Gene Deal Just Exposed The Most Disturbing Info EVER About Diddy: Shyne/ Lil Rod/ Usher/ Tupac/ BMF

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all right Jean deal how's it going cam TV what's going on brother hey you know just out here grinding man you know I see you out here doing your thing too staying busy yeah I'm staying busy but I don't know about that grinding yeah I thought I was retired I thought we would start with some of the latest news about Diddy going on man and that is in the lawsuit from Little Rob which you know I was going to get into a little bit later but in this lawsuit Little Rob suggests that he told him that he was the one that shot up the club in 20 1999 and actually got away with it and you know a lot it was kind of controversial because the lady who actually got shot in the nose actually came out and started accusing it of being Diddy that actually did it right what are your thoughts on that is there you know what do you remember from that time well we were off well I I was one of the Securities that was off that week because him and Jennifer Lopez were going to the mediterraneum to take a trip on a yacht so I had got a call from Paul one of the Securities and he had said that oh Jean puff is coming back to the city you got to get him I like no I'm off and hung up the phone you know what I'm saying uh wolf jonesen was at the club having fun puff had called him and and asked wolf what were they doing they said they at the show a girl named one of puff old uh the person who did the city college with him name uh the [ __ ] City College events and a lot of parties her name was Jessica Rosenberg or Bloom she was giving she was giv the party at the show uh that's the Manhattan Manhattan Club or whatever like that I think so now um she um puff decide to come all way from The Hamptons to the club you know so I guess Sean who used to hang out with wolf he was on his way to party too and this is a story that wolf is telling me about what happened and uh puff came in he bought up the bar and he got he was close to some dudes that were from Brooklyn and one of the dudes said uh said something to Puff about we got money too and threw money in his face and whatever else happened everything broke out and some shooting occurred now the girl who said that puff shot her if she had told the police and the police was doing their job the correct way and let me just tell you something about NYPD NY I can't see NYPD not giving puff uh um a ballistic test where they uh swab his hands and swab his clothes and see that how far how close he was or did he shoot the weapons because that's what they usually do when there's a shooting and they catch the people right then and there you know what I'm saying puff was caught about 10 15 minutes after the shooting in the car in a in a Chase so if he had shot a gun then they should have done a ballistic test if she said puff shot her like she said she said that night it should have been a ballistic test done on him that would have prove that he was in the vicinity or he shot a weapon because the gunpowder would have been on his clothes and would have been on his hands so I don't see how he got away with that and NYPD is not like LAPD whereas that they don't give a who you are little Wayne went to jail did three years for shooting plastical bden to having a gun plastical Burgers went to jail a football player for shooting himself so to get back to your question I know she's making statements that Puffs shot her I don't see I would like to see the police who did her questioning at the hospital report I would like to see those report and see what's in those you I think yeah um if she would have did that puff would have been going if she would have said it then puff should have been going to jail then that's actually a really good point out of all the stuff that I've looked into I never seen anybody say that they did or didn't do the ballistics but uh from what I understand the doctor testified that that night when she went to surgery that she actually told the doctor that Diddy shot me in the face was she on any anesthesia I I couldn't even tell you but that ballistics thing is like that's kind of hard to ignore because I know they would have done ballistics too but I I never I haven't seen anybody talk about that at all right that's crazy anytime there's a shooting and the police right there they're going to swab your hands they're going to swab your clothes I just can't see them not doing that but if they didn't do it that was a misar of Justice right there that they didn't do it and why if she made that statement because if she made that statement to the doctor one thing I know about NYPD somebody was following that amulance to the hospital to get a statement from the girl and I would like to know what kind of weapon it was because I pretty much knew what kind of gun puff had yeah well she did Sue Diddy and she got $1.8 million from him he was in an altercation that caused her to be injured she should have sued her him the club the other people that was involved everybody everybody that had some money should have got sued I don't know if she sued anybody else but she definitely did suit Diddy and she say she's been getting harassed every since from it she says she got like seven flat tires in I think I want to say like 2015 like she still she still gets harassed by him she says because she feels like she's the only person that ever got some money from him uh yeah nine people died at city college you know what I'm saying and he was involved in that and I don't think they got that much or anything during the trial you know one thing that that really stuck out was shine was is accusing Diddy of basically snitching on him saying that Diddy's lawyers called a witness that said that shine shot his gun and shot his gun first which was kind of you know this lawyer I'm not lawyer uh the witness the work for the club actually helped clear shine I mean helped clear Diddy by saying that they tackled Diddy when it happened so and that did he didn't have a gun but at the same time this person is also testifying saying that they seen shine shoot a gun and this was the witness that Diddy's lawyers called to the stand well what what's happening was is that Diddy had uh puff has security uh going around finding witnesses to testify what they saw and they would tell him and his lawyers first and then they will send those witnesses to the DA you understand I said this plenty of times before they would send those witness to the DA and after they get their testimony what they saw if they felt that it was whether it was against sha or for Shan will help Shawn or it would hurt Shan they would send those witnesses to the DA and that's how the got those Witnesses they came through puff Camp so you felt like did he set shine up to take the fall I felt like key and like wolf wasn't involved in that I wasn't involved in this but it was certain people insecurity that was Finding Witnesses bringing it back to Puff telling puff oh they was at the club they saw it they they know what was H they know what happening puff will take that information give it to his lawyers the lawyers will interview them first then they would get those witness to the DA that's what he did Shawn know he did that Shan was told he was doing that Shan even came out in some statements and said that we was had the same charge the same crime we had the at the it was a crime done we had the same charges and you was giving the W da witness Shan even sean know that's what happened yeah Shan was talking about it for a while you know you know shine did his time he did his 10 years and when he came out you know he got a million dollars and then never released the album A lot of people think that that was like kind of Diddy's way he didn't get the money from Diddy but he got it from LA Reid Death Jam a lot of people think that that money came from Diddy for doing the 10 years I remember when shine came home from from jail they released shine right and then they deported him to bise said he couldn't come back to United States so he goes back to bise and Do You Remember When Death Jam signed him to a record deal they gave him what $8 million how much a m LA Reid gave him a million dollars all right so la Reed gave him a million dollars to put out an album and the album never came out I knew that when La re went to give him that million that that was puff giving him the money but he had to give it through La re they never intended they never tended on giving him an album if they would have gave him a million dollars for an album wouldn't we have heard the album I don't know man I I I um I can't say that I was PR was it privy to that part of the uh uh contract with Sean I I don't I don't know but you know I don't think Shan was that great of a rapper when he came out anyway he didn't come out with no material that was ready to go to make songs now during this time did you guys ever get any like death threats or anything going on or or you know what was like you know were you guys on high alert what was the security like at the time well you know you talking about when the shine and puff thing was going on yeah puff was trying puff uh met Shan one time in front of trump Trump Towers and Sean had the tour bus with his picture on it and puff told me yo Jean don't let nobody take a picture with me and Sean cuz I hate this mother and I was like bro you on trial with you hate him what what are you talking about he said Jean just don't let nobody take a picture I said no nobody going to take no pictures bro go ahead and do your thing so him and Sean they had a conversation they were talking then puff went on the tour bus for a minute then he came off and we just rolled off and I said yo what's up he said man and puff was telling me yo he got me in all this bull so I don't believe when puff said that to me I don't believe puff would have shot a gun up in the club cuz wolf them was there but I don't know why or I can't take away from what the witness said she saw it if she said she saw it she saw it if she said he did it she has to prove that he did it but he may be like that now but back then he wasn't like that where he was going to take a gun out and shoot up in the club especially when he had wolf and some of the people that was there at the time that's what they there for that's what I was kind of wondering too cuz wolf and him you know wolf actually got charged too wolf wolf had to beat some of the same charges you know wolf was in the car with Diddy when they were when they were taking off MH you know when the alleged uh bribery happened where the the the D was it wasn't no Alle that that was a true thing they offered the driver to take the gun and everything and they was going to give him $50,000 he what he he was on he was he was telling the truth bro that was that was no alleged to nothing that was the truth yeah yeah uh so yeah him and wolf had some of the same charges the bribery and the gun charges and you know as we know they both were found innocent of those they was going to be found innocent anyway no matter what because uh Shan know this to be true too they came to Shan and it's a girl that was on the witness she was a no she was on the jury they had got to her and she wanted $20,000 per person and she was going to make sure all three of them walk damn yep okay and that's real talk Shawn know that to be true Shawn wouldn't get Shawn wasn't going to do it puff could have did it puff could have gave up the whole 60,000 cuz he was going to pay wolf part of it so why but because of Shan he wasn't going to give Shan part of it I don't know why do you think that Diddy kind of did this because he felt like somebody had to take the fall well that's you got to realize these lawyers know each other some way somehow when they got all when they got the discovery the New York Lawyers the prosecutors going to say you know somebody got to take a fall for this we're not letting this happen you understand and Sean got caught with his weapon on him puff knew Sean had to take the fall wolf would have take if wolf would have got charged with anything he was a three time loser he his the the the uh sentence that he would get would had to be 25 to life cuz he he had already had uh uh gun charges drug charges all that stuff like that he'd have been a three he would have been a three- time loser so the less that he could gu in that type of situation was 25 to life or 20 to life or something like that so Sean had to be the one to take the fall because puff was not going to go to jail not at all okay so here's where things kind of get you know kind of kind of wild man so the dude scar did a written statement to the police saying that Diddy and him had hits out on each other and that he wouldn't uh take the stand against Diddy because he was scared for his life and that that's why he didn't testify well I would think he wouldn't testify because scar was a gangster and gangsters do gangsters things right and if he would have got on the stand against Diddy then would he have been a gangster hell no they wouldn't look at him that way JLo was there that night with did he and shine says in a few different things two different interviews that he saved their life well I look at it like this is that I don't believe none of them was trying to shoot nobody cuz all the shots ricocheted off the stuff that was in the ceiling you get it the people who got hit was because they got hit from things that was ricochetting the bullets that was ricocheting from the things from out the air the lights and the the uh the uh the structures so if they they was at close enough proximity if they was trying to kill each other or shoot each other they would have got somebody would have got shot really most of the shots were from from gun gun gun bullets ricocheting off the ceilings and like that I think one security person probably got shot in the leg didn't you read that I didn't see or any hear anybody talk about no paperwork about that but I in an interview shine says that he shot the guy that pulled a gun on him and that he shot the guy in the shoulder when you know like he was like yo when I seen dude reaching for his gun I pulled out my gun and shot him that's that was in the interview that shine said okay would Puff get harassed like this when he would go out or was this just like a a just you know an off situation we never around anyone or we never allowed anybody to get that close to them when we go out because we have our own ction but because this was something promptu that puff just popped up with Jennifer Lopez it was no security there to have it set up whereas that he have his own section so individuals don't get that close to him now anytime we went to certain places we had a section and we didn't allow individuals to get close to Puff yeah this seemed like a really kind of a crazy situation you know being that you know I I guess it all started over a drink being spilled so you know puffy accidentally bumped into somebody spilled the drink they started arguing shine actually knew these guys you know they were from Brooklyn too it it just seemed like a really and then you know like like you were saying earlier you know one of them threw money on puff like we got money too it just seemed like a you know a kind of situation that wouldn't really happen to someone like Puff well if uh if the right if the security was there like it was supposed to be when he's at a function at a place like that things like that usually don't happen but because like I said what happened with wolf I I would think wolf would have been the one but wolf you know see what what what people don't understand is is that wolf was not really security wolf was one of the individuals that gave bad boy they starting money he was getting a security check for social security reasons and all that you know what I mean as if he worked security yes wolf was a he was a gangster but wolf wanted me to quit my job well they wanted me to quit my job and be full-time security for puff you understand what I'm saying instead of having them on Fridays Saturdays and SUNY stuff like that they wanted me to be there full wolf wanted me to be there Paul wanted me to be there and I like no I'm stay I'm keeping my state job y'all [ __ ] is crazy y'all y'all mind we're not doing that so wolf was not really security but he's security because who he is he didn't have to work no he didn't have no no schedule to work wolf just would Puff at the parties and at the events you know what I mean but wolf was part of the crew that gave part puff that startup money okay so then they didn't really have any security with him that night not really crazy damn okay well this situation I believe caused JLo and Diddy to break up along with some other stuff along with some other stuff and she actually kind of left him for a backup dancer you know how how did Puff take that or you know what was going on during that time man it was so much crazy things going on and uh puff was using her personal assistant to try to find out wherever Jennifer was at he was send like a hundred Dozen Roses he was trying to get Luther vros to sing for her you know sing to her he was doing everything to try to get her back you know what I'm saying but she wasn't going for her I think Jennifer you know Jennifer mother didn't like puff so when your mother don't like somebody you know and Jennifer was real close with her mother and her parents her father used to go to baseball games with us and everything like that but uh I think it had a lot to do you know her mother not liking her her mother you know felt her life was in danger for being around somebody like puff and she wasn't going to uh risked her relationship with her family by dealing with this kid anymore you know he spent kind he spent kind of years trying to get her back he made songs about her and everything yeah he like he always had Kim there for him on the side but like Jennifer when she dipped on him it kind of messed him up like yeah like I mean like he would get out the car and we'll be on 17th Street and we'll walk all the way up to 74th Street to his house was like yo it was crazy man the way she you know had him and he wanted to get her back but she wasn't messing with him you know shy came out and everybody kind of compared him to Biggie they said he sounded like biggie he had a lot of Biggie swag you know did you guys ever get any hate about that or you know were there people around that might not have liked what was going on Sean got a lot of hate from Junior Mafia behind that D Rock them they was really trying to hurt him they was having shootouts they was getting into brwl everything if it wasn't for Wolf bringing shine close to him it would have been mad issues you know with Junior Mafia and Shan puff couldn't handle it so uh Shan made wolf like uh like a manager over his project or whatever like that so D Rock start giving Shan a pass but because of that biggie stuff or he sound like big or they thought he was trying to take big uh like be like big they was going at him Sean wasn't safe around bad boy okay well I think the biggest news with puff going on is that little Rod actually filed a lawsuit against him accusing him of all types of stuff from touching him to spiking drinks and sex workers and Diddy trying to groom him and you know allegedly sharing a video of Stevie J having sex with a man to try to persuade him to to do things and you know that is okay and this is just how it's done in the music business you know what is your uh you know first initial thoughts when you seen and heard about this latest lawsuit you know it's crazy that everybody in the world can have an opinion about what puff do or what puff did but me everybody gets like upset when I talk about him when I knew him for years you understand what I'm saying he was part of the gang our crew he went on and did bad boy he went on uh I didn't bodyguard him I've done security for him you know what I'm saying been in his house been you know been around him we ate off the same plates you know here and there so everybody get upset when I talk about him maybe because I did security for him but not only that is the fact that we was cool outside side the security so I can have my opinion on what I think the puff that y'all see now wasn't the puff that was back in 95 96 2003 2004 you know he's a he's he he he's the puff that's that's allegedly I guess are like these people are saying that's on drugs that's using cocaine that's using uh uh Other Drugs That's using pills and stuff like that when I was around puff he was taking those pain pills for his wrist he got hooked on those he would drink champagne he wouldn't smoke no weed he wouldn't smoke no cigarettes I seen him on uh one of the Instagram posts or whatever like that he was walking smoking a cigarette I don't know that puff so you know him having these charges and these people are saying these things about them that's their personal experience that's what they see now I've seen some of the things that match some of the stuff that he's saying there you know maybe having a bunch of girl you know using women to get at guys and everything like that okay but this this addic and using these drugs and like I I don't I I don't know that puff like that okay now what about all the the extra stuff that he was talking about that he's accusing Diddy of you know like the spike drinks and that's what I'm saying like like you know he never did that around me that I knew about that one you understand what I'm saying he never did that uh that that men and having a lot of women or or or or having sex things like that with men and women together yeah I've seen puff play that Rockstar role where you know him and another girl and the guy and other guys they be all in the room naked doing their thing or whatever like that I I know him from that you know understand uh but all that three men waking up in the bed with three men and all y'all naked I don't know that puff like that right that's what little Robie accused him of right that he woke up one night yeah he woke up and he was in the bed naked with him and and two other men yeah that's brother love [Laughter] that ain't puff that's brother love well also in this paperwork they they indirectly like they they make it so obvious that it's Usher they redact his actual name but then below that they put he just performed at the Super Bowl yeah I caught a lot of flack about that cam I caught a lot of flack about that because our people always want to blame the accuser and not the abuser um back in the day I'd say like in 91 after the city college incident I stopped doing security for uh puff right stop dealing with him but he was still part of the same gang that was our crew in Harlem and he used to come back and forth with us go to parties you understand boat rides uh uh the same gang picnic all those things like that he still was a same gang member so you know me being one of the big dogs of the same gang I still seen him had association with him we was cool I just didn't do any work for him no more after that City College incident when nine people died so now this was back in 91 us rer Raymond ivth he was born in 78 and they said that puff was a mentor to him and he was 14 years old something like that he was living with puff whatever like that that was back yeah that was Usher Usher Rond the said Usher went on the Howard Stern Show and said that he lived with Usher at age 13 and he went to Diddy Camp right now check this out if it was 13 this had to be around 92 then right 92 993 right he's 78 he was born in 78 so this is about 92 93 I wasn't even dealing with puff I wasn't doing no security for him or nothing but I hear that we hear not only me people in the street people in the industry that puff had an incident with a kid and the kid was rushed to the hospital in Scarsdale New York now that incident I always tell people I let Mr Raymond I let Usher explain the incident I let his mother explain this incident because I didn't know it was Usher until Usher first album came out and he was about 17 years old we heard about the incident but people didn't know it was Usher till his mother made a statement about Diddy and his album came out which was two or three years later now I didn't see Usher again until I was in Atlanta and about 2002 or 2003 with Diddy we was at the Swiss hotel right and Diddy was in the room with Kim he comes out he has a girl in the living room where in the presidential suite they got the piano a big table he got out so it's a girl sleeping on the couch in the living room I'm in the whole another room room on the other side so it's early in the morning I come out this girl is on the couch puff comes out the room this girl start giving her a f giving them a fellatio this girl is one of Keith sweat's old baby baby mothers um yeah baby mama you understand seen her before and everything like that so Puffs goes in the room after she finish She lays back down on the couch the doorbell ring Usher comes in I open the door it's Usher I haven't I know who Usher is now he's 20 something years old at this time now this about 2003 2002 2003 I said what up user he said yo puffer I said yeah he in the room he said yeah uh uh he said is uh I forgot the girl name here cuz he was looking for her I said yeah man she over there on the couch man she just got through uh boof and puff just like that yeah she just got through boof and puff man get out of here Usher go wake the girl up she gets up and they hug and he kiss her in the mouth and I was like my man you n y man I see y'all later and they walk out the they walk out the he takes out the the hotel room she goes with him right people get mad at me cuz I tell that story you understand what I'm saying but I didn't know Usher was the one that had to be rushed to the hospital until people around puff that was was around puff at the time told me it was Usher you understand but Usher Raymond I fourth that means it's a third there's a second and there's a first he got a mama he got a cousin he got a second cousin first cousin second cousin he might got even a kissing cousin if his family members way back then didn't do nothing when they knew what happened to him and why he was rushed to the hospital how do they expect other people to be responsible for what they didn't do they wanted their kid to be a star he a star he a mega star so whatever happened to him then they may not want it to be known but they knew something happened enough that his mother had to come get him out of Diddy Camp after the hospital situation Usher got sent home Usher went home his mother came and got him that's what I heard and he went back to Atlanta but this is 92 I didn't go back and start dealing with puff until 95 after they had the problem with SH Knight so from 91 to 95 I wasn't messing with and that and that's would have been that would have been when Usher was around him at a young age but still I'm I'm still big Jean I'm still a dude that's giving parties doing security for certain people at Uptown records Tim Dog I'm still big Jean so I'm going to hear stuff and I'm a know but these people want to blame the accuser to let them know what went down yo listen to me I ain't got no shame in my game to letting y'all know what happened and what this dude did dude did this dude did a lot of people dirty and he's getting his karma back he did a lot of people dirty you understand what I'm saying well a lot of people believed that you know Usher was groomed by Diddy he wasn't only grooed by Diddy he was uh groomed by La Reed the rest of them too man because they knew what happened then they came out and brought him back and all of a sudden he's getting all the great tracks he's getting all the songs they making him into the star even though he may have been abused they seem to be pretty good friends well they probably is I mean they did a lot of work together man throughout their whole career you know puff was early early in his career puff and Usher were working together when Usher was just a kid all the way up I mean you know I I think there's videos from not too long ago when they were they were together and you know puff is making jokes about how they used to wrestle for the Frosted Flakes in the morning and yeah I bet they did you know somebody frosted some somebody frosted somebody [Laughter] flakes without the milk what do you think it is that keeps Usher from coming out or saying anything because yo dog he it is it's you got to realize in that industry a lot of people are stand back and say Well it happened to me that's how some of them people pay their dues and the people who don't go down like that don't be as great as the ushers as the diddies it's a way of Passage to certain people in the entertainment business with all these people coming out against Diddy do you think more people are going to come out it's a lot of people that see you got to realize is that everybody think oh everybody's coming out now it's a lot of people that wanted to bring stuff out long time ago but the lawyers wouldn't take it the lawyers wouldn't deal with it Cassie opened up a Floodgate for lawyers to look at people cases now and say yeah we might can get some money out of that we might can do that yeah he did abuse you nobody really cared at first but now they see that a lot of this stuff may have some truth to it and the people can be paid for it they coming out I seen that you've actually talked to some victims behind the scenes yep I mean without naming any names you know what all can you tell me about that well I don't want to talk about what they uh confided in me but it's a lot of stuff that has been going on and um like there's tapes that are running around with women there's tape that is running around with women and they want to get a hold to hold of those tapes so they could bring them you know to the lawyers and those tapes do exist but it's going to be hard for them to get cuz a lot of people don't want them to know that they was in those tapes and they was a part of it but it is what it is speaking of tapes little rod says he has a ton of video footage and then Diddy had him following him with a camera doing all types of these illegal activities was there cameras around a lot back in the day nah you know back in the day they didn't do that they didn't even allow people to take pictures Harley you know saying we didn't have those cameras like that there was a few cameramen Alex and this uh Spanish dude they was allowed to take certain pictures but only when you told they they asked you to you know what I mean y so that's that's footage there's footage I have a tape of the party that uh Diddy gave after shine was convicted oh that's interesting okay did he threw a party for for him beating his case I take it yeah okay is there anything on there or it's just a normal just a normal party just a normal [Laughter] party I mean you know was this just a normal party or was this like a diddy party it's a normal party it's a normal Diddy party cuz you got to realize he was normal back then he was he was he was the normal Diddy back then now he brother love okay well I guess there was a a situation with Diddy and a rapper and they were in a hotel room for hours who's that that that you kind of talked about I believe it was JW rule no bro no no stop it stop it stop it yo cam did he had Sarah and Sarah girlfriend right he was trying to uh use them to go at J R so J Ru could go at Jay-Z he was trying to set J up and try to have those girls you know throw their self on Jau in the hotel room and they was all in the room together when I got into an altercation with a guy who tried to get in the room puff and gyu ran out and when they ran out because of the the the commotion they was grabbing TOS because they was naked when they came out so he was in there they both was in there with women okay I see I kind of seen you touch on this a little bit but there was you know with the whole wolf and BMF situation well is there anything you could talk about with that yeah I'll talk about that um wolf wanted to move on and started Club him and a guy Mike Sally was going to invest in this club it was 321 they was going to buy in Miami it's where JLo had gave puff a birthday party at so wolf wanted his money back from puff puff had promised him once he do a universal deal or whatever that he was going to give wolf his 300,000 back um a had once said it was about 500,000 but but I think 300,000 of that money was wolf either because he was spending money on supporting the other two guys who got convicted to uh they got 96 of life sentences for conspiracy of selling drugs so wolf was spending his money on helping them their families and everything like that and the money he helped give to puff to hold Craig Mack and big from going to somebody else and being a part of bad boy until he got the deal with Clyde Davis so now wolf puff became real good friends with meech from BMF and we had went to the fights and I wrote this I wrote this and I talked about it in my book in my second book we had went to the fights down in uh uh Detroit and we us on a tour bus with meech and Mech told puff he a have to worry about nothing nobody or he was good from this point on whenever he's going somewhere just let him know cuz puff was meech was getting into the music business and puff was opening some doors for him you know what I'm saying just like uh he made an introduce introduction to with puff I think to Jacob the Jeweler you know and you know the BMF cats all they did have a lot of jewelry you know what I'm saying so puff was opening doors for me to get into the music business so one day we was in the office this is about a week or two before a week or so a week or two before wolf got killed puff told me Puff told wolf I don't need you no more and W like you don't need me no more he said yeah me said I don't need you no more so uh wolf said yo them Ain all what you think they are he said listen I don't have to even have you around me no more and when the universal I do this Universal deal I'mma give you your money yo and wolf was like yo I'm going to be around as much as I want I I want to be around and I'm going to show you they ain't all that a week or two later they had the altercation in the club and in that altercation in the club according to Wolf mother the investigators told her wolf I mean uh meech phones were tapped and then his in his in his phone he made a call to Puff telling him to call Wolf and straighten wolf out like yo you know call Wolf let him know man you know this don't mean you know get your boy whatever wolf me said to him get your boy this according to Wolf mother and the investigators told wolf mother that puff told her that that his response for oh I can't stop him I I can't I I I can't control what he do man y'all do what y'all got to do and W end up dying that night getting killed by the dude that he introduced to BMF damn that's kind of crazy damn I think you said you introduced Diddy to Jacob the Jeweler no no no no no no I didn't say that I said that I think did he introduce meets to Jacob the Jeweler that's crazy because Jacob got caught in the BMF Rico also for allegedly concealing uh the money like like they were buying chains from Jacob and Jacob wasn't reporting who he was getting the money from or he wasn't reporting the money at all during during the invest so he actually got in trouble too MH but Diddy didn't get in trouble for making the introduction Diddy didn't get in trouble for making the introduction nope well I guess there was a situation where Tupac found out Jay-Z had a show in Las Vegas right can you talk about that yeah um I don't know how Pac found out that Jay-Z had a show but Jay-Z was not coming out that room he had to call Chaz was Chaz called Big D Big D called Eric B Eric B them called Suge Knight and they call uh uh and Suge say yo man that ain't me that's Pac with his wild ass and Suge Knight gave told Pac to give Jay-Z a pass so he could go do his concert or his show cuz Jay wasn't coming out that room you know to do nothing do you know why Tupac was so mad at Jay-Z I don't I can't say why he was mad at him bro but you know uh I think Jay had did that song with big right was Pac alive when he did that song with big Brooklyn finest whatever man the part that people are saying Pac might have been mad about was the part where biggie kind of made a reference to Pac where he's like two pox get if Faith get pregnant she'll probably have two pox get it to pox and so yeah this would have been out because the album came out in June June 25th 1996 was the day the Reasonable Doubt was released yeah so that uh that Reasonable Doubt came out June 1996 yes Reon Reasonable Doubt came out June 1996 all right so then that would get pop poac would be mad he did a song with big remember Pac said that he came out there with the Hawaii silky fame or something like that yeah he started going in on Jay he also from what I understand took shots of Jay at the end of hit him up but during that part the mic short circuited so I guess they just kind of cut it out if if you listen to it you can still hear it on the internet now I've seen you touch on this before about Suge starting a Distribution Company with ir Gotti J Prince and Dame Dash right can you touch on that a little bit right um Suge Knight wanted us to keep uh I guess the money into the black business you know with these record labels I think sh was like when it came to business he was a genius you know because he was like trying to get Irv J Prince uh Dame Dash who else uh it was somebody else Eric beatam he was trying to get them to get their own they all come together and start their own Publishing Company you know what I mean yep publishing distribution of our own music and when uh puff and Jay got a whiff of that information you know they took it to the handless and I guess they was telling them this can't happen and that's when all the other black labels and stuff the FBI start running in getting up information uh drugs and everything and and uh who else was that um Jimmy henchman then that's when all the drugs and all this other stuff start being you know the FBI start investigating all these label for all this other bullsh when sh tried to unite those labels in order to get uh distribution in the Publishing Company damn and there are that there is proof that Kirk Burrows had of that him and puff taking information to the FBI so puff was that mad about it damn well I guess the handlers was that mad about it cuz they knew if those companies you talking about violators you know or though any of those if they start all those companies with big labels if they start doing their own distribution their own publishing what are these other companies going to get it would cut a lot of people out that's for sure no doubt so I guess there was a a situation with 50 Cent where he was on a plane or you ran into him when he was on a plane nah n n me and 50 was riding the plane together we was going to uh Vegas okay just before he had just before he had got shot oh okay oh before he got shot okay this before he had got shot so I guess you guys ended up at a party with Supreme right um I didn't really know that 50 and prum was beefing like that you know what I'm saying me and 50 had a conversation about him and J and why J was beefing at him and everything like that or why they had a um some kind of misunderstanding or whatever like that and uh when we got off the plane uh I had asked 50 uh are you good with uh holding one of my girlfriends and she he was like yeah yeah yeah I'm good with that so uh we was just chilling at the party and Earth God them had rolled up in a limousine and nobody got out but PR because they were supposed to be going to uh Chaz party so nobody got out but PR and PR was at the door and 50 was just mean mugging him and I Ain know why he was mean mugging him you know what I'm saying so P was telling me yo man tell Chaz that we not coming to the party we F to go over here on the Strip or whatever like that and we'll talk to him tomorrow and um 50 just was leaning on a barricade just just like as if he was waiting for one of those cats to come out the car I didn't really know they had a beef like that and uh PR left so I went up to tell Chaz I said your Chad PR down there and uh I'm wondering um why they ain't coming to the party he said they not coming up I said nah he said they going someplace else and him and uh 50 was just mean mugging each other and he said yo yeah I said uh he said what 50 at now I said he's still down there man he said y he all right I said yeah he all right I gave one of my girlfriends CH like you gave him what she I said yeah he you know I gave one of my girlfriends she chilling with him she said yo get that back from him that boy a loose cannon man I was like what's wrong he said yo they got they got they got beef I was like oh so uh I didn't get it back from 50 you know I just let him hold it for the rest of the night then after the night I had got it back from him was that your first time meeting 50 nah 50 was over in the studio you got to realize 50 used to be at the studio Chaz Studio black hands so I would see him up in the studio and everything that was the first trip I ever went to with with F50 on we stopped in St Louis my brothers and them met him and everything like that but that's the first trip I went with 50 I think it was 50 antono 50 says he did some writing for puff yeah he us should be able to writing 50 yep did you see a lot of that like did you see him in the studio I've seen a lot of people write for uh bad boy but uh I never seen 50 over there writing for him what was your first slots when you first met 5050 did he like did he have that reputation even back then n like you got to realize is that I was like the big homie you get it they was up and coming they was trying to be somewhere so they know all the sh that I was going through all the people and all the rappers I've been around and I was opening doors for people for Chaz and black hands and everything like that you know like when they go to clubs they go to parties they always have me at first with them because I knew everybody when they was going to some people in the industry I could open their doors because I knew people at Sony Arista I knew people at the at the at the at the labels cuz I had ran around with puff for a few years you know what I mean so I was the I was the big homie you know me and this other kid named Prince for black hands so I was opening doors I was the one that made the introduction to K slay they didn't even know K slay I made that introductions to black hands to K slay okay yo cam this Tri about to be crazy boy you know that right yeah yeah I spoke to I spoke to Kefi D's son and uh all that [ __ ] the [ __ ] told me he got beat up in jail all that [ __ ] is lies oh really yeah ain't nobody touched him in jail aren't they facing some more charges though him and his son for going after uh one of the witnesses it's a possibility yeah that's not going to look good cuz they're going to put that in this kei's trial yeah but he's going to beat he going to beat that case man it's possible man it's it's very possible he be all circumstantial evidence he went he did the best thing he could do trial by judge judge has the find the letter of the law follow the letter of the law ni what's up man all right well Jean man I appreciate your time yo cam thank you for letting me explain myself man you know cuz like I said before man they always want to blame the accusers but they never want to blame and put the blame on the abusers and I appreciate cam TV giving me this opportunity to tell my part of the stories of what was going on all right for sure man definitely uh you know glad you got that out man all appreciate you thanks bro all right man what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Id: ArPFc2m6Iy8
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Length: 64min 31sec (3871 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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