Martin Short: Timeless | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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he is beloved and hysterical Martin Short ladies [Applause] to deserve this kind of a patient other than provide decades of quality Entertain You hello so reluctant to basket love with you love show business that's why I do love shoes and you're not afraid to say it and or you like your characters well you think Jackie Rogers jr. oh like their show business people yes in your blood it is in my blood is it not in your blood you always wanted to be in show business um whose show is it okay someone's gonna ask something we're fighting already no we are we have so Michaels friends you know we have so much in common I told you that the last time after I read your memoir yeah like the the father who didn't eat dinner with us yes right the squabbling Irish family absolutely comedy that the you know the problem with the large penis all these things you know what else I found reading your new thing we are both people who don't have a bucket list I thought I would do it yeah I don't either nothing nothing I want to do that I haven't done and if I haven't done it at the age of 69 right I don't want to do it right all of a Sholem you know right right I've never been to any any country like any country that's you know get room service five stop I always say nowhere where they could take a chicken on a bus that's my butt here 69s is a comedian when you hit that age did you say to yourself I've got to do something with that for the whole year I'm 69 I can't oh come on please I 69 iods love me it is daunting to suddenly be 69 I mean you realize for the first time wow you look at fantastic it's getting up look at that hair it's like you know for example I no longer put an angel on top of my Christmas tree because it feels like foreshadowing so I always say if I wrote a memoir it would be called who was in my body maybe just because when I look back at things that I do or someone reminds me of something I did I'm like who was in my body I can't I know that was me but I don't know who that was when you did when you were 25 and you go who is in my body you know I wish I was more interesting than that I mean it I mean I wish I could look at pictures of me at 25 and say I don't know who that is I mean I basically the same I'm doing the same thing certainly the same jokes since I was my whole life it's just been and I think that's what's kept me actually young and and involved in my life in a great energised way because I don't see limitations oh now that you're in your 60s you can't do no well I mean you can't play you know 25 minutes oh I can if you know because when you're timeless know if they like me but you I know you said that when you feel like up to the age of 15 you respond you take in everything and the rest of your life you're just regurgitating and recycling all of them yeah it's like me saying oh guys I love rap yeah I love Frank Sinatra because I like Frank know when I was 12 and 35 into town yeah but when we have a that we go through an entire Sinatra album from that no one else no no one else knows bright but and alone but I think that you are the most open to it all and you're in the most influenced and then by the time you're 18 you're ready to do it and see what you've learned so you're on the road with Steve Martin how many how many weeks a year all right how many nights did you you've got these dates coming up well see the show it's vintage yeah it's it's I say our show is like married sex we do old material three times a month [Laughter] [Applause] 4550 shows and like most comedy teams it's what you really are with them it's great on stage but offstage you hit each other right no I actually love Steve I don't know I and I think that what's great about it is that we share many similarities in a work approach if it's if it's an audience that we still give a hundred so for it feel guilty all those things but some people don't and I think that we have a shared Sensibility it's very rare that if a joke made him laugh and I wouldn't very funny or vice versa so I always think that you could be the ambassador from Canada and maybe you know someday you will be so I just wanted to say Toronto last night how about that one the NBA know pretty good they had the basketball champ I guess I got to go to bat for Toronto yeah I spent a lot of time in Toronto and Canada in general they got a little bad rap because when Kevin Durant was injured yeah some of them applauded it was a moment they got caught up in the game anybody who thinks that's Toronto does not know Canada they won the last night I think like two fans burned a lady scarf one of the thing I love about your show with with Steve you do not mention Trump our second guest tonight who does not mention Trump and I think that's great because I agree you don't always have to go there with people well I think I do think that that we have you know 5050 in the audience and if we if there's an attitude from us that says and they're not expecting it it's not and it's not like we're political communities and they're not expecting it and suddenly we're putting down shrub it's like if I'm a Republican the audience who supports my field gee I left out right now when I think they there's they need a respite from this constant and said but I also think I said this last Thanksgiving when you go home for Thanksgiving just don't talk about politics we used to be able to do that we used to be able to sit with people who we knew was a different political stripe and just we're watching a baseball game we don't have to always go there but I have friends I have lots of friends who I don't I don't think I know anyone supports Trump but I I well I do I know I actually died and right I mean I know many many Republican friends who might in the past we were different but you don't discuss it you don't it's okay you know Canadians all discuss politics all the time and it isn't a fist Acuff's it's just a conversation but it's it's more cat fields McCoy's you know you
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 463,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George Will, Washington Post, The Conservative Sensibility, Bari Weiss, The New York Times, White, Bret Easton Ellis, Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General, Governor, New York, Charlie Sykes, The Bulwark, The Bulwark Podcast, NBC, MSNBC, How the Right Lost Its Mind, Martin Short, comedian, Now You See Them, Soon You Won’t, Steve Martin
Id: TBsObYAb-Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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