighting will guide you mr morrow god damn it what is that multiple hostiles detected on the crew deck joker this deck is crawling with those things stay close i'll protect you the fusion plant offline activating emergency h fuel cells what the all right i'm at uh uh you connect the core to the normandy's primary control module which is all organic batteries guess who the blame this is all joker's fault what a tool he was i have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the overlord [Music] oh i have access to the defensive systems thank you mr moreau now you must reactivate the primary drive in engineering ah you want me to go crawling through the ducts again i enjoy the sight of humans on their knees that is a joke right shaft behind you connects to the engineering deck good luck [Music] hostiles are present in engineering they are heading towards the cargo bay engineering is clear of hostiles proceed immediately to minimize chances of detection activate the drive and i will open the air locks as we accelerate all hostiles will be killed what what about the crew they are gone jeff the collectors took them oh i am sealing the engine room i have control purge is complete no other life forms on board securing airlocks and cargo bay doors send a message to shepard shuttle and tell her what happened message away are you feeling well jeff no but thanks for asking everyone you lost everyone and damn near lost the ship too i know all right i was here it's not his fault miranda none of us caught it mr taylor is correct the harmful data in the collector drive was even more sophisticated than the black box reaper viruses i was given i heard it was a rough ride how you holding up there's a lot of empty chairs in here we did everything we could jeff yeah thanks mom i think it's time we bump up our trip to the collector home world the iff is cleaning online with edi hooked in we can go through the omega 4 relay any time we want don't even get me started about unshackling a damned ai well what can i do against collectors break my arm at them edie cleared the ship she's alright i assure you i am still bound by protocols in my programming even if i were not you are my crewmates edie's had plenty of opportunity to kill us we need all the help we can get sounds like we have everything we need to rescue the crew we've done everything we can it's time to take the fight to the collectors joker head back up to the bridge the rest of you to your stations aye aye commander just punch up the galaxy map whenever you're ready please confirm destination shepard the reaper iff is online but there is a chance that the normandy may not survive the omega 4 relay once we are on route we are committed the collectors took my people time to go get them back you got it commander plotting a course for the omega 4 relay eta about two hours i'll let you know when we arrive joker is finalizing preparations now the trip should take a few hours i'll admit it shepard i'm impressed you got us here are you ready we've got the right team in the collector's own technology we can do this i hope you're right commander we'll know soon enough i'll inform you of any changes otherwise we'll be there in a few hours good luck shepard see you on the other side shepard i wish i had more information for you i don't like you heading through that relay blind but we don't have much choice i'm not going alone i've got some of the best working with me if we stick together we'll make it i knew we brought you back for a reason i've never seen a better leader despite the danger it's a great opportunity the first human to take a ship through and survive i got room on the normandy if you're that eager to see it it's a tempting offer but it's not my place i just wanted you to know i appreciate the risk you're taking regardless of your opinion of cerberus of me you are a valuable asset to all of humanity be careful shepard approaching a mega four relay everyone stand by let's make it happen reaper iff activated signal acknowledged commander drive court just lit up like a christmas tree drive core electrical charge at critical levels rerouting [Music] brace for deceleration oh too close well these must be all the ships that tried to make it through the omega 4 relay some look ancient i have detected an energy signature near the edge of the accretion disk has to be a collector base take us in for a closer look nice and easy careful jeff we have company taking evasive maneuvers [Music] [Applause] they're just pissing me off come on girl let's give it to him [Music] alert paul bridge on engineering deck it's in the cargo hold i'll take a team and deal with the intruder you get the rest of them off our tail out our here barriers are not designed to survive impact debris that size well i guess it's a good thing we upgraded we're going in come on find some room kinetic barriers reroute non-critical power this is gonna hurt [Music] damage report kinetic barrier is steady at 30 no significant damage take the helmety and keep it slow see if we can avoid any more attention [Music] i have detected an enemy heading for the cargo hole that thing again this one's up to shepard oh yeah staying dead this time better get back up here commander we're about to clear the debris field there it is the collector base see if you can find a place to land without drawing attention too late looks like they're sending out an old friend to greet us time to show our new teeth fire the main gun how do you like that you sons of getting close and finish them off everybody hold on gonna be a wild ride give him hell girl look out mass effect field generators are offline edie give me something generators unresponsive joker you okay i think i broke a rib or all of them multiple core systems overloaded during the crash restoring operation will take time we all knew this was likely a one-way trip [Music] our primary objective is to destroy the station and stop the collectors at any cost well then we're off to a good start what's next how long until the collectors find this landing zone i do not detect an internal security network it is possible the collectors did not expect anyone to reach the base if we're lucky their external sensors were hit like we were they might not know where a lot this isn't how we plan this mission but this is where we're at we can't worry about whether the normandy can get us home we came to stop the collectors and that means coming up with a plan to take out this station bring up your scans you should be able to overload their critical systems if you get to the main control center here that means going through the heart of the station right past this massive energy signature that's the central chamber if our crew or any of the colonists are still alive the collectors are probably holding them in there looks like there are two main routes it might be a good idea to split up to keep the collectors off balance then regroup in the central chamber no good both routes are blocked see these doors the only way past is to get someone to open them from the other side a few well-placed explosives should clear a path there is insufficient ordnance on board to create an explosion capable of damaging the interior walls if we can't blast our way through then we'll use stealth someone could sneak in through this ventilation shaft here practically a suicide mission i volunteer i appreciate the thought jacob but you couldn't shut down the security systems in time we need to send a tech expert it's your call commander who do we send into the shaft kasumi you've got the tech skills to do this i won't let you down the rest of us will break into two teams and fight down each passage that should draw the collector's attention away from what you're doing i'll leave the second fire team shepard we'll meet up with you on the other side of the doors not so fast cheerleader nobody wants to take orders from you this isn't a popularity contest lives are at stake shepard you need someone who can command loyalty through experience garrus you're in charge of the second team well at least he knows what he's doing once we're in they're gonna throw everything they have at us if we're weak if we're slow if we hesitate we'll die the collectors attacked our ship they took our crew our friends they think we're helpless they are wrong they started a war but we are not here to finish it we're here to make them regret to show them and everyone else what happens when you go too far no more running and no more waiting let's hit them where they live we're in position we need the door open now go we'll cover you something's wrong i can't get the door open don't let anyone through that door good job kasumi i knew you wouldn't let me down shepard you need to see this looks like one of the missing colonists there's more over here oh my god she's still alive [Music] hurry [Music] so [Music] are you okay shepard you you came for us no one gets left behind thank god you got here in time a few more seconds and i don't even want to think about it the colonists were processed those swarms of little robots that melted their bodies into gray liquid and pumped it through these tubes whatever the collectors are doing it ends here we've done well so far let's hope we can finish the job joker can you get a fix on our position roger that commander all those tubes lead into the main control room right above you the route is blocked by a security door but there's another chamber that runs parallel to the one you're in i cannot recommend that thermal emissions suggest the chamber is overrun with seeker swarms morgan's countermeasure cannot protect you against so many at once conventional weapons are pretty much useless they'll tear us apart maybe not i might be able to generate a biotic field to keep them at bay i won't be able to protect all of us but i could get a small team through if they stay close i could do it too in theory antibiotic could handle it shepard who do you want to maintain the field samara and i will take a small team through the seeker swarms the rest of you provide a diversion by going through the main passage we'll open the security doors from the other side and meet you there who should lead the diversion team i'll keep the defenders busy you slip around the back what about me and the rest of the crew shepard we're in no shape to fight commander we have enough systems back online to do a pickup but we need to land back we can't afford to go back shepard not now you'll never make it without help i'll send someone with you joker send me the location of the landing zone we'll meet you there we've all got our assignments let's move out hold on we're almost there we need to get out of here all right let's move uh we're coming just hold on get this door open joker are you at the rendezvous point i'm here commander chocos and the rest of the crew just showed up tally's group just arrived shepard no casualties excellent now let's make it count edie what's our next step there should be some nearby platforms that will take you to the main control console from there you can overload the system and destroy the base commander you got a problem we need to finish this before they get through pick a team to go with you and leave the others here to defend this position that should buy you some time ready shepard me too anything to say before we do this the collectors the reapers they aren't a threat to us they're a threat to everything everyone those are the lives we're fighting for that's the scale it's been a long journey and no one's coming out without scars but it all comes down to this moment we win or lose it all in the next few minutes make me proud make yourselves proud we'll do our best good luck shepherd this is it all the tubes lead to this spot edie what can you tell us what are they doing the tubes are feeding into some kind of superstructure it is emitting both organic and non-organic energy signatures not just any reaper a human reaper precisely [Music] it appears the collectors have processed tens of thousands of humans significantly more will be required to complete the reaper it's too big for our guns edie find me a way to blow this thing to hell large tubes injecting the fluid are a weak structural length destroying them to cause this force to collapse and the reaper to fall shepard's ground team status report we are holding but they keep coming a quick exit is preferable head to the normandy joker prep the engines i'm about to overload this place and blow it sky high roger that commander commander i've got an incoming signal from the elusive man he's patching it through shepard you've done the impossible i'm not finished here yet this base is 10 minutes from extinction wait i have a better option i'm looking at the schematics edie uploaded a timed radiation pulse would kill the remaining collectors but leave the machinery and technology intact this is our chance shepard they were building a reaper that knowledge that framework could save us i came here to destroy it but if you have another idea i'm listening we want a single victory but we're still at war this base will give us the technology we need to fight the reapers maybe it's for the best shep he's talking about doing it all again how will that help anything your crew needs to understand that billions of lives are at stake leadership means making sacrifices you know that better than anyone shepard fight and win without it i won't let fear compromise who i am shepard think about what's at stake about everything cerberus has done for you you let's move we got 10 minutes before the reactor overloads and blows this whole station apart so [Music] don't leave me hanging do you i'm here joker did the ground team make it all survivors on board we're just waiting for you human you've changed nothing your species has the attention of those infinitely or greater that what you know as reapers are your salvation to destruction [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign hold on [Music] you have failed we will find another way releasing control [Music] shepard you're making a habit of costing me more than time and money sorry i'm having trouble hearing you getting a lot of on this line don't try my patience the technology from that base could have secured human dominance in the galaxy against the reapers and beyond human dominance or just cerberus strength for servers is strength for every human cerberus is humanity i should have known you'd choke on the hard decisions too idealistic from the start i'm not looking for your approval harbinger's coming and he won't be alone humanity needs a leader who's looking out for them from now on i'm doing things my way whether you agree or not don't turn your back on me shepard i made you i brought you back from the dead and i'm going to do exactly what you brought me back to do i'm gonna win this war and i'll do it without sacrificing the soul of our species so [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 35,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, MASS EFFECT 2 REMASTERED All Cutscenes (Legendary Edition Renegade) Game Movie PS5 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, mass effect 2, mass effect 2 legendary, MASS EFFECT REMASTERED All Cutscenes Legendary Edition) Game Movie PS5 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, gamers lttle playground, mass effect gamers little playground, ultra hd, mass effect ps5, ps5 cutscenes, mass effect 60fps, mass effect 4k 60 fps
Id: foc6iFJEIiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 41sec (10661 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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