Mark Hart - Called to Belong (2019 Steubenville Atlanta)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Lord be with you I love Catholics right my wife just texted me she's flirting with me anything said you're sexy it's an appearance on seconds thank you I know okay just kidding I didn't say that I'm not a dead man okay so my wife and I we were actually watching a horror movie the other night it's called The Notebook maybe you're familiar with it no I'm just kidding you see here's something you guys have to understand for those of you who maybe are called to the sacrament of holy matrimony one day it's really good to learn this okay and for those of you were married you already understand this when you get married whatever she likes you like and whatever you like it doesn't matter so I grew up I grew up with a bunch of brothers and I loved horror movies I mean I loved horror movies and my wife's like oh how about seven o'clock in the morning now it's too gory it's too gross like how about sci-fi you know now it's not realistic I'm like okay but a world where Ryan Gosling can't find a girlfriend is realistic whatever so when I was a kid you understand like there's these movies and the adults the chaperones will understand this a lot more than some of you guys will because movies now could just scare you within an inch of your life there is this movie called poltergeist and there's this part where this kids like in his bed and it's storming outside and he's like looks like a doll like his creepy doll I can it kind of clown you know like Pennywise like over on the corner and the lightning flashes he sees the doll no lightning flashes again of the dolls gone you're like and all sudden he looks under the bed you're just like I'm gonna need a new spleen okay there's a movie called jaws okay jaws was amazing just Eva's feel Burt he made this movie and I'm not even kidding you every body in the country even people living in Kansas were afraid of sharks okay I mean yeah I wouldn't even go I'm like I'm not going in the swimming pool I'm not going in the bathtub there's not a great white in the bathtub you don't know Mom you don't know they're so scary it was the best again like now I make my nephews you know now my kids like oh that's so fake this looks too fake the special effects suck I'm like oh look at me a good avatar I got CGI yeah we had avatar to us called The Smurfs shut up anyway but you know I love that horn me like a really good horror movie is that a good director can make you freak out in the safety of your own couch in your own home you've been watching that movie right maybe like the lights are off you're watching the movie and you're watching this you start talking to the screen yeah no no no be sure talking to it you like watch that sound that's the icemaker it goes off every 30 seconds you're gonna be fine hey and the horror movies are so beautifully predictable it's like okay let's get some teenyboppers and head out into the woods and everybody get naked there was gonna get dead right but you know y'all so it's gonna happen like there's a hero he's like I play football and there's like there's like the girlfriend she's like I'm a cuz he comes up he's like oh look at me I'm dead the panties or whatever you know to me like she's just not dressed appropriately and there's always just one friend they don't we give the kid a name he's just like wearing flippers and carrying a cooler he's like hey wait for me guys yep he's gonna die first it's always the kid without the name that dies first you know what's gonna happen right but inevitably there's always this scene in the horror movie and everyone's gone and there's maybe like maybe some like gorilla Schley hello Billy I'm all alone and the phone lines dead there's no electricity I'm hitting a life there's this red gooey substance everywhere not sure what it is and all the kitchen knives are missing okay I'm gonna come investigate you're gonna die you're talking the screen you like yeah you're seriously going to die and actually being that stupid you kind of deserve to I'm just kidding God loves stupid people too here's the thing that's not how fear works you see when you're afraid of something you're not like knowing you're afraid you like I'm gonna barrack it myself in the basement with the gun okay you're afraid you don't charge forward when you're afraid you back up first time I went skydiving I'm up in the plane like you have thousands of feet over the for the ground the plane doors open I walk over I'm like why don't I pay to do this this is a perfectly good airplane why did I pay to and why am I wearing a helmet because of that chute doesn't open helmets not gonna help you okay so I'm standing there and then the instructor Gavin there's whole day of instructions that I got my chute a little helmet I'm ready staying in there all this set I start to look like Elvis you know like I feel like six monster at Red Bulls I'm like what's going on what's my leg shaking and I couldn't move forward I was so nervous I'm in the door of the plane I was like I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna see Jesus today I didn't want to see that I'm saying to myself I'm freaking out and the instructors like okay mark go for it I'm like yeah okay just a second okay mark okay yeah thanks very much Doug okay shut up I got it mark no I got got it I got it standing there Stan I'm so nervous he goes and then he looks at me as be all profound and grabs my shoulders with you right in the eyes he goes mark there's no I in fear way to go Webster really I look back I'm like yeah but there's two eyes an idiot jump at me planes Doug I'm so afraid and I'm about to jump out and I'm like what am i doing I've got a wife and kids in a mortgage and a job I'm going to voluntarily jump out of a perfectly good aircraft I am an idiot another sudden like your whole life flashes before your eyes like okay because when you're afraid you're like I don't want to move forward I want to move back now I want to say is this weekend gets going I'm really proud of you and I genuinely I know speaking to half of the entire speaking team all the chaperones all the priests all the volunteers everybody who spent days and weeks and months planning this we are all happy that you're here and we're proud of your being here I'm gonna tell you specifically I am proud of you for being here when I was 16 before I knew the Lord I never would have had the guts to come to something like this I never would have had the courage to come some of this I would neither then charging forward into the room charging forward towards the stage charging forward towards Jesus or in my faith I've been hanging out in the back as far as I could so all the good Catholic sit hanging back holding up the wall I would never would have had the courage to come to something like this and I mean that's sincerely I'm really proud of you if I'm proud of you I can't imagine how proud God the Father is that you're here and it's not an accident that you're here if you're like I thought we were going to Space Camp they just put me on it on the bus they gave me a neon t-shirt what the crap is this is this like a Jesus concert but honestly I'll tell you like I'm so proud of for being I'm so thankful yer I can't imagine I can't imagine how your father in heaven feels to have you here because you could be anywhere else time is your greatest commodity if you would think about it every second that you live time becomes more precious because you're one second closer to die and one second closer to meeting the Lord every second matters that every second is more valuable than the last and the fact you're spending your time here is a big big deal and how do I know that the father is so happy to have you here because you are his sons and daughters by virtue of your baptism you're not just the creation you're not just a beast you're not a slave you're a child of God your son of God you're a daughter of God I know most of you are not married most of you don't have kids I'll tell you something like I have four kids I have three beautiful daughters so I'm not going to show you their pictures did you not let us see them cuz they're beautiful and I have a little boy a little five-year-old boy and I'll never forget when he first came okay I know seriously right yeah don't never forget like when you have a child and you're so afraid about everything like the first time you had a kid I was so nervous child you like everywhere they go you look oh you're gonna fall oh you're gonna thought you baby-proof everything you move all the furniture out of your house you basically live like you're a squatter in a stolen house okay and you move everything yeah because you're so afraid and the next kid comes you loosen up a little bit next he comes you loosen up a little bit first kid they both of the thing the binky falls out of their mouth I go I got a boiling hot water it buy new ones by the fourth kid you like is it cow manure it's fine dog poop it's fine it's probably fine here but you're still nervous you're still afraid because when you look at your child you want to protect them from everything and you want to teach them everything you want to teach them how to walk you want to teach them how to talk you spend the first two years as a parent trying to get them to stand up and talk and walk and the next 16 years still tell him to sit down and shut up you're like that's my dad but you want to teach them everything right and then you watch them and they grow and it's amazing as they grow you can't just dress him up and take him in public and be him just be ridiculous and he gets me into so much trouble my son has almost got me into so many fights you have no idea he couldn't be here we were gonna have the grocery and he wanted to take his bear with him out of the car okay a couple years ago but he couldn't stay bear he'd say beer beer and I said no no beer we're not bringing a beer no beer so we go to the grocery and we're going through the liquor store and he's in the cart he's like I like beer I want beer and I'm like all these people looking at me like bad daddy we're Ash Wednesday a couple years ago and now he walks forward in the Deacons holding the bowl of hashes and he goes down to me the sign of the Cross the ashes my stomach's up and he grabs the Deacons hand and smacks the bowl out of it I'm like it's my boy what do you do how do you get out of that and then this is the worst okay so you have to watch what you're saying when you're driving around I saw this parents and they're in a car with like two or three little kids the windows are rolled up and this parent is chain-smoking cars filled with smoke and I made a mistake to say out loud I'm like what an idiot that guy is an idiot I mean it was not my most Christian will hey don't judge not my most Christian moment right and I wasn't thinking of paying attention two weeks later I'm had a stoplight that's listening to music and because the music is on I didn't hear my son who's in the car seat sitting behind me put the window down and all this time I hear him say hey you're an idiot and I'm like dude he's like and then she's shouting this you're an idiot out the window and I look over and there's like this 280 pound biker on a Harley with a lit cigarette he's looking at me I'm like and I'm an idiot too BSU's so much trouble it's great but he's really really cute you know it's great so when you're a parent you take him places you know and then interact you watch him grow and you reach down to grab your hand and they were getting out of the car a couple weeks ago we get my parking lot I get out of hey buddy come on he was okay daddy he's got all his Hot Wheels I go to put my hand down you know what he did pulled it away little crap I'm just kidding he pulled it away and I was like what happened like what happens when is it that we start to pull away like take it back to when you're a kid okay now whether you have a great relationship with your earthly father or whether it's no relationship at all whether it's so-so it's okay maybe it's hot and cold us up and down whatever it is I don't know what your situation is I only know my situation is and that was had a really hard relationship with my father but when you think back to those early memories that to your mom or to your dad and that's the time that you were so vulnerable you're so vulnerable in a parking lot or in a mall and a grocery and you reach up and you grab their hand and they want to take your hand they want to protect you we were in a mall about a year ago and my wife thought I was watching him and and I thought she was watching him we this we miscommunicated he was hiding underneath a rack of clothes for for about 15 minutes we couldn't find him in this mall and I've never been so scared in my life I mean my heart's just beating out of my chest frantically looking for him calling his name calling his name calling his name and he thought it'd be really funny not to answer no so scary because when you're a parent all you want is to know where your child is and it know where your child's going and to protect them and to care for them and to love them and some of you guys you might have a really hard time believing that cuz maybe have a strangler with your parents right now I always love when I watch teens Drive Wayne and the parents always say hey you know what be careful and you're like no no oh I'm so sorry that your life and safety matter to me no I love you I know oh the burden of my love I'm so sorry you seem to love me when you need an ATM I'm here to tell you something okay do you know why your parents say be careful I trust you I just don't trust the the people you hang out with the other people you're not an idiot but your friends are right you might parents care whether they tell you to drive carefully be careful fast asleep alt text me when you get there please get home don't be letting you know why because every minute you're gone we lose our minds because we love you because you matter to us because your life matters to us there's parents that were plotting and scheming for years to get you here because your eternal life matters to us your soul matters to us that's why we all get on planes and that's why all these people hang these lights and all these volunteers show up in these t-shirts because your soul matters and even if it doesn't matter to you even if you don't even realize it yet even if you're afraid to take that step out of fear to step forward and your faith that step forward towards God if you're afraid to pray to put your hand up to God even if you're afraid God's not he's got you he's got you you see God wants that relationship with you you know when he created you he didn't just say I'm the Creator you're the creation he say I'm the slave and you're the master you're like beast of burden no he says you're my son you're my daughter by virtue of your baptism there's beautiful lion mark chapter 1 verse 11 when Jesus gets baptized in the River Jordan and says he comes out of the water in 111 and says the sky is torn open and a voice came from the heavens you are my beloved son with you I am well pleased and I remember the first time I heard that when I was a teenager I probably heard it before but never listened to Mass but first time I heard that reading I was like ok it's a story about God talking about Jesus because Jesus is his kid but I never actually stopped to consider but you know what by virtue of the baptism your baptism you're God's Son you're God's daughter and when you hear that verse do you know what you're supposed to do you're supposed to ask yourself do I really believe this do I really believe that I'm God's beloved son you see because of your baptism because of Jesus Christ you are now the Son of God the daughter of God you're in the family do I really really believe that that I'm God's child do I really believe that he's pleased with me because I guarantee you right now there are souls in this room and not just teenagers there are souls those from more adults who don't believe it there are souls in this room right now who do not believe that God can forgive your sins whether you sin too much and you've run too far and you've done too many things that you seem to somehow believe because maybe you struggle with the specifics in a particular sin you can't see the kick to have it or the addiction whatever it is that God can't forgive you he won't forgive you he's tired of forgiving you and that is a lie from the bowels of a hell that's a lie there's not one sin not one that God won't forgive except the sin you don't ask forgiveness for because they're too scared or too prideful the God is waiting this weekend he's waiting to restore that relationship he's waiting to forgive that sin when you pray when you go forward with Eucharist you go forward confession it's like you're putting that hand out to the father again and you're allowing God the Father to reach down at mass he's reaching down he's grabbing you by the hand reconciliation he's taking you by the hand he's saying you did it your way and it's dangerous out there and I want to protect you and I want to save you and I want to love you but you gotta let me in but you know what's up happening you see as we can hold her I'm start to lose her innocence we make bad decisions we're tempted we sin and the more we sin then won't quiet we get I can always tell my kids are sinning at home do you know how its quiet if I'm in my house and missing my wife on the couch I'll be like sure you hear that should I don't hear anything I'm like exactly there's sin happening you see when you're a parent you understand this premise when it gets quiet your kids are sinning well they're making noise don't even thinking about it but it's like stop do it too loud oboe sin sin sin sin the same thing happens to your prayer life do what you doing strut sinan you stop talking to God you go quiet maybe you stop going to Mass maybe you stop praying you stop talking guys stop listening because when sin happens all the sudden we were covered in our guilt and our shame we become very very aware that yeah maybe I'm a son of God made my daughter a god but I have sinned and dad is mad dad's not gonna forgive me and that's a lie do you what happens when you don't pray when you don't pray first thing it happens you begin to doubt God's presence you begin to doubt that God is actually president he's paying attention it's like you're that you're that character in the horror movie like like God's not looking like gods in heaven going oh okay I can't look I can't look okay I can't not look like God's up in heaven and his like lazy God recliner like when you stop praying you will doubt that God is present you'll doubt that he's present to you he's paying attention even cares about you when you stopped praying second step you begin to doubt God's promises to you you'll doubt God's promises to you I promise like Isaiah 41 says fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God and I will lift you up with my right arm out of the pit there's 4,000 promises in these 73 books 4,000 the promise that he gives us the most the command he gives us the most in Scripture do not fear fear not do not fear do not be afraid no command occurs more in Scripture than do not fear why because he knows what we're gonna do when we sin he knows we're gonna hide he knows we're gonna run he knows we're gonna go silent and he wants to restore that relationship through confession let's restore that relationship that's why he died on a cross he's not willing to abandon you he's not the dad that abandons you he's the dad that no matter how many times you screw up he's still there to pick you up no matter how many times you pull your arm down he's still extending his down still wanting to take you why because he loves you he loves you more than you love him he loves you more than you love yourself he loves you more than anyone could possibly fathom but when you stop praying what happens you doubt his presence you doubt his promises and then your dad is faithfulness see because we're not praying you're not in that relationship you're not listening you're not hearing you're not talking you're not sharing a bear in your heart he started to say you know what he's not gonna be faithful he's not gonna be here for me not like she will be not like he will be not like this will be not this temptation of this addiction not this alcohol not this drug not this broken relationship not this pornography he's not gonna be here for me but all these other things are I had to fill this void somehow we start to believe that God isn't gonna be faithful to us you see what ends up happening I don't pray so all the sudden he's not a present to me I can't trust this promises he's not gonna be faithful but you start to doubt that God's even good well if God was good why is all bad stuff happen if God is good why what well how could he let me go through this how he let me go through that we start to believe that any kind of suffering must mean that God doesn't love us we start to doubt not just the presence of God the promise of God the faithless of God but the very goodness of God and when you doubt the goodness of God you know the next logical step and this again is what happens you don't pray if you doubt the goodness of God younger you do now you're gonna doubt God's love I'm not lovable and that's what Satan really gets in and puts his cause in man he gets you to believe that you are not lovable you're not forgivable he's gonna get into your ear I guarantee you there's their souls us from that need confession that need that mercy of God the most beautiful three words you're gonna hear in the history of the creation is not I love you it's i absolve you i absolve you the most beautiful words a priest can utter those beautiful words in all of history and all of creation i absolve you and their souls ensuring that desperately need that mercy and desperately need that love but you want the devil once you know we're near that confessional he wants you know enter the sacraments but you know we're near the grace people II get into your ear you just say you sinned too much you can't handle this life you can't handle this temptation you can't handle this addiction you can't handle this storm and that's when you look back by virtue of your baptism and say I'm a son of God I'm a daughter of God I've got the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ flowing through my veins I'm empowered by the Catholic Church I can't handle the storm i am the storm i am the storm but you have to believe in the love of God you have to trust in the love of God that no matter how bad you sin no matter how far you run the Shepherd runs faster and the Shepherd runs farther and the Shepherd my brothers my sisters sons and daughters the Shepherds coming for you this weekend because he wants that relationship because the father's gonna stop at nothing to protect his children because you belong to him you're not your own it says in st. paul's letter you're not your own you were purchased by the blood of jesus christ the true not a child of this world you were a child of heaven you're a child made for the next world you are made for greatness and so many of us were so afraid to live they're not actually really living we're just breathing we're so afraid what's gonna happen what's someone gonna say what's someone gonna think we allow everybody else's opinion to dictate how we live we allow someone stupid comment or lack thereof on Instagram on snapchat to affect how we look at ourselves we allow people to have so much power we give our power away instead of finding our identity in heaven and saying my might my father is my father's God my father is God even if my earthly father is not perfect my heavenly father is but if you don't pray you don't love a god and sooner or later if you don't pray you're gonna doubt the existence of God you start to look around and say I don't even know and then all of a sudden you get swept right away well if you're not praying you'll get swept away by this world whoever has the most convincing argument in 140 to 280 characters whoever has the most convincing argument the Pythias funniest thing to say you will get swept away by this world my brothers and my sisters here's the reality okay here's the reality God your father God your father this whole weekend is just reaching down he's reaching his hand down to you he's saying I got you I got you but you got to take my hand I got you but you got to take my hand you got to stop hiding I'm calling your name and you got to stop hiding because I love you and I want to protect you and I want to save you but you got to stop running and you got to stop hiding and you better start praying because you know what I'd be willing to bet a lot of people in this room you've been trying it your way and your way isn't working maybe your ways not working maybe you sought to replace the love that only God can give you in a really broken relationship maybe you sought to rule to replace that love and in in pornography or some kind of an addiction maybe you sought to replace that love by just earthly accomplishments maybe you're working so hard to make everybody else happy but the only one who you really truly should be desiring to make happy the one in heaven it's just sitting and waiting as we go through life or maybe just maybe your hope you're hanging back and you're just scared to move forward maybe you think that you are just - biggest sinner too horrible sinner for God ever to forgive for God ever to use your chaperones they are living proof that God uses sinners horrible awful sin I'm just kidding God made Saints out of far worse people than you honestly at again God made Saints out of far worse people than you page after page in the Gospels you know who Jesus goes to be the first people who kind of worship Him or Shepherds Shepherd's had the worst reputation in society they smelled like sheep they didn't have great social skills he goes and calls Matthew was a tax collector those guys used to just used to skim off the top ESO literally take the money out of Saint Simon Peter and Andrew and James John they would take extra money out of their own pockets they hated him do you imagine how angry Simon and Andrew James and John were when jesus walks up and he lights this tax collector into the original boy band are you kidding me right now Jesus he reaches out to this to the lepers to the prostitutes dilma caught in adultery he reaches out to gentiles Gentiles were loved you might think that you're some horrible awful sinner I'm telling you what you go study in the Catholic Church there is a sinner that's there say forgot you beat Saint Olga yes they Olga yeah she was a princess in Russia and she was a mass murderer yeah she's married to the Prince of Kiev and he was assassinated and she found out who did it so she invited all then the came to the castle are gonna try and take over her kingdom she says okay come in a castle tomorrow husbands murderers and she had all of her key all the people to Castle they dug a huge hole a huge hole and when all the guys who were behind her husband's death got there she had them up pushed into the hole and buried alive way to go Olga oh but it gets better me what happened the next day she invited the rest of the ambassadors who were the enemy back to the castle and when they got there she had him all scored into this nice banquet room and they locked the doors and they set it on fire oh and then after that it gets even better after that she lured like hundreds more soldiers to the castle so we had this big party she got him all drunk and she sent her army in and they slayed all of them they figured by the time saying Olga was done seven to eight hundred people had been murdered and it wasn't till decade later when she heard the gospel in Constantinople and when all gonna hurt the Gospels you do about the mercy of God and a love of God the Father a God she had never known before she gave her life to Jesus Christ she gave her life to the church we now call her a saint no I don't think anybody here is a mass murderer I'm willing to bet that probably she showed up on your form okay we need to know that kind of stuff you might think you're the worst sinner that's ever walked the planet you might think you deserve to be called a son of God your dessert we call it a daughter of God you might be so filled with fear right now that you're afraid to take that step forward you might be so filled with fear right now you're like look I don't even know why I'm here mark I don't know why I'm here dude I'm just kind of I'm here but I'm afraid to take that step if that's where you're at if you're honest about that I respect that my breasts started by saying I never would have the courage to come to sound like this when I was 16 before I was walking with the Lord and never would have I'll tell you something I'm saying this is a dad okay as a dad I look at my daughter as my son every day and I tell him how much I love them how beautiful they are and they can do anything they can do anything in the world that they are loved by God and nothing they ever do is gonna make me love them less nothing to ever do and I am so imperfect and so earthly I can't even imagine I came to wrap my head around how much your Heavenly Father loves you and that's really hard for you to hear that you have a father who loves because maybe something's going on with your own earthly dad then on his behalf allow me to say this I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry if he have you have it you haven't heard from your dad that he's proud of you or that you're beautiful or that you're loved or that he that he desires great things for you I'm sorry if you don't have that relationship where you felt protected I'm sorry I didn't have that relationship where maybe you share space in a room but you never talk so on behalf of dads of dads all over the place good dads and dads were struggling and dads who have failed on behalf of all them I'm sorry but do not do not allow that hurt and that brokenness to keep you from the love of God the Father do not let the failures of earthly parents dictate how close you get to God this weekend you are a son of the Living God men ladies you're a daughter of the Living God and if you are in that place in your life right now maybe you've been walking with the Lord maybe you've never even given a second thought to God but if you're in that place right now whether you've come to a bunch of these and maybe you've fallen or you're coming to these and maybe you're going through the motions maybe you're having one of those doubts about God's goodness or faithfulness or his love or his mercy or if you're in that place you're like mark I just I'm tired man I've been trying to do this thing my way and my way is not working and I need something new I need something different but I'm scared God can work with that fear not you fear not this weekend you are a son of God you're a daughter of God by virtue of your baptism I mean you pray when we worship you just open your hands you extend a hand to God and you trust that when you draw near to God it says in James the book of James is you try and hear to God God's gonna draw near to you he's gonna reach down to you and silently without look at your neighbors this isn't about the person next to you I'll care if you're an adult I care if you're a teen if you're in that place right now where you're ready to take that step out of the plane to take a step forward to something new if you're gonna allow God into your life in a new way right now to allow Jesus into your life and into your heart in a new way tonight this weekend if you're in a place where you've tried it your way and it's time to give it to God to spiritually extend that hand of the Father if you're in that place right now where you're willing to go there you're willing to give it to God I'm gonna invite you silently silently wherever you're seated just to stand where you are as a sign to God I'm gonna invite you to stand if you're in that place if I just stand right now wherever you are the God I'm open god I'm here god I'm ready to go there this weekend god I'm sorry for my sins I'm sorry for the decisions I've made I'm sorry for my failures but God I trust that you were a good father I trust that you got me I trust that you got my hand it's what you take a second just close your eyes maybe you open your hands just in front of you or extended hand to the heavens they extend a hand to God and just silently in your heart just say God I love you so god I need you it's a God thank you for never giving up on me you god I'm scared I don't know what's next I know what's gonna happen next I know what the next steps gonna entail I don't know about my future I don't know a school or vocation or a job I don't know God all I know is that wherever you are that's where I want to be and I need you God if you're gonna give God permission to do something new in your heart tonight and new in your heart this weekend you just say it in your heart right now you say Holy Spirit I give you permission Holy Spirit I give you permission Jesus I give you permission god I want you to sit on the throne of my heart God I want you to be the Lord of my life want you to reign over my life God Jesus I give you permission Holy Spirit I give you permission to lead me where you want to lead me to take me where you want to take me god help me to see myself as you see me help me to see myself as your son helped me to see myself as your daughter and if it's too hard to say those that you just say the name of Jesus it's the most perfect prayer there is just say Jesus Jesus Jesus just right now to feel bubble up in your heart problem in your chest Jesus I love you Jesus I need you Jesus praise you Jesus come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit
Channel: Steubenville Youth Conferences
Views: 1,509
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Charismatic, Youth Conference, Youth, Conference, Evangelization, Steubenville Conferences, Steubenville
Id: 8eruJNtW3qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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