Adam & Sharp React to the Hooker who Scammed Soft White Underbelly

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let's kick it off man we was just talking about the uh the situation with uh the exotic chick off a soft white underbelly let's lay it out let's lay it out so exotic is a woman from los angeles i believe she was on soft white underbelly she got a big ass tattoo with some roses on her face just in case you're uh wondering exactly who we're talking about apparently there was a pimp's name under the roses at one point yeah and uh our man mark it strikes me all the time when i see the stuff that he be getting into that he's he's a very different type of dude than me because he's got a heart of gold he sent her all this money yeah well like i said like it was the it wasn't necessarily just him he there was a gofundme there's a gofundme for soft white underbelly okay okay which it'll just go to just you know help and support the channel [ __ ] like that but people got in there and was like hey make sure this girl exotic gets the money so they were making sure as they were sending it they were letting [ __ ] [ __ ] be known i think she had four marriage proposals like these guys [ __ ] like really like hit mark up and like typed all this [ __ ] out of why they would be she's great for her you know in life but when i see a girl like that it doesn't really strike me that she wants to be saved yeah because i think you know even despite having the big blob tattoo on her face it feels like she could probably go off and get a job at sears and that's one thing that i sort of got from talking to the other uh prostitute royalty who was on here that was on software under valley before i said to her i'm like what what if you had a job waiting for you right now you can make your you know 50 60 000 a year whatever it might be and you can just do that she's like oh no i got i got to get it today i got to get the money fast well you know people you got to think about it man a lot of people you know they live especially in cities like big cities man you know [ __ ] live fast lifestyles you know i would i would think you know there's a lot of people i've lived that you know fast lifestyle you know it's you know getting into the game and things like that man you know there was nothing that there was no bill you couldn't pay for overnight you know there wasn't nothing you get out you get your bread you know it's fast cash man it's fast money you know take care of your problems today i feel it but it's just sort of when i when i hear a girl say that i'm just kind of like oh this is like a very short-sighted way of viewing your life like she clearly would rather have the tumultuous evenings of making money bit by bit and walking away with you know however many dollars in cash at the end of the night even though you're taking a huge risk of getting your ass beat and getting raped and god knows what else might possibly happen she didn't give a [ __ ] she wanted to just get the money and then presumably get it in cash so that she could spend it and she the idea of like having a job that pays you you know a thousand dollars at the end of the week or whatever was like completely foreign because she wants that money in hand to take care of all her vices in the moment right well doesn't everybody have that that type of situation where it's instant gratification everybody wants now man they see something they want it right now they don't want to wait man like i said instant gratification it's a cancer it's a sickness that's a very big symptom of our society these days you know we grew up very very slow in comparison yeah it's you know what man when i see these kids it's different for them like we we kind of look at them like what the [ __ ] are you doing but they're living in now right what i'm saying we're older man so we don't get to see everything these kids are going through you know it's it's different man it's changed clip that part and send that to mark because i'm still so taken aback by the fact that mark kept sending this girl money yeah when it was like i'm listening to him tell the story and i'm like oh my god mark you really fell for this one to be honest with you man to be honest i really believe mark is in it to try to help people man i believe he would have did that for a man he would have bro i don't i don't think it's just girls i don't think it's just he's trying to he's just doing it for chicks no anybody that's came through his channel and he feels like hey you know he can help them or he's in position to help them yeah he's gonna try yeah you know and i have to give ms roses on that there's not a lot of people out here that are at least trying to help now him you know getting beat for some of the money okay ha haha but that's kind of you know what i'm saying it but it's [ __ ] up you know because there is good people out here that are trying to help people i realized very early on when i was working downtown which is like i was working around the corner from uh where he does his thing apparently i haven't seen where he's at but i was told it was like a couple blocks from where we had our bike shop i realized very quickly that when it comes to these [ __ ] and when i talk about these [ __ ] i'm talking about you know street people vagrants homeless people meth heads crackheads whatever the [ __ ] it is you know that as far as how i look to them i look like an opportunity because they know that i got a little bit of money in at that time it was a very very little amount of money but they know that ten dollars to me ain't [ __ ] and ten dollars to them is the [ __ ] world so they're gonna do anything in their brains to get close to me to be able to try to separate me from the funds that i got and so as a result i ain't gonna give you nothing because i saw how it happened there there was this one [ __ ] that we called peep game for whatever reason who would always be kicking that peep game we were calling me he was always at the store he said peep game one time i think and we just kept calling him and uh somebody gave him a dollar one time this [ __ ] came back every day for the next two three years because all you know if he came back every day and he even got one dollar per year that's a significant sum of money to him he's coming for that dog bro it's like pigeons you feed them once bro they gonna be around that [ __ ] they ain't going nowhere bro they gonna remember that time you thought you remember you threw me that crumb yeah man i brought a couple buddies they need some crumbs too i remember i had a girl kick it with me from like kansas or some [ __ ] you know some middle of nowhere ass place so she's hanging out with me at the store yeah and that dude i think comes around and she gives them a couple cigarettes or a dollar or some [ __ ] and i have to tell i'm like no no no don't do that and not just because i'm going to find it annoying but because you're standing outside of my store doing that which means this [ __ ] is going to keep coming back and keep asking for something so any kind of charity in that scenario became a huge liability for what we had going on you know you got to learn that if you're downtown i'll tell you this man i like to help people man i help the homeless man i don't want to see nobody hungry man like yeah all right i might talk sh i talk [ __ ] to a lot of people but i'm talking some truth man i'll never be talking just no [ __ ] but neither here nor there like i help people i don't want to see nobody down like that i don't want to see nobody hungry man they stomach touching their back i know what that [ __ ] feel like and it don't feel good you know what i'm saying i know what it feels like to sleep on the floor see i'll tell you this like people who and i'm not saying you've knocked them or not homeless people but people who you know knock homeless or people like that like why don't you do some of the [ __ ] that they do like if you laugh at them right you feel like it's funny go through some of the [ __ ] they do go sleep on the floor for 30 days just outside sleep on your sleep in the backyard on the floor and i'm talking about a hard floor not the grass don't try to get no cushion you know i'm saying and find you a [ __ ] up blanket or go without eating where you can only eat two three days it'll give you a different perspective on what the homeless go through now do i believe that a lot of people out there made them choices yes i do believe that a lot of people made them choices to get themselves to where they're at but some people man you'll be surprised man there's people that are really homeless that are not drug addicts people my thing is i can give to a homeless person when i go downtown i'll be giving up money i'll hand people five dollar bills whatever the [ __ ] it is it's all good because i don't live there so i get to do that and then move on and go back to where i live behind a big-ass gate and i've got to deal with it when you're side by side with these [ __ ] i'm just going to keep on these [ __ ] that's just like a general tent that you could kind of throw everybody downtown under no pun intended a lot of them do live in tents but um i'm just saying when you're in that environment daily and you start making it clear that you're not that opposed to giving them money yeah then all of a sudden they are going to find ways to separate you from your money and with mark he's obviously somebody that has bread it's just you're making yourself way too vulnerable by making it that obvious to people that you're down to help out if you're gonna give i would say figure out like a more structured way to go about doing it that doesn't necessarily end up with you know some girls pimp [ __ ] extorting you for twenty thousand dollars or whatever the situation may have been yeah you know man i don't i don't really you know i i don't really want to get too deep about his what he actually it's not about him i'm just general life advice because what he did yet just general life advice but you know i really believe that he just got stuck in something that when you you start listen man how you start is how you finish if that's how you started you started giving somebody money that's pretty much how it's gonna finish i don't think he's had any more problems with that situation i talked to him he doesn't seem like he's any problems man he's been just taking care of his business been dropping content so i mean it sounds like everything's back on board because you know i've been checking on him like just to make sure because he seemed a little worried man you know because that's not him that's not how he gets down you know he's not he's just he's a he's just capturing the moments that man is badass behind the camera you know what i'm saying like as a cameraman that dude is dope and what he does man like i salute him man i ain't got nothing i can't even say nothing bad about margaret i think he's doing this thing and i'm not saying you are either but like my concern just comes for his well-being too because yes that situation didn't end up violent for him or anything yeah but it's very easy for me to imagine a situation that would not go as smoothly and in which he could clearly be like a victim just because when people realize that you maybe are willing to give so much who knows what the [ __ ] else could be lurking behind the corner i told his ass go get the biggest pistol you can find who gets right man [ __ ] and walk around you ain't got no problems man you ain't got no f's or nothing on your report card you straight go get yourself something i said man defend yourself mark mark with the desert eagle defend your [ __ ] self i said bruh get out there it's kind of hard for me to i mean i would like he needs to go to the range let's go to the range mark let's see yeah bro tall bark man [ __ ] defend yourself man don't let nobody run up on you you got a storefront to defend man it ain't you can't let nobody just come and just and play with you like that he understands man you know he's just not like that marcus there's just some people man that are overall just nice people right you just can't really they don't have that bad bone in their body and that's when you get worried when you see somebody who's got a heart of gold then they're mixing and mingling with these [ __ ] i like how you label them i'm just saying that's that's an easy describer how do you label that [ __ ] yeah these [ __ ] for real like even with us like uh you know we're uh starting a no jumper store on fairfax in hollywood great area you know area with a lot of uh you know affluent people people who are well off et cetera in that kind of environment there's always going to be a [ __ ] who wants to separate the people who are out here obeying the law and and doing well for themselves so when i think about being in that area my security at this point like when i'm going there is going to have to be 10 toes down like 100 at all times because you know like once you're in a position where you're supporting a lot of people helping a lot of people etc all of a sudden me getting into a situation kind of feels like a bigger deal than it ever felt before because if something happens to me then what the [ __ ] does this business look like going forward it's going to be all you know so uh i would say being downtown that concern would even be amplified all right guys we hit 50 000 subscribers our next goal is 100 000 subscribers so make sure you click that button to subscribe we appreciate y'all very very much thank you
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 1,292,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview
Id: 2nd2oKoWPQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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