London’s Knife Crime Emergency: ON A KNIFE EDGE

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[Music] when you're carrying a knife your fuses that my sure if anybody says anything to you it looks at you in the wrong way you're gonna react instantly big I was 12 by the time I had my first knife I'm was gang affiliated from the age of 16 in recent years more young black men have lost their lives to knife crime in London than at any other point over the last decade [Music] for me this is about certain amount of reparation for the part that I played it was a problem that exists today if I can admit to my responsibility for being a part of the problem then I have to accept that there's a possibility that I can also be a part of the cure [Music] [Music] so that my old stomping ground Kingdom you know home the lots happened here you had a bench we had a show we had a sharp there'll be days where they're about 30 40 of us just out scrapping a playground to scrap off the school or scrap linear stay I grew up in poverty you know I was always looking for a way of providing for myself or sourcing an income or sourcing some sort of money to maintain a certain status amongst my friends violence was always a part of my life was it was the way I managed to express myself you know it was demanded where I managed to sort of release that pent-up tension you know as to where dealt with my sort of home environment and the stresses there no violence was very natural to me [Music] this is the second bit to a block you meant she in 2005 while I was heavily involved in gang activity I began to film with various crews I knew throughout London there's a lot of gun violence at these days so what you see yourself killing someone with this doji if it comes to the point and when I said let off when I sell it off blood you get me that's the story is that you get me why I record it back then shows me the legacy that our activities have left on the youth today or not Rica keys yes a fresh line of back seat it also reveals how those who should have known better turned a blind eye to how we were living [Music] [Applause] we created our own world with its own rules and hits on values [Music] waiting you my worried about gave me away no bullets don't know invincible we felt invincible because the reality of life and death had in you hit us by assume word and many times over [Music] I'm speaking one second I'm gonna go to does that meet you [Music] I don't know I just don't know what your carry about Louis wasn't one to go out there make trouble but it seemed to got more fearful as he got all done something going on there that he didn't feel safe about when I find the car I come in with you me up for your dad tomorrow for your mom Kevin Foley a girl after a conversation or on the phone I would say love you bye when he got out the car that same day after tell him to pull up his trousers I said see you later I love you he said love you too he put his thumb up he just went off he was quite happy it's very happy [Music] Luis got stabbed before he never mentioned who or why you might be missing the person that starting seen at this stabbing started this March but what relatives are saying is that they don't want this to be just a memorial for Luis Elwyn but the start of a campaign to put pressure on the authorities to do something about the continuing toll of stabbing deaths in London I've known luis el wounds family my whole life Luis was a generation younger than me I had connections to his older brothers Aaron and Byron I believe someone out there knows what happens they were there it's the person out there the coward out there knows what happened there's no one been charged yet their son was still out there walking around knowing would have done and justice had to be served simple as somebody made the decision to go home tonight I like strong they used the name of Jesus we gather to pray for God to help us in peace and rest under the moonspeak species of that the prisons were view all of the black man's back we have value but yet you killed our own enemy look at the bigger picture your legs are too precious to be you might have to be for ignorance your futures are too bright to be given acknowledge when we understand evil [Music] this young victim is a result of a feud that started 14 years ago involving a game that I used to be a part of the dispute originally started between two individuals it was an argument over a girl you know it almost almost caveman type you know these guys live by an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth so somebody close to them is murdered dies they want to see that person you know suffer the same consequences because God has chosen to call our brother Luis from this life to himself we commit his body to the earth for we are dust [Music] can I just ask you a question you have to be any time this day there are not the car being on the robbery judgment form and tied my shoes are you still are opening the next month my brother and I'm with her I would say 75% of the people who attended today know exactly who who murdered Luis their attitudes I can't even argue it because it's an attitude that I once a tear to myself it's embedded into the psyche it's it's not about repercussions what's going to happen it's about following a code there are things that you do and there are things that you don't do and the ultimate law is that you don't snitch you don't give information you do not cooperate that with the police you may as well shut down shop and move out of town because as far as your community is concerned you're no longer one of them you're disowned and if you have no choice where you live then do you have choice about the rules that you live by [Music] we're currently walking on the route Lewis took after he'd been stabbed even stabbed at some point on this road this is good day guys think about it I wasn't in school kids out here people who bought these and push chairs and gives us skills enough and no one saw me so if therefore is approached anyone that you know is for information who's so good to try to work nobody there's obviously said anything about why not she's not lost when there is no so far that even me talking to you now that I'm sure you're gonna I'm sayin something why you seeing something Johnson so you're protecting people who have essentially caused you pain always protecting them have you ever heard the saying if you're not the cure you're the disease yeah I hope you prettier times do you know the famous relevant it's one of it in this case it's relevant a variant a lot of cases what a lot of people who just don't speak up well because obviously you do get you get but you get your comeuppance is from you they were saying yeah you shouldn't have to forgive and forget more the words if we give over you know no energy you're one of yours yeah it's the dispute that led to Luis his murder something that you think could ever end why would you want it to end up north of us do you worry about no worries I swear is it preparation are you ready for whatever happens you know that's what it is how real is it that something like that could happen to you yeah life that we live in it people don't understand it's not going to stop now you think weekly someone gets locked up now who's gonna change it if no generators that we should get passed down is young kids younger than 50 in 1608 doing Sabbath including people the way people throw knives like in terms of targeting and is seen as a week of thing if you target notify all places hold on 29th exactly better you'll be you just wanna lecture halls lecture and evolution and it's very full even with all your chakras they're like come on literally it's not a joke where's no protection because they can be needed laughs they live in who they know whatever every day will they do amen yes we become aware of an after daughter [Music] makes me worried for the young people who are out there thinking that the way forward is carrying a knife and I'm talking little knives huge knives knives that are made for killing their young people out there who were actually taking pride in the possession of the knife today the use of knives is highly visible and has become a common sight both on the streets and throughout social media posts [Music] [Music] days after the funeral of Luis Erwin a hair of another murder down the road in bassy an 18 year old matthew kids one day stabbed to death on his way home from football practice while Longet [Music] arriving at the scene I found one of his friends looking on as the forensics team carry out their work he was too nervous to speak on camera but he told me to follow him Matthew wasn't involved in gang activity he was the only one who had always told me to stay away from that life Matthew was killed on his front doorstep his mother found him dying and held him until the ambulance arrived she has no one left now how could you do that to her mother what sort of heart do you have that's his doorstep that's where his mom passes to get into her house she can't pass there no more you know imagine that your only child is gone how do you wake up every morning and pass that same sport your child got killed in tell me but what burns me the most is the fact that it's always a black skin in the blacks were meant to be brothers but the way it's growing it's like we hate each other and I don't know why what I've seen to realize in these situations it's never the people who are out there as a friend it's normally the people who run the Fringe run the cops were outside you know and they're the ones who were targeted I don't care how hard you are on a mental level nobody is coming back from this nobody is going to bed after murdering somebody without seeing that person's face when they close their eyes when you go and take up a knife and when you go out there hunting for people and looking for people to attack you really have to consider what the possible consequences of that will be and if you haven't considered it before I guarantee you you'll be considering it afterwards the amount of times I've been in a police cell or being in prison thinking I wish I didn't do that I wish I'd done telling me differently that regret burns and eats you up inside now it's the payback in it now avenge inning get me you can just live somewhere and be a target other people from other areas will come to your area looking for somebody that's that lives around them so you're a target because they they're not thinking he's not involved they're thinking nah he lives here he's one of them for those still active on the streets regret has an off the fool in a world where every new day as a challenge to survive at first it was just for safety maybe afterwards this way yeah you get used to that life carrying a knife every day I mean you feel safer out on the road with it they were vile you don't have anything on you know is that no words I you don't want to show us no I don't but you do yeah all the time you've been stuck yeah I got kidney stop my hand up did you think he was ever gonna get away from message you know I thought I was gonna die I was looking at my hand like I can't be my hand yeah I mean yeah I was gonna die you wouldn't want to tell the police who had done it so that you know you could get justice no no that's not what my justice would be getting him back or doing the one about taking it a little bit further if you have a hatred for somebody and you see them and you're getting them down you feel happy in your heart to a plant that you're making that person okay that your hair in that person that possibly you're gonna take that person that is actually making you have do you think social media plays a part it definitely 110 percent the social media plays the biggest part into this nowadays everyone's seeing the same thing anyone stabbing anyone anyone's getting hold of guns and shield anyone so they all desensitized to it and they excited about this stuff looked cool and then the more they intrigued by it they start to kind of base themselves on what they're watching the stuff looks very cool to people until they gave him you know I mean they don't tell you about that second when they fight for their life even if they have come back for they don't tell you about that you don't see that you've seen them yeah I'm living them because for me is like it's completely bizarre as a Mian because when when we were on road like with there were rumors but it weren't really about that when all this out there like that some people is just to kind of glorify that to show you that we really are living that life like what we're saying because everybody's biggest thing now is to prove that this isn't just words images messages and videos are sent to rivals then shared to Facebook groups and Twitter accounts with the express purpose of ramping up the dispute the results then play out in real life on the streets almost instantly instances of extreme violence are being normalized to the point where it's now considered entertainment is evident that surviving a knife attack is no longer enough to make young men think twice about their lives it's now seen as a badge of honor young men boys are posting their war wounds on social media in order to cement their involvement in a lifestyle that has put them there in the first place we used to think we were invincible this generation wants to prove it in some cases the consequences of a knife wound go beyond the black and white options of survival and death the change of quality of life can be as radical as the loss of life [Music] every sleepy Monday morning I didn't want to go school that it's as many as a pebble was born either he's quiet it's really quiet by his cocky yeah like I say copy cookie but no when he says like he doesn't say much but he says sloppy too kind of bites it's funny it's love you cares a lot about his family you didn't really good by it you know they're really really good boy I saw him in the morning hangout they had had some breakfast gave you some lunch money and I said I'll see it I'll see you tomorrow the you come to works on a set of Sundays with me and with it microphone be about 10 past 7:00 so there are more boys be step shut down to the hospital you go through a hundred emotions you know it's hate in three days you want to do that you've won up is he all right 400 and different emotions you go through and then and it's just numbness all for that [Music] [Music] [Music] how my care is he receiving there he's got a Chucky in his throat yeah so when I stabbed in his heart I went through to his lung so he gets a lot of phlegm on his chest so you have to have this Chafee in here to release the coal on his chest I met Roger you brought music to listen to yeah it's got music here up a few all the time yeah you gotta listen to you haven't gotten listen to your old-school revival and oh yeah what he's growing up on oh my word give him something else I came that you can hear earlier I know this is what somebody got was even thinking about so over my way up Harris for some of these kids they don't have a father who's who if they're in a situation will take care of em for sure and it if God forbid they were ever put in a situation who would be there to visit you know who would be there to want as a cure Geoffrey coz it's not gonna be their friends that they're out there running with and trying to protect and keep it up madness with and if you live in a certain life is anybody even gonna care about that if you live in a certain life and you're out of the picture all it means this gives the opportunity for somebody else to take your place and that's the sad thing about these kids don't realize they're just like a commodity in a chain and as soon as they're out of the picture they forgotten it something else to take your place so it's much and they talk about the love there's no love on the street it's never been low on the street police party nothing really you know it's always coming up to mop up the communities talking about know informing that's got a stop that came about no informing was when we was under police brutality now we're not under police brutality anymore we're under black-on-black brutality these blacks and these we've got get them out of our community so the black people in our community can carry on and prosper as we're mentoring we've got a weed and out yeah we're getting that were community so the black children black women and black man can bring signs of society add value to the society that we live in and show the risks of races in society that we have something to offer we're not just murderers illiterate fools consuming consuming everything that's thrown in front of us on TV that's what we've got start learning a lot of these young guys out of here I want necessarily doing it because they have that in them but they're being coerced themselves things like peer pressure or somebody just making them feel comfortable within a certain situation and encourages them to carry out these sort of acts you know but obviously initiation in it you know how you gonna get to getting will show that you're you're part of this you know I mean we're gonna let nobody in okay yeah coming year ago and this is all the guns we got this is all the drugs you got this is how we move off business yeah come into my situation like that go kill somebody let me hang on your ass and now now yeah you're cool now then you can't do I've got you I've got your number and this is what those youths that are endure [Music] if not I ain't game to their madness when Jamel got stabbed in October I think after that it was about free the next month or so but yeah every day you're hearing someone's died it was about three stabbings every day in London cars are dying to kill they gain for the heart before you to stab in your leg step in your arm now they're killing you they're not no it's no joke one of us all to these MPs or not talk to these people are making up the police or making these these laws and wherever they do it because if they're not doing nothing so if this was like black children were killing white children oh my god this would have been stopped ages ago it'll be sorted out years ago but it's not it doesn't affect them we don't need a BMP anymore we don't need a National Front because the black view for doing it the job for this is it's a whole generation that is being eradicated you know these kids are programmed to hate it show like they wake up a little more and they see the self in the mirror they hate their self and when I walk down the street they see their selves the reflection of their selves and they want to kill that it's just madness what I've done you know done ruin their lives they ruin my son's lives my family's lives what they gain well they gain what is the was the price what was the prize are after all this nothing this is the way we are without use london's doctors have the task of stamina damage that is close to these young men but they see that simply keeping them alive is not fixing the problem consultant trauma surgeon dr. Martin Griffiths has integrated a unique social aftercare system that works with young men vulnerable to street violence will see in excess of 200 plus stabbings a year and the number is increasing on a month-by-month basis the tragedy doesn't just wash every day you see a young child murdered you can't this walk home and forget about I've got this kids betting my socks from washing off at home I'm not gonna explain to myself and my family what I've been doing that day and I don't want to have to do this every single day yeah of course not I don't want to see another young person dead in moment resource area and that's that would because it breaks me the thought of a happening every single day and me just being a technician and sewing up people that would be that if that's my career then I failed like all good clinicians I want to see the causes of problems and resolve those as well I can't just fix what's in front of me now I've got to fix the problem for the future and that's why we will we've engaged in prevention programs where I've engaged in interventions for the victims of injury to try and get them to recognize the consequences of these actions to try and change their behaviors to try and not retaliate so they can get back to the life they want to lead so when you've engage of a young person what is their initial response to what's just happened to them it does vary but I'd say the majority of them is what it is when you have been a victim of violence that is a major emotional trauma which could ultimately catapult that young person into a spiraling negative sort of situation where they're then lost these generations that are coming up you know I'm seeing increases in mental health I recognized a long time ago emotional trauma in our young people in our children has such you know a devastating ripple effect they've luminize injury and death as part of part of growing up and we've let them do that I'd get a feeling that a so commonplace that even when they lose a friend they don't even know how to be sad about it if you engage emotionally the death is your friend it will break you how you gonna how you gonna let yourself explode your stuff to the emotional rawness losing someone you love and care about you watch a parent you watch a parent you tell a parent that their child is dead and stand back there's a noise of mother makes tell her that their child is dead that goes right through you you never forget it never forget it goes right through you and you can it's like a a glass breaking yeah in that it shatters into a million pieces and you know no matter what you do come with us the arrow again they're broken for life forever so how can a child want to enter into that situation they have to shut the door if you can find the app of your emotional angst you don't feel the need to be violent and if you understand you in a in a process that is not this therapeutic not just preaching not just pragmatic but actually allows some content of forgiveness and develop them and empowerment empowering our victims to be the people they want to be there's no need to fear the result of violence [Music] several weeks on from Louis's funeral only one arrest has been made but no one has been charged in connection with his murder I'm not resentful I just fought well their mother must be proud you know to know they'd come home hearing that on the news and then having to point out their child oh look you're in safe but not realizing that that's their child that did this deed and they've gone in had their meal had to wash gone to bed and they're still breathing that's why I don't because his dad passed away and I lived here I had to bring him in really here and that was a problem that's where the problems dying because yeah going from one area into another so he's going from this so-called postcode of SW 17 into SW 18 it's just pretty much a postcode war-like thus literally it's just postcodes like you go from one area to another like it's do you don't you don't cross paths there's nothing really extravagant about it it's literally you live in that area thus that's who you're affiliated with some people say why I don't want to know why it happened so the reason why is irrelevant to me it just shouldn't have happened if I knew who did it and I actually went out there and I saw the person or I knew the family I will look at them differently I would have no respect for them we know that we can't keep chucking names at the the police without evidence but we we expect answers because somebody knows something all these friends know the character of Luis and yet again nobody would come forward and say anything that's very hurtful and very sad because they all know what went down I think to make a solid change mom I'll be one parent it has to be a key as parents don't really like I thought I don't think parents really know they think they know like a lot about what's going on but they have no Eyes mom but no idea you one for not knowing it's just that no I'm just saying that with this I'm saying that they've always been polite to me yeah me yes so it should be that's always don't lie to your friends growing up these kids trust each other but yeah it's like they fight amongst each other I'm Elise each other it's like their own little you really what my disappointment is with the friends is that if they do know something can they withholding any information that would be the most disappointing because I thought I knew them better than that because Crimestoppers is anonymous as well isn't it no minor see in situations like these you handle it yourself you don't go to the police you don't just tell you you do it on your own you know do it that's life Australian speakin smile more about certain things to do with like the youth and how things are now because she thinks that she has a clear understanding and I don't blame her for it because the way they show towards my mom they're very polite and they're like oh hello blah blah so that's how she sees them but she's a bit gullible to it they maintain a code of silence because they can do it themselves they don't go and tell the authority they don't feel the need to do it because it's like what are they gonna do buy you're gonna have like a month of trying to figure out who wars you need you need evidence but with them it's like they know who done it and we're gonna sort out today we're gonna sort out tomorrow this is where me and my mom differ because I would like to know why although it wouldn't change anything I don't understand why someone would do that to him I don't understand why someone would do that . i find it interesting to find out what it is about my brother that you thought that that was okay to do i want to see the person's face like i want to know that you're you're the evil person like you're the evil one we welcome to the studio the new commissioners the Metropolitan Police Cressida dick there are a number of serious crimes in particular violent crimes which are too high in London nine from gun crime or at levels that I don't regard central noise I am concerned about this apparent rise in the last year I really am I think stopping search is an extremely valuable tool it is something which historically has caused huge concerns in some communities we are now far more accountable I know the officers are highly professional they're very well trained I think the matter is probably the best in the country or nearly in terms of the the number of stops that are stopping searches that result in arrest I think we should be proud of that whilst the police struggled to find an effective strategy members of the community have started to take matters into their own hands Raymond Blanc now is hardened Japanese two blades hunting knife set made in China hot knife car why I caught a hunting that lowest price free shipping by now honey nicer so gun star so I'm thinking that listen you straight common sense that where did you get your knife from wait there are you a blacksmith do you see the little making Loch Ness no you don't are you a licensed hunter to be carrying lamb bone ash around no you're not do we live in a place that consists of us needed to carry them so nice no we don't we live in the UK in London that we're talking about Harrods and footlocker's so where did it where it is not coming from in stock dispatched from and sold by Amazon by placing the order after I'd experienced that you are 18 years of age and over identification may be required it may require a signature so this is a nice time wouldn't yeah he gave me the book thank you and he walked off no signature nothing he never matched my signature with my driver license or my passport I just pour a line for it Frank have you get mess of our streets if you can go online and buy them just like this as easy as this I'm gonna get my gun and shoot him I'm gonna stab him that's some counting yeah Biron alex paul uses social media as a way to share his anti knife messages and as posed have gained a lot of notice one video in particular went viral parcel Emma calm down seasonal party yeah that's our confiscated and if you think that shot here for sister this week's come to the party what's this all right that's the hood we go get a seat even so the video man like there's mind blowing you know it was yeah it's like you see the party night it wasn't like the party was in a public place this was my niece's house yokels why you moved to my niece's house with nice I'm saying to the man named Bob if I find your nursing you Bob yeah I'm taking an s if you're not getting it back Bob yeah and you're gonna get the backup as well and if I know your parents I'm phoning your parents you get me both literally bubbles but these kids might be think they're big and bad by the day they don't want their parents to know what's going on yeah their parents don't know what's going on I let them guide understand you a lie bro I'm not searching like police officers I'm not searching like a teacher I'm searching like a man named that knows oldest dashboards yeah I need your shoes under your soles off in your crap mine tell me a black man you feeling my boots who gives a that's you you don't move you're shining I'm moving your boos I ain't gay why trust you that if you got some of them fans are gonna find it dawg if I could say to you I know exactly what's wrong in the hood and the people in it and the system I'd be lying to you bro life is right here you know that people say that in darkness because they have no money blood course genocide that's how I grew up it's deep rough but these guys don't know yet about Ian Powdermilk it was war for conflicts blood you understand you don't had milk you know [Laughter] there's so much obstacles in a way of a young person growing up times you've got all the profits the way they act all the friends that and stuff they just Jen you're gonna see in a deprived place yeah I mean most and once people learn how to make money beyond government means and they're actually in a position where they need to make money and that money start to pay for electric yeah they start to pay mom's bills and stuff can you really really turn to stop you know about this is like it's beautiful no but this will start and you go from being there like to be an employee stations to getting Nick to get into drama and it's just like it's treating the same homework the way people ask the things they gain access to the way they're doing it it's more dangerous I'll be damned if any little person comes in for the tandem me or my kids left understand over one six week period during the making of this film there were 14 fatal stabbings involving people under the age of 25 the highest concentration in the capital for a decade sevenish had his whole life ahead of him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Stubbins do happen up and down the country affecting all demographics however my journey this year has confirmed to me that in London young black men are at a disproportionate risk of being the victim and the perpetrator [Music] my little brother is that we can be alone at the same um just making my own life as well I believe we need to take responsibility as a community talk to these young people [Applause] the tragedy of one more young man being murdered on his way home from a knife crime rally serves as another example that this issue has a long way to go [Music] people where's your t-shirt open up come on now t-shirts you know is all about Lois outfit up one year ago my brother Lewis Alvin was stabbed and killed in broad daylight since then and all been charged all been caught but people were arrested people yeah yeah the auspice arrested but because they don't have enough evidence to hold them then it makes it quite difficult to charge someone for something they can't prove from my end I'm just wondering how you guys are feeling 12 months later to be honest this is kind of hard because there ain't no closure in this it's very difficult when Lewis Niger I remember thinking how can this be to my brother so so so close to home close to home but then I did anger liar I did my investigation I didn't have to go far not for heya names getting blew up this is in a state of course couple phone calls couple phone calls that the same names coming up anything on the street this ain't from the police yeah and people out what you want to do yeah all right let's just just chill fit we're gonna do and then when when I realized these things close to family not particularly like a household family or family all the generations and fathers father-son or farmer fathers nephews someone like you serious bro I'm telling you it's hard even us dealing with it is hard because my mom don't know about all that we're trying to say all that we know we did and we know you guys probably know who did it can you voice your opinion they want that play I don't know about talking but I know about doing some say some that's gonna make a difference if you got information which is hard it's hard but if you've got information be bold might be bold and said you know I'm gonna rise for my man how I'm gonna face up as far as I'm concerned there are sources of information that exist you know the community that these crowns happen in protect the crimes that happen why not coming forward by not providing information at the end of the day issue a friend it's your friend that's dead issued us crying dunno I mean says his mom that's crying it's his mom you gotta go and hug knowing bare face you gotta go hug his mom knowing you know who done it knowing that she ain't gonna get the justice she wants because everybody's lips a lot it's a killer man it's a killer it really is really is man as Sondra neowa family come to the end of their first year without justice for Lewis I think about an old friend who's unsolved murder fool in years ago made me starts in questions about the culture of not snitching and its consequences at the age of 16 I was incarcerated for a robbery Anton was one a few people that I actually met who I could speak to he seemed like somebody with ambition you know he's fresh to death in prison that's a difficult thing to do you know he had like Prada Prada trainers on you know a nice little trucky and I know obviously took care of himself he was one of the people that I remembered after I left a good few months after he was released switched on the TV and it was a news report about Anton there's something different about answering that for me actually her actually her [Music] [Music] this is the reality of what happens with what some people may feel is I only wanted to injure you or I only wanted to scare you or whatever you know I think one of the hardest things for me to do at the time was to finalize it may sound really silly but what's to find the lies I'm actually having a headstone because then I felt like I'd have nothing left to do and then when it finally got laid down I thought I felt oh why didn't I do this before it's one of those things tend into the grave it just I don't know there's nothing else that you can do for them but try and keep their grave plea and I come down and I wash it off but as you can see we he's especially right by the edge as well he gets dirty very quickly but in the end this is all I can do now for him just try and keep him tidy is although I may not have been he was a very tidy boy yeah he was [Music] is here it was found wrapped around that tree face down in the water the fact that he hadn't come home I just assumed maybe he'd been arrested or something again and something just wasn't sitting right there and then to get that knock on the door Mother's Day I'm told he's dead he'd been found in he had stab wounds [Music] I just remember going night lifted away and it's gripping it's a strange pain it's just and I still believed at the time they were taught the police were talking rubbish there's just no way they're talking about my son I'm gonna say he was no angel not like that you know I mean he he done he's little he's bit of naughtiness as we want to call it then and he went to jail I don't know about that side that world I don't know that world this gang world or this drug world or or whatever you know within the first week there was 10 arrests made but all those people were released on bail and it's been like that ever since for any family going through this whether they've had answers or not the only thing that I could ever say to them is it's not that you get over it because you don't you don't ever get over it you get used to how you feel you do have to keep on living the smallest of knives can kill someone it doesn't have to be a massive blade a lot of these children I mean they don't even pay bills anywhere but you're trying to rip as they say rep your area or whatever to prove what to who you don't own any of it none of us do there is multiple things that was done to my son and for that person to have that information holding it's got to weigh them down whoever these people are this person is they're more afraid of that person and maybe their own nightmares in the first six months of 2018 there have been 1296 turbines in London 64 of those have been fatal and a large number remain unsolved seven people have been arrested on suspicion of the murder of Matthew Kitts one day no one has been charged [Music] 20 year-old luis el wins case remains unsolved and no further arrests have been made in May 2018 an 18 year-old boy was sent us to serve 10 years in a detention center for the attack on Jamel boys [Music] you
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Views: 3,978,462
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Keywords: documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, short films, movies, united kingdon, epidemic, knife, knives, murder, violence, gangs, europe, police, london knife epidemic, crime, street crime, street fights, fighting, news, full length documentary, emergency, on a kinfe edge, snitching, youth, drugs, controversy, criminals
Id: C_pNlDhpbew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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