Marvel Villains Vs Other Marvel Villains

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to cbr saga cbr's one and only podcast today we're talking about mcu villains so it's only fair that today's episode is sponsored by henchmen r us if you need a random goon for your arch nemesis to beat up on no worries call henchmen r us but enough of the corporate sponsorship let's get into our saga the mcu has given us some of the greatest villains of all time but one question that i could never quite shake is what would happen if these villains interacted with each other well there would probably be a lot of fighting but which villain would ultimately come out on top today we're pitting some of the greatest villains in the mcu against each other check out this lineup we have ultron versus thanos killmonger vs red skull and then a full-on magic battle with loki versus mysterio yes that's right you heard me correctly so who wins who loses who ends up crying in the corner let's find out right now i'm joined by my co-host nick nick how you doing today doing well ready to see some villains uh punch each other in the face isn't that what we're all here for don't we just want villains to punch each other in the face over and over again to make us happy it would certainly make the hero's job a lot easier jacoby [Music] so let's get into kind of our first match up today which i think is going to be a good one all right i think for this first battle i want to pit two massive villains against each other villains who could go mono e mono with each other and i think what would make a great fight is ultron vs thanos what do you think of this matchup i think when you first say that people might be a little hesitant and say okay but there's a clear winner here i think thanos without the infinity gauntlet actually makes this a much more interesting fight and actually pretty close because they would fight in different ways uh but i think one would come out on top yeah i'm happy you said that because yes this is a thanos without the infinity gauntlet um without the infinity stones but i still think even without all that power that he used to wipe out half the universe thanos is going to punch that robot into you know spare parts what do you think i don't think so thanos is a good fighter he proved to us that he could take on the hulk one on one the problem is he wouldn't be taking on ultron one on one ultron has the capability to build several bodies and they're all him they're all technically him they all work in harmony he said that in age of ultron uh he also has the ability to make himself out of this indestructible material that thanos just i don't think we'll be able to get through i think ultron will have more bodies in the fight and will be able to come at thanos from different angles look what the avengers were able to do they were able to subdue thanos even with the infinity stones when they came at him all at once see here's my my problem with that about all these ultron extra bodies running around because i like to quote the great uh drax here where it seems like all of ultron's little copies of all his robots they're like paper people i mean did you see how the avengers just mowed through these guys like they were like they were nothing here thanos is this hulking brute and yes he doesn't have the infinity stones to go through but he's still a great fighter as we kind of mentioned he fought the hulk he he brought the hulk to his knees thanos can obviously destroy anything that he has here and yes ultron is made of this super strong material but that doesn't necessarily mean all of his robots were unless ultron taps into some you know find some um vibranium but even if he does uh we've seen thanos be able to break through a vibranium when he broke through kind of cap shield i mean so just because ultron is made of the super strong stuff uh thanos is still gonna pummel him and make him wish he's never been made thanos is good but ultron has the mind of tony stark he's basically tony stark's son and tony stark was an avenger who was able to take he was a human being who was able to take on thanos even for a short while it didn't end well for him but he was able to come up with different ways to make thanos bleed no one else was even able to do that at that point the fact of the matter is ultron has that same mindset has that same arrogance about him but it's a good thing because he you need to be able to believe you can beat thanos and ultron will definitely be able to do that listen mantis drax and like spider-man were able to hold thanos down and nearly get the glove off him i guarantee you could get some ultron bodies make them make some stronger than others yes there were some in that sokovia fight that died very easily like by hawkeye's arrow but the fact of the matter is ultron could make a few stronger bodies and a few paper people as you say to use for a distraction ultron basically has an army at his hand and thanos has nothing uh thanos doesn't have nothing even you keep talking about an army thanos does have an army as well he has followers he has people who want to to uh follow him into battle no matter what he brought all those forces to that and he and he united all these people even before he had the infinity stones he had all these people at his feet so then if it ultimately comes down to a faceless ultron army versus what thanos can bring to the table with his uh with his uh children of thanos and all of the aliens that that he's amassed over the galaxy then those robots gonna stand no chance thanos is gonna come out on top here thanos has a clear weekend weakness i mentioned ultron's arrogance but ultron's arrogance is a good thing it drives him to win thanos arrogance is a weakness it drives him to lose thanos arrogance allowed him to sit and allow his followers as you say like nebula to go try and get the infinity gauntlet while he just sat and did nothing the fact is thanos lets his arrogance get in the way of of his ability to win uh ultron will find that weakness and exploit it because he's he has such robotic thinking uh his he comes from the mind stone he comes from an infinity stone uh he's combined with all these different things that i don't think thanos will be able to overcome i just think this is the mad titan we're talking about this is someone who's feared across the whole galaxy and just because you throw a robot at him and maybe maybe a few robots um i'll give you that doesn't mean that thanos is gonna lose this fight and even though thanos is arrogant his arrogance doesn't overshadow uh his ability to do it i think i think ultron's um arrogance of just thinking he's the best ever is going to be his ultimate downfall so it's going to be interesting to see these two go out [Music] let's talk about our next matchup and i think this one's going to be an interesting one too because it's two people that i would just love to see beat the crap out of each other i think a great matchup would be a killmonger versus red skull now keep in mind uh to be fair we'll have this killmonger be the black panther infused killmonger with the super strength to make it a bit of an even fight but even though it is an even fight maybe in terms of of strength between these two i think ultimately red skull is going to take this just mainly because of how absolutely nuts he is he is so dedicated to to uh building out his vision to basically he wants to rule the world and i think his drive to do that is going to come out on top of killmonger what do you think i disagree i think while red skull is great and he's actually one of my favorite villains in the mcu i don't think he wins this fight for a couple reasons you mentioned his drive yes he has his drive but killmonger has just as equal of a drive and it came from when he was a kid he's literally been living with that drive his whole life it's driven everything he's done to get to the moment where he is in black panther i think killmonger is easily a better fighter red skull hasn't fought anyone in how many years he's just been a general like can you imagine going to the doctor and you say here's two doctors this one hasn't done heart surgery in 40 years and this one's been doing it every day which doctor you taking i'm taking the doctor that does it every day killmonger literally has spent every year of his life killing people training he's able to defeat t'challa easily in that battle and then he gets infused with the black panther serum there's no stopping him he takes on the entire door melange he's a better fighter i think he's more driven i don't think red skull has a chance here uh yes i'm going to grant that killmonger is the better fighter he's certainly skilled and he's killed a lot of people um in his past but i think uh killmonger's weakness here is that he does have a bit of humanity left in him and like he's not a bad guy when he presents his opinions of what he wants to do uh yes he's radical but that doesn't mean you can't kind of see where he's coming from and and what he wants to do in order to help people red skull is flat out crazy red skull will have no qualms no mercy no no anything in his way to stop him from from exacting the victory from his battle red skull will do whatever it takes to win red skull is also a genius he's a brilliant scientist he invents uh these these weapons yes he's a general but he's also um a brilliant tactician and someone who can make these clear weapons that's going to hurt come on killmonger just has you know some swords yeah if he comes out with swords great but i want to see some swords versus a red skull invented hydra infused energy blast gun of some sort and killmonger is just gonna be wasted some swords he's got a whole black panther suit what are you talking about any any gun fired at him i feel like the the black panther vibranium invented by shuri who is definitely smarter than arnhem zola shuri is definitely a better weapons inventor and killmonger had access to that artillery that arsenal i think any of those weapons beat the hydro weapons any day you i agree killmonger has more humanity left in him but he's lost himself he's just as lost you see it when t'challa fights him he says um you know killmonger says the world took everything away from me t'challa responds with you have become them you've lost sight of who you are he's also in that same sort of mental place that he'll stop at nothing that's why he's chosen that's why he chooses to die like t'challa sees that flicker of humanity that you see in in killmonger and killmonger says nope i'm gone so i think killmonger is just as gone he's just as focused on his goal to take out red skull but you're also uh you're also kind of not taking into account that that red skull is hydra he is he he he works with a whole army of hydra killmonger's problem he works alone he betrays a lot of his allies in order to uh in order to get what he wants to do it's single singularly by himself red skull has a network red skull has an organization and when killmonger goes up against the forces of hydra and everything that red skull represents i'm sorry but in this case one man can't make a difference i mean i mean red skull is just gonna come out on top here what does killmonger have in terms of a team in terms of of anyone besides himself in order to help him win this battle he has the tactical ability to build allegiances he's been trained to do it uh in his time with the navy seals and his time in the army um he and you see him do it on screen he he he has that team that helps him rob the museum and then when he doesn't need them anymore he gets rid of them he's that's the difference is he's willing to sacrifice these people to further his goal and then he's able to make new allies on the drop of a hat he make he in one scene he kills claw and then he becomes allies with wakabi he he replaces those people so yes he has the ability to have followers he gets the entire border tribe on his side in black panther he is able to rally people behind him if that's what he needs and you say one man can't make a difference captain america defeated hydra that's one man i think killmonger could do the same all right i think that's just going to be such an interesting fight to see these two warriors these two fighters with such strong ideologies fight each other so let's let's move on to something else so i want to i want to put some magic users against each other in an ultimate mcu villain brawl so that's why i think what would be an awesome and really fun fight is loki versus mysterio yes that's right even though mysterio isn't quite the uh the real magician as he claims to be i think i actually think he is clever enough to come out on top against loki yes that's right i said it mysterio can beat loki 100 hands down uh tell me how much you disagree with me well i'm excited to see how you argue this one jacoby but i assume we're putting magic in quotes quotation marks magic users um first of all i'd like to offer you an olive branch to make this a fair fight um i assume we're talking about team mysterio not just quentin beck yeah of course because mysterio is a team and he works with all those people yes team mysterio okay team mysterio and then here's the interesting thing about this fight is they're almost polar opposites loki is an agent of chaos he has he hasn't planned a thing a day in his life he never plans anything he just does he's chaos miss team mysterio is all about planning they'll sit there and do dress rehearsals of the fight they're about to have so for the sake of this fight i will say that mysterio also has time to plan out his thing against loki and even with all those things i just gave you jacoby mysterio today you're making all my points for me that's great keep going even with all those things mysterio stands no chance all loki has to do is get close to him just like spider-man does and quentin beck is just a guy yeah and he he he survives nothing uh loki's has real magic loki can do the doctor strange magic and he's a fighter he can take thor on one on one he can definitely take on a couple drones flying around him look team mysterio put on the greatest illusion the world has ever seen it convinced it that mysterio this guy is is the great hero he invented these elementals he is able to trick people's minds and i think that's the folly here we talk all the time about how loki is the trickster god and he likes to betray people but also loki gets tricked a lot he his hubris gets the better of him he thinks he's in control and then it's hilarious when you see how not in control he actually is look at how easily manipulated loki was by a black widow in the first avengers movie he he he comes across as this guy who always knows the situation who can read people super well then all of a sudden black widow's milking all the information out of him no problem whatsoever and i think that's quentin beck's ultimate strength right here he can trick loki into into thinking he has this sense of accomplishment maybe the sense of victory and then that's when uh quentin beck and team mysterio can enact this plan to either trap contain or beat loki loki's hubris and his ability to think that he'll never be beaten is going to be his downfall here i disagree and the black widow thing is unfair because she could get information out of anyone if she tried to get information on a quentin beck it would take two seconds she's a master interrogator so i'll give you that point but also i won't um i think loki is you're talking about loki's mindset his hubris quentin beck is a psychopath he is a literal psychopath willing to he almost kills his like head engineer uh in the dress rehearsal because he like lost a camera this dude is literally willing to like sacrifice members of his own team members of his own team who like create him as mysterio and he's gonna lose the fight that way all loki has to do is get him to think that like one of his engineers his costume designer did something wrong and he'll off him himself and then it's an easy fight from there because once once part of the illusion is gone all of it's gone especially for a person who knows illusions who was taught real illusions by his mother loki the you're he's the trickster god mysterio is just a trickster uh mysterio is the trickster god who tricked a 15 year old kid into giving him some super satellite questions i want to see loki do that because i don't think that he can because loki doesn't value human life because you keep saying that that mysterious team are humans they're a bunch of guys and loki's literal god yes and i'm saying that's their biggest advantage here loki looks down on humans and all that humans can actually do and the fact that the point that you brought up before about how team mysterio is going to come into this with all the prep in the world that they're going to analyze all the game tape of every possible loki sighting that we've seen and know everything about him before going into this battle in order to create this master illusion to trick him is going to work because loki as you said is an agent of chaos do you think he's going to plan on anything if he says oh i have a fight against uh this mysterio guy i think he's going to do any sort of prep any sort of anything like that no it's just going to show up to battle and see what happens and that is going to be the ultimate problem because loki always underestimates humans and the fact when you have a whole team of humans working specifically to take him down and yes who's led by quentin beck who is a psychopath but it was a very smart psychopath and a very ingenious and able to trick people and get people on his side then yes i think that's going to give these humans an edge over the trickster god look i do agree that i think mysterio would have the best chance against against loki but mysterio is only able to trick humans that's the issues at the end when he dies his last words are like uh people are willing to believe anything loki's not a person he's a god he believes what he wants and yes you're right he doesn't prepare because he's an agent of chaos but he'll show up to any fight with a bag of tricks ready for any scenario even if he didn't plan ahead for it uh the fact of the matter is it's a god versus probably the best trickster group of humans i'll agree with that but it's a god it's it's the god of mischief and there's there's really no there's no chance and and honestly all loki has to do is get by the drones like spider-man did and spider-man had to use his spider sense loki has magic he could be like oh magic these drones don't work anymore and get by and he could like punch mysterio and he'd probably die all the humans and team mysterio and mysterio has to do is create um they just need one opening something something to trap him and i already got the perfect one for it because you know how um uh mysterio tricked spiderman into seeing you know like dead uh iron man and all the stuff right all the stuff like that all of a sudden loki's standing there ready to fight and then all of a sudden for a split second he's surrounded by an army of hulks the one person that that loki fears more than anything he's suddenly surrounded by a hundred hulks you don't think that's going to affect his mindset look what happened when loki saw hulk on ragnarok when he was sitting far away from the hulk um on the planet he had the joke of i gotta get off this planet he was so scared of him in that moment he is dead scared of the hulk and team mysterio will know he's afraid of the hulk and exploit him from that and use that to win that's that's pretty good uh to counteract that i will say loki will also be able to figure out mysterious weaknesses and loki has the power to shape-shift all loki has to do is transform into tony stark and mysterio will lose his mind and lose all focus and it'll be an easy one from there so it's it's the holographs of the hulk versus um a shape-shifting tony stark is that what this battle boils down to it that sounds like what this battle turned into yes [Music] i think the idea of villains fighting each other is just fantastic because obviously we don't get to see that a whole lot in the mcu because villains are regulated to their own movie and they don't really interact with each other but i think that's unfair i mean the avengers get to work together all the time why can't we see more villains work together but i guess that kind of answers my question because if they do work together they'd probably end up fighting each other so i think this was a really good batch of fights today and it was really fun talking to you about about um all the times that you would lose uh nick in this battle but i guess it's not really up to me it's about to the people listening to this so let us know your thoughts in the comments below who would win these epic matchups between these mcu villains thank you so much for watching cbr saga and we'll be back next time with another exciting episode thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: CBR
Views: 221,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther, CBR, CBR Saga, CBR podcast, Killmonger vs. Red Skull, Loki vs Mysterio, MCU villains, MCU’s best villains, Marvel, Mysterio death, Thanos final fight, Ultron vs Thanos
Id: gxK6oXSpSIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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