The Dark Truth About P Diddy - Former Bodyguard Gene Deal Tells All

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you can now follow me in all my social media platforms to find out who my latest guest will be and don't forget to click the Subscribe button and the notifications Bell so you're notified for when my next podcast goes live Ben we on and today's guest we've got big Jean how are you brother hey what's going on Mr English what's going on with you really good mate first and foremost thanks for coming on the show appreciate you having me bodyguard for all the celebrities known to being uh p d's main guy you were there when Biggie was killed you've worked with 50 Cent you've been a a bouncer as well Dorman you've done a lot of stuff in your life um very outspoken as well but very well respect a lot of people do like you out there you've released a book which will plug straight away where can people buy your book well they can buy it on Amazon or they can uh hit me at um big Jean on cash app or PayPal big genan 52 and um I will send one out if you over in the UK you have to pay a little extra for the postage but if you hear in America um just the regular posters and stuff like that it's $50 D before we get into everything though I always like to go back to the start with my guests get more of a bit of understanding about Eugene where you grew up how it all began I grew up in St Louis Missouri um until about I was 12 years old then I moved when I met my mother at 12 I moved with her in the little subdivision of St Louis County which called welston and I stayed there until I graduated uh high school and the day I graduated high school the next day I went to college to play ball at alorn State University in swack and laurman Mississippi when you see at your mother what happened um at the age of two my grandfather uh came to my mother house he didn't like the situation she had left us with some people he took us me and my little brother uh which was just one and I was going on three he took us from my mother and told her not to never step foot in my his house or come and see us so we grew up thinking that our grandparents with our parents until my grandfather got on his deathbed and died and that's when I met my mother for the first time how was that feeling thinking you've been raised by your mom and dad not finding out it's your grandparents um the situation would have been better if the household was what it was supposed to be in a traditional you know grandparents where they was taking care of the kids and everything like that but my grandfather was a Gambler he was um a street guy he worked every day but he had a real bad gambling problem he used to gambling with sunny lison and a lot of other people that were in uh the mob and stuff like that you know you know scre people with bad guys in St Louis Missouri so um you hardly ever seen them but then when you saw him nine times out of 10 you was getting a beaten so it was pretty bad growing up with him but it made you strong and made me who I am today do you think that shapes you as a kid who you are later on in life with the stuff that you go through it depends on who else you meet in life I met a man named Willie Drake senior he was a guy who was in a in the armed forces from Philadelphia uh raising his family on the Block that her mother lived at and he taught me what it was to be a man and whatever happened to me as a child let that stuff go and uh become a man that you want to be and that's putting in the work that you want to do to be who you want to be see when you were raised by your grandparents did you have an incline of like an understanding of there's something not quite right or did you just 100% believe that that it was your parents it would 100 100% believed it was my parents until my me and my aunt got into it and I had got big enough for them to stop picking on me cuz they used to pick on me a lot um and then when we got into a fight she told me you know cuz she was upset that I had beat her up you know uh know that my grandmother wasn't my mother and all the be beans in the got spilled and then when my mother came when my father my grandfather was sick then all of it came to light what was that feeling for you um I didn't understand it because because I didn't understand what it was to be loved cuz that wasn't uh a word in our household so if you don't understand what love is how could love hurt you so I don't really understand it's just that I just thought that's what it was cuz at the time when I grew up uh you do what I say not what you do what I tell you not what what you see it it was like you got to realize in in in in the uh Black American family the child wasn't able to speak his voice or say what he say or really have feelings you know they were you know my grandparents were strict uh Southerners that you know you you found they found they love in extension card or belt or you know and beating you you know what I'm saying so you know you did what they told you to do and you felt how they told told you to feel more fear yeah it was a fear until you get to the point where you just don't fear anymore you know what I mean you Le like when I got to the point where I said no I'm not taking No More ass whoops I'm not taking No More beating then that's when it became fair for them what was it like what were you like at school unbelievable I was pretty smart I had an aunt that was Joyce deal she was high on education and she she would teach me everything even when I was getting beating for using my left hand you know because you know as a child growing up they thought it was bad for you to be left-handed so she kept me whereas I was getting A's and B's and it was I did pretty well in in uh grade school and middle school and things like that how was your temper my temper um I don't think I had a temper I I wasn't a guy that was uh I picked on people or did nothing like that um I was a guy that I wasn't turning down no fights but I wasn't the type of guy that I was I had to get into a fight and I had to do like because it was big in my neighborhood that I grew up everybody you know fought or boxed or did Sports or something like that so you have an attempted to make a difference you know I learned at an early age the ones who loses head is the one who lose the fight mhm because usually people who are abused kind of getting beat by parents grandparents become abusers himself or billions when they just become full of hate and rage I think that's uh I think when you deal with sports and you get into sports at an early age uh and then you meet people in your life that can help you like my uh Papa Drake did um it can turn that around you know what I'm saying you know he was a boxer in the Army he played basketball all the things that I Lov you know he he helped me you know so when I was sharpening my skills in basketball and boxing you know he was the one who taught me and he would always not only teach you the game of fighting he'll educate you about the knowledge of boxing or or or learning the technique of boxing and basketball so you could outdo your opponent so you had to have your head right you could never lose your head he would always tell you you you can't lose your head you lose your head they got you was a sport a geta away for you as well we could release a lot of Ang well I would say you call it anger but I didn't look at it as being anger it was just the personality that I knew it was just something that uh you grew up with so I wasn't like I'm angry at everybody angry at the world and nothing like that nuh it wasn't like that you know I can't say that even though I didn't have even though I was the type of kid that that I would go to neighbor's house because we may not have a meal you know what I'm saying and just be praying and hoping that they you you could eat over there or something like that but I wasn't um in spite of what I've seen and what I've uh been around and what I work with for the Years cuz you know I was a parole officer for years and I could see whereas that people who had those lies and where they end up at so I don't think that I was an angry person what was your first ever job what was your first ever job oh chevin snow what's that chevin snow if you want to call cleaning out people Pathways you know trying to make a little extra money uh cutting grass um selling bottles you know going down the alley collecting bottles then go sell them work at the uh grocery stores when you uh picking up uh bagging people groceries and carrying them to their cars or carrying them to their houses um what else working uh if you're talking about legal when you first got a paycheck when you did summer youth you know and because they have the summer youth jobs where you cut the grass and stuff like that and work in different places centers those were my first jobs but my first job out of college I was a youth counselor and um a counselor at Brand I high school what made you choose being a youth counselor is it because of the stuff that you went through as a kid so you could understand now I think it's just like when you first get out of college you don't know what you really want to do you know you would have got this degree but whatever could pay the bills first until you get settled or you just keep on putting in uh applications and you keep on uh putting in your resume to do something that you want to do so it wasn't nothing had to do with uh the guy said I was good at it I was great at it and that was probably based on my my my raring how I came up but I didn't go say y I want to be a youth counselor or I want to be into uh the Department of Juvenile Justice or nothing like that it just it just happened it just was a job what happens with the B B um I was the leading score and the leading rebounding coming back from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga we had just got a new coach he just wrote a book his name is m McCarthy right and uh he brought me into his office now we had people like Willie white Russ Shany Gerald Wilkins the year prior to me going there had gone to the pros you know what I'm saying so the professional the pros was looking at our school and I've had um a top one of the top guys in basketball said his name was Jean BTO from University of Alabama he had wrote and say that I was probably one of the best unknown big forwards you know um at a um at a at a h division 1A School uh when M McCarthy came in there and became the coach um he wanted to bring his new guys in and things like that and he sat everybody down he set me down separately cuz he wanted to talk to us and he told me if I didn't kiss his ass I wasn't going to play a University Tennessee uh mock minute and I told him I'mma get my degree I ain't got to kiss your ass or nobody else's ass and walked out of his office so uh he had it out for me uh I still came to practice every day bust everybody ass in front of me played hard you can look at the stats you can look at you can ask any member from the University of Tennessee Chad NOOA at that time from Dwight Harris mole uh uh Maurice was it mohead Maurice head James Hunter anybody who played at the University Tennessee of Chattanooga from 84 to 86 that I deserve Des to be the starting player coming out of there but he just benched me and he used other players to come at me and one player came at me after we had the season was over we was going into the playoffs and I broke his nose broke his jaw and hurt him pretty bad and they threw me off the team why did the target you why did the coach Target you is it is it racism in or how does it I wouldn't say no no racism because I wouldn't say racism I think the fact that when you had somebody that was as strong as me mentally and that um you want to show the players that you see this guy he comes to practice every day he's going to school to get his education you understand but I'mma I don't give a [ __ ] about that I'mma show y'all no matter matter what he does if he don't kiss my ass he's not going to play on this team so he wanted that power with the team so who better yet to use the strongest person on the team the person to go in the class I'mma show you I'mma use him as an example no matter what you do it's going to be up to me so what happened after you kicked out uh went on and finish my education uh could you finish your education even though you beat someone up yeah he attacked me it just it just it just didn't work out the way he thought it was so you can still stay at College even yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because um he didn't press charges I didn't press charges and I was just still able I was under contract for that year so I finished off that year you know and graduated how was it getting a degree how was that feeling uh being the first deal that ever do that it felt good but I didn't have the family backing as you thought that people should have when they had accomplished something like that so um I just got my degree and three years three days later moved to New York why that why New York um I had a chance to go overseas to play ball in Germany and with this guy Jackie noes he was going to help me and my girlfriend was from New York so I went to stay with her and her parents until I was getting ready to go overseas and what did you do then I tore my knee up my maliscus and the doctor told me that uh if I continueed to play ball uh I wouldn't be walk walking when I got 50 years old so that's when I became a youth CC and start working with uh the Manhattan Valley youth program and uh brand ice high school and how what's it like working with the the high school and the program here is it for naughty kids is it for dami kids how how's it work well for the program it was for damage kids for the high school it was basically for kids who were uh targeted who had uh attendance problem so you know we had to make sure keep their attendance correctly go out to their house speak with their parents let their parents parents know that they were having you know it's like a treny program and everything that we were doing what do you think the main ingredient is for people being naughty being bad they see the resemblance of them being bulled and abused as kids or as it something totally different in your in your own mindset well it could be a lot of different things uh you have kid that's have been abused and and and never be bad and and you know go to school do what they have to do then you have kids that are abused and they take it out on others uh like I said is it's all I believe it's all individual man and it's who you meet in your life or who comes in your life even even if you having bad things happen to you in your home environment you understand what I'm saying yeah of course so uh those people who are who get abused and take it out on other others they probably had nobody good come into their life to show them or help them or let them see that they could be something different mhm how long did you cuz you done that for what 23 years well I was a parole officer for 27 years 27 years yeah but I I worked in in Social Service for all together for like 30 years so how did you build up the reputation of working with some of the biggest stars on the planet was it a man called will or something no W Ain had nothing to do with it man um we had started this crew called the same gang but see back in St Louis when I was in high school we had DJ crw you know and DJ crw was groups that the guys with DJ MC on the mic so you got your crew with you you got your top MC so those top MC has to have they have to have people to protect them and they had to have you know security they had to have you know uh people around and I was one of the guys who were was protecting them and also was a DJ and one of the top DJs back in St Louis was Dr shock his name was Philip Haynes and it was called Future Shock music production they went on and uh broke up and they changed it to Dynamite disco so in St Louis they had like five top DJ groups back in that time and this is about 78 79 and it was Future Shock music production Dynamite disco re Trice shotgun and Hol Rock Productions so those five groups used to all battle each other and everything like that go to little clubs so one of the guys who were on our team was a black Bel in karate so his name was Cedric Malone he's a pastor out in Virginia I think now uh I couldn't afford karate so I would come over and help him with his chores cut his grass take out his garbage do all that type of [ __ ] like that whatever he had to do and he would teach me karate and beat me up in the inum of teaching me so he he got me up to being a brown belt almost a black belt this guy named Benny Smith used to run boxing over at the Salvation Army so when we go over there to play at the Salvation Army and salvation nor used to give you free meals so you used to go over there and get your free meal at the Salvation nor me you could play and everything like that Benny Smith would teach the people boxing so I learned boxing from him but when I came to New York I had already been good at boxing Bo and fighting you could see that uh I was the enforcer on our basketball team and something go down you know they try to you know bum rush the team or somebody have a problem on the floor I would be the first one to grab somebody or whatever like that so um we had started this crew called The Same Gang here in New York City when I came here and it's it's a top rapper he's known now it's called ASAP Ferg his father name was D Ferg he was a designer If You Ever Seen The Bad Boy logo or that Uptown cat on Uptown records he was designed one who designed that so um he used to work at the same youth program I worked at and uh when we began to um hang out with each other and everything like that and he loved the way I played basketball all this and everything like that and then New York City at that time all the drug dealers was playing paying a lot of money for basketball players to come out and play for them you understand so I was like a ringer because they didn't know me you understand here I am 67 you know much n back then could do 360s jump out the gym all this [ __ ] like that I became a ringer cuz nobody knew me you know what I'm saying um so we started this crew called The Same Gang you know saying so we used to give parties boat rides picnics the whole nine yards so because he had did that design for Puff Daddy that bad boy designed um he had did that Uptown record design also we were in the movie theater one time and all hell broke out and I was standing next to this guy named Rick dog he was a part of our crew and the guys were just fighting right there I like yo damn this [ __ ] is crazy yo Jean go help them I said my man you don't want me to help them you know I'm saying he said Jean go help them and then after that I I just is that how your career started that's how my career started I'm just talking about like as far as you know they seeing what I could do with my hands because you could handle yourself yeah I and and and somebody else too so they saw that so then puff got into a problem and he wasn't even part of the same game he was just a friend of defur and he said uh defer told him get jean cuz puff he used to do these parties at the building called unsigned hype and he used to do a party at the Red Zone called Daddy's house but he had to take the money up to Kirk burls this was like 80 89 or something like that so I would be there with him make sure pick him up ride with him drop the money off and everything like that so that's how I became security for him and then I start giving parties and everything so I was doing my own security get hiring guys uh putting security teams together so at the center sweet honey and The Rock I don't know if you ever heard of them but it's a uh group of ladies they SP they send they sing spiritual uh Afrocentric uh motherland songs and they was coming to Corn Hall and they needed security and a driver and I did that for them one day and I said yo I want to do this so just working with puff working with the little uh The Cotton Club different organizations and stuff like that setting up their security doing that and then I got known and then when puff uh left Uptown records and he had that beef with SH Knight after the city college incident and all that stuff like that um I came and wolf wolf asked me would I uh be a part of their team and who is Wolf Wolf was uh security Anthony wolf Jones he was security for Christopher Williams Heavy D he was doing and he was a street entrepreneur with a crew called butt naked and they were um actually financing bad boy through the time and they were doing their things in the street two of the guys actually went to jail and was convicted with nine 96 to life sentences for distribution and cocaine trafficking see the college game but nine people died and 26 people were injured how was that that was crazy man and and it was like um we had 18 guys were supposed to work outside puff had called me the day before that and say yo J we don't need those 18 guys we only need eight I said my man you ain't going you're not going to secure eight use eight people to secure the front he said no Heavy D said we going to use the foi I said the foi he said yeah Jean so I told told my man I said yo man I'm not even going to do it and then he told me he said uh man we just go ahead and do it the stars are going to be there and we just uh puff said we don't got to do the outside uh we'll just do the gym he said we'll do the gym I said okay uh we'll secure the stars in the gym and so nobody would mess with the Stars that were coming in when I got there and seen the setup I went to Puff directly I said yo dog some people going to die at this damn door if they don't set this barricade and this [ __ ] all right he like no G just let them do it let them do it don't worry about it go to the gym and help the people in the gym you know I'm saying Help the you know the stars that come in the gym and everything like that so uh all hell broke out Mike Tyson uh uh what's his name LL coj you know and they was the biggest stars back then coming from New York Mike Tyson and ll in the same place my man listen here all hell broke out at that door and then next thing you know uh when they burst through the burst through the glass door and they start uh rushing Jessica Ro Rosenberg I think Rosenberg with the money her and my one of the guys I put Security on and they ran downstairs but she shut the door on him and everybody else and that's how the people start suffocating downstairs the dude radioed me he said yo Jean I can't breathe I can't breathe his name Eddie Eddie is one of the guys he's home now he had did 17 years in the fail fed joints for distribution of cocaine so he's here to tell this story too so he said Jean um I can't breathe I can't breathe G and then I ran around the gym cut through the ran downstairs cut through the basketball court where they were still playing the ball lining up to do the layups and everything like that and I pushed the door open and then people just start coming in then I pushed the other door open because the door only went inside you could push you had to push it from the inside they locked from the outside so I just push those doors open people just start falling in then people was coming in it was crazy and uh the one dude that I told him not to to hold up cuz he had nice and smooth I was going to take them around the other way where the stars was coming in that he said no I got him he was laid on the floor dead he was about 62 300 something lbs he almost slaugh dead so it was crazy man because it was I get pregnant as well sheep yeah uh one of the girls that were pregnant that was this this uh rapper that we know as called Father MC it was his girlfriend you understand uh this guy named tone W and me and some other people got her out the glass last door when they was bum rushing her you know what I'm saying at the top we got her away we like Yo Ma go home this ain't the place for you turned around because you know everything that was going on she snuck down the steps and they found her dead too how do you deal with that Jun I never did um it's crazy I kept myself busy just was working man the the the the curb was my pillow the street light was my lamp and I just work man I was I was going from one job see I was a prle officer and PR at this time had the best job in the world because you made your own time you had to do 37 and a half hours so you know the the bosses to make let you make your own time as long as you did what you you supposed to do and you only had to be in the office one and a half days out the week and that's when the guys came in for reports your analysis and you had to do what they call uh uh uh evaluation with your senior so you can let them know what you're going to do the following week and y'all y'all make out y' schedule so that was great for me cuz I would go from that job to another job to another job and then in between I could go pick up my kids you know take them to school come home from school from them and spend a little time with them and then do what I needed to do see that incident at the college see if there was 16 men do you think it could have been prevented if it would have set up yeah see what happens is that I learned what people was afraid of right what's that dogs so I'm I'm telling you I would set up a box in one you know what I'm saying and I have that box so far away from the door you know when the people are walking through you understand they just going straight in and people are searching them right then and there and then I have a man with two dog I have two men each one of them have a dog and they keeping the line straight that's the fear that they put it in in us from the Civil Rights era you understand you have those dogs out there and make sure people will get in line and line up they not bum rushing the doors with no dogs did you ever have that conversation with puff after that event after that he didn't want to have that conversation even at the big he didn't want to have that conversation so now he didn't want to have that conversation because he was then fired from Uptown records yes and how was his life then cuz was he not suicidal at one point yeah he was uh D Ferg D Ferg say yo man we gotta watch out for puff because now he's become one of the same gang members he's one of the members of our crew so D Ferg who had a lot of love for him say yo we gotta watch out for dude man he talk about killing himself and I was I told D like on on a funny thing and I know it ain't funny all let his ass kill his that's [ __ ] he don't listen no way you know what I'm saying but I I was being sarcastic about that old situation because being suicidal is not a funny thing and then he stopped Bad Boy Records well Bad Boy Records was actually started at Uptown it was it was a promotion it was a they had a promotional deal you understand he was trying to he he brought biggie he brought uh Craig Mack and all them to Uptown but they wasn't to let them doing anything they had not made records or anything like that at the time Messi um Messi Elliott no who's a got who's the other woman she's unbelievable Mary J BL Mary J BL she's [ __ ] amazing so cuz puff was relatively unknown there nobody really knew who the [ __ ] he was no so when how did he beef with Su KN start well when he start getting into the record business excuse me when he started getting into the record business and um him and Sh was tight they were boys you know he learning the business Su learning the business you know he starting bad boy and everything starting death row they were puffer fly out the uh California Suge Tupac all them they were cool this way before all this other [ __ ] went down and I think that he wanted to have a sh Knight wanted to have a party or sh Knight was giv a party so he wanted big and some bad boy artists or whatever like that at the time and puff was like yo let me get the door you know this is all what I'm hearing this I don't know how true this is but this is what I would told about how him and Suge fell out and I'm going tell you why the beef really happened after that so puff would not let his artist bigum perform for free for Suge cuz Suge was getting money on the door in the whole nine yards so I guess Su fell out from him that's the story I heard but I know this for a fact when puff wasn't taking care of Misa and was shortening her on the child support or whatever like that Misa start branching out to the West Coast artists and everything like Misa was his kid's mother his first child's mother Justin Colmes and she start branching out and when she went to California with Mary J blaz and everything like that she met up with SH Knight we seen this magazine and the magazine had Suge and Misha in it and Misha had just in her arms and Su was hugging Misa and at the bottom the Cs R what the East Coast won't take care of the West Coast will right that blew up then the sourcer wards and all that other [ __ ] like that that's I was crazy how roofless was sh because he just seemed [ __ ] roofless he seemed crazy but you only crazy than the people that you have around around you I never thought sh was that dude like that did you never see any of that side of him I didn't I didn't see him like that I saw him four times and the four times I saw him it was nothing you know it wasn't no stir down on no look or nothing like that you know cuz nine times out of 10 you could tell by a man's eyes and then you want to wear sunglasses you ain't that dude if you got glasses on your face all the time and you don't want nobody see your eyes and see what you really about you understand what I'm saying yeah so when I see a guy with glasses on I'm at an advantage anyway cuz I'm going hit you so hard those glasses going go going going to mess something up you understand so I never saw him as being that terrifying or anything like that to people you know to me because he was he was a a he was and then he end up I think with NWA with Dre and right Ice Cube and try to get himself involved with that but he ended up with some of the biggest artists on the planet was that fear tactics or was was he a good businessman I think sh was a great businessman cuz he came out and got jodessy and Mary J BL out of some of the bull crap that Uptown records were doing them where they wasn't getting no money wasn't getting no points no nothing that was on to them I think Su be because he was a educator also he going to college and you know I don't know if he got his degree or not but he learned the business from somebody enough to know that there were points you know what I'm saying and things that were involved in the artist getting outside the regular advance that was old to the artist and he was letting these artists and these people know so see the beef between Su and Puff Daddy do you think that's the reason why tup and um beggy then because it was they were feeding them information no I think uh Pac already knew what type of dude puff was and I I believe that Pac was building big up so big could be a part of thug life cuz he told big you know how puff was you understand what I'm saying so I think because when Pac went to jail uh big did not have any money to help him get out but he was calling himself the King of New York and then you know they was had this Persona that he had all his money which he didn't when did you first meet beg uh I met the first time I met big was actually I think at his Platinum Party what was that like that was crazy see for me that's the greatest [ __ ] e pop man like that's unbelievable it's a picture that they had big and it said big and his uh a 100 hype men on stage with him and you could see me in the middle of all those people just looking at Big cuz Pig cuz puff told me to watch him you know what I mean uh so that's the first time I I think I'm I I I met big at his Platinum Party did you know how big oh it's gold gold and and everything like yeah got gold juicy and all like that did you know how begy was going to be well no not really because I was running with puff and a lot of times puff wasn't around big you understand what I'm saying because big was doing his own thing with the Junior Mafia and the different people like that so I when puff need to go out of town or go someplace uh I would be with him I think let me see it was probably at the Howard University campus when I met big uh and really chill with him had fun with him like that that was probably the first time and then that gold party was something later on but I think it was at Howard University is that the betat that was in the movie when it came out was that the bet that was in the movie when it was at the University when I think they sang bullshitting party yeah I think so yeah how so see when you're meeting all these people did you not have the incline that okay they're going to be as big I didn't know B was going to be a star or felt that he was a star like that until his whole album was done and he was getting all these accolades and then we was on stage cuz I had so much going on in my own life you understand when I wasn't body Garden puffing them you got to realize I was still a parole officer I still ran complexes in New York that was East Chester housing that was Lambert housing that was tyo Towers they were some of the baddest complexes uh where people were living there where a lot of drugs was being sold in the whole nine yards so I was still working with the cops working with people you know what I'm saying to try to make their quality of life a lot better around there so I didn't have time to really okay this gu is a star this guy this that the third but we were in Cincinnati I swear for Living God uh the puff say yene I need you to be on stage with big so so I went out on stage first and big and little Caesar was in the back and they were doing this this dance like um kid and play you know when they do the the they feet back and forth like that I said yo this fat [ __ ] could dance yo I was like yo this fat [ __ ] could dance he was doing that [ __ ] real good I was like damn so then um the song going and then big was back on the m going on the mic going just just making noise like that and then he just came out who the [ __ ] is this paging me at 546 in the morning cracker and I'm yawning yo when he came out there I'm on stage yo some [ __ ] hit me like this and I mean like just the the vibration from the audience and everything like that and I was like yo I this [ __ ] is a star he's a star that's when I realized he was that big see when puff because obviously he ended up involved in Hip Hop and doing his own stuff was he in was he writing his own music before he met Biggie or that or did did he want involved once biggie came into life did he have any puff wasn't write no music and nothing like that puff never wrote no music he told you I don't write music I write checks yeah because he ended up involved and like you say on it was at the source Awards yeah how was that when sh went up on stage and says if you don't want your producer Dan inid that wasn't that I didn't know anything about that I wasn't there they called me to go to the tunnel with them you understand you know what I'm saying Kirk Kirk burs that call me your jeene p want you to be at the tunnel cuz the tunnel is wild like you know it's like Gladiator school you know what I mean you're going to fight the uh the bouncers are going to uh rob you they going to beat you up so you got to have your stuff on the ball when you go to the tunnel so we went to the tunnel it wasn't no beef or nothing like that you know and then um they had that little incident in uh Atlanta and I came on for back full time messing with them what was the incident when you were with puff and you seen sh and puff ran oh that was at the Soul Train Awards Tupac was alive then yeah what happened that night um uh I think big had did Big perform was Tupac was alive yeah big had performed right and he used my shoes uh we were all in the locker room and I yeah well the the the dressing room and everything like that and this is the story that kale celand stole from me and put it in the movie yeah see that his shoes doesn't f had to get shoes is that your shoes those are my shoes what happened was is that uh kale cand he had already wrote the book and if that was an intricate part of the movie why didn't he have it in his book cuz his book was a portrayal of the movie The Notorious you understand so he said he wish he had to talked to me before and I had told him that I was going to put that in my book cuz he was asking me yo what was some of the like like the like the craziest thing that happened to you and big you know what I'm saying I told him the part about the shoes uh we were backstage and they had bought big a size 12 right and um and him buying them a size 12 big is a 14 e you know say why I'm a 14d you could squeeze in a 14d but you can't squeeze in those 12d so we sitting up there and these people call 50001 they were doing all the clothes for all hip-hop artists uh Master P made them real famous but uh they got him the wrong type of shoes so big was like yo F this I'mma do it Brooklyn style I'm going out in my Tims he had some yellow Tims on he was going to go out there on the stage and puff told the dude say yo if he go out there on those stage with those Tims on [ __ ] it's over you ain't going to work you ain't going to do this I ain't paying y'all for [ __ ] so they somebody say yo Gan what size you wear I say 14 14 D I had just bought these shoes I still got them they Gat us from Maurice $800 got them from chanates so they were blue and they go gray with his suit so then so then uh uh they was like yo let big wear them shoes i y man what we got to give you I said make me outfit right [ __ ] that I never got so remember if anybody in Industry say they gonna do something for you get your [ __ ] first get it first don't don't take their word they word ain't worth [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so um big used the shoes he performed and the shoes he got my shoes and so there me and puff was watching no no was it me and puff no no me I was watching and I was sitting right behind I think tamama Grant Hill's wife oh my God I could have got a charge right there my man she was was like oh my God you ever sat close to a woman and then her Essence and everything like the the perfume she had on the way she looked I was like damn he gotta be one of the luckiest men in the world you know what I'm saying so uh it was over with went backstage here you go big sitting up there with my $800 shoes on and he got he's he's leaning on the back of them like they flip block I was like yo man what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what the [ __ ] he like yo dck you ain't GNA be talking to me I'mma talk to your man man give me my [ __ ] shoes man like that you know what I'm saying so I got the shoes back and uh when we got the shoes back I kept the twelves anyway and uh me and puffer just making our rounds big them was leaving so we hear on the microphone there's an altercation at the front with bad boy and death row so me and puff jet we start running towards that when we running towards that we get surrounded by a group of foi me Members you understand and this one dude in this yellow suit is talking a puff real greasy so then I'm looking at this dude and I and I got puff like this but I'm looking at this do he was telling puff about some money something and some type of situation and I didn't know what the hell he was talking about and then next thing you know Mustafa who was farak Khan's son who's the captain of the foi who's over all the security and all the foi members you understand what I'm saying that has to do with security came over and puff say yo uh Mustafa would you talk to this brother for me right quick and so Mustafa said your brother so the dude was still going at Mustafa hard and then Mustafa said your brother in a calm voice again and then the dude was he didn't stop I was like yo Mustafa say brother and got up in his face like this then you see foi members coming from everywhere it was crazy so we got up out of there and we start going to the door to the front door um as we go to the front door now it's a corridor with steps that are coming up so I guess big and Tupac had just had their little altercation cuz I took a officer who was a parole officer out there with me Bernard Brown uh big we call him big bunny um 65 300 something pounds we out there and he said that uh Tupac said what side what side and big told him say yo I ain't scared of this [ __ ] ass but yet still when they came out one of Big's partner uh uh sorry about this one of Big's partner his name is is a [ __ ] his name is SE gutter SE gutter pours a gun on shight the whole crowd fois they stopped it and get in between of it them get in their car and they leave so they out front I see them puff is behind me we walk in that way now so uh I was hugging myself you know cuz I had to be real close to my girlfriend's and I look back at puff and I said puff don't worry I got these cats bro ain't nothing going to happen and and he said didn't say anything and then I look back he wasn't there then I looked that way he had took off running and jumped down the corridor right in back of the TV vans so I stood right there on the corridor cuz I wasn't jumping down that [ __ ] right there and I put my back against the wall and Sh them they was coming up the steps and they just walked past us walked past I seen puff running in between the media vs what do you think when a man does that runs obviously you're there to protect you're the security anyway but when someone runs like that do you lose respect for them I wouldn't lose respect for him cuz that's his choice and then it's actually was God sent cuz he saved me for doing something that I shouldn't have been doing in the first place and that I would have done with no problem would you have died for him I would have die for him plenty of times just loyal to your job loyal to what you were doing um a loyal to him at one time and people gonna say I'm crazy for this um something came over me and said that puff was making people dreams come true and I had to do whatever I had to do to save him so these people could have their dreams come true cuz I knew what it was for somebody to take your so I would have did anything to protect them at one time yeah I can respect that cuz back then as well people's dreams were being made I don't know if people were getting used and money took off them I don't know the ins and outs I was never there but obviously you can read things in the press and go with other people saying but people were living their dreams back then no matter what you say about puff like he was changing lives he was getting people off the streets but even though people were making him he was also making them would you agree with H well you have to agree with that but they didn't think that in the interim their dreams coming true they still was going to be broke you understand you know to get somebody if you played Sports to have people cheer for you by the thousands cuz you made a basket you understand or you made a hit song that that kind of feeling everybody is not privileg to you understand what I'm saying every not everybody's not privileg of being on a stage whether it's that of of sports or that in music you understand when you have somebody that make that come true for you and your dream come true but then your rent ain't paid and they driving in Mercedes it's kind of effed up so he was making a part of the dream come true but I don't believe they thought they was going to be hungry in the inm of that do you think that's lack of knowledge of getting money and and buying the big watch in the big car but leaving your bills unpaid they try to live the high life but they've not really got the money to be doing so yet yeah but regular people do their same [ __ ] too everybody does everybody does that everybody saying regular people do that [ __ ] too man you know just ain't on the musicians or the athletes regular people do that [ __ ] too you know so after that he runs away Suge how was the relationship between beggy and pack well I spoke to Big at the parac was Pac there then at the winter Bagel yeah and big tried to tell me that he didn't know why Park was upset with him but I knew why Pac was upset with him because he had signed with Puff and he had claimed to be something that he wasn't so why does that upset him because like if you supposed to be my man and you the King of New York and my girls going come to you for some money because I'm trying to get a lawyer to get out of jail for something I didn't do if you're the King of New York and you getting these this all this money why you can't help me when I helped you be the king how much did par well you got to realize is that look at Big's flow look how big was rapping before we got with Pac look at the party and [ __ ] right you understand big was not talking about I'm big papa I uh I stay cooi down to my socks rings and watch fill with rocks you understand he took what you could call tacx uh game plan money cars hoes and Bros you know what I'm saying and use that formula from partying [ __ ] you understand use this formula and change it into I'm big papa I'm getting them money I'm getting the holes I'm getting the cars and I'm rocking the jewels he used that formula 1994 when P get shot I think at the recording studio how did that change everything with everyone well it I guess it put people on alert that this could happen to you too it should have let people know not to be involved with gang guyss because I've been around people who spoke about that Jamie Fox and Ice Cube talked about it when you bring uh gang the gang faction and the people who live that gang life into your business like that they have a whole different perspective about life than you do they're you know they're living day by day and they'll kill you over a color and why did P did did he blame Biggie and puff at the start or was that later on because we get shot four or five times yeah but uh he didn't blame biggie then cuz he actually knew big a had nothing to do with it because the next day big went up there with this other guy that I know and got the gun out the piano they went to the hospital they wouldn't let big SE par you understand but they let Pac know big ain't had nothing to do with it he had the gun and whatever like that I think he probably just used that as a method to bring attention to the labels and to sell records because Puffy's a businessman he knows how to play the game that's why I put Al sh yeah I was just about to say that so who shot you but it's very yeah I understand it because of the shooting and how much traffic it would have got towards it but not when it's friends involved not when it's people don't really know and then people would automatically go to it must have been them who shot him like he's a very dangerous game why why play that game at all you said it yourself and and I don't think I can say it any better than that he's a businessman and he know that's going to bring uh countless and and you can't even count the the attention it's going to bring to the to the label to the song it it was actually against LL coj big was big was probably saying that against LL Co you know what I'm saying and U but puff knew that people was going to think it was going to be from Tupac he didn't like Tupac at all you know why I don't know jealousy is either jealousy or something went down between them two I say this all the time that he wanted to any girl that Pac was with he had to have her you understand um and he got her got him he I I really can't say cuz I couldn't even tell you I couldn't fanom to believe you know what was the reason why they hated each other so much but after the park was shot we saw Pac up at rosand he had uh there stuff in the uh his in a sling a dude lit a cigarette for him he got a cigarette put it into his mouth and a dude lit it for him I just start laughing you know say kind of [ __ ] is this man lighting a cigarette but then I forgot he was injured you know what I mean yeah but if he's going after all his exg girlfriends or whatever that's a sign of jealousy that's a sign of want to be him well you you know that to be true because the same thing that Pac said before he said at the grammy speech when he got his Grammy he said the same [ __ ] that Pac said so listen I can't tell you the reason why but there's certain actions you seen like when Pac was wearing the facti shirt then puff come out with the faca same fac shirt the pocket had on you know what I'm saying I don't know man how did that change because obviously the East Coast the West Coast it kind of started a war did did you see things change after that uh security was hiding certain places that we had to go and we had to do uh you know when you do rounds before you go to those places to make sure everything is straight uh everybody want a bulletproof vet you know it was crazy uh people going on on the earias you know staying at hotels on the earliest names and stuff how was it when Tupac released his this track because that was ruthless obviously you've got ice cube you've got L coj who's done the diss tracks many years before but that was up there as one of the most roofless because obviously I [ __ ] your [ __ ] like M how was St well like I say it didn't bother me it didn't bother me but uh and I like the song anyway but um I used to hear big say yo next time somebody say something about me I'mma te ass up so when I hear other people saying that big didn't want to your big want to get back at so bad that he he did it in a sneaky way and I think that long kiss good night was his way of getting his revenge back on pop you know what I mean why it did not release at that track and response he did if you look at long kiss kite you think so but but yeah that's that's definitely talking about Pac you know what I'm saying uh but um I think that he didn't do a a diss track right at him like that was because that was something puff was telling to him you got to realize puffed owned his marketing and his publishing and B wanted it back so he listened to Puff more than he really wanted to was puff in full control was he in full control somewhat well they as close as what the the media make the movies make was puff and Biggie close I don't think so I don't think so at all could bigie have been getting used he owns it marketing he owns his publishing no sto well I think he sold it or whatever he gave it to the Wallace family out he used it for so many years but I don't know the circumstances of it now but you got to realize if you own somebody publishing and somebody marketing you going to get way more more money than what you paid for it you know what I'm saying so beggie had no money even after juicy even after the first out he di broke man he a get he biggy di broke the money he got was from I think life after death album but he didn't get a chance to see it I sad that isn't that man yeah it was crazy man it was just crazy just being with him that whole day and he telling me his dreams and telling me what he want to do it how he was going to do it and it was crazy and then to see none of that come true see the hit between B and park the park the way it ended up did that affect bigy oh yeah he was affected by that crazy you understand um when he was telling me the story at about he didn't have no money to help Pac with his his uh legal trouble and everything like that and he had to sell his publishing the puff for about 200,000 he also had just got a deal that he never got a chance to see for 6 $62 million from capital and Atlantic Records you know all the groups he had he didn't get a chance to even sign the documents to say I agree to this and everything because he he wrot he wrote everybody's music did he not yeah yes he did he said Lil Kim used to write too L Kim could write but you know he going to make sure everything right he wrote Lil C's down that whole album and then he soured it out to mace Cameron probably some other rappers and everything like that how was fifth Evans how was she I didn't I wasn't around Faith only a couple of times you know I wasn't around her that much did you see the change in puff from when you first met him to a few years later when he kind of became one of the top Boys in no doubt no doubt does money and fame change people a lot oh come on why wouldn't it you understand to change your address change the car you drive the watch you have on [ __ ] you know say it's very few people that don't change but it's how you change that's important do you see a lot of people more people change for the worst than actually the better I've seen that the people who was never used to anything and the time that they get it they've changed for the worse so Tupac was in prison he reached out to bigie to see if he could bail him out and that's where they I don't think Tupac reached out per se but Jasmine gah and uh Jada and somebody else it was another young lady that was collecting money for him trying to uh get the money for his release was bigy to and bad as to say that you had no money he didn't have it you know what I'm saying did they know this or no uh well he had something that was better than money but people wouldn't allow him to use his talent to do a fundraiser for Pac you understand because the news would have been like he doing a fundraiser for a rapist he understand what I'm saying mhm so you can understand that as well though no matter if PK says he's innocent it's for business side of things if he was guilty then it doesn't look business for you like you say you're supporting the rapist so you can understand it in a business side but fact you're friend you've got to stay loyal and stay behind them 100% no anybody says no doubt so he get shot the beef is very heightened then P Pars in Vegas when Pat gets when p po two Pac gets shot again what's what are you think L well we got a call that night the night Po got shot and they said yo this guy name daddy told us that yo they rolled up on them and they got them they got them guys they got them they got them like that and I was like oh [ __ ] you know he said we'll tell you when we get back I never said this to nobody nobody going to ever believe it and I I was told this that it wasn't only a driver that killed T that shot Tupac or if it was a driver who shot Tupac you know you hear a lot of stories like I thought it was Dre I thought they was in the car but then I also thought because I was told by somebody who was there that somebody ran on the up up on the car and shot Tupac and I never told no body I told three or four people but I never let them release that to anybody or tell you can't tell nobody that you understand like that and then one of the person I told was a female she said sh Knight told her the same thing why is the whole thing been so messy why the you're shot in the middle of [ __ ] Vegas but why is it be obviously you get your conspiracy theories and rightly so because it is a bit it's very strange for someone to get killed yeah at that time in front of so many people but yet no one was ever convicted or know is orando Anderson right um and I think who's the guy is it key D key D Dre he seems why would you s in a podcast and admit [ __ ] that you've done like it just seems very messy I think that you know on on Kei D behalf is that um he had officers that released released that information and they wasn't supposed to release that information to nobody and they did it and because he was selling books and you got to realize this guy was one of the top drug dealers in the one of the top drug dealers on the west coast you know what I'm saying he doing a 100 Keys a week or better you know what I'm saying so if he's doing all those type of you know he's selling all those type of drugs and then he get to the point where that he go to jail he come out and he's not doing that well he using that method to sell his book now this cop already put that information out I'mma go with it I know I didn't do it because he did he not sign something in the police station that would keep him out well this is a Vegas case yeah this is California talking that stuff you understand what I'm saying California can't give me nothing to stop me from going to jail in Vegas and Vegas want me and Vegas have evidence against me I think all of it just circumstances in here say when was it puff ran and said somebody needs to die it says P needs P needs he says P needs to die beggie needs to die or rest night he rare but why say why he show begging his today yo I still cannot tell you to this day why he said big need to die I can only tell you what I think you understand I think that big was robbing Pac I mean big was robbing puff like puff had taken from Big he took his marketing which was legal he may not have known how important it was he took his publishing which was legal he may not know how important his publishing was you understand taking those things upset big because big found out how important those things were him to move on because like I told you he got that $62 million deal you know so now puff found out that big was writing all those things and what was he not doing he wasn't putting in his name he was putting it in Tatiana his daughter and other people name letting little kid still keeping the credits for those songs and [ __ ] so now who gets mad puff gets mad he gets upset I gave you 200,000 and now I can't get my money back because you writing this stuff for people but you ain't saying you WR it all right I don't give a [ __ ] if Pac gota die I don't give a [ __ ] of big gota die sh Knight can go to jail he's fed up because that's not friends then understand the business side of things puffs a businessman 100% but if that's your friend and you're taking his rights to his music there's no loyalty there he should be teaching him they two have come up together he should was never puff started before him but he should be educating him how to make more what to do he did Big told me big I can't be mad at him he taught me how to get money who was big doing it to little C's Junior Mafia doing it to each other yeah it just seems a [ __ ] rless industry where everybody's [ __ ] everybody right but it just seems strange could puff have been involved in t pac's Mur or Becky's Mur I think that when you set up an atmosphere for something to happen how involved are you you set up the atmosphere you put people in put Physicians to get hurt he knew that somebody was going to do something he was told I told him before we left I told him mace told him see people ain't telling see everybody think that Jean deal is the only one know this [ __ ] I'm not the only one that's noticed and privileged to this information I'm the only one that's speaking on it and has spoke on it now people are coming out gradually but when puff set up a atmosphere for somebody to get hurt and they get hurt don't you take some responsibility for that is that more tactics he's not going to pull the trigger he might not even pay someone to do so but like releasing that song who shot yeah that creates an atmosphere creating certain things and planting seeds in somebody else's mind to be number one where Tupac ends up getting killed buggy ends up being killed who becomes number one p didy Puff Daddy could that have been tactics for then to take off the people who were competition for him to take it all was that a bit far-fetched well I'm trying to believe that he's not that bright but anything's possible but he's not [ __ ] stupid no he's not he don't get to the position in ER is being stupid you could just listen to other people and listen to what people are saying cuz somebody told that somebody told puff Pac gota die big gota die and Sh not gonna go to jail you know these people playing 25 years in advance had Pac and big still been alive today come on brother you and I both know how strong they would have been how heartbreaking is that to see two men at the height of their powers just still young kids people would forget they're only in the 20s what were the 24 26 like two young boys unbelievable Talent um two packs listen I still listen to both albums I still listen to both their albums to this day that's the stuff is timeless it's unbelievable for young kids to then be getting used against each other that's how big they were because it did basically start a war inh housee but it's sad to think that they've been played it's sad to think that people have made them go against each other make them fight each other for whose gain somebody's gaining but it ain't [ __ ] them right but the crazy part of it is is that and I look back and I see that the people that were close to being and how they were like Judas after all he had did for them and put them in a position to be where they are how they how it only took 30 pieces of silver to get them to be Traders against them does that upset you it upset me a lot tell the truth come out let people know like I used to blame myself I used to blame myself I went through years man blaming myself because I went to that party with them PFF said yo J you ain't got to go I said man somebody gonna kill us tonight I sat at a table and told all the guys that was around they coming to kill us tonight miss and dmac said yo we locking low to go we locking low the together I don't see nobody locking and load nothing I went to Puff prior to telling those guys I went up there puff sit at the top of the steps I'm looking up at puff I said yo puff I got some Intel he said what's up Jean Kim come right on the side of him she's in a white robe puff is in a white robe his wife Ro says B8 cuz he had took it from Beverly Hills Hotel so I said to him I say yo my man I'm looking at him I said my man I got some Intel these guys are coming to kill us tonight at the party y jeene you ain't got to go I'm the only one that got I'm the only one that got it with him you know what I mean I'm the only one that could distribute it if I need to but you tell me I don't have to go I felt that small I go in I call my man slick Shake pick up the phone Sean pick up the phone from the Block cuz back in New York City we used to have pay phones so I used Andre Harel number if you go by his number on that day you'll see I called uh 12th Street CU that's a phone record it's still there you understand that would be as long as they got phone records they could go back and look at Andre herel house number and see on March the 8th before March 9th I called 112th Street in 88th Avenue pay phall I said yo slck I spoke to certain people they told me that these guys are coming to kill us tonight he said I said yo puff say I ain't got to go slick a gangsta he said don't go there [ __ ] him you know say I said I can't do them kids like that I can't do these kids like that man he said yo man listen here all I'm saying if something happened to you he going to have somebody answer to to get back here they say yo listen here like told me always you know failure to prepare is prepareing to fail don't nothing be an ambush failure to prepare is preparing to fail don't nothing be the Ambush that means Keep Your Head on the swivel see that n then see when he's telling you not to be there could he have potentially been involved like I said if you set up an atmosphere you're just as much evolved it's crazy how we come out of party we used to jump in the car we gone we waited we waited but see when I spoke to the FBI and I spoke to people they led me to believe that there were more than one or two people that was trying to kill us out there that night those those guys who wanted see I believe it was those guys who wanted to get back at big for that Ambush over in Red Hook when they van got shot up cuz those are the guys who told mace that puff and big had to worry about something so puff may have made a phone call call to them you understand saying yo listen here man I have [ __ ] to do with that [ __ ] happened in Red Hook B gonna be at the party y'all could talk to him then he could have done that cuz mace didn't come to the party either but mace knew about that cuz mace told me about it do you understand what I'm saying the guys he played ball with they were the Crips and stuff like that I think they were uh those guys called uh the dog pound right so they have told Ma you good mace but puff and big Ain't So I know mace told puff mace didn't tell big you understand so I know what puff is going to do he's going to make a phone call to those guys and say yo man listen here I'm I'm I'm going exonerate myself I Ain have [ __ ] to do with that you hear me we going to this party the party that I tried to talk about they going the vi party now I blame myself for years as I said until I heard the president of mtown the former president of mtown or vice president of mtown Clark kit and un Rivera Biggie's partner say these things un Rivera said I had called Karen Hunter and I think jenet Jacky they was going to meet big to the hotel before he went to London supposed to be going to London your neck of the woods he they were supposed to be meeting him Clark Kent said I was in Big's hotel and I asked him what are you doing tonight he said I'm going to this party that dck his man and puff set me set up for me to go he told Clark Kent that Clark Kent on the auto dialogue said that [ __ ] yo when Clark Kent said that [ __ ] my man all the pain that I had Inside Me Everything that [ __ ] me up for years cuz that kid died there all that [ __ ] came out of me I used to blame my [ __ ] self do you understand what I'm saying I used to blame myself so when I heard Clark Kint say that that he told big not to go it's nothing I could have [ __ ] said to that kid cuz when I looked at him I said yo B they coming to kill us tonight Luiz he hadn't been around for a whole week go ahead with all cop [ __ ] Jean you understand but they don't know throughout the years that the [ __ ] that was on me every time I hear this kid music every because I knew God put me there you understand God put me there but I had the wrong principle I had Puff so when we got when we got to that light instead of stopping at the light soon as I got in the car Kenny run the next three lights run the next three lights Kenny we jck through the light the killer was right there at the light he had just walked up to me less than five minutes prior to killing the Notorious BIG do you understand he was right there at the light parked it wasn't no drive by don't listen to these people it was no drive by the guy was parked in the car when big stopped at the light he pulled out the parking space turned to corner so you were told to drive through the lake I told our driver to drive through the light and yeah like when I was telling uh Steve Steve right I told Steve I said yeah Steve Steve said uh well you have law enforcement is you part of the military I said no uh my job as being a New York state parole officer we trained with a lot of agency different agencies they gave courses and everything like that and this how good God is two weeks prior to going to California I took a class called interrogation and surveillance and in that class we had to learn how to interrogate somebody we had to learn how to do certain surveillance we had to learn and they taught us tricks whereas you can find out somebody following you and in that uh in that course it said take three lights run three right make make three rights take three lights you understand if you take three rights where are you at back to the you start right where you started and if that [ __ ] car is right behind you yeah if that car is behind you somebody following you if you run three lights and that person run those same three lights that you ran somebody's following you so I just some when I got in the car because I wanted to ride on the side of the car back then back then I'm 265 right now I'm 320 you know what I mean so I wanted to ride onside the call with my gun out like as if you were [ __ ] watching the President yeah I would have been the first one to been shot but everything youve says Jan even listening to your story you talk about the college night you said people are going to die you say to B somebody's going to die did you have a did you have a feeling as are you connected to something where you feel that something's going to go wrong or do you always think that way none be there Ambush bro and I don't always think that way it wasn't par like you're saying that [ __ ] every day where eventually you're going to get one out of every hundred right if you have people with Street knowledge and gangsters Chaz told me yo they coming at y'all you understand the dude from that was hanging with jodessy yo we ain't going to the party bro it's goingon to be some [ __ ] you understand what I'm saying it don't take a rocket scientist you understand what I'm saying to see something and know that something going to happen and it's a possibility why wasn't any more protected cuz pop wouldn't pay for security I told Kirk barl man we need more security bro how the hell you just got me Kenny for puff and you got Paul and somebody from be but all them they got Entourage they got other people come on bro see when people see when begy dies does that in hands puff stock with the the the the rights he's got from Biggie's music oh come on SO 10 million he sold 10 million big got like 7 million out of uh 10 million album yo if you sell 10 million albums right that's about $2200 million $180 million something like that you know you know what I mean because Michael Jackson thing is well because I think Sony owed him over a billion in his rights and he had the Beatles rights I think he had Eminem's rights obviously he can get a conspiracy theories but if he's gone they get the rights back you're talk people kill each other for [ __ ] $10 never mind 100 Mil aing ain't no ain't no ain't no uh man Michael Jackson was we know that dude was paid to Merk him no allegedly I got say allegedly but there's no way man that doctor don't know what he doing and Michael Jackson just go up and just die like that man he own he not only that what about the Marvel thing he had made the he was making a deal with Marvel comic it's a lot of stuff that was going on with Michael Jackson yeah yeah does it do you question a lot because that life it seems glamorous but I interview enough people now to realize how [ __ ] up it was and no trust no love everybody's out fors everybody would [ __ ] you over everybody would [ __ ] your women like like what the [ __ ] is that all about but D that's their that's the mentality that's what that game is about you understand I used to see puff run through so many girls but if he ain't had a dime he wouldn't be able to do that I used to see him run through dudes that he was smiling their face and then F their girls that's not a nice person I don't think about a nice person but that's not yeah but it's not a [ __ ] up dude that's not loyalty there's no love there it just seems [ __ ] up and then the woman is [ __ ] up as well yeah so you were there when Biggie gets shot what happens in um me and tone jump in the car and we chased triy to chase the driver but we couldn't get close enough to do anything so I said t let's go back and set up a uh I said Tom we got to get back you know what I'm saying so we can set up well when the pop cops come they can take big to the hospital whatever like that so when we get back uh puff was like yo Kenny you know where to hospital at and Kenny said yes and we drive B to the hospital because you had them in your arms is that correct yeah that's when we got him to the hospital we got him to the hospital uh which it took us a long time to get there man I don't know [ __ ] he took a half an hour to get to some place that was actually two blocks away and Kenny's from California so he never been asked about that one uh Cena sign I think was two blocks away and we went someplace else or vice versa it was a hospital two blocks away and we end up going you know about a half an hour away from the scene was he still alive at that moment well I don't know uh the last thing I heard big say was just do it Kenny said I'mma get you to the hospital big and big said just do it and then I told people don't let them go to sleep whatever you do don't let them go to sleep keep them up don't let them go to sleep when we got to the hospital we somebody ran into the hospital they got a gurnie and we pulled them out and when we pulled out the pulled the body out that's when I seen his pants was uh saturated appeared to be urin and I could smell uh the feces and I just when I I grabbed him and then I just dropped his leg and they looked at me they said your jean and I was like I just grabbed him up and we put him on the gurnie you that was like 400 lbs of dead weight man so put him up on the gurnie and then they rolled him in there and Paul looked at me I said yo man that [ __ ] dead excuse me what said yo that brother's dead and he said uh no he just it was shocked Jean it was shocked bro you know he was just shock he just been shot he ain't de I say bro he dead he pissed the [ __ ] on himself and uh start getting phone calls from everywhere making phone calls how do you go over that Jan because you you seem to have seen a lot of pain and death in your life as well like I said um I just kept myself busy I had to raise three daughters um I never had much of nothing I was everything I got I work for you know what I'm saying and I don't mean nobody had to give me nothing you know what I'm saying but I I wanted to have a different life so at one time I was putting it all into my work uh I write poetry um I was out to help people so I use my ability to help somebody change their life you know so being a parole officer is not just yo pissing this cup or what time you going to be at home and all that it has a lot to do with uh how could I help you change your life to change your family life so they could be proud of you and you could be proud of yourself so I put all my energy in doing that and what happened after begy get killed how was life then how was life when begy get killed after oh it was it it was terrible you know V my car being vandalized you know people wouldn't run up on me I ain't the one you want to run up on you know what I'm saying at that time I was still I still had this like I would really [ __ ] you up type of attitude you know what I'm saying so you not coming with me with no crazy [ __ ] so if you understand what I'm talking about yeah of course um but but the vandalism of my house you know of of my cars and [ __ ] like that he it was like that [ __ ] was crazy did you get blamed for it huh because you did you get blamed for it because you were the security it got oh yeah puff them tried to you know I was Secure I was puff princip puff was my principal but they tried to throw it off like uh I had it was my fault I was I didn't shoot I didn't do this and I didn't do that and then the FBI told puff himself he said you alive because of Jean Phil cson told him himself you alive because of Gan cuz had you stopped at that light that would have been you had you not run that light that would have been you that's what they thought because those are the fashion I think those people was there to kill puff but they killed big instead but those other guys from I the dog pound they wanted big also so that's why it was saying that there was more than one two people that was out trying to kill us plus puff had that beef in Soul Train with the Muslim people too so wherever it was coming from I think that that was something professional that was done why do you think puff star alive because the attention now after Big's death they had no reason to come at him they had no reason to come after there the cuz the Kei key D say that that puff paid him to kill T Pac or was he just saying that bro I I I I I can't believe that only because of this I've been around Kefi D and puff when they were gambling I mean 40 50 $660,000 in the pot or more or more and Kefi D lost and not one time he like yo P let me get 20 of that owe you you know let me get 20 of that that you owe me cuz that's what somebody would say and we probably wouldn't know what he was talking about but not one time I've been around him that Kefi D tried to get money from him so key D and puff were friends yeah they was cool but kefy D was there when Tupac get shot that's what he said but it does it does put a lot of question marks over puff dad he's got question marks over especially now so but with the stories that are coming out we [ __ ] it seems like a very dark individual where it would do anything just to keep his own career on track I would I be right and saying that yeah I I wouldn't uh disagree with that I wouldn't disagree with that that's a scary place to be though everybody can be [ __ ] over 300 buses he wouldn't have cared if you got a bullet in the head I know begy got a buet in the head I know and I don't know the guy so I'm only saying from what I'm hearing but something doesn't sit right with him mhm who so who killed Biggie then because no one was ever convicted I believe Amir Muhammad will sit there to probably kill puff but he killed big big was a casualty of war and that he was given the okay it's just how it happened you know me being uh a officer and being somebody who been around that type of situation and those things when we blew that light that man could have shot right then and there as we was blowing the light he could have shot big right there it seemed like he was given permission you understand the weight the time you understand yo they blew the light damn but big them right here well go ahead shoot him [ __ ] it b b b b b get it the time that it happened it was a spontaneous spontaneous would have been we blow the light poow not we get across the street we wait for them and then we see the shots go out why doesn't the C follow I don't know I don't know there were three girls on the sidewalk and I found out they were talking to those three girls so what happens with your life after that then how how was the relationship with puff uh I stopped we stopped dealing with each other for a minute and then about a year later I seen him up at the Super Bowl or whatever he said yo uh wolf say yo Jean come here I said what's up man he said yo uh come in the back they was in the back a puff uh he had justice to in Atlanta he said yo puff put Jean back to work then puff say yo Jean you want to come back to work I said I don't care Su and he said uh send me in my office on Monday I came to his office on Monday and I went back to work for him what sort of stuff were you doing then same [ __ ] babysitting babysit making sure he uh like right now he's strung out on pills so just making sure he good but I only I only had a more uh sometime Friday but Saturday and Sunday was my day but sometime I have them Friday Saturday and Sunday what sort of stuff would you do just a regular he going to meetings MTV shows because now he's the star you know he's the man did you see another big change when everyone was gone yeah I seen a change I starts yeah I think it was it had a lot to do with the drugs too you know now he popping pills puff was never no smoker no nothing nothing like that but now he's popping pills and uh and it just going crazy with the women but what about all the gay sh when people saying he's [ __ ] gay and well listen here man I'm not the type of dude they they live a rockar life I'm not going to be in a in a room with another man and whether it's two women or a thousand women I'm not going to do that that's not me I don't I'm not ashamed of anything that just a that's ain't how I do my thing thing so um only time that I could see something like that is the places we used to go those Turkish baths he used to go in there and it would be another but men in there and I'd be like yo I go to the door with them and then next day I turn back around and go out and another a bunch of naked men in there the [ __ ] is this all about so whatever he used to do in those things that's that's what he did yeah no one give a [ __ ] if you're gay straight or by but when you're portraying yourself as a bad boy and [ __ ] all these girls but then [ __ ] men it just don't sit right with me it just seems strange but again it's 2024 I don't know what's but they going to be moing on you English yeah but you know what I'm saying I don't care what the [ __ ] you do but it's um it's obviously how was Cassie because obviously all the stuff out now and he's saying he used to get me to [ __ ] cut and stuff like yeah that was that was after to me yeah but for me yeah it's just that's not right men are protectors you should be protecting women if you love a woman you shouldn't able to [ __ ] handle it if a man's looking your M up and down never mind [ __ ] her like that's that's a woman and all that that's crazy that's the range thinking for me so if everything that's true about what people are saying then he sounds like a [ __ ] nasty bastard oh that's possible a sick man do you know what I'm saying and it just seems all strange like I don't know man but see they get that see that's been going along for a long time he gets it from Russell Sim Andre herel they teaching him that you know puff wasn't that type of dude where would he learn that from you understand what I'm saying so now you know the student has became a teacher well the you think the outcome will be with them with all these rape allegations and but what they would do is is that they're going to try to get know that that's why they want to know the names of the people because the da them is not fouling anything against them you understand that means the state takes on those problems you understand you have uh the women that's doing it and the lawyers you know I'm saying he not be bringing up on criminal charges those charges are basically you know for uh uh ficial reasons you understand so until the state takes one of those charges and say yo yo he did this and he did that um he's going to pay his way out of it do you think look became a time where he felt Untouchable oh yeah he knew he was Untouchable he felt like he was untouchable you you could see that what about JLo did did you ever meet her oh yeah yeah is that the night remember the night that there was a shout out in the nightclub what was J like uh I used should call her Miss Miss Lopez I think that she was just remarkable she was a beautiful not only beautiful she just like if you was in the business like that you want that to be your woman you know what I'm saying she represented you well now I don't know how she is now but you know she represented puff well you know what I'm saying he a't had to worry about nobody um trying to come at her a certain kind of way she had been in the business long enough to know she was well-respected she could get us in places man we down on a field at the NFL he's down on the field with the uh um the Mi Miami Hurricanes all that stuff like that yo she was the ball you know what I mean like that if if you were a superstar or you was into that business you want that to be your woman was there much of violence from puffy with his exes and girl friends back then did you see much of domestic abuse um only time I seen him with was Kim you know what I mean um nobody else a lot of people around him as well a lot of people seem to Die Why do you think that is well the thing about it is is this is that I think that how he lives his life and how he cares about people put them in precarious situations that they can lose their life if they not careful and um I really don't believe that Kim had pneumonia just like the rest of us because I was aware prior to her going to California her lifestyle you know what I mean and and the things that she did with puff and when you do certain things uh you put your life in danger what sort of stuff you know drugs you know drugs drinking and drugs and stuff like that a lot of people do that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and it wasn't just smoking weed you know what I mean so when you put yourself in that type of situation you know and you round somebody is like Lyn bias do you know what ly bias is Lyn bias was a hell of a athlete right probably would have been as good as Larry Bird maybe as good as Jordan we' have been known to him ly Bas was using cocaine prior to the night he became um the number one draft pick for Boston Celtics just picture this we knew the guy who used to play on Maryland team he was from Tennessee he used to tell us he had to piss for the whole team downn there you understand he had to piss for the whole team downn there Lyn Bas is used to a certain kind of cocaine right cuz he was getting getting that type of money now he's about to get NBA money he step up his game and get a whole different type of cocaine like a better type of cocaine and what happen what happens to him he dies from it when you in certain positions you understand you cannot you know like my money ain't like somebody who's you know just say I'm bodyguard puff okay cool but somebody who's bodyguarding Rockefeller they gonna get twice as much as I get you understand what I'm saying so they money is different so when you got that different money you get those different type of drugs Michael Jackson went to Houston yeah and what happened what happens then after you leave puff how his life then oh you know like I have things going on I had K slay I was bodyguarding Scott Stewart I went to bodyguard scottt Stewarts I went I was bodyguarding K slay who's 50 uh 50 was dealing with black hands and uh 50 came over to my house when they were setting him up to uh he knew they was going to set him up and try to kill him and I tried to give him a bulletproof vest and I told 50 that he had to watch out behind that [ __ ] so um I never spoke to him I spoke to him again with Scott stew when he was doing the candy shop that's on the candy shop and he he set me down we was we was in there talking and he was I was I was trying to saying that I would cuz I would have rolled I would have rolled with 50 you understand what I'm saying and he knew that but because of his introduction to by Chaz whims who had a problem with he had a problem with then he told me he said yo I I couldn't trust anybody I had to deal with the people that I was dealing with who came in the game with me and everybody else I had to let go I couldn't f with him and that's understandable you understand I was telling them yeah I'm I'm My Own man I've always been my own man and he was like yeah I know Jean but I had to do what I had to do for me I like f seems a decent guy his book was unbelievable I thought it was amazing for what he's came from to what he's overcome to what he's doing now always take short at puff yeah why I think because puff was robbing him on that publishing thing 50 was doing a lot of writing for a lot of people back then before he was even known like that he was writing music a lot of these cats have written a lot of songs for people and never will get the publishing because they put their publishing in somebody else's name here go 10,000 all right write that that song becoming hit my name is on the publishing yeah you hear what 50 tell 50 teller story his album sold 10 million right he act the he told the producer keep the 50,000 I'mma give you one point that one point where he got that dude $1 million they reject to that huh they rejected it yeah yeah I heard that so that's what it's all about is points the more points the more money yeah yeah what's your whole rundown on it Jean what's your whole rundown on the big a two pack scenario puff D this scenario what's the whole rundown of why you think they all died who is involved well I know the atmosphere was set up for big to die in California you cannot make me believe that you know that Tupac had just died six months six months before Big D you going to plan for him to be out in California to promote anything you only getting 20% of your sales from out there anyway and you could do radio to the DJs over the radio and they understand that your circumstance and situation and then big if you would have told him to run cuz your was life dependent on him he could not run cuz he had broken both of the fial bones in his style from the car accident so he was in the wheelchair most of the time so because of the Soul Train award show you going to send your man to California and then have him out there still for a month or two knowing that he got a beef with some people out here that are gang members he got got his own beef out here so my take on big he was put in a position to be somewhere to be handled but then puff had hurt some people and they was trying to handle him and big took that L for puff have you get what I'm saying the clear name and put him yeah take him leave me what's your biggest regret in life Jean my biggest regret in life yeah not having to spend more time with my kids running around the country with artists and this music [ __ ] and even though I provide it for my kids more than I ever was I could have spent more time with them why were you so invested into that LE cuz I think that I grew up always wanting to beat up the bully what's your opinion on puff now well my opinion would be that some way somehow God even evens up the playing field no matter what kind of watch you got no matter what kind of car you drive no what kind of house you live in God evens up the playing field you just got to be ready to play ball no matter what it is do you believe in karma that's what I'm talking about what's your plans for the future brother where do you go forward with it all well I wrote my first book and people did you get a chance to read yeah read it brother yeah that's why you're on man yeah yeah you like it I know we've missed out a lot of stuff as well but I love that that's it ain't real you say what no that's why I've I've got you on because I read your book man I loved that yeah yeah yeah is it yeah I wrote the SE the second one going to tear you up cuz it's going to put you right in there like you're going to know what happened that night what all went down you're going to know what went down with the 50 Cent all the stuff that went down prior to all the [ __ ] that you heard in the media stuff like you understand then uh the shine [ __ ] the behind the scene what happened with him and Sean and everything I'mma tell you I tell you all that in the second book um The Fat Joe our relationship K slay Chaz whims the guy who robbed 160 Banks uh I tell stories about pun uh m a big L just Harlem I put you right there uh the editor told me who's the guy who's editing the book shout out to um Floyd you know what I'm saying Larry Floyd he was like yo Jane this is better than the second book the second book is better than the first book people going to love your audience are going to love this I start writing the third I'mma do a uh uh a a a book a poetry and uh recipes you I'm put poetry and recipes together do that and then I'm just go back and just chill man I'm done i' I I've I've I've had a life that most people wouldn't believe the circumstances and the situations I came out of that I fought through and I believe that because of Grace it held me the grace of God kept me going no matter what you understand I use that power and the grace that just K me through through so that's where I'm at man I just want to live off the rest of my life and just be happy see the car crash with bigy what happened oh L C's was driving and it was coming off a lot and it was slippery and wet outside and he crashed it and big almost went through the front window see if Piggy and tup Pac got together and sorted the differences do you think that would have helped a lot of things oh that would that would help all that would helped a lot of things and it would have hurt a lot of things because the industry could not move the way it wanted to move with Tupac being involved see you know what sh Knight had put in some people heads we need to get our own Publishing Company you know what I'm saying and they were going to fight for that and there's no way that the industry after they had took all those companies and broke up was going to allow these minority Brothers these black guys to get their own publishing company and own their rights to their own rap music wasn't going to happen do you think that's why the media brought so much attention to it because they knew they would eventually have got killed if they keep sring the pot yep no doubt how do you feel telling your story again does it bring back a lot of emotion uh it brings back a lot of emotions sometimes but I don't hurt like I used to hurt I I can't stop the feelings sometime you know what I'm saying when I you know like when I talk about beg them or when I talk about the part when um big went to that party when everybody was telling them not to uh because I think that had he went to London like he was planned on they wouldn't have got him that day what do what did begy's Mom think of it all oh my man she cried like a baby she held my head and she told me that I was just too raw just telling her everything and she had one time she said I don't want to hear no more so that was it yeah for anybody that's watching brother that's maybe in a life of struggle just now what advice would you have for them well even when you don't have you can't get just keep working towards it and beli it and as long as you putting in the work towards something you understand if you if you have to go out and you have to just make a Lo if you can make money enough money for a loaf of bread do that just keep on doing something don't stop doing don't ever stop no matter what it is you know what I'm saying it's nothing too big or too little you got to just keep on going for it until you can get where you need or you want to be at you know what problem is that people um they want the car before they can ride the bike you know what I'm saying you might have to ride a bike for a while before you can get the car just a couple of more questions brother who's the best person you've worked with the best person as far as what just to feel good and it's just a good job and you like the person they feel genuine loyal um I hate to say but I think it was Miss Lopez Jennifer Lopez and the reason I said there because she wasn't my principal but I wanted to help her in so many different ways on so many different times and I didn't but it was good having her around um yeah what do you think the final outcome will be with Puff Daddy that he'll never be on the pedestal that he once was and that his name won't go down in history and his legacy would be tarnished by his uh arrogance and his uh noism do you think that will break him more than anything it would break him yeah not being able to be at the ward show not being able to be out on Front Street like that yeah that'll break him more than ever he can't be a Russell Simmons and go to B and just chill out and not be seen not at all when did you just before we finish up but when did your relationships change with him did you have you get any hate towards him or and like anger just would if you seen each other what would happen we' seen each other what happened you know uh before he tried to send some money over to me we was at it was years back before the YouTube thing came uppr uh we was at the King doome basketball tournament he sent the guy over with a W of money like this you I mean like like I couldn't see nothing but hundreds or whatever cuz puff never carry no little money or nothing like that so he said yo split this with the security I told him to take it back to him I don't want to split [ __ ] why but ain't me I ain't taking nothing from me I don't need nothing from you if you want to give to security call security over there and give it to him you're not going to buy me off like that he said tried to send we me and the guy from felon magazine he tried to send some bottles over to us well to me we was at Sin City a strip club you know a dance club and uh I walked away from the table and the dud from fell magazine say [ __ ] I'm I'm popping because obviously they've got the things up but being fruity and asking 50 Cent if he wanted to go shopping and listen it could be harmless but again it is about [ __ ] fruity where your fruity are again nobody cares about the things with the Usher and stuff is there any truth towards having a fair other artists and sleeping with other artists is it all heay no it's not heay I'm going to leave it at that okay fair enough all right yeah we'll keep it for part two in your second would you like to finish up on anything else Jean no listen uh Mr English I'm thank you I appreciate you having me I hope that the people in London enjoy the segment of your show and that I hope that I have cleared up some things and helped them know some things that they needed to know where can people buy your book Jean they can buy it on Amazon um they sell it on Amazon and they can go to uh cash app or PayPal and put big Jean 52 and put in the postage to over from overseas plus $50 for shipping the H yeah we told them at the start but we'll finish up on that would you like to finish up on anything else no I'm good bro Jean listen I wish you nothing but the best for the future and good luck with the second bro all right
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 212,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #2pac, #P Diddy, #NYC, #Truth, #Podcast
Id: DOplTM0GRo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 26sec (7706 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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