Mario Wonder but every Seed makes Mario BIGGER…

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hello everyone today we play from Mario Wonder but every Wonder seed makes Mario bigger so here we are in Game we're starting off extremely tidy I'm like a little ant but once we collect some window seeds we're going to be absolutely ginormous we're probably going to get so big that it becomes uncontrollable wa you're so small yeah I know I am but as a small Mario I think we have more floaty physics I have to almost concentrate to see where I am everything's now a one shot be careful oh my gosh I'm going to have to watch out for every single Goomba cuz if I walk into one slightly wrong I guess I'll just die I might be able to sneak into like little places that I'm not normally meant to get into as this little Mario also here's the first Wonder flower which when we activate makes the world go crazy like this and at the end of it there's going to be a w seed waiting for us which will double our size which I really need cuz look how small I am this hasn't been too bad so far I was expected it to be a lot harder as little small Mario but there we go here's the first window seed that's made us a little bit bigger I wonder if everything's still going to be a one shot though hello Mr Goomba are you going to one shot oh oh he is who do you think you are Mr little Goomba get out of here all right anyway here's the end of the level which means we're going to get a w seed w we we don't even look like we can wrap ourselves around that pole oh my gosh how did he stick to it anyway there we go another W seed let's go oh and we're looking a bit bigger on the Overworld as well Prince floran the little caterpillar is meant to be under his hat he's actually bigger than me I don't know how he fitting under my hat then oh but anyway unlock the next level Paras on parades another one star difficulty so it shouldn't be that bad wait what oh I forgot to mention this but this mod adds a load of like unique Transformations as we get bigger so I guess we're this little slime man for this level that's cool that's cool oh he can stick to blocks okay this is going to be C I'm an even little a slime man what the heck I'm lost for words I don't know what to say about this maybe if I collect a w seed I'll become a bigger slime man what there's a random what at least I got the water up I'm sorry but this is too crazy this is making the level a lot harder cuz I can barely jump over all these paradas the Slime Guy is dead slow sort of like a Minecraft slime oh but this wonderf flower this is one of the coolest moments in any Mario game just look at this look at this oh no oh I thought I was stuck during a ground pound cuz when you ground pound on these blocks as a slime that happens you get trapped I don't think you're meant to be a slime I don't think there's any areas in the game normally where the Slime appears on these blocks what will happen when I collect the W seed at the end of oh no oh I almost got trapped through the ground P when I collect the W seed will it make me a bigger slime or will it make me a bigger Mario cuz this Slime Guy I don't know if I can even beat the level of slime man ah I guess we'll find out what are you going to do with the seed oh oh he's made me a bigger marrier nice I'm still a lot smaller than I was this a Slime Guy which is kind of cringe but at least we're near the end of the level I need to be careful not to get hit by everything cuz everything's still a one shot there we go the end of the level we're going to free this man from the cage which means we're going to get another window seed which is going to make me bigger once again oh my gosh I'm loving this challenge this is so cool also once we get extremely big I reckon it's going to be difficult navigating away through some levels because we're just going to get stuck on everything once again we're looking a bit bigger on the overw world as well which which is nice scram scadas are we even going to be able to catch up with the scadas at this size wait what we've got another one of these Transformations we've turned into a little ball and we can break stuff okay okay this is epic the bull has a book face on look at that okay that's going to be crazy I don't think I can I can't get powerups or anything because I just break the blocks at least I can just get the scadas out of here get out of here scad I think the ball normally in the game is massive it's probably like three or four times oh times the size of this we're also causing an earthquake almost on these note blocks look at that it's like a tsunami that's quite satisfying that's quite satisfying but anyway this scad has a t Co I one get out of here Mr SCA oh what I can also push around pipes as this pool guy what oh never mind the pipes disappear that is so strange cuz normally those pipes you push around just by moving them with Mario oh and we can squeeze into this little area to get another 10 coin oh this is fun this is fun hopefully the level's still possible hopefully we can still get this W seed are we going to be fast enough okay so there's a once we collect this wonderf flower it makes everything go rainbowy I need to collect all these stars as well cuz the star Stars increase the time but there should be a scad with a W seed that's there there there there he is give me that W seed nice am I going to be a bigger bull or a bigger Mario oh a bigger Mario I'm like a little mini Mario this is probably the size that the mini musroom makes here and we should be pretty near the end of the level anyway oh yeah that's the end when you see a staircase like that you know it's the end no no don't just St oh I still got the top of the flag pole actually I thought that SCA guy was he going to destroy it all but there's another Popkin here with a wind seed for us it's going to make us bigger once again well almost back to normal size oh we're pretty much normal size on the Overworld now oh get out here Bowser I don't want to see you oh but to fight Bowser Junior we need 14 W seeds we're going to be massive by then oh I can't wait for this that's what I'm going to do I'm going to fight Bowser Junior anyway we have to go into this Popkin house and get the parachute hat but unfortunately the size mod doesn't work inside of these Popkin houses for some reason there we go we get this parachute hat which is going to be very epic let's go on of Prince Florian's head let's go to bull rush coming through oh wait I think we're back to normal size anyway bull come at me I need to get these blocks so I'm not a one shot there we go we got our super mushroom we should be good for the rest of the level now I can't actually remember where the W seed in this level is so I need to keep my eye out oh I can probably get this platform to go down to the oh bull there we go the bull can destroy all the bricks and I can grab this cheeky Tang coin nice is this it if a ground pound here is this where the W seed is oh no not these guys I don't like these fellas I really want to get another W seed cuz that's when stuff's going to really start to ramp up cuz we're going to get bigger and bigger from now on I wonder once we're big is that going to make us oh is there a w seed in there I think that no no no I think in some blocks similar to that there's a w seed and that's going to create a big bull rush oh here it is here it is how do I get a bull to hit it though okay bull bull bull hit this there we go and we can collect the W seed and I believe this is going to create a stampede oh okay I just want to jump on top I think there's another level in world one with a stampede so we'll be able to check out how it affects being bigger later it's not too difficult it just looks very very chaotic this is probably one of the most chaotic looking places in the game oh no they knocked over the flag pole a I think there's another flag pole Anyway come on get out of here silly clouds oh there's the wi seed and that should make us bigger once again oh oh we're actually looking quite a lot bigger okay this is going to get crazy I'm actually looking for oh oh there's another flag pole this flag Pole's giant I like those play different sound effect but there we go another window seed which is going to make us a biger again oh my gosh this is going to start scaling up so quickly oh look at this world map I've never seen it like this before also he shout out to smashy for helping me get the world map working so I can look bigger on the world map as well but let's go into here comes the hippos next I also want to give a huge shout out to everyone who subscribed from the last video as well oh my gosh the elephant gu is massive and an especially big shout out to Clifford lad for giving me a super chat this is like my first Super Chat ever so huge shout out to you this very epic but anyway look how Big M oh I'm bigger than the hippos now bro okay this is going to be crazy I hope there's no way like I can fit under cuz I think I have to crouch to get underneath this question mark block Guy this is actually making it a bit easier you know being this big I just have to watch out for enemies cuz I don't think I'm invulnerable I have to squeeze under that those blocks ah I think I'm going to have to squeeze under here as well there we go ah there's a few places I have to squeeze under probably this like piran tunnel as well yes scratch what I said about it being easier this is actually quite painful I want to test out to see if my trunk range oh yeah my trunk range looks like it's a lot bigger my parachute hat looks a lot bigger there for me up here I can't quite remember he looks a bit Goofy with a kubba shell in his hands oh BR do I get a wonderf flower from activat yeah yeah yeah I do I do okay cool cool cool and I think this also creates a stampede of these guys ah leave me alone I just want to get myself a w seed there we go oh am I bigger oh oh let's go what oh my gosh yeah I'm pretty much the same size as this hio guys I'm we're going to get another one from this Popkin he looks so strange sliding down the pole as well now I think Mario's normally around the same size of the Popkin so you sort of get a visual scale from that at the end of each level W oh and there's also some bonus levels where I can get W Seed Super quickly like this hurry race hurry hurry where we just have to dash and go so we have to hit this block oh yeah I can't fit under that block anymore which is kind of cringe so I have to ground pound on it and now I just want to run run run and I think I'm a bit faster cuz my legs are a little bit longer and there we go another window seed let's go that one was so easy that was literally free and then we can get another one from Wonder oh Wonder token I wasn't sure what that said to start with but it's like a token like a little W seed thing so when I collect five Wonder tokens we get another one Bo boing oh I love the music as well oh that was so easy oh I didn't even mean to collect it I just accidentally jumped up to it those were literally free oh this is mental I might be able to clip out of bounds being this big on the world map this is so strange okay let's get rid of this piran plant at this size I could probably just jump on it it's made the window seed massive as well what on Earth am I even going to be able to beat the wiggler when I'm this big wiggler wiggler oh I guess the Overworld scales up more quickly than this world I'm not that big here but on the Overworld I'm massive at least I'm bigger than the wiggler now ooh I still am quite big and I need to be careful not to get stuck under different blocks so at least I can duck on these Dash battles hopefully I can still win cuz this is normally pretty easy oh but it's neck and neck at the moment I don't want to embarrass myself here you know what if I lose you can call me cringe in the comment you can bully me a bit I guess taking the higher RS here that's a plan oh oh no oh no I fumbled I might have fumbled he's gone for now he's gone for now but he's probably just going to catch up out of nowhere okay I want to go up top there we go up top like that don't think I can fit under there so I I have to miss a big Dash padel please don't lose oh we only just won that oh my goodness that was so close spop that to me real quick Mr wigler there we go we get another one nice I don't get why I'm so massive on the world map that's so strange he's just is floating on thin air now I think prin floor in you're so funny I don't quite have enough W seeds to fight Bowser Junior yet but what I do want to do is go up this way to this bull rush splas level and there's a secret exit that we have to get here I better not be too big to get the secret exit maybe I'm bigger with the elephant because that's what you need I need to keep the elephant power up to the end to get the secret exit I barely fit in that pipe there so when I collect this W seed a load of balls come rushing at me I I guess if I just duck down I won't bang my head and get get trapped on anything but what I have to do is just keep oh oh no keep the elephant power up I have in storage to the end of the level oh my goodness oh there's a few like maze little bits that are might that might be more difficult like this bit here oh how did we make it through that oh this is stressful okay up up up avoid all the balls avoid all the balls and yes okay we made it here I don't think I actually want to collect this window seed cuz that's going to make me bigger and I might not be able to fit oh I might not be able to fit through here cuz if I have the elephant power up here I can break all these bricks and make my way to the pipe but if I collect that W seed it's going to make me too big I'm I oh how did I fit through that oh my gosh I don't know how I how did I even that was epic okay okay I believe there's just a secret flag pole at the end here though where we'll be able to get another window to seed I'm kind of sad about missing out on it but I do also want to go all the way to the Special World from this route there's like two or three levels that you can do to get to the Special World there we go nice it's kind of sad that we only got one W seed from this level though wow I'm huge this level's going to be interesting cuz you're a shadow I wonder how I'll look as his silhouette being this big I bet it's going to look cool oh oh I just see his massive eyes I need to be careful not to get hit by anything though so the funny thing about this level is I've never actually played it before I've only seen other people play it cuz there's a mod that removes like the silhouette effect so you get to see everything normally that's the only thing I've seen from this level I'm not really going after the purple coins since we don't we don't really need them I just want to beat Bowser junor and I also want to go to the Special World in this video cuz I want to see if I can beat a special World level whil I'm this big looks like it's going to be a bit of a squeeze ah where's the W seed oh I wonder what's going to happen when we go dead stretchy cuz when we collect the W seed in this level we turn stretchy and I believe that's the W seed here get out you I'll hit you with my elephant trunk there you go W seed give me oh this is going to be Mega difficult actually cuz my hit box is going to be giant oh it's like I'm going to have to be stretched down the whole time it's not too bad though cuz it's bouncy trampolines let's go I am smart because that's the only way I can fit I'm not even that small I'm still ginormous ah oh no oh actually that might help me in a bit smaller then I can du down a bit lower I can get under tighter gaps oh and I believe the W seed in this level is very sneaky oh I need to be careful cuz up I'm one hit away from dying you have to duck down it's in one of the trees and it's very easy to miss if if you don't du down might be here yeah here it is let's oh let's go who I keep on forgetting how big I am but anyway I think this is near the end as well like that nice oh that silhouette is so funny I'm almost as big as the house now I'm almost as big as the Popkin house oh my goodness yes I'm just so big on the world map as well oh oh this is a vertical level I believe Cosmic hippos are we going to go to space is giant Mario please say we do that's going to be insane oh what wait We Shrunk down but we turned into a bull Mario oh wait I'm bouncing off everywhere oh this is actually quite cool for a vertical level cuz then I can just blow all the way up oh this is actually uncontrollable I really want to collect oh wait oh we don't get damaged by those cloud guys at least so we can just go straight through them oh this is uncontrollable though we need to get oh my gosh it's like a pinbal machine the amount of things are bouncing around with oh give me that checkpoint please just give me that checkpoint I don't think this would be possible if I was like a giant blue cuz I can barely fit through these gaps anyway this is actually way more difficult than all of the other levels at least I'm invulnerable if I wasn't invulnerable I think I'd be dead already I can't even touch the flag pole do I need to go up this way I don't know if this part is possible as Bloon Mario so we might want to just fly up super high until we die and maybe that will just turn me back into normal giant Mario oh oh okay nice we're no longer blue Mario we're still massive oh my gosh and I think all we have to do is pick up one of these snail shells if you can just give me one he's barely even holding it but what we want to do is bring it over to this area and then hit it against a wall oh I missed I also like that the snails have exes when they don't have shells on but there we go that should hit and spawn the W seed is this going to take us to space Oh the hippo guy superch charged so we jump over we jump all the way to space I like how the atmosphere is changing oh this is some peaceful music I just need to be very careful because my hitbox is so big to not get hit by the spikes plow do you have anything to say about being in space not just we oh I need to watch out for the hippos though cuz the hippos can bounce me me into those spikes oh no the hippo bounc me oh I think we're back to where we were this is sort of like a water level we sort of just swimming through space so I just want to wait for him to get past oh what it just spawned a giant hippo these hippo guys are stressing me out he seems super charged as well oh there's the W seed oh my gosh that was more difficult than I thought there we go hopefully this makes me bigger again oh no we're falling oh we weren't even that high up we're apparently in the Mario universe space is only a few meters up I'm not fitting in any of these pipes oh but there we go we can make our way to the flag pole now I look comically large just compared to the flag pole looks like the flag pole would snap with my weight on it awesome another W seed thank you look how big I am I'm bigger than the actual level that's funny what I'm actually unsure of is whether this expert badge challenge is even going to be possible I guess we'll find out in a second badge challenge the jet run oh so with this badge once you stop moving you can't stop like I'm not even pressing anything and I'm moving but what you can do is jump in the air you see like that oh and then oh so you can jump right before you're about to fall off so it gives you like a bit of like cartoon physics this is actually quite difficult oh oh this is going to be really difficult as big Mario because I'm not going to be able to fit underneath stuff never mind oh oh okay we're back to small Mario so this might make it a little bit easy come on this is actually quite difficult oh no oh no can I fit oh it looks like I shouldn't but somehow I just barely squeeze under oh my goodness I thought I was screwed there and after this we're going to unlock the special world I don't even know if we're going to be a able to beat a special World level like this cuz the Special World level to have five star difficulty I guess we'll find out we should unlock a bounce pad there you go and then we should be able to bounce up to the special world oh the flower turns massive oh my gosh it just creates a giant flower five star difficulty is just going to be possible oh oh it looks like I can barely barely fit in who okay I can collect the W seed fine is this platforming bit going to be possible we're almost the size of the hippo ball normally this hippo Ball's giant but we just want to bounce it along and as long as we're bouncing oh but as I was saying as long as I keep it bouncing in the right direction we should be fine oh no there's two oh this is so difficult cuz I can't jump otherwise I'll hit my head oh that's a w seed we did it we did it that only took like five or six attempts I'm not going to lie I was pretty bad are we even going to be able to fit in the pipe though maybe if I do something like come on what that animation was so cursed Mario oh my gosh y okay okay I don't know how I did that that's crazy easy I'm honestly really proud of myself for be a fstar difficulty level whil we're this big I think I am bigger than the toad house now even as little Mario oh thank you so much for the seed though and making me bigger once again all right we have to go fight Bowser junor now if it's even possible I'm I even going to be able to fit in the arena I can't even see the level behind me anymore oh what okay let's use our giant hella flower to get back down Bower Junior you better be trembling in your little boots cuz I'm coming for yeah I'm even bigger than your Castle man oh wow you should be scared Bowser Junior oh my am I even going to be able to fit through this doorway wow I don't think I can fit I think I'm going to have to do a big jump over no don't don't hurt me this is going actually going to be such a big challenge to even beat it oh I don't even know if I'm going to be able to beat this you know who no not the Hammer Bros the Hammer Bros oh no wait am I invulnerable I think I could just got hit by them but I didn't die what maybe maybe I'm so big that I'm invulnerable I don't want to go for that wonderf flower though oh cuz I honest I honestly don't need to be any bigger but since enemies don't hurt me anymore I can just Crouch pretty much to the end oh man not a hammer bro leave me alone Hammer we don't need more of you you're cringe oh we made it to the battle I barely fit up the staircase look how close my head is to the top of the come on Bowser Junior you are going down my guy I don't think I even want a power up here if I'm un vulnerable anyway powerups are just going to make it so I can't fit in anything come on let me down who I didn't even go down the pipe I just stood on it bro these animations are too funny wait I think Bowser junor changes your size in this battle as well I wonder what's going to happen does he change your size I don't know I need to hit hit him once there you go get out of here inhale your Wonder fog will Bowser Junior still change my size or does this mod override it oh oh no I literally don't fit I can crawl still there we go there we go I managed to hit him I don't know how but my oh okay I'm small we're about the same size actually now oh my gosh oh this is too funny normally I'm meant to be dead small here get out of here even a small man I can hit you hit you hit you I'm not even small I'm I'm way bigger than normal did I just did I just beat him wait when I beat him a royal seed spawns I wonder what the Royal seed's going to do Royal seed oh this animation's going to look too good come on Royal seed I'm off the screen you got a royal seed how big is this going to make me oh wow oh wow okay we look far too big oh my goodness look at the size of me compar I'm bigger than Bowser's airship oh my gosh I feel like this is the perfect place to leave it though so if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy Mario Odyssey but every Moon gives Mario more money where we can buy some really really cool items that aren't normally in the game like super cars custom powerups and so much more click on screen to watch it now it's a really fun video and I'll see you over at there bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 1,663,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario, mario, challenge, funny, manx ninja pig, mods, modded, power moon, mod, manx, mario ost, mario series, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, nintendo switch, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario challenge runs, mario mods, bowser's fury, bowser, morio, fury, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowsers fury mod, modding, pig, wonder, mario wonder, super mario wonder, wonder seed, new, big, bigger, mario bigger, big mario
Id: Uleyp2nAicI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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