Mario Superstar Baseball is still amazing

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welcome back to the memes today we're playing Mario Superstar baseball from the gamecubera I had a lot of nostalgia for this game I want to see if it holds up I remember at having an epic career mode so let's see if it's still amazing today so first up we gotta select a team captain Mario looks like the most balanced Peach looks like she can pitch amazingly Wario's got a great bat Yoshi can fly and then of course you've got Donkey Kong who's a pretty good pitcher and a great batter I think for this case we're just gonna stick with Mario because we also get Luigi in probably some pretty good Sidekicks as well invitation from Bowser he wants to challenge Us in baseball is my team ready I guess so beyondes Snooki's Monty mole and your brother yup so the gist of it is is we're going around the map challenging a bunch of different teams and if we beat them I think we get to steal player from their team we should probably start easy right but we challenging first I don't think we want to go too far here because we'll get whooped yeah we're gonna challenge Yoshi first I need that speed on this team gonna put Luigi at shortstop we need better Fielding over there the mole can sit at second base the piantas can just sit there in the corner because they can't run at all challenging Yoshi at his field I'm not exactly sure how 100 how this works oh absolutely whipped oh players will join you when you get all of their Flags oh I missed that one too I'm getting back into the hang of it perfect but it's gonna be a foul ball no it struck me out it's okay it's okay the curves crushed it gonna get down nope out again come on wombat thingy smacks it it's on base go to and you're there nice job our first hit Mission get a hit all right we gotta do it oops what kind of sound was that smacks it get down ball there we go that's a hit that is one flag for Yoshi oh okay so we just gotta get a hit here again oh it looks like it's gonna get down that's gonna be it another hit stay at home so we got ourselves a run too that's such a weird sound for the character to make a simple game yet really fun that's gonna be an out but we got ourselves a run we got a couple of flags on Yoshi we're doing our job nice pitch oh absolutely belted but we got it that one was close oh what was the little moaning sound I forgot the weird like noises some of these characters make oh not the double play Oh oof I'm just gonna do a normal swing rough three up three down run oh Fair ball they got bases loaded and I'm facing my baby version Baby Mario yikes I'm gonna bring him home less than ideal I'm controlled Yoshi at the plate oh we're so lucky that one fell that would have been a grand slam that way we strike him out there oh this game's a blast oh my God I'm with that pitch the slider hell yeah oh baby get down there it is get to two Mario hell yeah go back go back go back go back go back no no no I couldn't figure out the base running for a second oh three up three down again this one's coming down to the wire get the double plate Mission get a hit I need all three flags get down ball perfect and we got those hits we needed the flags have been cleared on Yoshi but now I want to win gets through that's gonna be two on uh oh I lost a star for that gotta make sure we're using these crushed it go back go back go back go back go back go back it's takes so long for them to run back at least we didn't get a triple play on us blast it way up everybody just try to run that's all out pain oh double play what a nice one and you were talking crap about this team this team is making plays everywhere but now we need some hits never mind this bottom of the lineup is tough the grunts are killing me Paul we're so lucky that one fell felt like it was floating for years and here comes Mario score a run oops oh they struck these trucks okay everybody stay at home it's just a single but there is a chance for wombat bless it is it gonna stay Fair it is his face is loaded we need a nuke I thought I was gonna hit that crushes It Go two sleep done Bluey Here Comes Pinky Pinky it's the nuke tough scenes but we gotta run now we need to close it out for the win give me all you got here Mario you can't lose to your baby version oh I didn't mean to hit the baby I didn't realize you could hit batters in this oh throw in some Buttes give me a good pitch oh run tough scenes I got two on I don't like this I only have one star left I can't waste it strikeout we only need one more oh lock in run little thing yes we Ary and we've stolen a few players from Yoshi's team as well I dig that mvp is Bluey you love to see it yeah hey Yahoo for me so we got Yoshi that's big news for us for sure I think we have to avoid that one guy so we're gonna keep exploring the map let's see if we can play Donkey Kong real quick yeah we're gonna need some power from Donkey Kong now looks like we can add Yoshi and the shy guys I think is what they're called so definitely need to replace everybody in the Outfield looks like we only got one of them though but I'll take it much better than where we just were so I do notice a few visual glitches in the back I am emulating this game so apologies for that but as long as we're getting the hits that's all that matters [Applause] oh there goes the barrel another foul ball but Yoshi is cranking these balls bless it through another hit for the team [Music] oh that one hurt come on Binky I'm counting on you gets through oh you get out but you've got an RBI worth so we gotta run on the board [Music] close one that Barrel was looking for blood uh oh DK is at the plate holy smokes he punches it to the Moon who run Homer Homer hikong and that's why we want him on our team this man hits nukes okay all I have to do is get this player out did not get him out tough scenes oh no is this gonna be another bomb I left this one over the plate another two run shot we need somebody with a good bat to be up here Mario perfect oh that's gonna be a double play Payne I sent them all so far good strikeout nice strikeout again clearing a lot of these but we gotta take out Donkey Kong he's the one I won on the team and this is our last inning to do it Yoshi's gonna get on smokes it keep running all the way yo she's turning home he's there nice job Luigi [Music] get through I'm gonna leave him at third almost got thrown out from the Outfield not what you want to see our last chance and it's up to these things oh pain struck me out and that's the game yikes no that's too bad because we did not win the game we don't get any of those players unfortunately it looks like I have fixed the visual glitch sweet and now we can take on Donkey Kong again we have to beat him this time perfect Mario with the lead off double come on Yoshi keep it in play oh he got me with the banana ball What A Catch from the shy guy another great catch from the infielder another one pinky this time oh it got crushed boom banana ball Mario's putting them down that's a great hit send Yoshi home he's there we gotta run on the board that's what I'm talking about Luigi oh nice I'm keeping everybody where they are no not this thing perfect oh my goodness another strikeout for Mario one more out to go he smacks it Luigi's running and it's out there we go we've done it it took me two tries but we have slain the Beast of Donkey Kong Luigi grabs MVP nicely done lad look at all the players we just got there that completely changes the fabric of this game probably get a pitcher here let's go to Peach oh yeah oh Peach's field looks like it's loaded with stuff we can get like stars and whatever out here unsure but we got a new and improved team oh and I'm still choking with Mario blast that one and we're gonna be out punch the crap out of that one oh go back what are you doing Donkey Kong oh my goodness I didn't realize he'd have negative 10 intelligence what kind of bat is this guy have [Music] the whole crowd oh Peach is up we gotta get her she's an elite pitcher oh if we strike her out we get two players well we didn't strike her out but we got her out Bang yeah I called my shot on that one we're going to I'm glad I put you in the starting lineup because you're already getting a nice double gets through that's gonna be a run score run back how do you catch it in the shrubs oh that one's looking good that might get two runs home [Music] throwing from everybody hell yeah Mario that one's through two another run scores we're really smoking them now 4-0 Yoshi doing is happy dance we have no stars left but we've done so well it gets down Yoshi you're going home worth it she said how did he gets saved that's sick what a play from Luigi bless you to the Moon we're steamrolling them now another double but now I have to get a hit we've done it so now we have what one flag on her we need three that was a great inning though six runs ten hits total in this game nice strikeout nice there we go three strikeouts in a row for Mario no it's allowed so far oh that one felt great and it's gonna go just foul smoked the heck out of that ball score a run and we can complete the challenge so this is critical oops perfect get out go ball it goes foul damn it dude I struck out no so I don't think we're even gonna get the star players in this but that's okay I kind of feel good about my team right now perfect oh of course it's a nuke oh but still in base almost an inside the Parker right there that was scary that was the first hit we've given up so far oh that gets through that's gonna be a run I can't even see the ball finish her off with this pitch oh into the fountain if I get her out I can at least get Daisy out of this gotta lock in oh good pitch we just need one more take all the pitches you need oh no run wombat it hits the thing she's still out so lucky hitting the box in the air I love it even when we have like a blower like that we still have challenges we have to accomplish to try and get more players this game is truly a blast I'm loving it wait we got no Daisy there I thought we completed that but all right we got a few toads the bomb Derby let's try out the mini game I think you gotta go with Donkey Kong right Mission beltomers do the dang thing oh nice nice perfect get out ball nice all right we have to get a thousand points is it regular pitch perfect again hitting nukes good still regular dude we're just blasting it with Donkey Kong okay Oh I thought it was gonna come faster no pause good one good one is that enough for a thousand yes we did it so surely that gives us a couple of coins right I don't know what that means but I'll take it so now that we have coins let's go over to the shop and see what we can buy only good next game oh let's see I'm playing again so I can get some more coins here we go good start there I don't know I get so stressed in this boom three for three four for four we need 1500 points so if I blast this one out there we got it five for five and we did it just that easily so I think I get a bigger Payday for upping the difficulty you'll love to see it this game is a blast man even the mini games are awesome so we got 300 for that one a nice payday let's go with hard I have to get 2 000 points so I can't make many mistakes if I want to complete this challenge but I was perfect there in the normal one so let's see if I can get it done here for the third time and rack up them coins there we go oh that one got by me not good okay we got a fireball again okay boom feels gonna get those fastballs out of here we got another one coming out of here so that's three homers I think we need to get like seven total and I've missed one that one was slower but I think this one's worth more points yes nice this might be the one no we need to get two thousand never mind we're up to 1500 1700 actually perfect see you later we've done it so we completed at every level and that should pay out fat stacks plus 400 I'll take it so that gives us 900 coins I'm gonna try out this power bat for next game let's see I don't want to run into him so we're gonna cross him up okay he's going that way oh he's trying to follow me can I get to Wario before him yeah yes yeah Oreo Stadium looks crazy but I'm here to hit some nukes we got the power bat I can just see the Heat nice hit Mario's gonna get on base okay what's our mission here get a hit and that's gonna be a hit so that's one flag for Wario I won him on my team he's got a great bat dude I am getting the hang of it oh I gotta strike him out do I even want those other guys though guys yeah pitching in this game is quite fun I like it top of the third needs something to happen that's gonna be a base hit nice start Fly ball we're running all the way around sending him home and he's gonna get there finally got ourselves a run I haven't seen a baseball leave the yard yet though go home go home Mario go three Yoshi he's there nice triple Yoshi might be one of my favorite players for Luigi pouring it on here in the third right on the logo it's out of here gotta get a hit if I want Wario so this is very important come on at least hit the wall nope I'm out finish him off in three batters and then I can get Wario let's go that's one there no didn't run a second okay so we failed the mission unfortunately wow they're just sneaking it through wow 4-1 Wario's at the plate get there all right so we beat him but we did not get enough flags on him I lost to Mario oh look I have no idea what king banana means but I'm gonna check it out I'm gonna buy it power of the egg let's buy that too power of the flame you know what send it instead of going for the Home Run bet I think I'm gonna go for the nice bet Mario learned to pitch the fireball awesome Yoshi can pitch the egg ball and Donkey Kong can pitch the banana ball okay so that's what that meant oh my oh so we can challenge Bowser now we've completed the main missions at least in the regular thing send it I don't care we've been training for this don't have a complete team necessarily but I think they're good enough we have King Boo at first now the new addition toad is gone I feel like it's gonna be a tough game but we're gonna give it our all Fair ball go go go can he make it to two slides in for a double to start this one off oh that's Pelt I mean Yoshi is awesome but he can't keep the ball in play oh that one was a freaking heater that's a great hit send him home that's a run Mario and Luigi a great tag team there's explosions happening everywhere go for it all so how did I miss that one oh [Applause] what a nice one get home Luigi that's what I'm talking about two runs already that's a great start but let's see what Bowser's got this might be a tough pitching matchup and I have no stars I like to use them on my offense nice lucky that one went foul nice pitch no hits for them chapped at it and that's going to be a base hit oh that's gonna be a great one he's turning around and I'm gonna get thrown out at second I played myself I didn't realize who was on the field just a little too slow but we Advanced the runner to Third we get a nice hit a star back and a run we're cruising a victory here Fireball gets around advancing the runner to third come on Luigi we got two on nice hit it gets through that's another run for nil making good use of those Stars send it yard oh Oh I thought I got that one blasted that one up but no luck here Bowser is tough oh my okay good it wasn't a home run we're lucky that's only a double no I sneezed mid pitching we still struck him out King Boo more like King but never mind we do play five innings in this one against Bowser though so we're not done yet oh he struck me out that one felt nice at least give me a double nice perfect is it gone yes it is oh no wait it's still in but it's a double and a RBI for Donkey Kong hey we struck out Bowser and we're killing them they've only got one hit perfect come on hit the wall hit the wall oh man oh that one looks like he nuked it no chance I was getting that one just need one out not good they're loading up the bases this is the pitch oh base is loaded they can tie the game with a home run and we thought it was going to be easy not so fast my friend now they can win the game oh no this is some Stars left Bowser up to the plate oh dude the thing Mario though one more strike and we got it we struck him out so clutch if we would have messed up on that pitch we could have lost the game but we've done it we have completed the mission taking out Bowser and guess who is the MVP the captain of the team Mario did I see my team was number seven I think they meant to say my team is number one hey I'd love to see everybody celebrating it's nice to be able to complete a game on my channel for once awesome stuff of course that's only mushroom difficulty so I don't know if it's necessarily impressive but it was still an extreme fun Nostalgia trip for me and you could obviously like try to 100 complete this and like get every player but that takes obviously way more time than I can really fit in one YouTube video but that's pretty much all I got for this video if you guys have any other recommendations for games I should play let me know in the comments below but anyways I want to say thank you guys so much for watching y'all Legends of my book and as for me I am Drew Morris big old drewski not the expert and I'll see you guys in my next video thank you to patreon supporters Christian take Jack Webb Anthony you has Timbo Slice Casey Knox de madre Hunter Martin and Rosalie Direct foreign [Music]
Channel: Not The Expert
Views: 2,431,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not the expert, nte, drew morris, bigoledrewski, drew, Mario Superstar Baseball is still amazing, mario superstar baseball, mario baseball, mario baseball gamecube, baseball, baseball video game, mario sports baseball, nintedo gamecube baseball mario, mario baseball in 2023, mario superstar baseball review, mario superstar baseball story mode full, mario superstar baseball story mode
Id: BIuofkczvHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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