Mary Witnesses Jesus' First Miracles | Jesus: His Life (S1) | Full Episode | History

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the story of jesus is the greatest  story ever told get out where is he for over 2 000 years the story of jesus christ  has touched the lives of billions around the globe jesus felt what we felt he  faced what we face today if we want to understand western history at  all we must understand the story of jesus   now for the first time his story is told  through the eyes of those who knew him best   is that myself mary the mother of jesus  is a critical figure in christianity today   stay safe but the relationship between mary and  jesus is a complicated one today this scripture   has been fulfilled in your hearing he was going  to make choices that were beyond her control   no messiah mary understood that  jesus was special jesus had a mission   jesus was going to live his life  differently i can't stop them i have to try my name is mary the mother of jesus i've always  known there was a special plan for my son   a plan god would someday reveal i've longed for that moment and i feared it jesus jesus we don't know much about jesus  as a child we we hear about his birth and we   hear about his adult ministry but there's only  one story in the bible of jesus as a young boy   excuse me have you seen a  little boy no all right come on when jesus is 12 years old mary and joseph take  him to jerusalem to visit the temple at passover jerusalem would have been a mad house at passover  you have jews from all over the regions of the   roman empire here in their holy city during this  time upon their return joseph and mary realize   that jesus isn't among them they couldn't find him  i can't imagine what was going through their minds jesus tomorrow we will find him yes mary knew that jesus was the son of god that  jesus was potentially a threat to the roman empire   and so when jesus disappeared it's likely that  she was really concerned about his well-being my only mission was to keep jesus safe when he was  young joseph and i had to flee to save his life when jesus was a very young child king herod tried   to have him killed this was known  as the massacre of the innocence so to escape certain death mary and  joseph fled to egypt with the infant jesus it's only after herod's death that they return  to galilee and they make their home in nazareth   this is almost like a retelling of the  exodus story they're coming out of egypt   and back into the promised land after several days of frantic searching the city  mary and joseph finally turned to the temple mount now jesus was gone who was he with why  did he leave us i didn't understand   jesus have you seen a young boy running around  here have you seen the little boy no one the temple in jerusalem was regarded not just  as we would regard a church or a synagogue today   it was regarded as the house of god  i've asked everyone he will find him   i'm looking for our son jesus he's 12. yes yes when they finally locate jesus he's up in the  temple apparently holding court with some of   the religious figures debating with them and  they're astonished at some of the things he knows why have you treated us like this your mother  and i have been searching everywhere for you   why were you searching for me  mary is shocked to find him there   and he turns around and sort of says well  what did you expect where did you expect   to find me you should have known that  i had to be here in my father's house   this is the only story from the bible we have of  jesus as a child the whole point is to show jesus   was special even at a young age at 12 years  old there was something different about him   this was the first notion that mary had that  he was going to make choices that were beyond   her control and that were a part of  what he had been called to live out until now joseph and i had kept jesus  safe knowing his secret wouldn't be ours forever the new testament doesn't tell us anything  more about jesus until he's a grown man we don't even know what happens to joseph   the tradition is that he dies before  jesus begins his adult ministry many christians today would be surprised  to hear that jesus had brothers and sisters   but it's very clearly and unambiguously  stated in the new testament we don't know the names of jesus's sisters but  the gospels of matthew and mark give us the names   of his brothers simon judah joseph and james  there's a great debate over whether these   brothers and sisters are actually jesus's  direct brothers and sisters biologically   from mary and joseph or stepchildren joseph and  another catholics believe that mary was always   a virgin and so many catholics believe  these may have been joseph's children   from a former marriage protestants have no problem  with jesus having natural brothers and sisters we know very little about what's called the hidden  life of jesus which are the years from 12 to 30   but we presume him to be a carpenter who's been  working in nazareth all this time joseph's death   would have had a significant impact on mary  it would have really shifted her relationship   with jesus because now jesus as her firstborn son  should have taken the role of the man of the house must you leave jesus left his brothers to do the  job of supporting the family and i   think that there was very likely some animus  between jesus and his brothers especially james   precisely because of this i  leave my mother in good hands i think jesus left nazareth because of  a deep-seated call he knows his time   as his mother i'd done all i could  i could see he now had to leave me i didn't know where or to what  but i had faith in god and my son is months passed with no word but when i  finally saw jesus again he was different happy surrounded by friends  a man with a new purpose the very first time that we know for sure after  jesus had already begun collecting disciples   that he saw his mother is at the wedding feast in  cana cana is a small village not far from nazareth   and it's important in jesus's ministry because  it's the site of jesus's first public miracle mary noticed great changes in  jesus when she saw him again   at the wedding at cana jesus had  not only gone and been baptized   and been blessed by the holy spirit but he  had gone through the temptations in the desert he had fought all of those  great struggles and won peter this is my mother well the wedding of cana was  really the point where jesus launched his ministry   he's now with a number of fishermen who are his  disciples i'm not sure the disciples were actually   invited uh you know they just might have come  along kind of like the wedding crashers you know   you are very welcome here i will get you  something to drink some wine mary is quite   involved in the wedding in cana she seems to  be close friends with the bride in the groom   jewish weddings at this time lasted for several  days the drinking lasted many days and late into   the nights they were one of the rare occasions  where even a poor family might celebrate in excess running out of wine at a first  century jewish celebration   would have been embarrassing especially  at such a family and communal celebration   it could well be that mary not only felt  responsibility about the wine itself   but also that this was an opportunity for her  son to make a statement about his ministry mary says to him they've run out of  wine as if to say you should really   do something about this jesus's response  is almost snippy dude why are you involved   he calls her a woman he doesn't call her mother  because jesus has to act on the authority of his   heavenly father not his earthly mother it's not  my time yet she's encouraging him to embrace who   he is embrace who he knows he is and embrace  who she knows he is do whatever he tells you fill these doors with water now draw some out it was the first public miracle that  jesus performed it let people know there   was something different about this man jesus  it was the prelude of many miracles to come   jesus is clearly different now he's the wonder  worker he's the miracle worker he is the messiah   in front of everyone and in front of mary his  mother too what did i expect of him i didn't know   but i didn't anticipate what jesus would do  next mary seems to have moved the heart of jesus   jesus doesn't seem to be ready to begin his  public ministry with the first miracle and yet   mary says to jesus this is the  time look these people need you make me understand the way of your presence and i will meditate on your wonders this is a pivotal place in jesus ministry   when the miracles start to happen when he's  going to be healing and teaching and preaching   and start to live into his calling people  are talking the drunken believe what they see and you don't the behavior of  jesus would have certainly caused   tension with his siblings especially james he  is moving into incredibly dangerous territory i could see how the changes in jesus frightened  james but i didn't know yet how others would react the people jesus knew as he  was growing up were galileans   so they were provincials slightly mocked by the  grander more sophisticated people in jerusalem they were pious they lived  simple jewish lives and had an   ideal dream life of jewishness  ruled by heroic king the messiah when jesus returns to nazareth having begun his  adult ministry he goes and speaks in the synagogue   the spirit of the lord is upon me because he  has anointed me to bring good news to the poor   he has sent me to proclaim release to the captives   and recovery of sight to the blind  to let the oppressed go free jesus   read from the book of isaiah and he talked about  the coming of the messiah and in doing this   he starts to imply for the first time that he  may himself be the much longed-for messiah today   this scripture has been fulfilled in your  hearing does he even know what he's saying he's presenting himself as a messiah as the  messiah which they've been waiting on and all of a   sudden it's their it's the little boy that grew up  down the street it's you can't be he's not saying   it outright but you can't help but hear what jesus  is saying is this a joke this man is no messiah   the religious scholars were hearing blasphemy and  the traditionalists who had been waiting for a   messiah who would be a king similar to david were  upset julie i tell you no prophet is accepted in   his hometown jesus was surprised by the reaction  he says a prophet is not welcome in their hometown   is not honored in their hometown which is a fiery  response to come back i think he was a bit shocked   but he continued and pressed the issue  even more and they reacted fairly violently it's very extreme in the synagogue his neighbors   rise up they intend to take him out  to a hill throw him off and stone him now his life is in real danger  because in the first century   harsh sentences were meted out  for all sorts of transgressions so here is jesus the crowd pushing him toward the  cliff holding him as he is getting nearer to the   edge that would be terrifying now his life is in  peril this story leads to a climax where simply   because of jesus's presence and conviction and  lack of fear and cowering he's able to triumph and scripture says and he  passed through the multitude   he's able to ease himself out of  there short of death and leaves he was prepared for rejection and he predicted it he goes back to nazareth to  try to make clear to them   that something big is happening but he's  not expecting much of a positive response the act of running jesus out of town fits  completely with the scripture the statement that   jesus is not only prophet but will become messiah  that prophets are not accepted in their own town   he was only beginning to realize his power but now  my neighbors saw jesus as more than just my son and i was afraid for him after jesus spoke at the synagogue some of our  neighbors were angry others were resentful they   didn't understand i would bet that mary  got furious about the reaction in nazareth   here's her son the person that she has held  up nurtured worked towards being a messiah   and yet he's rejected by her home  her friends her family her neighbors look if you're someone claiming to be the messiah  in the galilee this is going to do nothing but   attract rome jesus claims of being the messiah  puts not only jesus at risk but it puts the entire   village of nazareth at risk we're situated in a  world in which the romans do not respond kindly   to the idea of their power their kingship  being challenged by anyone and for any reason when jesus was a little boy there was a rebellion  in a town called sephiros near his home in   nazareth the romans sent in 15 000 legionaries  they massacred the rebels they burned the town   and afterwards they crucified 2 000 jews the message was clear rome was  the greatest empire in the world   and this is what happened  if you rebelled against it i knew they were frightened but i prayed  that someday they would embrace myself after jesus is rejected in  nazareth he heads down to capernaum   on the sea of galilee and it's here where  the adult ministry of jesus really begins comparing them is the international crossroads in  the galilee roads coming all the way from damascus   through to egypt a huge influx of visitors there  were people coming from all different traditions   all different areas and it makes complete sense  that jesus made an intentional decision to base   in capernaum to give the broadest audience the  widest hearing of his message it's while jesus   is based in capernaum but he starts to travel  around the smaller towns and villages of galilee   and his reputation starts to grow he now starts  preaching in earnest and performing miracles performing miracles for jesus was a dangerous task   he was doing something that was going to turn  the world upside down he was building this deep   relationship with people not just through teaching  of scripture but he was touching and healing   walking with and speaking with  the very people rome disrespected and now people are listening to him his  story his fame is spreading everywhere the ministry of jesus is centered  on those who have their backs   against the wall those who are marginalized  and dismissed by society forgotten by everyone in the gospel a leper comes  to jesus and asks to be healed leprosy is mentioned 13 times in the new testament  so it's clearly a very common disease a very   feared one it takes years to kill you and there's  no cure but it also means that the person who has   leprosy is the most despised figure in society  it was widely believed that it was contagious leprosy is a bacterial disease that was  a death sentence in the ancient world be clean and yet jesus reaches out  and touches the leper and the leper is healed when jesus healed a leper  it shows us that he's concerned   about the marginalized those that are cast  out lepers you weren't supposed to touch   they were seen as unclean yet he went  to them he loved them and he healed them we began to hear stories i was proud  of jesus but i also feared for my son   there has been talk about jesus  they say he's healing the sick   don't do that once jesus started performing  healings once his ministry started growing   there was actually a danger  to his family back in nazareth if jesus was in danger mary and his his  brothers and sisters were in danger as well his preaching is what concerns me they're calling him a madman and worse  charlatan what else have you heard   he even touched a leper judah stop he made  him clean it's just too much he's helping   he behaves like a baptist and  they served his head on a plate   if his own brothers couldn't embrace  him jesus what would happen to my son are the things they say true what  do they say that you heal the sick in john's gospel there's a story where  jesus's brothers confront him and   they want to know why he doesn't reveal  himself in public why have you returned do you even care about the  trouble this will bring us i think his family is worried because they know  how violent the roman government can be they have   seen it before and they also know that the  jewish leaders could be very vicious too   when it comes to threatening their  power threatening their authority   why don't you leave here and go to judea  where your followers can see your miracles   finish your food james no one who wants to be  famous acts in secret my time has not yet come jesus says over and over again my time has not  yet come and so when his brothers push him it's   very easy to read jesus as being frustrated that  he has this responsibility that they don't have   and that that's a point of contention in the  family we played on the ashes of cepherus   so you know your words and  deeds put us all in danger i have to wonder if james  was not a supporter of jesus   out of sibling rivalry in what family is  any brother a supporter of any other brother   when a brother is walking around  claiming to be the son of god his own brothers couldn't  grasp what jesus was saying   and each time he left it became harder to explain i didn't know what would come next  but i knew everything was changing   i believe mary is always aware of  jesus's calling in jesus's character   his siblings the scriptures aren't so  clear so i think mary is the one that   was always there for him always locked down  and always supportive and clear on his call with mary there's this tension she knows  jesus is the messiah but she's his mother   she wants to guide him and protect him  but she knows he has a greater purpose love your enemies good to those who hate you bless those who curse you in galilee jesus  begins preaching and performing miracles   and in the same way that his hometown rejected  him people in capernaum start to follow and pay   attention to jesus if someone slaps you on  one cheek you turn to them the other also the sermon of the mount is the most important  speech that jesus makes in the bible do to others   as you would have them do to you it speaks to   desires and ethics that many nations have  attempted to write into some of their own policy   do not judge you will not be  judged forgive you will be forgiven what jesus taught was quite different from other  jewish prophets at the time love your neighbor   not just your jewish neighbor but your enemy love  your enemy this was a message long before its time   and that message helped shape a new world this was in itself a  revolutionary and radical message   and its implication was threatening  to the establishment and to the ruling class tell me he's in trouble when i saw  andrew i knew it had to be bad news   it started out as a debate in the synagogue in  capernaum and it got out of hand in capernaum   jesus encounters a man who has a withered hand and  jesus understands this as an opportunity to heal   a man but the healing takes place on a sabbath  the pharisees feel that this is not legal that   he shouldn't be doing this but jesus's attitude  is that it's good he openly defied a pharisee   what's he thinking pharisees regarded themselves  as guardians of the faith they weren't necessarily   jesus's natural enemies in fact but they were  part of the establishment he was taking on   i had no choice i needed to be with my son look around can't stop him i have to try   mary and jesus's family hurry to capernaum because  they're afraid that the romans or the authorities   are going to do something bad to jesus when  mary and jesus's family hear about his miracles   in capernaum they basically perform a modern  day intervention it would have taken jesus's   family a couple of days to travel the 40 miles  from nazareth to capernaum when they arrived   they would have seen the street thronged with  people all there to witness his miraculous works in the gospel of matthew the  pharisees bring a blind and mute man   to jesus saying that he's possessed by a devil  it is a question of what jesus is going to do   can he heal him how is he going to heal him  should he heal him by what power will he do it   the situation becomes volatile it's clear  that the pharisees are out to get him   bringing him people to exercise to see what  he's going to do particularly on the sabbath in front of the assembled crowd jesus draws the  evil spirit out from the man and the man is cured jesus heals this man who's blind mute possessed  by demons the crowd are amazed they hail him as   the new son of david basically the messiah the  pharisees on the other hand are not so impressed the pharisees say is he someone who is in  league with beelzebub with the demons themselves   this is why he's able to heal this man this  is fascinating in that this is a moment that's   orchestrated by the pharisees to raise this very  question of jesus's identity authority and power   the charge was being made that jesus was actually   in association with the devil and  jesus's family are worried about this how can you who are evil say anything that is good  for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of   i don't think the gospels are very fair to the  pharisees the gospels are written to portray   the pharisees as the bad guys good man brings  good things out of the goods stored up in him   and an evil man brings evil things  out of the evil stored up in him   but i tell you that everyone will be  brought to account on the day of judgment to every empty word spoken it's out of his  mind but to me jesus had never been more clear jesus would fulfill his  destiny no matter the sacrifice as i watched jesus perform miracles  i realized his mission had begun it's at capernaum that jesus says one  of the harshest things about his family   recorded in the bible peter jesus is told your mother and your  brothers are here and jesus says here here are my mother and my brothers whoever does the will of  god is my brother and sister and mother that's right   this is jesus saying traditional family ties  don't matter what matters is this new family this   new kingdom this new discipleship of following  me and that must have hurt mary and james i think capernaum is a turning  point for jesus and his family   he's making clear that his pathway is for him  alone but i believe that mary understood that   jesus was special jesus had a mission jesus was  going to live his life differently than the rest   of her children and i think mary understood  that he was moving forward in his ministry he's my brother and i fear for him   and i can't understand why he's doing this  why he would put us in this kind of danger   he will james's story is really fascinating  he remains antagonistic as far as we can tell   to jesus throughout his public ministry but  after the crucifixion and resurrection he sees   his brother risen and it transforms him he even in  the end becomes the leader of the jerusalem church mary knows that jesus is someone very special she  knows that he plays this huge role in god's plan   and she might even think of him as god incarnate  and the messiah that was promised to the jews   that said she's conflicted about what that means  for her relationship with her son she doesn't   want to let him go she doesn't want him to be  in danger and she certainly doesn't want him to die we're going up to jerusalem and the son of man will be delivered  over to the chief priests and the scribes and they will condemn him to death the way the new testament gospels tell  the story jesus is reconciled to his fate jesus travels to jerusalem because  it's at the epicenter of jewish life   it is the culminating point of his mission it's  the place where he has to go mary had a vision   about who jesus was going to be from the moment  she conceived and so not only was she a typical   mother who knows her child well but she also  had a spiritual understanding of who jesus was   i think mary to jesus was his source of  life his point of creation his inspiration   he you know it's his mother and it's the person  without joseph in the picture she's the matriarch   she's the one parent she's the lifeline for him  and i think that's where it starts and it ends i am mary the mother of jesus i've raised  my son and i love him but i must let him go may god keep him safe you
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, jesus his life, history jesus his life, jesus his life show, jesus his life full episodes, jesus his life clips, full episodes, jesus: his life, jesus, watch jesus, jesus clips, jesus show history, disciples, christianity, easter, crucifixion, resusrrection, Jesus his life season 1, Jesus his life s01, Jesus his life s1, jesus birth, jesus christ, jesus documentary, jesus his life history channel, The First Miracles
Id: gbL_bOUe0GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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