Breakfast with Bill: Ep. 04 - Janet Paschal and Bill Gaither Interview

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[Music] remember on the bus let me talk to the camera is a camera on me now okay and I'm talking to you directly mark Lowry used to say on the bus and I know she would take the sign down if we put it on her this is the most perfect killing baby who ever lived would say Janet is there ever a bad word that farms in the back of your he would try to disturb you and everywhere people say I'm sorry well of course with Mark anything he said you know you'd laugh at anything he said because he's just naturally so funny oh he just loved to give me there's got to be a bad word some horrible in here we were the vocal band that tour was in Greensboro you know where I lived so I went picked him up we went to lunch and we walked in this little hole-in-the-wall and he told the waitress he said we're on our honeymoon she and I are on our honeymoon like you know he's just full of stuff and and you just have to laugh cause he's so comical but you just never know he's gonna come out with was North Carolina your were you born in our calendar I was born in North Carolina and so you still live close to your home right yes I moved away when I was 18 and John and I moved back the year before I got sick in 2004 yeah my family's all still there did you live in Asheville for time I did I lived there several years but North Carolina has been your home North Carolina man I always knew I would go back one day your parents still they they are my dad's eight he's gonna be 86 this year and my mom made you two so healthy healthy has a big vegetable garden every year they can and fries and do you garden I help my dad I help my dad like Warren I said you know my dad's such a good gardener Eason why do why are we a bit the way oh you know and I didn't help him I didn't help him grow stuff but I did get down on my hands and knees and pick a lot of green beans hmm I've done that too and it was worth every second yeah God the great babe yes sir for it makes good green beans last night oh that dinner she made last night was amazing oh she's she's still a good cut she's a great cook and you and she are the best hosts ever you you just create this environment that's so comfortable and and it's fun and it's informative and you just make us feel like we're all just kicking around at home you know how much fun it is to tell people we live in the same house we lived in when we taught school definitely two years same house right it is same old brick floor full of character the first time we walked into Billy and Ruth Graham's house up on top of them out there in Asheville we said this reminds us to love our place because they had bricks they had brick on the floors too and in the kitchen they had barn barn wood mm-hmm and baskets that's right Obie said hey we're at all that's your house it's just so warm how'd you know when you were a kid I mean I mean who were the groups who were the singers or what and I'm asking this because when I was in the sixth or seventh grade I forget when it was on I first heard Jay kiss and this thing when I said I'd love to do that well we loved everybody but we particularly loved the Rambo's because I I love the fact that dottie played a guitar which is unusual and wrote songs and she was kind of the leader sort of of the group at least philosophically I guess and I loved that and I loved their family harmony and so I wanted to point it to write songs and sing so you left when you were when you were 18 mm-hmm then how old were you when you joined the gator that would have been probably 20 years later wouldn't yes let's see it was about 90 1999 yeah and who was a person who was a person that brought you to our attention I guess it was Mark probably mark Lowry I probably introduction you so stay attachment yeah I told the ladies at the tea today you know I waited so long to get married people were so you know when are you gonna get married and I told them at the tea the first question he asked me when I got back from my honeymoon was whether or not Medicare had a maternity plane but yeah he and his family were we're very special to me boy when you travel you traveled with this spot for 10 12 13 I did 15 years yeah yes more than that I think back in the days before the videos yeah with the cathedrals the vocal band and the Cathedral oh yeah a lot of fun a lot of all these awesome awesome windows of time and you still sing with your sister I stood my sister travels with me now and we do the sister thing and we are having more fun than I would have ever imagined how much do you talk about your childhood and the craziest things you do just a little bit a little bit but my sister is the outgoing one she should have been doing what I've done all along cuz she just never meets a stranger and she's real funny and she's a great story - I love your sister she's I'm gonna bring her the next time so we're just having a lot of fun and just you know you never know what's ahead of you you never know how good it's gonna be or how challenging it's gonna be but these are really good days the crazy thing about you and I don't I don't understand the left-brain right-brain thing because obviously you are an artist you're very artistic but at the same time you've always played around with math from the very beginning and also with numbers from the very beginning and also doing your own investing because the boss the artist I deal with petty Larry telling or telling me 1,000 bill you you are the stinkiest guy that I've ever seen this out I'm not I'm not steady mark I'm frugal yes yeah big gift would you describe yourself as Furcal I would I would our parents taught us and our parents you know my mom worked in a mill and my dad same so they never made a lot of money but they taught us that with every paycheck you put a little bit in savings it doesn't have to be a lot but just a little bit and that's you do it every time without ever changing that and you have money at the end of the year or at the end of you know when you retire that you never missed and you never anticipated so we just kind of my sister and I both just kind of followed that rule and I've always loved numbers and I love ratios and percentages and I used to take statistics when I did my grad work I think statistics in fact I had I've got a friend Lila Boren he's been with being board meetings and it was always kidding me stay away Gaither stay away data points some of those statistics are so but that turd you are well and it pays off if you paid well but you know numbers are also closely related to music because every record you make is separated by space yeah and you know music is about not only the note you hear but the silence yeah absolutely that's equally important so it's just like this puzzle and you go in there and you dig in and you come out with these rational thinking and ideas and plans and then you hope the stock market operates what has been good lately though yes it has been you know it's interesting with numbers and with harmonics with a vocal band we work and work to get you know real tight chords and all of that and sometimes you wonder how many of those folks out there totally understand it or even appreciate a lot of what you're doing and when a rock and roll came along in the 50s the first thing that went was harmony oh because it was basically a band a four or five piece band and a soloist a anything was harmony it was like a a single harmony line and nobody was working about working him on blends and that kind of thing I guess if you're singing full watt probably you'll have to work about it but I've often wondered with the vocal man we take time and so much energy and course you've sang with groups juvenille ins mm-hmm in the time that you spend making the harmonics work and in making your blend work wonder how many people may have bitten him how many of them say I could care less yeah I think more than you then a normal person would think I hope so I think the the the comment we're getting now is there were more people than I thought who were concerned about the sound and said they really liked us yeah so maybe there's you know there's more out there and thought Janet anybody who's followed your career and your marriage and all of that has also followed your your trip with cancer you battled in you battled it with class but the big c-word is still a big word in a way quite a common word these days yeah but you know I had so much support and I remember the first day I came home from chemotherapy I saw these balloons on my front porch and Gloria had sent me a flower arrangement with balloons and she had a little note in there and she said one down three to go because I was planning on three chemotherapy feelings so every week after that then I would get a card from her or I would get a gift or I would get bath suds or clothes she bites really nice things and you know what most the time is for other people oh I'm sure it is yes so then of course we had we did the radiation then we had to do a different type of chemotherapy because mine was especially egregious and then about a year and a half later my only sister was diagnosed so we plowed through that again but you know it's it's just part of the journey and here we are and we're certainly not worse for it I think the hardest part for us was watching our dad because he had two girls who agreed yes but you know our family just we found out what we believed it's one thing to talk about it and sing about it but that shows you what you believe in the marrow of your bones do you really believe what you're saying and it was a pleasant surprise to discover that we did you know the the people that I know who going through difficult times and handled it the best psychologically and theologically spiritually and are people who know the Lord and I talked quite a bit with with people who are not on the same side that I am as far as belief is concerned and that's fine because I think as Christians we need to be in the world I think we need to be talking to folks and I know all the criticisms and to seem like people who follow the Lord in those last few years have been shot at pretty hard at times and some of it we deserve you know we really we really do but at the same time after I discuss it for a while especially in growing old I say I say what's the alternative if it's cynicism god save me from right that's right and and maybe at times were a little bit unrealistic but the more Christians I talked to who face death and who face problems on the outside it looks pretty healthy to me yeah but a dying is part of life and sometimes a debt sometimes death is a gift yes because they're a lot worse things than dying that's right well and I think a Christian person understands that their life is in bigger hands than theirs absolutely and I remember I heard you say one time on the bus and I've never forgotten it you said at some point in your life the scales tilt the other side and there's more over on the other side than there is here to stay for I will never forget that and I thought that so much and it is so true yeah and the order you again know what uncle Jess said that it wasn't our original original with me you didn't remember him squinting his eyes to say bill you're gonna get the age by these times where the scale starts a tip and in the other yeah when I think of the number of people who were very very dear to me and very very close to me and still are even in death right but they're there I'm here yeah that's right and that's fine too mm-hmm it's great way to live in it it's not bad and I think you know the past generation may have come to Christ from the standpoint of eternal life and living forever in heaven and that's part of the gospel but I think at this stage there are a lot of folks who are weary of the hell on earth I think so too and when you really believe what you believe if you really believe what the Bible says you know keep going back to what Paul said you know just live Christ - dies game really I hate to compete with a guy who really I mean I mean that's putting your life on the line you know you know the people who go on the cruises with us there's a lot of a cruises available come back and say it's just a lot of fun mm-hmm that's why people on the outside would say people on the inside said that's a lot of joy and and it seems like that ought to be true for the people who are serving the Lord one of the joys of living this long is to have our circle friends that we dearly dearly love this big with you again last night you in glory and I ate or supper and watch that that restaurant movie it was a hundred feet 100 feet from the other but to see the beauty of food mm-hmm the beauty of landscape the beautiful beauty of just young relationships the young chef and the girl he was in love with and then the old couple who didn't like each other at first and found out they had a bit more in common than what they thought yes and I think followers of Christ see the joy and the beauty and everything because their joy is not dependent upon their circumstances their joy comes from a different source come from comes from probably within I did run Huff's all right was one of the speakers that round have some memorial service and he was soaked you know he did there's a greatest arranger probably ever in our business my age and passed away with Parkinson's a month ago but he anytime we were in town if he was in any kind of shape at all he would come out of the concert and he was always so kind about the program the highs and the lows and he would say he said Who I am appreciate the way you're not wearing out your tenors they say it's a full-time job because tenors have got high seas and they want to show you you got this much talent we want to use this much I worked hard to try to to try to save people's voices I never forget one you'd learn now there was some younger group out there singing at the top of their lungs and the crowd was going crazy this kid was done all kind of wild crazy things and Larnell said they just love to hear you tear your throat up well but you know part of the magic of that is not to overdo it you know it's like you just wow I'm you you don't want to Wow Wow you know just wow now and then what about problems are the big songs that Gloria and I wrote our ballots and they require some pretty big innings because he lives request king is coming requires a big ending it is finished or quiet I just seen Jesus is big all the way through and and so somebody will say we want you to sing all your big song I don't think you want to hear them all in a row I think we got to slow down here somewhere a lot of times I have a promoter who say now I want you to do this and this and this business and they're all ballads where we come back tomorrow Janet you look beautiful and I think Laura and I both said yes they said she's looking healthy do you think you put on love you my friend and it's good to share this now this is gonna be on our hot on the You Tube channel and and and they say that's really big right if you've enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out the other great clips on the Gaither Music TV channel
Channel: Gaither Music TV
Views: 72,379
Rating: 4.9025307 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither TV, Janet Paschal, Bill Gaither, Mark Lowry, Breakfast with bill, janet and bill, bill gaither janet paschal, gospel, homecoming, gaither homecoming, gaithervevo, gaither music tv,, bill gaither interview, gaither original series, gaither video, gaither interview, southern gospel, homecoming music, 2018
Id: M3WGP8etTn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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