Mary Bielski - Hope in Prayer (Steubenville Florida/Steubenville Live 2020)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome i am super super excited the gentleman in the room can i hear a nice roar from the gentleman ladies gonna hear a nice little yell from the ladies all right i love you all um for the gentlemen that didn't get to meet me today my name is mary i'm super excited today to talk about one of the most important things that we can dive into in our catholic faith or just any faith at all and the lord is prayer and if you're like me i think sometimes during this season that's often a hard time to venture i know for me growing up prayer was oftentimes something that was a burden it was challenging how many y'all ever just get distracted distracted in your mind with everything going on and sometimes we don't even know what to do and i think one of the premises okay we've been really talking quite a bit at this conference about the need to go deeper about the need to to reach into our hope into a relationship with jesus and as we begin today i don't know how often you pray i don't know if that sounds like oh i got to do more of that and and most of us this room know that we need to spend more time with jesus but here is the truth that i want to bring is that your relationship oftentimes we say our prayer is our relationship or helps our relationship with god and i want to tell you your prayer is your relationship with god that today it's not just about i want to grow a little bit i want to woo your hearts today i want to drive you into the place of your secret place in your room where i believe is the power the tools the source the secret sauce of your life to see god move in mysterious ways and so many catholics in our faith we tend to think of prayers just like a nice thing that we do on the side and i but but it's more than that it is our weapon it is our tool and i want to talk about today not only the significance of prayer but give you some practical tools that when you go home you can gear up gear up in that secret place to hear the voice of god you know a couple um a couple weeks ago when we were uh figuring out this whole covet thing and all the craziness i live in new orleans i i share this with the ladies and um when when the virus uh first started i'm not sure i i'll just in new orleans it it blew up very quickly you as well as i know in florida we've seen it grow as well and i um in the beginning i'm gonna be real in the beginning i didn't really know what to think of it there's a lot of different things going on in the news and and it was the first time that i had been quarantined in my house and i had to go out shopping did anyone ever have to go out shopping the craziness of walmart in the beginning days so i went out shopping and um i i get this thing called hangry ladies anyone get angry where you're hungry and a little angry and i was running late and it was the first time of me going out and i had to you know now i'm very obedient but in the beginning i was like is this really real it is real and and there's and there's need to follow the rules but the beginning there was a little bit of feistiness because i was hungry and i got in line and i was like a little bit irritated you ever have those days where you're not thinking nice things and i'm i'm thinking this is like what is going on and i'm kind of getting more irritated lord has done a lot of my heart and that day continued and i went to one stop and then i went to a second stop and then that place it was all havoc and everyone was getting close and i had fear in my heart and and during that day god took me on this roller coaster ride i don't know about you in the last couple weeks or months it's been kind of a roller coaster ride some of you less so than others some of you it's been very dramatic with things that we've had to deal with have changes of disappointment but that night my roommate had a birthday and we zoomed for the first time we had 12 friends we sat up my table and zoomed with our friends we bought a cake like literally it was like my two roommates we blew out the candles and we store we we stared through a screen from different people all across louisiana some of our friends and we had 12 people in that zoom and five of them had the virus and it was probably the first time that i had experienced the severity because in in a lot of my friends in new orleans work in the nurse or nurses or icu nurses and so there was two couples and and it was that moment and i know and i'm not here talk this is not a talk about everything going on but for me it was the first time that i experienced kind of what a lot of us have experienced with just a little bit of fear in my heart that moment and the sense of feeling completely powerless i don't know if you forgot about that moment i remember walking into my room and thinking okay my friend and i had another friend of mine whose mother was in the icu and so in new orleans there was a season that i kind of was like this is real and i'm scared and i didn't know what to do and i fell to my knees and i began to cry out in that moment of that that moment that day where i cried out in my bedroom in new orleans i was i was accompanied with my friends who when we were on zoom we were all praying together and crying together and talking about different things going on and and this is what i want to stir our hearts today that many of us in the season that we're in in the culture that we're in we feel powerlessness we've talked about that feeling of feeling um disappointed in the seasons that we're in but i want to speak the truth today that there's the most powerful tool that you have and that's prayer that's the sound of a voice calling his name and and prayer today i want to talk about tools of how we go deeper and and why it stirs our heart you know most of us in this room have a cell phone most of you spend a lot of time on your cell phone and this is the beauty of our cell phones we have wonderful tools on this cell phone we can talk to friends across the country we can we can connect we have we have apps we have different tools but i wonder how long we would we would last if this cell phone wasn't plugged in how long you would go like most of you how often do you all plug in your cell phones most of you today would probably say that you you plug in your cell phones at least once a day amen amen because you know right as much as you love if you have an android i'll pray for you i have a i have an iphone androids we got confession later but when we have our cell phones right we know right you know and you know those of you who are travelers you know that like you guys have a backup battery you know that some of you even have some here like in your in your purse in your backpacks you know that if your cell phone goes down you can do nothing without the source without the power and it's and i and i just want to stay as we begin today as we enter into prayer that it's true for us as well it says in john 15 that apart from me you can do nothing and so many times right as we talk about being connected to our source connected to the heart of the father connected to the power tools the way to hear him to the way we move with with his life many times we just do it in a passing kind of hey god what's up i don't say that to condemn your heart i say that to convict your heart convict our hearts with a season i remember when i was doing ministry for the first time and i started traveling i got involved in ministry and traveling around the country and i was young and i had a prayer life kind of and i was doing these talks because this looks really glamorous and i remember a a woman met me behind stage and she's like how was your prayer life and i was at that point i was in my early 20s and i was like you know that's good she said no no how was your contemplative prayer life and i was like contemplative and she looked at me you all have those moments where like god just convicts your heart she looked at me and she said mary god cannot use you if you were not a woman of prayer god could not use you and the sound and it was almost like a sword hit my heart see this is the thing about the lord in our prayer we can do nothing without prayer right but he won't do anything without our intercession there's a there's a joint participation where we pray with god and he and his mercy lets us cooperate with him and there's a relationship where we actually get to impact the culture and the world that we can walk into rooms and environments change we can have conversations and dialogues where we hear his voice and as i stir you today as i talk about what that means for us to pray i want to i want to walk about the dis i want to talk about the disposition of our heart before i give you some practical tools can i do that can i can i share with you just a couple of things that that that that are needed as we walk into that throne room with god and i want to tell you i do it imperfectly but i also want to stir like a conviction in your heart that says god i cannot do this without you like we cannot win this without you and god the god of the universe wants to speak so deeply into our life it says this scripture and this is the one i'm going to be kind of sitting in for a little bit of time it's in first colossians 7 14 and it's simple i'm going to talk about a couple of things god says this and this would be second colossians 4 17 it says this 7 14 dyslexic if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their ways they will hear from me from heaven and i will forgive their sins and heal their land let me read that again if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their ways then i will hear from them from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land i want to talk about a couple of things that god is talking about as we talk about prayer i want to talk about the disposition in our heart and i want to talk about the whole point of prayer is a relationship with god where you're just in communication that there's an exchange of love just like in a relationship but it begins with these dispositions i'm going to start like this if my people would humble themselves but as i as we start talking you know i am i sometimes when i when i go into prayer um sometimes i go there thinking like god i need you to help me fix some stuff i need you to help me fix my family i need you to help me i worry about all these things but sometimes i'm asking him to do my will instead of me doing his will and i love this beginning step to say if my people will humble themselves that means this that means god's saying will you take off your crown because because you know we all wake up in the morning we follow our feeds and we have our instagrams and he's saying no no we do follow me meaning when we start into prayer the first disposition of my heart is is to lay low and sometimes in my busyness i'm like hey god what's up but like to lay low and humble myself to say god your will not my god i'm here for you to have that disposition in my heart to lay down my my desires for his and sometimes that it isn't easy but as i lay down my crown right i humble myself before him and so the first thing that we do before prayer is recognizing that we're coming into the presence of the holy of holies the god of the universe that's why we need we get in our knees during adoration there's a place where we come into the mystery of god and and for me i want to begin like that but it doesn't start that the second part right is we pray i'm going to spend the whole second section of this talk talking about prayer but we seek his face i love this word seek everyone say seek oh come on y'all everyone say seek seek his face i'm not saying look you ever lose a key like your car keys or your phone come on now there are these moments where you lose something in your house and you wrecking your whole room just to get that that one thing or ladies have you ever lost your shoe that that one outfit i'm sorry i'm just going for the ladies that one outfit that you just want to wear i'll tear my whole closet down just to find that shoe and when it says seek right there's a disposition they're not we're not just hanging out it's saying if you seek my heart if you seek my face you know people do crazy things for the things that they love i had a friend of mine who was obsessed with mumford sons and they went out they flew out to denver with all of their friends they drove through the rain they were like obsessed with this band they were having this big concert they went through the rain they were they were going and going going through crowds at people they didn't care because apparently marcus mumford occasionally would flick his pick during concerts i don't know if you know this i didn't know that they're like dude marcus mumford would flick his pick i'm like all right you got issues right it's like people build their muscles and they they seek um prestige and wealth i i had a friend of mine um that has like a tattoo of something they had when they were in they got it when they're in high school of their favorite celebrity like people get obsessed about sports games and things that they desire and their dreams and sometimes they'll do whatever it takes to get close to them and then when god says would you seek me like my friend like rushed in the stage just to get a pic from marcus mumford who i don't even know what he looks like but like some celebrity who doesn't even care about him he almost got arrested you know like he tells a story i'm like dude you're crazy like think he's like i don't care i just want to get close and i wonder if i said to you that jesus in your prayer time wants to draw near to you what would you do to get close to him some of i know you're like mary um we are here doing a pandemic we're wearing our masks we are not the the wayne you know the the weak of heart we're here we we're seeking him but i want to be real that sometimes during this pandemic i've had more time than ever and you know when i co i coach people gentlemen you were in my other talk i walk with a lot of people i disciple people do you know what the one area they're struggling with during all this time at home it's prayer sometimes we have more time than ever right in this season we we are at home and oftentimes we're seeking facebook or we're seeking our relationships or we're seeking other things and he's saying if you would humble yourself and seek my face and the beauty is if jesus came here what would you do to get close to here's the deal about prayer if this was a concert and jesus was on stage right if jesus was up here like marcus mumford kind of doing his thing like we've had adoration up here and some of you were like what would you do some of you would be like man i'd be in the front row i'm here at steubenville mary i would be up there jesus is on stage i'm in it some of you might be in the back because you're like i'm just here kind of halfway maybe he's a good speaker maybe it's it's just half and half like i love my faith but don't make it too hard some of you are in the middle i don't know where you're at but you all listen to me prayer isn't just about coming up a little bit in a staged room it's about going backstage right it's about going backstage and meeting with the lover himself that the time of prayer in our life isn't about just seeing god and throwing some prayers up at a concert and kind of it's about an intimacy in a relationship where you get to see him face to face those who humble themselves and seek me and seek my face will find me and i will heal their land i will hear those who seek my face because here's the deal growing up catholic so many times i went to prayer and i'm like hey god help me with this hey god and here's the deal we can seek god for his hand what i mean by that is we can seek god for what he'll do for us please hear me i pray my sister passed away i prayed my butt off i've had struggles i prayed for people to be healed i've i've prayed for a relationship god wants us to pray for his hand his gifts his giving that isn't it's needed but when we grow in maturity it says would you pray for my face meaning in the old testament when it said the face of god it's his presence it's when moses went on the mount sinai on the highest of hills of his glory to see the face of god in fact no one could see the face of god without dying until christ came right and and showed us the new face of the living god a face that we can see and touch that we can consume with the eucharist that there are ways that we can come into intimacy to know him for this is the one thing david says this is the one thing i ask for this i seek to live in the house of the lord all the days of my life david seeks speaks of the psalms of his love affair with the lord he speaks of of wailing and pain but the one thing that he seeks to seek his face to know him and my fear i'm going to tell you in my scariest prayers and i preached jesus but there are so many times that that one scripture where jesus says i do not know you do you know in that scripture but jesus i went to steubenville i did all these awesome things i was a good kid he said no but i don't know you see prayer is about coming into relationship with the beloved it's about coming to know his name and in that relationship he changes us i was driving in my car and um and i was feeling guilty for not praying and the season and the lord said to me mary you don't need to pray for me the point of prayer isn't just for me because i thought oh my god i know i need to pray more he's like prayer changes you for those who humble themselves and seek my face and pray they will be healed god will hear their prayer and their land will be healed there's a healing power in prayer that god wants to conform us to his ways and i want to just speak about a couple ways of which we do that real practical the church has a beautiful list of ways in which we can counter god whether it's the liturgy and adoration where we can actually see his face mother teresa used to talk about what do you do during prayer she would say i would look at him and he would look at me you ever see those old couples where they can just like eat soup together they're not doing anything but they're just with each other they're just and there's this moment of intimacy it's like they know each other there's that place of where you can just seek the face of god and and there's a beauty a beauty in the liturgy in the church in adoration i'm going to just go through a couple of modes but i want to really talk about personal prayer what do you do in the secret place there's the liturgy right the church also speaks about that our work and our everyday efforts can be our prayer that everything that we do can be offered to god saint paul talks about to pray unceasingly throughout my day that means when i get in the car do you know when an ambulance passes me i sometimes i'll turn off the radio and i'll just pray for them when i'm walking down the hallways for you or when you're walking down the hallways for school or even in your zoom sessions you could be praying for your teacher like it says to pray unceasingly like you can walk in and you can be a secret undercover ninja you start praying i was in the airport coming here do you know what i was doing i'm like zapping people with the holy spirit left and right they don't know what's hitting them like you could be an undercover like and god can put stuff on your heart he can start speaking to you it says in scripture that his sheep will know his voice that he starts speaking to you about like hey hey go talk to that person your heart will start pumping and you can have interactions with people in everyday life there's a power in walking everyday moments of prayer and when we have that silent time and intimacy with god we get to hear his voice and what i mean by that god does not come into my secret prayer and and speak like mary bielske like that is not his voice how do we hear his voice i want to just talk when god speaks to me it sounds often like my own interior voice so in my prayer time i'm i'm connecting to god through scripture i'm like i'm connecting to god through my heart but i'm listening for his voice in my life there's there's a pattern of god's voice i don't know if you ever have a big family where people are walking coming down the stairs i'm youngest of five kids and when my family comes down the stairs like my siblings my brother always jumped three steps and we always had this crickety step that when you stepped on it it creaked and then i always jump over that because i was coming in late for curfew and i didn't want to get in trouble so do you know what i'm talking about you could hear people's like foot patterns and you you would kind of say oh that's my brother oh that's my mom on how they walk in the house and that's true with our prayer life there becomes a pattern of footsteps of how you hear god's voice there's a character and a love there's a resonance that's different than our voice it's deeper and sometimes it's not like hey do this it's a deeper tone that only comes with time and so in my prayer time what i'm doing is i'm going to walk through some simple steps that you can do to hear his voice to posture your heart so that you can hear and the first thing okay i'm going to teach you an acronym so what do i do in prayer when i know that god wants to meet me in prayer that he wants he desires to talk to me more than i want to desire to talk to him and so this is what it looks like all right mary bielski this is my chair i have a prayer chair so the first just recommendation as you go home is find a space in your house i have a prayer chair that is my it's my i have a candle we're sacramental right and so before i go into personal prayer please know get your get to the eucharist get to mass but right now you're stuck at home for many of you and i want your room i i tell you right now honestly and i know this is being recorded i i asked god that my room would be a holy place i asked god for his presence that people when they would walk into my my bedroom that they would feel the presence of god that's how i want to walk the saints of the old times you could feel the presence of god just being with them and so what i do in my prayer time is is i'm a teacher a quick acronym that you start off with okay when i come into prayer i humble myself before god and sometimes i'm tired so i always spend time in the mornings i also have i'm a night person so i do both i do a shorter prayer time in the morning because i want to give god my first fruits but i'm not a morning person and so do what works for you some people are all like no you got to do it early in the morning because you got to give them your first fruits no find a time and schedule schedule a set time and when i sit in prayer like for me um i i use the what i call my power tools i'm going to pray right i'm going to worship and i'm going to stay in the word those three things i call if i'm working with a young person i say 30 minutes 10 10 10. 10 minutes of personal prayer 10 minutes in the word write 10 minutes of worship if you're here you're like that's a lot of prayer then start with less but but i want 30 minutes when you're sitting with the god and why do i start with prayer i start in the beginning parts of my prayer humbling myself and i take a holy breath with god and you know what i do in the beginning of my prayer is i sit and i steal myself and i take a t and i breathe his breath i call it the holy spirit breath right come holy spirit and i know your mind goes crazy right and i let the flutters go for a moment and sometimes i'll play a worship song in the beginning to settle my heart but i'll just sit in the stillness and i i pray with a simple acronym i'm going to tell you real quick it's four letters so easy you're gonna walk home you're not gonna forget this you're gonna be like that girl smart that's right i am i'm a smartie pants it says pray i learned acts act and you know adoration contrition thanksgiving supplication big words i'm going to do a simpler one because you know i'm simple it's called pray p is for praise and so let's say you're doing 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes you're gonna do one letter for like two minutes i'm gonna praise so the p is praise so i spend time giving him glory i spend time thanking him and i put thanksgiving and praise together i say praise you jesus i love you lord thanks god when i was younger in high school we used to learn these things called names of jesus and so in my high school it was really cool my youth group would sit around on the floor and we would just we called up popcorn prayer and we this is how i memorized how to give adoration and jesus has a whole bunch of names to give him glory and see this is why discipline's important you can memorize prayers in the beginning because it helps you but then as you pray it becomes part of you so it's okay if you don't know it and you spend time memorizing or learning prayers but make it come from the heart and so in my early years of youth ministry we would just memorize as a group different words of jesus so it sounded like you're the king of kings you're the lord of lords you're the great i am you're my strength and my comfort you're the holy of holies i love you jesus i praise you i thank you you're good thank you for my family i'm tired i'm just connecting to my heart if you have a hard time connecting sometimes what i'll do is i'll go back the last time i felt god's presence and some of you were like well mary i don't feel god's presence i want i want you to go back to the last time you felt or a memory listen memories emotions and feelings are on the right side of the brain you don't get to jesus on the left side of just intellectualizing you've got to go into your heart which is i know i'm saying right brain but i sit down and i imagine myself in the throne room or all sometimes settle my heart and bring myself into imagery we have saint ignatius who talks about beautiful imagery that can draw you into the heart of god this is what when i read scripture sometimes they come alive with images like use your heart and your mind not just to read some stupid prayers and be like oh god help me out sit in it breathe in it come alive in it it's a different place of your heart and it's a muscle that it's more about surrender than wrestling okay and so i'll begin and i'll just praise now if you go online and you look up titles of jesus you can find out titles if you don't want to memorize titles you can say this i love you god i praise you i thank you for my family you were good today i'm not as tired i give you honor use your own words they don't have to be big so i give praise you did that for like a minute sitting with a god right p next word are repentance repentance is just gonna say you're gonna go through and say i'm sorry for my sins so the next two minutes i'm going through like my heart and i'm being honest and i'm asking for me i always say blood of jesus cover me and wash me and i'll say i'm sorry for being selfish and immature or not wanting to pray sometimes i'll just confess not wanting to be there and i'll say god help me right there but i the r is repentance everyone say repentance good job so we got praise we got repentance the a is asked and so what i'll do during my ask is i'll pull out my journal and i'm gonna write out my heart i'm gonna write out everything going on in my life and my ask is more like a dialogue with god so it's like jesus i'm tired i love you this covet is hard my family is hard and i ask for this and i i hunger for this and hear my heart and i have dreams in my life and i talk to him it's like he's my best friend and sometimes i fight with him and sometimes i even put bad words in there like i don't care because he loves me and sometimes he convicts me and he humbles me but he's my god and i love him and like he'll speak to me in that place where i'll write down my words to god and then he'll write back his words to me like in that asking time that's when i'm just kind of laying it all out to god and listen some of you all don't like you'll talk to your best friends about things but you won't go to god he's not afraid of your sin he's not scared of your sin he's not afraid of your anchors you know i'm on the phone with my friend during the whole like my i have a number of uh minority like people that i i walk with that i love them and we were wrestling in the and the racism and one of my friends was angry she gets on this we're on the zoom with them i'm getting all passion and i have a minute so get my musician up here because we're gonna we're gonna be on time today people i've told jesus to be on time and so so i'm like i'm like on this zoom call and she's like mary i'm mad and she's talking to me and i said well how have you prayed she said i don't want to pray she's like i don't want to pray i want god just to fix it i'm angry i want to be angry and i looked at her and i said well maybe that's the best prayer that you have she started crying like she's like and she just maybe you just need to cry and be angry with god because sometimes our ache and our pain is the best lament that he can meet us in asking god is not just a nice god help me be a good person it means ache and moan for his heart god i am not the per you know what my prayer when i was younger i used to pray god give me a good husband because i still pray for that give me give me give me you know give me health give me give me good friendships some of you all don't have friendships and you feel powerless you start praying and people are going to come into your life you start saying god change my heart i want to see your face i want to know you and he's going to show up because those who seek will find and those who knock the door will be open and as you ask right the last part of that whole thing and we're going to do this together the last part is is the why and that's a yielding so you praise you repent you ask you dialogue with god this is my heart i want your heart bring your holy spirit and then you yield meaning you listen and i spend time in silence and i let him speak and sometimes that's a he'll feel like i'll feel his presence on me i'll feel a peace on my heart don't come into prayer upset and leave the same way that's not praying that's just yelling at god encounter his presence saying god i need you i want to know you and listen to his voice and he'll speak in that secret place usually when i do that that's my first part of my prayer i just p-r-a-y yields and now the next part is i'll go right into scripture and i'll spend time studying for 10 minutes a day you read a scripture a day you could read the mass readings every day boom the church you're united with everyone else across the whole country i read the mass readings every day i'm going to be praying with you and i sit in that prayer and say god what do you have so i'm learning i'm i'm molding my mind like him i'm holding my heart like him and then the last part of the prayer the day is i move into worship sometimes i start with worship but all my 30 minutes to an hour depending it's those three parts i'm worshiping i'm reading scripture and i'm doing the pray you do that god's gonna start speaking [Music] and um i want to have a little time right now that we start praying i feel like god wants to teach you how to hear his voice right now right here i had a cool moment in prayer last week where i mean when i say god speaks i'm talking like this week in prayer he's speaking to me i was in prayer the lord told me to read a specific book i haven't read in 10 years i pulled out the book i'm starting to read it like lord why are you telling me to read this book and another friend got put on my heart as i'm reading it and i i'm like i don't want to reach out to her i haven't talked to her in 10 a long time like 10 years and so the lord just kept putting her on my heart and i texted her and she said this is crazy i haven't talked to you this is my prayer life like she said i haven't talked to you in like forever and she's like i just came across that same book and i thought i should read it and it's sitting here right in front of me and now she's like and now you're telling me to read it i said i think god wants you to read it she's like i think so right like he speaks to me i've had people speak into my life i've had last year i was praying for finances and the next day there was a there was an envelope on my door with cash y'all kidding me i'm telling you he's real the next day one one time i'll tell you all my stories like god speaks one time i was praying and he the lord was talking to me about my past and he said mary he's talking to my heart and i'm i'm leaning and he's like mary don't look back don't look back don't look back i want you to look forward you are not your past you are not your past and i'm crying out to god next day i go downstairs my rear view mirror is broken on my car i'm like okay jesus i get the message i'm driving and i'm laughing he's like don't look back keep your eyes on me he'll start using conversations he'll start using he'll start using people you'll start you'll start hearing him in the whisper of your voice sometimes i'm in prayer and i'll hear him sing a song and he'll put the right song in my heart some of you guys have been driving and spotify comes on and you think it's just some weird coincidence with god's like pursuing you and seeking you and all you got to do is tune in and since we have this the seven minutes today i want us to just tune in and so what we're gonna do in this is i'm just gonna let the holy spirit walk you into the p-r-a-y you okay with that and so i'm gonna start and what we're gonna do real quick as i start to pray is i'm gonna do that i'm gonna walk you through each one and i'm going to start with a little bit of what the p is and i want you to close your heart i want you to connect to god and i'm going to talk about the r and the a and the y and yield and then last in the y i want us to teach we're going to do a little listening prayer and we're going to end with worship just to give us a little taste amen so i want you to sit up if you're leaning back i want you to humble your heart for those who humble themselves before the lord and seek his face he will hear their prayer and heal their land father i come before you humbly we come before you in need of your voice and i ask right now that you would oh thank you lord thank you for your presence i asked you right now that you would just bring your presence as we pray i want everyone in this room just to take a deep breath come holy spirit you
Channel: Steubenville Youth Conferences
Views: 1,402
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Charismatic, Youth Conference, Youth, Conference, Evangelization, Steubenville Conferences, Steubenville, Mary Bielski, Bielski, Hope, Hope Alive
Id: xvAPURwk9AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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