Will Ferrell & Mark Wahlberg Insult Each Other | CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE!
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Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 26,871,891
Rating: 4.8763766 out of 5
Keywords: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Playground Insults Game, Playground, Insults, BBC Radio 1, Radio 1, Chris Stark, Scott Mills
Id: ROeadOshACA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2015
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I thought their insults would borderline more on the side of calling each other stupid poopy head.
Edit: Since I got some attention, I think I should show you guys Will Ferrell's best work in my opinion. Bush vs. Bush
The two Englishmen snickering the whole time kinda killed the mood.
I always enjoy watching people try to keep a straight face.
Eh. I really thought it would be funnier.
All I was waiting for was a MArky Mark or New kids insult !
I've been thinking for more than a few minutes about that ben stiller jab.
This felt like an incredible waste of those twos time.
This seems like one of those bits that are funnier on paper. This was kinda lame.