Mark Wahlberg Sits Down With His 'Deepwater Horizon' Real-Life Counterpart | The Influencers | TIME

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so much how disappointed were you when you heard that I was playing okay at first actually I was a little disappointed were you expecting the first thing was you know dollar now I'm thinking I gotta blow stuff up and he always survives we get the girl and all that sort of thing and I thought there's no way why would Mark Wahlberg he'd be interested in my story men and women who go out there and do jobs that are not that glamorous and do things that are dangerous and and do things in my opinion are pretty short narrator are very they're fascinating to me those are the kind of stories that I'm drawn to and the kind of things that I like to be it's funny that when this project first came about I didn't know that as a filmmaker didn't want to write a story about a bunch of you know redneck guys they're just out there working hard for a living after talking with you in the beginning you saw 60 minutes piece even Pete has that great conversation about you know that's the story I made it out in the door and I thought to myself I've accomplished what I thought I saw something I made it outside at least now I can breathe I may die out here but I can breathe every time I remembered something about the Deepwater Horizon it always just kind of registered with the natural disaster BP now admitting that there is more than 5,000 barrels per day coming out this spill is already America's second worst environmental disaster on record I never registered the fact that you know eleven people involved ally when did you first start working on the rig um I went offshore the first time in 2006 was it exciting it was mesmerised and I will do some dangerous work but it's usually controlled obviously this night we lost control it happened I won't say it won't happen again because it probably look I was just trying to kind of figure it out myself if it just took the extra time spent the extra money they were saved a considerable alone I have to tell myself every day that they made the best decisions they could with the information they had up until now they still don't know and all the evidence is in 5,000 feet of water and of course completely destroyed we were breaking ground and completing tasks that had never been done before whatever popped up during the well and they would of course log it note it and send that back to town and they would build regulations based off of what we learned we were discovering regulations as we drill look I'm wondering if you can talk a little bit about the kind of emotional experience of plugging into this character especially after getting to know the real man right after I met Mike and you know convinced him to come and work on the move of this I was then you know had the privilege of meeting hello Sydney and Felicia and then really understanding his drive and the desire just to get home to those two it was pretty remarkable and then of course being on set having to see certain things being reenacted then coming to set seeing me with the wounds and the injuries that might be sustained and I thought are welling up and tears you know not being able to look at me and those things that those things are very difficult Larry Paul what was the most difficult part for you when making the movie that that is a very good question by far the most difficult part for me was to and forgive me for saying it this way to allow Pete to show these eleven men perish I had no first-hand knowledge of any of the situations they were in and other than I knew that area of the rig they were on it's all up to interpretation handing over that information to Pete and then letting him put his creative abilities and talent forward to me that was difficult I'm not a nuts-and-bolts mathematician type allowing someone's creativity to show how those people got killed was probably the most difficult things really maybe make you could talk a little bit about what it was like for you to have endured something so unbelievably hellish and then come out to find that the public narrative is one that's completely misaligned with the experience you just had so earlier you said about the environmental impact and that was kind of the main thrust of the story you were getting and then once they did finally get the oil stopped the story just faded off and the news cycle changed honoring those 11 men with this project to me brings the spotlight back around as we're speaking right now there are men and women off shore but in their lives in harm's way so that we can do what we did drive around in cars fly on airplanes and all that sort of stuff getting that attention back to these 11 men who lost their lives is very critically important to me that was our main focus the loss of human life and honoring those people the remarkable things that you and they did in order to survive and help others survive was incredible and to me I just find that very inspiring very heroic hero is not a is not a badge that I even want to wear what we did that night was react to a very bad situation everything I fight in originaly most of us chose to fight so the term hero to me is is irrelevant we were doing our job we were doing that everything we could to save as many people as we could I would hope that most people would do the same thing [Music]
Channel: TIME
Views: 295,620
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: mark wahlberg, deepwater horizon, deepwater horizon story, bp oil spill, mark wahlberg interview, mike williams, mike williams deepwater horizon, mike williams and mark wahlberg, deepwater horizon real life, mark wahlberg mike williams, deepwater horizon cast, deepwater horizon behind the scenes, Time, time magazine, magazine, time (magazine),, news today, world news, interview, science, technology, health, politics, entertainment, business, news, breaking news, lifestyle, video
Id: BYJuw3GsiqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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