Marvel: How Thanos's Brother Will Impact Phase 4

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could thanos's brother still appear in the mcu i say absolutely for those that know eros is a fascinating marvel character who definitely deserves a spotlight in phase four and you know what i think it's feasible but just who is arrows and what could he do to shake up the entire mcu as we know it well that's what i'm here today to discuss join me as i dive into everything eros as i cover his comic backstory his powers his favorite breakfast cereal and just how the mcu can squeeze him into their overarching narrative okay fine one of those things won't be addressed i don't know about you but i just want to see thanksgiving at thanos's house to see that family dynamic is that too much to ask maybe but let's discuss so you might be asking just who is this aeros guy and why is he important well despite having a somewhat problematic skill set at times he's a valuable cosmic player in the grand scheme of things and he can both bridge the gap between what came before and what's coming in the future let's start with a bit of backstory so eros is the youngest son of two eternals alars and su-san yes that makes him thanos's brother but he's not all big and purpley thanos only looked like this because of the deviant gene within him something that caused him to be somewhat of an outcast on titan growing up hey maybe don't make fun of the big purple kid next time or else he might grow up and wipe out half the galaxy anyways back to eros so here's a fun fact originally when he was born he was named aeron but as he grew older and started to develop a personality and an extreme interest in the opposite sex he was renamed eros after the mischievous god of love this happened when he was five years old can you imagine that imagine being named something and then after five years you're actually named something else instead like when i was five years old i liked sticking crayons up my nose but my parents didn't rename me crayon they kept my birth name of floating cbr voice guy like normal parents so arrows had quite the reputation growing up he was a fun-loving carefree womanizer which is in direct contrast with his big bro thanos it was only after thanos launched his first major attack on their home planet of titan and ended up wiping out a lot of titanites including arrows and thanos's mother susan that arrows realized he had to stop all the partying and womanizing so that he could take life more seriously okay maybe not stop all the partying and womanizing but still cut back a bit after this attack he teamed up with the cree captain marvel and the avengers to help fight against his brother and delivered the mad titan his first major defeat to celebrate this victory arrows left titan completely to basically go party it up across the universe eventually eros wanted to seek out a planet that would suit his party lifestyle and womanizing ways so of course he came to earth at that time he remembered the avengers from their time fighting thanos that first time and decided to see what they were up to it's like when your old friends from high school visits and asks to crash on your couch for a little bit though when arrows arrived he decided he wanted to join the avengers and tried to convince the group that he belonged there they admitted him in their training program gave him the new name star fox because they thought eros was a little inappropriate of a name and he proved himself to be a valuable fighter and team member even though from time to time he'd go back to his wanderlust lifestyle and roam the galaxy so before i get into where arrows can fit in the mcu it's important to know what exactly his powers are right off the bat he has an interesting hybrid of abilities since the comics have him as the son of a lars who's a cosmic-powered earth eternal and su-sun an eternal titanian it grants arrows cosmic power that's superior to regular eternals he can shoot cosmic energy he's super strong durable can fly practically immortal you know all standard space stuff but the one thing that makes arrows stand out is his power to alter brain waves you see arrows has the ability to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brains of people who stands close to him it basically puts everyone in a tremendously good mood that means he can manipulate and persuade people with relative ease it also means it can make people fall in love with him and that got him in serious trouble in one particular storyline where a woman accused him of using his powers to seduce her when she was a happily married woman none other than she-hulk defended him in this case but it was kind of a mess in an overall icky situation so while introducing star fox in the she-hulk tv show would be interesting i think there's overall better places for this certain character to be so obviously thanos is gone in the mcu and although there is a case that the mad titan can return in some capacity given that he was snapped away and isn't necessarily deceased i don't think he's going to be making a grand return anytime soon i think the age of thanos is over as we move on to bigger better and badder things but that doesn't mean the legacy of the characters still can't be explored yes arrows and thanos have great interactions in the comics but what would it be like to introduce the character now that the big purple monster is out of the picture completely i think that sets up a lot of interesting conflicts for a lot of characters so i'll be spending the rest of the video breaking down where exactly the character of arrows could fit next so first up i want to talk about guardians of the galaxy vol 3. we know that at least some of the guardians will pop up and thor love and thunder which makes sense given that end game ended with thor joining up with the guardians for a bit to go on space adventures but i don't think they'll play a huge role in that movie and instead save all their energy for the trilogy ender which releases a year later and it looks like the plot of guardians of the galaxy vol 3 not only will revolve around adam warlock but also probably focus on finding the 2014 version of gamora who's now in modern times and probably a little confused on what to do next the gamora we've come to know and love is gone having perished by thanos hand on vormir but when all the timey why me stuff happened in endgame the 2014 version came with the 2014 version of thanos in the final fight and although this gamora also turned good in this fight she didn't stick around to hang out with the people who nebula called her new family she did express shock that she apparently was in a romantic relationship with star-lord to which nebula tells her her options were either him or a tree so maybe that freaked you out enough to leave so what's gamora up to now well let's consider her mindset this is now a gamora who feels like she has no family left she just stopped her adoptive father but learned that a different version of her who was now gone had established these bonds with a new group of misfits and maybe she felt a little uncomfortable stepping into that life like overall maybe she feels a bit guilty that she's still here and now in the present when the true hero that was our gamora is not either way that sounds like a lot of baggage to be carrying and you know who could potentially help her with this eros that's right i could see a situation where gamora is struggling with the concept of family and seeks out thanos's brother as that might be the only connection she still has with her past arrows could help gamora get closure over thanos and learn to not feel so guilty that she's alive while the other version of her isn't it doesn't have to be a big part but by introducing eros as helping gamora while setting him up for later adventures would do a lot in erasing a lot of the ickiness of the character's comic history of treating women plus a fun-loving partier like eros would fit in perfectly in the guardians of the galaxy world right but maybe there's a slightly better place for this character to go now that i think about it arrows would be the absolutely perfect character to introduce in thor love and thunder when we last left thor the god of thunder was on an exciting new path after the entire mcu was building up to thor becoming king of asgard he finally achieved that kingly status at the end of thor ragnarok only that lasted for about three minutes before thanos showed up and decimated like half the asgardians thor did his best to take down thanos but because he didn't go for the head half the universe was lost and thor sunk into a deep depression filled with video games and lots and lots and lots of beer after five years and the avengers fixed everything thor realized that his destiny wasn't about becoming king of asgard and decided to give the role over to valkyrie while he went off to explore the cosmos and find a new purpose in life one that wasn't dictated to him but rather he got to choose and hopefully that sets up a ton more thor adventures but when you compare thor's current character with arrows you'll find that the two are relatively similar thor just wants to go on space adventures for a bit and have a lot of fun while arrows has always been a free-spirited partier who likes to roam to different planets looking for a good time putting these two together could be beneficial for both of them one of the best moments i think in infinity war is when thor having just lost horribly to thanos meets gamora and is told she's thanos's daughter there's a tense moment when you think thor is going to be a little angry but immediately he doesn't judge her knowing what it's like to have someone evil in your family but do you think that mindset has changed at all do you think after everything thor has gone through if he meets thanos brother he wouldn't experience just a bit of anger and resentment after all thanos sent him into his depressive episode for five years so meeting arrows could force thor to fully reckon with that and then on the flip side could thor be the one who puts aeros on the path to becoming star fox like say arose has been spending his life partying womanizing drinking etc and then meets thor and through their interaction is inspired to not only party it up but also do good deeds across the galaxy i think that would be relatively fitting wouldn't it like thor couldn't stop thanos when he had the chance but instead he helps thanos brother become a hero for the universe and use his powers for good that sounds intriguing and having thorpe be a force for good in the galaxy is exactly the type of story that should come next in his ever evolving character arc so all of these instances so far have dealt with eros in the current universe and that opens up a lot of questions like where has he been all this time did he keep in contact with thanos are any tight knight still alive etc and while that does open up some intriguing story opportunities for both the guardians of the galaxy and for thor that doesn't really sound like a step in the direction that the mcu is currently going in of course i'm talking about the multiverse with the loki tv show and the upcoming spider-man no way home slowly starting to explore and explain the multiverse it's going to be the upcoming sequel doctor strange and the multiverse of madness that are going to blow the bloody doors off of everything we're going to be seeing all sorts of different universes and dimensions as dr strange and scarlet witch have their grand adventure and although plot points have been scarce i don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the story will feature scarlet witch continuing her hunts to find her kids in one division the show ended with the fake utopia wanda created vanishing and wanda saying goodbye but the very end teased that her kids were still out there somewhere it probably means they're in a different universe and scarlet witch will be on the hunt to save them the real big question is will she do it with doctor strange's help or will doctor strange be the one opposing her it could go either way either doctor strange looks at whatever happens in spider-man no way home and realizes he needs to learn more about the multiverse so agrees to help wanda or he is frightened about the events of no way home and realizes he needs to stop wanda from messing with the very fabric of existence or else there will be dire consequences but whatever the situation is it means that we'll probably visit a lot of different universes like maybe we'll see one with tom cruise as iron man maybe we'll see one where the planet hulk storyline played out properly and maybe they'll visit a universe where eros is still alive so maybe the reason we haven't seen or heard from aeroshed is because he's not alive in our universe and the big question is would thanos still be the same if aeros was around i mean at least maybe earth could have been warned a bit faster like maybe in an alternate universe that doctor strange and scarlet witch visit arrows saw that thanos was starting to collect infinity stones and that's what convinces him he needs to take his brother seriously he gives up some of his carefree lifestyle to help assemble a team capable of stopping thanos maybe this is how the mcu adapts aeros first story where he helps the avengers and captain marvel defeat thanos the first time i think this would be a fun way to make reference to the comic books don't you and then throughout all of this doctor strange and especially wanda could have a nice interaction with eros like i already mentioned that thor seems pretty chill with family members of bad guys but do we know for a fact that wanda is here's a bit of a dark twist what if wanda travels to a universe where thanos and arrows have a relatively good relationship and in order to get revenge on thanos for causing vision's demise twice in front of her she decides to eliminate eros in front of thanos i think that would be an interesting dilemma especially if they decide to keep aeros's slightly creepy nature in this version but let's explore that last idea in the last entry so mostly all these entries have been about aeros being a fun-loving partier who's ultimately a good guy but what if instead the mcu decides to lean into his comic character a bit and make him a really powerful villain i mean it's definitely not outside the realm of possibility he's literally been on trial for sexual assault because of his ability to use his powers to seduce and trick women that's just downright sleazy so instead of retconning his comic past and making him a hero why not explore just how dangerous someone like this can be what if eros is the type of person who goes from planet to planet basically hypnotizing people to love him and has mostly all the strength of thanos well i think in that case he'd be the perfect antagonist for the upcoming movie the marvels so this is an incredibly exciting sequel we're not just getting captain marvel back but also she's teaming up with the scene stealing monica rambo who ended one division with her own spectrum powers as well as miss marvel who will already have her own disney plus show at that point having all three of these characters together means they'll have to face a powerful enemy so why not the brother of thanos someone who uses his power to manipulate and control women while also being downright charming and persuasive on the surface would be a great antagonist for the marvels to face together it would give them someone super strong and powerful to punch and fight but also it would be a villain they can't just punch to beat like captain marvel has proven to be one of the strongest people in the entire galaxy so i think that veers dangerously close to the superman problem of how do you present a challenge to the most powerful person in the universe well i think this is it because captain marvel can't just punch arrows into submission he would be super well-liked enough where that would only make captain marvel look bad so she'd have to find a way to expose him and beat him without just utterly destroying him and i think that's an interesting route to take the character because really it felt like captain marvel was written out of ends game because the writers didn't know what to do with such a powerful character which is why presenting challenges to her that require her to use strategy and willpower rather than just brute strength would be awesome to see so if the mcu is on the fence about bringing in eros i would just say that after exploring all these options today there's an abundance of great storylines they could go with i mean i still want to know what a family reunion would look like between thanos and arrows not just because that idea is hilarious but it would be fascinating to see thanos interact with a sibling after everything he put gamora and nebula through it would be amazing to witness and most likely be the world's most awkward dinner party if they were all in a room together right
Channel: CBR
Views: 252,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eros, eros phase 4, eternals, mcu phase 4, thanos brother, cbr, eternals post credit scene
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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