Marvel's: What If Experience On Apple Vision Pro Is A Blast! (Full Gameplay)

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hey what's up everyone and yes today I'm giving you a first look at the full what if experience which you can now exclusively play on the Apple Vision Pro that's right in this video we'll be literally stepping into the Multiverse experiencing a immersive and interactive story in both virtual and mixed reality coming face to face with multiversal variants learning the Mystic Arts and taking full control over the Infinity Stones oh I can't wait a huge shout out to ilm immersive for this unique Opportunity by the way as I'm probably one of the only people in the scene right now with an apple Vision so I'm I'm so glad I can share this with you all and with that being said let's jump right into the future of spatial entertainment enjoy how far would you go to protect what you hold dear is there any cost you wouldn't pay most of us would be willing to do anything sadly fate rarely affords us that choice but what if ooh okay time space reality it's more than a linear path it's a prism of Endless Possibilities where a single Choice can Branch into Infinite realities and where a simple change in perspective can turn enemies into allies sacrifice into hope oh never forget I Am The Watcher I am your guide through these vast new realities but I cannot must not intervene that's where you come in oh boy your world is facing an unprecedented threat multiversal villains have broken from their Destinies altering their faith if not corrected it could destroy now reality but yours as well their go the Infinity Stones artifacts that Grant control over existence itself while they each command equally incredible abilities the Soul Stone is special prophecy speaks of the Soul Stone choosing a hero and out of every single life every soul in the Multiverse you have been chosen you sure of course you'll need something to Channel all that power and I know just the one who can help oh okay surprise us Master wall good to see you hi Watcher just once I'd like you to summon me for something other than the fate of all existence I've brought what you asked for the Spells of agamotto I trust this should make us even for that business on the astral plane don't you remember well of course that said I am perplexed why do you need these spells you can already handle Infinity Stones oh it's not for me well hello there absolutely not you want me to give these spells to this person hey that's not nice dangerous beings are hunting Infinity Stones across Realties and they must face them the hero of the multi first that's me what a stupid name in untrained hands these spells could fracture their very being across reality it could fracture all reality oh w w w w w trust me man quit scaring them little bit fine magic for everybody beray yes here we go long before he forged the eye the great sorcerer agamotto created the hand of agamotto a Bell crafted to contain all six Infinity Stones it allows the chosen sorcerer to use the stones in every reality across the Multiverse hold up the hand you want to do magic with hero bring it all now you may take the stone got to catch them all well learning to use a single infinity stone could take you years all six could take you decades they don't have that kind of time fine give me 5 minutes let's go first year wait what oh good now we're alone these are unusual circumstances strange prophecies villains hunting Infinity Stones it's the first time hearing of such things still you should be able to pass a few simple tests of skill hero that spell you're wielding is the ultimate unity of magic and Infinity power it is not just to safeguard the stones but you as well uhhuh interesting form a fist with your hand to conjure a defensive Shield oh this is sick now defend yourself good you can do better [Music] again good let's see if you can handle this he's not playing around impressive let's see what else you can do okay behold the space Stone locked away after causing all the destruction you see here don't get any bright ideas if you can't pass my tests I'll take back the stones and you can Safeguard your reality with good intentions deal now socket the stone like before come on you now have control over the very fabric of space Oh Ancient One forgive me and your first first task shall be to clean up my mess okay aim your open hand towards one of the books close your fist to control it well done now move the book to the bookcase and open your hand good now shove the other books oh this is very handy actually can I take this spell home [Music] impressive perhaps there is something to this prophecy here your last spell the spell of ceiling ceiling this spell is devastating and not to be taken lightly with this you'll be taking a life and trapping it in the Soul Stone for eternity so let's practice on something a little lower Stakes oh it's funny I'm funny we may need that later okay now the spell of ceiling match with the hand of aoto is doing okay let's see I know it's thrilling but magic is not a thing to take lightly you're going to be faced with a choice all who Ed Infinity Stones a I remain skeptical of this entire situation so watch your back I don't blame him welcome to the [Music] circus I must admit Watcher they are more capable than they appeared of course they were chosen in I will do my part and fortify the defenses for the time Stone and hey you hero yeah try not to destroy the Multiverse while you're at it I'll I'll try my [Music] best don't worry he's a really good guy I know it is time your first threat to the Multiverse a dangerous being has set their eyes on the reality Stone and it is up to you to stop them and recover it oh shoot Thanos father to gamor and nebula in some universes Thanos collects the Infinity Stones and destroys half of all life but here in this new reality Thanos is not yet the Mad Titan he is simply a criminal wa this looks absolutely amazing you can't see this on tape but everything is in 3D it looks so cool on behalf of the novacore we remand The Prisoner Thanos of Titan and present him for summary judgment I do not recognize this cour defendant shall speak only when spoken to now now magistrate there's no need for barbarism FR zos here here is advocate for my brother Thanos what an honor to be met by the noore's most powerful Centurion we are lucky to be graced by your vigilance save it man and of course yours as well magistrate State the defendant crimes alleged crimes he attacked xandar in an attempt to steal the reality Stone well failed attempt your honor my brother is deeply remorseful his sole concern as is all of ours is the well-being of Titan and my father would be happy to support that wellbe therefore we are grateful for the mercy of the court so I guess that's that drinks anyone so tell us Thanos are you remorseful what I am is thankful thankful that every politicky Coward of Titan is here before me you see this isn't my trial it's yours I will have order brother please Thanos stop [Applause] a it's St a prisoner it's time than not meant to win this this is it this is our moment show me what you got Thanos I'd ask who you are but it makes no difference with this the world is whatever I may remember as always he's not playing around is that seriously all he can do impression I'll Grant you this oh never mind oh sorry no time for a meet and greet we're a little Stones throw away from this guy killing us all ni he's one the reality Stone has split apart grab the pieces and return them to The Container oh woo that was a close goal okie dokie let's collect those uh reality Stone pieces gather the rest so far I'm loving this experience it's so unique how they are mixing these virtual and mixed reality elements to to tell the story it's like I'm not just watching a movie but I'm also in it playing it like it's a video game this is so refreshing and it feels like this is a completely new genre that is just coming out and I'm all for it this Thanos variant is is not giving up that easily ah there that's what I was waiting for the reality stone is reformed take it oh so how does this one work then we don't get Wong this time around so hey you uh super cool Powers Now's the Time aoro is saving the day once again now seal him in in the Soul Stone bye-bye Mr T see you never again nice work thanks for the assist thank you I almost got axed into a million pieces well done but there's no time to celebrate oh the Multiverse is still in danger next the Power Stone earth right away onto the next Zone a world with no Captain America here in this alternate reality World War II never ended instead the Allied Nations disbanded and with every country now out for themselves one discovered a power that could alter the fate of this universe and at this very moment someone is coming to claim [Music] it this is a lab but you you don't look like scientist give me the stone you don't sound like [Music] scientist it's not bad but you face the Red Guardian Trust me the power Stone makes monsters out of men must be proud then no no one would be proud of what's being created here then get out of my way well uh no you have skull for [Music] face oh oh no the reactor now the whole place go booom oh I have a feeling this is going to be a lot of f bam finally backa y find something to stop that machine sure where is your super oh watch out oh oh there we go is that all you got what do we need use your telekinesis to grab the power cor okay that makes sense let's take the reactor of five oh man I got to say the hand tracking works so well in this immersive story it makes you feel powerful it makes you feel like a hero as one would say but no it's just so good and seeing your hands in front of you within this experience is just taking it to another level it's so good okay wonder how this is going to end let's do it let's let's not wait any longer oh wow give it to me bro it's him wait it can't be is that Bucky [Music] how ah take the power St oh we're good the security system of course sitee keep please help do something about those tets turrets aim your fist at a turret to unleash your power oh man this is a blast literally I can even combine it with my shield I don't know if you can take out the big one sidek together bounce cool purple blast of my shield Roger Roger yeah teamwork you beta hurry seal him away before he escapes excellent one stone remains cleaned up nicely your work is done here I'll see you soon believe it or not but this this is the second reactor that's almost blown up under my watch wa come back where are you taking the I have idea we should start super I don't know if that's a good idea but appreciate the uh the invite what Wong the time Stone has been stolen no just as The Watcher fold when I went went to him for help he was gone I've got a dire feeling about this I have a hunch where the time stone is headed is that a Loki Star Wars reference maybe oh him first he tried to trade me for it then he begged me for it and now this th under the cover of night like a coward ah here he is the collector are you sure I can't convince you to stay I always have more work for someone with your skill set and Joey say flexible morality stop stalling I could just take what's mine but I don't want your blood all over my boots I trust you had no issue securing the stone we both know that you don't trust anybody but no the wizard didn't even notice speaking of trust yes yes but of course our deal you give me this Stone I return to you your most valuable possession finen she's the one who stole it couldn't find a small cage as promised one eye of aramoto [Music] enchanting that's it let's get in there oh we're going to visit the collector you've landed us too far away well I suppose now will be a good time for your next lesson okay let's pay attention portals this spell creates a small Gap in SpaceTime look for the portal symbol raise your hand in front of you to activate the spell now move your hands like this let's do a practice round and Alakazam that's not part of the spell it's just for flare anyway now you try Wong is funnier than he thinks okay here we go for real this time two options return the stone willingly or my Apprentice here will take it off your corpse yep oh what an angry little man it's the wizard wizard I didn't train for a year in the nightmare Dimension just to be called wizard ouch I am sorcerer Supreme so sorry Mr supreme but hel and I have entered into a sacred Covenant called no backis now allow my associates to escort you out W wo wo wo wo ton we had a deal I that's for us wait I have a feeling she can handle herself let's see how this plays out all yours you guys have quite the assortment of artifacts well I have a new one here it's to die for [Music] oh give it to me keep an eye on her I'm going after the stone got it okay I'll I'll I'll try my best see what I can do behind you watch out I don't know I have a feeling she's on our side because she also got well screwed over by The Collector also something that I started to notice is that you can't fre use the Mystic Arts you're kind of restricted to the shield and the Blaster that's about it the other spells don't really come into play that much which is a shame because it would allow you to be more creative with all the other combinations you can have but nope uh it's it's a bit scriptive oh V opening another portal to I don't know where we'll find out I have no control over this name whoa oh no shoot shoot shoot shoot no no no no no no no fin quick save her please but how oh just just the time grab it time okay this should do the trick wait oh meddling like this may alter the fate of this universe the very thing you were meant to stop please she's dying okay let's looks like agoro can't withstand the cuteness so let's just follow along and save her it worked [Music] yes I fear the consequences of your actions W what good is power we can't even save the ones we hold dearest Watcher what is the meaning of this the The Watcher I know would never advocate for such interference right which can only mean one thing you are not the Watcher wait a second there's no need to be so dramatic W mexim you're causing grave damage to the Multiverse why damage the Multiverse is already broken hey hey those are mine I can build a better them back perfect one haven't you ever dreamed of a second chance we all have Wanda but you are the only one destroying and deceiving why I made it Infinity Stones but the witch is always being watched yes the hero of the Multiverse thing was a lie but it worked you wanted to play the hero so badly you brought the stones right to me even at the expense of your Universe how did I not see this so from a certain point of view you were the biggest multiversal R of all me you're making it so complicated I can see there's a thing going on here so we'll leave you just for a while please have mercy on my soul where are we welcome Vision to the world inside the Soul Stone my name is vision and I see you've already met my wife wand this is the place where every being you sealed is confined but I hope that here you may find another perspective perspective huh hold your gaze upon the landmark I'm not completely sure but this seems to be the first time ey tring is being utilized fenis was my only friend in that big dingy Palace my father didn't care he wanted a warrior not a daughter Odin banished [Music] Fenris but if dear old dad thought that I would fall in line well he was wrong I snuck out at first light vowing never to return I spent Aon scouring the nine rounds until I found Fenris she'd been captured by The Collector so we struck a [Music] deal is that beneath me yes did I enjoy embarrassing your high strung wizard friend also yes look the point is benis is family and there's nothing I won't do to keep us safe can kind of understand where you're coming from now gaze at another landmark oh that must be Thanos my home World Titan was dying too many mouths I saw no other choice than to use the reality Stone canot and if the council would not allow it then I had to take it they called me mad but true Madness would have been to see all this death and do nothing [Music] I needed the stone not to end life but to save it without it my planet has no future H okay okay only one Landmark remains and who's the last cap in my world hydra's forces grew more and more powerful we were short short on time and low on options the Allies brush to create something but there was an accident they had an image of their ideal super soldier I wasn't it [Music] when I learned of the Russian Power Stone experiments I had to act I never expected to find my friend Bucky Frozen after all these years I can't leave things as they are I have to get back somehow well I feel kind of bad for [Music] him I see now the pattern that binds us our devotions have Twisted into Obsession something I understand All Too [Applause] Well w and I were happy at first but then the mindstone began to die taking me with it no matter what we tried there was no cure my death was a constant an absolute point and so wand looked beyond our universe and into the Multiverse itself I watched this Obsession take hold knowing where it would lead to pain and suffering and yet I did not stop her in the end she saw only one choice the Infinity Stones to that end she disguised herself and used your perception of these so-called villains against you what a genius but evil plan and I totally fell for it I'm so dumb seems to me she's just trying to save you w will use the stones to build a new Multiverse on top of the ashes of the old destroying countless lives in the process even if she does not see it that way okay not so ideal when you put it like that yeah sorry to skip the pleasantries but we need a way out good one the search for a way out of the Soul Stone has proven impossible hey it's Mr Funny Master Wong yes the situation is quite challenging not for the wizard Supreme uh regardless I was suspicious when the Watcher was acting unusual so I had our hero here prepare and Escape what really this didn't even notice now I will need you to get us out of here and save the Multiverse I'll need all of you we all know what must be done if Wonder won't see reason worst case we all die and my ghost haunts your ghosts let's get started match what the hand of agamotto is doing I got this i got this good keep going [Music] it's working bam who you did it now let's finish this wand what have you done did you know that mosquitoes serve no real purpose waa and in my new Multiverse gone no more Wonder this is selfish need to let go no together we can set the Multiverse right we can find another way w please well we tried oh well that escalated quickly Vision get Vision out of here space take it guess we got to start up over pull back the bow string to fire the Mystic Arrow hey wait for it wait for it and caboom take it okay not bad you know for an unremarkable human thanks she's Conjuring a hex bomb we must portal to safety we're blitzing through this hey you how about a shi a shield coming in three versus one totally fair fight let's try oh that worked same old dog oh I can't shoot her know Tri come on fire my shield of course okay my turn I I have been more than patient with you children but I have my limits quick the time Stone grab it of that you know I've seen the suffering in your world you should want a new one not going to lie that scared me I think you can stop me fine let's settle this Final Countdown whoa whoa whoa remember this isn't her un it's yours watch here do I need to shoot the yeah let's not try to hang around any longer before things get worse oh [Music] yeah I have never seen anything like it you fractured her power across the Multiverse I was doing this for you and I'm doing this for us oh is no this is how it has to be you'll need this for what comes next my friend oh no pleas you'll die but I believe there is a place where my soul can live on you wish to return to the soul stor you want to go back there to an endless yellow eternity of nothingness no one truly knows how Soul World works the ancients believed it could be whatever you make of it you'll still be alone no he won't would you do us the honor we're ready okay I'll do it I'm sorry vision for what I've done my love a broken heart casts a spell even more powerful than the Scarlet Witch [Music] and that's that wow ah finally the real Watcher you fought as valiantly as any hero I've ever seen but this story isn't over these events have left the Multiverse at an absolute point I cannot intervene but you can you serious you must make a choice one that could Branch out into Infinite realities not only for yourself but for the others as well defy Destiny and use the power of the Infinity Stones to intervene in your own faith and that of your allies altering reality but even I cannot foresee the consequences of such an act or destroy the stones resist their Temptation and allow the Multiverse to continue its natural course you must decide the hardest choices require the strongest Wills we're with you to the end cheers whatever you choose but benis needs to be walked not it I know you'll Choose Wisely hero of the multi he go be hero set your eyes upon your choice and snap your fingers oh okay okay is it going to what is going to be oh this is hard you know what let's just keep him Thanos used the reality Stone to revive Titan emboldened by his success he saw his path forward to save the entire universe and fulfill his Destiny Steve Rogers entrusted the Power Stone to shield and with it they won the war his well-intentioned choice ended the super soldier threat abroad only to unleash it back [Music] home Ella saved Fenris and decided it was time for the two of them to return home in the end the Alla got the warrior he always [Music] wanted but the nine Realms got a tyrant long live the queen oh what have he done as for you you've made a dangerous Choice creating a new timeline with unforeseen repercussions and I'm not the only one Watching Hey Y'all no Miss minutes Miss minutes don't you just love that new timeline smell I didn't expect to see you again so soon now don't let this big Galo get you down about your choices though he's right timelines have been getting a bit tangled up lately continuity errors like you are popping up all over the place oh whoops what are you going to do to them well pruning this branch and being done with it is the right way to do things please no wait they are the uh hero of the Multiverse that's me that's me settle down big fella and that's a dumb name the TVA has got G through a bit of a reorg so let me introduce you to your new coworker what uhoh here we go my eyes are over here there you go give yourself permission surrender to it slide into my DM I'm sorry that's right just lose ourselves and Tangle cheats and bodies we'll ignore each other at work for four or 5 days and then we'll come back hungry [Music] so instead of deleting you from all existence we're going to put you to work uh now I don't need a hero per se what I need is an agent oh you ready for a little more fun then here we go and that right there is what happens when you choose to keep the the Infinity Stones but what if you would decide to destroy them instead well then this happens let's do this Thanos returned to his Universe without the reality stone for the first time he faced a challenge that could not be solved with power however ever this Thanos was never destined to become a warrior instead he became a leader Steve Rogers returned to face a world still at War but this time he won't have to face it alone these three super soldiers banded together to form a secret League of Heroes owned by no Nation with the greatest team name of all time Tri Musketeers yeah that's the one as for Hela Venus's death taught her how to Value life and how to say goodbye but Hela would not be alone for long she became known far and wide as the Goddess of Life long live the queen as for you you've made a brave Choice one that most wouldn't have yep and this is bending the rules a bit but there's someone I want you to meet yo are we really who do we have here a new guardian of the Multiverse hello thought they'd be taller really don't underestimate them they are quite formidable oh really well let's test that oh this is sick not bad Watcher if you keep this up you're going to have to start doing employee evaluations well come on then hero we've got a Multiverse to protect and there you go my friends that's where the what if immersive story pretty much ends and fingers crossed there will be more in the future because both endings do suggest that there will be more timelines to explore but at this point in time we don't know if there are PL for a sequel hopefully ilm immersive does get the opportunity to show off more of their skills because this genre has so much potential spatial entertainment on this level could change the way we look at not only watching movies or series but also how we play video games so we'll have to wait and uh see that said let me know in the comments what you thought of this experience I'm very curious to hear your thoughts and it's it would be so cool that if you book an appointment to go to one of the Apple Stores to try division Pro that you can choose to dive into the Multiverse yourself because to be able to understand how cool this is you have to put on the headset and and see what if in its full Glory so there you go uh that's where I'm going to wrap up this video thank you so much for watching until next time and um see you in the Multiverse of course
Channel: Nathie
Views: 132,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What If Season 3, What If Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro Disney Plus, Marvel VR Game, Avengers VR Game, Thanos VR Game, VR Superhero Game, VR Deadpool Game
Id: htF-_ZQnxpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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