Fr. Chris Alar on Divine mercy Part 1

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good morning well thank you everybody for joining us my name is father I'm from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge Massachusetts and so it's an honor to be here today to give a couple talks on Divine Mercy and we'll explain those here in a minute but let's begin with a prayer in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen Heavenly Father we ask she's done the Holy Spirit down upon us to bless us to open our minds and our hearts to receive the grace you wish to bestow upon us through the intercession of Mary and all the saints and through the passion death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ may Almighty God be with us present here this state in all our days and we ask this through Christ our Lord amen name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit amen well good morning everybody as I mentioned my name is father Chris I'm one of the Marian's of the Immaculate Conception and we are as I mentioned based in Stockbridge Massachusetts you might recognize us if you turn on EWTN and I assume they have EWTN here is that right okay believe it or not I go to some places and they don't even have EWTN so it's good you do but you might recognize us if you turn on the EWTN at three o'clock every day we are the shrine and the place where they record the chaplet and so you can join us in prayer every day and please join us today at 3:00 if you're able Anna knew so we'll be singing the Divine Mercy chaplet here at three o'clock now one of the first big confusions was I guess some people were there were some confusion these are two different talks part 1 part 2 part 1 now is it 9:30 part 2 is at 1:30 after the Mac's are gonna be doing 11 o'clock mass so I guess some people have been calling and there's a mistake a little bit I think that same talk no they're different this morning at 9:30 part one of the by Mercy and at 3:30 sir sorry 1:30 will be part two so we invite you if you're able to say it's well worth it I promise that you'll learn something new and I think you will enjoy it as well but anyway it's an honor and a blessing for me to be here I'm from Michigan originally and I know father John Broussard well we went together seminary together I have holy apostles and it's beautiful because both our communities are very alike they're both of all mercy and Mary and so fathers of Mercy are great Marian community even though they're called the marker of fathers of mercy and we are a great mercy community even though we're called the Marian's of the Immaculate Conception so you can see the connection the name and the cure is Ameri and mercy okay so what we're gonna do today we're not going to talk long on this first one we're going to talk for about 45 minutes and then we will take a break and then we will do the rosary at 10:30 followed by the mass at 11:00 then a break for you to grab a bite to eat here or down the road and then we will be doing the one o'clock excuse me 1:30 talk then this little later this afternoon so again it'll be a great day and then we'll finish with the Divine Mercy chaplet this afternoon and as you can see I carry with me st. Faustina wherever I go you can't get her relics anymore even priests can't get her relics we had a bishop contact us and he says I can't get her first class right so I travel I have this as part of her toe bone crazy Catholics right I mean we carry around home parts of saints but it's a tradition that goes back to the earliest centuries of the church so it's not crazy but it is funny when you see people come in our shrine who are not Catholic and they see people lining up and kissing her toe bone then they're like you Catholics and crazy you're crazy and and the answer is well we might be crazy but it's crazy for the Lord right so we will do this blessing to give you a blessing with the first-class relic of st. Faustina after the chaplet today at three o'clock and we've been told of many miracles and many blessings that have come through her intercession so well worth it if you can join us as well okay so let's kind of begin I don't read from a bunch of notes or give you a bunch of lecture I kind of give examples and try to teach from the standpoint of God tells us and shows us and in fact great things like Thomas Aquinas saying the intellect precedes the will which means you cannot love what you do not know so the reason that we myself and you might know some of our other priests father might gate lease my best friend he's one of our priests at the Marian father's he might you might know him for his work with 33 days to morning glory and our consoling the Heart of Jesus and his consecration I'm that crazy priest in the book he wrote about in a merciful love that told him he needs to write that book and so he did and the world is just better off what's in my heart is that the thousands tens of thousands of people consecrating the merry and divine mercy I believe is why the Lord has timer see this is an important time and few of us understand what critical battle were in right now and and divine vs. is focused okay now why is this important well first of all Jesus appeared to this little nun named Saint Faustina in the 1930s and basically told her that this is this being divine mercy is mankind's last hope for salvation this is it divine mercy he says this is mankind's last hope for salvation he said if you do not pass through the doors of my mercy you must pass through the doors of my justice now I don't know about you all but I'm not making it through the doors of justice no way all the Lord would have to do is look at one day in my college career Donna I would go but the Lord is so merciful he gives us this time of mercy now but here's what's interesting you notice what the our Holy Father has been saying Pope Francis he said to me for me the most profound statement he has said in his whole papacy as he said while the mercy of God is infinite the time of Mercy is not he basically went like this and said we are living on borrowed time we are living in a window that he believes is very short very small very very very close to closing now he's basically begging us he's not suggesting he's not recommending he is basically begging that we turn to God's mercy now because we are given an unprecedented amount of mercy right now Pope Pius the 12th said mankind is more sinful today this was in the 1950s this is the time Leave It to Beaver could you imagine what he would say about today but in the 1950s Pius the 12th said mankind is more sinful today than he was even at the time of the flood now if he said that about the nineteen fifties what would you say about today we are in a mess sister Lucia from Fatima said 30 years ago to a cardinal maybe's a bishop at the final battle between God and Satan will be over marriage in the family man are we seeing that army all this transgenderism stuff all this I mean the legalization I mean I'm not here for political talk I promise but it's just really divided and people are not understanding the church is not against the people we love all people but in the words of Augustan love the sinner but we got to hate the sin and this is what we don't people aren't getting and the craziness is going on and I feel for people who are struggling with maybe not knowing what gender they are but this is all there but the sad thing is they're not realizing this is all a ploy of Satan you see Satan is a great confusion he's the great deceiver and you know you can confuse me on a lot of things you can confuse me if it is good or bad too do this today you can confuse me if it's if I should buy a laptop or a desktop computer you can confuse me if I should do a mission in California or in New York which is the better one to do I might be wrong I think confused we can all get confused I'm permissioning I went to the University of Michigan so you might even confuse me if the Badgers are a better football team in the Wolverines right and by the way my friend lifelong friend growing up named Nick rascal amazing man and he's my best friend growing up his sister was Miss America she was my babysitter and yeah how many how many young guys could say they were babysat by Miss America right and uh and he he was an amazing football player he got a full ride to play for Barry Alvarez here at the University of Wisconsin and he starred for the team and he actually was in the Rose Bowl when they beat it was UCLA about 20 years ago is just a beautiful beautiful and great friend of mine anyway he came here to uh to Wisconsin to the University of Wisconsin he played football played four years for Barry and this is before Barry Alvarez retired and he was engaged to be married and he was just the most fun-loving good man they ever knew and he was killed in a car accident and you know to tell you the class of your Wisconsin football team and Barry Alvarez they showed up when they had the funeral and Nick was ready to be laid to rest and get the funeral we were getting ready to start and all of a sudden two full bus loads of giant tour buses pulled in to the funeral home and unloaded the entire Wisconsin football team they all came all the way to Michigan and I look back god bless you dick you know so I always ask the prayers especially if I'm in Wisconsin he was a great guy and very heartfelt friend that that I had but I know he's up there looking out for me and I asked for your prayers for the repose of his soul but to me it was a great testament to the class organization that Barry ran here at Wisconsin so I always remember that playing this that's the only time I figured Nick would understand that part of it but anyway so in this craziness in this world that we have here today we don't have an understanding and Satan is a great confuse er and the greatest thing that he wants to do is deceive you now of all the things that you could be confused by like I said should I marry this person or not should I take this job or not we can be confused by a lot of things but the one thing we could never be confused by is our very being our very identity and the very identity of where a man or a woman is core to who we are if Satan can confuse that he can confuse anything if that gets thrown into the bucket of random choice or I'm confused or I'm not sure he can confuse anything absolutely anything anything's up for grabs now why am I dreaming though we are living in an unprecedented time of sin sin people say well man's no different now than it was it may has always been the same times have changed but people have hogwash there's more sin today than there's ever conceived of in past history a twelve-year-old boy couldn't 200 years ago come home and at the click of a button on a computer watch some of the most vile unbelievable things and that they are seen like on the internet for instance so we have in our time sin untrusted but when there is sickness there's penicillin when there is sickness nurse pure and Jesus said one thing that was in the scriptures and he said at the st. Faustina we're sin about my mercy abounds even the more and to me that's the answer so you see we're on this craziest time time of more murders than there's ever been even more than the Romans we just celebrated the Roman martyrs yesterday and now we are the 20th century was more martyrs than ever well this is a time of unprecedented sin and those are the result of it but at the same time comes God's mercy the mercy is the answer and guess who is the nurse to administer that penicillin Mary Mary is the nurse divine mercy is the penicillin this without a doubt is the time of Mercy where sin abounds God's mercy a bomb somewhere and that's what we're in right now God's mercy is infinite but our time of mercies as much in France at Pope Francis said it we have to listen to it okay now let's get into the heart what is mercy if I wanted to ask you all and said to you all hey tell me what mercy is you probably would answer something like this well it's being nice to people or it's being compassion and this is all true it's compassionate love right but I want to go step back a little bit this is even even goes even deeper okay now we all hear about first we all know that we need virtue to grow in virtue to grow in holiness to be able to reach heaven to serve our Lord to be detached from those things that are dragging us down we need to grow in virtue now we have many virtues I always thinking you need you her to somebody else out patience patience is a virtue true but we have two sets of virtues in the Catholic faith and we talk about quite often the cardinal virtues and the theological virtues what are the cardinal just anybody tell me one of the cardinal virtues is no twill so the theological virtues the cardinal virtues anybody can tell me what the cardinal virtues are horrible temperance justice four two two one more prudent now let's take a look at those we'll eat really quickly prudence just be smart before you say or do anything you know I look back on my life every big mistake or big mess I ever got myself into is because I shot off my mouth without thinking or I did something done without thinking prudence we must have it's a virtue all right temperance what stuff just moderation nothing God creates is that if we don't abuse it sexuality is not mad at you don't abuse it done in its proper context with their marriage who abuse is not bad if you don't abuse it nothing is bad if we don't abuse it but when we abuse even drops drugs are meant to help us that we have use them they hurt us now it's funny because temperance I kept one little I heard one slogan once in it it stuck with me and I lost 20 pounds 25 from one little slogan never hungry never heard that was it somebody told me that just go throughout your day never hungry never full have you no small meal a day keep your keep that edge up but never stuff yourself like a turkey where you can't even you have to unbutton your shirt or your belt at the dinner table because you're just like oh I did do that and the wrestler I didn't have a Thanksgiving dinner for 18 years I served us in the third grade and when I got through college and finally have stopped wrestling I remember my first things to be dinner and I ate like a stuffed turkey and I remember just all you have a stomach ache that's not Tempest all right so you got to keep it within perspective all right now fortitude what is fortitude courage courage you need to have courage today especially to be a Christian and let alone a Catholic because we fight attacks even within our own Christian Brotherhood from these people we got to be creative you know I was in line at Southwest Airlines ready to get on a flight and I believe it or not priests have these too and they can really help I've got everything on here I've got the entire Roman miss I've got the entire Douay Rheims Bible I got the entire new American plan I've got the entire I've got all my Miriam Freight I've got everything I've got to be in these scriptures I've got everything instead of carrying 20 books I got that it helps now there's funny because a fred priest of mine called the other day and he said how the chris i'm really in a mess i got an emergency call could you come and do my 7:00 a.m. mass like 6:30 so i had to race over that was he planning on doing masses 11th at base i hadn't looked at the scriptures yet and i quit throwing my vestments and I'm standing out in front of the churches people are coming in and getting ready and I I put try not trying to read the scripture for the day me good if a priest reads the passage before he preaches on it right so I pull out my phone and I'm scrolling through the look at his little old ladies come in god bless them and she comes walking up with their little cane and she looks at me she sees me with my phone and she says you too father I felt like a tu brute a no these can be very helpful but the point the point is is that I'm sitting in this airline at sea or at the Southwest Airlines and I I'm just reading my prayers and I'm in my collar on I'm minding my own business and this guy looks at me he says are you a Catholic please I said yes hello hi my name is father Chris he says you're Catholic priest I said yes he said where are you stationed I said at the shrine of divine mercy in Stockbridge Massachusetts he says you mean you don't run a little boys camp and I said excuse me he says yeah you don't run a little boy's camp I said no he says well it's a proven well-known fact that every one of you Catholic priests will eventually be given a little boys camp to run to fulfill your sick sexual desires what do you say to a guy like that and by this time yelling at me in the line and and all these people are looking at us I mean with this much love as I could muster I answer I said sir I'm sorry your mistake and I said there's no excuse for anything that ever happened in these scandals but if you think this is just a Catholic problem you're sadly mistaken I said it's a broken humanity problem and it's still a problem and it's still wrong and there's never an excuse for even one case but I said you might want to do your homework people like Jenkins out of Penn State wasn't even Catholic and he did massive Studies and they pulled all the records and cases and court documents and all this and that and they determined between 0.7 and 1.1 percent of Catholic priests are guilty that's too many one is too many but you know what they found it was in non Catholic Christian religions was 2 to 3 percent it was double you know what it wasn't the Jewish faith it was 5 percent 5 times you know what it was in the public schools 8 percent eight times statistically actually your child is safest with a Catholic priest but you won't read that in the newspaper we need fortitude to stand up and defend our faith and our teaching and our church I'm not saying going to look for a fight but don't bury your head in the sand and act like this is just a Catholic problem it's broken humanity problem still wrong still unacceptable I'm not trying to justify absolutely not it's so long but it's not just a kind of problem we need fortitude all right just where's Jeff I for an eye tooth for it to slam that guy he hurt you get him back that's justice isn't it isn't it No no I'd have to go home if I was going to end on that note okay justice is given to each person there do you give what they deserve your parents deserve your honor and your respect that is justice your children deserve a roof over their head clothing food and shelter that is their dude do you know we're religion and by the way don't fall for that trap don't believe organized religion I believe than just being spiritual really oh yeah I got into this organized religion really Jesus organized religion Jesus founded the church he gave us a first pope he organized Nordine the first bishops he gave us our priests he started apostolic succession which is carried out from the first apostles to every priest today Jesus organized religion where we could tell him he's wrong justice is giving me that to who they are do religion is justice why is religion justice because you're giving God his do which is worship that's what it is okay those are the four cardinal virtues why do we call them cardinal virtues and what are they it means you can acquire those with your own efforts by working at it and trying hard and practicing good virtue you could become a man or woman of prudence temperance justice and employment now you said earlier what are the theological virtues they hope and the greatest of these love they don't come from practice they are a gift from God that's why we call them the theological virtues Faith Hope and the greatest of these is love not is all love the same no way do I love I used to have an awesome yellow lab dog named rocky do I love rocky the same way I love my priest brothers like father my Gately or father Don Calvin do I love my dog the same way heck no all right I went to University of Michigan I love Michigan football fact they still talk about my interview when I interviewed with father Larry Dunn at the Marion fathers and we finished our interview this is us special meanest now I think you met like allergies you know like like what's that no what's the wheat gluten free hey did you have any special made this as well father I will do whatever you ask I am a business owner I saw my business I looked seven days a week I don't take things off I don't need Vicki I don't take vacations I don't need days off I you know I work hard I pray hard I won't be here this is what I do have one request I said on Saturday afternoons can I watch a Michigan football and he looked at me he says yo I got to admit I've never had that kind of and so uh so he looked any kind of shook his head now I love Michigan football but do I love Michigan football as much as my mom mother or father they would probably tell you yes but the answer is no of course of course all love is not the same feel you love between the father and the son is different than conjugal love between a husband and a wife all right now of all the modes of love and there are many modes there's feeling of love like I said between husband or wife there's conjugal herb conjugal love between husband or wife feeling a lot between father-son all that of all the modes of love the highest is mercy so what I'm telling you how this is to give me an understanding then of all the virtues and virtue is what gets us to heaven of all the virtues prudence fortitude justice Faith Hope all the virtues the highest virtue is love and within all of the modes of love the highest mode is mercy you can do better mercy is the highest mode of the highest virtue basically what mercy is mercy is where you are most like God because you see mercy is when love encounters suffering and takes action to do something about it it's would love encounter suffering and does something about that is what mercy is so when you encounter the suffering of another and you take it upon self in your own heart mother posickey says Mercy's having pains in your heart for the pains of another and doing something about their pain taking pains to do something about their pain mercy is basically the highest form of the highest virtue you can't do that now now we're gonna get to the good stuff and remember love itself what does love the highest virtue all right now I got a question for you if I was the only person who ever existed not all of you existed only me if I was the only person who ever existed none of you all exist it could there be love could there be love no because in order for there to be love you need a community of persons this is why I can tell you right now we hear this from everybody our friends our relatives oh it doesn't matter what you are as long as you're something regarding religion oh it doesn't matter what you are yes it does I can prove to you right now that God is a Trinity and then people all the time say well it doesn't matter they're all the same no there aren't Islam doesn't believe in the Trinity is on value in a religion it's a political ideology is under something the Trinity Judaism doesn't belong in the church believe in the Trinity Mormons don't believe in the Trinity seventh-day Adventists don't believe Jehovah Witness don't believe in the Trinity you see it doesn't matter what you are because only Christianity believes in the Trinity and God has to be a Trinity he has to what okay what's the one word that describes got and you could pick one word and we've just been saying it love well now we have one god or three guys one guy how many persons three persons three persons a community of persons now the one word to describe God is God is love now that's the case he's got to be a Trinity what cousin or a vlog you need a lover you need two beloved and you need to love between them guess what the Trinity is the father is the lover the son is the beloved and you love between them is so great comes forth a third person the Holy Spirit y'all know that that's how the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit by definition is the love between the father and the son it's so great by love between the father and the son is it creates and that creates these uncreated generates or proceeds a third person the Holy Spirit now you know what the family is who's the family husband the lover the what the beloved and the love between and is so great a third person the child the family is the mirror of the Trinity this is why please don't bash your church because the church is the last institution standing that defends marriage is between a man and a woman and I'm again I'm not here for this political argument I'm just telling you the church teacher the father of the Trinity is the lover the son is the beloved and the love between them generates a third person the Holy Spirit the father in the hut and the family is the lover the wife and the families the beloved and the love between them is so great it generates a third person the child you don't have that anywhere else so again don't bash your church for that it's just simply the way God created now in that it's all about love it's all about love not give you a seminary quiz before creation the Trinity always existed did it not of course and that was perfect love within the Trinity the father loves the son the son loves the father the father loves the Holy Spirit they all love each other but is that love mercy in the Trinity the perfect love is that love mercy no she got she's saying it is not what because merciful love is when love encounters suffering it comes down to it it's there's no suffering in the Trinity mercy is loving the unlovable there's no one loveable in the Trinity mercy is forgiving the forgiveable there's no one forgivable in the Trinity so wait a minute this perfect love of God is not mercy then why are we talking about mercy because mercy is when that love of God that perfect love overflows outside of itself to us creation when he created us that was a great act of mercy here's a question for you mother John and I believer and send me read a lot of Thomas Aquinas and Thomas Aquinas teaches that what is the greatest thing what in the world and there's many to choose from is the greatest misery the greatest evil Thomas Aquinas says what is that greatest evil in the world that this greatest misery what is it does anybody have any idea what Thomas Aquinas says is the greatest misery not to exist to not be to be or not to be is the greatest misery so what do you think God's first great act of mercy us if the perfect love of the Trinity overflowed outside of itself because the greatest misery is not to exist and God has all this love and the greatest misery is not to exist what do you think the greatest first act of God's merciless creation now we invite you to stay for the mass because in the homily I'm going to explain and expound on four years of seven in one huh all right it's not going to be a two-hour homily across it'll be ten minutes ten minutes we're gonna give you our whole thing at the homily the 11 o'clock rocks in it we will talk about God's three great acts of mercy starts with creation and then the other two we will explain how they were given by our God to get us through life and give us grace and you it's all tied to the mass so please join us now in the meantime God gave us this beautiful gift of mercy in it we had first of all creation doctor me what happened after God created us what did it take Adam Eve what 10 minutes to get broken Adam eight to ten minutes in the guys later you ever give a little gift to a kid and he comes back ten minutes later he was holding it and broken pieces y'all been there you all know that but here's the thing in the first great act of mercies gotta give him a little bit of my homily for Sunday or for the homily for the next mass but the first react of Mercy I just said it creation all comes from God all was created the first great act of mercy by normally we say the first person of the Trinity and the father is creation now the second day that converse which I'm going to talk about Mihama by the second person of the Trinity he came down after agony he got broken and did one redemption first of all do we gotta believe that even even justice yes do we have to believe that Adam and Eve is a real to real living human beings or it's a fable to understand a church teaching what is it yes we have to believe it Adam and Eve were real you know it's funny science is yet to miss prove the Bible or disprove the Bible do you know in the 1990s geneticists at Cal State in the UK proved genetically that every living human being in the world can be traced back to one woman all of us human can be traced back to one woman genetically they have proven this now why it didn't make the headline news I'll never know you know why he visits backs a polygon why wasn't Katie Couric in the parking lot of that research center doing the news but boy that was a Catholic priests who did something bad she would be in the parking lot announcing the front page my news dad I'm sorry aggravated and I should be at the bottom line is it's true now do you have to take everything the Bible says as little do we read the Bible as literally true NUI yes now go home tonight and cut off your right hand because it tells you if you've seen cut it off here's the difference it's mentioned in Vatican 2 the Bible is literally true yes but not in a sense we normally think in English as literal the Bible I don't really treat a little word literally needs the message the author is trying to get to you is true and everything in the Bible with the message the author who's the holy spirit is trying to get to you is true in other words if something causes you to sin get rid of it if your boyfriend or girlfriend causes you to sin if your computer causes you to sin if whatever causes you to sin you got to get rid of it but we don't read the Bible as literal lists meaning that you actually take the saw and slice off your ranking we don't read the Bible is literal lists that we read it is literally true you got something in your life causing you the same you gotta get rid of it okay make sense right now back to scripture in the scripture Jesus person said God he's in the garden and he would Adam is messed up God gave one promise of the sea and a gift of a mother but what did Adam and Eve do what was the problem with Adam and Eve what did they do okay we disobey that is true they sit right was that the big problem the problem the huge problem that means is just that they said yes of course that's the problem it's what happens afterwards God's message of mercy has been given to mankind from the very beginning since Adam and Eve the message of divine mercy has been given to us from the beginning and it's nothing new and you can remember it as easy as a B C you want to get to heaven you need to do all three you're missing any one of those three you don't get to have what a B C you need all three but you don't get to heaven you missing one of the three you got to go back and get some work done in purgatory what are eight ask for God's mercy did admin Eve ask for God's mercy did they say they were sorry oh they didn't that was problem one beep be merciful to each other didn't Adam and Eve be merciful to each other that no Adam there's a real man he stood up and said God it's the woman you need me it's her fault not mine no greater to me the joke a while ago and I loved it and it comes from a 7th grader he says you know Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and God says now you got to go to work sorry you know when you're living by the sweat your bra sunsetting beautiful paradises the gardens are out toe in the field mowing the lawn breaking the leaves so one day Adams passing by with Cain and Abel and they're walking by the garden and Abel looks over he says dad is that the garden of Eve for Garden of Eden this is yep so dad did we really used to live there and says yes son we did dad what happened I mean that looks like pretty good in there not we're sweating and working breaking our backs and sweat by the thing of our brow and you had that dad what happened babe laughs and Adam looks them he says son your mother ate us out of house and home that was from a seventh grader I like to tell that joke but anyway Adam and Eve did not be merciful to each other blaming each other I mean and that's the lungs in our blood today god bless these little ladies come to our shrine in Stockbridge mass I mean but when I was first or dating I went to confession to hear the confessions you know they looked this tall boy bring a new priest because they'd already had every other priest or probably fifty confessions and that's good that's okay never be afraid to go to confession please even if you got to keep going for the same sin over and over as long as you're trying right well anyway I got into the confession and I noticed his precious these these little ladies would come and there are you know in their 70s they're just the purest and nicest ladies and I'll ever forget from the first two confessions they sit down and they say in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit forgive me Father for I have sinned father my husband did this my husband and my husband did this and I would be like no ma'am we're here for your confession that's your husband oh yes yes father you're right you're right you're right father you're right okay okay okay father I must confess impatience with my husband when he does this and this in this I started laughing god bless them we still have that in our blood we want to blame the other we don't want to be merciful to each other you want it to be all about us this is a problem this is broken this is our broken human nature so we're not being merciful to each other now and Eve didn't do it either see completely trust in God's mercy you know what Jesus told st. Faustina check this up this is here in a way should be a no wake up call you are saved without race prices that that may seem like you don't make to heaven without race and Jesus comes in Cocina trucks is the vessel by which all grace is received you don't have trust you don't receive grace you don't receive grace you don't get sanctified you don't get sanctified you don't make it pretty powerful what but you see we must trust what does it mean in the image of divine mercy which I'll be talking about a minute did we have an image right here Jesus I trust in you Trust is the best by which all graces are received jesus said what does it mean to trust easier said than done trust trusting duh what's with the easiest ways to trust him God your church you know my sister she used to come to me and she could not understand why she couldn't use contraception in her marriage and I attract you to the theological explanation humanity pay god bless her she wasn't really ready for that and one day she just woke up and she says you know what I'm not gonna use contraception anymore I said wow that's great okay what happened and she says well you know I just figured that a church of 2,000 years knows better than I do I got a trust I don't know how I don't understand it but I just gotta trust that the church knows better than I know that's you so you see these do not happen without God's mercy now these are the ABCs of mercy any ask for God's mercy the Bible says you don't ask giving us and repenting your sins you don't need to be being merciful to each other you just look at Matthew 25 fathers I get you out that great book called you get it to me if you don't have it yesterday you talked about Matthew 25 what is Matthew 25 are you Catholic pull up your Bibles everybody all the Catholics know we ought to know the story so we can't quote a verse number that's fine but we all know the story the sheep and the goats what happens the end of time God separates the sheep from the goats and did the sheep he says when I was hungry you gave me food thirsty you gave me drink when I was naked you clothed me when I was in prison you visited me welcomed into the kingdom of your heavenly Father well done good and faithful servants solidworks to the goats who says when I was something you did not give me food when I was thirsty you did not give me drink naked you did not clothe me in prison you did not me away with you into the eternal fire and me we answer Lord Lord when did we see you hungry thirsty naked in prison and he says what she did not do for the least of my brother and you did not do for me away with you into the fire you see only the Catholic Church understands importance of good works not works of the law this is where the Protestants think we're talking about no I'm not gonna wash my hands seven times to get into heaven no I'm not going to get circumcised and get into heaven no I'm not going to avoid pork and get into heaven those are all old dietary and ritual laws that Christ fulfilled we don't necessarily have to do them but we're not talking about works of the law here we're talking of works of love those have to be or you don't get to have that's the importance Matthew 25 scripture says you do not do works of love you don't be merciful to each other you don't make it to heaven see completely trust I said it Jesus said Trust is invested by which all ranks and services all right this gift in the garden to a disease is called the ABCs alert now we often hear people say is this divine mercy staying optional or mandatory I ask you is the bud mercy optional or mandatory yes I say that because it's a boat divine mercy is unique in that it's both a message and a devotion our devotions in the Catholic Church mandatory no do you necessary I believe that Mary appeared to three children is sad a lot to go to heaven even though the church approved it you do not I suggest you do because the church approved it and it is important message there in line with the gospel but you don't necessarily have to do it to get to them that's a devotion devotion to the Catholic Church our option but the message of Mercy that I just made to you maybe see is not Pope Benedict the 15th said the message of divine mercy is the heart of the gospel in essence if you reject the message of divine mercy you reject the gospel does that sound optional to you not to me oh boy I'm running out of time okay here's what we want to finish with this first session I'm gonna finish with this alright so God gave this message of mercy the ABCs from the beginning of time it's nothing new this message of mercy ask the God's forgiveness the mercy of each other completely trusting God's mercy is not optional it is mandatory we reject that we reject the gospel now Jesus been giving that to all of mankind since the beginning of time he's risen up prophets and saints trying to give us this message of mercy we are stubborn stiff neck people we don't listen we don't get it and we put ourselves in trouble God's been trying to show us this message of mercy from the very beginning and he's been giving it to the world Saints and prophets he's risen up but we just let him Bob pay attention finally God gets to this time in our 20th century the time of the most martyrs in the time of the 20th century with here comes God the greatest person so fine - all the salvation history now to try to get the suspense of diversity you're not listening finding he gets to a little nun in pull Jesus people who would expect the Christ came to earth who would you expect he could change the world overnight with Caesar Oh convert Caesars heart here it's heart restive the danger they were the leaders of the new world so but Jesus were two people we don't expect he works Ruby deposits is that what we would expect one betrayed one thing will lead in the resurrection one day 93 times and they all ran away the cross boy I would not want Jesus to be my hiring manager [Applause] he knew exactly the new tire and he was picked you see not much to people you don't except he wants you people you would expect do you know even though most of us it's not what you expect do you go by traditions of all the 12 apostles who was the most culture sophisticated and educated of all the twelve apostles Judas and you-know-who by traditional sense was probably the broad rhombus and most foul off the ball Peter look at the genius and look what happened to Peter does it you don't expect it to the little guy I'm a case of God a little gun the importance is what he's doing is gives greater glory here's the point I could finish right now the limits being the rosary in advance all of this message of divine mercy God's been trying to give the rule for the very beginning we have been listening to finally he gets this little nun so but he would not expect a third grade education could really really and let's jump out to called nobody from know that's how he describes a Latina nobody from Road Wow and what is it telling he basically drug viciously be trying to help us give us my workers Deckard's no but what it has meant is this juicy pastina will help prepare the world for my father this is divine mercy is bad guys last hope of salvation so you say Faustina you Saint Faustina will help prepare the world for life this complete insignificant nobody from nowhere is exactly the type of person God uses so here's what he did that finish with this he gave her five new champions of grace by which to take that message mandatory message of divine mercy and give it back to him he said st. Faustina I want you to talk about my message universal to the Lord you already have up be sure he had the specificity on three since yes then nobody who knows about you see us in our Hospital diversity I'm giving you this message diversity you wrap up the grand package to give it back to the world because women wrap Christmas presents much better than men so God - this is wrapping up brand-new this gift of mercy and give it back to the real Saint Faustina any deep the wrapping paper the wrapping paper is called the devotion of the minor C fiber to disgrace in this repetition with that you can use to live a deeper message of Mercy which is not these five materials the grace are the devotional reminders technically optional but would you want to practice to me you want to play game without practicing you think Michael Jordan was only ever judge well we didn't mean didn't happen without grounds course not you will be judged of the best averse did you ask forgiveness new people are supported to trust in God that's not a judge that is he but in order to live in a complete need you better practice practice is not how you judge the practice of performing it so God practice - what is it easy to remember is the acronym to finish best I end see things like the Bluebird and this is what we'll talk about one-third finished now for the road treated minutes but at 1:30 please come back it is different talk than right now we're going to extend it to purchase the five new channels of grace that Jesus beat Saint Faustina to bring this message mandatory message back to the group which is called the optional devotion of the night where Sita comes in five new channels of grace f is the feast of divine mercy please come back because Jesus gets something called the extraordinary promise of the feast we do two simple things you should be doing this cafeteria two simple things we should be doing anyway then jesus promises something called the extraordinary promise through the feast we do it at the peace what is not the end they tell you the significance every part of it the most image of all Christianity we're gonna explain the holding father says and it was in the novena of divine mercy unlikely to be that we have in the history of the church or anyone what a seat the chaplet of divine mercy also a prayer unlike any other we have the that the church and I would see one in what a speech the hour of course images would not be appropriate to the abuse of these donors should not bless you we're going to end here at the first block or maybe by the police what do you know or text number or Facebook come before mass sing part two father Chris is doing at 1:30 we're going to talk about Finch feast image and Davina the chaplain and the our person and you leave here knowing a little bit more and so right now in the Rosary and the mass god bless you please bring with you friends whoever because you want to hear the second brother talk and especially if you've lost anybody into suicide if anybody you know where you know somebody who knows somebody who has been lost at suicide you haven't wanna hear it you don't want to come back because you have more more and more joy over that cold even for those who take your lives [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Champion Shrine
Views: 44,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kmmvtJj6W_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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