Mark Curry On Accusations Against Diddy/ Katt Williams Interview/ Usher/ Biggie/ Big Meech/ Cassie

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all right Mark Curry glad to have you on cam Capone News man glad to be here man thank you for having me yes yeah that's what's up man You' been going crazy lately man you know it's it's it's been spreading but I'm I'm happy everything's people been taking good to what I got to say so yes yes yes glad to be here glad to be thought about glad to be known for it yep man man that's what's up man so you wrote a book uh little bit a little bit more than 10 years ago more uh about about 15 15 years ago about your experience as a bad boy man 21 yep yep it's 15 years ago I wrote that book Dancing with the Devil how puff burnt the bad boys of Hip Hop It's A Memoir of my life just dealing doing business with bad boy um um you know I had to write that book in order to have some kind of closure to like what what didn't happen with the music career but you know it's there I wrote it that long ago man it's just now becoming a a topic to people I wanted to know on topic wanted to talk about type of thing what was going on that made you want to write a book after all spending all that time with puffy well what was was once I realized that the music career wasn't going it wasn't it didn't seem to be taking off so I was like okay um I'm a writer and there so many different ways for me to to to write a song or write a book so I said instead of wasting the time and spending time writing music I'mma I'm G spend a little time to write a book and right around that time I started writing the book the same time during my lateral years of being signed as an artist uh um I started doing the book then yeah and I just had to do it because I I was like okay I'm GNA attach something to puff so no matter what when whenever he's in the news or whatever may happen to him uh when whenever people might notice him doing something great I want them to be able to think of me and and also purchase that book so it was just my way of saying you know what I might have to attach something to him to make sure that I win from this from um this business deal other than not having anything to show for it okay now around what time or what year did you guys actually meet and officially you know did you join bad boy see I knew him I knew of him and knew him um back in like 1995 back when they say n bad boy 1995 ridiculous back in those years you know the words of the great big it was around 1995 94 96 those were the years that's when bad boy you know um he did he didn't really get the money to the money that he had to sponsor bad boy until like 1995 up in those years when he's when he signed with Arista so when he was coming to Atlanta because we had a club here in Atlanta and a rim shop here in Atlanta so all of the the celebrities would come to Atlanta and the first place that they would come visit was either the club or The Rim Shop you know so I knew him from a lot of them not him but he you know this the the the Social Circle of those that he keeps around him I knew a lot of those people and he just happened to be a part of that Circle you know so I've been knowing him before I signed to do music I've been knowing him I signed in um probably like 1996 97 but I've been knowing him from doing the uh coming to Atlanta and all of those kind of things before I signed okay and now you know what was puff like back then did you see any of the stuff that you seen later on in him at at the beginning or you know did he change at some point or arrogance always been arrogant oh still the same arrogant person um you would think that he would change over time but time didn't really change much with him he was still the selfish person you still thought of him as as being the the selfish boss or the the label owner who wants to be an Entertainer as well so it's like competition all the time very competitive um competitive with his artist um this I believe he's competitive with himself but that's just another story you know okay you know what do you think was like one of the first you know situations to kind of let you know like okay puff isn't quite this you know friend friendly guy that I may I might have thought he was you know how when you say you know enough of trying to be friends you know if we GNA be dealing with each other on business let's just deal with with business and let's not confuse the friendship in the business which was confusing you know but I I knew that when the when the business wasn't going as good and and the friendship was still there I was like hey man some maybe we got to put the Friendship aside and focus more on the business because it's easy for you to just get you know uh lost into having fun going to parties and doing those kind of things and you'll forget about the business that like what puff would do you can go in there and be like yo puff I'm here to talk to you today about business and then we'll talk for a second but for some reason he has a way to when you leave out that room he'll have have you going out thinking that you just have one more thing you need to do before you're able to have everything that you're working hard for so it's always that one song that he was telling me that I needed in order to have this career that I was looking for and that one song was just something I was just trying to I was working so hard trying to get that one song and I realized one day that one song don't exist and I was like what he's trying to tell me to do it it's just it's it doesn't exist it's not as such thing as a one song it's just a way for you to send me out of this office not answering my question and having me going out to work hard again you know one thing about being an artist they always they always try to keep the artist hungry you know keep the artist broke keep the artist starving and they feel that that's the best way to get the best out of you so you know it's it's a I guess it's a I guess you can say in so many words it takes for you sometimes to have to suffer to you know to to to make you that star to polish you up to be that diamond that you may be you know Diamond sometimes you got to take a diamond out the rough and polish it up so like with the artist they feel like you're like a diamond in the rough we got to take them out the dirt clean them up and you know put them to the world so you know it's the life of being an artist that makes sense at one point you do actually sign with him and what was that day like and and how'd it go for you man I thought that was the best business decision best business decision I ever made and I I just knew when I did that when I signed with him that everything was going to be okay because I seen him his success rate was real high you know and I felt like everyone who was um a part of his Camp was happy and I thought that all of them were having their moments of success too so I thought it was just a great business move which turned out to be something that it wasn't the best business move but to still be here you know to um to you know I don't have to be an artist and a music artist in order to be an artist so I just had to take my artist my my talents and my abilities and apply them into other things other than music you know if that makes sense but um I wanted to man it could have it felt like I just wanted to just hip HIIT parade this jump for joy and I was just happy at the moment and I you know calling home telling everybody everybody in my home was was proud of me for what I was doing everybody was happy they just KN they just knew I was on my way up out of here and um that never really happened yeah we did the song we ain't going nowhere it seemed like I never my career never really went nowhere I just I don't know maybe I shouldn't have been on that song cuz when I said we ain't going nowhere bro I a go nowhere right after that song No matter how hot it was I thought that my career was going to take off from there you know career just didn't he just did not put the funds into he did not put What it Took put into me what it would what it took in order to to put me out there in the public as an artist or to promote and Market me those markeet and promotion dollars wasn't behind me now you were around before Biggie passed away right yep yep y right around right around 95 994 right what he died in 97 right yes yep 97 on March 9th 1997 um yeah I was there before the demise of of of Biggie um and um yeah I used to you know in the clubs when we used to go see puff in the clubs in La when he would come um I think um when they out were out there for the Grammys cuz I was I was an artist and they thought that I came from Los Angeles so whenever puff would come to Los Angeles that's when I would have to go to the studio to to kind of wrap songs up most because we didn't have um email we couldn't email songs we had to Fed Ex him so when he came into town I would go into the studio just to make sure that when he leaves and go back to New York he has all the CDs and everything that he needs with my music on them so um like when they came out there for the awards I was there I hung out with them briefly for a couple of parties we went to but then after that I went back to the studio and when I went to the studio that's when I got the news that you know Biggie Smalls had got shot out there in Los Angeles but I was out there the whole time I was already there I've been I was on Hollywood and Kanga the studio was over there that's why I used to work at her okay now I seen you talk about your book that you believe uh biggie wanted to leave yeah biggie you know every of course every person once you are in that position where you you know you figuring out the best in you and and your your selfworth and when you feel you know that you're worth more than what you're receiving then you know the first thing that comes to you is reaching for another structure another deal so that's not something that I find strange or something that just happened with biggy it happens with a lot of artists once they see their value and then they say hey you know what I'm worth more money without this middleman I'm worth I can go directly to a major label and I can have a deal instead of having a middleman deal in in place like if it's like being signed like biggie was signed to Bad Boy and then bad boy was signed to Arista but biggie would have probably had a better chance at doing good business had he had been signed directly to Arista if that makes sense to people who may not understand that one um bad boy still has a parent label whether it be in escope Arista there were never a record label that it was just an imprint under a label what was it that made you think biggie wanted to leave did he tell you that directly n he didn't tell me that directly but as an artist I can understand why because you you you're on a label with a artist who also the boss and you you're not getting the attention that you need it's like the same way puff wants to file for discrimination for the liquor companies not um putting his liquor Brands out there and promoting them like they're promoting other the other brands that was on the label it's the same the same case because he didn't promote me as an artist or he might not be promoting biggie as an artist is hard or as much as he's promoting himself so you say okay I'm not getting the fair treatment that I deserve on this label and in order for me to get that treatment I'm looking for the only thing I'm going to be able to do is get off of this label so a lot of artists I mean the locks wanted to be off of the label um Black Rob wanted to be off of the everybody who was on the label wanted to be off the label in fact everybody who seemed to been signing any label or any they always wanted to get off of the label especially when they felt like the the label wasn't treating them fairly now was do you know that was Biggie getting Short change with his money like did he not get a good advaned or or anything like that I mean when you think of advances and things like that somebody's going to give you an advance towards what they feel you're worth and it's hard to give someone an advance if you don't know their worth yet so that Advance is kind of like not even worth taking sometimes cuz you say hey if you know that I'm capable going out and making um $100 million why is my Advance only $50,000 if you believe in me the way that you feel that we're going to make numbers we're going to make a 100 million maybe give me 10 million maybe give me 15 so the advance that you get is not it's like being popular being famous and being seen on television a million times and you only have maybe $1,000 in your pocket to show for it you know um that that kind of is like a it's not valent it's not worth it you know um you said that biggie had to sell dope and homemade duplicates of his CDs just to earn some money man that's what when when every everything in the music industry where every person at that time who wanted to be into the music industry usually came from the streets so it's almost like um every drug dealer at one point in time wanted to be a rapper and and they always wanted to have a record label so yes being able to sell tapes and CDs out I've done it but being able to sell tapes and CDs out of the trunk of your car is just like selling drugs because you would think that your CDs dope you would you know so so it's just the same way that we used to it's the street movement either we G to sell you GNA sell drugs or you GNA sell music and it was just a choice you know when it when we were coming up it was like the only two choices that you had either you going to try to be a musician or do music or you going to sell drugs it's either or so you know it was it was a lot of artists other than biggie that came into the industry as drug dealers first and then artist second so yeah I mean it sucks I mean I still had to do things that I didn't want to do um not all legal that and even I was still signed and I just had to do it to survive so surviving is is different when it comes to being an artist you have to survive so if you're not surviving and your artist that just makes life bad so in to for him to have to be as famous or successful as he was and still had to do those kind of things in life kind of shows that the music industry really doesn't take care of the Artist as much as people would think recently puffy had a lot of serious allegations come out about him you know uh the biggest one was Cassie you know she wanted $30 million from him that's what she was soon for and the next day did he settled and then you know after that several women came out accusing him of rape and you know a whole list of different things man you know what did you think when you first seen these allegations come out about him I thought that when a man falls the first thing that comes tum down is his Empire and his Enterprise which is his business relationships between different companies so when I saw his Enterprises I I saw the I saw his Enterprise Fall because a lot of the people were severing ties with him and they didn't no longer wanted to carry business relationships with him so seeing that that was the fall um just seeing that happen and um it's just the fall of Man um every every every man has his his chance and his time to be on top but every now and then a lot of a lot of us fall off the top they we fall from the top we fall from grace we fall from being loved by people around us that love we fall from being liked by the public um that's the worst feeling in the world is when the public turns their back on you and they start seeing you for um who you might actually be so when I saw all of this coming down on him I knew that this was an Enterprise falling like it's a it was big cuz it's going to hurt him it it hurt him in a lot of ways other than just in music it hurt him in the school that he was being a part of they didn't want to be a part of him with um it hurt him where they didn't want him to come to the Grammys they they didn't want to invite them but then I think they turned around and gave him a Grammy too right they they giving them a Grammy this year 2024 they giving them a Grammy but when we look at the Grammys and we looking at the real world and we saying okay the Grammys is 1,200 people that are in aoup uh part their members and of these 1200 people they're the ones who determine who deserves what award of 12 and most of these people of the 1200 are uh the majority of them are white males so nothing is racial racial about it but and then they not only do they do that they do the BET award so we having a lot of these award shows and people are getting Awards and we don't know what they getting awards for so you know they gave him an award now they nominated him for award but it's just to beat just the Grammys that's just the Grammys it's not by People's Choice it's by a uh a decision made from within like with the MTV Awards the the executives were the ones that made the decision who deserves an award with um the Billboard Awards the um sales and the People's Choice is what who determines who deserves the award the Grammys is judged by 1,200 people that are in a they're members of a group that the record the recording Academy is what we call it that's what they call and it's crazy because the CEO of the recording Academy he also has sexual harassment charges against him so it's like all of the higher executive all look at um LA Reid he had sexual harassment charges against him um uh Russell Simmon he has uh had sexual charges harassment charges against him uh I he had sexual harassment charges against him it was like that that's something that was happened it it was part of the coach I believe and then finally people woke up and said hey this is not right and they finally speaking up against it but this been going on for a long time is this something that you seen in Diddy even way back then like you know how was his interactions with women you know when you guys were when you you know cuz you were with with him during the prime of his career yeah if he he wanted all the attention all the girls and all the money so any man who's selfish like that you be like man you want all the girls too you got all the money you just want everything so that's when you can tell you you know like even if you walk into a room and and he's in the room and you have a a female that that's extremely beautiful and he seemed like he would get mad because it's it's not his girl or I would go out into the clubs right Club cheatah anything in New York I would go out and meet me a pretty young lady or something like that I bring her back to the studio and when I get back to the studio come to find out this was a female he been trying to talk to ever since he was in school or high school and then now he's looking like how did you get her i' be like I got her cuz she liked me you know and and then I talked to her she liked everything that I was saying you know and then now you could tell like wow I feel like you know me and you going to have a business problem just because of this female now so it was a time when I was like I didn't want to bring no females around them or no nothing like that because I felt like everything was jeopardizing what I had going on business-wise you know I had to leave that out you know man did that kind of surprise you back then like this is Puffy man like and you know what I'm saying like it doesn't really it seemed like even if even if puffy didn't get the girl that he actually wanted I'm sure there was still plenty of women who wanted to be around puffy right but the problem is when you're not a Creator and you're not creative you're not able your only thing you able to judge off of what you want is by taking what other people have from them you're not creative you're not able to look at a female and see the beauty in her you can only look at her and want her because she belongs to to to to to Capone or she belongs to Curry you know I just got to have what's yours that's a sick way of thinking man that's a a sick individual I don't I just want your car I just want your chain you know I want your house and that's what that's why in in the music industry you see it happening all the time because the same individuals is dating the same females it's like they just recycling the same women recycling the same jobs it's like wow there's no room for improvement in this in this industry there's no room for an advance there how do we advance when everything is just so such a tight Circle and locked it's hard to maneuver like that it's been a lot of that in the industry well were you surprised when these recent allegations came down were you surprised that it finally happened I wasn't surprised because you could tell a lot about a person by the way they treat people period you understand so I wasn't surprised I just knew that you know everything that comes up must come down I was waiting patiently for not saying that I was waiting for him to fall or waiting for the fall of him but I was waiting on I was either I was actually waiting on the day that he actually woke up one and and said that you know what he wanted to decide to give his life over to good or you know I want to try to do better as a human being you know I want to be a better friend things like that I want to I know that I was a um you know the owner of the bad boy label and you was an artist I want to call and check up on you to see if maybe you eating to see if your family's okay see how life is you know I want to check up on you as a friend to have a call like that or change your heart like that with a meant a lot from somebody like him but to be rich and a billionaire and selfish it's like how in the world can you be a selfish billionaire when everything that you have people helped you get and then you turn around and then say you know he's a he's nothing but all of the business he did on MTV with Danity Kane Day 26 all of the gep he's all of the Black Rob he's all biggie he's all Faith Evans car Thomas he's all Hood fellas uh he's all Tammy he's all little Jerome so everything that he's all in one he's that one artist he is bad boy you know so when you used to think a bad boy you would think of bad boy is like the Super Friends it consisted of Aquaman uh so many different characters and it's not just one person so it was a time when bad boy became all puff all Diddy nothing else he did the um The Saga continue the bad boy in the family album the first song was bad boy for Life the second song off the album was Diddy the D the I the D the D the Y all right so if the album is puffed daddy in the family why is the second song all about you that just shows how bad he wanted it to be about him he didn't like the fact that people were like hey the the the guy who was on the third verse of bad boy for Life he's nice we want to hear more from him that made him say oh no we don't want to hear no more from you right now it was competition it's hard being in competition with your boss yeah I've heard it's really difficult signing to somebody who raps if you're a rapper or an artist because they're just never going to push you like they push themselves they're not GNA ever let you that but so if if that's the case and he knows that that's the way business has been going between him and his artist why is he complaining about the liquor company not pushing his his his liquor as much as they're pushing other brands he's done the same thing to artist he didn't push artists the way he was pushing himself so maybe what goes around comes around maybe the it's coming back on him you know he how you can't expect to keep doing bad business and bad business and then good things keep coming to your business bad things come to people who do bad things you know what I'm saying right right well were you ever around Cassie yeah I was around Cassie during when um right after puffet came out I I left bad boy right in around 2 and8 I started writing the book in 2000 I released the book in 2009 so right around my lateral years of being signed I think we went on a tour excuse me we went on a tour and uh I think right around the tour that's when I was having the the time the opportunity to talk to him about what's going on what we what can we do about my career all right so look so when I was talking to him about the career I said look it don't seem like this music career thing is going to work I said so this is what I'm going do I'mma go ahead on and start doing the bad boy South and I'm G start promoting bad boy South to the B markets so I had like boys in the hood um which was Jeezy and and Big G and and uh man I can forgive me for not naming all of them then I had like Black Rob I was promoting his album and I was taking him to the B markers we not the a market but like you know the Buy South Carolinas the um Colombian South Carolinas the um the uh rot Virginia anything south um Columbus Georgia Augusta Georgia so I was taking the artist down into those markets so I went and bought five vehicles to start off bad boy South and we had an agreement that he was going to let me head on Bad Boy South because I was looking for something else to do other than be an artist well that didn't fall through and I W up being stuck with five vehicles five car notes I W up having to give these vehicles away to other people who can who just agreed to pay the car note so I was left stuck with the short end on that and that was just something that I was trying to do to to move on in the music industry and say you know what if I'm not going to have this career as an artist at least give me the opportunity to be a part of the business that didn't work that didn't work okay so Cassie did you ever see anything when they were together like did you n notice their relationship being off or did it ever seem violent at times you you know the only thing I really ever looked at was like dang I I always looked at like what if she just came to him because she wanted to be a artist and she thought that she can sing and he thought that she was beautiful and instead of entertaining uh what her dreams were about in her eyes he wanted to date her and made her his girlfriend so it's like that's a that's a big a big form of sleeping with the help it's like how in the world could somebody come to you to be a artist with all of these females there are out there in the world that he can he can have a relationship with why would he want to have a relationship with his artist right so then now that's a control thing now he's going to control his artist you in order for you to have this video I'm gonna you're going to have to do this in order for you to um have this watch or this ring you're going to have to do this so I did see a lot of the females that have Rel relationships with him from I I seen him with um Kim I seen him with JLo I remember Kim and JLo's relationship with him because I remember when um when when he started dating JLo he used that's when we used to have land phones and stuff and he used to call me at the house cuz I used to live at the house in New York his old apartment then he had moved into another spot with JLo but he'll call me and be like Mark take the phone off the hook in case Kim be calling so I take the phone off the hook so the phone is be busy all night you know and then he was dating with JLo that's what he was dating her but as far as the relationships I seen him go through the relationship with Kim I seen um his arrogance in the relationship I seen violent times with him in his relationships not just with Kim where I seen him May in all of his relationships if you ask me but then that's something that sometime is typical in relationships you know I'm not saying that arguments is something that we get used to but it just happens it happens in a lot of relationships mine yours his but yeah I've seen those violent spurts in him those jealous moments where um you know um he doesn't want you to give his girlfriend a hug type stuff or she he doesn't like his girlfriend looking at you and admiring you you know it was it's one thing man I tell you that's funny I want to tell you something that's funny we was on the People magazine right and uh when we used to go to Miami I used to uh I built me a motorcycle from scratch you know what I'm saying I built it and I was on this little motorcycle and everybody else was on scooters and when I pulled up to his house with this motorcycle everybody was like yo wow Mark that bike is dope and I seen JLo looking at the bike and I was like okay JLo like this bike right and then puff didn't like that he ain't like the fact that he don't like the fact that anybody like something that ain't his if it's yours he gonna want it from you if I got a hot song and it sound good he gonna want to buy it from me you want to use it for itself that's a it's a crazy sign that's that's crazy it's a crazy work environment what happened that let you know that he was mad is there anything that happened um you could see his expression where his like you know how somebody be like telling a girl like be quiet sit down don't say nothing don't speak to nobody yo come here hold my hand go over there do this sit down in the car matter of fact don't even be here right now can somebody take her out that kind of stuff you know real insecure but you know what I I really couldn't blame a lot of his females or for for liking other people especially other people like me because you could see so much more in a person like me than you Poss probably they could see more in me than they can see in him cuz in in him they don't see you know that that that he's in love with himself but other people may not be in love with him as much as he's in love with himself you know it's a lot of females who I know he was dating that would say you know what I'm not just going to date him because he got money I still want to go and hang out with you and do this and you be like well you hanging out with me is great to mess up my music career it's going to mess my business up so You' be like yo let's just hang out with each other where he don't see it then what do you think was like his most jealous moment that you had with him jealous moment You' seen the most jealous moment we used to when we was on tour we went to Jamaica and uh he had this one girl that used to be a back she used to be a singer and uh I no a dancer she used to be a part you know the group dancer thing and then he had to singers too but the girl was bad she was a dancer and uh when we when we got back we flew into um to um P we flew into Jamaica and she wanted to hang out with me and go to the mall and all of this kind of stuff and I ain't G to lie I did have a little fling thing going on with her but that was between me and her and and nobody actually knew nothing about it cuz you know I ain't kiss or tell all the time so um we get back and he was like yo Mark um have you slept with her and then I was like I don't want to lie and say no cuz then I'm I'm not gonna seem like a man so I was like yeah I slept with her and he said how did you sleep with her I said I slept with her because she liked me and and and all of that so then after that he moved the girl to a whole another another hotel we made sure that she didn't hang around nobody on on like the B part of the team he was 18 he rode with the a bus I was on the B bus I rode with just the artists and the singers and some dancers him was his bus is Puff the uh his manager and whatever else might be on his bus he made sure she didn't get back on that bus no more you know and then he he he looked at me one time he was like Mark you date girl like Black Rob like I was like yo so what's wrong with the girls that back Black Rob like and then he was looking at me like he wanted to hit me he was like yo you know um he was like yo you look like you want to fight and I was like I do so every time puff used to see me he used to say Mark Curry do you still want to fight and I'd be like yes I do I still want to fight every time he see me or he called me when he called me um about um the publishing one of the first questions he asked me Mark Curry do you still want to fight and I be and I always say yeah I still want to fight I still want to fight how was the JLo and puffy relationship compared to any other relationship You' seen him in did he treat her different or do you think he treated her the same man no I don't really think JLo had many relationships with Puffy's friends like Kim dated Alby sha um she dated Dallas Austin but JLo I don't recall her dating too many other people before puff because she had just came from In Living Color right so he really really liked her he really really liked her but obviously she really really liked other people and that relationship went sour because I don't think I I I saw a lot of things like puff being controlling in that relationship and I don't think JLo was really the kind of person that stood for control like being controlled and you know the kind of people what is she Puerto Rican or something like that them girls get violent yo when you try to uh trap them in mentally do them wrong like that all that mental control stuff n so you kind of knew that wasn't GNA work with JLo but he she didn't have she wasn't a part of that Circle that the female has been passed around from one person to the next person she was just her he really did like her but I sensed a whole bunch of jealousy in the relationship true and I do know that um once he got into that shootout you know when when they had to shootout at the club puff had a manager named Benny Medina and then Benny Medina told JLo that it would probably be in her best interest to break up with puff because he was going to ruin her career and she broke up with puff that broke his heart and then Benny Medina wind up no longer being Puffy's manager and he started managing JLo and then he had a at this time puff was doing the Sha John and I believe he had went and took a lot of the people that work from Sha John and had them working for JLo yeah oh damn yeah yeah JLo got it she she she she ran for the uh for cover quit you know and the manager told her that would be the best thing for her to do other than sit back and let him tarnish her career as well with what he was going through so she she broke out that herur that broke his heart yeah he made songs about it right I need a girl I need he he went to being a um he went to crying on all his records I need a girl to ride ride ride I was listening to this song man i a what you really need man you don't need no more of them girls man you need you need some time to yourself so you can learn you a little bit more you know you can understand more about what you doing wrong maybe you can straighten up and do right but he I need a girl then everything that he got seem like it's a song about him needing a girl and then the way the way things is looking we don't even know if he's really if this is true this industry you got a lot of people a lot of females is singing about how they need a man and they don't even like men and then you got a lot of guys that's saying like how they need a girl and they don't even like girls so everybody's lying in their lyrics okay so puffy was accused of being with men he was also accused of liking to watch uh Cassie be with men did you see any signs of this when you were around him I only thing I really saw was I'm like yo I I just can't have um you know certain kind of men like uh around like like when I want something to eat I have a certain kind of man that goes and gets my food or if I'm ready to take a flight and I need some underwear for my house I have a certain kind of man that goes to my house and get the underwear if I just want to get my car wash I have a certain kind of man that goes and does it and it was almost like that these certain kind of men were like uh being used as um they just do boys people who always will do whatever he would ask him to do so I seen a lot of that um I seen a whole bunch of uh uh of things that that you would question a lot of questionable people um people with reputations that are known for um and I I don't like to discriminate on no one's sexual preference because I can't say that just because someone has a different lifestyle in mind that that they're wrong and I have to say you know that's just what that person you know that's how they choose to live and that doesn't affect how I'm living so I don't tend to get involved in a lot of that stuff but you you do see it a lot in the industry and you can start off with um the fact that Everyone likes to to date the same female it's like it's like okay um how do you feel having sex with my girlfriend and then still being my friend or did we not it's almost like we both just had sex with her without being you know it's just a whole bunch of nastiness that goes on as far as him being with men um that's a rumor that I've heard and it's also um I from with my own eyes I never saw him uh in the act of being with a man but I saw some questionable men in a room and I saw a lot of smiling and giggling and all of that kind of stuff as far as what they did after the drinks and all of that or going out I don't know nothing about it I went into a few parties where I walked in and I saw some celebrities sitting on uh Clive Davis lap type stuff you know but when I looked and I was like wow I see what's going on maybe this ain't the room that I'm supposed to be in and then I would leave like it'd be clubs you go to and on the top floor of this club it be celebrities Russell Simmons all of those high-end celebrities Maxwell all of those people is up there and when you go up there that's like Viv and nobody really is getting up there unless you're artist or someone or you're with someone and when I got up there I saw a lot of that but I also knew that I can go back downstairs and I'll just wait on y'all downstairs this is not the room for me I guess there was a situation where he had Kim Porter's phone tapped yes can you talk to me about that a little bit all right so I'm in the studio and uh up at daddy house and uh they sitting and they like yo um Shakir Stewart had called Kim Porter's phone and he was like how's my kids how's my baby something like that I think that's exactly what it was and he took offense to it because it was another man calling his his wife asking how are his kids like that his kids were his kids and it had been rumored that Shakir had relationships with a lot of people's women a lot of people date because in the industry you remember everybody was sleeping with everybody it wasn't something that wasn't known this girl used to be with him and then she was with him all of this stuff is going on in the industry so so yeah he was in there and uh he was hearing Shakira Stewart's conversation with her and I was like how in the world is he listening to her phone like how in the world then that's when I found out that he had her phone plugged up and I don't know if he had some surveillance things in her house but he knew everything this girl was doing you know every person she was talking to it's it's in insecurities you know insecurities he was just insecure insecure people do those kind of things and I guess there was a situation with LA Reid with LA Reid well when he saw Shakira Stewart at La re's wedding that's when him and Shakira got into a confrontation and you know Shakir Stewart used to work right up under La re at hio you have to just do the history of it hio was a production the music production company they had people like um a lot of producers signed they had um beonce was signed like they had writers and they had uh producers so in order to do a song like let's say with Beyonce you would have to be a part of that hco that they gave a deal to that says if you do the first single on Beyonce this is going to give us the opportunity to recoup the money that we gave you in an advance so they'll give you 500,000 in advance then give you a Beyonce single and then now you're making the money back that they gave you but you're you're going to do it because they're going to allow you to do a Beyonce Single shakure Stewart worked over hco so a lot of producers he was able to help feed and put a he put a lot of producers on he put a lot of artists on during his time with being with Def Jam really great guy and um you know really great guy and um that was La re's right-hand man when it came to that business and that was the person that puff had a problem with you know because of whatever that allegations of him um sleeping with um his his child's mother which I think naturally everybody would would would get upset if they found out that someone was having an affair or even thinking of having an affair with someone that you're involved with you know I think I wouldn't like it if somebody was trying to have an affair with my girl but then at the same time I would think about it and say am I being everything that she needs in order to keep her contained like is it me that she really likes or does she just like the way that I the things that I buy for her so his relationships based more off of material things and monetary things my relationship was based more for love I don't think he's ever been in a relationship that was based off of Love and I guess that's why he called himself love because love is something that he's definitely missing so what happened with the situation where he ran into uh ran into him and hit him with the chair just what you just said he walked in they had their little words he hit him with the chair hit him with the chair and then you know but that's not nothing it's hit him with a chair he could have hit him with his fist he could have hit him with anything else he almost like thre a chair at him which is almost like a a form of throwing a tantrum you know like little kids let me throw this chair at you like how how you going to you know hit somebody with a chair I can move out the way but yeah he hit him with the chair you knew their relationship wasn't one that was great because of course if you're if you're sleeping or trying to sleep with my my child's mother then we're going to have a problem if you're sneaking around my back doing it behind my back and and I'm just finding out about it through other people or even my female is telling me hey you know whatever you're not getting giv me I'm getting it from over here from this person that really makes you mad especially when a female rubs it in on you we don't know if she was rubbing it in like hey I'm sleeping with somebody else whatever it may be but whatever it was he didn't like it well Cat Williams just went viral I'm I'm sure you've seen it or seen some of it you know uh you know he's been going crazy on the internet man millions and millions of views in just like a day you know one thing he said about puff was didd he wants to party and he had to tell him no you know a lot of people have talked about these Diddy parties and you know what could or couldn't be going on at these Diddy parties man you know being around puff what happens if you've seen these Diddy parties have you seen anything at these Diddy parties or you know what I'm saying if you haven't seen anything you know what have you heard or what do you think goes on it's it's a lot of sex a lot of drugs and a lot of music remember sex drugs and rock and roll with hip-hop is still the same thing sex drugs and Hip-Hop so in these parties you see a lot of people you see you just got to imagine a female who's just looking for that big break that all that all of a sudden gets invited to a Puff Daddy party and she feels like this is my opportunity to go in there and make the most friends I can possibly make she's going to go in there and be free with everyone so then it's it's just one of those kind of parties I would go in to look for her and get up out of there I wouldn't want to stay and be a part of the party like when after everybody's been uh is is elated and and out of their mind and then now we're going to go back to so and so's house or Puff Daddy's house we're going to continue the party there you know how they say we're going to take it back to here and continue the party here right that's when you got to leave CU you be like no once once you get there first they might not let you in they'll be like oh it's a private party cuz they know hey what's going to go in here is going to stay in here and then especially if you not if you're not part of it like you don't need to be there if you're not part of it you know if I'm not joining in the festivities I'm not going to jump in the pool necked with a whole bunch of other guys and all of this stuff everybody naked in the pool type stuff I'm not doing it I'm not getting naked around other guys like that period man except only time I do that is in if we if we in jail and we got to take a shower or something like that that's the only time I could see having for a man to have to get naked around another man so you just leave it's not for you it's not for me well I think you had mentioned several times puffy would answer the door butt naked butt naked man look like a a a a a baby just sitting there you be like damn bro like have a little respect man you know I'm knocking on your door you looked out the peopleo you saw it was me why you going to open the door and be like come on in I'll be like nah that's not the invitation I'm looking for you know what I'm saying I'm not looking for that that was like the test I'm telling you it was a test to see if you going to say something you know how sometime you have somebody else sit there and talk about your best friend amen he man so or so ain't this and this this this and you sit there and listen to him and that's your you be like man why is you sitting there talking to me about somebody I care about right so why is you you know you opening up a door with no clothes on like it's cool like what are you trying to see if I'm not going if I'm not if I'm going be like not noticed that you're naked you be like bro you're you're naked did you notice that your naked like I don't I'll come back later right but if they say come on in and then you go in and you be sitting there and he butt necked and you don't be and you acting like you don't see naked you be people be so much so caught up in the stars and and so fascinated just by being there with him they never even realized that he's sitting there talking to him naked that's just yeah I'd be like man bro you're naked man we ain't got nothing to talk about till you put some clothes on M M that's real [ __ ] real [ __ ] man okay so you know one of the things Diddy is Accused man he he's accused of him and Aaron Hall of raping somebody do you actually think Diddy is actually capable of actually raping somebody if you listen to what Aaron Hall said Aaron Hall said that he had to show them who was the king and he said he was putting on trying to show him that he was the master at it they if not if I ain't mistaken he was like he had the big joint or something like that as far as comparing penis size he was kind of like saying that of all of them he had the bigger penis and he was letting them know I don't know but again any any two men together comparing penises is a problem you know when we sitting here talk like somebody can ask me like yo is your joint big I be like I really don't know because I never really compared it to nobody else's like I never looked at nobody like yo your joint Big Y my joint your joint bigger than mine you know what I'm saying that's just not something men do see we don't feel comfortable men don't feel as comfortable being like that around other men and anytime you see a man that feels comfortable like that around other man you have to question that person's whatever you want to call that I ain't going to say sexuality but whatever it is they attracted to some some some men going to find their self attracted to men and in this case that might be what we're talking about some men might be attracted to women but still in this case that's not what we're talking about it just depends on what they wanted you know I keep everything I always put morals first I say morals come first you know what I'm saying so before I do anything I think about it first and I say am I doing the right thing I ain't doing the right thing I'm not doing it over could you tell if other people were engaging in these activities with puffy or you know did he have like special friends or guys that he might have treated different or or if we were on the road and then I knock on the door the same door that I knock on and and he used to answer and don't have no clothes on or you saying that I ever knock on the door and open up the room and it just be [ __ ] in there sweating you be like wow seem like a lot of activities going on here what y'all guys working out you start looking for the weight start looking for the pullup bars and stuff what y'all doing pullup what y'all doing squats dips what's going on why is everybody why is everybody breathing hard sweating right then you be like well I'm ready to go downstairs to the lobby and get me something to eat you be like I'm out of here too man cuz I ain't working out I ain't going to be around a whole bunch of dudes with no shirts on sweating cuz there's no there's no way to explain why two men is in the room sweating and huffing and puffing like we just finished like they could be out we don't know but I do know you know it's too much going on in this [Music] room how often would something like that happen uh let's say we go on tour probably every time we went on tour and I like let's say on the tour if we there for two days out of out of out of 20 trips no no let's say out of 10 trips to Puff room to just go and be like let me go see what they doing today let me go see what what they got up what time we going to the show how we doing it like what time the bus leaving tomorrow man look I don't want to why why every time why is it only two hours to get to the next state and we leaving at 6:00 in the morning and the show is tomorrow at 8 it's like why you purposely want us to get out the hotel and leave early in the morning cuz they'll be like yeah the locks and the mace and all of them boys is over there at this Hotel having fun they over there tearing it down and then they be like all right bet I'll fix that let's make sure that they tour bus leave tomorrow at 7 in the morning now can you imagine waking up at 7 in the morning and having to leave to go two hours away because they nobody want you to have fun in the hotel so wait so so you're saying didd he was hating on him having fun he hate on anything that's fun anything that anything that he can't do that he see people doing got to stop it so that mean you can go to the mall and come into the studio with a nice pair of sneakers on he going to look at your sneakers and be like he don't like them because he can't go to the mall and get some sneakers himself because every time he go to the mall he gonna tell you this story where you get the sneakers from I said I got them from the mall he was like I can't go to the mall I say well he said every time I go to the mall they have to come and shut the store down and come get me out cuz people start cry me I was like well well well he was like well next time you go to the mall can you pick me up a pair of sneakers I was like sure why not cuz you can't go to the mall he couldn't even eat McDonald's I could eat McDonald's still I can go to Walmart I could do all of the things that he can't do which in return makes me feel rich you know what I'm saying so rich sometimes people are spiritually bankrupt and sometimes people are financially bankrupt he's spiritually bankrupt he could be rich but he's spiritually bankrupt I could be broke but I'm spiritually rich either way you think about it depends on how we spending it how we feel about it we touched about uh you know Puffy's jealousy a little bit man but one of the things he was accused of doing was blowing up kid Cy's car for having somewhat of a relationship ship with Cassie you know what do you think about that is that is that not too extreme for puff or it's not too extreme but we got a question did kid Cy's car have a carburetor um it just depends on so many different things like what what year was the car was it fuel injected like could it have been anything else so to say he blew up a car you like wow and then wasn't nobody blown up in the car what was he warming it up um how did the car blow up it just all of a sudden just went into flames so it's a good question but it's something that that makes you say like damn like if he would have blown up his car what is he like 007 MacGyver or something like he would have blew up a few people's cars I would I would be afraid of get in my car if I found out this was true I I'm not riding you remember the um Kenny Green the movie Kenny Green How to Kill the Irishman uh no I don't think I seen it man mean Kenny Green they blew Kenny green car now if he blew if they blew Kitty car uh K Cy car like they blew up uh Kenny green car oh that's terrible but I don't really think that I think uh kid Cy may have have a few um engine difficulties or something like they never said what kind of car was either like if it was a brand new Maserati was it a Lamborghini or was it a 19 uh 82 Sentra um what was it was it a Maxima what kind of car was it what I I think The Story Goes Cassie Diddy Cassie says that Diddy told her I'mma blow up kid cu's car and then not too long after that the car was the car blew up so I I don't know I don't think Cassie ever says that she that he told her he blew blew up the car it was just one of those kind of you know what I'm saying kind of like I'm going to do this and then it happened but I don't know if she ever got confirmation that he actually did it well if he said to her that he going to blow up the man's car and then the man car all of a sudden went in the Flames I would kind of think that what he said was true I'd be like well he told me he was going to blow it up and it blew up he ain't tell me he was going to blow it up so if he ain't tell me the only thing I'm going think is I didn't know the car kid C Cy might have had a couple of car issues yeah I this depends on who his mechanic was and then where was this car parked at did they have to jump a gate was it parked outside the apartment complex you know what I'm saying cuz some people do this kind of stuff they get money have a nice expensive car big Bentley or something and then they go and visit a girl who lives in the apartment complex you be like well it was a perfect opportunity for them to do something to your car because you shouldn't have had this car over here you know so we have to just look into that right there let's look into that cuz I I really want to know if he blew up that man's car cuz if he did that I'm GNA start doing Uber more if my car ever catch on fire you know what happened I'm just letting y'all know so at least we know we going to rule out uh my car catching on fire that already been done we got have to do it something more original do you think Diddy's actually capable of coming after some of the guys and people who are speaking out against him I think Diddy's capable of coming about going against anybody who speaks against him and then and if you really ask me I think he's winning at it I think that everybody who he wants to get at he's getting at you know it's happening right now as we as we see it like we looking at look at how many people have dealt with him that you see not no longer here today look at look at Heavy D no longer here um look at um Andre haral no longer here Kim Porter no longer here Biggie Small is no longer here I know Black Rob ain't but Black Rob no longer here Francesca spirro no longer here it's just everybody who played a part in in his success that had a part no a lot of them are not here no more wolf Anthony Jones no longer here the security it's so many people that are no longer here that man it's it's incredible I never seen someone lost uh I believe they said uh what's that 300 the label that uh Young Thug or whatever the all of the people signed to in Atlanta they they say a lot of artists from that label have lost their lives but in comparison to how many people that came around puff that lost their lives I think there's more people around puff that lost their lives than the people who was signed to that label with the me in them amigos that label um there was a lot of lives lost on that label but I think bad boy got took the record bad boy still running Champion they the Champs Champs of losing artist they undefeated yeah yeah man it's it's uh there there's been some really wild situations man even G Depp who went to jail he's getting out I believe here pretty soon I talked to G I talked to gep I talked to his mom like yesterday I talked to his mom I'm I was going to talk to gep today at 10:30 so yeah I I still talk to to I'm in communication because I'm waiting on him to come home in fact when gep comes home guess what he wants to do what's that move to Atlanta oh okay dope when Rob was in New York that's what all he ever wanted to do why why does everybody want to move to Atlanta because I'm here man I'm here I'm I'm I'm here and I'm such like a big brother and so so good to my friends man sometimes people just they be like Mark I want to be out there where you at man I want I want to be with you you know because look I'm able to do things as a regular person still I'm able to go rehab a house I could still for real for real I could go to Walmart I could go to Target people can't do that kind of stuff I can ride down the street in a truck that's a work truck and not be embarrassed some people can't do that so I feel like I have a good life because I'm able to do that yeah there's a price to pay for fame that's for sure it's it's you know yeah a it's a lot of to be famous man is dangerous I think that's the reason why famous and dangerous sounds the same it's real dangerous nowadays to be famous it's not the same f these past few years have been really horrible for famous people man maybe the past five six years seven years or something it it's been bad for famous people if you're famous you really got a big Target on you it's hor yeah and then you know uh that that's why we look at the things and we say like when people the idol treat and we say you know a lot of I don't want to be an idol because so many people fall you see Idols fall you be like I don't want to be a idol cuz don't want to fall so only thing you all of these famous people is just they they losing their lives man people are dying to be famous right right know well what one more question before we get off of uh uh the whole Diddy situation a lot of people are wondering about Usher about Usher living with him when he was a kid did you ever see him and Usher around each other yes that's when how was that that's when uh Usher was on Arista and Arista was thef well they he was on the face and then didd he did that song that one song that he did for him that one single that was I believe before the bad boy era Diddy did that song with Usher and then if Usher slept but Diddy slept on Andre haral couch and Diddy also slept on Dallas Austin couch when he came down here to Atlanta before he got Dallas Austin and Kim Porter was the one that helped him get with LA re to fund bad boy so when he came down here from New York he often would be around Dallas so um he slept on couches if Usher slept on his couch I hope Usher didn't sleep on his couch and get the same treatment that Diddy may have gotten when he slept on other people's couches because you know how how that casting couch is when somebody asks you to sleep on their couch what they trying to do is demasculate you like I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to make you I'm trying to um I'm trying to uh Sun you out basically I wna if you sleep on if you sleep on my couch because if I had to sleep on somebody couch and I was Usher I'll be like wait why do I need to sleep on your couch and I got I'm Usher I Got A I can just go to the club and just go throw my hands in the air 100 ladies going to want to take me home so as soon as I got to the point where I had to sleep on somebody couch I'll be like no take me to the club and drop me off I'll figure it out I'll go in the club get on the mic be like bad boy for life I get him a free song buy a couple of girls a couple of drinks or something like that I'm going home with one of them I ain't sleeping on nobody couch so I I believe it was when they when yosua was young before he was famous I he he stayed with didy I don't I don't know about I don't know about sleeping on the couch yeah you you know it's a couple of things that uh yeah yeah um yeah yeah I remember that I remember that that that that that and I remember that story there and I remember a few a few other stories but at the same time Usher is a cool person to me and no matter what Usher is Usher has always been Usher you know I never I never expected he dated to me Foster and they went through their relationship T is cool but Usher is Usher and you never know what to expect from people so he has you know his Usher type of way and I I I don't never really judge you know how how his ways or how he acts but we do know the stories there been some stories it's been some oh it's been some stories but some stories that if it's true for those who know the stories then they know it for those who may not understand or know that truth oh maybe that's just something that is just not meant to be known you know it would be very incriminating for these kind of stories to be talked about I remember when shine came home from from jail they released shine right and then they deported him to bise said he couldn't come back to United States so he goes back to bise and Do You Remember When Death Jam signed him to a record deal they gave him what8 million how much a mill La Reed gave him a million dollars all right so la Reed gave him a million dollars to put out an album and the album never came out I knew that when La re went to give him that million dollars that that was puff giving him the money but he had to give it through La re they never intended they never tended on giving them an album if they would have gave him a million dollars for an album would we have heard the album okay so what you're saying is this is Puffy's way of paying Shine off for taking the rap for him you're very smart yeah but then that's typical you know you always have other people paying other people for things that people need them to pay for that was just one that was one yeah Shan came home he was horrible horrible I mean he his voice didn't sound the same his lyrics wasn't the same it it was like everybody was so hyped for shine to come home and we had been talking about Shan come on oh when Shan gets home yeah you know what I'm saying he just did this bid it was like he was this you know what I'm saying you know real gangster dude now he's going to come home and he's just going to kill [ __ ] and he came home voice wasn't the same lyrics wasn't the same and they gave him this million dollars and everybody was like why the would you give him a million dollars and no everybody was like La Reed gotta be going crazy right now he gota be stressing yeah so that's when I realized man they must not be giving him the money for this album that was just a way to get him money you know for for what he had to do and they deported him damn so you be like damn you got deported and you ain't got no money so from your point of view what do you think happened that night that night at the club yep uh was a dude do some money at puff kind of insulted him shine being the person who who hangs around puff that feels like you know um out of respect of my brother or sometimes you could think puff is like a brother you can it's easy to mistake puff as a friend for real until you need him then when you need him you're going to realize he's not he's not the same person that you thought he was right so you could be in the club with him and somebody could be like yo F puff and you be like what this [ __ ] said what then you pull out the gun and want to start shooting or whatever it may be as what shine did and the next thing you know you're in trouble but reverse it if it was somebody saying f mark in the club and I was with puff would Puff say what and then pull out his gun and start shooting no right right so that's that just let you know right then if you did that for him it was either you was you was just thinking something you wasn't in your right frame of mind you must have thought that this dude was your friend or somebody that cares about you he don't care about you he's not your friend he going he gonna say and I believe in this interview he said that they was asking him was shine like a brother or uh someone that uh was like someone he cared he was like he was just an artist he was just another artist on my label that's what puffy said about shine yeah and that had to hurt you know especially if was shine I'm like yo I'm in prison and because I'm trying to protect you and you telling them that I'm nothing but just an artist wow when I shot this gun I didn't shoot this gun as an artist I shot this gun as someone who felt like I was a brother of your see and that's something that he's he's capable of doing he he's capable of making you feel like he's your friend he's capable like I told you I want you to understand this deep you going to his office you say puff I'm here to talk to you about the money for my recording deal where's the money he said oh the money's there but I just need you to make one more song so we can start promoting and marketing and you be like okay well only thing I need is one more song only thing you need Playboy is one more song and then you walk out that room and in your mind you think I need to go to the studio right now and create one more song and then as you walk and it hit and you be like wait a minute he just sent me for a Golden Chicken he just sent me out trying to look for the impossible so then you go back you be like man hold up man I I don't really believe in that one more song thing I don't really believe in that let's let's think of something else another way we can do business that one more song thing man I keep chasing that one more song I've been chasing that one more song for so long that song don't exist so that's what it's like doing business with somebody it's like the master of evasion some who's who's who can evade any question you ask him quick and send you back out and you thinking that he just told you the answer he ain't told you nothing he just spent you up out of here so is there anything anything else from the shine situation you want to add other than the fact that you know me and shine lived in Puff's house together we we lived together he was like my roommate at one point in time and um I remember when he first got signed it's all in the book when he first got signed and um one of the first things he wanted when he got signed was a Mercedes Benz so we go to the Mercedes Benz dealership and then he wanted a 600 and they was out of 600s so he told him to give him the 500 take the numbers off and put the 600 on there so it can look like he got the 600 and that's what he did first day he come home the window got shot out cuz he he he had some Girl house and the boyfriend come home and he over there with his car whatever and um the boyfriend shoots the car shoot the window out and then the next day he came home the mirror was broke and I realized he couldn't drive and then the next day I got a call and said for me to come down to the hospital and they me need me to identify some people and I go to the emergency room in New York and I get there and the whole Mercy room is full of shine his cousins friends and everything and shine is over in this room the doctor told me not to tell Shan that his cousin died in the in the car accident the axle of the Mercedes Benz had came out his cousin was in the back seat and the axle came out in of the back seat on the impact and went straight through his cousin's chest killed him so when I walk in he was like how's everything how's my cousin how's everybody I was like I had to tell him everybody was cool every thing is just fine and then he didn't actually know that his cousin had died in that car accident and um I was there from through that cuz he lived with me in the house so the police knew to come to the house and they was like do I know shine and I told him yes they said we need you to come to the hospital I know him deep like that deep enough to where you know was a time I think Shan was he had a gun in the house and the bullet was jammed in the gun and he was just so infatuated with guns and hch and and Glocks and every rap that he was singing was like when I grip the Glock and when I you be like damn you got you got a lot of raps about guns like your raps are kind of violent and you know what I'm saying but that's what he felt he wanted to come out with bad boy so he went around he had the the gun bullet jam and I tell he was like can you get the can you unjam the gun I say I grabb the gun and unjam it and I say Shan if you don't know how to unjam this gun you probably don't need to be having it right and I knew his grandmother that used to come by the house and check up on them all the time I used to have to tell her that you know what as long as he around me I'm G make sure I'm taking care of him I'm G make sure he's doing the right things and and that was the kind of relationship me and shine had today it's not like that I don't I don't you know I don't hear anything from him um not that I'm expecting to you know but would be nice for for him to say what up Curry I ain't got no P don't be mad at me just because I me and puff got an issue like damn people got mad at me they was like damn curry I I can't be your friend because I'm puff friends still you be like damn don't get mad at me and don't want to be my friend just because you his friend okay nothing wrong with that well there was a situation where the cops came knocking on your door and some women were accusing puffy of raping them or something you know what all happened with that situation that story right there man is one that I think I I think it kind of shows more of what happens when you're famous and and like the females they came over with came over with with zip and somebody else they were with they came over with zip and somebody else and they knocked on the door and I let them in and then I went back upstairs because I'm like I'm not that's day party I ain't got nothing to do with it that's day girls I ain't gonna be sitting here you know so I went back upstairs it was puff house it was puff apartment and um it was like a townhouse three floors so I was sleeping on the third floor Sean was on the bedroom on the third floor then it was a middle floor it was two floors one two yes two floors so I'm downstairs well no they downstairs so then they leave so when they leave it's probably about 3: in the morning 4 in the morning they leave so then I hear another knock on the door Bo boom I'm like yeah who is it they was like it's the police I said I open the door I said what's going on they was like yeah it was two females that are outside saying that they were in here and Puff Daddy raped him and I said puff ain't been here like he ain't been here I ain't seen him I ain't seen him no way around here so um the next morning it was even in the newspaper it was in the newspaper Puff Daddy two girls accused him of rape so but what I learned from then was I was dear and puffy wasn't there and I knew it but for them to say that the allegations that he was there that's what kind of makes me look at a lot of these cases that's going on now where people are saying oh he did this to me or he did this to me and when you look at it like me personally I'm looking at I'm like you don't see these same allegations coming AC about um basketball players or football players it seems like they're targeting just entertainers so I think there's a big attack on the culture that they're attacking the culture so starting off attacking how they're going about doing is they're attacking a lot of the Pioneers the ones that are the leaders of the culture and when I saw that case and I knew that and then I I started seeing more people come out saying he did this to them it kind of like put me in the same um it kind of made me think just like the girls that was at the door saying that he did it and he wasn't there so you have a lot of that it just comes with being famous you can even kiss a girl and she going to say you raped her a girl can have sex with you willingly and then turn around and say you raped her they do this all the time sometimes they get emotional they start they be like I don't know why I did this or they start feeling embarrassed that's not like me I don't know why I did this I was drunk I was drinking and they blaming everything they did off of being drunk or whatever it was or whatever they was on and then you be like yo you know what you you knew what you was doing when it was going on when we walked up in here you took your clothes off I didn't I didn't take them off of you you took them off and you told me that when I came into the room to let you know and wake you up and that's just what I did right they'll turn around and say you raped them especially once they once they do something like that and they feel like damn I can't believe I just gave him my all and I gave him my all with expecting that he would like me and feel like I'm wifey material and maybe want to have a relationship with me and after they done gave him his all they gave him their all and then they're not winning so that kind of makes that hurts femal especially after they not slept with you and they not winning so you have a lot of them so you have to be careful about how you sleeping with these females man that's why I was all I kept my stuff in my pants for real I ain't going around I'm keeping mine in my pants that was my gift I was like once you get to see that baby you seen God I was like you ain't going to see God tonight taking him to the crib you know you really told a wild story man I also read about it in your book about the night that big Jake was killed yeah can you kind of take me through it all right now we got this club not we got this club some Associates of mine have a club they had a club and so I work the front door at the club all the time I didn't work like it was my job I work because this is where I just like to be I I I had the responsibility of making checking IDs because it was a lot of you know Atlanta was a college town so around this time a lot of the college kids that were underage wanted to come into the club so I would check the IDS and everything at the front of the door that's my job so I'm at the job working one day and we got this function going on for Jermaine dpri this his birthday September 23rd 1995 and um so I'm at the door I see a Lim I see everybody in the club puff in the club wolfing him is in the club Jermaine dpri is in the club Dallas Austin is in the club man G is in the club all the rim shop is in the club so we there and then so I saw when sh pulled up they pulled up in the limo and then Jake got out and walked into the club I let him in then he came back out and then when he came back out him and Sh came into the club together so when I saw them coming into the club I let them in they walked in so I'm still in the front of the club so I walk inside the club after you know things are slowing up outside I walked in the club and then I saw Jake on the on the right by the bar on the dance floor right there and he was arguing with my friend's wife and he was arguing and I'm she's from California and she knew Jake and Suge from California because she came from uh the same kind of neighborhood as them in California in Compton so he came in there and Jake was like this is bumped in pyu he he's talking to Puff security wolf wolf is talking to my friend's wife because at the club we had bad boy Fridays so every Friday we we would have a bad boy party and the promoter was wolf so he was promoting these parties at the club so Jake was saying to her oh um you throwing all of these East Coast parties all the all these bad boy parties like you you sucking these East Coast [ __ ] that was disrespectful and when he said that that was like a form of this to my friend um so earlier that day when he came in and he went and did his rounds and that's when G saw my friend G saw everything that he saw which is the the slap where he say Jermaine dpri but I wasn't there to see that witness myself and even if I did see that I wouldn't have liked the fact that he put his hands on Jermain because Jermain is like one of the Hometown Favorites here so it's not any form of disrespect when that story is there it's a form of high respect because I didn't like it and then so he had his his words with puff and um so we downstairs and they come out this little room that they had upstairs they went in and and they was talking in this it's like a room that we used to have upstairs that they used to gamble in and um they went in there and they came outside of this room and everything seemed like everything was all peace and so they walked downstairs and my my gu is is it's kind of like telling them you know we got to get out you know they got to leave the the club and when they were leaving the club when they were arguing I saw a guy that I knew he was from New York and he was he was at the bar he finished his drink like this and I already knew him I knew him like very well cuz every night when the club would closed he would come and knock on the door to buy like three bottles of chrisy and this time cstyle was like $95 $200 a bottle so I would purposely stay at the club late night so when he knock I could make that extra couple of100 off of selling him some bottles so when he he he left and when he left and Jake was coming out the club and Suge was coming out the club puff was right there with Suge and they were walking out and then all of a sudden you seen the guy who left from the bar from New York he left and then you seen him standing there and he was shooting Jake and I was standing right next to Jake but being that I knew who the who the shooter was I knew he wasn't going to miss and he was just close enough to do it handle what he was doing so I sat there and I looked and I was watching and I saw him do it and I saw him leave but what you you said something about in the book you talked about he was like looking at Su like your next yeah he was looking now he was looking when he was shooting Jake he was looking at sh to say this should have been you but he couldn't shoot Su because had grabbed puff and he had puff and and like a choke hole in front of him so as the guy was shooting he couldn't shoot puff I mean sh because he would have shot puff so he was using uh sh grab puff and was using him as a human shield yes and which you you know um there so many different cases where you know about sh using people as human sh he use females as human Shields that's just how Su was anything pop off he going to grab anybody else around him and put him in front of him if he in the car if y'all shoot the car y'all gonna shoot these girls first That's Just sh using a human shield so that night he happened to grab puff as a human shield and um so um what happens does he drag did he drags puffy back into the club what is Puffy he went back into the club he went back in the club and he kept saying damn damn damn and then puff was like it's going to be all right and he was like what you mean it's going to be all right he said I know it's gonna be all right you tell your mama it's gonna be all right you tell your kids it's gonna be all right and then it was an argument and then he was like puff sh I ain't got nothing to do with that sh I ain't got nothing to do with that and true indeed puffy didn't have nothing to do with that um Jake had came in there tripping and it was a lot of things that was going on between Jake and the people that he may have known that he may have known them before they were in Atlanta however it go but um after he escorted him out then we were outside and then Suge was like um he was yelling at puff and then um at the end Jake was dying and so it was some guys that walked by and was like you know they was like damn and they looked at everybody they was like they saw Jermaine dpri they saw they saw everybody know Dallas I don't know if Jermaine was still there but they saw Dallas puff and Sh and they looked and they was like every time I see y'all I see death the only thing I see is people around y'all dying all the time and he said y'all sitting here going back and forth talking about it's going to be all right it's going to be all right what about this man right here on the ground that's dying when are y'all going to get together and at least say a prayer for this man he's dying so then we grabbed hands and then we got into a prayer circle and then uh a few days after that Jake died in the hospital that's how the story of Jake but that was before I was an artist on bad boy that that incident happened when I I wasn't even signed the B I puff didn't even I don't even think he remembered that that was me okay now in your book you mention Big Meech coming to The Rim Shop yeah Big Meech and then you mentioned that there's this untold story about Big Meech that you didn't talk about in the book can you share that story with me which one which untold story I don't know that's just what it says in the book you said there's you said something about there's a story about Big Meech but you're going to save that for another day right the only on Big Meech I don't know the only thing on that that I think that would be you know that was a great thing was I knew meech as well I knew wolf and I knew meech and I used to go to meech house and meech used to have a whole bunch of dogs and he would just have dogs around him and then he would Monitor and judge life based off of his relationship with his dogs so that was a great thing but I would I wouldn't know him but after um after wolf had got killed and I was in a restaurant one time I was in a restaurant when wolf when meets first came home from jail the first place he went to eat was at Puff Daddy restaurant Justin's so I'm sitting there like why is he just getting out of jail and the first place he wanted to eat is Justin so they came to Justin had all these Ferraris and Porsches and everything parked outside I'm inside eating and something was saying do I leave because they here or are they going to make me uncomfortable or do I just stay here and continue to eat my food because wolf was very close to me right so I just stayed there and I was eating my food and then all of a sudden you know um one of them came and said yo Mark Mee want you to come to the back he want to holl at you so I said okay I got up I went to the back and he was like Mark I really don't apologize to people you know but I feel like I owe you an apology and I I feel like you're you're in the middle of something and you're confused and I was like I'm right I said you right and he was like Mark um I didn't shoot at him first he shot at me first and he said that I I was like yo so he shot at you first so usually the first person who shoots the gun we say okay you could have done anything else other than shoot the gun so maybe you shooting the gun is the reason why this may have happened so it made me have to look at it a little different and understand his story as well as Wolf's story um that was just my story my story of meech but he used to come into the Rim Shop all the time before it was BMF it was just Meech BMF came later on okay did you ever have have any stories or anything with them seeing them around I mean regular stories I just would never hang out like he used to ask me um to always hang out like let's go out let's do I never would hang out with them because every time they would go out a lot of stuff would just be happening you'd be like man people was getting hurt and you be like man every time y'all out man somebody something is happening and I was like I I just didn't want to hang out like I was like n I'll just go home I really stopped hanging out around that time was too much okay and how did you fall out with Diddy fast I fell out with him just over not Financial Fallout but just for for false promises misleading me not not caring about what what I was trying to accomplish in life just ignoring everything that I was working hard for and I felt like my parents had blessed me with you know with this life in order to make something of it and I felt like he stood in the way from me accomplishing some things but it didn't stop me because I was able to move around that mountain and still get across it but you know it just made life hard and it made a lot of friends not be friends with me um but you know suffering is not something you know through the suffer comes the gain you know and I I I look at things and I say hey you know if they can if Jesus could go through the things that he that they put him through and I'm not ping religion into it but if he can go through the things that they put him through then I can go through some things too and I can still come out on top the same way he did now I guess a few years ago Diddy started giving publishing back to their artist but he made them sign an NDA to do it what are your thoughts on that first how can you give me back something that never should have belonged to you you're giving me back what's mine and there's no way that you can have me sign the NDA because I even if I do I have prior business that's going on between him in order for me for him to say I can never say anything about him then he would have to kind of like give me a deal for my book so that means I'm selling a book if you want me to stop selling this book then you're going to have to pay me for that and that was something that he never wanted to do and that's just another reason why the book is still selling out you know he had an opportunity one day to call me and say mark let's let's Rectify things and I apologize for this I would have been like he did that once and he actually called and said Mark you know what um I'm I'm taking this love thing serious and um I thought he was kind of like apologizing so I told him look if you're taking it serious I'mma take it serious so he said he's taking it serious he said he know what to do I said well I'm taking it serious I know what to do I went home and immediately took the book down from sale because I knew hey he's gonna call and be like hey I'm about to send you five million two something I'm like wow okay and it never happened and I just sat there twiddling my thumbs like this and then my girl told me she said boy you stupid put that book back for sale I put that joint back up for sale my when I stopped selling the book and I took it down the book started selling for $100 a copy so I had to put it back up yeah I put it back up but you know it's just a promise again I'm like yo he's he's he's um false promises again here we go again it's like the third time he burnt me I'm like as long as you trying to do what you saying you doing and you being honest then I'mma Be Honest so my word is only going to be as good as your word if your word is good and shallow with me then I'mma honor that but if you trying to word play me I'm not honoring nothing you got going on and you can't stop me from doing what I'm doing because I've been writing this book been written in 2009 so as long as you to talk to me about my book that's different than talking about him I'm talking about my book so in order for me to not talk about my book you he didn't buy me out of not selling my book and my book was already for sale before his NDA came into place so and again I don't really I don't really try to use like his the demise of him for the the upcome of myself so I don't try to take advantage of what he going through right now you know what he's going through right now is just unfortunate and it's just something that's happening but I separate that from my book and I I never try to put the two together you know my book has its own purpose its own meaning other than what he's going through and I don't want to be known for his downfall I want to be known for a great being a great author or a friend or a great rapper like that not someone who talked about Puff Daddy you know he's not that important he's not the the biggest Pawn on my table I hear that so okay so so you got your publishing back have you made any money off of your publishing yeah as soon as I sold it the first thing I did you you already sold it man it's publishing is only worth money when somebody buying it from you it's like I'm going sit here and hold it for for what so I so every year you get a check you be like man every year you sitting back waiting on the check waiting on the check how don't why don't y'all just give me seven 10 years worth of the money up front for however it's going to go give me the money up front let me invest in that and do something with that money then other than sit here and wait on it so and the publishing really is nothing it's only like you know if if you if you ask yourself where is Music being sold music is being streamed but it's not being sold and they never gave us a deal for streaming our music so now we're being so underpaid behind streaming and then publishing is not worth anything because no music is selling but now we're stuck as artist right as an artist because you're being underpaid for your music streaming doesn't have anything I never did a streaming deal I did a publishing deal not a streaming deal well man uh Mark Curry man you have a crazy story man and I I really appreciate you taking the time uh sitting down with me man I appreciate you having me on your platform and and hopefully we can come back because I'm I'm sure there's so much more that we can talk about so many other topics that we can touch up on we just don't have enough time right now but maybe as you read more of that book and I want to make sure everybody goes out and get a copy of this book make sure you have a copy of this book and then once you and if you can put a link to this in the bio so people when they click on that they can go and see this and get this book follow me on Instagram subscribe to me on you YouTube and um you know maybe is the more you read the book and the more questions you come up with I love to come back again and and we can do another one okay all right man sounds good man well I once again man I appreciate you man I appreciate your time I appreciate you all right get ready for part two let's do a part two all right all right for sure man all right I'll be looking forward to it yes sir me too all right bro all right talk to you what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Id: NLCIpiWk5a4
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Length: 105min 4sec (6304 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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