Mark Wahlberg Shows His Home Gym & Fridge | Gym & Fridge | Men's Health

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Honestly mark is a giant shithead (and he calls eating fish on weekends plant-based).

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/joeker334 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 đź—«︎ replies
(hand knocking) - Hey Mark, we're here to see your gym and fridge. (upbeat music) - Who that, buddy? Who that? You want to work out? You want to work out or you want to go to the kitchen? Have some veggies. He's also plant-based, by the way. Hi, let's go to the gym. - [Interviewer] Gym time! How do you pick your exercise program? - I train for whatever my next role is, or whatever I got to do for work. That's kind of the program, you know? I tend to do a lot of this extra leg stuff, cycling stuff to play in adventure races and do a lot of cycling, running, hiking. - [Interviewer] What are your fitness goals? - Stay in shape so I don't have to start over get in shape. Again, depends, you know. It's really everything revolves around my work. So if I'm playing, if I got to get out of shape to play an oil rig worker, then I'm eating fries, and drinking beer. Fun for the first couple of weeks, then I feel miserable. And if I got as get as thin as possible, like a movie like the Gambler, you know, I'll liquid diet and jumping rope 200 rounds a day. - [Interviewer] What does training look like these days? - With everything's that been going on, we're getting in the gym about 10:00, and then (exhale) obviously we finish the two circuits, and then we're kind of starting, I'm just doing some additional stuff on my own, regular little finishes. - [Interviewer] How often do you work out? - I train 5 days a week. 5 days a week. I work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Rest Wednesday, work Thursday, Friday. - [Interviewer] What do you consider to be an intense work-out? - 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. 'Cause we end up actually doing less work, but much higher intensity. Less rest. That's when you're really getting the heart rate up. And you're burning, burning a lot of calories. - [Interviewer] Favorite exercise? - Walking up the stairs to get my protein shake. - [Interviewer] Least favorite exercise? - I'm not really hating anything right now. We're doing a lot of cardio and stuff. - [Interviewer] What keeps you motivated? - I'm always motivated. I'm always motivated. I'm always hungry. And I always feel at some point, I can make, make something for myself, you know? Feel like I'm just getting started. Feel like, you know, all the things that I want to achieve and accomplish, are still in front of me. - [Interviewer] Any advice on how to train through injuries? - First of all, train properly so you don't get injured. And then, after that, you know, you've got to figure out the best way to recover. But you know I think, you know, I have ailments, I had torn labrum, herniated disks, I had a broken hand. You know, I've been able to work through those things, never had to have any surgery. So, kind of, corrective exercise has helped me fix my back, reconstructed my squat pattern. Doing shit the right way, you know. I've mostly bis-stop isolated machines in here, but that's just for a specific thing. For the most part, we're doing a full body movement. - [Interviewer] What music do you listen to when you work out? - Up, peppy hiphop. You know, rap. But more uptempo. Something that provides more energy for the room. My wife usually likes to pick the playlists. But she's doing amazing. She's been training with us now 5 days a week. Hasn't missed a day. Hasn't complained. Hasn't asked to take a day off. You know, a little cheating here and there, but. You know, she's doing the work. She's doing things she didn't think she could do. - [Interviewer] What's your most meaningful tattoo? - I took all my tattoos off. I just have one on my finger. My wife and me on our ring finger. - [Interviewer] What advice would you give someone starting their fitness journey? - Well, first of all, start slow. Find, I mean, I know people think "Aw he says that because he's a part owner of the business." I'm a part owner of the business because I've found the best work-outs on the planet, that's F45. You know, there isn't anything, whatever you think your fitness goals are, you can far surpass that. If you want to become a body-builder, I would say you know, learn the fundamentals first. And then from there, you can start going, you know, getting jacked with all that stuff and you're not going to be having any ability. You know, (indistinct) So I mean, if you want to get in shape, have longevity, good mobility, come to F45. - [Interviewer] Was there a specific person that inspired your fitness journey? - No, life. Life inspired me. The reality of I got to get strong, I got to be focused, I got to be disciplined. - [Interviewer] How do you stay motivated when you don't feel like working out? - Aww, you know I just, I'm really appreciative that I have my job, and you know, what I do I take it very seriously, so whatever I got to do to get ready, be ready I'm doing it. So I got a responsibility, you know, to show up prepared, and the way they want me to be there. So that's what I do. And then ultimately I know it just makes me feel better. You know, so, in a perfect world, you know now, with the right balance of working out and rest and recovery, you know I got a good little routine going. - [Interviewer] How do you keep your mind fit? - Aw, I keep up with my spiritual life, my faith. Start my day off with my hands on my knees, and then read prayer, then I'm in the gym. And then by that time, unless the kids are really not doing their schoolwork or nothing, it's hard to break, you know, or jar my positivity. - [Interviewer] You're known for your 3am work-outs. How did those get started? - I just kind of figured it out. With then, I just had so much I had to do during the day. And the only way to get it done was to start that early. You know, get up early, go do my prayer time training. Already read my script out loud twice, to get, you know, all my prep for the work. And then eating, packing the meals up, running off to the golf course, running the golf course. You know, but I was over training, you know. I was over training. I wasn't getting enough rest and doing 2 a days. 6 or 7 days a week, you know, eating 7-8 meals, mostly all protein. Ended up, just not feeling good, you know. Did a bone broth fast, and then went plant-based for what was supposed to be 12 days. And that's four months ago. Still doing it. - [Interviewer] Let's head to your kitchen and see what's in your fridge and talk diet. - This here was filled with unhealthy snacks, every kind of sugary cereal you can imagine. Chocolate bars, cookies, muffins. Everything else now is healthy. So the whole family is on the program. And now they weren't happy about it, but nobody's complaining anymore. And here I've got my own side. I've got all my supplements. I've got my plant-based protein. My pre work-out, protein water. Regular water. I've got some good healthy snacks. And my bars here. I've discovered hummus, I'd never had hummus before. And I'm loving, ooh, Chefy! What do you got in here? What do we got, Chefy? - [Chef] We got some skewers for tonight. Some shrimp skewers with a little gnocchi. Always keep Impossible meat on hand. There's everything for your wraps. Tons of veggies, tons of greens. All your juices that you take in the morning. - Yeah! Did you ever think after the seven protein meals a day, steak, chicken, turkey burgers, whatever else I would have throughout the entire day, did you ever think I would've gone plant-based? - Never. Definitely not this long. - (laughs) They thought I was going to last about two weeks. - [Interviewer] I'll ask you some questions while you eat your wrap. What staples do you usually have in your fridge? - You know, it used to be eggs, sliced meats, chicken. That's all gone. - [Interviewer] What inspired you to change to a plant-based diet? - I was doing 7-8 meals a day of all protein. I just couldn't process all that protein. But I really feel the difference. I have fish on the weekend. A piece of salmon or some sort of shellfish. - [Interviewer] Any food you hate? - I'm not big on curry. It does bad things to my stomach. - [Interviewer] What's your go-to burger order? - Now the Impossible burger. Used to be when I was Walhburger's, I'd order one with everything. - [Interviewer] What's your go-to protein? - Now it's plant-based. It's lighter, it makes the shake lighter. - [Interviewer] What's your go-to bottle of wine? - That's a tough one. If it's a California Cab, it'd be Hundred Acre. - [Interviewer] What do you grab from the fridge if you're hungry at 2am? - A rice cake with hummus, avocado, and olive oil. That's my new late-night snack. - [Interviewer] What's the biggest challenge for gaining or losing weight for roles? - Oh god. It's all fun. Everything whether you're gaining the weight, losing the weight, it's all fun for like a couple of weeks. And then it becomes a pain in the butt. Go to bed at 7:00 on a full stomach and wake up at 10:00 to eat again, and I'm still full from the last meal. That's not fun. - [Interviewer] All right, time for Rapid Fire questions. Work-out time? 7AM or 7PM? - Always at AM, first thing. - [Interviewer] Squat or dead lift? - Both. - [Interviewer] Favorite song on your play list? - Anything by Adele 21. - [Interviewer] Cross Fit. Yay or nay? - Nah. You want to go to the hospital? You better have an orthopedic surgeon close by. - [Interviewer] Pull ups or chin ups? - Pull ups. - [Interviewer] Dumbbells or kettlebells? - Both. - [Interviewer] Run on a treadmill or the great outdoors? - Aww, outdoors. I don't like running on a treadmill. I mean we do sled push, you know, resistance running. - [Interviewer] Cardio or weights? - Weights. - [Interviewer] Big legs or big arms? - The foundation is the most important, believe me. Arms are just for show. - [Interviewer] Biggest compliment? Jacked, ripped, cut or swole? - Ripped. - [Interviewer] If you could work out with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be? - Jack Lalanne. Jack LaLanne. - [Interviewer] Thanks for answering our questions. Any final fitness advice? - Remember you got to eat right, train hard. There's realistic goals out there, you got to work hard to accomplish them, though, right up. (driving, upbeat music)
Channel: Men's Health
Views: 4,402,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men's health, fitness, diet, workout routine, celebrity workout, mark wahlberg, gym and fridge, deepwater horizon, the gambler, the fighter, home, training, marky mark, movies, interview, pain and gain, boston, accent, music, wife, spenser confidential, f45, vegan, transformers, faith, kids, 3am workout, lawrence duran, wahlburgers, crossfit, patriots day, schedule, train like, netflix, good vibrations, celebrity workouts, muscle gain, celebrity homes, protein shakes, quarantine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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