Mark Ruffalo LOVES His Fans Comments On His Topless Picture | The Graham Norton Show

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because no obviously Steve Carrell percentage but you really did it I mean the hair the weights good look right how long did you have to look like that for a long time months and months how did that go down at home not well turn off the light darling intruder tonight [Applause] now the Hulk weirdly no prosthetics for the Hulk but in green suits yeah and new prosthetic so you just wear the green people ask me all the time like how long did you have to stay in the makeup chair for that did you did did you have to work out for that but are you aware of all the concern online amongst the Mark Ruffalo fans about what the finished Hulk would look like I know all my fans by name you know their concerns you know their worries now there was a lot of concern amongst the mark of an offense that the Hulk would not retain his beautifully pursuit chest they thought he might be hairless Oh but happily the The Hulk has got some hair it's the first Hulk in the history of moviemaking all three movies yeah all two of them now where where the Hulk has body hair it's a revolution it's a revolution it's really we're doing some of groundbreaking work you probably familiar that mark since you are a campaigner for the hairy chest your problem here with the there's a site called hairy chest I want to cry on there really is there really hit your producing team may be aware so you you are front and center on this I think you look really like Lenny Kravitz That's not me it's not really not you that's Lenny Kravitz is it really no don't mess with my head the person who ever posted this but it'll comment on the side mark ruffalo more like mark buffalo look at that Harry hi speaking of Buffalo I want to drive his body to the verge of extinction what was that person's name [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,762,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behind-the-scenes footage, Celebrity appearances, Celebrity stories, Celebrity talk, David Schwimmer comedy, Hollywood stars, Instagram account, Interesting interviews, Late-night entertainment, Latest episode, Live television, Mark Ruffalo interview, Nick Mohammed jokes, Online entertainment, Red sofa, Social media follow, TV celebrities, TV studio, The Graham Norton Show, TheGrahamNortonShow
Id: 9ChvQBd7NpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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