The Boys: Most Powerful Supes Ranked

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the boys tv show is coming back for its third season and if the first looks or any indication it promises a more gleeful bloody insanity than ever before but if you look at this deranged world of soups the question everyone asks is just who is the most powerful that's a tough question since everyone has such a dangerous and unique skill set but that's what i'm here today to talk about join me as i break down the strongest soups in the boys to see who comes out on top let's get started right now soldier boy is probably the biggest high profile new character in the boys season 3 and his role in the show still seems like a big question mark but if he's anything like his comic counterpart then we're going to be in for a serious treat because even though he may not be the strongest as evidenced of where he's ranked on this list he's still being set up to be a very important character but what can we expect from soldier boy as portrayed by jensen ackles well the hints from the show suggest that soldier boy is a soldier who fought in world war ii and has some sort of anti-aging ability like stormfront and while the show may go that route it's just as likely that they'll follow the comic backstory and just say soldier boy is a title passed down from one hero to the next with every generation think of soldier boy like captain america he's super strong super fast and expert in hand to hand combat and is handy with a shield and in the comics he's portrayed as generally a do-gooder sure he's awful just like the rest of them are awful but he does want to be a hero and refuses to take part in the debauchery and vulgarity that often takes place all around him remember that captain america joke about him not using bad language and avengers age of ultron well soldier boy is supposed to be sort of like that but although he seems like a carbon copy of captain america the one major difference is that he's actually a big coward who wants to always run away if the fight isn't going his way can't wait to see how he shakes things up this season the deep in the amazon show is clearly a parody of aquaman and all the useless fish jokes that has haunted the character for years he's pretty strong and can swim like a champ but he doesn't really add much to any fight he's in like if you're in the water then yes absolutely he'll destroy you but on dry land he's incredibly beatable it also helps that he's kind of an idiot he's easily manipulated and also has a desire to be loved and accepted which makes him easy to trick but hey at least he can talk and communicate with sea creatures which is a pretty underrated ability so on the power levels he's alright but just doesn't make that big of an impact a train is a speedster and everyone knows how powerful speedsters are i always find speedsters to be either the best or the worst members of a superhero team best in the way that they should really always win any fight and worst when the writers have forgot how fast the speedster can go and what they're able to do it's frustrating when someone who supposedly is the fastest man on earth gets caught or anything like that and the reason that i'm alright with that in the boys is because it makes it clear how messed up and conflicted a train usually is he's a self-serving jerk a lot of the time and desperately wants to stay in the spotlight but his fear of both homelander and his general conscience sometimes points him toward doing the right thing he's also experienced heart issues in the past and his body is weak enough where other heroes like kimiko can break his legs rather easily that's not ideal for a speedster plus he has trouble controlling himself which is sort of the whole issue that kicks off the start of season 1 with huey's girlfriend translucent proved to be the first major antagonist the boys had to face and the show did a great job in showing the boys problem-solving skills translucent as a hero is a pretty useful member of the team he has the ability to turn invisible which allows him to sneak into almost anywhere and his skin makes him practically invulnerable on the outside at least you might just think he has the ability to vanish at will but it's actually a lot more complicated than that his skin it turns into a carbon meta material that bends the light around him sort of like an invisibility cloak when he's in his invisible state he's basically indestructible and it took some clever thinking from the boys to take him out once and for all i ranked him above a train and the deep just because of how generally tough he is to find and capture if he truly wanted to disappear then that wouldn't be that hard for him plus i think invulnerability and invisibility basically counts as two powers don't you starlight is the character in the show that i'm always the most worried about unlike the boys who operate secretly and independently starlight is often both in the public spotlight and also always has to be around the viper's nest that is vaught and homelander like she has serious courage to be around homelander when at any moment that psychopath could snap and eliminate everyone but she knows that she has to continue fighting to take vot down and will always do whatever it takes in order to do the right thing but let's talk about her powers for a moment because they're pretty useful besides some standard super strength healing and durability she's most known for her electricity powers she has this electrical conversion ability that allows her to absorb electricity around her in order to give her more power and deliver focused light blasts toward her enemies she can basically stun powerful foes or even knock weaker heroes out with her concussive light blasts which is pretty neat oh and if you're ever in need of a flashlight she can make her eyes and hands glow on command which is helpful if you're ever stuck in the dark nakeeb was a fascinating idea of a character that ultimately didn't get a big chance to make an impact so the whole point of the show is that vot controls compound v which is the substance that makes superheroes but then things get messy when homelander releases the compound to the world in an attempt to create enemies that would make the seven appear useful to the us government this ended up giving the villain the keeb a set of serious superpowers that included self-detonation and durability he looked like he was being set up as the major antagonist of season 2 and would eventually have to face homelander but nope in the opening episode of season 2 black noir did his ninja thing and immediately eliminated nakib by decapitating him so although he was initially thought to be very important his reign as a major villain didn't last very long another new character that's set to make a big splash in season three of the boys is crimson countess who is obviously a play on scarlet witch we don't quite know the extent of her role yet but her powers will be an interesting addition to the show she's basically all about fire she has her own heat vision which as we learned so far on the show is probably one of the most dangerous superpowers you could have and can control and manipulate fire around her this is interesting since last season introduced a lamplighter who also had heat manipulation abilities but that didn't end up going so well for him plus as an added bonus the only other thing we seem to know about her is that she can sing will that be an important plot point probably not but who knows queen maeve is the wonder woman stand-in and her arc over the course of the two seasons is all together pretty tragic when we first meet her she's a broken shell of the hero she once was she once believed in the ideologies of being a true hero but over time had come to accept the grim realities of things but as time went on and she started to regain her heroism and conscience she started to live in fear that homelander would retaliate and eliminate her true love elena powers-wise she's labeled as the second strongest person in the world behind homelander and that comes with a natural set of durability speed and agility she can't fly but she can use her endurance and her strength to leap tall buildings in a single bound in the end she comes in clutch with helping the boys beat both stormfront and homelander and even basically saves everyone's lives by blackmailing homelander to let billy and ryan walk away safely and to stop hunting starlight she's incredibly powerful but also now she's probably number one on homelanders hit list which is an incredibly dangerous place to be kimiko aka the female is perhaps the single greatest asset the boys have on their team yes billy is a great leader and frenchie is great with explosives but they truly need a kimiko if they were ever to be considered a threat after finding kamiko imprisoned in a cage they let her out and that leads to her unveiling her feral powers not only is she super strong and fast meaning she's able to hold her own against heroes like black noir but she also has an insane healing ability she's revived and regenerated from disembowelments from gunshots from a broken neck from electricity attacks all of it she's able to quickly get up and walk away from she may not be homelander level strong but she's still able to rip people's faces off like they were tissue paper so it's a pretty safe plan to remain on her good side victoria newman is a double dose of danger she's not only a powerful congresswoman with a loyal anti-suit following and the founding director of the federal bureau of superhuman affairs but she's also an incredibly powerful soup but the big twist nobody knows it it was revealed in the season 2 finale of the boys that newman was the mysterious hedgehopper who has a skill set that's pretty self-explanatory but now i have to apologize to my saintly editor ben who has to find a way to show what i'm talking about without showing what i'm talking about because newman's power leaves a big mess one of the most memorable scenes in the boys season 2 is when during a congressional hearing heads start popping like balloons in a blink of an eye but even though she's not to be messed with there are a few cracks in her armor her head popping skills don't work against people who can regenerate and it does seem like she needs to be in close proximity to the person in order to do it and probably needs some sort of sight line plus her eyes glow white when she does it so that's a pretty clear giveaway newman has the potential to be much higher on this list but until we get a complete explanation of what she's capable of she's ranked here stormfront was one of the most exciting additions to season 2 of the boys she proved to be a compelling antagonist who could manipulate homelander and although she gave off a fun lighthearted personality she was probably the most rotten hero we had seen yet on the show she has a certain agenda that she tries to push toward the world and she ends up succeeding in a lot of ways which is kind of terrifying to think about her powers are basically on a whole other level of strength like homelander with her being able to produce electricity having super strength and being able to use her electricity to do things like fly she was like a mixture of thor meets shazam but only a million times more racist and her history turned out to be pretty fascinating she was the first hero ever to be created with compound v back during world war ii and she's lived this long thanks to the side effects i know people wondered with the gender swap from male to female from the original comic character if the show would follow the original stormfront storyline and i would argue that they enhanced it with the new backstory stormfront wasn't eliminated completely by the end of season 2 so now the question is whether she can return even worse than before one of the most terrifying superhero encounters in the boys at season 2 was when cindy was unleashed at the sage grove mental institution at first we didn't quite know what she was capable of but only that the guards were scared of her they tried to shoot her but it had no effect and then we watch her use her telekinesis powers to cause anyone close to her to explode it's extremely gory and again apologies to my editor ben who i know i probably owe a nice flower arrangement or something and unlike victoria newman who presumably can be hurt in normal ways cindy appears indestructible with things like bullets and even stormfront's electricity not being enough to keep her down permanently wherever cindy shows up next we should all be afraid homelander is the embodiment of the idea about what if superman was actually evil and the answer absolutely terrifying homelander as of now looks like the strongest hero on earth his heat vision is enough to turn any unlucky individual into hot goo he has super speed flight and highly enhanced vision he's also nearly indestructible with nothing ever being able to hurt or harm him physically many heroes on this list just have a strong regeneration factor but you really don't need a regeneration factor when your body is impenetrable and his weakness only makes him more dangerous he's a very unstable individual who always looks like he's two seconds away from going on a massive heat vision spree he's also incredibly careless with human life and never hesitates to stomp on us mere mortals like ants but he also seems to suffer from severe self-esteem issues and i can't really tell if that's a good thing or bad thing like on the good side those issues can be exploited on the bad side it makes him volatile and more likely to crush her bones into dust unless someone else comes along homelander is the biggest physical threat to the boys and until he's gone no one will ever truly be safe ryan butcher is the son of homelander and becca butcher and has the potential to be the most powerful soup in all of the boys and it's only his young age and lack of developed powers that prevent him from reaching that top spot but again the potential is there ryan is known as the first natural-born soup instead of one that was created by compound v and the ramifications of this still haven't been fully explored [Music] and his general isolation in life has led to a few weaknesses like fear of large crowds and being sensitive to loud noises but that doesn't necessarily matter when his strength levels seem off the charts look at what he did to stormfront when his rage got the better of him ryan used his heat vision to completely decimate stormfront and turned her into a burnt marshmallow that's insane given that we saw how much homelanders heat vision didn't have much effect on the seemingly indestructible hero there's a storyline in the comics about how a clone of homelander was created in order to eventually stop homelander and maybe the show is adapting that to fit with ryan's character instead black noir is still an enigma wrapped up in a stylish black super suit and the fact that we still don't know his true face or history in the show makes him all the more terrifying he has just about every ability you'd expect from a super powered ninja he's super strong has an insane regeneration ability can outrun a car and is a master fighter and athlete he either doesn't feel pain or he's so used to it that he doesn't react when it's inflicted on him he is the scariest member of the seven and probably the last one you want hunting you down homelander has proven to be beatable by breaking his fragile ego and exploiting his vanity but black noir seems to have no weakness except a serious tree nut allergy he's like the terminator and will just keep coming at you no matter what now let's talk about the elephant in the room major spoilers for the boys comics but black noir is revealed to be a homelander clone who was created in order to one day take out homelander if vot ever lost control of him he's the ultimate fail-safe package of course in the comics this becomes complicated when black noir also goes a little crazy but what do you expect and the big question is still whether the boys tv show will go this route seems a little unlikely with the introduction of ryan as well as changing up the storyline in regards to becca butcher but i guess never say never right what do you think do you think the boys should keep the homelander clone storyline or tweak black noise character to be someone else the trailer for the boys at season 3 also shows billy finally getting a much needed power upgrade where do you think billy will fall on the most powerful list after his transformation do you think he'll be stronger than homelander that's something i would love to see
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,190,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black noir, cbr, homelander, olivia the boys season 3, supes powers, the boys strongest characters
Id: AV0h_XLqAZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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