Mark Lowry - Candy Christmas on MONDAYS WITH MARK

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[Applause] [Music] well hello everybody and welcome to Monday's with marker Happy Mondays with mark Mayfield Jesus near every day of the year burger happy Monday you know that's you know anyway uh I'm so glad you're here I look forward to seeing you I had an incredible week y'all unbelievable week I was at GM a week I went to the gym a week is the no longer gym a week there's the Dove Awards and did y'all see it last night on TBN I didn't want you guys I was there I didn't need to watch it and but maybe you did hi everybody coming in Barbara Nelson radar we Cynthia Henderson Cheryl McAlister Marty Thomas Gayle Dearing hello from Westmoreland Tennessee Gayle Dearing let's see let's if I can post that there you are hello mark from Karen caliber I see I met you I met her where we were a couple of weeks ago but I remember meeting you hello Brenda camp hello Trisha Walter hello DK hello everybody what an incredible fun week so anyway the devil Ward's I don't know if you saw in the afternoon they have these afternoon pre telecast pre main show Awards and that's where they give away the majority of the awards and they do it pretty quickly and so I was up for one southern gospel artist of the year it was me the Vocal Band and a few others probably Ernie Haase and I can't remember all who but um so I never got to get that so I'm sitting there waiting in the got the camera on me and if you saw it it's on my youtube channel below oh by the way please subscribe if this is your first time tuning in for Monday's with mark hit subscribe and everybody else please share the video it helps get the broadcast out and bigger so please share please subscribe so I'm sitting there and they start to say you know the wind or the devil ward goes to the Gaither Vocal Ben and I start screaming it's his rig this is rig so son so that night I was all prepared to scream it is rigged again for the national telecast because I thought that would be very appropriate and so they called my name you know when I cried I went oh yeah he really wasn't thrill got up there and I really hadn't prepared a speech but I thanked everybody I could remember and I didn't forget to thank the Lord because he has been so good to me he's been gonna be reward or award or no reward or none of it what else has been going to Gator Vocal Band reunion so I went from the devil wards to Melissa Brady's women's conference Thursday night and while I was there they were rehearsing and Greenville all the guys had got together I couldn't be there because of the women's come for Santa so yeah so I arrived Friday was it yep Friday and we did a concert Friday night and man the wall of sound for all of you that were there I know you know it was an incredible wall of sound and and then we did that but it was so much fun to watch Bill Gaither you know all these people that for all these years have gone through his group he's been the one remaining thing but people have the revolving door but everybody is cut who's come through that revolving door still loves Bill Gaither and thinks the world of him and if they don't well they should there may be one or two that don't but you know what they didn't show up but we didn't miss him but I won't say who they were and it wasn't Steve green Steve green could not be there because he had another booking that was a book away before Gaither so anyway let's see what else is oh the cruise please the cruise is fill it up we're gonna go on a cruise to the Caribbean mark Lowry Spring Fling cruise please don't miss it we're gonna hope to have already over 200 we just want to give back 300 so everybody get to know each other we don't need that many if we get 400 great but we can all still know each other by the end of the week hopefully and it's gonna be phenomenal the Martins will be on it the ball brothers who are so funny I don't know if you follow them on Facebook you should Teran the green bean will be there and of course stan wittmeyer my pastor Brett Jones and we're gonna have some times where we can all just sit around and talk about God and let him answer questions and let's just talk about things and it's gonna be a wonderful time it's my first cruise and it's the only thing I will be doing next year as far as any kind of touring I'm not touring it all next year but the only thing I will be doing is the mark Lowry Spring Fling cruise so go to mark Lowry cruise dot-com and you can learn more information all right let's see what else we've got oh the bobble head I got it wait what else wait wait wait there's more than just the bubble head where is it where is it oh there it is eight dollars eight dollars y'all doesn't it look like me eight dollars you can have what this sitting on your dashboard and I'll be judging you while you drive down the road you need to order that at mark Larry comm slash store hello Rhonda Morton all you coming in Paula Shepherd so you and the Martins saw the Martins at Dollywood that's cool I love the Martins I can't wait to have them on our show too Oh Tori Taff it's time for our we haven't had her in a while and I miss Tori here's our foreign correspondent Tori - hi this is Tori chavier foreign correspondent on the ground and buildup of Tennessee at the big annual Webb school fresh over 120,000 people come into our town of 450 and it'll crazy and I'm working a register which if you know me is a little dangerous you know but anyway I'll show you a little bit more about what it looks like out there I'm gonna work the cash register keep a coin I'm helping out at the Bell Buckle Cafe booth where we're flying taters also known as curly chips they are absolutely delicious and you can smell them from around the block look at that we're selling barbecue too and when it gets around lunchtime they line up all the way around that corner can you blame them they are delicious this is so much fun we look forward to it every year even though it is kind of nuts what with a hundred twenty thousand people in town but there's cool whimsical arts and crafts everywhere and the weather this year was great it's always the third week in October but sometimes it's really cold and sometimes it's not last year it was burning high but it's so much fun and they come from all over so next year think around the third weekend in October you might want to make your way to build okay when your kids can jump around and you can eat fried Oreos for crying out loud because remember everybody needs a little bell vodka and corn in their life I love those videos Tori sense if you've never been to Bell Buckle you gotta go y'all it is amazing they have the rest half weekend they just finished that and I heard it was great let's see what else I want to tell you tomorrow night 6:30 on Reba Rambo McGuire Facebook page the the river will be back on you know the river took last week off because of the Dove Awards so the river will be back I'll be watching at home you don't want to miss it it's live on Facebook a lot of music a lot of praise and worship a lot of good times and Russ's movie Russ tafs movie is coming out y'all October 30th I'm going to Franklin Tennessee to the theater up there to see it with Russ and Tori and it's gonna be like a little premiere for them but October 30th don't miss this movie it is incredible it is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen hey I've noticed this week also that the billion dollar jackpot it's at one point six billion dollars have you bought your jackpot ticket and if you do which you might Colleen has Colleen was going all over town with her 80 90 95 hundred year old mother I forget how she is she's all and she still buys jackpot tickets for the big jackpots and they're going around town trying to get one did you know that the chances of becoming a saint or having identical quadruplets is better than winning this jackpot you have a better chance of becoming a saint I guess in the Catholic Church or having identical quadruplets that's why I don't ever invest in the jackpots not that I have anything against it if you enjoy that you know I don't enjoy throwing my money down the toilet it's like playing at the Vegas you know you I can go right in there and put money in the toilet and flush it and don't have to go to Vegas I go to Vegas for the shows I enjoy the shows already all ready to meet candy Christmas find out what she's been up to that sweet darlin I love candy Christmas I've loved her for years she used to sing you know she was the pretty black headed girl always in the homecoming videos with her hand in the air and worshiping the Lord and sang she's saying no anyways she sings at the end it's a song or daddy wrote about the flowers what is it y'all I had a brain fart don't turn 60 all right here's candy I love her I want you to get to know her bridge ministry you don't sing anymore what is that all about I don't really know I don't really okay so the bridge ministry has kind of taken over my life and when I get invitations most of the time it's to hear about what what's happening under the bridge and I think that people we live in a serve oriented generation people don't want to send a check anymore they want to get their hands dirty they want to be under a bridge they want to help people and so they want to know how how it got started and and I think apply it to their own lives and so I think it's that not that they don't want to hear me sing I think it's that they're more interested in what I have to say and so it's just a when's the last time you sang I couldn't tell you I don't understand that we're gonna get to the bridge in a minute because that's why we're really here I love candy no but she's got an incredible ministry I came to the bridge ministries banquet that you just had when was this September the 27th and she had Laura Bush and I got to sit by Laura Bush thank you for that you know it dawned on me after I left us she could have had anybody you wanted to sit by Laura Bush and you let me know when I'd you to sit next to her and it was so such an honor I didn't know what to say to I was speechless really so okay this guy's really funny but he's brilliant and so I I think you probably had like the highest IQ if anybody in the raehwan you can make good conversation with our extra I didn't know I didn't know what does but she was very friendly and I didn't want to bother her and I you know but anyway the bridge ministry is incredible one day how did you get from singing you're raised in the Hemphill family a singing family gospel music family that's unbelievable your brothers have gone on to build the best bus company in town hemp pills I mean we are leased buses for them for me for years and you quit singing and tell me how the bridge thing happened cuz there's a lot of ladies probably watching because they say my audience is mostly women it's like my agent up that are thinking what am I gonna do with the rest of my years yes you know we don't that hundred years ago we'd be dead but oh yeah but now we're out living our usual yes yeah so I did it okay so about singing I love this thing I didn't mean to stop singing but I went through a time of depression I was severely depressed for I don't know a couple of years and I think that sometimes depression is genetic and so I was like a third generation you know sufferer of depression and so I went through this really really dark time and so did you get any medicine for it no I didn't take medicine do you think that's not good oh no here's a disclaimer don't try this at home okay this is me this is what I felt to do because I wanted to find the source of my pain okay right and so my pain was had I've been successful enough had I made enough records got enough dev Awards or whatever and so those were the things that were were troubling me but when I found homeless people under a bridge their troubles were if it rains tonight I'm gonna sleep with if someone doesn't help me eat then I'm gonna I'm gonna eat out of a dumpster literally eat out of a dumpster and so this just evolved over time there was a time that I tried to go through the motions of going out and singing and you know put a smile on your face because you got to make a living right right but eventually the bridge and what we were doing for the poor in Nashville kind of eclipsed my singing career slash ministry whatever and so I have no regrets you know singing is wonderful and I love to sing and I love to hear singing and you were amazing at the fundraiser unbelievable mary did you know wow you're a genius but anyway so so i just found these people and i found a way to help people in a tangible way and i only say it started with a gumbo a jambalaya jambalaya that's what it was I have jambalaya for my favorite thing so you just made a big pile of jambalaya and what cost you someone said something to you you said that cause you say well I can make a pot of jambalaya yeah okay so I was severely depressed in LA under hundred pounds and so I went to this friend's house this friend invited me over to see this house that they're building and there it was a lay minister just an older gentleman that said hey I roast hot dogs for homeless people do you know that Nashville has homeless people and I said well you know I guess I never thought about it and he'd seen me on the Gator videos and I was you know vibrant and alive and excited and Here I am thin and frail and severely depressed and he said well why don't you go with me under this bridge where I'm roasting hot dogs he said can you cook when I said yes sir I can cook hey I guess I was too skinny he thought I could write and I said I was raised in Louisiana and I can make jambalaya for any size crowd and so I made a pot of jambalaya and I met him on a Tuesday night under the bridge and I met these gracious grateful broken people and you know okay so so I think in my career one of the frustrations was that okay so I was southern gospel by saying southern gospel music and and contemporary is the the hip thing right so if you go to one church and you're to southern gospel then you're not here right okay so or if you go to a different church and you've gotten a little hip then you're not southern gospel on them and it's like you've got to be the right flavor right right so I get under this bridge and they don't care what flavor well they don't care my name you know what they care about does what you have work for me yeah does your gospel they don't care about the jargon they don't they don't care about any any labels does your gospel work for me will it help me and so when the rubber meets the road did you find out a lot of your gospel didn't work for them I you had believed have you had to change okay so so do I get a change my beliefs no um you know because I believe God for great things and you know Philippians 4:19 my God shall supply all I needs according to his riches in glory and mark 11:24 what things soever you desire but you got to get it down to the basics the cross of Christ right and his deliverance for their life for God so loved the world yes he somebody loves you yes somebody cares about you yeah somebody cares that you're cuddling and somebody's gonna be back here next Tuesday night to you so you got you gotta just take all the fluff away you know all this jargon we've learned and just get it right down to the basics somebody that's how does someone gets how would someone start what you in their hometown every homeless people are everywhere everywhere is it hot is it asking how did you get started in gospel music to ask this question because when I get asked that question there's as many ways into gospel music as there are people right because there's no one way is there a plan is there a first step that someone could take say I want to be I'm retired I've got all this free time how do I start this how do I start my own bridge thing first of all you have to care second of all I think that you have to look around you and so so let me preface this by saying there are a lot of ministries in Nashville who feed only homeless right and if they're the working poor or they drive up in a car and they live it in the projects or whatever they're not gonna help them oh really you're not homeless go away this is a homeless ministry so for me I serve people who live in the projects I'll serve people who are the working poor I just serve hungry people if they're hungry they're more hungry they're welcome I don't care if they came walking riding a bicycle or driving a car if they're hungry and so so I put no limitations and no restrictions you ever run out of food okay do you really want to know the answer yeah so um I've run out of food but I kept dipping I've had the volunteers call me back and say look we're running out of food we still have a hundred people in line what do we do and we start praying and dipping in the name of Jesus you know my Bible hold on my Bible says that he's the same yesterday today and forever and if he could be 5,000 with some loaves and fishes he can do it under that bridge and I've seen him do it I'm gonna tell you something else I've seen you're not gonna believe this call me nuts put me in a straitjacket okay but I have seen God multiply Christmas gifts at Christmas time when we did not have enough Christmas gifts we prayed on them and everybody that left got a Christmas gift with some leftover that's the God's truth I'm telling you the truth he still works miracles today but you just got to be in a place where he's performing them well yeah and and just okay so some people say we're a faith-based based organization you know but they got a billion dollars in the bank right oh yeah we're a faith-based operation and and it is literally faith yeah and if God doesn't provide we have to shut the doors but 14 years we've still been going and the lights are still owned and we have lots of food and clothing and toiletries and things that were given to the poor and your website is right down there it will be when I'm done editing this and so if you want to donate the bridge ministry here's what I've learned about giving through my 60 years on this planet whenever I see it TV preachers say plant your seed I check out the soil before I plant my seed I check out the soil don't throw your seat on Interstate 45 and expect Tomatoes you better check out the soil and so don't just because if someone's got an 800 number means you're supposed to plant your seed right this is good soil yeah I mean I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it I love this ministry and Jesus did Jesus said when you've done to the least of these and on Judgment Day he really isn't gonna ask us did you invite me into your heart he told us what he was going to ask us did you feed me did you clothe me did you visit me while I was in prison Tony Campolo appointed me to have that out to me one day and it freaked me out because I always thought when I got to heaven he would say why should I let you and I said because I invited you into my heart which I did when I was 14 14 but Tony said no he already told you what he's gonna ask you so what can I tell you a story yes so I have people say well you know what about the people that take advantage of the system oh that's a good question okay so what about what about people that have plenty and they just want a handout and whatnot yeah God still uses that so there was this young there was this young guy that came to the bridge and he told me that he had AIDS and he was extremely thin and covered in sores and he was just really so oh I prayed over him I cried over him every time he needed money for medicine and this was in the early days and I was just so naive I was just you know whatever you need I'm here jesus loves you so I'm giving him money for his drugs as you know for his for his age drugs and so after a while then he didn't show up and so I thought oh my he said he's died oh oh he died of AIDS and oh I just wept and cried in prayer and I just pray and oh god I hope he was saved you know I hope I did my part well a couple of years later here he comes back to the bridge and he's so fat and he's married and he's driving a car and he came back to the bridge and and I barely recognized him he's so big you know and I said where have you been I thought you died of AIDS he said Oh miss candy oh he said every night when I would lay down my head on my pillow at night he said I would think of all the lies that I told you and you believed me and you prayed for me and he loved me and it handed me he said finally one night I got out of the bed and I gave my heart to Christ he said I want you to know I've got a job I'm working for a church up here in Whitehouse NC and I'm married a wife and he said I came back to apologize to you and to tell you because of all those lives and you lies and you loving me still I gave my heart to Christ never in my life well so God uses all of it even my ignorant you you use yeah let people take an energy I was wondering about that yeah and you know what I believe you're doing which I is the challenge in my in my mind and in my heart it's a big challenge for me to love without an agenda to love without an agenda see I've always thought I need to love you so I can win you but I believe my job is to love you and along the way of loving someone in their life in their life journey you will get an opportunity to tell them about Jesus and but you don't have to cram him down their throats right I run out front just love but you member when you first met me I was so appalled JD Sumner smoked cigarettes remember bet I was such a little legalist and look how God changed me hey all of us all of us are on a journey but you know what God loves everybody yes he does the love of God is the goodness of God that brings me into repentance it's not our legalism the Lord lot of scriptures that Donnie McGuire quotes that one all the time about it's the goodness of God that brings us I love that why didn't we get that sooner I don't know I think though sometimes mark it in God's infinite wisdom did he make me depressed oh no but did he use it to bring me to the place where I could love other people who are broken and at their lowest point yes he used it in my life and so every impediment is a godly gift every every situation that you can go through is a godly impediment to lead us on our journey to be able to love that the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord even the steps you hate and I believe and I could be wrong I'm a recovering fundamentalist but I couldn't I even believe the days we sin the days I wish I could go back and relive I'm not saying they were ordered by the Lord in the sense of God all my juice on this day mark Larry is gonna send the worst sin he ever but I believe that when I did God was right there by my side watching it all and not in judgment but and I'm gonna win him back I'm gonna be here with him when he falls and I'm gonna pick him up when he's ready to get up that's who I think this God is alright now before we go okay just saying one person course of consider the lilies fun may I introduce you to this friend [Music] turns out the stars and tells the Sun I don't like when the shrine yeah and kisses the flowers in the mornings with you but he's never too busy to love me singing a harmonized we have [Music] [Music] full of mercy and a heart full of [Music] he really cares when your head is bowed low consider you still don't let that give fall by the wayside just because no thang may get to get you did nothing or in that thank him listen I'm just got a Beverly let me tell y'all y'all may not know this but when my mother died she didn't go to heaven she jumped in me and now she comes out in me when like right now she's coming out all my friends will say okay Beverly get back inside because whenever I say you know what you need to do because she did that all the time and it used to tip me off how do you know what I need to do but but now I realize she did that just because she really thought at the time this is what you need to do not to hurt me but to help me right yeah but I didn't take it that way but here's what you need to do alright tell me what it don't ever go anywhere again and talk about the bridge without singing that song or a song because trust me they will all love it and who cares what style see when you get our age you don't care what they think first of all it's Nona it's none of our business what anybody thinks about us do you ever heard that yeah I love that I don't know who said it first but it's none of your business what anyone thinks about you don't worry about it let the children play you live and then you sing honey I'm telling you you're one of the best and I would hate to think that that is the last time we'll ever hear that voice but if it is it was right here on Mondays before okay so this is the where this is where this is a sorting station for the children that we serve we serve 2,500 children a week and so we serve them little cans of this is vegetable soup and macaroni and cheese and things like that and we have volunteers who come and bag all the groceries for the children oatmeal fruit all types of snacks and so we give them enough to eat let's see 12 meals on the weekend and so we have volunteers who come yesterday for example we had a group of home school children who came and served we have civic groups civic organizations church organizations every Thursday we have a busload of handicapped children who come and they bag groceries and be able to give back and to serve other children so these are some of the grocery bags that are already bag to go so so forgive the mass these are the pots and pans from last night we were under the bridge on Tuesday so that these are brand new toys not used brand new toys that we've already gotten wrapped for Christmas we're prepared for Christmas at Christmastime we have Santa Claus come we have toy land and we give away somewhere between I don't know 2500 3000 brand new toys would you do that under the bridge yeah these are brand new pants that we sort in sizes and we give away brand new clothing items our motto here under the bridge is that if I wouldn't wear it I'm not going to give it if I wouldn't eat it I'm not gonna serve it so we give brand-new clothes we don't take used items we have hookups with organizations that have clothing that they'll send us brand new brand new clothes so this is a polarization and we have people and that come and bag the toiletry items anything from toothpaste deodorant okay you don't franchise this but you've helped people help people so there's a bridge ministry in Augusta Georgia under a bridge there and so they serve as many people as we do and then we help an organization in California in Detroit Michigan we just help people so anybody who wanted to get started could come get help yes sure you'd help them sure help you so these are okay coats we have brand new coats and I'm looking up right here Carhartt 17 are you familiar with carton No okay so Carhartt is a work great for people who work out in the weather so it's heavy-duty work clothes and they send us coat so we've got brand new coats getting ready for winter but here's the method to the madness to giving away the coats okay yeah so we don't give away coats when it's cool we give away coats when it's 32 degrees or below Oh because if we give up coats away when it's just cool then many of them have addictions that are screaming inside of them those sellers so they'll sell the coat to feed the addiction and then when it is really cold they won't have it yeah so we wait until they really need a coat well you figured a lot out Oh trial and error so we have 9,000 blankets right now getting ready for the winter months and we give those out every single week even when it's done if you figured out how to make if something happened to candy is this gonna keep going I hope so because it's by Christ well I know that but I mean if you've got it set up to where it could go without you oh yeah okay you don't want it to be - candy centered then if Candy's not here one day but I hope Candy's here for a long time I love you oh well that's it everybody wasn't that great what a fantastic ministry candy Christmas has she went from being the lead singer in the Hills to being a regular on the Gaither videos to starting a ministry into a bridge in the middle of depression are you depressed feed somebody try it that was her path to health just looking outside yourself looking beyond but also get get medicine if you need it I know candy didn't use it but you know there's medicine for that don't let anybody condemn you or say you don't have enough faith you wouldn't need your brain medicine you know tell that bad didn't have enough faith they would need their next open-heart surgery don't let anybody condemn you for taking your medicine that's the time we live and God allows us to be here and if you need it if you're depressed if you're suicidal for goodness sakes called the suicide hotline number I wish I had it right now I need to put that up so I can have that whenever I think of it don't don't do that listen if Judas had just waited a day you know Judas he'd to betrayed the Lord and then he felt so guilty killed himself if he had just waited a day he'd have heard the angel say go tell the disciples and Peter and Judas that he's risen listen resurrection could be tomorrow don't miss it don't no don't do it call the 800 number Google suicide hotline and call it alright if you're thinking about it I hope you enjoy tonight written can be something she can still sing and she must burn Beverly was telling her the truth that's my mother anyway um I love you all thank you for tuning in and know I next week guy Penrod will be my guest guy Penrod don't miss it on mondays with mark make sure you subscribe and share this video to your YouTube channel or wherever you share your social media take care everybody god bless bye-bye
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 50,600
Rating: 4.9273877 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Lowry, Candy Hemphill Christmas, Gaither Homecoming, The Bridge Ministry, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry 2018, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Funny, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither Group, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Live, Gaither Concert, Gaither Music Live, Gaither Vocal Band Live, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Concerts, Gaither Tour, Mark Lowry Tour, Mark Lowry Concert Dates
Id: g_Jzh8RTgmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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